Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Alex Witt 20180805 16:00:00

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Alex Witt hosts coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories.
when a meeting of that nature, would it constitute a violation of the law? >> you have to look at what laws, rules, regulation statutes are violated here. >> when did you learn that the denial wasn't true? >> well, let me tell you two things on that. i was on the case a couple of weeks, and there was a lot of information gathering and as rudy giuliani said, i had bad information at that point. in a situation like this, you have over time, facts develop. that's what investigations do. >> let's start with nbc's white house correspondent, kelly o'donnell who was covering the president in new jersey first. before we g to to to the rest o great panel this sunday. what are you hearing right now? the president is certainly going after the special counsel today, isn't he? >> reporter: well, good to be with you, richard, and the president is really hitting a number of his major frequent targets, the special counsel, the media and doing some venting
it. our campaign was talking to people in north carolina and michigan. not in moscow. >> reporter: notable last night when the president was in ohio, he talked about meddling, saying, we have got to stop meddling in the election. he included russia. also said china, even north korea have been participating in that. so a bit of a change there with the president before one of his own supporter rally crowds to talk about that, but right back to the tweets alleging that somehow the mueller investigation is unfair and mishandled and that the media is somehow not telling the truth as the president sees it. a lot of anger and frustration coming through today. richard? >> all right, kelly. thank you so much. kelly o'donnell, our white house correspondent, running down a lot of what has happened so far this morning. the president's tweet appears to have been a response to this article in "the washington post" reporting that the president is at a precarious moment in his
all last week of the trial of paul manafort, his former campaign chairman. he took issue with the coverage, he is angered by it, and he is upset that manafort, and the charges that he is facing in the courthouse in virginia this past week have to do with his previous business work. not with the trump campaign specifically, so the president is very rattled and bothered by that, and all of this is sort of conspireing in his mind to leave him agitated, nervous, anxious, frustrated, fearful and we're seeing this come out publicly in these tweets and these things he is making at his political rallies at the media. >> phillip, as you look at this increased stress for the president, he is brooding and how is he expressing that brooding privately as you were saying in your headline here, but roaring publicly? >> well, he is privately having conversations with associates as he always does. he is one who works the phones. he talks to people all day long. he like that is, and he is expressing a lot of anxiety and
worry according to the people he has been talking to, who have told us at "the washington post" about those conversations. he is concerned, but the way it manifests itself publicly is in more of a roar. it's just these attack lines at the media, these tweet attacks at robert mueller. we measured the number of times he tweeted the word witch hunt and it's increased dramatically and that's because he is adopting a much more aggressive stance publicly against the special counsel. he has really devised a strategy to attack, to defeat, to tear down this russia investigation, in part, because rudy giuliani, his personal attorney has assured him privately he doesn't think mueller has anything. and one of the advisers we talked to, rudy has been telling trump that the other guy is bluffing with a pair of twos, and trump feels like he doesn't have much to lose, and he is out there attacking this investigation to try to discredit mueller as best he can. >> as you say in the article,
you have 14 administration officials at least that you have spoken with. >> and other advisers. >> yes, included in this. phillip, the dynamic that might be part of this difficulty forum would be family, and you mentioned that early because it's don junior, and you add in his wife, melania who yesterday openly did say through a spokesperson that she necessarily in energy agreed with the president and his interface shall we say with lebron james. you have ivanka trump rekrntly describing how one of the low points for her was a separation of families on the southern border. so the family dynamic which he has always at least reportedly held so special, how important is this in terms of the intensity that he is feeling right now, and therefore the brooding? >> it's always important. the family dynamic always matters to the president. i don't know specifically, you know, whether the brooding over the russia stuff has anything to do with what ivanka and melania
trump have been saying publicly in the last few days, but that's something trump surely has noticed. it generates headlines and it's not the kind of thing that's going to make him comfortable, but it's important to point out that the first lady has done this before through her spokeswoman. >> right. >> she has her own opinions and when she feels differently than her husband, she lets that be known. >> phillip rucker, always appreciate you being here, and a great reporting as you know. >> thank you. >> appreciate you giving us all the detail behind it. >> thank you. >> let's bring in our legal analyst, and national security analyst. the one tweet of the reaction to phillip rucker's article it appears to be, is the -- i guess, if you look in the time line, the one where he says and he is alluding to the meeting of his son, and i'll read from this tweet here. it says, fake news reporting a complete fabrication that i'm concerned about the meeting my wonderful son, donald, had in
trump tower. this was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal done all the time in politics, and it went nowhere. i did not know about it. all right. so lots of points there. danny, is he admitting here to something that is conspireing, collusion? >> the statement is very concerning. i don't know if we can put it back up, but there are two significant sentences in that statement. the first is, this is a meeting to get information on an opponent. yes, that can be legal, but not when you are doing it with a foreign power under federal election campaign law. the last sentence is very significant. i did not know about it. why make that statement unless you're aware that the previous statement has some inculpatory effect? unless it incriminates you, why make that statement? and the other statement is what time are you talking about?
did you not know about it that day and you found out about it the next day? or did you not know about it until yesterday? those statements will be parsed out for what they admit and then what they still leave open, but either way, they do contradict what trump jr. has said in the past in testimony, and that could be very problematic, and it could drive a wedge between trump sr. and trump jr. as potential -- i don't want to say suspects, but potential doers. >> frank, your thought here. this has been for those who have been critical of this administration, that word of collusion. the other, "c" word, conspire. how would you build on what danny said there? >> i'm beginning to think the president's attorney should just have a popup veranda warning on the twitter account. the miranda warning, anything
you say can be held against you. he has conceded that he knew at some time -- at some time in chronology, he knew this meeting was not about adoption as he publicly had stated. as he publicly told us, and so he knows different now. when did that happen? what i find more interesting is he has chosen to say, to protect himself. i didn't know about this, but my son did, and the others who attended the meeting. they knew what it was, and then of course, everyone does it. well, no. everyone does not do it. it is a violation of federal election the campaign act if indeed you are soliciting, accepting or receiving and there are the conspiracy aspects that can be brought into this. this is trouble. his attorneys need to say, you need to stop as i'm sure has happened numerous times before. >> you might also ask, he is saying i did not know about it, and now he is saying through this statement he does know about it. it's not only the timing, but how did you find out about it,
and who told him? previously it has been that don junior said he does not recall discussing this issue with the president. >> again, that last sentence quietly arguably admits more than the previous sentence that i did not know about it. there is going to be a temporal inquiry, a time inquiry. when did you learn about it, and adding that you did not know about it, are you admitting that you're at minimum aware that it was a wrong thing to do? whether you are aware of whether or not it was a violation of federal election law or trump jr. was aware it was a violation of federal election law, you're admitting that trump jr. was aware of it. he can certainly act as a answer as to what he perceived his son knowing and everyone else in the meeting knowing at the time, and critical in the next few days will be whether or not we'll get clarification. when did you learn about the
meeting if you didn't know anything about it? >> as we know, there were many in this meeting. it wasn't only don junior. just some of the individuals joining attendance for the trump tower that we know about at the moment. these eight individuals and bob mueller now looking at this tweet. what does he do with it? >> it's significant. it has legal significance, and whether or not mueller ever sits down with trump, i think the significance of this tweet is kw squarely on don junior right now because we have not seen don junior interviewed yet by mueller, and we were wondering why that is. is mueller just saving an indictment up and is that what's coming up? has there been word given to the white house? are they increasingly concerned? is that what's generating this twitter traffic? is it all about don junior? is he facing a possible indictment? something is ratcheting up the
president's anxiety, and particularly about don junior, and i think whatever that is is going to play out in the next week or so. >> yeah. one has to ask is this equivalent to the lester holt firing of james comey? i'm no legal expert, but some will ask that i'm sure in the coming days as we go forward. danny and frank, thank you both. we'll talk again soon on this topic. appreciate it. >> how the president's bound the react to the media's coverage of the tower meeting. we'll have that. s a place on earth ♪ uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ♪ ooh i'm not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! ♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth ♪ yeah! oh, my angels! ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ [ sobs quietly ]
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the president today adamantly denying a report by "the washington post" he is anxious about his son, donald trump jr. getting into legal troubles because of that 2016 trump tower meeting. joining me now, the reporter, and our political reporter for nbc news. ally, we have been watching the report this morning. it starts with a rally in ohio. absolutely fevered up. they are bringing in the troops, talking to his base. we have seen an equal, if i can say this, an equal amount of energy, but now coming out against the press, and also maybe not knowing it. maybe knowing it, that he has potent potentially admitted knowing something about that meeting
with foreign representatives. is this what you are hearing and any response from the white house? >> reporter: richard, no. there is nothing here from the white house, but the idea of the shifting goal post that the president and his legal team have been introducing to this debate is notable and it's something that i think when you look at this, they say, collusion is not a crime, and meeting with political opponents is not a crime. they are trying to redo the rules of the debate. it has no impact necessarily on the legal battle although it does give mueller more fuel to the fire when he is looking at trump's tweets. but in the court of public opinion when the president goes out there and maligns the media who are clearly moving this story forward, you had phil rucker on before with the great piece talking about how the president is reacting behind the scenes and then mounting his public reaction to it in a very strong and forceful way traying -- trying to say, look. the media can't be trusted. i was in tampa earlier this week
and i asked several people that i talked to there, hey. do you think the media are the enemy of the people? to a "t," they all told me yes. i asked why, and they said, they have an agenda and it's different from mine. the idea that facts are shifting and this group of people are willing to look at whatever the president says, and say, i give him the benefit of the doubt and the media are probably lying, fact facts be damned, that's notable when you try to shift the goal post on russia, collusion, and whatever mueller is investigating. >> the president in that very statement that we had on the screen there said, you know, the meeting was legal. that it's just normal in the world of politics, but the difference is in this case is that there is another detail, and that is you are talking about a representative of a foreign power. >> reporter: yeah. absolutely. i mean i think, you know, we have seen the narrative about this meeting shift over the last
year, you know, first it was about adoptions. then, you know, it was definitely about adoptions, but donald trump didn't author the statement saying that, and then yes he did, and then he said, it wasn't about adoptions and then, you know, they're just feeding us these crumbs and saying no, it's something different. it leaves us all to wonder, the next thing is i didn't know about it, and we're left to wonder, you know, you're a micromanager. your chairman -- campaign chairman, son-in-law and son were in the room. did you not know about it? that's the next big question, and when someone comes out and says, i didn't know about it you wonder doth he protest too much? >> the question has been whether it is a defense here, the president is coming after, again, false news, calling it more than those who may have opinions. those who need to correct themselves, but going in the space of using very, very strong
wordings, such as this, you know, enemy of the people. and today he took it even further on twitter saying that he could -- media could cause war, and are very dangerous and sick. so ali, you have been out there, and you have seen this. you have seen what the crowds have done in response to you sitting there and reporting. is the president trying to redirect here as he looks at the heat and this brooding that phillip rucker has co-authored in his piece? >> reporter: again, i think it all goes back to the court of public opinion because i have been on the campaign trail, and then obviously on the campaign trail with trump as president, and over the course of the past three years, the war against the media is not new. he uses it whenever he thinks he has been backed into a corner and and he says the messenger is not to the to be trusted. it makes sense for him to want to malign the media if he is in deep legal trouble, or his son
is. of course, paul manafort is on trial, and this is the president's attempt to redirect, and the white house and the folks around the president is always said this is his direct line to the american people. >> right. >> reporter: it's his direct line the get his opinion out there unfiltered and they take it for whatever he says. when you go to these rallies, they are more than willing to believe whatever the president is saying because he is already invested in them, and put into them this sense that whatever the media is telling them, and they believe that. i asked, do you trust any news media? they said, well, fox, but sean hannity, and the guys during the day are losing me a little bit. fact checking is viewed badly. >> in news specifically, his aides are saying at least on this sunday, kellyanne conway, and john bolton, you're missing a detail.
take a listen. >> i think the president's entire point is this. that we do have a news media that includes some reporters. it really refers to those who aren't always telling the truth, and who are giving emotion over information. >> i think the issue of press bias has been around for a long, long time. there is press bias. people, you know, people get stories wrong, and people are called out for it, and we should be called out if we make a mistake. this is taking it to a completely different level. >> that's the president's view based on the attacks that the media made on him. there have been other administrations that have been highly critical of the press as well. you can go back, i remember john kennel kennedy cutting off the white house scription -- >> it was "the harold tribune." but close. >> i was much younger then. what can i say? this adversary relationship is typical. >> is it typical? >> reporter: no.
certainly not. i think what would be typical is if a white house believes that a story, a particular story in the media is incorrect, they will say, what is wrong. they don't say you're an enemy of the people. that's a different level. this is a deflection. you lash out and redirect when you are backed into a corn per. what's scary to me, is this has a lasting effect. next year, and the year after that, there are lingering effects to telling huge swaths of the american people that you cannot trust the media at all, and i think it's incredibly dangerous to democracy, and i don't think we have seen this play out. >> yeah. i have been speaking with high school students interested in journalism over the last month, and the response has been that very question. what is real news? what does it mean to be a journalist? i think those questions, we'll find out how they decide what the answer is in the coming
years, but it's certainly bringing out that question to these new journalists potentially. thank you very much ali and pema. >> thanks. insulting the intelligence of lebron james, receiving backlash even with his own white house. that's next. this time, it's his turn. you have 4.3 minutes to yourself. this calls for a taste of cheesecake. philadelphia cheesecake cups. rich, creamy cheesecake with real strawberries. find them with the refrigerated desserts.
welcome back. first lady melania trump may not be sharing the same view of the president's recent attacks against lebron james. her spokeswoman issued the first lady's response on the topic saying, looks like lebron james is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation. she would be open to visiting the school in akron that he is sponsoring. let's bring in our author of "sports of the times" blog. right before he goes to ohio, a very important district. this, the favorite son, lebron james, doing good stuff before he moves to los angeles, and he comes out and he says, indirectly and directly in so many ways, not a smart guy, and i don't like him. of course, lebron james not a fan of the president either. what are we missing in this?
>> i think frankly in this case, s subtext is text. there is a racial component to this that seems to me, unavoidable. the president has consistently, frankly, gone after black critics as dumb, as not smart, and even within that has gone after sports stars, black sports stars like this, and it seems to me rather problematic and actually kind of interesting that the president perhaps recalibrating last night, you know, not mentioning -- not going after lebron in the same bay because of course, lebron is a secular saint in ohio even after his departure for l.a. it's also kind of striking frankly, that if you look at that cnn interview, it is largely this very kind of moving account of this, you know, this black man, son of a, you know,
single mom. come out of extreme poverty who has given this extraordinary gift who his hometown, which is a public noncharter school for troubled kids. he has also given $41 million for college scholarships. he has given everybody bikes and helmets because for him, a bike is a symbol of freedom. in fact, he talks about not just the freedom to get out of his neighborhood, but he talks about explicitly, that gave him the opportunity to meet white kids and experience other cultures. you have this moving arc with frankly a kind of, you know, passing mention, not complimentary of trump. i mean, nothing like with what trump replied to in kind, but i find it astonishing that you would see this rather moving account and attack the man's intelligence. >> yeah. and then you also have melania trump which i mentioned who through her spokesperson,
thereafter, at least an energy not in consistency with what the president is saying here, and one has to ask. as the family maybe moves the other way on their own and openly and independently, what does this mean going forward into the midterms? only relevant here because we're talking about a new season as the nfl also kicks off, and what the president might do moving forward and also what the players might do. >> right, and i think that's going to be particularly with the nfl, that's the great unanswered question. what do, again, largely black athletes because it has been the black athletes who have taken the lead in taking a knee and frankly in even just speaking out, what do they do with the nfl season? which as you say, is going to take place within this kind of cauldron of the political season. >> how do we watch the nonblack professional athletes and what have you seen? >> what's been frankly kind of
striking is the extent to which white athletes have absented themselves from this discussion. there has been a few -- >> why? >> i think that's an interesting kind of sociological and cultural question. i think they tend -- >> it's a tough question i know. >> they tend, particularly in football, white athletes tend to be more politically conservative, probably more call the -- culturally conservative. in the nba, that's different. it's a culture of both black and white, sit will and it will be interesting to see. if you see people in the nba, steve kerr from the warriors and popovich from the san antonio spurs speaking out eloquently. there is no analogous experience within the nfl, and that will be really interesting as we go into the season.
>> as the president has at times, at least conflated the very issues that he is expressing in these professional leagues and it is difficult no doubt for these players to be the definers of what somebody is saying when they just want to play a good game, right? >> yes. i think that's true. though, you know, if you are a teammate of colin kaepernick or any of these players, the other hand -- >> right. >> there are two things. one is you have seen them exiled, the leaders exiled from their games. so that's a, you know, a good message to keep your mouth shut. on the other hand, you would think as a teammate that perhaps you would be tempted to speak up and just say, you know, at the very least, these guys should not be exiled from the game. they should not have the president yelling the crowds to fire them. >> all right. thank you so much. appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. still ahead, what president trump's attorneys have to say about this stunning tweet. take a look at this, and how damaging it could be. year, i am sorry about that.
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united states? and we have yet to see it. >> that's jay sekulow, on the trump tower meeting saying these specific words. trump said, quote, this was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal, and done all the time in politics. and it went nowhere. i did not know about it! let's bring in the former dnc chairman, and also the former vermont governor and msnbc political analyst here. governor, we were talking about this earlier with two of our legal analysts and you may have seen that and others this morning about those very words that the president did express today, and the question that has been put out there is does this then mean conspireing, and does -- and/or does it mean
collusion? your thought? >> well, it certainly means collusion. the question is is it conspi conspireing? i'm not a lawyer. i will rely on bob mueller to give his verdict on this. i think it's incredibly interesting that the tv attorney that you had on with the quote earlier tweeted today that his previous statements were inoperative, and more or less he disseminated the information, gotten some wrong information, he didn't say from whom, and what he said last summer was not true. that is what ron ziegler said of president nixon, except he was not a lawyer. jay sekulow could be disbarred and a lot of these people working for trump will be disbarred if he keeps tweeting this stuff. he says there is no collusion, and now he is saying that's not a crime. i think bob mueller will have a different view of that. >> susan? >> on top of it, we always see
donald trump's tweets as the investigations come out, and stories come out in the press he inches a little bit more to the truth. he can't get there 100% because he just never does. he refuses to, but this may be opening up the door for what we think could be another story coming out in the media. again, he believes in repetition, so he just keeps saying, i didn't know about it. i wasn't there which makes me think the more he does it, the more he knew about it and while he wasn't there, it was reported back to him. >> the question is, governor, why now? why might he have gone this far, and we don't know how far this far is yet legally, right? but why did he do this today? >> susan is absolutely right. trump passes when he gives when he has to give and he is in a corner. he was successful in the real estate industry sort of despite his bankruptcy because he could get away with this stuff, where people would just walk away.
they won't walk away. this is the presidency of the united states. this is the most important elected official in the world, and people won't put one this crap, and slowly and slowly, mueller is just checkmating him one careful move by careful move, and trump is finding this is true when he was in the real estate issue. when he finds he is in an untenab untenable position, he has to give. he gives every single time, and i don't think he knows what game he is playing although he may have thought he did when he was elected. >> this is a different set of rules. and susan, supposed to be an 11-day vacation. also get him out in the field, right? get him out there to express and be with his base and feel comfortable and energized. yet the tone some have said so far today based on his statements so far this morning, that the president is not feeling so calm, not feeling so poised as this objective during
the 11-day vacation, and its original intent at least was aimed at. >> no, he is not, and it's because of two things. one, i think we see that as again, media stories come out, the mueller team is getting closer and closer to concluding its investigation with or without mueller. i think it's interesting that rudy giuliani, and the other attorney for the president said we're still working on giving our final bit of advice. that was supposed to happen in april. they have been trying to drag this out. they know that looking at the date, they have about three weeks for this all -- for them to either give the interview or not, and i think the president is just stewing more and more and more, and that's when he is the most dangerous. so he goes out to a rally, he gets spun up by the crowd, and then he just keeps going, and, you know, he is at his golf resort, and it's a dangerous place for the president to be. >> you know, governor, as the president is out there, and he has made this statement, we'll
put that back up again. basically admitting that there was this desire, this objective to get information on an opponent and that he now knows about it. we don't know who told him, when he was told and how he was told, right? is this the equivalent? put in context for us, of that lester holt meeting where the president admits in that interview why he fired james comey? >> this is probably worse. >> worse? >> i think it's worse, and the reason i think it's worse is because i think mueller already knows what the answer to this question is. i always predict this. i said this months ago on msnbc when the president's family is in jeopardy as don junior, and i think jared will be in shortly, that is when trump will get desperate, and he'll lash out and that is what will end this nightmare. the only people that can bring down president trump right now
are the republicans, and at some point, that point is coming very quickly, the republicans will be in jeopardy because of what he does. they have had a lovely right, and they have appointed a lot of right wingers to the bench. sooner or later, they have to throw trump over the side if they want a party that will be viable for the next 50 years. >> susan quickly, your thought? worse or not? >> as far as i'm sorry -- >> as far as the lester holt interview. >> traiactually, i agree with t dwo governor. this is much worse because it puts his son in a position where he lied during a senate testimony. so it's a very dangerous place for don junior to be, and donald trump does have his back up against the wall, and unfortunately i think he is willing to sell -- put anyone under the bus to protect hid own neck. i also agree with the governor. republicans have to stand up. we are about to lose our party. we cannot go into 2020 having
this -- having defended donald trump and this behavior. >> we'll see what the midterms tell you about that behavior. thank you so much, boeft ofmsnb contributor contributors. watergate changed the course, you may remember that. ahead, who will change robert muell mueller's course today? chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. it reduced my urge to smoke to the point that i could stop. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away
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staying on the russia investigation and a new report from "time" magazine. a headline reads this, a lawyer changed the course of the watergate investigation. michael cohen could play a parallel role. it retraces the role of john dean, who was on the counter-investigation of the watergate probe and places parallels between then and what's unfolding now. joining me now is david kaiser, historian and author of that article. he also writes for, and he wrote the book "the road to dallas: the assassination of john f. kennedy." david, lay out the parallels you made in your article for us between john dean and michael
cohen. >> certainly, richard. in both cases we have a laufr f -- lawyer for the president. john dean was a lawyer for richard nixon, michael cohen was a personal lawyer for donald trump. in both cases they came to the attention of the justice department, dean because of the role he had played in really orchestrating the watergate cover-up, as he subsequently admitted. michael cohen for reasons that aren't completely clear, but we do know the fbi raided his office. the key point is that both these men got legal advice of their own and decided it would be in their own interests to cooperate with the prosecutors. dean, as it turns out, had a lot of critical information about the cover-up and about the president's role in the cover-up, including conversations he had had with the president about that, and that was eventually confirmed by tapes. we don't know exactly what michael cohen has, but there is some reason to believe, actually, that he might have a
lot of information about dealings with russia, and apparently his attorney has stated that michael cohen does know that president trump did know about the famous june 9th, 2016 meeting in trump tower in advance, which would be a significant fact. now, it's interesting comparing the two situations which differ in many ways. we learned about watergate because the democrats controlled congress. they set up a committee like the great sam irving, who we certainly could use right now, and all through the summer of 1973, they called witnesses including dean, and the country got intimately acquainted with the story and all the major players. since the republicans control congress at this point and have been 99% loyal to donald trump, we haven't had anything like that. but the facts of these two conspiracies, one conspiracy, one potential conspiracy, are coming out in the same way.
it's interesting, they both start exactly the same way with the break-in of the democratic national committee. >> i want to bring in a little bit of sound here from a journalist that you've heard of before called bernstein known for help on uncovering the watergate scandal. just a little bit, right? let's hear what he said about the trump presidency and what we've seen so far and then i'll get your reaction. >> i think it's time to recognize that what we are watching in the trump presidency is worse than watergate. it's worse than watergate, as i say, because the system worked in watergate. the heroes of watergate were republicans who demanded that the president be held accountable, who demanded that he be transparent, who demanded what did the president know and when did he know it, and who conducted bipartisan investigation that led, in fact, to understanding and finding out what nixon had done. >> quickly here, david, 15 seconds. do you share that view? >> i do share that view, and
even if the democrats get the house back so that they could, in certain circumstances, lead a resolution of impeachment, they won't have two-thirds majority in the senate, so it's hard to see how this president could be forced out of office at this time. >> david kaiser, historian, thank you, sir, for your time and have a good sunday. >> thank you, richard. i enjoyed it. in the next hour, the trump tweet that's set off quite a firestorm. it's the president against lebron james. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? (vo) and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? (vo) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk?
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