started lifting security checks on those coming from a war zone, first of all it would be the wrong thing to do. we've got to look at for our security. i we've seen public support, very moving, overwhelming, i think he was start to see that free. in the same way, let's be honest, if we were to engage in a military, direct conflict with vladimir putin. i think the consensus about what we're doing would also free. just be clear about this, you've got to think these things through. we've got to be measured as well as resolute. >> all right, that isn't the point here that what seems to happen is not so much that you are reacting to events, but you're being dragged to events. and that actually what you're really doing is following it rather than leading. on sanctions, on refugees. you've issued stern press releases then changed your position. though -- is what we're seeing here a government which doesn't want to take the political risks that are actually involved in