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Robbie mook calling on the fbi to give donald trump the same treatment it gave to Hillary Clinton. All that were asking, so that reporting can be fair, is that the information get released. Release whatever information they have, and then if youre in the business of releasing information about investigations on president ial candidates, release everything you have on donald trump. Release the information on his connections to the russians. Maybe there are investigations now into his taxes. Trumps taxes may not have been legal. Reports of the Maneuver Trump used conferred enormous tax benefits on him losing vast amounts of other peoples money by exploiting a loophole. Today clinton sought to remind voters of trumps treatment of women. She appeared with Alicia Machado who trump shamed over two decades ago. Even instructing his twitter celebrity, who wouldnt let you into one of his hotels unless you were cleaning the room, wouldnt let you on one of his golf courses unless you were mowing the fairway, come on. This guy is going to be your champion . Im joined now by congressman elijah cummings, the Ranking Member on the House Oversight and government reform. Congressman, its been a remarkable few days since the comey announcement. We still basically dont know anything about what it was. There was a fairly strong consensus has emerged that it was probably the wrong judgment by Director Comey. Are you worried about the integrity of the fbi right now as we have this sort of cascade of leaks emanating from the bureau unnamed sources pointing this way and that and were collecting an election under these circumstances . I am worried about the integrity of the fbi. Mr. Comey, when he came Director Comey when he became before our committee, he made it clear back in july that he did not want to and would not subject Hillary Clinton to a double standard, and thats exactly what is happening here. As a lawyer, i can tell you the integrity of the fbi is very important. The American People basically want fairness, but here it appears clear that there is a double standard. On the one hand, chris, we have been informed through this very vague letter about the investigative steps being taken by the fbi with regard to Hillary Clinton but on the other hand when it comes to donald trump and his advisers and the russian government and their efforts to undermine our Election System and our situation here in the United States, we dont get a word. And a number of us in congress have asked for months about information with regard to mr. Trump, his advisers and the disaster and a nightmare because we will make it so if you elect Hillary Clinton. And that is not our way of the government in the United States of america. Were better than that. When you put out those kinds of statements, i think theyre counterproductive, theyre not patriotic and they go against every single thing our democracy stands for. And keep in mind, those kinds of words i think play right into the hands of mr. Putin. No doubt about it. And so i think that the whole idea of telling people, like some of the senators have said, that they would not go along with appointing a Supreme Court justice for four years, those kinds of statements and then the whole announcements by trump talking about he doesnt believe in the elections and that theyre going to be rigged unless he wins, all of those things is like a hijacking of our democracy. And i for one will not stand for it. I dont think the american people will stand for it. Congressman elijah cummings. Appreciate your time. Joining me now senior spokesman for the Obama Campaign 2008. Now here as a consultant. Also middle reliever for the cubs, got left off the roster. You know democrats, you know liberals, they get panicking. Lets start with the map. You got this situation where this is sort of a quadrennial tradition in which the republicans said they would campaign in blue states, there was a huge rally in pennsylvania. It didnt work out for him. You got something similar this time around. Is this a head fake or is there real softness in a state like michigan that Hillary Clinton herself is going to on friday . Listen, the president visited wisconsin in 2012, bill clinton was in pennsylvania the day before the election in 2012. Its smart for democrats to really solidify their base and get to 270. I dont see that as really any worry about michigan. What i do think is needed is rallying some enthusiasm, especially among africanamerican voters. Thats what this trip is about. Democrats are bedwetters and not unlike cub fans and i can speak as both a democrat and a cub fan. We tend to worry. But the thing here is we have to go back and look at the fundamentals of this race. The fundamentals of this race really are exactly the same. The map is exactly the same. We start out with 242 electoral votes if we win every state that weve won for the last six elections. That gets us past 270. The math in these swing states is very much in our favor and moving more and more so. Finally our Organizing Advantage is tremendous over donald trump. So we know based on the work and investment that we put in the data and our field and our organizing efforts, we know the voters we need to reach, the ones that voted early, the ones that we need to turn out on election day. The structure that democrats have in place should give us great confidence just like the cubs starting staff did. Well, right, to extend the metaphor, right, bad stuff can happen. So if thats the sort of structural advantage, right right. For instance, one of the things weve seen is we have seen lower levels of africanamerican turnout in early voting in states of North Carolina and florida. Much of that can be ascribed to early voting was cut back in predominantly black areas shockingly by the republican government. This is the first time the Democratic Party is trying to preserve the coalition without the first black president. Thats absolutely true. I do think theres some cause for concern around africanamerican turnout in enthusiasm, were seeing that in the numbers. But at the same time especially in early vote numbers democrats have pumped up their registration numbers and turning out hispanic voters in rates. If you look at florida as of saturday or the equivalent saturday four years ago, weve got 660,000 democratic votes. We have 1. 4 million democratic votes already in the bank, right . Same thing in nevada where turnout is up, in colorado where democratic turnout outpaces republican turnout in the early vote by 30,000 votes already. So yeah, we do need to look at africanamerican voters and ensure that were able to drive out our base for the next seven days, but weve also identified other groups that are moving forward and actually producing votes. Hari sevugan who will be very happy after he checks his phone after this. The flow of outrageous behavior doesnt seem to have Lasting Impact on his polling. Michael moore joins me to talk about that. Niece. I dont use Super Poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in Food Particles. Just a few dabs of Super Poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more Food Particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. So its not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the Food Particles out. Try Super Poligrip free. Ive never liked marijuana. But im voting yes on prop 64 to legalize marijuana for adults 21 and over. It has important safeguards for families, like strict Product Labeling and childproof packaging of all marijuana products. And banning edibles that would appeal to a child. Raising a teenager, that regulated system makes a lot more sense than what we have now. Plus, 64 taxes marijuana to Fund Priorities like afterschool programs. Personally, marijuanas not for me. But my minds made up. Im voting yes on 64. But my minds made up. Keeping the power lines clear,my job to protect public safety, while also protecting the environment. The Natural World is a beautiful thing, the work that we do helps us protect it. Public education is definitely a big part of our job, to teach our customers about the best type of trees to plant around the power lines. We want to keep the power on for our customers. We want to keep our community safe. This is our community, this is where we live. We need to make sure that we have a beautiful place for our children to live. Together, were building a better california. Amid all the talk of tightening polls, this race has been remarkably consistent even if not particularly steady even if the news has been otherwise. Every time the republican nominee has done or said something seemingly Beyond The Pale from attacking a judge over his familys heritage to mocking a former miss universes weight even getting caught on Tape Bragging about Sexual Assault and having 12 women come forward and accuse him of Sexual Assault. Every time donald trump has done or said something that would have ended any other candidates chance chances. Michael moore in trumpland is playing in select theaters and available on itunes. Youve got this line about him being a molotov cocktail. And i think it jives with things ive heard from trump voters and even folks who are not hard core trump voters. People acknowledge his flaws. Theres a certain hard core that have a personality cult, but a lot of them are like yeah, he says dumb stuff. You said hes like a molotov cocktail. Then donald trump tweeted at you, i agree, michael. I am your voice. Vote to drain the swamp. Yeah. Well, you know, theres one thing about him. He has no filters. And the fact that he would acknowledge what im trying to point out to people, that he is intending to blow up the system. Right. Youre right. He tweets me, hes a selfacknowledged anarchist who plans to go in there and just blow things up. So i think this is something that we need to be very concerned about. The other part of this, though, too, is all those things you listed about every time something bad happens to him, he dips for a second, but then he just gets stronger. I cant remember the name of that Science Fiction film from the 50s, but the creature any time any negative energy comes at it it makes him stronger. Although he returns to this kind of base of support. Its not like he gets well, thats true. And what happened with comey, you know, he had hasnt really picked up any new votes from that, she hasnt really lost any. I think the real danger of what the finn director did is that her and i hear this now ive been out in the states in the last few days. Her support, a small percentage of it has weakened in the sense that theyre still going to vote for her the enthusiasm. Its the bummer. Okay, yes, im still voting for her. It strikes me as awesome for folks who lived through the 90s. A sort of reminder of the sort of like Star Chamber Spanish Inquisition kind of treatment of bill clinton. Right. And this idea in the back of your head even if youre a partisan democrat or liberal or supporting him, oh, my god, this will be the next four even people who support her or vote for her will be, i cant believe she did like what . What did she do . What did she have to do with Anthony Weiner . She has nothing to do with him. Why are we talking about this . Why does he have anything to do with this . But i just think that, you know, i watched on morning joe this morning, they played this The Way We Were theme song under all these democrats who three months ago were praising comey and youre the greatest thing since sliced bread. If i could take you home and marry you, i would, comey, i love you. And then its like, oh, oh. But that is part of the fundamental dynamic here and something you talk about in trumpland and something that you have an interesting perspective on because i think you i think you find the polarization, the partisan polarization in the country unnerving and upsetting even if you have very Strong Political views, right . I dont think you think of yourself as some centrist, but the degree to which partisan corners is upsetting. No, i think its okay. I have strong feelings about the thing i believe in. Right. And those who dont believe in what i believe in and feel strongly, but weve lost our way in the sense that we can just have the great debate and then get on with it. The republican candidate has said if he loses the debate, if he loses the vote, hes essentially called for and inciting riots, which i think is still against the law. This was a law set up mainly against unions and black people and, you know, lefties. But the fbi director should be paying him a visit asking him what are you actually intending on november 9th should you lose . What are you telling the people . Right. But we also dont want no, i dont want him arrested or anything. A candidate to be hemmed in by the fbi director. But if hes planning for riots, we need to plan for them ourselves. I dont think hes planning on riots. I think what has happened is a consistent undermining of the notion of the integrity of the process. Thats been the common theme. If im losing, then its rigged, right . Yeah. Yes. Well, listen, i think listen, heres my big concern right now, and especially with this abc poll out today where hes ahead by a point. Just walking in here liberals on the streets of new york, mike, mike, what are we going to do . I said, man, come on, buck up a little bit here. You know, yes, treat it ive been saying this for months, trump can win. Ive been one of the few on the left thats been saying this. Now everybody gets it. Right. Nobody is sitting back watching us going the heck with all this. Complacency. Were done with that. Now lets get excited about the fact that we live in a very liberal country. You go down any of the issues, the majority of our fellow americans agree with us. Climate change, paying women the same. Plus six out of seven president ial elections with a democratic plurality majority. And two of those elections our felly americans voted for a guy whose middle name was hussein. Who was a good segue who said something today that echoed something youve been saying about how men feel about the first women president. Ill share that if you stick around. Yes. From food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens gummies. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. One a day vitacraves gummies. You know what, guys . Theres a lot of Tree Branches and dry brush over here. We should probably move the bonfire over there. [smokey whistling a tune] im guessing smokey liked that idea. Is voting to kind of look inside yourself, if youre having problems with this stuff, how much of it is that were just not used to it . So you know, like, when i a guys ambitious and out in the public arena and working hard, thats okay. But when a woman suddenly, why is she doing that . Im just being honest. I want you to think about it. Because she is so much Better Qualified than the other guy. President obama in columbus, ohio, asking men to think about whether they are being sexist when it comes to scrutinizing Hillary Clinton. Still with Michael Moore. I thought that was an amazing moment for the president , sort of saying to men out there, ask yourself if youre having some reaction to Hillary Clinton what thats about. Yes, what is that about . Well, ill tell you what its about. Its the Muscle Memory of 10,000 years thats in our dna when weve run the show forever. And now in the most powerful country on earth, next tuesday possibly, hopefully, a woman is going to lead the most powerful country on the earth. In other words, the 10,000year reign is over. And come on, give some of these guys a little bit of empathy here. Its a bit of an adjustment to have it be one way for 10,000 years although thats a look, i know this is sort of a slightly comedic conceit on your part, but thats an oversimplification. No, i dont think so. When you say oversimplification with men, youre being redundant, lets be honest with men of our own gender here. Guys have got about a week to wrap their heads around the fact that Hillary Clinton is going to be president of the United States and this is going to be good for us. Guys, seriously, guys, if youre watching, this is really good. Let women run the show. It will be a lot less stress on us. They live three years longer than us. I feel like this is the sort of mars venus shtick, where to me its more about the fact that were all independentthinking citizens. Yes. And we should be making judgments about who we think are the best we should, but were still guys. Theres no way around that. Even though all of us guys have a little bit of estrogen in all of us. But this feels like i guess my point is theres a certain amount of male privilege, right . Yeah. Certain amount . Like yeah. Huge amount. Yeah. And you can feel the palpable crisis of masculine authority happening in this election. Yes. And theyre going to have to get over it. They will get over it. I am old enough to remember signs that said whites only and colored only. I grew up in a time when the nword was used as often as you would say the word kleenex. Thats the era i grew up as a child. Those people had to change. The future came in. Everything moved forward. These men are not going to be able to stay this way. Theyll get on board the train and thaeyll realize that actually having women who have a say in whats going on, makes the planet, makes your life actually better. The movie is Michael Moore in trumpland. As we close, cubs fan, chris hayes, has a 200inch screen over there. Yr you blowing up my spot, Michael Moore . He has like a look at this. Look at this. We have no express written consent. Thank you, thank you, thank you for snitching. Michael moore. Coming up vote for hillary. A judge just ruled the rnc must explain their Ballot Security plan. 3 kids, childcare they can trust and afford, equal pay for women, and jobs they can really live on. People ask me what will be different if im president . Well kids and families have been the passion of my life and they will be the heart of my presidency. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. To send people to polls in order to intimidate people in order to suppress the vote among a particular group, which is precisely what the Republican Party was doing in new jersey in 1981 when it employed offduty Law Enforcement officers to Polling Places in minority districts wearing arm bands called national balt Security Task force and in some cases, firearms. Democrats sued and as part of a socalled Consent Decree still in place to this day, the rnc agreed to refrain from tactics that could be used to intimidate voters. But donald trump and his allies have been flirting with those types of tactics. Telling supporters to monitor polls in largely black locationsp you can sign up to be an Election Observer and, quote, help me stop hillary from rigging this election. They plan to videotape voters and conduct fake exit polls. The group even allowed Poll Watchers to print out official looking badges although after questions from the huffington post, stone took down that function. Why he plans to conduct the fake exit poll. The clintons fear this program because they would like to, you know, get away with the perfect crime. Rigging the machines would be the perfect crime. And therefore, this really threatens them because it is the only tangible proof we may have of the hijack. There is, of course, no basis for that accusation whatsoever. Democrats have now filed federal lawsuits against trump, stone and State Parties over intimidating parties in four states. Theyre seeking, among other things, to block volunteer gop Poll Watchers from harassing or photographing people and prevent aggressive question of voters waiting to cast their ballot. In a separate case a judge ordering the Republican National committee to detail any agreements it has with Donald Trumps campaign to engage in Ballot Security efforts. After they indicated they were working with the rnc to monitor Poll Violations in direct conflict with that same decree. The Trump Campaign and the Republican National committee are working very, very closely with State Governments and secretaries the of state all over the country to ensure ballot integrity. Lets start with this. Youve got people can go to Polling Places to watch, right, campaigns, lawyers, different people can go there, a public place. What were the kinds of activities that were being engaged in that led to that Consent Decree that tipped something over from being an observer to essentially engaging in Voter Intimidation . In 1982 or in 1981, the election, what they were doing was they put Law Enforcement at these Polling Places, and they targeted black and latino Polling Places in new jersey and so just by force of those officers being there with badges and, you know, calling this program ballot Security Program when in fact, you know, their Ballot Security is what we would call intimidation. And they targeted voters of color. Right. And then fast forward 2004 one of the things, the advancement project, my organization, we actually intervened in that case because the rnc and the State Parties, including the state party in ohio, had started conspiring again to do another ballot Security Program. And what happens is because that court order is still in place the gop has to go to new jersey and get approval of that court before they engage in any kind of ballot Security Program. They hadnt done it in 2004 and im sure they havent done it this time. They have to go before a federal judge and say, hey, look, this is our plan, does this violate the Consent Decree . Because they want to make sure theyre not targeting voters of color again. This is a little tape that came from florida, an early voting site, these are Trump Supporters outside sort of engaging in hectoring, i guess you would call it. Take a look. How many Syrian Refugees are you taking into your home . I want to of you hypocrites. You want somebody else to pay for it. Youre hypocrites. Because theyre standing by the signs we know theyre the legally prescribed distance from the Polling Place. Thats First Amendment protected. Were talking about people that are inside that cordon, inside Polling Places, right . Right, right. So most states do have laws about how close to the Polling Place you can get, like a hundred foot rule in many states, 100 feet from the front door. They have to stand outside of that. Of course, the First Amendment does protect them. But if their actions do get to the level of intimidating people or threatening people, that is where they have violated the law. The other thing is that we have to be careful about people who are inside the Polling Place, right . So Poll Watchers, and in many states there are rules by which they have to sign up to be Poll Watchers. And then they cant be inside intimidating voters either. You cant have people sort of just walking up to voters and saying, hey, are you registered . You cant do that, right . Just to be clear. No, we cannot have havoc and chaos in the Polling Place. And so those are the kinds of things that well be looking out for on election day as part of the Election Protection coalition because while were protecting voters they are socalled protecting the ballot. We want to make sure that people dont get threattened and intimidated in the process. Thank you for being with me tonight. Thank you. Theyll hold the open Supreme Court seat hostage for four years if clinton wins. More on that ahead. Thing 1, thing 2 starts right after this break. [ sighs ] [ rumbling ] [police siren] jess how many did you have . Shawn i should be fine. Jess you should be . Officer sir, go ahead and step out of the vehicle for me. Shawn yes, sir. Bud see ya, buddy. Today, shawns got a hearing, well see how it goes. Good luck so, it turns out buzzed driving and drunk driving, theyre the same thing and it costs around 10,000. So not worth it. Electorate. Or when donald trump lashed out and disparaged Alicia Machado in the debate. And twitter has served as a Public Record after trump denied calling Climate Change a hoax in the first debate, Fact Checkers pointed to several times when trump in fact called Global Warming a hoax. But given the prominent role twitter has played in this election its easy to forget how young the platform is. President obama his first tweet coming in may of 2016. Six years in theyre finally giving me my own account. What had become of potus. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. His potus handle will remain with the white house and be available to the incoming president. Hell move over to potus 44. Bonus perk, the new president gets to keep the 11. 1 million followers already amassed on that account. But all the existing tweets will be moved on Inauguration Day giving the incoming potus a field to fill as he or she pleases. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. Woman Snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Fixodent plus adhesives. Theres a Denture Adhesive that holds strong until evening. Just one application gives you Superior Hold even at the end of the day fixodent. Strong more like natural teeth. Even then his endorsement of trump was slow in coming. But now ryan, says this person who he cannot bring himself to name, should be the most powerful person in the world. I stand where i stood all fall and all summer. In fact, i already voted here in jamesville for our nominee last week in early voting. We need the support our entire republican ticket. You voted for donald trump and youre encouraging republicans and democrats and independents, anybody who will listen, to vote for donald trump to stop what youre talking about, the Clinton Corruption . I am supporting our entire republican ticket. I have been all along. He cannot bring himself to say the name of the man that he thinks should control the nuclear arsenal. Republicans have also for nearly a year now been promoting a madeup rule that they needed to wait until after the election to consider a Supreme Court nominee. Now that theyre worried that clinton will win, they are forming a complete new untenable position. Thats after the break. I love that my shop is part of the Morning Ritual around here. Well, my answer to you into be it isnt going to happen. Period. And if Hillary Clinton becomes president , im going to do everything i can do to make sure that four years from now we still got an opening on the Supreme Court. Burr is not alone in this. Senator ted cruz said there is certainly long historical precedent for a Supreme Court with fewer justices. Thats a debate were going to have. And prior to that john mccain said that republicans would be united against any Hillary Clinton nominee before suggesting that hearings would be had. Just how remarkable this is. Justice Antonin Scalia died with 140 days left in the sitting term. It would take the president s staff of not granting the sitting president s nominee judge Merrick Garland a hearing because republicans had invented a new rule saying that in the final year of the president s term they could refuse to give a hearing to the president s nominee because the American People had to weigh in. The American People should be afforded the opportunity to weigh in. We think that the American People need a chance to weigh in on this issue. Lets let the American People decide. Put off till after the election. This should be a decision for the people, george. Let the election decide it. Okay. Very clear. Let the election decide. Now as we approach the election, the possibility they will lose this election looms, some republicans are now changing their story and saying that even after they declared the election a referendum in the Supreme Court vacancy, they may ignore the result if it Doesnt Go Their Way and proceed to take a sledgehammer to constitutional traditions. Joining me now sabrina, let me start with you. Ive been having this debate for months now. The republicans will block a Hillary Clinton nominee if in fact she wins. And people said, youre crazy. Theyre going to have to come around. Youve been doing some reporting on this. What are you hearing . Well, i think there is a split thats emerging and in part because you have a faction of republicans who are creating this new litmus test that if youre a true conservative youre going to block any nominee the potential Clinton Presidency puts up. I talked to marco rubio about this topic. He said he wont predispose, is the word he uses, any nominee proposed by clinton to that kind of test, implying that they might get at least a hearing. Then you have jeff blake who has actually said we should just confirm Merrick Garland in the lame duck because clinton will probably appoint a more liberal just. Where do they want to go after this election and how do they want to resolve what we call trumpism if in fact Hillary Clinton wins and this is how they created trumpism by putting up promises they were never going to be able to keep. If you say we wont fulfill a Supreme Court vacancy for four years thats not a tenable position and thats what will cause the grassroots uprising that caused people to select donald trump. What do you think of that theory . Obstructionism is almost inevitable. This is the new Dividing Line in the republican civil war. This is the litmus test for anybody in 2020. I try to imagine how American Politics would be different if republicans would say we wont overturn row versus wade and democrats would say we wont overturn heller. But theres a reason why republicans are rallying around one of the most repellent human beings in the United States. One of the arguments i hear over and over again, we have to save the Supreme Court. This has become the red line. If Hillary Clinton limps into that office, you can expect this Ugly Campaign to be followed by years of obstructionism. The weaker she is, the more emboldened they will be to hold the line on this issue. I hear the same thing. Theres two things i would say. One is its remarkable that theyve sort of bootstrapped this. Yes. Theyve said we cannot we absolutely cannot confirm Merrick Garland who has been praised by hatch, is widely respected as a centrist jurist, et cetera. We have to keep the seat open. That becomes the reason to vote for what you just described, in your words, one of the most repellent human beings ever to run for office, is the Supreme Court. And now you have the escape hatch essentially being drilled into the back, which is yeah. Sabrina, think about what burr is saying. I want people to be clear about this. They are suggesting essentially a dieoff on the Supreme Court. I want the be very clear. To say that we will keep that seat open is to say we hope the actuarial charts catch up with some of the democratic appointees and they die so things can even up. Thats whats implicit in that promise. And chris, the last time you had a vacancy that was as prolonged as theyre suggesting was actually for over two year, about two years and three months, that was in 1844. You have ted cruz saying theres a historical precedent for having less than nine justices. For 150 years the composition of the Supreme Court has been to have nine members on the bench. It is important to note that Senate Republican leadership is not voicing support for this plan. In fact, Chuck Grassley who chairs the Senate Judiciary committee he tried to take it down a notch and say, look, ive said that the next president will be the one to appoint a nominee and im sticking to that commitment that i made, otherwise i would be going back on my word. And thats notable. The pressure will be overwhelming. Donald trump and steve bannon, theyre creating this grievance movement. This will be their hot button. Ted cruz needs to make himself relevant again. He needs an issue to set himself up. This will be his issue. The pressure will be overwhelming particularly because conservatives and republicans have convinced themselves think how many things they have embraced, think how many things theyve rationalized by telling themselves its the court, its the court. It wont go away after the election. Ex post facto psychologically, youve done all these things to get yourself to support this person. You cant just give it up. Right. To charlies point, i agree theres a split among the leadership and this may never come to pass because donald trump could be elected president and the senate will if its a republicancontrolled senate, probably confirmed as nominee. But this split i think is indicative of this sort of deeper thing which is just that the pressure of trumpism if Trump Doesnt Win will move into that body very quickly. Absolutely. Thats why you see this jockeying, as charlie mentioned, where ted cruz wants to find an issue where he can elevate himself again. Curry favor among those he may have lost while wavering on the endorsement of donald trump

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