Days of funding and another effort to defund, delay, or simply disrupt the president S Health Care law. But guess what is open today . The marketplace exchanges set up by that health care law. Take a deep dive what into what it means for you under the president s plan if youre 27 or older, uninsured, and looking for options. Talk to White House Communications director jennifer palmieri, both sides of congress, plus we expect to hear live in Senate Majority leader harry reid from the senate floor in about 30 minutes when he will officially reject the latest proposal. Hard to say its a good morning in washington, but it is morning time and we are in washington. And its now october 1st, 2013. Day one of a shutdown. This is the daily rundown. Lets get right to my first reads of the morning. The federal government has shut its doors for the first time in nearly two deck ailds. Just before midnight eastern time the process actually began. The office of management and budget issued orders that said agencies should now execute plans for an orderly shutdown due to the absence of appropriations. Thats a lot of washingtonspeak, isnt it . Heres what it means. More than 800,000 federal workers across the country will spend today filling out a little paperwork, turning in some blackberries, and getting ready to congress to see if theyll let them back to work. National parks from the grand canyon to the statue of liberty closed today. The smithsonians galleries shuttered. Tens of thousands of airtraffic controllers, Prison Guards and Border Patrol agents will be required to serve even though their paychecks are not guaranteed. And look at here. Even the panda cam wasnt able to bring washington together. The zoos panda cam is technically dark. There you have it. Error loading stream. Could not connect to server. Maybe that means could not connect to congress. Late into the night, the house and senate played hot potato with a shortterm spending bill that will fund the government for the next 75 days. Again, a fight over 75 days. And the potato was in Speaker Boehners hands at midnight. It is embarrassing that these people who are elected to represent the country are representing the tea party. The anarchists of the country. Later today 800,000 federal workers will no longer be needed on the job. Whats your message to them, and do you have a plan to restore back pay to them . The house has voted to keep the government open, but we also want basic fairness for all americans under obamacare. Just after 1 00 a. M. The house passed its third proposal to fund the government in two days, requesting whats called a Conference Committee made up of members of both the house and the senate. Its called regular order. They asked the senate to agree to a oneyear delay of the Health Care Laws individual mandate and a provision eliminating Health Subsidy for members of congress and their staffs. But just minutes from now you will hear Senate Majority leader harry reid probably reject it officially when he brings the senate in to session, something he himmed at last night. We like to resolve issues, but we will not go to conference with a gun to our head. They want to go to conference on the cr. Madam president , that closes government. They want to close government. This is all a subterfuge. Earlier monday the president called all four congressional leaders including Speaker Boehner. The two of them talked for about ten minutes. The president told the speaker and later the public that he was not planning to negotiate on this shortterm funding bill. The Affordable Care act is moving forward. That funding is already in place. You cant shut it down. One faction of one party in one house of congress in one branch of government doesnt get to shut down the entire government just to refight the results of an election. You dont get to extract a ransom for doing your job. I talked to the president earlier tonight. Im not going to negotiate. Im not going to negotiate. Were not going to do this. Well, i would say to the president this is not about me and its not about republicans here in congress. Its about fairness for the American People. Its clear house conservatives called the shots yesterday. They came up with the idea of the Conference Committee. That happened around dinnertime last night. The question is how long does boehner let the conservatives win the argument inside the conference . One of the mistakes negotiators make in any big highstakes deal is negotiating with themselves. And boehner does not have a united party behind him and hes been forced to do a series of incremental moves, aka negotiating with yourself, believing if he does not continue to adjust his tactics any pretense of a united front will corumble. At this hour, that front is far from united. When the dead end orchestr e orchestrated by ted cruz is going to hurt the government, the congress, the republican party. Its a dead end. I am afraid that the American People, as they have in the past, will blame congress, i. E. , republicans. Obamacare is going to have a lot of problems when its rolled out. The president s polling numbers are falling in every category, and yet the story is to the American People that republicans are fighting republicans. Thats not helpful. Clinton Administration Republican congressman devin nunes called his own party lemmings, saying its kind of an insult to lemmings to call them lemmings. They say you guys ever watch candles . Remember long duk dong at the end . Thats going to be us tomorrow, waking up on the grass, crashed automobile. Thats us. The white house believes it has Public Opinion on its side and a quinnipiac poll out this morning seems to back them up. 72 of americans say they oppose shutting down the government as a means of blocking the health care law. Just 22 support that method. And just in case republicans want to get a taste of what the bully pulpit looks like, at 12 01 a. M. The president obliged, releasing a taped message to u. S. Troops. Unfortunately, congress has not fulfilled its responsibility. Its failed to pass a budget, and as a result much of our government must show now shut down until Congress Funds it again. Of course now the question is how long will this shutdown last . Nbcs Kelly Odonnell is live on capitol hill. She had a later night than i did. Kelly, lets start with we know what harry reid is going to do in 24 minutes. The question is what does john boehner do in 34 minutes . Reporter that is really the question. I just talked to a republican senator who said this is going to do on for days, talked to some senior advisers on the democratic side who want to be a bit more dire and predicting it could be weeks, and part of the problem is, as youve laid out, there isnt an easy move that is in kind of the interest of the House Republicans. Democrats will tell you the simple move is to simply go forward with funding that keeps the government open without anything attached. When i talk to senior boehner aides, theyre saying we dont know what the next play is. Now, overnight perhaps there have been some cooler heads. You know, they left just really a matter of hours ago. It was darn near an allnighter here. Senators are coming back to work. We know that quickly the Senate Democrats will vote to kill the offer from the house and then were at square one. So im being told by people in both parties settle in, prepare for this to go on for a while, and i think the real challenge today will be to try to get a gauge from Speaker Boehner in his closest advisers and the members of his conference who have been so forceful through this to see where can they go and how does the public react. It will be interesting. Weve certainly seen people visiting this morning, talked to some folks who are very frustrated, as you know. And part of this will be the outside game of what will the outside Interest Groups and the people have to say about it. Chuck . Well, its going to be interesting. Im one of those theories that if it doesnt end today it probably doesnt end for at least a week. Exactly. Theyre saying cave quickly or its days and days and days. Kelly odonnell on capitol hill. Go get the cot. All right. In washington, governing from crisis to crisis, well, its become a routine. Just blocks away from the capitol, some frustrated visitors told me think ear pretty fed up and theyre blaming everybody. Who do you blame . Me personally . Yeah. I blame both sides. Oh, man. I say everybody. I mean you cant really point the finger because theyre all working as a whole. Why does it have to come down to the last minute . Weve had how long to get a balanced budget . I dont get to do this at home when im balancing the budget. I think its all a crock, to put it bluntly. Just partisan politics and everybody digs their heels in. The less you get done, the more angry you get, the less you get done, like a vicious circle. Man, he said it pretty well. Vicious circle. Joining me now White House Communications director jennifer palm merry. Jennifer, let me start with this question that a lot of people were asking that i was talking to, is why doesnt the president and everybody i understand your position on not negotiating. Why doesnt the president force everybody into a room . Thats sort of one of these mantras you hear from the general public. Force them in a room and dont let them out until they come up with a reasonable solution. Reporte well, its apparent what the reasonable solution is. In these situations you look for what people refer to as the deal space and where there is agreement among both sides of the congress, and its quite evident what that is. There is agreement that we should open the government, that we should fund it for the next six weeks, at least, and do some with the same amount of funding that were doing now. And during that time we can you know, we hope to figure out a way that we can deal more broadly with the sequester. But the point is if john boehner would put a clean funding bill on the floor of the house, you know, its pretty clear that that would pass, that theres a majority that would support it. The problem is hes trying to do this just with republican votes. You cant do that in the senate with just democratic votes nor in the house with just republican votes. They have to put the bill on the floor and that its a clean bill and this that could pass. That may take some time to come to realization, but its not as if theres a lot of substance to talk about. Were just talking about a very shortterm bill that will keep the government open for just a matter of weeks. This is not the type of thing that you do some big negotiation around. Well, what is is president willing to negotiate on . He sort of hinted yesterday when he came out into the Briefing Room and in the interview with npr that if this were part of the larger budget hed be willing to negotiate some things even on health care but not certain parts of health care. So could you explain what is the president willing to negotiate on in broad terms . In terms of health care, what hes always said is that where the bill needs to be improved we would like to do that. Theres things weve done along the way in implementing it to improve bill and we dont think we have the market let me stop you there a minute, because there are some things that i understand you guys would like to improve but you need congress to do it. What would that be . Im not ready to get into details of what that may or may not be at this very moment, but the point is we are open to making changes, we really much like to hear Constructive Solutions that republicans or democrats may have to that. That doesnt mean you repeal the bill or defund the bill but Constructive Solutions. But what were not going to do is entertain those kinds of solutions when there is a gun pointed to your head, whether that be the Government Shutdown that were now experiencing or whether that be a threat by republicans to not pay the bills and default, you know, later when that happens late thermo. Were not going to do that with a fun pointed to our head. Were happy to have these conversations, particularly if theyre going to be productive, about how we can improve health care. But thats not what weve seen for let me ask you on health care, why is the individual mandate important to keep in place but the business mandate and the business mandate was okay to delay . Explain the difference between the two. Ill start with the business mandate. 98 of businesses already provide health care their employee, right, so when you talk about whats new for businesses, its a really small number of them. A number of them what were talking about is the reporting requirements not applying and the penalty not applying. 98 of businesses are already doing the right thing. They said it would be hard for them to comply with just the reporting requirements. We want this to work for everybody so, we delayed that for a year so we could Work Together to get that right. But what each individual mand daytoday does, that is basically the sort of allin theory that creates the foundation by which the whole system works, right. In order for this to work, youve got to have everyone have a requirement to be part of the system so you can get healthy young people in as well. And so if you undo that youre undoing the whole underpinning of the concept. You believe roll back the individual mandate even temporarily undermines the entire law. Rolling back the individual mandate is the equivalent of getting rid of the requirement that you not if you do that, youre saying people with preexisting conditions are still going to be prejudiced against. Thats the whole point is to make sure its available to everyone. All right. It was a long night last night. Well see if its a long day today. I stayed here later last night than you. I notice that you took off. I dont know about that. No. Yeah. Yes. I went down for the nbc booth. You were gone. Yes, maam. Well see you later. Okay. Jennifer palmieri, thanks very much. Thanks, chuck. Coming up, republicans are pointing fingers at harry reid. We expect to hear from him in about 20 minutes. But whos really to blame . Were going to hear from democratic senator chris kunce and James Langford. Todays politics planner. Youve got the Prime Minister of israel, he speaks at the u. N. , again. He was here yesterday to talk iran. There was some unity on the issue of iran somewhat. And yet it was not even the fifth biggest story of the day here in washington. Even before the midnight deadline struck, lawmaker were trying to ensure they didnt take the blame for the shutdown. For republicans that meant pinning it on majority leader harry reid. The senate really does prefer continuing resolutions because then they can pull stunt like the one harry reid is doing now. If majority leader reid insists on forcing a Government Shutdown, then we may face a Government Shutdown. None of us should be under any illusion that the majority leader has the done anything other than make it more likely that we will have a shutdown of the federal government. Joining me now, delaware democratic senator chris kunce, a member of the budget committee. When you heard last night there was talk of the house wanting to go to conference and they didnt say specifically at the time what it was for just this sixweek funding bill or the overall budget, what did you think . I was hopeful what they really men was they would finally agree to go to conference on the budget we passed six months ago. As we both know, thats not what they meant. They were finally suggesting perhaps we could resolve our differences by keeping the government open by going to a conference. This is no way to resolve our differences. Today the work of democrats and of this president expanded Quality Health care to tens of millions of americans and in response the republicans who control the house shut down the federal government and theres 800,000 federal employees at home today or in their offices shutting town as we begin closing down major functions all over this country. This is going to hurt the economy. This is going to hurt our recovery. Ice going to hurt families. This is no way to govern. Senator, there is an appealing thing about a conference commit fee for frankly those of us watching, which is, well, at least you guys will get into a room and talk. And if you have to legislatively mandate that you guys talk, whats wrong with that . Nothing is wrong with the idea of our getting to conference. Patty murray, the chair of the budget committee, has tried to go to conference more than 17 times over the last six months on the budget. We passed a budge net the senate and they passed a budge net the house. But just as with this shutdown a few extreme republicans in the senate have objected every time shes tried to go to conference. We should be going to conference on the budget, on appropriations, on funding the government. But we should havent to go through a hugely disruptive Government Shutdown just to do our jobs. Would you be willing to go to conference on this if it were both, if they basically said, okay, were going to go to conference on the big budget and on the funding resolution . Well, chuck, i think that would be progress. That would be having folks in a room with an agenda and something to negotiate over. The challenge, though, is that resolving the conferenceable issues in our budget could take weeks or months, and weve got estimates out from economists that every week the federal government is shut down it will hurt our economy 10 billion. If this goes on more than a few weeks we really will threaten the sovereign credit of the United States because were coming up against a debt ceiling. You say more than a few weeks. Im still in the camp of maybe this gets resolved in a few hours. Do you think this doesnt get resolved today, let alope this week . I hope and pray this gets resolved today. Chuck, were setting a really bad example for the world. As someone on the Foreign Relations committee, we try to persuade other countries around the world that democracy is the right way to resolve your differences and this is not showing off a great example. I really hope that this does get resolved today. The house can end this myny minute by simply passing a clean cr and then we should go to conference on the budget, which is a bigger, tougher, and broader challenge for us to resolve. Democratic senator from delaware, senator chris coons, thanks for coming on. Thank you. Well, now lets go to the other side of the capitol. Not everyone believes the House Republican strategy is a winner. Even some of their own Congressional Colleagues are questioning whether it will do more harm than good. The ted cruz wing of the party is driving this whole process. You have to say no, i dont want to be an accessory to a disastrous policy. Ive seen this movie before, and we will not repeal obamacare at least in this fashion. I think that we have a responsibility here. Weve got a responsibility to govern, and were not doing that right now. Oklahoma republican congressman James Langford is chairman of the republican policy committee, member of leadership. He joins me now. Congressman, let me start with a question good morning. That a lot of people have this morning which is what do you guys do next if senator reid, as we expect in about six minute, officially rejects your offer on conference . Well, that would be really disappointing. Wed like to sit down and talk through these issues. This feeling we keep passing things in the house and we need major reforms in obamacare, there are real problems that are e legitimate, and keep sending them to the senate, the Senate Continues to ignore those. Now weve reached the point to say we really have to sit down and do it. I quite frankly think our proposals yesterday were very reasonable proposals. We had the same budget numbers we agreed upon and asked for three different things. The last thing was to go to conference, sit down in a room, work out our differences, get it done and pass they will back to both areas. The other was to take away the exemption of the members of the white house. And the third is put a delay on the individual mandate. Lots of folks will face penalties a year from now. They dont know it. Its confusing. They dont know how things will roll out. Put a delay on the individual mandate penalties the same as we have for businesses. Well, the thing that the white house seems to not believe is number one that you really that you guys really care about having the law work, that the delay strategy is simply punning in order to see if the Political Climate gets better to fully repe repeal. What do you say to that charge . They can say that. Quite frankly, i dont think this law will work. I think its harming folks in my district. A lot of people have come back and talked act premium change, everything else. Even if they believe that that, what is wrong with the last proposal we put out for members of congress to live under the exchanges exactly the same as the American People and do a oneyear delay on just the penalty part for individuals saying if an individual makes a mistake at some point in the first year of implementation they shouldnt face a penalty for that . I dont see anything wrong with that and i think its reasonable. Why attach this to a sixweek funding bill . This seems to be another point of contention and frankly a part i dont get. If you guys want to extract oneyear concessions, asking for oneyear concessions on issues and youre doing a sixweek its over sixweek funding bill, it would be pretty stooupd negotiating tactic on democratic side to agree to Something Like that. Why not do this over the actual annual budget and go to conference on that . Well, part of the reason is because the senates not responding to us. We passed this same piece wait a minute. The senate did pass a budget. They passed a budget. You didnt want to go to conference on that. Im talking about the individual mandate piece. We had 22 democrats many the house that voted with all the republicans and said we believe we should have a up withyear delay of the penalties on obamacare. Obviously thats pretty significant bipartisan support. Thats not just one or two. 2 different democrats have voted with us on the senate. The senate ignored that. Theyre ignoring the realities on the ground. I understand. They like obamacare, think this is going to work. Were identifying individuals in our district saying there are problems and concerns and we feel like we should deal with some of those issues. Let me ask you this. Does this end today if. Hopefully it does snop what is your intent . Are you guys going to offer something new since you know at the end of the day, nothing can be law unless the house and senate agree on something. Weve already assigned conferees. We voted last night to have conferees with the senate an offer . Not that i know of. We think this can be best resolved not by just pinging things back and forth. Weve tried that for two weeks. Lets sit down and get it done. We can get it done in a couple hours if we sit down together. No new offer today. Not that i know of. Im not the speaker of the house. If the speaker proposes Something Else, that proposal will come out. Our proposal is lets sit down and work it out in a room. James langford, member of the House Republican leadership from oklahoma, thanks for coming on this morning. Thank you. Up next, the program at the core of the fiscal fight thats going on. Its the first day of open enrollment under the Affordable Care act. Well dive into how the exchanges work and what it means if youre 27 and uninsured. First todays trivia question. What was the only state that refused to participate in medicaid when the program went into effect in 197 2 . The first person to tweet the correct answer to chucktodd will get the onair shutout. The enowner of the great bear auto body shop, audra has made it her mission the to teach women how to take care of their vehicles an not get scared. See how her workshops are changing an industry. Building animatronics is all about getting things to Work Together. The timing, the actions, the reactions. Everything has to synch up. My expenses are no different. 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Com and ask your doctor about celebrex. For a body in motion. The president pro tempore please join me in reciting the well, the senate officially has opened things up. We expect to hear from harry reid any minute now. Theyre doing the pledge of allegiance. Think had the chaplain do the prayer. Were going to hear harry reid officially say hes going to reject anything but a clean, continuing resolution, which of course in washingtonspeak is simply funding the government, in this case either through november 15th or december 15th. You have Patrick Leahy officially in the chair. Heres harry reid. Lets take a listen. This motion when it arrives. Ice here. Its here . Okay. Its here. Momentarily. Thats what i meant. The chair lays before the senate the following message from the house of representatives. Resthoovl the house insist on its amendment to the amendment to the senate of the resolution when they speak of the message, what theyre eventually saying is theyre bringing over what the house did last night, and the house voted to send their bill, the bill that includes the oneyear delay and the individual mandate, plus the idea that the members of congress and their staffs do not get any special deductibles or treatments when it comes to the health care law, and they voted to go to conference. And now the senator reading that business, dealing with it, and senator harry reid in a minute will officially start dealing with it. Now theyre calling the roll. As they do that, which of course means they have to call 100 names, now we will sneak in a quick break and join harry reid in a second. Help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. I can tell you safety is at the heart of everything we do. 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Senator harry reid will talk about it when they officially reject what theyre doing, what harry reid moved to do was table what the house sent over. If you vote to table, it means you vote not to take up or discuss the house bill. We expect it to pass once again 5446. When we see harry reid, well come back to that. Today iS Health Care day. Its todays deep dive. The Health Insurance exchanges are open for business, so with that in mind we decided well take a deep dive to see what kind of options are available. To do that were going to assume you are 27 years old, too old to be on your parents plan, and that youre uninsured. Theres multiple plans available to you platinum, gold, silver, an bronze. Let me show you what we got here of what your medical cost is covered. This is 60 covered, 40 all of this, an these percentages, the bronze plans, cheapest plan for you to pay, obviously silver, gold, platinum. The question is, is all your cost before deductible. Now, good luck trying to figure out what the deductible is. I know whenever i buy insurance, the first thing i wonder about is the deductible. What was did i feel for us as we put this together is you could not find easily how much the deductible is before then insurance covers everything when you see these outofpocket costs. Obviously you wouldnt be cover hg 40 of a milliondollar bill when it comes to health care. But lets move on and dig deeper into this. So here is the lowest silver plan option that is available to you. Average cost per month, 203, 2,436 per year. This is in the 36 state where is the federal government has had a hand in the exchanges for a 27yearold who bought the least expensive silver plan. It would cost about 200. Thats all of this without tax credits. But the costs do vary widely from place to place. In tennessee that plan would cost you about 155 a month. In wyoming its 324 a month. More on that bronze plan. A little lower cost plan. The average cost of that is just 163 a month and that adds up to just under 2,000 a year to go into the states, oklahoma has the cheapest bronze plan at 114 a month. Wyoming again the most expensive at 286. But keep in mind all of these prices are not as low as the options that were available before the Health Care Exchanges went online. Wall street journal compared the two and found that the average cost of the cheapest premium for our 27yearold before the exchanges opened was just over 47 a month. Thats a third of the cost of the bronze plan available today. That said, we should point out that people on the government plans may be eligible for tax credits which can help lower the cost. An additional possibility for young folks is something called the catastrophic option. This cost is very low, an average of about 129 a month. 1,500 a year. But, again, look at that deductible. It is very high. Only covers three primary visits a year. Its for folks not using a lot of what we got here. Now weve got to talk about the penalty phase, as you know. This year the penalty for not having Health Insurance is fairly cheap, 95 bucks, 1 of income. As you see the penalty for not having insurance in 2015 or 2016 goes up dramatically, 325 a year, 695 a year, 2. 5 of income, so it really starts to hit, and the idea is that it makes it, quote, unquote, worthwhile. We should mention the rollout is hitting some rough patches this morning. Around 8 00, glitches started showing up. Officials reported, blamed difficulties on online traffic. But on the phone the average wait time to sign up for an exchange is 30 minutes. Well, senator reid is putting back that hot potato into Speaker Boehners lap. He will do so officially in a few minutes. The question is will boehner do Something Else . Well try to read the republican tea leaves next. But first the white house soup of the day. Theres a lot of turkey. Theres not a lot of talking turkey. 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Lets bring in our gaggle today, michelle bernard, former white house Hispanic Media director luis miranda and jean cummings. Jean, let me start with you. You were covering this shutdown back 17 years ago with me, and weve all covered this together. This one doesnt feel like deja vu. Its different because you had congress was united against the president. Congress is fighting with itself right now. Its definitely a civil war in the republican party, and part of the problem is predi predicting what will boehner do next. Ice very hard to do that because i dont think there is a plan just now for what to do next because we have this near revolt last night among the moderates who have been put out among bithe tea partyers. That shows how little power you had. Peter king saying im going to kill this thing, i have 25 votes. He didnt have six. It was pathetic. Maybe we ought to learn our lesson in the media. Peter king speaks for peter king. Right. Thats about it. Exactly. The other five who voted with him were tea party conservatives. Who wanted it to be worse. Theres a big fracture in that caucus making it so much harder for boehner to guide and plot a path ahead. Earlier this morning i spoke with steny hoyer. We were going to try to play the interview. Weve had a lot of things going on. Ill play a bite and you can react on the other side. I frankly think theres very little relationship now between the two parties dawes of one note, one demand to eliminate the Affordable Care act, which i think most Reasonable Republicans dont think is either a good strategy so very quickly, you dont think government reopens today, do you . I dont have a great deal of confidence given the irresponsibility that ive seen over the past few days and few weeks. That is whats amazing to me this morning, michelle. There is no optimism that anything happens today. I guess i just assume that if boehner, if hes going to cave, cave today and live to fight another day, and my guess is hes going to try to have that conversation with some conservatives. The question is whether they listen. I dont think theyll listen. Not only is there no optimism. It is sheer pessimism. Nine out of ten people you talk to say this is ominous and it feels like it is only going to get worse. If you look at whats gone on between the democrats and republicans historically literally since the day president obama took office, it is splintering, there is fracturing, there is no trust on either side. The president s not going to give up his signature program. Most people in the tea par i have spoke on the have said they have no reason to do anything different because if they do, then they know theyre not going to get reelected. Luis, this is the issue i try to tell people, people say youre irrational. No, politically, everybody is being very rational about this. Compromise doesnt happen unless your selfinterest and the compromise actually go together. The good old days of tip and reagan, b. S. Its because they had at the time the compromise was in their political best interests. Thats not the case if you were in the conservative wing of the gop and youre going to worry about a primary. This is why boehners actions are so questionable because its frankly irresponsible and reckless and he doesnt have a lot to gain either way. I think at this point hes recognized hes done and hes trying to figure out how he extend his political life a little longer as speaker but its reckless, irresponsible, and wont do him any favors in that direction. The thing is, gene, the longer this goes on, there is going to be this i saw yesterday, i was talking, quote, unquote, real people. We always joke about that in the media, but its true. These are people that are just visiting washington but theyre visiting washington because theyre kind of interested in government and theyre shaking their head, blaming everybody. Whether the president likes it or not, hes going to have to play a role in bringing this to the end if it lasts a few days. He definitely will. The polls show that the public this time theyre going to blame republicans first. But theyre going to blame everybody. But theyre unhappy with washington in general. Yes. And thats unlike 95, where back then the republicans were blamed by 20 percentage points. Now its about 10. Obama takes a lot more than clinton did back in 1995. The president does have to engage. Whether he likes it or not. No motivation. I get theres no motivation, but this theres got to be a point, and thats the only things republicans can bank on, that somehow hes, like, well, this is a mess, ive got to bring everybody in. I honestly dont see him engaging. I dont see him doing it. I think that he believes that theres something to be had. Let the country see they are willing to let i think thats what theyre doing now. Yeah. Therefore they dont deserve to be reelected in 2014. I think thats the strategy. Theyre supposed to fund the government. Lets take a pause. We may talk a Little Health care after the break or more about this. The gaggle is sticking around. We asked what was the only state that refused to participate in medicaid when the program went into effect in 1972. This one a lot of you guessed correctly. Arizona. They decided not to opt in until 1982. A little late with a lot of things if you recall. Martin luther king holiday was one of the last states with arizona on that one as well. Congratulations to todays winner, nicole kaeding. Send your trivia suggestions to us. [ male announcer ] riley is always there to give a hand with the groceries. Thats real love. And so is giving him real tasty food. Introducing new woof delights from iams. 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Pretty much. It was just interesting to see my mcconnell release this morning. And theyre hitting something on somebody, some nominee, im thinking the whole world is focused on the Government Shutdown. It almost tells you there are a lot of Senate Republicans sitting there washing their hands of this one. They dont like it, but this is about reelection. No doubt with mcconnell. Thats what this is and that is interesting to see how that does motivate different people. Its one of the reasons these votes can be difficult in the senate because of the primary threats that are threats and are reality. Well, but the house guys do have to worry about primaries. The senate guys in general have to face some swing voters. Yesterday we made a big deal of wall street and how they reacted, were reacting to the Government Shutdown yesterday, everything was down. Lets look at some market numbers today and youll see its all green arrows. Now, its not much. So either the market so we all said Government Shutdown had an impact on the market yesterday when it dropped triple digits. Today its kind of up, which of course i have to say maybe we ought to be careful jumping to conclusions about what impacts what. Its difficult to make sense of it. I was watching an earlier segment today and Michelle Cabrera was saying people keep throwing around the term default. If we make an Interest Payment late, the market will not go crazy. If we make payments late, everything is okay. Its not just how the market looks at it. One of the things i keep thinking about is here we are, supposedly the greatest democracy on earth and were preaching Democratic Institutions around the world. Do we say to other countries, boy the way, when you disagree, just shut your government down . The market is the wild card here. The market is something that frankly the white house is counting on to be the sledgehammer if necessary to bring House Republicans to their side. If the market is not going the way the white house predicts, then House Republicans are going to feel more comfortable in their position, are they not . And i think it will determine how long this lasts. If republicans feel something good coming out of this they may try to extend it even more. If they start to feel the pain its who feels pain first. Right now you look at the polls and right now you assume its republicans. And the market watched them on the debt ceiling fight, not this. Weve had temporary shutdowns before. Its baked in the cake. Debt ceiling, october 17th, thats a much bigger deal. Fair enough. Shameless plugs. You go first. Im going to just do a little empathy for the 800,000 federal workers and their families who dont know whats going to happen to them next and if youre living paycheck to paycheck, this is a bummer. Wtop which is plain outraged federal workers today. These people do want to work. All the ranting and raving people do against them is ridiculous. This is latino prom week in washington. You call it prom week . So we cant get in a restaurant . Theyre basically fundraising essentially for scholarships for young students. So its a good organization. Michelle. I am going to congratulate the black womens agenda on a fabulous symposium they held a week or two ago. It was just wonderful, looking out for the interests of black women all over the world. Very nice, thank you all. Thats it for this edition of the daily rundown. Well be here tomorrow, come government open or close. Coming up next, chris jansing, shes open for business and she comes up next. Im meteorologist bill karins, and on this tuesday it looks like your Business Travel or any travel will be just fine. What a beautiful start to the month of october. It feels more like the beginning of september. Temperatures in the 70s to 80s, from the rockies all the way to the eastern seaboard. Just a little bit of rain possible this afternoon. Chance of storms new orleans and miami. 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