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Bader ginsburg. Chief Justice John Roberts made the announcement last night. She was a jurist of historic stature. He added today we mourn and confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We remember her a tireless champion of justice. Pete williams takes a look back on her life and legacy. Reporter Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of the u. S. Moderate to liberal members. A lawyer and judge and justice. She believed the constitution guaranteed women greater rights. Over the course of now over two centuries, it has grown and developed some more and more people are included in the concept, we the people. Reporter rejected after law school for a clerk ship because she was a woman, she started her career as a law professor. Arguing a string of cases before the Supreme Court that made it easier to sue for sex discrimination. It was president carter who appointed her to be a federal judge. Clinton put her on the Supreme Court. It contributes to the end of the days when women, at least half the talent pool in our society, appear in high places only as one at a time performers. Reporter at her confirmation hearing, she stated her support for the right to abortion. This is something central to a womans life and to her dignity. Reporter as a justice, she voted to uphold abortion rights. She wrote the courts opinion putting an end to the menonly policy at vmi. Saying it was based on outmoded stereotypes. She joined the court in striking down the Death Penalty for july 4th july 4veniles. Welcome Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Reporter she was nicknamed rbg and featured in a movie. I am 84 years old and Everyone Wants to take a picture with me. Reporter she married martin ginsburg. She received practical advice on her wedding day. It pays, mother said. It pays sometimes to be a little deaf. I have followed that advice with only occasional lapses. Not only at home, but in the places i have worked. And even in relating to my colleagues at the Supreme Court. Reporter a passionate opera fan. Regular check ups and Early Intervention helped her recover from three surgeries. Doctors inserted a stent after a blocked heart artery. Then new rounds of treatment and hospital stays. Now the liberal justice is gone. Pete williams, nbc news, at the Supreme Court. Pete will join us in a moment from washington. Quite an outpowering this t outpouring this morning at the Supreme Court. Joining us is the White House Correspondent and senior fellow at the brookings institution. Welcome. Good morning. Ann, let me start with you on this. Talk about the impact of rbg that she had on the court that we are watching and the country in general. As you can see the impact in the photos. She was only the second woman to join the court after sandra day oconnor. For the long time it was just the two of them. She was a path breaker before she got to the court and on the court. I covered the court for a few years right at the beginning of not her tenure, but after she had been on the court for seven years. At that time, she was a force in oral arguments as she continued to be. Even as he got older and frailer. Her voice was never frail. Nor her views and her willingness to speak up and interrupt the lawyers who argued. She wrote very powerful, sweeping opinions. She was powerful in dissent. She saw in her confirmation hearing stating her views on aborti abortion. That is something candidates have been reluctant to do since. They see it as a poison pill issue. She was really the last one to say it that forthrightly. How has ginsburgs work affected your career . Im not a lawyer. Im a legal journalist. This is a woman who at every stage of her career had an incredible impact on the law as an activist and advocate. As a scholar and then as a judge and then as a justice. This is one of the giant figures in the history of american law. She is, you know, ironically, she was one of the people who had the quiet demeanor. She was a small person and she was on the face of it the opposite of charismatic. She has become among the courts kind of Popular Culture rock star which must have been surprising to her. You know, it is very hard to imagine american legal culture without her. She is one of the truly giant figures in the last 100 years of not just the court, but legal culture. Okay. Not even 24 hours after Justice Ginsburgs death, the conversation has turned about how it will play out in the senate. What can we expect from Mitch Mcconnell . I think, leader mcconnell told us what to expect last night. He intends to bring a nominee to the floor and vote on it. A nominee of President Trumps choice. That means whether or not trump is electred, mcconnell says if trump is defeated in january or dawn of the second term, if he wins, he will have named a new justice to the court. This, of course, is in contrast to what happened right before the last election when we had a vacancy. Ginsburgs friend Antonin Scalia said that will be which is what he did not want to do then. Have a vote on a nominee of a potential lame duck president. Benjamin, do you see this as risky for Mitch Mcconnell . Lets say he goes forward with taking a vote on President Trumps nominee. Do you think that will end up hurting the gop come november . So, first of all, before we get to the Political Risk or benefit, i want to say it is disgusting. You know, Mitch Mcconnell did not wait two hours after the death of one of the titanic figures of american law in order to gleefully rub his hands together with the political benefit he might accrue to himself and his Political Party as a result of it. I think there was something just deeply disrespectful of her life and something ghoulish about it, frankly, that you cant even get 24 hours to discuss the legacy of this woman. You cant get a brief period before the Senate Majority leader declares war in order to do precisely the thing that he would have denied or did successfully deny president obama the ability to do under much more fraught circumstances. Before we talk about the political benefits and who wins and loses can we say what mcconnell did yesterday was very wrong . You know, unbe fittifitting hise and institution. That said, i dont think he can get this done before the election. You know, i actually dont think hell try. I think his effort will be to do it in a lame duck session after the election. The reason is that i dont think he will want to put his own members in the situation where they have to not be campaigning in their states, but engaged in a fracas and contentious nomination and confirmation process right before the election. The play that he is likely to do is to try to do it after the election, but before the inauguration. That would be my guess. You know, hes a hold on. I want to get anns opinion. Do you have any reaction to what he said . I think ben is right on what is likely to happen next which is that we get a name of a nominee which allows republicans to campaign on the idea that theyve got another court pick coming. Promises made. Promises kept argument that President Trump and Mitch Mcconnell both like to make. The senators wont have to vote on the nominee until after the election. You know, certainly the statement from Mitch Mcconnell was swift and it was very direct. He was saying exactly what he was going to do. Also a statement from President Trump which was very gracious. Talked about putting flags at half staff and the life and legacy of Justice Ginsburg. He did not talk about what will happen next. Anne, thank you. Ben, well said. Lets get 24 hours. Cant we have 24 hours . To honor this woman who deserves more than 24 hours based on her legacy. Thank you. We heard from President Trump and Vice President biden on the passing of Justice Ginsburg. How this could take shape. What republicans are saying about it before the vote on november 3rd. E vote on november 3rd of us. We buy a new home, and we turn into our parents. What i do is help new homeowners overcome this. What is that, an adjustable spanner . Good choice, steve. Okay, dont forget youre not assisting him. You hired him. If you have nowhere to sit, you have too many. Who else reads books about submarines . My dad. Yeah. Oh, those are progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. Look at that. I do motivational speakingld. In addition to the substitute teaching. I honestly feel that thats my calling to give back to younger people. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. 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The more you yes and no, the more we get you. We will build a shoppable feed thats so you. No two feeds are alike. This is shopping made genius. Download the app and shop in a whole new way. More reaction now yover the passing of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Bill clinton appointed ginsburg to the high court in 1993. Writing overnight. We have lost one of the most extraordinary justices ever to serve on the Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburgs life and landmark opinions moved us closer to a more perfect union. Her powerful dissents remind us we walk away at our peril. President george w. Bush writing laura and i join our fellow americans in mourning. Ginsburg loved the country and the law. Laura and i are fortunate to know the smart and humorous trailblazer. And obama paying tribute to Justice Ginsburg. Called on Senate Republicans to wait to fill the seat until after inauguration day. A basic principle of the law and even day fairness is we apply rules with consistency and not based on what is convenient or advantageous in the moment. The rule of law and fundamental workings of democracy depend on the basic principle. President trump weighing in on the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg overnight. Ordered the flag at the white house and government buildings to be flown at half staff. Below the shot there is geoff bennett. Geoff, good morning. The president s reaction last night after he got off the stage. Did he have anything else to say overnight . Reporter the president tweeted a statement where he referred to the justice as a tig titan of the law. It has added a new layer of urgency over the outcome of the election. Trump and biden learned of her passing on the campaign trail last night. President trump reacting with surprise over the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg friday night. Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. She just died . Yes. Wow. I didnt know that. You are telling me now for the first time. She led an amazing life. What else can you say . She was an amazing woman. Whether you agreed or not, she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life. Actually im saddened to hear that. Im upset to hear that. Reporter as word of her death sent shock waves around the country, the president was speaking at a Campaign Rally in minnesota. Unaware of ginsburgs passing. As a supporter shouted the news. The next president will get one, two, three or four Supreme Court justices. I had two. Many president s have had none. Because they are there for a long time. Ginsburg is dead. Ruth Bader Ginsburg stood for all of us. Reporter democratic president ial nominee joe biden speaking to reporters after returning from his Campaign Trip to minnesota on friday. We should focus on the loss of the justice and her enduring legacy. There is no doubt, let me be clear, the voters should pick the president and the president should pick the justice are for the senate to consider. Reporter ginsburgs death sparking historic and heated political battle. With Senate Majority leader mcconnell vowing to move forward with President Trumps nominee to succeed her. Offering the president a chance to cement a right tilt of the Supreme Court for a generation. And with the election less than two months away, mcconnell says the senate will act to fill the vacancy. Although he spent most of 2016 denying a confirmation hearing to merrick garland. Former president obamas pick left vacant by the death of Antonin Scalia. Among the looming questions when. Will republicans try to push this forward before or after the election . This becomes fraught if republicans lose control of the white house and senate in november. Geoff bennett live at the white house. Thank you. Lets get reaction from joe biden. Mariana sotomayor has more. Reporter lindsey, you her him say he wants the voters to vote. Whoever is the president elect should fill that seat. Biden has had a history with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He was Senate Judiciary chairman who oversaw her nomination hearings. Take a listen when he was remembering her last night. It is hard to believe it is my honor to preside over her confirmation hearing. I got to meet her at the time and she and her ascenciascensioe Supreme Court. She was a voice for everyone. You know, she never failed. She was fierce and nonflinching of her pursuit of the civil and legal rights of everyone. Reporter you know, biden has said he is not going to release a list of Supreme Court nominees that he could tap to the Supreme Court. He has pledged that if he has the opportunity to be elected, he would put a black woman on the Supreme Court. Lindsey and kendis. Marianna, thank you. The stage is set for a colossal battle with the vacancy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We have kasie hunt here with more. Mitch mcconnell telling his colleagues to keep your powder dry. What does that mean . Reporter so the Washington Post reported overnight that mcconnell has reached out to his conference to essentially say dont get out of ahead of yourself. If you are not sure, dont say anything. If you think you oppose this, keep it to yourself. Now, you know, we will see if his Conference Goes along with that. I think in the big picture, this und underscores just what a moment this is for Mitch Mcconnell. Just what the stakes are. It also illuminates the strategy he will follow here. You have to understand mcconnells career has been focused around the courts. He has been working on putting President Trumps nominees on District Courts and lower judgeships for the past several years. He also, of course, has pushed through two of President Trumps nominees. Including brett kavanaugh. H his other focus is keeping the senate in republican hands. That is what this is about. That is what this strategy is about. Were hearing early indications from sources and as i have been talking to republicans thinking through this, this takes place in the context of an Election Campaign where President Trump has been running behind joe biden and Many Republican senators up for reelection have been running behind donald trump in a lot of polling. If you look at swing states like arizona or north carolina, President Trump is behind joe biden, but the republican senators are further behind. What does this potentially do . The Supreme Court is an emotional issue for voters. It divides people in very traditional partisan ways. We know President Trump is not a traditional candidate. There are a lot of people who only are trump voters. We see this in the polling. They dont necessarily care one way or the other about down ballot republicans. They are trump supporters. There are so Many Republican voters who have been religious voters voting republican their entire lives. This is a reason for them to get to the polls in november. Mitch mcconnell knows that. This is a potential political lifeline for the republicans up for reelection. What does that mean . Thats why were starting to hear that mcconnell may actually not hold a vote on the floor until after the election. You note his statement did not say he would commit to holding this vote before election day. That would mean this would still be a live issue going to the polls. Martha mcsally and tom tillis. You have to send me back. The control of the court on is the line. That is his thinking here. The big picture reality is that moving forward this way is just incredibly combustible for a senate that is incredibly divided. You will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg was confirmed to the court with 93 yes votes back in the 1990s. This is how we used to do things. That has been slowly falling apart. It was really collapsed just in the last five to six years. Merrick garland was a seminal moment. Obamas nominee in the 2016 was under way and mcconnell refused to confirm him because it was an election year. Democrats have never forgotten that. That is the lesson. I think we are in for some potentially very difficult times in the u. S. Congress here in the next few weeks. Kasie, hang for a second while we bring in chuck todd. He is joining us as well. Chuck, good morning. Kasie just talked about the rough couple of weeks or months ahead, no doubt. It creates a very critical situation for many democrats. You had Chuck Schumer four years ago saying the president s nominee, even in an election year, deserves to have an up and down vote. Of course, this year, he would not be saying the same thing. Who does this hurt politically . Look, i think that right now republicans will believe that this is as kasie described it. A lifeline. Senate republicans and also President Trump. I think he has tried everything to change the focus of the campaign away from the virus at the end of the day or away from social justice. He is trying to steer it to other issues. He will go allin on this court pick. I think essentially try to make it the focal point. Every time he has done that before, the virus had a different pattern and forced the campaign back on focusing on it. Ill tell you this, it is interesting. The left on one hand, you could say how much more energized . The amount of fund raising overnight that act blue. The Democratic Fund raising arm online that takes money and distributes it to different campaigns. A lot of people mourning the passing of Justice Ginsburg on the left seem to dump or donate a lot of money to democratic candidates. I think you will see a super charge on the left in the way we have not seen in a long time. I will say this. I think there is risk here on the right. Look at how quickly the United States senate and Senate Majority leader is orchestrating a confirmation hearing and potential vote. Where are we on Coronavirus Relief money . What will it look like to the voters . I think the likelihood that the right overreaches with this in the coming days is pretty high and that could boomerang in a big way. Kasie, we heard from merklis murkowski saying she would not support a vote before the election. Do we know where others are in races . Susan collins and Lindsey Graham . Reporter this question is why Mitch Mcconnell advised folks to keep their produowder. I and many will ask the question over the next couple weeks. They know that. This is why he wants them to keep their powder dry. It is important to remind people. Lisa murkowski made the comments before we heard the news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg with the interview with reporters in alaska. With that said, she did suggest and others have as well, Chuck Grassley said he would be uncomfortable moving forward. Lindsey graham will take a different posture on this. They would need four republicans to break with Mitch Mcconnell in a vote for a President Trump nominee to be defeated. For those of us who covered this process in the past, that is an incredibly difficult place to be and with an issue you that is so critical to all Republican Voters essentially and those uncomfortable with President Trump. It is very difficult to see how that adds up. I think it is clear mcconnell has a broader problem going on in his conference. There are deep concerns about doing this this way. There are very deep concerns about President Trump that no one feels they can voice in public still. We obviously documented that carefully throughout the trump administration. This is the highest profile and highest pressure moment of all, perhaps. Who knew in a year when they voted to impeach the president we would have something to say like that. There will be a lot of pressure on republicans. You will see them not say very much about this. At least in the next couple weeks until it becomes more clear how this is going to play out. Chuck, what is the plan for the democrats in all of this . Yes, there are some folks who dont do a vote or nomination before the election. They do it in a lame duck. Republicans do it in a lame duck session of congress. We had folks this morning saying democrats have to fight. If they win the senate, pack the courts. Will they do that . Can they do that . Look, theres been lots of talk about the idea. I think a progressive dream out there that democrats get the senate and they get rid of the filibuster. They come up with ways to expand the court. There are some that would like to see a push like that. Heres what i think is realistic. I think if the timing everybody realizes. My guess is mcconnell will try to get a confirmation hearing. That would again take up time and they believe any focus on the court nominee, they believe, is better for them in the last five weeks of the campaign than a focus on the virus. Look, i think the lame duck vote will depend on the outcome of both senate races. What is the new makeup going to be and the president ial race . If this thing is up in the air, say, in the lame duck for a couple of weeks, you know, thats one scenario. The most likely scenario is i doubt if there is a democratic president elect. If biden wins and the lame duck still being republican control, i certainly believe Mitch Mcconnell will make an effort to confirm. I dont think he will have the votes. There will be few uncomfortable confirming a losing president s Supreme Court justice. I think any chance at the end of the day, realistically, whoever wins the presidency is going to get this court pick. Republicans may say otherwise. Democrats may go back and forth. Realistically, that is the time sd line were on. At the end of the day, thats how many votes will be there for Mitch Mcconnell depends on who wins the presidency. Quickly, this is not going to be and chuck is right about this. We will talk about three to four moderate republicans. If it plays out the way chuck outlined, you could look at a private, not public, private ground swell to force Mitch Mcconnells hand. That is what he is working hard to avoid. As democrats plot strategy, that is how they look at this. Put pressure on the republicans in a way that instead of angering them and making it partisan divide, it is effective. A tricky line to walk. I think there is an opening. Creating a little opening. Kasie hunt and chuck todd. Live for us in washington, d. C. Sorry it is under these circumstances. Come back now, you hear . Good to see you. While we were talking to those guys, we have this coming up. What is a growing memorial. Immediately after the news last night that rbg passed on, within an hour shots outside the Supreme Court. People just started gathering and placing flowers out there. Singing Amazing Grace and the mourners kadish. The first night of Rosh Hashanah and yelling the initials of rbg out there. A lot of people feeling this loss and doing anything they can. So much of the conversation has been about the political implications. It is important to remember the true loss that so many are feeling and mourning. Thats expressed also by the morning papers. The wall street journal paying tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a pioneer in pursuit of womens rights. The New York Times said she was a progressive who turned dissent into victory. And the Washington Post. A pioneer looking ahead to equality. The New York Daily News called it a supreme loss. This is particularly sad for those who worked closely with Justice Ginsburg. Including our next guest who hosted celebration of her work two years ago. I tell the audience that the chief in charge of this panel d ere julia metzger. I believe october of 97. A while ago. It was a year after the vmi case. A year after the vmi case. Julie metzger. She was Justice Ginsburg former law clerk. Interesting to see you there as columbia. She has quite a history in columbia. I noticed her first writeup in the times was because of the history she made there. She does. She played such an Important Role both in the law, but also in columbia and in teaching there and being always a true daughter of columbia and coming back for events. She was brooklyn born. Flatbush area. Gillian, give me a sense. You knew ginsburg well and interacted with her over the years. When you first heard the news at 7 30 last night, what emotions did you go through . I was incredibly sad. The personal and sense that she is no longer with us, but knowing how hard she was fighting and how committed she was to working and how hard she had been fighting her illness. It was a very, very sad moment. Do you have any personal anecdotes of somebody who worked with her closely that you can share with us . Wow. So many. Its been, as i mentioned at the beginning of the program, a quarter century now. Lots of things. So, you know, one thing and im sure there are many clerks to recall this. You come into the office and you think you are getting a step on the day. It was probably 7 30 in the morning when you were getting in and you would have messages on voicemail from the justice dated at 4 00 a. M. Talking in detail of something you had given her late the night before. That incredible work ethic that she had. You would always get the buzzer from the justice and you come in and she was always way ahead on everything. Sounds like you didnt get a lot of sleep when she was your boss. The other thing that i think people dont necessarily focus on is they focus on the positions she took and they recognized how carefully and powerfully she articulated ideas. I dont think people necessarily understood how much attention and care she gave to every word she wrote. She crafted those opinions. Every comma she focused on. You learned from that about the power of the word and the power of thousahow to articulate idea clearly and the way they would resonate. I think the celebrations of the justice you are seeing everywhere is because she put so much effort into speaking her vision of justice and an equality and making it available through the care about the words she used. I have been in the chambers to hear some cases argued in front of her and her questions are not only staying and very direct. No uses of um or ah or whatever. It is complete sentences and with making very good use of her time in those questions. As i go and say um. In her final Public Statement dictated to her granddaughter about her replacement. What do you make of that . You know, she was speaking to her granddaughters in a very unique way to them and thinking about her legacy. You know, i focused on everything she wrote over her extraordinary career. All of which were the words of the justice and the kinds of hopes for equality she had. In some ways, it is both inspiring, but also a little sad we are still fighting on so many fronts for the basic values of equality. Womens equality and racial equality and justice that she was committed to in her career. I think that weighed heavily on her. Well said. Gillian metzger, thank you. We are continuing to honor the life and legacy of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Andrea mitchell knew her professionally and personally. She joins us next to share some of those memories. Some of those memories. When you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. 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Her love of music is something she shared with Justice Scalia which bound them together. Of course, his sense of humor, she told me a couple of years ago when we were talking about how that was forged when they were both on the Circuit Court of appeals here in d. C. Before she was elevated to the high court before they both were. And he used to say things quietly from the bench to her and crack her up and see if he could make her laugh, which he did. So even though they were polar opposites politically, they had a love of opera and the love of their private jokes. She and her husband martin and the scalias spent new years eve together. That was their time together outside of the court. She was someone who was really a citizen of the world, but the fact she became a celebrity and feminist icon, certainly among women, and women scholars and legal experts long before becoming rbg. She developed a following among younger women. It amused her. She said famously she was in her 80s and people wanted to take a picture with her. They lined up to take pictures with her. The tshirts and mugs. Bobblehead dolls. Tattoos. And incredibly. Why would someone want to change their body permanently . Thats not something she understood. She was close with a lot of people on the court. She said that one of the things that marked her belief was in collegiality. She has always worked on the court. In this era, it has been that they get along so well across party lines. So many people recognizing that appeared out at the steps hours after Justice Ginsburg died last night. I believe you were out there as well, andrea . I was not out there. We were all working here. Okay. I was watching it with such joy. I saw you close to the photo line. I did post a photo of it. It was so moving to see this responsible t spontaneous outpouring. We have seen it at times in celebration and mourning. This was unique. The steps of the court with rival protests in the past over these difficuevicivisive decisi. Here was the outpouring of affection. According to our reporter there, people were first crying and gradually starting singing Amazing Grace and singing imagine. America the beautiful. Then even the mourners kadish. On the first night of the Rosh Hashanah. They were chanting the traditional way that jewish people mourn and especially on the high holiday. It is an important way to remember the dead and remember legacy. Her legacy personally and, of course, her legal contributions were just impossible to imagine that women would have succeeded as far as we have come and not far enough without Ruth Bader Ginsburg before her years on the court. Many arguments before the lower courts and when she was a judge on the Circuit Court. Her record in her legal career from the day she got out of law school was phenomenal. We appreciate your time and your personal insight as well and professional insight into Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Thank you. Aboutface. Senator Mitch Mcconnell promising to hold a vote on the next Supreme Court justice, but one republicans words may come back to haunt him. Youre clearly someone who takes care of yourself. So when it comes to screening for colon cancer, dont wait. Because when caught early, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your prescriber if cologuard is right for you. Im on it. Thats a step in the right direction. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mitch Mcconnell set off what is likely to be a fierce political battle on capitol hill. Mcconnell said he will allow a vote to fill the courts vacancy on a nominee made by President Trump even as were 45 days out from the election. Joining us now is Susan Delpersio from the lincoln project, and bazel sha mi eshgb. In 2016 they refused to hold a hearing on the democratic nominee, merrick garland. I want to play what was said back in 2016 this is the last year of a lame duck president , and if ted cruz or donald trump get to be president , they all asked us not to take up a selection by president obama. If they can see it occur in their last year, you use their words against them. I want you to use my words against me. You can say Lindsey Graham said lets let the next president whoever it might be make that nomination and you can use my words against me and you would be absolutely right. Iny well be hearin nthink w lot of that. How are they going to walk back from that . Theyre not. Theyre going to move forward and do a disservice to the american public. Actually as they did in 2016 because there was enough time with scalias passing in february for president obama to appoint a justice which i think he should have been able to do. But i think looking forward, mcconnell is in a very difficult situation. He was intentionally vague about when the senate would conduct a hearing to approve trumps appointee to the Supreme Court. I dont think hell be able to do it before the election, and i think the reason is how are they possibly going to do that and not do anything on covid19 funding . Thats going to be a very difficult walk for a lot of incumbents who are in tough positions and Mitch Mcconnell could lose his job over it. Before putting President Trump first, he will put himself first. I want to talk about that Lindsey Graham clip there. I could hear the 30 or 40second commercial from Jamie Harrison. They are in a tie race. Even if they move forward and ignore what was said in 2016, hes up for a tight race in 45 days. Thats true. My friend and colleague Jamie Harrison i think would do Something Like that. I can hear the commercial already. But this is the point for Lindsey Graham and other republicans, it doesnt matter. They have a base theyre trying to appease. I think judges more so than i cant say more so, but judges excite and motivate the Republican Base in ways that it probably doesnt on a democratic side historically, though that could change in this election. And i would also say, you know, for republicans, you know, you have senators murkowski and collins who might be able to democrats might be able to pull away from the republican vote, potential republican vote, same thing with mitt romney. I dont know thats going to happen. You know, its taken on average0 days to confirm a Supreme Court justice. I think Justice Ginsburg had the least amount of days at 50, so its unlikely to finish before the election. So youre talking about whether or not the republicans can change the conversation by engaging in the process. Change the conversation to not talk about covid19 or racial unrest and to focus on an issue that highly motivates the Republican Base. Susan, before we let you both go, do you want to respond to that point, that it might be advantageous for mcconnell to wait until after the election and drum up the base . I think hell have to. To follow up on one other thing, the republicans wanting to change the conversation from the coronavirus, i think it will be very interesting to see what donald trump will do on his rhetoric about absentee voting. Because it is a generational thing that will motivate voters to the polls. If older voters do not feel safe going to the polls, they need to feel comfortable voting absentee. Thats where donald trump is hoping to get every last vote. I could keep an eye out for that. Well leave it there. Thank you both. Thank you. Thank you for watching as we take a look at those photos, the images coming from the Supreme Court. Its just about 8 00 a. M. Many mourners continuing to show up right there at the steps of the Supreme Court to leave some flowers and personal notes. Well be back tomorrow at 6 00 a. M. Coming up next on velshi, new reaction to the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He will talk about Lily Ledbetter of the ledbetter fair pay act and her connection to rbg. I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The antes been upped. To lead the charge. Good had to be amazing. And amazing had to become the expectation. The drivers feel it every time they get in. The power. Has shifted. Its time for theraflu hot liquid medicine. Powerful relief so you can restore and recover. Theraflu hot beats cold. And im still going for my best. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. 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It is saturday, september 19, im ali velshi. Ruth Bader Ginsburg died last night at the age of 87 due to complications from pancreatic cancer. She passed away surrounded by her family at home in washington, d. C. A private Interment Service will be held at afrlrlington nationa cemetery. Last night dozens of mourners gathered on the steps and in front of the steps of the Supreme Court to pay tribute. Ginsburg was first appointed to the federal judiciary by former president jiminy carter in 1980 for a seat on the u. S. Court of appeals. In 1993, former president bill clinton elevated her to the job of a lifetime, an appointment to the

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