dialed 911. >> someone killed my parents! >> the news spread quickly. >> i got a phone call from my brother. and i remember putting the phone down on the table. and walking around the house screaming. >> reporter robert rand's phone also rang. it was a friend who had attended the las vegas trade show with him 10 days earlier. >> the friend had said, "hey, you remember that guy, jose menendez? you know, that you met briefly last week? " and i said, "sure." and he said, "well, he and his wife were blown away last night in beverly hills." >> now that, thought rand, was a story tailor made for the miami community he was writing for. a rags to riches story, capped by murder. he worked the phones and soon met up with jose's sister who told him -- >> you know, the family was so close. they were loving. they did everything together. she said, "you have to interview erik and lyle." and i said, "of course i wanna interview erik and lyle."