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The honorable antonine scalia. He honored 900 Supreme Court decisions. He was a champion of the constitution. Insisting the role of judge s to upholds the meaning of constitution and never to impose own beliefs on the country. The legal philosophy is rooted in americas founding principles and obligations. He never back downed from the bed rock proposition that the constitution means and will always mean what it meant when it was adopted. We honor the giant of Supreme Court. [ applause ] dr. Miriam adelson. Shes a committed doctor and humanitarian. Shes practiced internal and emergency medicine, study and specialized in the disease of narcotic addiction and founded two Research Centers committed to fighting substance abuse. She and her husband established the Adelson Medical Research foundation. As a committed america of the American Jewish committee shes supported jewish schools and birthright israel. If United States is proud to royce dr. Adelson for an incredible year and record of service to the country. [ applause ] [ applause ] Roger Staubach. Hall of fame quarterback Roger Staubach played 11 seasons winning two super bowls with the Dallas Cowboys and making the pro bowl six times. He made his mark on foobtball a the United States naval academy. Soon after graduatine inggradua volunteered to fight in the v m vietnam war. He was a champion for many causes. The United States now honors mr. Staubachs life of service and accomplishment on and off the field. [ applause ] the honorable alan c. Page. [ applause ] justice alan page is an accomplished jurist, athlete. After a successful Football College career he played 15 years in the National Football league with the Minnesota Vikings and chicago bears. He started in four super bowls, named the nfl most valuable player in 1971 and induct into the pro football hall of fame in 1988. He obtained his law degree and practiced law during the off season. After retiring from the nfl in 1981 justice page practiced law fulltime before winning a seat on the minnesota Supreme Court in 1992. He served for more than 20 years. Since 1988, his Page Education foundation has provided scholarships to nearly 7,000 students. The United States proudly recognizes his athletic accomplishments and lifetime of Public Service and philanthropy. [ applause ] George Herman babe ruth junior. Babe ruth played for four baseball teams between 1914 and 1935. He set records that included 714 home runs, 2,873 hits. 2,174 runs and 2,062 walks and he remains unmatched with a. 690 slugging percentage. Babe ruth let the yankees to 7 American League championships and four world series championships. His legacy has never been eclipsed and he remains the personification of americas past time. Off the baseball field he created the Babe Ruth Foundation and tirelessly raised funds for the second world war. [ applause ] elvis aaron presley. He defined the culture to billions of adoring fans around the world. Elvis used gospel, country and rhythm and blues to create a sound of his all selling more than a billion records. He served two years in the United States army. He starred in 31 film, drew record breaking audiences to his show, sent Television Ratings and won 13 grammy nominations. Elvis remains an enduring and beloved american icon. The United States is proud to honor this american legend. [ applause ] i want to thank everybody. These are outstanding individuals. Were so proud to have them represent us so many years. Its a great honor to have everybody with us. Thank you all for being here. This has been extraordinary. Thank you very much. Thank you. [ applause ] please remain seated until the president , mrs. Trump and medalist have departed the east ro room. The president doing with the president is honored to do which is give out the medal of freedom award. Youll note you saw somebody representing babe ruth. Somebody representing elvis. Somebody representing justice antonin scalia. And miriam adelson. Donald trump giving and bestowing upon them the medal of freedom. Its one of those honors that only president s get to do. Its a big deal for those that receive it and its a big deal for the country to see who is on the receiving end of it and what message that sends. Were going to go over to some other breaking news. We have developments in the russia probe along with new legal questions for wikileaks. The president told reporters hes answered a series of questions from Robert Mueller but he has not yet sent them back. On twitter yesterday you said you are agitated about you might be receiving the Mueller Investigation. Im not agitated. Its a hoax. You seemed unhappy with the Mueller Investigation yesterday morning. Its a continuation. There should have never been any Mueller Investigation because there was never anything done wrong and there was no collusion. You would have known about it a long time ago if there was. Have you provided answer sns. About what . Special counsel. My lawyers are working on that. Im working on that. You have to be careful when you answer questions with people that probably have bad intentions. You submitted the answers . I havent submitted them. The president has not yet submitted his answers to mueller. We have been expecting more news of indictments in russia investigation since election day. Half a dozen people in contact with the white house and other Trump Officials say a deep anxiety has started to set in. Mueller is about to pounce after his selfimposed quiet period. In the meantime, potentially related news about wikileaks, an accidental revelation about its founder Julian Assange. We say accidental because thats how we found out about it. Recently unsealed Court Document suggests assange may face federal charges. The paper work was filed in error and discovered by a former u. S. Intelligence official and posted to twitter. The filings says a warrant would need to remain sealed until hes arrested in connection with the charges in the criminal complaint and can no longer evade e void or avoid arrest. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Void or avoid a. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Void or avoid arrest. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Evoid or avoid. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Void or avoid a. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Avoid or avoid. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Dvoid or avoid. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Evoid or avoid. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Oid or avoid ar. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Id or avoid arr. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. D or avoid arre. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. Or avoid arres. What exactly he might be charged with is unclear. It was wikileaks that released hundreds of Clinton Emails just weeks before the election. Prosecutors allude back in july. The special counsel charged 12 russian Intelligence Officers for conspiracy to hack the dnc. It was called Organization Number one. The big question were asking today is what did the accidental filing mean for the russia probe and President Trump . Ken, i want to start with you. First to the president filling out the questions sent to him by Robert Muellers team but hes not yet sent them back. Do we know anything more about what he was asked and how he might have responded and what happens next . We got a road map to what he was asked and the list of questions published by the New York Times. That was confirmed by people close to trumps legal team. The list has a lot of questions about obstruction of justice. Now were being told hes refusing to answer of those questions on the ground that goes into his article 2 power and he can fire james comey and mueller cant investigate that. Thats a deferred issue that i cannot Robert Mueller being dissatisfied on a failure to answer on that account. The president is answering the written questions. We dont know under what circumstances is he answering. Is he answering under a threat of a grand jury subpoena and will this satisfy mueller. We should say this is coming from donald trump. We dont have it from the special counsels office. We cant be clear on whats happening here and whether the special counsel sent anything over and whether trump is sending anything back. Were relying on what the president is saying. Whats your take on the most recent developments with the president . I think it shows that publicly hes trying to send a message that hes still cooperating while also the next sentence undermining the investigation. Hes answering these questions but who knows what will happen when youre doing this with people who have bad intent. Hes setting the stage for whether its his own questioning or other people around him who have been questioned for that. The Mueller Investigation as we all know has been quiet since a couple of months before the mid term. Theres been an expectation among reporters there will be news dropping from the special counsels team. So far we havent gotten any news from them. The president was behaving pretty erratically on twitter the other day and a lot of people who were reading into that and saying does he know something we dont know. Is he reacting to the special counsel and what it might have. Youve done some digging within the white house and within sources close to donald trump, what have you found . I think the people that are in touch with the white house are clearly aware theres a lot of forces that are all colliding here. We have the quiet period that you mentioned and Robert Mueller has done much publicly and now as we move a couple of weeks after. We know the democrats are taking control of congress and they have issue pe subpoena power. They will be able to hand over the transcripts from the interviews that were previously done. Were seeing people are speaking aloud, in donald trump juniors case to people he knows. They expect to be indicted. Donald trump junior indictment would be an earthquake, a huge earthquake, that would cross the lines of President Trump as indicated hes not ready for. Thats maybe what we saw in those tweets yesterday where he was pretty angry. Hes been meeting with his lawyers for the last couple of days and dealing with these questions. I dont think hes happy having to go through and recount even the russia questions with respect to the hacking let alone he hasnt had to deal with the questions regarding obstruction of justice and a big subpoena fight that could come if he resists. Its unclear if it will be related or if it will fold into this investigation is kwhast happ whats happening with Julian Assange. It noticed you filed something at like 4 20 a. M. Makes me wonder if you were up early or hadnt gone to bed yet. What happened with this filing . How did we find out about it and what does it mean . Taking our new puppy to the bathroom. This was a busineizarre occurre that nobody can remember ever happening. A young prosecutor had been assigned to the assange wikileaks. It appears he cut and pasted language from a secret file, charges against assange into this unrelated case. Left assanges name in it. The case was the same. Thats why you would cut and paste. Left his name in the public filing. Filed in the courthouse. It was noticed and the governments response is they havent denied theres charges pending. They said this was done in error. The reason we cant say there are sealed criminal charges against Julian Assange is because its possible this could have been lifted from draft document. What this shows is theres a very advance investigation proceedsing in the Eastern District looking at wikileaks, looking at assange and it may not be related to 2016 election meddling at all. They have been investigating wikileaks for years. It will give Robert Mueller the leverage to try to summon him and get some testimony about what wikileaks did with the trump campaign, if anything at all, for the 2016 election. I want to get into how it could potentially connect with the Mueller Investigation. To do that, were going to go to our legal panel. Thank you guys. John, i want to start with the president and the answers hes going to give to the special counsels office. You worked for Robert Mueller and you know more about him than any of us do. What would likely be contained in those questions and what will Robert Mueller likely accept from the president of the United States . I think Robert Mueller is a man who does his job. He does it according to the law and the rules that have been prescribed to him. I think what youll see is a dedicated, persistent investigation that follows the facts that are necessary to determine whether laws are broken. That includes getting answers in this case from the president. If the president is unwilling to provide answers that are necessary to complete the investigation then they will follow up as is appropriate under the law with whatever tools are available to make sure they run every fact down. Okay. The relation revelation there could be something going on, whats your Immediate Reaction . What is in the facts underline that is a draft or actual indictment or criminal complaint. There sure is a lot out there in the Public Record that would warrant investigation. As you reported at the top of the hour, what you see is already in public charges theres a near 100 Million Dollar russian conspiracy to undermine our elections. Part of that conspiracy the russians used a cut off. Someone operating under a false name. Gu guccifer 2. 0 to provide information to wikileaks. If you look at the timing, theres been strange coincidences where it seems like wikileaks is distributely using information in ways that help russian interest and avoiding stories that would hurt russia. Are they aiding and abetting or conspireing with a foreign power . Thats the standard as to whether or not you might look to bring criminal charges against someone. Victoria, how might this connect back to the Mueller Investigation or how might it affect the Mueller Investigation . I think were getting closer to the president s inner circle. What youve got here is the president likes to talk about collusion but its a charge of conspiracy. Conspiracy simply requires a meeting of the minds. You have shown we have a conspiracy. All that requires is a meeting of the minds and an overt act. We know that roger stone worked with wikileaks already in some way. We also know that there were connections between stone and the inner circle. I expect to see indictments coming down with respect to stone and others based on conspiracy, espionage. We know the russians have been indicted for conspireing to defraud the United States and our election. It doesnt seem too far to see now that we have wikileaks and roger stone together and wikileaks distributed the stolen emails that they are part of an alleged conspiracy. Thank you very much. Were waiting on anymore news to come out of special counsels office. Thank you and happy friday. Still ahead, the desperate search for more than 600 people as multiple wildfires still rage across california. Theres a growing insurgence to derail Nancy Pelosis bid for the speakership. A meeting with one of the democrats who could challenge her. Is it time for someone at the top of facebook to go . I know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance thats the last time. 300 miles per hour, thats where i feel normal. I might be crazy but im not stupid. Having an annuity tells me retirement is protected. Annuities can provide protected income for life. Learn more at retireyourrisk. Org annuities can provide protected income for life. And then, more jobs robegan to appear. What started with one job spread all around. Because each job in energy creates many more in this town. If your moderate to severeor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. I am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Facebook is denying allegations of the company used unsavory tactics to delay, deny and deflect criticism after spreading russian fake news during the 2016 election. In a statement posted to its website, facebook called parts of the times reporting re inin reprehensible and untrue. What is day two like at facebook after the New York Times report . I think theres a lot of employees that are asking a lot of questions and its going to be a long week for facebook. Usually on friday s Mark Zuckerburg does a q and a with staff staff. I expect he will do that today. I imagine all of that is happening today. Cheryl sandberg has talked to one reporter and denied what the New York Times was reporting that they hired a group to try and push back on the facebook protesters, the antifacebook folks. Shes also saying that what we have been hearing from facebook all along is we didnt realize it was so bad and were taking real steps to fix it. This New York Times report goes into great detail about how they purposefully did not look into it. When it was looked into, they got angry at the people that looked into it. It seems to be a culture of cover your own butt. You asked what is the mood inside of facebook today. I think what is so disheartening for the sources that ive talked to is the whole nature of that piece suggests that you delay, deny, you down play the problems you have. You go out and do the same thing over and over again as if to prove the point. You have zuckerberg saying i didnt know about the work they were doing that. That was a blow but the real blow is when Cheryl Sandburg said it herself. She threw her Communications Team under the bus. Seems like shes throwing a lot of people under the bus. The idea shes been intimately involved in the efforts to go after the critics to sort of stave off any sort of regulatory efforts to go after the companys competitors, the idea she wouldnt have known about this. This firm was sending it to the company. Honestly, its so hard to believe that argument and if you do believe that argument, it suggests that both the chief executive and chairman and the chief operating officer dont know whats happening inside their own company. You cant say that the damage is done and we need to move on because the damage continues to be done. Facebook is still being used for and can still be used for with bad actors. With bad intentions. How do you fix the culture. How do you fix the culture like that . Nfixing the culture will be hard. I think facebook has coming up to 30,000 employees around the world. They are getting to the size where theres going to be really hard challenges in bringing people back together at this point. In terms of fixing those problems, they are relying so heavily on technology and thats been their big push and message is this is a human problem but were going to use things like artificial intelligence, machine learning. Were going to prevent this stuff, this bad fake news or hateful speech. Were going to prevent it before it goes up. Thats really challenging thing to do as well. People dont want to hear that technology will handle it. They want to know that Mark Zuckerberg and Cheryl Sandberg care about this themselves. Theres folks that are calling for congressional overnight. Can there be congressional oversight that most members of congress doesnt understand the technology. It changes at such a fast pace. How can congressional oversight work with Technology Company . Youre right. We saw this problem many the wake of 2016 campaign when Mark Zuckerberg finally goes to capitol hill, all of them dont even use facebook. There is one area where its a little bit more in washington wheel house which is this Opposition Research firm where it runs up against Campaign Finance laws. Just before i came on your show a group of senators came forward with a list of questions for facebook and saying we needs answers to these questions. Otherwise you better be on watch. Is it breaking facebook up saying you cant own instagram. You cant have all these things. You get too much information. You have too much influence. Theres monopoly concerns among senators. I think theres monopoly concerns among citizens. Its too much of haul for senators to try to break up these things thats already happened. Facebook will own instagram. The question is can it grow bigger . I guess the answer is look inward and decide whether you want to be a part of it. Whether you want to be on facebook and whether you love instagram. Its tough. Thank you very much. Next up, 17 House Democrats say they do not support nancy pelosi becoming speaker. Why she still thinks shes going to get votes. Going to get votes her antiwrinkle crm in no hurry to make anything happen. 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Im weighing the e mormty of what this job entails, the c constant traveling. Ive had to decide if i want to do this because it consumes your life. Shes done it a shes done it well. Hes already pledged not to support her for speaker. With me now Senior Writer at politico jake sherman also known as the wolf mans brother. Does fudge have a chance of unseating pelosi . I know the National Black caucus wants somebody in one of the top two leadership positions. I dont know if shes going to be that person. Shes not in the race at this moment. Theres a lot of steps include going to the caucus vote. She could try to beat her on the floor. I think that would be unlikely. A bunch of us are feet from here. New members keep coming out of office sounding open to supporting pelosi and we wait for this letter. Theres rumors that a letter of about 18 members who will not vote for pelosi will come out. It looks like they face planting into rock and theyre not releasing this letter. Shes cycling through the Democratic Caucus appearing to, if not lock up votes, convince people shes an alternative that they might consider voting for her. Its stunning. Shes done this for 16 years, quite well, a lot of democrats think, is just locking people up and going fthrough the caucus. Listen we have gotten there far and birds of a feather flock together. I have to ask you this, why is it such a big deal nancy pelosi being speaker of the house . Why is there so much drama s surrounding it . Why was she a big par of the midterms . Why is she a lightning rod for the republicans to use . Whats the big fuss about nancy pelosi . I think theres two things that are true. They seem incompatible. Shes one of most effective speakers of our lifetime. She passed massive pieces of legislation. Some of which were popular. Some turned out no be popular. She raises a ton of money. At the same time shes been the center piece of republican campaigns for a decade. Thats not at question. Some democrats in her orbit argues shes not the issue. Shes just one issue. A will the of democra lot of ran on not supporting her. The question is being put to them. She has well over 100 people in her corner. I think thats the tough decision. Once youre in d. Krcc. , nancy pelosi goes from being a vague idea to a real reality in front of you asking you for your vote and it becomes much harder to say im not with this person. I wonder if max rosen will change your mind after that meeting. You seem to be nodding your head to that. This whole thing is ridiculous. Of course she should be and will be elected speaker of the house by her caucus and by the overall republican shes the most effective liberal legislature of her time. Shes one of engineers of this victory. I understand why situationally some candidates during 2018 said they wouldnt support her. They were trying to appeal to trump voters or republican voters. Some very liberal people who wanted to say no because they think we need to clean the stables in washington the way trump does. Thats not what a speaker is for. A speaker is for getting legislation to the floor and passing it or blocking legislation you dont want. You have to be a bad guy. You have to be tough guy. You have to be willing to be unpopular and unattractive. Pelosi is willing to do that. What shes doing today is staring people in the face and saying are you really going to cast some superficial vote against me when you have no idea whether anybody else will have the skills to do this job. Would republicans love it if she wasnt around . Is she that effective . I think shes pretty effective. They might love having her around because it helps rally the base. I dont think the base needs that much rallying. Donald trump is their rallying person. Yeah. I dont think shes a whipping boy in the same way that other people on capitol hill have been for the opposition. You hate it when youre effective. I guess thats the point. Guys, its friday. Thank you. California Authorities Say they are now looking turning to a horrible story for more than 600 people still unaccounted for. Were going to go to california and be there live as recover tr teams are searching the remains. Firefighters are still struggling to contain more flames across the state. Ain more flames across the state. The new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . At fidelity, our online u. S. Equity trades are just 4. 95. So no matter what you trade, or where you trade, youll only pay 4. 95. Fidelity. Open an account today. Youll only pay 4. 95. If your moderate to severeor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. 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With new car replacement, if your brandnew car gets totaled, Liberty Mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Lets go to the southern border where more than 5,000 u. S. Troops are stations. The white house says the troops are a human wall to defend the boarder from an invasion of Central American migrants. The first of those arrived last night to wait in line skanand a the u. S. For asylum. No, they did not storm the border. They actually they waited in line. And theyre not anywhere near nogal nogales, arizona, where more than 1,000 troops are stationed. Joining me from tucson, arizona, Julia Ainsley who were just with those u. S. Service members stationed at the border. Julia, whats going on . Why are there a thousand troops down there when the caravan is going to tijuana and when theyre not storming the border but theyre standing in line . Thats the question that led me down here. Im inside tucson, arizona. Behind me you see rows and rows of tents to set up for troops to spend the night out here. In late october this was an empty dirt field. You can see how quick this deployment was. Yesterday i had the opportunity to speak to these solders who are going down to nogales to see the work theyre doing. Theyre hanging concertina wires and building barricades, two container shipments on top of each other then they roll in the wire and they are building these, most of them are just sitting in a warehouse waiting till the day where cbp customs and Border Protection may call them to block these border crossings inn case an invasion became so huge that immigrants started strolling through the cargo lanes by foot. That seems unlikely that something we rould rarely see and it seems especially unlikely here in arizona because, as you pointed out, they are headed toward california, not california. But the soldiers i spoke to reinforced theyre here at the direction of dhs which is at the direction of the president , theyre not getting into politics. Theyre not getting into politics. The president was all about this caravan and making sure that he was going to protect the border but julia we havent heard him talk about it since the elections. It was clearly just a midterm issue meant to rile up his base, from your reporting at dhs, from your reporting within this camp youre in, how is it looking from the inside . How is the president s rhetoric looking from the inside . The inside we have people here who in less than a week will spend thanksgiving away from their families. Were told theyll get a full meal, they wont eat the mres. But the president has dialed back on the rhetoric and some unnamed military visuals have been focal about the fact that they dont think they were be part of the president s political ploy though i will think well see the strategies theyve been pushing out besigned the scenes. Thats to make it illegal for anyone to claim asylum outside of ports of entry which will create a greater backlog in arizona. Julia, aung very much. The number of people missing in the devastating Northern California wildfires has doubled to more than 600 people. Officials say its likely some of them escaped to safety and dont realize they are on the list but the death toll stands at 63 and there are worries it could rise as cadaver dogs and recovery teamings search what was left behind in paradise, california, specifically. Join me from chico, california, is nbc news correspondent steve patterson. Steve, youve been up there a week now. A lot of folks that are unaccounted for, theres hope they just dont realize it but i imagine folks are steeling themselves for the worst. Theres an unfortunate level of expectation when that number was read, it threw a lot of people that are covering this off guard. I think reporters arent used to covering an entire town thats been completely destroyed but the people who saw the firestorm and know the Community Well well say that number doesnt surprise them. So whats happening now is there is a lot of people staying in the shelters. Were at a red cross shelter right now. About 180 people are here as we speak and weve been finding folks looking for their loved ones. You can see them posted on the board. Look at the amount of names on the list. One name, Sheila Santos, right here. And standing right below her is her daughter tammy kinike. You said you drove from ohio to search for your mom. You also had other missing family members. What has this been like for you . Its crazy. When i got the call i left friday night. Had to stop, bad weather were missing four. On the next day we found one at the shelter and the next day which was sunday we found the other two so this is who is left. 15 family members who lost their homes. Four were missing. Their names are here. Youve crossed off some of your names so these names are names of your family that you found and up here as well. And the only one thats not is the one circled which is your mother, Sheila Santos. What is your hope. Where do you think she is . I dont know. We hope shes safe in a shelter at someones house somewhere but the longer it goes the harder it is to keep that hope but we keep trying and that missing number keeps going up and up and up, 600 i think the last, 631 and thats a lot of families. I cant imagine how youre feeling are you scared . Right now i just want to know. We need to know one way or another. Its not know knowing thats killing us. Hopefully they can figure this out. Hopefully she see this is, maybe shes at a house and doesnt have a phone. We just need to find her. And that is the hope that Sheila Santos is watching this right now as we speak. Again, this is the fear from so many looking for their loved ones, back to you. Give that woman a hug, steve. I cant imagine how many more out there like her looking for their family members. Steve patterson, that you can again. Well be right back. Youll onl. Fidelity. Open an account today. To severe Rheumatoid Arthritis was intense. My moms pain from moderate i wondered if she could do the stuff she does for us, which is kind of, a lot. And if that pain could mean something worse . Joint pain could mean joint damage. Enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop irreversible joint damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. 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Not only did he confirm hes been working to answer written questions from special counsel Robert Mueller but suggested hes doing it on his own. It didnt take very long. They were my answers. I didnt need lawyers to do that. You need lawyers for submittal and to go over some of the answers but theyre not very difficult questions. The president said he has to be careful calling the questions tricked up as part of an effort to get him to perjure himself

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