Did not know they had been photographed. This comes just days after a university of Oklahoma Fraternity was kicked off campus over a racist video. Vinita nair is in State College pennsylvania. Reporter it was a former member of Kappa Delta Rho at penn state who first told police about the invitationonly Facebook Page. These are photocopies of the posts. They featured images of women either passed out or asleep, some of them in sexual poses. Students were encouraged to write posts. A series of lewd comments bragging about sexual acts, a search warrant claims some photos showed drug use including cocaine marijuana and a. D. D. Medication. Assistant chief john garner is with the State College police. What were in these images and how many of them were there . Primarily females in various states of undress several i dont want to get into numbers but they were pretty disturbing. Reporter police say the fraternity created the secret Facebook Page they called 2. 0 eight months after their original page was discovered by a victim. She saw it when a Fraternity Member accidentally left his Facebook Page logged in. We are looking for any victims, any potential victims that come forward. We can aid in identification of any perpitators that will aid us in the investigation and prosecution of anybody responsible for these despicable acts. Reporter 12 days after Police Received that tip, they executed a search warrant of the frat house. While the National Chapter has taken disciplinary action, the university has yet to do so. Scott, police tell us tonight there could be criminal charges involved. Pelley vinita nair reporting tonight. Vinita, thank you. A former u. S. Air force mechanic has been indicted on terrorism charges. Prosecutors say 47yearold tarred on naighton webster pew traveled to turk weplans to cross into syria to join the isis terrorist group. The f. B. I. First got a tip about pew back in 2001 when a coworker at American Airlines said he expressed sympathy for osama bin laden. Tonight, syria claims it shot down a u. S. Reconnaissance drone. It offered video as proof, and the pentagon says a predator drone did go down in syria today. The unmanned plane would be the First American aircraft downed in the air war against isis in syria and iraq. Also today, syria is accuses of unleashing a chlorine gas attack in its civil war. A humanitarian group posted this video. Reports are that six people were killed. The dictatorship of Bashar Alassad denies that chlorine was used but previous Chemical Attacks have killed hundreds. Tonight, an election with big implications for the United States is a cliff hanger. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is claiming victory but the truth is, its close. Netanyahu is a conservative who vowed there will never be a palestinian state, and he says the Obama Administration is giving away too much in its negotiations to stop an iranian atomic bomb. His opponent focused more on the weak israeli economy. Barry peterson is our man in tel aviv. Barry. Reporter good evening, scott. Well, this is an election as we saw in crowded polling places that the israelis cared a lot about. The turnout was almost 72 the most in more than a decade. Tonight, netanyahu and his chief opponented isaac herzog in a virtual tie according to the exit polls are busy wooing smaller parties to see who can craft a majority in the israeli parliament. Netanyahu battled to the end issuing a lastminute appeal to his supporters, claiming that Arab Israelis who make up 20 of the population were being bussed to polls by his opponents, a comment one arab israeli leader called racist. But for the elias family, the boys were wearing hats supporting netanyahu it worked. The arabs will take over if netanyahu is not elected said tavas. For one voter the election was not about issues. It was personal. Michael keider is a widow. Her College Sweetheart husband Lieutenant Colonel dolev keider, father of their three children was killed in the gaza war last summer. When you vote, when the moment comes for you to decide who you will support whats going to be on your mind to make that decision . I always thought that life is the most important thing and now its, you know, its only like i have the evidence, the hard evidence to prove my belief, that war is not worth anything. Reporter she voted with dolev on her mind and word not heard much in this campaign. Force leads to more hate, and hate leads to more force and bloodshed. The only solution is peace. Reporter peace will be hard. Netanyahu is opposed to a palestinian state. His chief opponent herzog says he would support it, and all the other parties have their own differing views. I have to say scott not a lot of optimism on this front. Pelley Barry Peterson reporting tonight. Barry, thank you. The new director of the secret service appeared before congress today, and Joseph Clancy had to answer an alltoofamiliar issue misconduct by his agents. This time it was an incident two weeks ago after a party for a retiring colleague. Heres our senior White House Correspondent bill plante. Reporter director clancy described Surveillance Video recorded at this security checkpoint that showed two agents in an s. U. V. Pulling up to a temporary barrier. They drove in a very low rate of speed on to the white house complex. This orange barrel didnt allow the vehicle to go through. It was to the right of the bumper. So they nudged this barrel out of the way. Reporter clancys account of the video was far less sensational than the original story, which had the agents crashing into a White House Security barricade. Uniformed officers suspected the agents had been drinking, but they were instructed by a spear yoto let them go without a sobriety test. There is an element within our agency that does cope with the stresses that many of you have mentioned today by using alcohol. Reporter clancy found out about the incident from an anonymous email five days after it occurred, something he said frustrated him. Theres no excuse for this information, not to come up the chain. Reporter republican Jason Chaffitz who oversees the agent saw the video this afternoon. I think they have a cultural problem that has unfortunately well documented and needs to be addressed. Reporter now director clancy also asked for 8 million to build a replica of the white house at the agencys training center. Scott, he wants to have it have bushes and fountens, just like those here which helped to shield a fence jumper from officers when he entered the mansion. Pelley bill plante reporting from the actual white house tonight bill, thank you very much. Also in washington, republican congressman aaron shock of illinois abruptly resigned today after weeks of questions about his extravagant lifestyle, some of it funded by the taxpayers. Heres our Congressional Correspondent nancy cordes. Reporter it was aaron shocks downton abbeythemed office that prompted reporters to look into his spending. Over the past six weeks, there have been a series of revelations about taxpayer funds used to pay for chartered flights, concert Tickets Group dinners in new york, massages, and fivestar hotels. There was a private flight to a Chicago Bears game that shock reported in Financial Disclosure as software. Just taished the newspaper politico reported that shock sought reimbursements for 170,000 driving miles between 2010 and 2014, even though the odometer in his only car registered just 80,000 miles. Still, his resignation was well, a shock. The rising g. O. P. Star and top fundraiser said he was stepping down with a heavy heart because the constant questions had become a distraction. Shock chronicled his highflying lifestyle with the help of instagram and a professional photographer. He even bared his abs for mens health. Today, though, he kept a low profile. Is the congressman in the office . Hes not in the office right now. Reporter is he back in the home grict . I dont know his location but i know hes not in the office right now. Reporter ironically, it was shocks habit of posting pictures that made it easier to track his spending and uncover discrepancies. His decision to resign, scott does head off a house ethics investigation but he could still face legal trouble. Pelley nancy, thank you. Eccentric Millionaire Robert Durst was back in court today in new orleans where he faces drugs and weapons charges. Its not yet clear when he will be extradited to los angeles where he is charged with murder. Erin moriarty of 48 hours has been following this case for years and she brings us up to date. Reporter Susan Bermans body was found in her house on Christmas Eve in 2000. She had been shot once in the back of the head. Retired l. A. P. D. Detective, paul coulter, who was the lead investigator for more than a decade said Police Received an anonymous letter, alerting them to bermans murder. And its just addressed Beverly Hills police department, with her address and the word cadaver. Reporter that letter a key piece of evidence, was the focus of a sixpart documentary that aired on hbo, the jinx. Sarsareb kaufman bermans stepson, gave film makers a different letter, this written by robert durst and sent to berman before he died. At some point filmmaker andrew jarecki, confronted durst with the two letters. Can you tell me which one you didnt write. No. Reporter thats when dufers made what appeared it be a confession in the restroom north knowing he was still being recorded. Its a circumstantial case. Theres no known physical evidence that directly ties durst to the murder. Dursts attorney dick deqiewrin. I think its not bised on facts. Its based on ratings. Reporter the los angeles chief police was asked today whether the documentary would influence the prosecution, and he said no the case would stand on its own. And, scott, if convicted of capital murder, durst could face the death penalty. Pelley Erin Moriarty of 48 hours, thank you erin. And erin will have much more about the bizarre life of robert durst on 48 hours this saturday at 10 00 9 00 central. The United Airlines flight from washington to denver had to return last night. A passenger became violent and ran toward the cockpit. Other passengers tackled him. The man was taken to a hospital for evaluation. No charges so far. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, the revelation that got a sailor kicked out of the navy. And later, the effects of a solar storm hitting the earth today. T. 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It was a command Sergeant Major in afghanistan who pulled me into his office and he said, i need to know exactly what you are. Reporter what Landon Wilson was was transgender. In his case, born biologically a female but living as a male. His commander officer uncovered his secret at the end of 2013 while reviewing then23yearold wilson for a promotion. He was forced to leave the military with an honorable discharge. What went through your head as you were pack up your gear to leave . My main concern was who was going to take my spot. When you are in a place like that, you cant really afford to lose anybody. Reporter you were worried about your buddies, about the mission. Absolutely. Reporter wilson had enlisted as a female then decided to transition. That meant beginning to live and express himselfs as the gender he identified with. He took male hormones, and by the time he was deployed to a new unit with military intelligence in afghanistan, he looked and sounded masculine and was placed in a male barracks. What was that like. It was the best experience of my entire military career. It was probably the only time they knew 100 that i could focus on my job would you say worrying about my gender coming into play. Reporter mara keisling, who transitioned 15 years ago is the executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. Transgender people are people whose gender identity that is their international sense of their gender just doesnt line up with what the doctor told our parents when he was born, is it a boy or a girl . Reporter from the age of three or four, wilson felt his jernld was male. I remember announcing proudly to my mom that this whole girl thing just wasnt cut out for me and i recognized then that the reaction i got wasnt probably the best. Reporter you somehow got the message this was not something anybody wanted to hear about. It was just this is how things are and this is how theyre going to be. Reporter a 2011 survey by the National Center for Transgender Equality found 41 of transgender people had attempted suicide. The decision to transition can bring a sense of peace. Theres a relief in saying, you know what . This is who i am. Theres a relief in saying, this is what im going to do. Reporter transitioning may or may not involve hormones or surgery. Can you explain to people why whether you have the operation or not is really irrelevant to you . It doesnt change who you are as a person. How we see ourselves and how we present ourselves to the world is much more important than the underlying layers of whats under our clothes or what could be under our clothes. Gender is completely independent of your sex. Reporter its difficult for people to understand that a persons biological sex can be different from a persons gender. Ignorance about that has led to discrimination for transgender people in all walks of life, not just the military. And as for Landon Wilson, scott he says if he could reenlist, hed do it in a heartbeat. Pelley jon thanks, thanks very much. Concerns about head injuries led an nfl star into a very early retirement. Thats next. With terrible chest congestion. Better take something. Theraflu severe cold doesnt treat chest congestion. Really . New alkaseltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. Oh, what a relief it is. Here we go when heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. Im brian vickers, nascar® driver. Im kevin nealon comedian. 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Like your guys scores. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. Ask your doctor about xarelto®. You may be able to get up to 12 months at no cost. Pelley Chris Borland of the San Francisco 49ers is calling it a career after one season. The 24yearold star rookie is retiring because hes worried about head injuries. Special correspondent james brown has more on this. Reporter after leading his team in attack, rookie linebacker Chris Borland walked away from an allpro career and 2 million left on his contract. He told one reporter it just wasnt worth the risk. Sidney rice felt the same way. He was one of the best Wide Receivers in the nfl but just six months after winning the super bowl with the sea hawks last year, he retired at 27 years of age. After i had certain number of amount of concussions like almost anything could happen and i would black out for a second. So i didnt think that was healthy at all. Reporter rice, who played seven nfl seasons was shaken by an interview former dallas cowboy hall of Famer Tony Dorsett gave about battling depression and dementia. You have these guys that have been going to the same house for 2005 years, and all of a sudden, they get to a certain point on their way home, and they have to call their wives to, you know get the directions home. So thats something that really hit home for me. Reporter brain injury due to concussions is an issue the nfl has been dealing with for the last few years. The final details of a 765 million settlement to provide care for retired players is still being worked out in a philadelphia federal court. I wanted to be able to function, you know, have a good time with my kid my family, my friend, and i felt that was real important to me. Reporter scott earlier this month, sidney rice announced that he will be donating his brain to science in order to help researchers learn more about the results of concussions. Pelley james brown of the nfl today. Thanks j. B. Well, the earth took a hard hit from a solar storm today. It tut putt on quite a light show from alaska to British Columbia to the northwest territories, even as far as south as the even as far south as the dakotas and suburb tanan milwaukee. The storm released Magnetic Energy that could temporarily disrupt power grid and even your cars g. P. S. In a moment, well head to the zoo to solve an avian mystery. When i didnt worry about the hepatitis c in my blood. When i didnt think twice about where i left my razor. [ male announcer ] hep c is a serious disease. Take action now. Go to hepc. Com or call 1844444hepc to find out how you and your doctor can take the next step towards a cure. Because the answers you need may be closer than they appear. 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Reporter and for James Proffitt from the university of texas theyre irviftably interest will. It costs a lot of energy to waddle and people want to know why. Reporter so proffitt has come to join the kids at the london zoo to try to answer the question. Its become one of the great scientific dilemmas of our time why do penguins walk funny . Good old American Ingenuity has been brought in to finally figure out the wonder of the waddle. Proffitt and a team from the Royal Veterinary College designed a pad full of sensors to measure the force the birds apply as they waddle along on those silly little legs. As ricky the rockhopper showed, the first trick was to actually get these petulent penguins to walk the plaifng. And what the team found was that the walk wasnt so silly after all. Babys coming. What they found out actually is when it comes to waddling theyre probably saving a bit of energy, too, because theyre using this kind of lateral motion to do this weird sort of you know, to help them with the fact that they have short legs. Reporter can anybody describe how a penguin moves without moving . I dont think so. I think pantomime is kind of part of the whole part and parcel. Reporter its yet another reason for people to identify with these clever little birds that dress so well. I think people maybe would like to believe that they all can aware texiedos and look good and penguins pull it off very well. Reporter even with that funny walk. Mark phillips, cbs news, at the london zoo. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us, all around the world, good night. Hbos jinxs robert durst under arrest. Shackled, smiling and plotting how hell get away with murder . Ive seen him slip through the cracks. Tonight, we go inside the mind of a killer. He absolutely has an insatiable need for attention. Then my exclusive with kanyes ex amber rose. We were happy when we were together. And now all of a sudden im getting slut shamed. Whats really behind her epic feud with the kardashians. How are you and Khloe Kardashian . Dancing with the stars is back. And we are backstage for the premiere. Did it help to have both your parents here supporting . I mean, it was amazing. Plus i actually wish i would have had him sooner. Kelly rowland celebrating her new life as a wife and mother

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