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Golden state to keep sanders at bay. Lets start with a big morning. Steve kornacki at the big board. Take us through the latest numbers here. Good morning, jose. Yes, quinnipiac new national poll. Weve seen a lot with spreads like this in the last couple of weeks. Hillary clinton 45, donald trump 41. A fourpoint race. Think back about a month, about six weeks ago. We were seeing a doubledigit spread between these two. You heard democrats saying, hey, trump, this is the dream opponent, cant lose this race. You had some republicans at least saying, wow, were doomed with donald trump, but he locked up the republican nomination. A lot of rips rallied around him and so thats what you see, a much closer race between the two of them. Democrats hope when the primary wraps up maybe there will be some rallying around Hillary Clinton then and maybe those numbers will boost up for her as well. Check this out, though. One of the things weve been looking at is the unusual opening that may exist for a third option, for another candidate. In this poll they tested two other candidates. Gary johnson is now the nominee for the libertarian, jill stein, the candidate for the green party on the left. Add them in you get a tighter race, two points. Youve got johnson running at 5, stein running at 3. Two things to remember here. Number one, youve got to get to 15 in these polls. If youre a thirdParty Candidate and you get to 15 , you get in the debates this fall. Number two is are they going to be included in these polls going forward. Will johnson, will stein, will both, will either of them be included in the polls going forward. When we say theres an opening for a third candidate this year, this is why. Hillary clinton a Favorable Unfavorable score, 37 57. Thats a net negative 20 score. That would be the worst ever. If you just looked at Hillary Clinton, you would say thats the worst ever weve seen from a major Party Candidate for president. Exempt look at this, shes running against a candidate whose numbers are worse. Trump, 34 59. Thats a net negative store of 25, jose. Steve, lets just focus on the unfavorables only. Theyre tied almost. These numbers are really just outrageously large. Its amazing. If you can think back 24 years, 1992, bill clinton got through the democratic primaries that year. There had been scandals about extramarital activities, the vietnam draft, all this stuff. Bill clinton was considered the most toxic person ever nominated by a major party. His unfavorable score 24 years ago was in the low 40s. He overcame that and won. But the low 40s used to be considered extremely high and now both of them are flirting with 60 unfavorable. And back to the clinton and trump matchup that you started on, 4541. As you say, this may change once hillary, if hillary becomes the nominee, as trump is now the presumptive nominee. But is there a large margin of error here . It seems like 4541 is really good for Hillary Clinton considering shes not even the nominee yet. Yeah, thats the question. So with the margin of error, this could be a little closer, could be a little further. Weve seen a number of them in the last two weeks that basically show this spread. Basically show a race that was probably low double digits about a month ago has now shrunk to a 3 to 5point lead for Hillary Clinton. If you average most of them together. But heres the thing, yes, theres a chance when Bernie Sanders finishes up for Hillary Clinton maybe to win over some of his voters and move up. Donald trump, one of the reasons this thing is closer, hes won over republicans now that hes locked down the republican nomination. There are still some republican holdouts. So from the trump side they would say if hillary is still going to take a jump, theres still grroom for us to go but t question is do those Voters Holding out go somewhere else. How does that look when its Bernie Sanders against donald trump . Bernie sanders against donald trump, we dont have the graphic for it. But Bernie Sanders continues to lead donald trump. By a bigger margin than Hillary Clinton leads. Double digits in most cases. The counter that you hear from the Clinton Campaign is of course he looks like the most electable democrat because donald trump is only saying nice things about him. No republican is out there attacking him. Theyre all saying nice things about Bernie Sanders to make Hillary Clinton look that much worse, so thats how they would counter that. Yes, Bernie Sanders consistently head to head against donald trump doing better than Hillary Clinton. Steve kornacki, always a pleasure to see you, sir. Thanks for being with me this morning. No problem. I want to go to Hallie Jackson who was at the trump News Conference at trump tower in new york city. Thats where we finding her this morning. Good to see you this morning. It was a pretty intense backandforth for over 40 minutes yesterday. Reporter yeah, and the real substance of it, we talk about the insults against the media, we talk about insults against members of his own party here at trump tower yesterday but when you talk about the meat of the issues, theres two things were focused on today. Number one are these documents that were unsealed boyy a feder judge over the last 24 hours. Trump hitting that judge during that really contentious News Conference. The documents talk about this lawsuit against Trump University revealing some of the ways salespeople were instructed to sell these forprofit courses to people. Suggesting that potential customers rely heavily on credit card debt, on retirement funds. Theres quotes from some former folks involved in this saying, for example, i believe that Trump University was a fraudulent scheme and that it preyed upon the elderly and uneducated to separate them from their money. Thats from a former Trump University sales manager. All of this coming out over the last 24 hours with those records being unsealed. Separately donald trump, the reason he ostensibly called this News Conference was to talk about these donations to veterans groups, some 6 million that he says he raised. He listed 5. 6 million in donations, including a million of his own money that he said was given to 40 or so different veterans groups. Trump revealing, giving a full a accounting of those groups. Nbc news has learned that about a third of that money, 1. 9 million, ended up going to groups just over the last week when trump began to face building questions over just where that money was and what took so long. Trump says it took a while because his team was vetting these organizations. At least one group that was given 75,000 has an f rating from charity watch, jose. So trump on defense a little bit. Also playing offense, as you saw him going after one of his favorites targets, the media, as well as republicans like new mexico governor susana martinez, former gop nominee mitt romney and conservative writer bill kristol who has been recruiting david french to run as an independent candidate. Talk to me about that, because this is just in the past 24, 48 hours that we have someone, a specific person in mind, right, boy kristol and others. Reporter yeah. Weve been talking for weeks about who could be a mystery candidate to take on donald trump in an independent bid. Youve got the libertarian candidates, weld and johnson on that ticket, but as far as an independent run, david french is a conservative writer for the national review. Hes got a military background but he doesnt have name recognition, he doesnt have a lot of money. He has support im told by sources of some of the never trump groups. Not all of them because theres an acknowledgement that there is such a long shot, particularly given that french is not that well known to the american people. Hallie jackson outside trump tower, thank you very much. Its great seeing you this morning. For more on those newly unsealed documents from the Trump University suit filed by some students lets turn to ari melber. Ari, good to see you this morning. Good morning to you, jose. There have been basically two buckets of documents. One we discussed a little bit on air yesterday, a playbook of how to sell Trump University. And two are legal documents from inside this days and they are, of course, disputed, by which there are people who used to work at Trump University who say this whole thing was a scam and other people who took the classes and say it was all g thats what theyre fighting about. Let me show you Jason Nicholas who worked directly for Trump University. He says in these newly unsealed document, trump u. Told consumers trump would be acti actively involved. That was not true. He was not in trump u. As far as i could tell. I only saw him come in one time from five to ten minutes. That goes to how the place is marketed. And some people say if you go to a trump hotel, that doesnt mean hes the maitre d. This from ronald shackelboard. He said he left because, quote, i believe trump u. Was engaging in misleading, fraud lent and dishonest conduct. He talks about a couple who was considering their 35,000 elite program and they would have had to pay for the Program Using his Disability Income and taking out a loan. Trump u. Reprimandinged me for not trying harder to sell the program to this couple, ending quote. As i say, a lawsuit has two sides. Heres what some of the Trump University side is. Youve got to look beyond one or two or ten disgruntled people. They said about 10,000 written evaluations have come in from students across the country. 95 of students rated 4. 85 or higher out of 5. So again theres a thing, jose, in law about fraud called puffing. Thats the idea that some puffing is okay. If you go to a used car lot and the guy says this is the greatest car youre going to get around here for the best price, some puffing is allowed. Whats at issue in these lawsuit and why these new allegations are concerning for trump is these are not just puffing allegations. This is an allegation of fraud, of misleading, of shaking people down. Two sides to the story but thats one side thats getting a lot of attention right now. Ari melber, thank you very much. There are differences. Thanks. Kristen welker is in newark, new jersey, where Hillary Clinton will be later today. Kristen, great seeing you. Lets start with what we know about this new strategy by the campaign to take on donald trump. Reporter jose, good morning. Secretary clinton is going to ramp up her attacks against donald trump specifically when she delivered a major Foreign Policy speech tomorrow in california. Thats, of course, the biggest delegaterich state left to vote in the primary, so shes going to use that as her backdrop. We are told shes going to draw sharp distinctions with donald trump on everything from nato to the fight against isis and that muslim ban that he has proposed. This is going to fit into her broader strategy as she tries to paint trump as unfit for office and someone whos dangerous for national security. This all comes as secretary clinton is facing her own criticism particularly after yesterday. Donald trump held that fiery News Conference. She hasnt held a News Conference in 197 days. She got asked about that yesterday and she went on the defense. Take a listen. I have done nearly 300 interviews just in 2016. I believe that its important to continue to speak to the press, as im doing right now, and to understand that his attacking everybody, fellow republicans, democrats, the press, you just name it, he attacks everybody, is a recipe for gridlock in washington. Reporter donald trump wasted no time taking to twitter to slam her for not holding more press conferences. Its a preview of what we can expect to see as this likely fall fight unfolds. But of course secretary clinton still fighting her primary battle and it will unfold in california. That is where shes heading tomorrow. Shes added extra events there. Shes going to have a fiveday campaign swing. Recent polls showing the race is tightening there and senator sanders hasnt left. Hes essentially put almost all of his resources into trying to win in california and outspending her on the air waves 21. Bottom line, the reality is that secretary clinton can lose california and still win the nomination, but winning california would likely take senator sanders last remaining argument off the table for staying in this race, so she really wants to win that state. Kristen, back to the National Polls that we were speaking with steve about. Clinton leads trump by four in this latest poll, but sanders leads him by more than nine. Whats the campaign doing to try to get sanders out campaigning with clinton to secure his supporters if she does indeed become the nominee . Reporter that is going to be the big challenge for the Clinton Campaign, because about a third of sanders supporters right now are saying that they wouldnt back secretary clinton. We know that these two campaigns have been in contact with each other, but look, bottom line is senator sanders not ready to drop out or to even talk about that. Over the weekend he said to our own chuck todd its up to secretary clinton to try to unify the party. Now, will that tone change once this race is finally over and once all of the votes have been cast . Thats the big question mark. We know no matter what happens, he is going to play a role in helping to shape the partys platform and that could help him get on board toward trying to work toward party unity. The Clinton Campaign point to 2008 when secretary Clinton Campaigned with barack obama is what they are hoping to see happen in this election cycle. Jose. Kristen welker in new jersey, thank you very much. Good to see you. Hillary clinton and donald trump wont be the only likely names on the ballot this november. The Libertarian Party has already nominated their president ial ticket. On the top, former new mexico governor gary johnson. Joining me now is former republican governor of massachusetts, bill weld, now the libertarian candidate for Vice President. Good to see you this morning. Good to be with you. As a onetime republican, how concerned are you or are you that the ticket could be seen as the Tipping Point towards democrats in the election . Were right down the middle. You know, we dont really agree with the democrats about spending more money than you take in. Gary johnson and i served together as governors, mutual admiration society, and we were rated the two most fiscally conservative governor in the United States so no argument there. On the social side, we have to be considered, you know, welcoming, tolerant, inclusive. We dongt believe in the government making decisions making decisions in their personal lives and i think the Republican Party has a distinct hue of that and we reject that. Of course mr. Trump calls us fringe candidates but its hard to see how a centrist ticket with four terms as the governor of states, blue states with red governors, hard to see how thats a fringe. Governor, im having a little problem with a siren going off right now, but let me see if we can work on this. Its live television, i apologize for that. I want to focus if we can do that while this conversation is carried out. Youve compared Donald Trumps plan to deport 11 million or so undocumented immigrants to the holocaust. Why do you think that comparison is appropriate . I think its completely appropriate. Rounding up and deporting 11 million people. They would be hiding in attics to not get found and get sent back to mexico. It would remind me of ann frank hiding in the attic. Its just not the tone i think it right for the United States. Building a huge wall is evocative of the most famous wall, the berlin wall, which was a badge of shame and stain on the soviet union and helped to bring the end of the cold war. I think mr. Trump is on the wrong side of history in these issues. Governor, im still having a problem with this audio. Were going to take a short break. Governor, if you could, stay with me. Well be right back. Thank you very much. Analad, every ingredient is the main ingredient. Whether its big. Or small. First to go. Or best for last. Sweet. Or not so sweet. Whether its tossed. Or twirled. If its easy prey. Or plays hard to get. Every last crunch, sprinkle and drip. Should be as clean as it is delicious. Panera. Food as it should be. When your symptoms start. Distracting you . Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. 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Together, were building a better california. Back here in new york im steve kornacki. Im not jose diaz diazbalart. Theres a fire alarm going on in miami so working to resolve in. I am going to pick things up with the former governor of massachusetts, bill weld. The libertarian candidate for Vice President. Governor, i know you started to talk to jose there. Lets talk a little bit about, and we were just showing these numbers at the top of the show, the challenge you guys face on the libertarian ticket. Theres clearly an opportunity for you guys with these unfavorable numbers so high. You need to get to 15 . Your ticket needs to be at 15 to get into these debates in the fall. The real question is are you going to get into the polls to have a chance to get into the debates. I think i think public pressure and perhaps even Media Attention will get us into the polls. Gary has been in gary johnson has been in four polls that i know of. There was one yesterday in michigan. He drew 11. 5 . The other three National Polls he was at 10, 10 and 11 so theres not that far to go. I may say the 15 figure is not engraved in stone anywhere. Thats the rule of the commission on president ial debates so even that could be arguable. I think if we can get to 15, and we need to raise a good bit of money to have the credibility to do that, then i think we can get to 20. At that point it really is katie bar the door. Our mix of policy positions appeals to between 40 and 55 of the electorate. And thats plenty good enough to be a lot more than a thirdParty Candidate. Its a major Party Candidate. Let me ask you this. For instance, voters who might be up for grabs who you guys might have an opportunity with, at least. Bernie sanders supporters, the polls are saying a lot of them dont want to vote for Hillary Clinton in the fall, maybe dont want to vote for donald trump. So on paper theyre open for you guys, but you guys are libertarians. You want to slash government and slash government programs. Bernie sanders is an avowed socialist. How do you make a pitch to people who are voting for a socialist when youre a libertarian . Well, Bernie Sanders supporters, particularly the millennials, i think care about freedom and liberty almost as much as anything else and they probably get to economics second. So there is a poll on the millennials from our blend of policy positions and we can talk about economics and what that means for them. They want to grow up and have good jobs and have the economy prosper as well, so id like to hope that we could persuade them. On the bedrock personal freedom and liberty issues, were better than either of the two major parties. Obviously your comments about donald trump you talked about earlier, obviously Hillary Clinton likely to be the democratic candidate here. You have some personal with her as well. Back in the 1990s when she came under fire from the republicans, you said youd be a character witness on her behalf if it came to it. Absolutely. Ive known her since the 70s. We worked together on the nixon impeachment. Her husband, former president clinton, was my favorite fellow governor in office so i have long history with both clintons. But you dont want her as president . Well, id kind of like to see our ticket win, since were the only people that have the policy mix i believe in. Ive only been a libertarian for two weeks but i dont have to answer for all the social Movement Conservative stuff out of washington that ive had to carry for so long being a republican. It feels great. Free at last. Someone else whose name has been mentioned a lot is bill kristol. He said he wants to get an independent candidate in there. There was a lot of speculation, maybe it would be mitt romney, maybe it would be ben sasse, it looks like its going to be someone named david french. Hes a veteran, hes a writer for the national review. Do you know him . Are you familiar with him . Any concern about him stealing any of your thunder . Dont know mr. French, but come on in, the water is fine. The more, the merrier. You know mitt romney obviously going back to massachusetts. Did you have any conversation with him before doing this . No, and i think i wont for a while. Mitt and i are quite close. I was his finance cochair in new york both of his races and he succeeded me as governor. We had four republican governors in a row. I was the first, mitt was the fourth, so weve spent a lot of time together. But i dont want to ask mitt to do something political if i dont think its in his political best interests. So well wait a while. Im sure in the fullness of time well have a conversation. But were very good friends so it will be an easy conversation no matter what the outcome. The libertarians is a party that attracts some characters. Thats an understatement. You had the guy on the stage who was taking his clothes off. Thats one form of eccentricity. One question was asked of gary johnson would you have voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He said he would have. Barry goldwater had voted against it. When gary johnson had said he would vote for it, there was pretty audible booing from the crowd. Does that concern you at all . Thats kind of an outlier and i think we both said we wouldnt get out of the United Nations and that got some boos. I said i believed in engagement abroad, im kind of an internationalist, that got some boos. But those are general principles. I think, for example, i agree with gary about nonintervention, no blood on the ground, no boots on the ground but that doesnt mean you cant be engaged around the world and do a lot through soft and cultural diplomacy and you can be and have the mightiest air power in the world and mightiest sea power in the world and see to our defenses and do what we need to do to maintain americas primacy in the world. All right, good luck. Thank you, steve. The effort to stop donald trump kicks into overdrive. Less than two months to go until the republican convention. Could the republicans, the republicans that dont want him at least, come up with a viable alternative. Well check in with the never trump pac right after the break. No, im actually over at the ge booth. Were creating the operating system for industry. Its called predix. Its gonna change the way the world works. Ok, im telling my brain to tell the drone to get you a copy of my resume. Umm, maybe keep your hands on the controller. 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Is he the person that can take advantage of this opening . Well, i think that you saw last night a reason why a lot of citizens who havent been in politics before dont enter the fray because as soon as his name was floated, you saw the press and the media and also some political observers jump on him. Within an hour of his name being floated, his marriage was under attack. This is why people dont want to enter politics and why you ending up with flawed candidates like Hillary Clinton and donald trump at the top because those are the people who are willing to get in this. One other thing, jose, let me correct one misconception here, which ive heard often this morning, which is that the Never Trump Movement is based solely on this idea of a thirdParty Candidate, which is clearly is not. We were born out of the idea that donald trump is frankly unfit for office and thats what were going to continue to say. If a candidate presents himself as an alternative, you know, we will certainly allow people who believe in the same cause, will certainly look at that person. But we are fundamentally opposed to donald trump. We may look for alternatives but thats not what the movement rests on. Being against something is one thing. Are you for anything . Were for conservative principles and republican values, which donald trump does not represent. So what were going to look to do is make sure that the least amount of damage is done by him at the top of the ticket. Make sure that the Republican Party does not become an echo chamber of donald trump or his views or, frankly, his statements. Rory, let me go back to the first question. Is french the guy that can take advantage of this . I think that anybody who wants to jump in right now should be seriously looked at. I dont think they should be dismissed. David french was a bronze star recipient, he has a harvard law degree. If he had spent one or two years in the senate we would probably have him on our list. The fact that he hasnt Held Elected Office before shouldnt be a disqualifier. They should all be open to the same scrutiny that frankly i wish Hillary Clinton and donald trump would get more of. They should have to show their views, present what their plan is for the country, but they shouldnt be dismissed outright just because theyre not a household name within washington, d. C. , political circles. What about someone like gary johnson. Gary johnson and governor weld are going to have to presenting what their vision of the country is. I think that you see in the polls from quinnipiac this morning to polls over the last two weeks that theres an appetite for an alternative requested, candidate, and they pulled from both Hillary Clinton and donald trump. The poll this morning had hillary dropping five points when a thirdparty alternative is presented but theyre going to have to presenting a real vision. Its going to have to be inclusive to both sides because you want to carve out that center. I would say that governor weld, i have a tremendous amount of respect for him. Hes got a great record, as does governor johnson in new mexico, but theres a lot of social conservatives who are opposed to Donald Trumps candidacy for obvious reasons and those people are going to be looking to make sure that their views are acknowledg acknowledged. Rory cooper, thank you very much for your time. Appreciate it. Thanks, jose. Take care. Breaking news in the search for the wreckage of the egyptair plane that crashed in the mediterranean sea. A french ship has detected a signal believed to be from one of the flight data recorders, egyptian air flight 804 crashed en route from paris to cairo last month. 66 people were onboard. Lets go to bill neely in london this morning. Bill, good morning. Good morning, jose. Yes, this is coming from probably the most sophisticated vessel involved in the search, a french naval vessel thats fitted with underwater sensors and it apparently has picked up a signal thats believed to have come from one of the two data recorders from egyptair flight 804. Now, the vessel that picked up the signal is called la plass, its a survey ship taking part in the search since last week. According to the egyptians, today it received signals from the seabed of the wreckage area, thats from the Accident Investigation Committee leading the inquiry. It adds the signals are assumed to be from one of the data recorders, assumed. A european official is quoted as saying the signal is almost certain to be coming from one of the black boxes, but once again he cautioned that the finding was not 100 verified. But there are now reports that the french aircraft Investigation Committee has now said that the signals are from one of the aircrafts black boxes. Of course those data recorder, the cockpit voice recorder and data recorder would help work out whether the crash was an accident and if so how exactly it happened. There is another Research Vessel that is about to join the search team within a week and it would retrieve the recorders if theyre found. That vessel operated by a Company Based in maricius. It has narrowed to a threemile radius area, from the point that satellite data indicated the plane probably went down, 200 miles north of the egyptian coast. So far its still a mystery. No claim from any Terror Organization and no real clue as to how this plane disappeared. Jose. Bill neely, thank you very much. Now to the very latest on the shooting of that gorilla at a cincinnati zoo that was killed after a toddler fell into its enclosure. The Cincinnati Police department is now looking into the parents actions. Nbcs joe fryer is in cincinnati for us this morning. Joe, good morning. Both the Cincinnati Police and the parents of the child have now released statements . Reporter yeah, thats right, jose. The family of the child still not speaking on camera but this morning they did release a new statement that says our child has had a checkup by his doctor and is still doing well. We continue to praise god for his grace and mercy and to be thankful to the cincinnati zoo for their actions taken to protect our child. The statement says we are also very appreciative for the expressions of concern and support that have been sent to us. Some have offered money to the family, which we do not want and will not accept. If anyone wishes to make a gift, we recommend a donation to the cincinnati zoo in harambes name. The Cincinnati Police will look into what happened but the review is only regarding the actions of the parents or family leading up to the incident and its too early to say if anyone did do anything wrong. Police will not be investigating the zoo or any of its safety procedures or operations. Now, on saturday the 3yearold boy ended up in the gorilla enclosure and was at times being dragged around by the silverback gorilla. Zoo officials made the difficult decision to shoot and kill the gorilla in order to save the boy. It appears the boy had somehow crawled over a threefoot barrier and through some bushes before falling 15 feet down into the moat below. While what happened is incredibly rare, were hearing that zoos across the country, many of them will likely review their barriers just to make sure everything is safe and no incidents like this are repeated any where else. Jose. Joe fryer, thank you very much. Coming up, speculation mounting over who Hillary Clinton will choose as her running mate if she clinches the democratic nomination. Our Jacob Soboroff catches up with one of the rumored leading contenders, congressman javier becerra, after the break. After a long day, dave stops working, but his aleve doesnt. Because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. What will you do with your aleve hours . Hillary clinton is setting her sights on california having events in the state to fend off momentum from Bernie Sanders. Even though she hasnt clinched her partys nomination, its not stopping speculation over who she may pick as a running mate. Jacob soboroff is in los angeles this morning and spoke to one of those potential vp picks, california congressman javier becerra. Reporter its really interesting to talk to congressman becerra because most people that are in the running for the Vice President ial slot would lay relatively low but hes open about how hes excited about the prospect and what it means to himself and to his family. Before he can be tapped for that slot, Hillary Clinton obviously has to win here in california and clinch that nomination. He is now spending his time campaigning hard for her and shes facing challenges particularly among young voters, young latino voters, even in congressman becerras district. We ran into one of them yesterday. Take a look at what happened. Ill take the sampler and i will one sampler. And the mole. Possibly the next Vice President of the United States today. You didnt deny it, by the way. Did you pick who youre voting for . No, not yet. How about you . Im waiting to hear who the Vice President is going. Have you picked who youre going to vote for . Yes. Bernie or hillary . Bernie. You have to make a pitch to me. Yes, you have to. Im set on bernie. Bernies got some great ideas, but up until two months ago you probably hadnt heard much about Bernie Sanders. Hillary clinton has been with us for a long time. When you want a president , do you speak spanish. Youve heard the saying [ speaking spanish ] what year were you born . 95. Some of the folks were too young to remember what Hillary Clinton has done. Its not a problem, its a reality. For you, that wasnt a reality for you. But we went through some tough times in the 90s. What is it about bernie . When i hear bernie speaking, he just really inspired a lot of motivation, energy. His ideas are really good, especially for young people. Just with hillary, just feel that some of the things hes done in the past, some of the things shes said didnt resonate with me particularly, i know it might have resonated for you. But for whos looking out for me, i feel its Bernie Sanders. If you want a friend in washington, this man could be the next Vice President of the United States. So jose, congressman becerra could not sway jasmine over to Hillary Clintons side. Thats something they may look like. If its someone progressive liar Elizabeth Warren or congressman becerra, well have more of our conversation throughout the day here on msnbc. Thats very interesting, jacob. Theres another added value to becerra that the New York Times pointed out. This is a gentleman who has been serving the Latino Community for decades. Hes very well known in the Latino Community, in spanish and in english. And i think thats something that a lot of people cant say about other possible vp candidates. This is a guy who has been on Spanish Language tv for decades speaking in spanish and talking about the good and the bad news stories of the day. Yeah, and i know that you know him well and have spoken to him, obviously, in both spanish and english on all of your programs, jose. Hes the highest ranking latino in the democratic leadership. I think that that also will weigh a lot, as you say. Jacob soboroff, good to see you, buddy. Thanks, jose. I want to bring in National Political reporter julie and real clear politics National Political reporter katelyn. Julie, do you think clinton and its campaign is looking seriously at someone like becerra . Well, secretary clinton has an awful lot on her plate at this point. Not only does she need to find a way to sort of rally her democratic base, and one way to do that would be through her vp pick, but shes also got one eye or more than one eye on donald trump and sort of figuring out how she can attack him in a successful way after 17 republicans were not able to do so in their primary. So again, a Vice President ial pick could help with either or possibly both of those missions, either rallying the base or finding a successful way to attack donald trump. I do think, julie, that firing up the base is one thing when you consider what base you need to be firing up. I think that the enthusiasm level, for example, by the Latino Community against someone like donald trump would probably benefit from having someone like becerra on that ticket because, as i say, hes a wellknown commodity. Thats true, or you could look at it the exact opposite way and think to yourself, well, maybe she doesnt actually have a problem rallying that base because shes been pretty successful with latino voters in the primary, and trump sort of is his own enthusiasm Problem Solver for latino voters. So maybe she ought to be thinking about a vp pick who solves another problem for her. Interesting point. Katelyn, i spoke earlier this hour until the fire drill happened with former Massachusetts Governor william weld whos running on the libertarian ticket with president ial candidate gary johnson. Heres what he said about their chances. Of course mr. Trump calls us fringe candidates, but its hard to see how a centrist ticket with four terms as the governor of states, blue states with red governors, hard to see how thats a fringe. You know, gary johnson got 1, 1, uno percent of the vote. What makes them think they can do better this time around. First, there is still a little bit of an antidonald trump sentiment within the Republican Party so hopefully the Libertarian Party is thinking they can peel away from there and also perhaps a little bit of dissatisfaction on the democratic side, peel away from there as well. And their advantage at this point is that they are on the ballot in i think 33, 34 states already, which is in contrast to some independent bid proposals who will struggle to get Ballot Access as lots of these deadlines have passed. But, you know, they will struggle, i think, to gain traction. Theyre low in the polls at this point. Not clear that they would be able to make a debate stage. And they also will have to contend with forces in the Never Trump Movement who are very conservative. Conservative on social issues, conservative on fiscal issues and that sort of thing, so there are several contrasts all around. Caitlin and julie, so nice to see you both. Thank you for being with me this morning. Much more coming up but first we have a special announcement. Nbc news is launching nbc out. Com in recognition of pride month. It is the first lgbtq news vertical created by a major broadcast organization showcasing the political, cultural and social issues of the lgbtq community. Well be right back. Check it out, by the way. [ guitar playing ] ugh. Heartburn. Sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. Important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. 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We are still dealing with whats left of bonnie on the North Carolina coast. Its pretty amazing, already into our cnamed storm as we start our season. Heres the names for the 2016 season. Already dealt with alex early in the year. Pawn bonnie we just got finished with. The next name will be colin. When i was in North Carolina they said always watch out for those female names. Camille, they had some female named stormed that was bad. Andrew in the 90s changed all that rationale. So whats going to determine how bad it is, well, the Ocean Temperatures are going to have a lot to do with it. That affects what the upper level winds are going to do. This is when the el nino was at its peak, when we had all the warm conditions and that caused a lot of shear over into the atlantic. Now the ocean temperature is more typical, more average. We expect worse hurricane seasons when we have a la nina. We dont quite have that but were in a neutral state. Thats why all of the outlooks from colorado state, from the Weather Channel and noaa are calling for a pretty typical, averagetype season, 10 to 16 named storms, 4 to 8 hurricanes. And big ones, 1 to 4. Its now been 10. 5 years since our u. S. Coastline has been hit by a category 3 major hurricane. That was wilma back in 2005. This is the longest stretch since records have been kept track, since 1851 that we havent had a major category 3 hit, so we are well overdue. Hopefully it wont be this year, but were overdue. It will never be, but thanks. Good to see you. Quick programming note for you this morning. Secretary of state john kerry will join chris hayes tonight for a oneonone interview on all in tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Well be right back. We got another one. I have an orcogram for an owen. Thats me. You should hire stacy drew. She wants to change the world with you. She can program jet engines to talk and such. Her biggest weakness is she cares too much. Thank you. 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Plus, Bernie Sanders new reason for staying in the race even if he loses california. The senator now says even if clinton gets enough votes to win the nomination, she still hasnt won enough, quote, real delegates. So what is a real delegate

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