Of Sexual Assault are liars. You look at that horrible women last night, you say i dont think so. I dont think so. Whoever she is, where ever she comes from, the stories are total fiction. They are 100 percent hade up, they never happened, they never would happen. I dont think it happened with very many people, but it certainly isnt going to happen with me. Trump Campaign Says it has roof that will discredit some accusers but has yet to reveal it. Right now Hillary Clinton is rallying supporter at a fundraiser in seattle and responding to the latest allegations. Moments ago the democratic nominee slammed donald trump and called him unfit to be president. It is a shocker to me when i hear some of our fellow citizens led by my opponent degrade, and demean so many other americans. It is heart breaking really. Meanwhile wikileaks continues its daily release of hack emails from Clinton Campaign chairman john podesta, in one of the exchanges, pol store argued for clinton changing her mind about the tisa trade deal that there are no other issues that lane are cares about. This is it. They have voters on their side. Clinton did eventually change her position on the issue, something trump has used against her ever since. The latest developments in campaign 2016 will be the hot topic on cbs news face the nation on sunday. Hillary clinton is spanning her lead overdone old trump in the polls and i asked John Dickerson about what trump must do to win over defecting republican votes. It is not really clear what he would have to do because voters says he is just too volatile and he has been in the last couple weeks. How you you undo that you have to undo it overtime and there may not be enough time left in the campaign for him to undue worried that he is creating. He also seems not to really be inclined to do anything but be 100 percent donald trump. He thinks that gave him success in the primaries and it did, and he thinks it is Winning Strategy for the general election. And reminder you can watch face the nation, sunday morning at 10 30 right here on cbs3. President obama is saying all have of americas progress under his administration over the last eight years, goes out of the window if voters elect trump. President held a rally for Hillary Clinton in cleveland today saying trump is not a champion for working people. There is no record that he has supported minimum wage, supported collective bar gaining, investing in poor communities and then earnly he will be the champion of working people. No, no. Come on. Come on, man. The president was interrupted briefly by a pro trump protester shouting about bill clinton and rape allegations. Meantime trumps vicepresident ial nominee mike pence appeared on cbs this morning saying he believes trump when he says the allegations are untrue. Before the day is out there will be more evidence publicly that shows, and calls into question, these latest allegations. It is interesting that the same reporters, who wrote a similar story six months ago for the New York Times have have wrote this story and that story was completely discredited. The indiana governor also talked about wikileaks that Hillary Clinton Campaign Emails which show pay to play at work in the reconstruction of haiti after 2010 earthquake there. Philadelphias archbishop calls the president s Campaign Anti catholic. What that means and what catholics think at 5 30. There are just 24 taste until the election stay with cbs3 with all of the turns and when were not on television we are on line anytime at cbs philly. Com. Philadelphia police are investigating the death of the the teenager after an altercation at a Residential Academy for students. The if the student died at Wordsworth Academy in the wynfield heights section where our greg argos is right now and he has been talking to parents about this death investigation, greg. Reporter that is exactly right there, nicole, parents we have spoken to have been extremely concern about what happened, in fact, we spoke with one parent a mother in fact who was removing her child from Wordsworth Academy just hours after that 17 yearold student inside, died at the hands of a School Counts lor. The wordworth academy is a residential Treatment Facility for juveniles with Behavioral Health issues. Last night the center of the Philadelphia Police death investigation. Detectives say that a 17 yearold boy tried barricading himself, put him in the head lock while restraining him and hit his head dying around 9 30 thursday night. Tragedy, it is, it really is. Reporter allison, whose 13 yearold sonnies a resident at wordsworth said she he rush to the facility when she heard what happened. I took off, i came up here, i wanted to talk to his counselor and see how he felt. Reporter although shes upset she said physical restraint is sometimes required with children and teens who live here. We have to remember that were dealing with kid with behavioral and Mental Health issues so they have to be restrained. Sometimes that is the only way to deal with things like that. Reporter allison has nod hat problems here in the past. I love this facility, the best one, my son has had Mental Health issues since five, this was the best one. This just might have been, a fluke accident but still unacceptable. Reporter other parents like gwenn whose ten yearold son stays here monday through friday are upset over lack of communication from the academy. Im upset about what was going on, we werent told what was going on before we saw it on the news last night. Reporter she like other parents leaving with their children are taking sometime to figure out what they will do next. Im taking him home right now, i will deciding whether we will keep him in the program or not. Reporter Philadelphia Police tell me their homicide unit is still investigating, right now no charges have been filed. We are live from the wynfield heights section of philadelphia, im greg argos for cbs3 Eyewitness News. In other news, Philadelphia Police say an 18 yearold driver was hurrying to the hospital to see his injured father, when he ran a red light and, crashed on roosevelt boulevard overnight. His two, teenage passengers died, one was his brother, 19 yearold, and another was 17 yearold female friend, maggie lynn goaloff. Police say drivers father had been just robbed and assaulted on his food delivery job and was at temple. Authorities say teen ran a red light at north front street and hit by an suv. The driver of both vehicles suffered minor facial injuries. North carolinas governor continues to get a firsthand look at damage from Hurricane Matthew flooding. Twentyfour people have died in North Carolina as a result of that flooding. Today governor met with residents in the town of princeville, water there was 10 feet deep in some spots. Town is also inundated in 1999 after hurricane floyd. Thinks called a Natural Disaster and prolonged, most surreal experience that i have ever had to encounter. In the town of princeville at least eight out of ten homes have been damage by the floods, Voter Registration has just been extended in 36 counties in that state because of the hurricane and all of the flooding. This man wanted to experience, hurricane nicole first hand as it struck bermuda. So Kevin Pierson decided to go out identify in the middle of the category three storm. In the video which his wife took through a window you can see him struggle against those powerful wind. Wow. And heres what nicole looked like from the International Space station as a it crossed over bermuda, nasa shared this video captured from an altitude of 252 miles, nicole moved over island packing wind of 120 Miles Per Hour creating 8foot storm surge ises which caused flooding. Turning to weather now it looks like a great fall weekend at home, finally a week even without rain we like the sound of that. Meteorologist lauren casey is in for kate bilo live on the sky deck with the look at that forecast, hi lauren. What a beautiful way to end all of the workweek sunshine today, nice try air in place. It feels great. You dont need jacket. Heading out tonight want to pack it along. Temperatures feeling good in philadelphia we are at 63 degrees. We are at 63 down the shore. Cooler in the poconos at 56 degrees. We will get chilly tonight in some areas in the Delaware Valley seeing first frost of the season with the advisory in effect for arts mainly north and west of the city and interior southern new jersey and it runs overnight tonight and until 9 00 tomorrow morning with low temperatures, in the middle 30s, so dont leave your pet friend outside and if you have nice fall planters, bring them indoors, but temperatures will rebound as we head into tomorrow afternoon giving us a beautiful saturday and then were on a warming trend that could culminate in a 80degree reading, maybe ten as we head into next week and we will have details in the full forecast in a couple of minutes. Lauren, see you then, thank you. As we continue tonight a mom and dad use a child to help them shoplift. It the is video you have to see to believe coming up. Drones that doctors can provide first rate care to very ill patient whose have limited access to medical treatments. The amazing way it is happening in our next half an hour. You may remember this video of the phone causing a fire on a airplane . Now airlines are taking extra precautions, to keep everyone safe. Tori. Reporter what is hybrid art . Today local students were given that assignment by an Award Winning design tore push their staking out of most people owe the bank. But pat toomey actually owned a bank. And when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws. To benefit wall street and banks like his. Voting to gut Consumer Protections that crack down. On predatory lending and fraud. To take money from you and. Line the pockets of wall street millionaires like. Himself. Pat toomey out for himself, all in for wall street. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Well, some airlines are taking extra steps to fight fire cause by Electronics Like cell phones this demonstration video from the faa shows lithium ion battery fire. Overheating can quickly spread to other batteries on the plane. At least three u. S. Carriers will have fire containment bags on the plane. Overheating battery can be put inside. Now bags can withstand temperatures up to 3200 degrees fahrenheit, Alaska Airlines and virgin have them, delta plans to add them as well. Lets talk, ncis had spin off continues, in some of the most watched television shows, but for 1ncis los angeles star the spotlight hasnt always glowed sobrietily. Chris oconnell opens about his past hollywood hiatus, the insider louie agear joins with us more on that, hi there, louie. All over the big screen back in the 90s until he made a conscious decision to step away from the spotlight. Ncis l. A. Star explaining why to our chelsea night, and tonights insider profile. There was a time when you took a step back really focus on your personal life and focus on your fans. Even though it was great for your family it backfired as far as my career. I had two or three films in the can so to speak, and when i pull back, i dont want to work right now. When those movies came out, they didnt do well. Then doors were getting closed in my face. I was a young guy, had a fast rise. I hadnt had to struggle and work for it like that. I have kid at home to provide for. It changes it a little bit. I feel like this is oprah. I feel like it should be a couch over here, and, you know. Yes. Kleenex. Emotional. You married your wife at 26, it is 20 years later. Yes. How did you do it. Were coming up on 20, it is insane. You have another big anniversary, i dont know if you know this but 20th anniversary of batman and robin. Who invited you. George was great. I had a blast with george. He was my kind of guy, lunchtime, every day, get a basketball game going. We related on a lot of levels. We will have have so much more tonight on the insider, ukee and nicole, back to you in the studio. Thanks, louie. You can see ncis los angeles this sunday at 8 00 right here on cbs3 with chris odonnell. Yes. Hi, chris. Yes. He is hitched. He is about as fine as this weather. Look at you. That was solid transition, yes. A Beautiful Day to day after yesterday, well, wasnt the greatest day, couple showers around but sunshine returns, nice crisp fall air beautiful for that spice pumpkin latte and getting a live look at margate, quiet conditions but nice conditions on the beach there. Blue skies, and the ocean waves, crashing, as we get a look at Center City Philadelphia looking just as nice, couple high cloud grazing the scene therest as temperatures feeling good. 63 degrees. Our dew point dropped off dramatically over has 24 hours, down into the 30s. Feeling nice, dry, comfortable. Temperatures across the area right now very consistent generally in the low to mid 60s, cooler in the poconos, temperatures in the middle 50s but dew points they tell us about that moisture content at surface basically how comfortable it feels and they have dropped off significantly after kind of a muggy fall day yesterday, now feeling nice, and comfortable. As we head into the evening hours, dry conditions, clear skies, couple high clouds over the next couple of hours but after sunset, at 6 22 this evening, temperatures will drop off pretty dramatically so pack along that jacket if you are not chilly right now it will get cold with temperatures in the city dropping in the 40s by midnight. When we wake up tomorrow morning we will be down in the the 40s and near freezing hashing in mount pocono. Berks county in the lehigh valley, middle 30s to wake up to along i95 corridor upper 30s and lower 40s. Same factor will be we will have calm wind but you that will yield that threat for frost across the area. Storm scan three is showing us very quiet conditions, High Pressure in control just a couple of high clouds cruising from an area of precipitation well off to our west. As we head in the upcoming weekend High Pressure remains in control mostly sunny conditions as we head into sunday temperatures in the 60s and as we head into monday the possibility of a passing shower with weak disturbance moving on through but temperatures really start to warm up as we head into next week. Seventys as we head into monday and potentially climbing up near 80 degrees by mid week next week but for tonight no where near that. Mostly clear, areas of frost down to 43. Calm wind, no wind chill i am fact and for your day tomorrow beautiful bright sunshine, pleasant up to 67 degrees and for tomorrow, across the region, down the shore and in the poconos, 59 degrees, sunny, crisp down the shore High Temperatures in the lower 60s. In the seven day forecast looking great, up in the lower 70s in the city, by sunday in the mid 70s on monday and 78 degrees, on tuesday, that is about 10 degrees above average for us and if we do hit 80 degrees, on wednesday, that would be a record High Temperature in philadelphia, setback in 1947. Pretty long standing one. I remember it, yes. Okay, good. It was hot, wow. Thanks, lauren. But what is for dinner or more importantly what is for deearth. The National Dessert day so whether you like something chocolate, candy, ice cream cake whatever you like maybe you should indulge, tonight. Is what your go to. Apple pie allamode. Yes, indeed. Dont get me started. Still ahead tonight you can watch your facebook videos on your television with the touch of the button. Hit of the last debate will be a big part of the next one, the role ken bone will play, next, leslie. It is friday night, that means friday Football Frenzy. Can father judge give saint joes prep their f when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. But i spent my whole life fighting back. So you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say. I dont know what i said, ah, i dont remember that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. I dont want a president who makes fun of me. I want a president who inspires me, and thats not donald trump. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. How do we measure greatness in how america . You . The height of our skyscrapers . The size of our Bank Accounts . No. Its measured by what we do for our children. The values we pass on. Ive spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. That means good schools for every child in every zip code. College that leads to opportunities. Not debt. And an economy where every Young American can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. We face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. Working together. Respecting one another. And never giving up. I want our success to be measured by theirs. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Flyers play their first regular season game tonight and thinks the teams 50th. To mark golden anniversary there was a public pep rally at lunchtime. Mayor kenney dropped a golden puck in the ceremonial face off, to the season. He was join in the celebration, by flyers alumni, and plenty of fans. Good luck, fly guys, it all starts tonight, that is are you playing tonight . That is a big difference. Yes. Lets talk about football, yes. Friday foot the ball frenzy. Tonights Game Features one of the top teams in the area, saint joes prep facing father judge. We will head down to Widener University and that is where we will fine 96. 5amp radios mike adams with a preview of the game tonight. Hi there, mike. Thanks, leslie. Were here, at quick stadium. Last night it was funny we had both football teams in practice preparing for the big game. We didnt get a chance to have 96. 5amp radio but we did have st. Joes republican Broadcasting Club in and we talk football with them and we also had to put their radio skills to the test because they are the Broadcasting Club after all. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to quick stadium on the campus of Widener University at chester pennsylvania where Philadelphia Catholic League about to meet st. Joseph prep and father judge. 96. 5amp radio paul is here and so is our High School Football game of the week. Father judge is going to try to knock off powerhouse st. Joes prep. Undefeated, st. Joes prep. Lets go with our High School Take over. Thank you mike. 96. 5amp radio High School Take over. We have radio class here at st. Joes prep, wsjp, they are dressed to the nine, suit and tie what do you see heading in the big match up with father judge. Judge is a tough team they play a different style of football and interesting to go see how coach, comes out next game. Well, up there in the booth, i dont know if you can see but field is certainly quick, at quick stadium. Were talking to the coach and they will lean on the running game with premiere running back christopher warren, to carry the load and lead talks to victory. Backup to you guys. We see this, going from a smaller, sophomore starting for judge, being a legitimate contender as a senior this year. Back and forth both judge and prep are really well rounded, and sound. I think prep will come out with the victory. They will be six and zero. Prep will be winning 42 to 27. Enjoy the game. In abington were looking for wjst, st. Joseph prep broadcasting station. Leslie, they have got some skills. When we had them in at the station last night, after i saw that i was like maybe im not as irreplaceable as i thought i was at my job. If you want to get your high school signed up for friday Football Frenzy go to cbs frenzy. Com frenzy. Im broadcast hinge live at quick stadium, leslie, back to you. Thanks, very much. They know their stuff. Yes, they did their homework. I love it. We have frenzy it this, fly guys on the west coast. It will be nice. Busy night good thanks, leslie. Coming up next, a rare and risky operation to separate conn join twins. We will look inside the operating room when we come right back. Philadelphias archbishop makes remarks about leaked emails from the Hillary Clinton campaign and what he calls an anti catholic administration. But he didnt stop there im anita oh in bryn mawr and how parishioners are reacting. A mom and dad used their childs help, with more on that video and just really dit historically experts say the catholic vote can sway elections, tonight the leader of the philadelphia archdiocese is sounding off about the state of the current political landscape. Eyewitness news continues now at 5 30, good afternoon, im Nicole Brewer in for jessica dean. Im ukee washington. With weeks until november election philadelphia archbishop chaput has harsh word for parishioners about both president ial candidates. We will get more from Eyewitness News reporter anita oh. This election, it is a challenging november for everybody. Reporter Colleen Campbell of mullica, new jersey isnt satisfied with any of the president ial candidates. I think our choices out of all of the wonderful people in this country are pretty pathetic. Reporter it turns out philadelphia archbishop Charles Chaput may feel the same in the weekly column he blasted the quote anti catholic emails between members of the Hillary Clintons Campaign Recently hacked and released by wikileaks. He added in 2008, two catholic united staffers whom he called obvious for the Obama Campaign tried to convince him not to tie church to inning will issues such as abortion but matthew, a Villanova University professor, says chaput is missing the bigger picture. What he is ignoring is these divisions are in the created by politics. This is not an anti catholic conspiracy. It is an interest ra catholic debate. Reporter in his statement he sites the a friend who described the choice americas face come to face as between quote a vulgar disrespecter of women or scheming robotic liar with a life long appetite for power and entourage riddled with anti catholic bigots. While that mayo even if some, raymond a practicing catholic says he respects chaput speaking out. Somebody has to take a stance, and i think that he is doing that very well. Reporter we did reach out to the archbishop for further comment, a spokesmen told us chaput would not be available and that the column speaks for itself. Reporting from bryn mawr, anita oh for cbs3 Eyewitness News. Funeral services were held for Keith Lemont Scott victim of the Deadly Police shooting in charlotte, North Carolina 200 friend and loved ones gathered to say their final farewell to scott. Services were slated last thursday but were postponed due to hurricane the matthew. Twin brothers born conn join, at the head may now be able to live, separate lives. Jade even and Aniyah Mcdonald were separated by doctors in new york city. Thirteen monthold twins were separated after nearly 17 hours of surgery. Then, after five more hours of individual surgery, jayden went into recovery and said to be doing well. Surgeons had spent several more hours reconstructing his skull, in total, the ross zest took over 27 hours. In Texas Police Say a couple is using a child to distract store clerks, and shoplift, and they want people to help fine them. In Surveillance Video from the store in irving, texas a woman can be seen putting Hair Products in a purse. Sometimes the small child, was even helping. Store manager jane, remembers the couple coming in more than once. They were friendly. So was little girl she says. The store lost more than 1,000 worth of products. She was off, with her purse while he used the little girl. Police hope someone will come forward with information after seeing the video because you they are concerned, about that childs safety. Entrepreneurs and governmental officials got together to discuss economic empowerment. They spoke at a Panel Discussion could how in america the Community College of philadelphia, members of the city council were there as well as representatives of industry such as fashion and construction. They shared insights about how people can get start up capitol, start new businesses and promote their brands. Recruiters from local colleges were in philadelphia to change the lives of students at one high school, in a matter of minutes. Senior were in for a day they will never forget but you one girls reaction that many who meet her may never forget. I got accepted, i got accepted. Reporter day of cheers, high fives and a few tears of joy, starting with a bundle of nerves for students at crystal Ray High School. I was almost about to cry in there but i kept it in. Reporter seniors were being interviewed for college. Unlike most kid waiting weeks to see if they would be accepted, acceptance was instant. First one to go to college in my family. It is very great, im thankful. Reporter John Mcconnell is schools founder. Getting into college is good but our goal, is to gra graduate. Reporter waiting for interview barely calmed her. I am very nervous right now. Reporter stacy came to the United States from haiti when she was just 12 after surviving the 2010 earthquake that left so many dead and so many survivors without a future. Ten more minutes. Oh, high god. Reporter today after a few minutes after being interviewed her life changed again. You got accepted in a into college. My mom work so hard. It has been rough for me. To see that, i made it, and it is a dream come true. This is what they call in the foreign country the american dream. Ah. Stacy wants to study criminology when she starts at immaculata university, other schools were rosemont college, newman university, cab beanie, gwynedd mercy and lah will sal university. By the way, crystal Ray High School has a 100 Percent College acceptance rate, so a big congratulations to all of the students. That was a feel good story. It was. Paralyzed patients are getting a new lease on life. How new technology is helping them get stronger and improved use of arms and hand and doctors say it is all because of video games. We will show you how it works. Im kevin frazier, ben affleck plays a mysterious man better with numbers then people involved in deadly international dealings in the accountant. Weekend is upon us and it will be a beauty all across the Delaware Valley, check out that fall foliage in the poconos, bit cooler to kick off weekend with a high of 59 but warming to mid 60s by sunday. Gorgeous conditions down the shore, bright sunshine and low humidity take us throughout the weekend and looking great in the city as well, sunny skies for both saturday, sunday and warming to low 70s well, facebook is making it easier to watch all have of those videos on your wall, on your tv. Facebook has added apple tv and chrome cast support to the site. It is demonstration animation that shows how a button on your smart phone can send video to devices like apple tv and then can watch it on the big screen. Man on who won arts of the millions when he asked the question during last weeks president ial debate is getting a shot at spotlight again. Ken bone will be reporting from the final president ial debate, for Jimmy Kimmel Live on wednesday. Bones become subject of the memes and garnered media attention. No word as to where that now famous red sweater, once again good okay. Ken bone, living the dream. He looks good in the sweater. Doing well. Get much needed medical supplies, and how texting and drones are headaching it possible, we will be katie v o she works hard. She stays late. But she gets paid 21 less than her male coworkers. Pat toomey has voted time after time against equal pay for women, against pay that helps hard working families get ahead. Katie o c for my daughters and yours, ill fight for equal pay for women. Families need it; youve earned it. Katie v o im katie mcginty, and i approve this message because its your turn to get ahead. Do you own a plane . Do you own a bank . Pat toomey owned both. But its the fact that toomey owns a seat in the u. S. Senate that should really concern us. While on the Senate Banking committee, pat toomey voted to rewrite rules to help bankers like him. And he tried to eliminate protections put in place to stop wall streets risky practices. Pat toomey looking out for wall street and himself, not pennsylvania. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. A group of silicone valley engineers are using drones to deliver Urgent Medical supplies to rwanda. The California Based Company pioneering the movies called sip loan, now using drones, fitted with gps, they are dramatically reducing time critically ill patients need to wait for blood and other supplies. They can dispatch a drone with whatever is needed after simply getting a request by text message. What this represent is an opportunity, a to leap frog over the absence of roads, and provide, you know, first world Level Medical care to every Single Person in the country, regardless of where they live. Drone flight took five minutes to deliver flood the to the clinic 33 miles from the nearest blood bank. That is awesome. On the cbs3 healthwatch a high are high tech invention to help patient was paralysis, arthritis or muscular damage get stronger. Stephanie stahl shows us what british researchers have come up with. Five fiveyear old adrian toteman suffered a serious stroke less than two weeks ago. Now time to headache it bit for me. Now look at you, you have power. Reporter he is frustrated that the stroke has slowed him down. To have no power in this arm, it is not right. I want it back. I want it back tomorrow. Reporter so he agreed to try a New Invention called grippable, created by doctors in robotics engineers in london. Hand held will tool, tracks and record a paralyzed patients arm strength, and in coordination when playing games on a mobile device. Release, release, release. Got it. Reporter at start of the Clinical Trial researchers found that 50 percent of stroke patient was paralyzed arms were able to interact, with touchable screen technology, after using grippable for six months. That number is jumping to 93 percent. Very good. Reporter researchers say next goal, to use it the at home. Start working with family members with other people in their community, and that is fantastic. Reporter he hopes grippable will send him down a speedy road to recovery. Overseas developers of drippable are in talks with doctors in the u. S. To bring to it some hospitals here. Aim stephanie stahl, cbs3, Eyewitness News. Laurens in for kate and were you saying something about a 80degree temperature. Yes, possibly, a pair as we head into next week. If you are miss ago this warmth we will get a treat, and still like feeling some warmth, i dont need you then youll like this weekend. We have nice falllike conditions in store, perfect for the pumpkin patch, go out there, get your jack lantern, it will be beautiful, it is taking us into our saturday, and right now clear sky conditions as we get a live look at skies scan three at ocean city, new jersey. Couple people out there braving the cooler temperatures on the beach. But always nice time to be down the shore when it is not so crowded enjoying that nice fresh fall air and beautiful looking scene there. Some weather watchers reporting their current temperatures. Falllike. Capturing falllike images as well. We will check to see what is going on right thousand. We will look at the pictures from our weather watchers because they are pretty cool, fall colors breaking out from ed connor in chesterfield, new jersey. You you can see thighs bright red tree there walking path at Chesterfield Park there in new jersey. Also from other great pictures another thighs fall foliage, nice orange there. Starting to see low turn over in the Delaware Valley but up toward poconos we are seeing moderate turn over in the leaves and we will check out one more picture from phil, phil was in with us one morning a couple weeks ago and has captured the moon last night, almost full, and we have a super moon in store, as we head into the upcoming weekend. In fact tomorrow night but he says moon starts after 10 00 oclock last night and we do have have that super moon, and conditions will be a little bit chilly if you want to check it out. Nice viewing with clear skies in store and mostly sunny conditions right new as we get a live look at Center City Philadelphia 63 degrees. Dew points dropped off over the last 24 hours and feeling nice and falllike. Temperatures generally in the low to mid 60s across the Delaware Valley, 50s in the poconos. Dew points, they tell us about that moisture factor at the surface and down in the 30s and 40s. The it feels nice, crisp and falllike. Very enjoyable. But with that dryer air in place, blue skies, calm wind, temperatures will cool very efficiently. We are falling back to the freezing mark in the poconos, mid 30s in the lehigh rally and i95 corridor. Upper 30s and lower 40s. Storm scan three is showing us a couple of high clouds moving across the area, otherwise, clear sky conditions, up and down the i95 corridor across the midatlantic and into new england as well. Overnight tonight mostly clear with some areas of fog dropping down to 43 degrees. That is in the city. Thirtys down in the suburbs. The saturday we are going to see bright sunshine pleasant conditions, low humidity persistent with the High Temperature of 67 degrees a cross the region tomorrow just beautiful conditions if you want to get out and check out that nice fall foliage, send us pictures, wed love that if you are not even a weather watcher we will take them. High temperature of 59 degrees. Sixtythree down the shore. Nice and pleasant. Talking about that upcoming super moon tomorrow night it will be at full harvest moon is october full moon but the super moon appears 7 percent larger and 30 percent brighter then your average full moon. Astronomer that defined or coin the term super moon defines it as a moon orbiting within the earth within 224,000 miles. It does president always orbit at the same distance the moon from the earth so that is when we define it as a upper moon. Nice little fact there. Very specific. We like that. Heading in the upcoming weekend 72 on sunday. Middle 70s by monday. Passing shower possible with a weak disturbance, 78 degrees the High Temperature on tuesday. Muggy conditions, return. Then down right muggy as we head into wednesday and is there your 80degree reading, ukee even on tuesday we have a shot at hitting 80 degrees and then we will cool off. If you want warmth there it is. Wow. Um, um, um, isnt that something. Yes. Thanks, lauren. Line up of big name artist shared a stage during a concert in minnesota. Stevey wonder and chaka kahn partied like 1999 with prince fans at paisley park compound. It was a celebration of the princes life and way to bring closure after his death. Prince died from a accidental Drug Overdose in april. There are still many questions about the future of his estate, including a vault of unreleased music. Looking for something to do this weekend, why not hit movies. Ben affleck plays a mathematician in the accountant and if you can believe it, he has some fight scenes in that role. Heres entertainment tonights kevin frazier. Ben affleck plays a math wizard, man better at dealing with numbers then people whose secret dealings led to a deadly plot in the accountant. You are different. Different scares people. Reporter ben affleck stars as Christian Wolf a man with amazing mathematical abilities which he uses to do under the table deed that draw him into International Danger but movie wasnt all number crunching who got to show off his action skills. Some of my clients are quite dangerous. Part of the real fun was training for the fight scenes and physicality of it. I havent done a lot of movies like that. I wanted to work. The these guys had a sense of the style of the tighting and how a fight should play and i had seen gavins other films and knew how good he was at that. I was really dedicated to make action as good realistic as much, you know, and as intense as possible. We have to go to the police. Police cant protect you. Reporter of course, ben has action part down but does he like doing all that math. I have a pocket protecter. There is something satisfying about numbers because they do have answers and world is full of ambiguity, uncertainty, and there is something about the whole cold hard truth of math that is satisfying. How is he. The accountant. Cpa accountant. Not quite. For the entertainment tonight im kevin frazier, new back to you in the studio. We will check it out Good Students learn to think outside the box. But a local artists get a lesson from a master in their field, he shows how a personal touch can make all of the difference. Our area students got a chance to be artists to day. They have learned from someone who was once where they are right now. Vittoria woodill has that story. You look like this. Whatever it is, it is acceptable, right . The Charter High School for architecture and design was seeing a very special visit to day by Award Winning designer steven berk. Whatever you are designing has a life beyond years. Reporter as part of the design philadelphia, oldest design festival of its kind in the country. It is a multi day event and ram that celebrates design and science. Tell me what ising on here. Reporter he was first africanamerican design tore win National Design award but prior to that he was just like these curious students. I remember being in high school wondering what was design. Everything is shaped by design. So they have a very powerful position to kind of really reinvent what design means. How do we rewrite the narrative of what design means for the rest of the world. Today, he tells them to headache meaning of personal objects, hybrid art. It is about thinking existing things and understanding that when things combine we as designers make decisions about those combinations, and from that comes potential for an object that didnt exist before. Reporter this hybrid project had patrick, a senior, using purple tape, pencils and pocket watch to create his design. This is kind of a holding on to time, drift nothing to a heart, with love, which is like one of those necessities for time and going on in life. It had maya working on a meaningful tea sign. My personal meaning is i wanted to carry what you look. Reporter clearly these students were thinking, things through, being designers. Vittoria woodill for cbs3 Eyewitness News. High fives all the way around. Art all the way around. All right. That is Eyewitness News at 5 00. Now at 6 00. Air quality issues inside a local Elementary School has put some members of the community and local official on edge, and im alexandria hoff and we will tell what you school that is and give you a look inside. Tragic details revealed if the roosevelt boulevard crash that killed two teenagers, where police say the driver was trying to get to at the time of the accident. And also, new Sexual Assault allegations against donald trump, the way the republican president ial nominee is reacting to these latest claims, lauren. After a beautiful fall day a chilly friday night ahead with the frost advisory in effect for some im meteorologist lauren casey and ill have scoop on that and your weekend forecast, Eyewitness News at 6 00 starts right now. And heres is what happening, students safety concerns in a delaware Elementary School after a Health Officials uncovered, disturbing conditions. The Wilmington School dealing with pets, and poor air quality, and now health department, is taking another look. Good evening, im ukee washington. Im Nicole Brewer in for jessica dean. Eyewitness News Reporter alexandria hoff spoke to concerned parents about those findings. Right now the school is opened inside from three classrooms that had been closed off, behind me, you can see ventilation systems at work. Air quality issues first came to light at pulaski Elementary School in august. School record show that mold was located and cleaning did take place but that the issue was not entirely resolve. This week inspectors with the department of Public Health toured the interior as did we. Two classrooms and one computer lab are off limits for students and teachers. It is isolated but seems to be a problem throughout the school. So is there a problem with mice. Is there a problem with mag et cetera. Mildew, mold and termites. Reporter these photos shared with Eyewitness News difficult plate what sherry dorseywalker is talking about. She has been critical of the matter since it came to her attention. Question is would you want your children attending school under those conditions. Reporter we spoke with parents who received a letter from school and some were happy with the pro active steps taken by the district. Do you think they are handling this well. Yes. Alexis hunter her heard about it from other parents and asked her son about it. I said, have you seen any mold or anything is this he said, no, so i think it is good. Reporter but true extent of the air quality issue will

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