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Laughed out of my office. And i think the Special Counsel in fairness to the country ought to talk about a subpoena and give the giuliani and trump camp a definite time limit on complying and then go to court if necessary and that action may go to the United States Supreme Court where as you know, the nominee in question believes very strongly that maybe the Nixon Tape Case ought to be considered and the president should be above the law. We mentioned that last night. That the unanimous Nixon Tape Case decided wrongly. What would change if there was a congressional majority in either house of democrats with Subpoena Power . There would be committees who could compel truth telling by Public Officials or at least production of records. Not only tax returns from donald trump but also internal files from within agencies. There would be compelled production of those kinds of he have he have. The American People want accountability. They want change. That is what this poll and what i am hearing from my constituent shows. And that is what the recent election shows. The president today, i mean, we are dealing with the fallout of that astounding performance in helsinki. And the would and wouldnt absurdity. And then this. I am very concerned that russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the up coming election. Vladimir putin literally stood next to the president and said he wanted trump. What is that about . The American People really are in fact believing what they see and hear what they are watching is a president who puts his own interest above america and in fact blames America First instead of putting America First and Vladimir Putin loves it. In fact as you have pointed out, he said in that now infamous president conference that he wanted trump to win and not trumps opponent. What we have here is an effort to deny what americans can see or hear. More fundamentally and importantly, this nation is under attack. That is what dan coats, the director of National Intelligence said, the Warning Lights are blinking red again. Whether you believe that the russians want trump or the democrats to win, the point is to stop this attack on america. All right. Thanks for your time tonight. Thank you. For more on the midterm shaping up, i am joined. Cornel, it is interesting, the president s Approval Ratings are immovable. Between 4043 of the country approves. And the generic ballot has varied a lot more and seems to be moving in the democrats favor decisively in the last few months, few weeks. What do you make of that . The president s Approval Numbers dont move up. But the core of the republicans stay in. What is interesting is what you see happening with independent voters. And ways that quite frankly i didnt see in 2006 when we saw the last wave when i was working for the dnc. The 61 that White College educators right now now disprove of Donald Trumps performance says that the suburbs are going to be a hard hold for republicans come november. How do you see this playing out among House Republican Members Of Congress. Are they acting as if they understand what is coming . Particularly House Republicans on the Judiciary Committee are resigned to the prospect that the house will flip and they are going to have to go through impeachment proceedings. You really think that . Based on conversations with members. They arent positive it is going to happen. If you talk to them, what they are breaking themselves for is for the house to flip. What republicans expect is if the house does flip, the first thing they are going to try to do is imspeepeach the president. Trying to reign things back and be cautious. Not use the i word too much. Particularly on this key committee, people are seeing, you know, the writing on the wall. And of course another thing that you hear from talking to folks in politics and additionally, to members, is that the outcome of the Midterm Election is going to be determined in the last couple of weeks. We can look at the numbers and try to extrapolate what is going to happen, but these races change quickly. Could shift dynamic. But lots up in the air. Speaking broadly, people on capitol hill are gearing it up to flip. One of them is that he moved, he moved the West Virginia senate race. If you look at the numbers, the most imperilled democratic incumbent is manchen. But what is interesting to me is the president is so central the way people think about politics and yet it doesnt seem to be the case that he is providing the kind of positive coat tails for Republican Senate candidates that you would have guessed given the margins by which he won states. That is right. He has not expanded his base. Not brought in more people to Republican Party. In certain ways shrinking it. And when you look at Party Identification for republicans right now, it is shrinking and not expanding. Those who stick with the Republican Party are stuck. And they are all for him. Who are still for him. I think when you see what is happening in West Virginia, even though the president is still not as unpopular as the rest of the country. He doesnt help republican challengers. The other thing i think about is the Big Signature Achievement is the tax cut. I talk to people sort of around that world off the record and other correspondences and i think they really thought that was the thing they were going to campaign on. That the voters would love it. Correct me if i am wrong, it doesnt seem to be a huge part of the message right now. Not getting traction. Part of the reason is that republicans are coming to grips with the fact that people dont vote to say thank you. Grateful to Members Of Congress that they cant wait to hit the voting booth. That is not the way people generally think about elections. The tax bill itself isnt something that is going to be a magic Silver Bullet for republicans. And you can see this reflected in the president s tweets. He basically always tweets the same message no matter who it happens to be. Tweets the candidate is pro police, stands up. This isnt just the president going rogue, these messages are crafted. He also gets a lot of advice from advisers. And the message they are coalescing behind is Democrats Hate Police and love gangs. Crimes and borders, and ms13. Not only are republicans not using it. You are going to see democrats using it as an attack because it is so unpopular and they are seeing massive cuts. We are going on the offense. Said it was very useful in that way and a contested race. Thank you both. Next, the battle between the president and Michael Cohen. New details about recordings that cohen made and what he Michael Cohen has a story to tell. The president s former lawyer recorded private talks with President Trump. 12 recordings, we dont know how many of them are with the president. It is not the recording that is valuable. It is the back story as to what that back story to be, three people familiar with the situation believe that cohen has discussed. With me now the author of that piece is emily jane fox. Author of born trump. Your piece has a few amazing quotes. And one of is what he can talk about is to the core of the inquiry. What was expressed to me is that what he knows is not just about payments made to him. Of course he knows about that and of course that is valuable to investigators. There are a lot of other things that Michael Cohen knows according to other people who are close to him. And those things according to one person i spoke to yesterday strike at the heart of the Special Counsels investigation. Forgive me if i am skeptical, but the incentives are for Michael Cohen to make it seem that he knows a lot. Those are the incentives for him sitting in that regioncy day after day to make everyone think he has the goods. It doesnt matter who thinks he has the goods or dont think he has the goods. Either he has them or he doesnt. He cant just say i have the goods, great, we are going to cut you a deal. He has to show what the goods are before able to cut a deal. Right now we may be in a spin zone from both sides. And at the end of the day, he has what he has, and he knows what he knows. And it seems he knows a great deal. The recording, the one recording that has the president s voice and the origin of how it came about is a little strange and giuliani confirms on the record. Everyone has a good recollection of what was said in the meeting. That seems implausible. I have a lot of conversations and somebody said they taped you, i wouldnt know what is on the tape. There is a transcript. Oh, they have it. There are a number of hands who have touch thursday recording since the fbi seized this from cohens office or hot hotel, or wherever it was heard. So this has circulated in this master privilege process. That is how it came to be. Now, there is a differing account of what is on the transcript. We still dont know. Giuliani went on the record of saying this is what was said. People close to cohen have told me it is not excculpatory. We should say the Special Master another filing is things that were hacked in half. And the half, they say no. Sure, so what that means is that the government is going to essentially have everything that was seized in april. And so i mean, almost everything. Almost 4 million files of documents, electronic devices and they have almost everything that would just truncate a bit. What michael knows in terms of the back story that is not in that evidence could be potentially more. Cnn reports that Michael Avenatti wanted to discuss. Then avenatti tweets this. In light of the events and info learned, we know that Michael Cohen is trying to play both sides while he is in reality. Doing insane things to further their own interest. I dont know what all of these interests are. Do you have reporting that confirms there were conversations between the two sides. Conversations about having conversations between the two sides. I did report last week that the two ran into each other at dinner in the Upper East Side of manhattan. Because what else would happen in this dramatic. All right. Thanks for joining us. Why is the right so focused on Democratic Congressional candidate. Gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea can start in the colon, and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. Only Phillips Colon Health has this unique combination of probiotics. It helps replenish good bacteria. Get fourinone symptom defense. For Travel Throughout November and december. So you can fill the rest of your year with all the fun. Book now at southwest. Com low fares. No hidden fees. Thats transfarency. No hidden fees. I we worked with pg eof to save energy because wenie. Wanted to help the school. They would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didnt cut off the light. The teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. So they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. We actually saved 50,000. And thats just one school, two semesters, three girls. Together, were building a better california. Some conservatives have become with alexandria ocasiocortez. The day after she won, trump tv sean hannity put up this graphic. The conservative Fox Business Network tweeted out a portion of one speech in what appeared to be a warning about these words from the scarey socialist. We will not rest until every person in this country is paid to live to accept the idea that my Children Deserve Health Care and education. She elaborated. Talk about things that everybody wants. Especially if you are a parent, talk about education for your kid, health care for your kid. Things that you want. And you know, if you are not paying attention to how they are going to pay for it or the rest of that, it is easy to fall into that trap and say my kids deserve this. And you know, well maybe the government should be responsible for helping me with that. So what is it about this woman that has the right worked up. Joining me is michelle goldberg. And brianna gray. What do you think, you are a long time Connoisseur Fetishist for conservative media. Thats fair. I think there is a couple of things and one is that they have spent years and years saying that barack obama is a secret socialist. And it was the secret hapart th created the suspicion. When it is out in the open it becomes more difficult for them. Then there is this other element that it is so irresistible. This was a formula they used for, forgive me, with gay sex. A doctor who argued who wrote and opined that gay sex was the best sex and therefore that is more dangerous. And in some respect, that is the same formula. You can fall into this trap of wanting your kids to have health care they deserve to have it. You covered that rally. I went to kansas and keeping in mind that everybody said it wasnt going to work in the midwest, the venue had to be changed the night before because it sold out in four hours. 1 00 on a friday in triple digit degree heat. What it shows is that there is a message that is beyond par partisanship. That is a good point. It goes with what she was saying. None of the signals were there telling me this is a bad thing, but i can see people seduced by it. I think you have one whole Political Party that genuinely does find this kind of language threatening and quasi utilitarian and first, you are talking about children receiving health care and then next being indoctrinated. In as much as there are swing voters, they are not the kind of people that beltway types like to pretend they are. Those are the people i think who kind of are most motivated by appeals to their basic material needs. Let me say one thing just to be clear. She has a tremendous amount of distinct political talent. She is very good at doing this. That doesnt just like, it is a little beyond the message. Without a doubt. I dont mean to repeat myself, but the Policy Prescriptions are almost secondary. Nothing offensive in what she is saying, but the idea that it is being straightforward, that is completely laid out there speaks to the broader issue that politicos dont necessarily contemplate but basically, do i think that person is authentic. Are they telling me what they believe, they are. And pretty confident in it. That goes further than what we imagine. There is something to delivery of course. 70 of all congressional candidates who are in swing districts, ran health care as a central policy. When i asked her what she was doing because she talked to me about how she appreciated that her grandkids would be on obamacare. She was concerned that both of her Adult Children were living at home and couldnt get a working wage. When i explained to her that i was going to a bernie rally, and these are things that he cares about. It didnt take but a tenminute car ride to get her on board. Basic policies that enable them to live a life matter. It would have been a disservice that does not have them all these years. This is the joe lieberman column. Who said people should vote for joe crowley. One of the things that she does here, there is always the how are you going to pay for it. Yeah, it sounds great to do all of this stuff by lets be real. Part of the path that has been plowed by republicans, why are you even going to talk about that. Why play that game. The president just pulled 12 billion out of thin air. He is screwing his trade policy. We are laying out a marker for the kind of society that we want to create. Coming to you with white paper about legislation that i am going to introduce next year. The problem is that the foe concern about the deficit, they came up with 70 billion a year for the military, and we didnt need that. The notion of the deficit is no long longer one of those signifiers, those ids. And that got cast aside quickly. This is someone who is going to probably win in her district. Bronx queens, liberal district. You have conor lamb and people run anything differe running in different ways. The thesis here, the bernie like thesis is this is universal stuff. You can go to kansas and do it. I am not sold yet that is true. What if we look at bernie mississippi, that doesnt mean that her brand of politics is viable there. A Judge Election and a primary election are different. And i think that being overly dismissive on people on the ground who articulated a choice for a Procedure Progressive Vision of the world. Concerns is a fools errand. I am just saying it is unanswered question about like i am going to run as a socialist in kansas. Every district chooses somebody who is appropriate. I have no opinion about this primary in kansas, but i do know when i was in pennsylvania i met people who worked for conor lamb. And they didnt see them as being on opposite sides of some great divide. Thank you all for being with me tonight. Still ahead, hundreds of immigrant parents separated and apparently deported. What happens to children left behind. Plus sean spicer rides again. In tonights thing one, thing two, next. Like new crabfest combo. Your one chance to have new Jumbo Snow Crab with tender dungeness crab. Or try crab lovers dream. Sweet, juicy king crab and Jumbo Snow Crab cozied up with crab linguini alfredo. Even our shrimp is crabtopped so hurry in and get your butterdunkin game on Cause Crabfest will be gone in a snap. And now bring home the seafood you crave with red lobster to go. Call or order online today. Man and threatens to continue selling out america to powerful corporate interests. Woman we hold these truths to be selfevident. Man and we will hold our senators accountable. End Citizens United is responsible for the content of this advertising. Thing one tonight, former white House Press Secretary sean spicer was infamously terrible at that job. Lying to our faces everyday on the job. Both in person and around the globe. Spicer often had trouble keeping the facts straight and bad at communicating which is basically the entire job of press secretary. All of this on display where he attempted to compare hitler to bashar al assad. Someone as despicable as hitler. He brought into the holocaust center, and i understand that. The Holocaust Centers . Our friend need a change of scenery . The Kayak Explore Tool shows you the places you can fly on your budget. So you can be confident youre getting the most bang for your buck. Aloha. Kayak. Search one and done. Sean spicer is out with a new book tonight detailing his short time in the white house. And just like his briefings, it has whoppers. Reference to News Conference barack obama held in 1999. A full decade before he became president. And the steele dossier. Was the real author of the steele dossier. Not christopher steele. Just the kind of description we have come to expect from a man that brought us this. The strength of your said this is your dream, anything you can do in your dreams you can do now. No word by sean spicer would be complete than by a good old lie. Again, if that was false, i would be angry too. It sounds too troikridiculous t true. But sean spicer totally did steal a mini fridge. Oh, it is going to have you back . Greatness of an suv . Is it to carry cargo. 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Just stick with badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com the push to add this controversial and toxic question. Wilbur ross testifying very clearly, the request did not come from me. We have had a request from the Department Of Justice to add a citizen question to the census 2020. The Justice Department is the one who made the request of us. Justice department initiated. They made the request . Now thanks to documents we know that wasnt quite accurate. We have an email from ross i am sorry to a Colleague Writing i am mystifying where nothing has been done with my request to include the citizenship quest n question. Getting citizenship be added ba in the census question. In other words, getting the Department Of Justice to formally request the change which they eventually did months later was to get them to do what they were doing. That means the secretary of comers laid to congress, not once, not twice but three times. 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Here to help me understand all this, jacob who has been reporting on these separations all summer, and democratic congresswoman, who last week quit a Homeland Security Advisory Council writing, this is child kidnapping, plain and simple. You listened to a status conference. You have the lawsuit. The judge ordered reunification. Now youre dealing with a much bigger set of 2,500 kids between 5 and 17. Whats going on . It is pretty remarkable to listen to the judge say how deeply troubling the governments role has been here and there needs to be an accounting. Theyre trying to put the pieces back together for these kids. Right now, forcibly separated. We didnt need to have this conversation at all. 1,600 of them are eligible for reunification. 1607. And the government says theyre on track to do that by thursday. The catch is, they said today, 55 of those people are eligible for reunification are slated to be deported. They have what are called final orders of removal. 900 of those people. So 2,500 people, right . So 1,500 of those are saying well reunify. Theyre eligible. Half will be reunified and say get the heck out of here. And theyre just scrambling. What they announced tonight, theyre saying that they think 700 of them, whatever the remaining group is, will all be reunited at one place. The Cairns Center in south texas at one time over the course of the next few days. Theyre begging the judge for seven days between the time the reunification happens and any potential deportation, to get them Legal Counsel to stay in the United States. And the government is saying, we dont want that to happen. Then i want to come back with what theyre doing. You wrote this letter and said it is child kidnapping. Why did you use that word . Because thats what it is. The government has taken parents, children, deliberately away from parents. Toddlers, children who are breast feeding. This is for the purpose of deterring people who are coming. It is cruel, inhuman, it is depraved, and they werent prepared for Family Reunification at all. This only happened because aclu intervened. Reporters reported about it. But the government just didnt care about reunifying these children. If you take children from parents without due process, it is kidnapping in my view and under the law. So this gets us to the part that they are not eligible. I have a hard time processing this. Theyre saying that 900 917. Theyre not eligible. And some big chunk are ineligible because we deported their parents. So if any of them can stay in the United States, first of all, none of them can be reunited by thursday. They can say we were successful. One by one the aclu has requested to get information and requested to go through the cases. 463 of the 917, the government admitted tonight, may have already been deported before this court case basically mandated that you have to keep these Families Together is there had to be a process. So if youre gone, there is no reunification process. Youre gone. Is this depraved or what . Not only child kidnapping but depraved. Government officials have no right to take children from parents. No right. Unless a court orders it. For some reason there is a danger to the child. You send them back to honduras or whatever, whats the point . They arent human, theyre the wrong color, the parents arent human. Theyre wrong color. Thats what this country has come to under the president. This is horrifying. I couldnt be on the commission anymore. A human being who wants to deliberately take a child away from a parents and hasun and it taking child from the parents. It is hard not to feel that way. We were talking before the show. I got to go in the facility and see the kids in the dangerous on the floor and it is truly sickening. When you hear about the fact those 463 parents that are now outside the country, their only recourse is to go to their consulate in their home country and say, whoops i think i might have been deported mistakenly. Theres a new form given out post this case. If you had more rights, you might have gotten on the original form. Basically beg to say, i made a mistake on my form. One other thing you wrote. The refugee act in 1980. I believe the Terrell Of Refugees by President Trump violates that law and our Treaty Obligations to refugees. Many of them are coming in claiming asylum. It is a pnenalty to claim asylu . Youre supposed to treat them in a humane way and let the court decide whether theyre here legally or not. And thats part of the Bigger Picture here. Past child separation, what is being done to break the asylum and refugee law. Before i go, a quick reminder. We have a new episode of our podcast up today. It is episodes like this that made me want to do this. Jorja is a film make per spent years, explaining how the

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