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Loyalty. Heavens, this comes as the president s legal wows are beginning to multiply. Prosecutors now investigating his Inauguration Committee for alleged misuse of funds and a new court filing reveals the President Trump was reportedly in the actual room during a hush payment negotiation ahead of the 2016 election. That is a wow. And one week more, seven days away from a government shut down. A deal to keep the government open seems less likely. Just think about what that is going to do to federal workers before christmas. This as the senate comes to an ingredient on something, passing a resolution to end support of the yemen war while at the same time calling out saudi arabia for killing jamal khashoggi. Were going fo begto begin with Michael Cohen, insisting that the president knew they were wrong and the payments were made to protect his campaign. Whats more, cohen suggests that mueller, hes got evidence to prove all of it. I have a great team to break all of this down. First, lets dig a little bit deeper into exactly what these two men have been saying because only one of them can be telling the truth and all of this misinformation is hurting all of us. I want to play parts of these two interviews, President Trump on fox news, and Michael Cohen on abc so you at home can see how their two stories line up. I never directed him to do anything wrong. Whatever he did, he did on his own. Hes a lawyer. A lawyer who represents a client is supposed to do the right thing. Thats why you pay them a lot of money, et cetera, et cetera. He is a lawyer. He represents a client. I never directed him to do anything incorrect or wrong. Hes saying very clearly that he never directed you to do anything wrong. Is that true . I dont think theres anybody that believes that. First of all, nothing at the Trump Organization was ever done unless it was run through mr. Trump. He directed me, as i said in my allocution and i said as well in the plea, he directed me to make the payments. He directed me to become involved in these matters. He was trying to hide what you were doing, correct . Correct. And he knew it was wrong. Of course. And he was doing that to help his election . Yes, he was very concerned about how this would affect the election. To help his campaign. To help him and the campaign. Do the right thing, what does that mean to a father, a husband, a president. Remember, if it is true that President Trump directed these payments, made with the intention of influencing the president ial election, and then he tried to hide them, that could amount to a felony. And heres the thing. President trumps explanations on the topic of payments to alleged mistresses, these suckers have been all over the map. He has repeatedly shifted his story related to Stormy Daniels and on thursday, he didnt deny payments were made to Karen Mcdougal but he suggested he had no role in it. I dont think we made a payment to that tabloid. I was asking the question, i dont think we made a payment. And then you have the other situation and every lawyer, look, trump didnt violate Campaign Finance laws, and neither did the president. Okay. We know from Court Filings that both Michael Cohen and the publisher of the national enquirer, david pecker of American Media say Karen Mcdougal was paid 150 grand. They both claim the purpose was to keep her allegations of an affair with trump from ever seeing the light of day. Thats called catch and kill in the world of tabloids, but now nbc has confirmed that President Trump himself was in the room when those payments were discussed and yet trump continues to deny that he did anything wrong. On thursday, he said Michael Cohen is a liar, whos just out to embarrass him and heres how Michael Cohen responded to that. First of all, its absolutely not true. I did not do it to embarrass the president. He knows the truth. I know the truth. Many people know the truth. Under no circumstances do i want to embarrass the president of the United States of america. You pleaded guilty to lying to congress . Yes. So why should we believe you now. Because the special counsel stated emphatically that the information that i gave to them was credible and helpful. Theres a substantial amount of information that they possess corroborates the fact that i am telling the truth. So youre done with the lying. I am done with the lying. All right. I want to bring my panel in because i need help here. Ken delaney covers intention and national security. Harry hitman is a former u. S. Attorney and was a Deputy Assistant attorney general, tom winter, nbc news investigator reporter, and danny sovalis, a legal analyst, what was your reaction particularly when he says the president knew the payments were wrong, how important is that because the president likes to say, how did i know, youre the guy i pay all the money to. Youre the lawyer, you know the law. Right. Look, you know, at this point, we already know the activity was a crime. Its been pleaded to and a judge couldnt accept that plea if it werent. Trump is not simply the third man in the room like a fly on the wall. Its his meeting. Hes directing it. He turns to pecker and says what can you do for me. Any Prosecutors Office in the country now would be moving to indict the president tomorrow but for the doj memo that says hes not subject to being indicted while in office. Ken, what do you make of it, the president s argument who said it was cohen who did this all on his own. As cohen said himself, nobody believes that. One reason is because we have heard a tape with Michael Cohen and donald trump hatching this plan to pay one of these women, and trump clearly had the guilty knowledge about it. Secondly, donald trump, we know, has been an extremely controlling manager throughout his life. Dont take my word for it. Take the word of his barber, a man named adrian wood who said in april, hes a complete control, cut here, cut there. Just do what he says, thats donald trump in a nutshell. Theres no way Michael Cohen decided on his own to make these payments. We should remind our audience, Michael Cohen wasnt forced to do it. When you watch that interview and he continuously blames the president and his blind loyalty, Michael Cohen wasnt destitute. Michael cohen wasnt drafted, he wasnt recruited. He chose this job. He loved to roll around new york city, and go to every restaurant and be in trump tower, and talk a big game and go after journalists so for Michael Cohen to go on and on like he was under duress working for the president , thats just nonsense. Danny, it is not just a he said he said because Michael Cohen is basically saying mueller has the evidence to back up everything he says. Lets say Michael Cohen is telling the truth, and mueller has the evidence to back it up. Does it matter . Because youve got the president out there all day long calling cohen a liar, calling mueller a liar and in the court of Public Opinion, the president is successfully confusing and exhausting all of us. The government knows that this cant be a he said he said situation because any defense attorney will stand up in court and say Michael Cohen is a convicted liar, and for that reason, the government knows it has to build a larger foundation. They need more than just people. People lie. Documents, data, text messages, emails, they dont lie quite as much. When cohen says theres corroborating evidence, everyone on the trump side should be concerned about that. No u. S. Attorney would build an entire case solely on the testimony of Michael Cohen because they know that he is going to be attacked as a liar. His credibility, as credible as you may have thought he was in that interview, hes gotten major credibility problems if any case were to go to trial. Naturally, the government and the mueller team has built up plenty of information aside from just his testimony. Okay. But then if its unlikely or theres not a universe where theres a case that goes to trial against President Trump. What does this mean, tom, because you have been reporting that we now have evidence that trump was in the room when it was negotiated between david pecker and Michael Cohen, and President Trump, so lets say he was in the room, and thats provable, i want to go back to does it actually matter at a time when youve got republicans, people like orrin hatch being like, oh, is it really an issue. If theres not the political will to go after the president , is there enough legal, are there nuch leg enough legal issues too. Then its not the department of justices policy to indict a sitting president. Your question asked is this matter from a legal perspective, i think it does. When youre trying to put together the best possible case that you can, i think it shows that when you track down every single inch of a case, who are the people that are in meetings, what are they saying to the point that danny just made, the evidence that Michael Cohen, and really for this instance, we dont have to rely on Michael Cohens words. We can rely on the court documents, which theyre able to call out people like Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort on their lies and say look, we have the evidence. We have the hard, whether it be text messages, emails, recordings, think about everything they took from Michael Cohen. So i think when you look at this in its totality, i think its important that every single lead be run down. At the point where more and more information comes out in court papers, and we have seen that every single time. We have seen court papers that have had pages of redakctions o them. The credibility is important Going Forward and its going to be important where in the political process congress does take up the investigation that everything has been run down by the people that are investigated it, really brings credence to want work they have done. Harry, two things could be true, the president could conduct himself like a bafoon. The Washington Post says the evolving strategy on the hush money allegations is textbook trump. Tell one version of events until it falls apart, and then tell a new version and so on and so on until the danger passes. A republican that works with the white house says quote, he has never been in a position where he cant shuck and jive and work out of things. Now its all coming home to roost. As a career attorney, what is your assessment of someone who operates that way. When does the evidence get so large that Republican Leadership cannot dodge and weave and Mitch Mcconnell has to take himself out of the turtle shell and say i need to address this . You know, it already has, stephanie, legally, but you put your finger exactly on the question, what will it take for republicans to actually not just register it but see the greater duty to country over party that it presents. You know, with the previous impeachments in clinton, nixon, in our lifetimes, the question always was have they committed a crime, and it followed that it would be an impeachable offense. Chucking and jiving is a very good encapsulation of it. My money, as a lawyer, as a prosecutor, its a terrible strategy. It stinks, everyone knows hes lying. Michael cohen is correct but he goes from shortterm crisis to shortterm crisis, makes up something new which only undermines his credibility more and yet, he seems to sort of stiff arm Public Opinion and keep the republicans quiet and not thinking about it and keeping this sort of deal they have made with him to stay in power. But right there, you know, the president might be shameless, but does the strategy actually sink because i didnt have beef wellington, prepared by the white house chefs last night, he did. Its an interesting issue because this is one of the rare cases where ignorance of the law may be a defense. Ordinarily it is not. But federal election law is one of those rare laws that the doj and some courts, some circuit courts have said you need a knowing and willful violation, and oh, what a perfect defend in donald trump who can claim galactic ignorance. Wow. You can look that up. That he had no idea what was going on or what he was doing. I expect that when all of this shucking and jiving is over, he will settle on that as what he perceives as the safest route. Galactic ignorance. Gentlemen, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Were going to take a quick break. Coming up, a new report reveals that the trump inaugural committee, were talking about the beginning, also now under investigation. Are you ready for this . It involves the record 107 million bucks it raised from donations. Were going to tell you what the feds are looking for specifically. But first, we have a very special good news rules today. That is because you are in the mix. You get to choose what good news story you want to hear. Simply head to msnbcs twitter page and vote. We have three amazing ones today, so good that i couldnt choose. Were going to reveal your top choice at the end of the show. whooshing [narrator] for powerful suction, you need a shark. 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The wall street journal reporting yesterday that according to people familiar with the matter, federal investigators are investigating whether trumps 2017 inaugural committee misspent some of the record 107 million it raised. Theres also questions now about whether top donors gave money in exchange for access and influence to Top Administration officials. This distresses me. The New York Times taking it a step further, revealing that quote federal prosecutors are examining whether foreigners illegally funneled donations to President Trumps inaugural committee and protrump super pac in hopes of buying influence over american policy and this is according to people familiar with the inquiry. Here to weigh in, this is going to be a good one. Former new jersey senator bob torselli, and chris wilson, and Ted Cruz Campaign aide and former executive director of the texas republican party. Senator torselli, all of this back and forth with cohen, now were talking about misspending money during the inauguration. Whats your reaction to all of this . Honestly, like from the bottom of your heart . In my years on the Senate Judiciary committee, we used to bring these facts to Patrick Leahy and he used to quote captain reno. Gambling, i cant imagine somebody giving a Million Dollars. Of course they wanted access. Thats a complete nonstarter. Thats why everyone does. Nobody is spending that much money because theyre dying to go to that party. Boeing gives a Million Dollars because they wanted to have a nice time or see the massive crowds. Of course they wanted access. I would be more concerned if in fact any of these entities were used as conduits for foreign money contrary to foreign law. I was going to say trump would have to be a fool for that to actually reach to him, but one never knows, but that would concern me legally if i were the Trump Organization. The influence and the access one is almost ridiculous. Is that what sticks out to you . Again, that is why people spend all this money to go to all of these things. Its what top donors do. The thing that keeps occurring during this administration is this selfdealing, is the president putting himself first . You know, when the financial crisis was happening, whether you liked hank paulson or not, not many of us were saying is he making these decisions on his personal business and wealth. When the inauguration story comes up and you hear about a lobbyist from saudi arabia getting 500 rooms in trumps hotel when his Foreign Policy against nations dont make sense. Is that what sticks out when you think about this administration . The fact that people are going and giving money to the inauguration for the purposes of getting access is not a story and something that happened under every single inauguration going back in our life times, but yeah, if what you just described is going on, that would be disturbing, but i also think we are quicker, at least in my view to jump to those conclusions in this administration fairly or unfairly than past administrations and the quote you pulled from the the New York Times. It doesnt say they found evidence of. It just says theyre looking into. I think its a little bit of a leap of faith, this is what could have happened is bad and report that if its news. Lets wait until you know if that happened. Do you think one of the reasons we jump to that conclusion is that the president has surrounded himself with now indicted criminals, right . And the president hasnt shown us his taxes. He hasnt divested himself from his businesses. His daughter and soninlaw are in the white house, Jared Kushner had to adjust his financial disclosures. The media is hard on trump. Dont you think theres some justification. Im not saying its unjustified. Im saying because it is so easy to jump to these conclusions, i think we should be a little more disciplined before we do so. And what i mean by that is, look, we dont have to speck lately really here because whenever it is so easy to arrive at, well, were talking about Michael Cohen, its so easy to get to those inconclusions and see what has occurred, lets figure out before we speculate. Money was given to the inauguration. It will continue to happen every four years. Before we decide there was something nefarious that went out, lets find that out. Theres so much noise and one network says one thing and another network says another, is there a risk this becomes white noise. A met a waiter who said i dont watch the news anymore because what am i to believe. Were already there. If you watch the feeding frenzy in the media and the politicians the last 48 hours, i want to scream back at the television. But let me finish. Do you know what happened in 16 . Donald trump won because hes a rejection of the entire establishment, not because they didnt like hillary clinton. That wasnt the story. They dont like you. The media establishment. They dont like me the political establishment. They dont like the business establishment. They stipulated the idea, when donald trump said he wasnt going to release his taxes, when donald trump said he didnt know about the hush money, they knew about the hush money. Thats already in the arena. They didnt care because they wanted the establishment out. This the american public, i will guarantee 50 of the American Voters is just the establishment fighting back. Do you agree with that, and my question, then, is then if were covering the wrong thing, whats the right thing . Every minute people say the medias got it wrong. Tell me what right is. I dont agree that they dont like you, stephanie. I think they all like you. From a standpoint or whether or not its right. Michael moore giving a speech that donald trump was dropping a bomb into washington for most people in america. Because people wanted the swamp drained, except it didnt get drained. They wanted the swamp drained and i think you mentioned in the introduction, which is too long on me, i worked for santa cruz, we went against donald trump thi42 times. The sentiment, that occurred in the general election, pennsylvania, michigan, iowa, ohio, states like that, because of the message, it absolutely is a fight back against the establishment. People are sick and tired and fed occupy with much of what they see going on with what they have defined as coastal elites. Without a doubt. I understand that. I think all of the people who voted for him were sick of it, were certainly not banking on the fact that he could be influenced by foreign governments. They werent thinking about saudi arabia. And i think they thought he would not be. Hes above that. Coming up. The dow set to take another tumble, the opening bell is next. [leaf blower] you should be mad at leaf blowers. [beep] you should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. And you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. But youre not mad, because you have e trade which isnt complicated. Their tools make trading quicker and simpler. So you can take on the markets with confidence. Dont get mad. Get e trade and start trading today. Dont get mad. Discover card. I justis this for real . Match, yep. We match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year, automatically. Whoo i got my money hard to contain yourself, isnt it . Uh huh let it go whoo get a dollarfordollar match at the end of your first year. Only from discover. [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. 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You start to hear a chorus of economists, looking at the potential for the next recession, some saying next year, the year after or two years from now. It has traders on wall street very concerned about the state of Global Growth right now, and on the earnings front in the u. S. , things arent really looking much better. Youve got costco reporting First Quarter numbers that missed analyst expectations on the top and bottom line, and starbucks, announcing no improvement in their guidance even as it rolls out new initiatives and expands overseas. So a lot of concerns just broadly about the state of consumers, state of Global Growth and its just, you know, not a great way to really close out the year, steph. Were only a minute in. And who knows, well check by the end of the day. We could be in the green. Leslie, thank you so much. Were going to leave it there. We are days away from a potential government shut down. Why are lawmakers leaving d. C. Late next week . Dont they need to figure this out . We need to keep those federal employees at work. And before we go. We have to note this. Today, look at that screen right there. Do you know what today is . Today marks six years since the mass shooting, the devastating shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School where 20 children, mostly kindergartners and first graders and six adults were killed. And this is whats devastating. I remember that day, and we all said this can not happen again, but things have not improved. The centers for Disease Control and prevention just released a new report revealing that the number of gun deaths in the United States reached its highest level in 40 years last year with nearly 40,000 People Killed by guns, and according to the trade, so far this year, there have been 53,952 incidents of gun violence. Please, think about sandy hook. Think about those 26 families who are without their loved ones. Dont rush today. Dont stare at your fun when youre with your kids. Give them an extra hug. Give them extra attention, and i want to thank the Sandy Hook Promise and moms like nicole hockley, and i think about her son dylan today, and i thank all the work they are doing today. Focussed on preventing gun violence because they care about our kids and im lucky enough that i got to say goodbye to all of my kids this morning, and i wish those sandy hook parents could have too. Please think about them today. Our mission is to make offshore wind one of the principal new sources of energy. Not every bank is willing to get involved in a firstofitskind project. Citi saw the promise of clean energy. Were polluting the air less. Businesses and homes can rely on a steady source of power. This will be the first of many offshore wind farms in the u. S. Moving . Thats harder now because of Psoriatic Arthritis. But youre still moved by moments like this. Dont let Psoriatic Arthritis take them away. 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The fight is centered on the request for the 5 billion toward the border wall. Lawmakers will not be back until wednesday, giving themselves 72 hours to reach an agreement. Im going to bring in senator torselli, and chris wilson. Help me understand this. First of all, why does this matter . Lets say a government shut down happens. Walk us through why it matters so much, and also how we got here. Because we can agree all of those people, schumer, pelosi, trump, can agree, we need border security. The thing were hung up on or the president is hung up on there is the physical wall. Both parties think this issue is working for them. It clearly is a con sol d consolidator in trumps base. You got that, now its only risk. In the democratic caucus, theres an identifiable large group that has moved considerably on immigration issues. I would argue to my former democratic colleagues, this is a high risk issue. The American People do not want open borders. They do not want illegal immigration. The fact is this is a resolvable issue if both people understood the danger to their politics. The white house signalled last year they would accept a mile by mile review in lieu of a border. This isnt hard for nancy and chuck. We want the dreamers in, and we will not fund a wall but we will do a mile by mile review. Whats the problem with that . In the clinton administration, they built part of a wall. The Obama Administration built part of a wall. So did george bush. Parts of a wall are fine. Building one sea to shining sea is insane. This is a compromisable issue. If both sides understand that their politics favor a compromise. As we sit here today, they clearly dont. Well, because were in the humiliation game, but the American People arent. To bobs point, the country wants border security. I believe the majority of democrats and republicans also want border security, so what exactly is all of this about because a government shut down, while it doesnt affect lots of people across the country, it does affect federal employees who need to get their paychecks. You know, senator torcelli is far too reasonable. Thats probably why youre not in office anymore. I think you could have a deal. Isnt that what america voted for, a pragmatic . I dont know if i would say that. I think you can look at a lot of campaigns, and the pragmatic candidate did not win in my primaries and general elections. Having said that, i think we are seeing is President Trump is drawing a line in the sand on this. It clearly means a lot to him. The votes arent there in this congress. I do not believe we get past next week without some kind of a deal. Its a shame the senator isnt there to present a deal to them because based on the conversation the other day, and the conversations im hearing from my clients that i talk to about this, they are still pretty far apart, and i dont have much hope for this to be solved. I want to stay on digging in but a different subject. I want to talk about the senates rebuke of President Trump when they backed a resolution blaming Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman for khashoggis murder, and ending support in yemen. How big of an issue is this, when you go back to the average american person, honestly, theyre a little bit like why does this matter to us, khashoggi, who is he. Im talking about the average american person. Were all saying this is massive lif important. Walk us massive live important. Walk us through what this means when the senate says youre wrong. This one stands out to me, it is multifaceted as it is complex. Its easy for the senate to vote that way. I understand the National Anger over khashoggi. Its outrageous conduct for them to be killing an american permanent resident. The war in yemen is much more complex. We would do better to get Food Supplies to refugees. Were stopping the suffering of children and breaking the blockade. Ending the war in yemen by pulling out, trying to force saudi arabia to pull out in my judgment is not responsible. Theres a reason this war started. And the last thing the United States needs is iranian domination of the horn of africa, that every ship going from the persian gulf to the suez canal has to go through an iranian check point. Talk about irresponsible. The energy would be better focussed on getting relief to the kids, theres no reason for a blockade. The war can be won and fought without a blockade. Not ending saudi support in yemen, are we forgetting who the iranians are and what they represent . Assuming you agree with bob, why do you think this is the senates move . Is it that they simply dont want to get in line with the president while he refutes his own ci as assessment . I dont know the answer to that, and i will say i have a few comments i have heard from clients. What i find fascinating, all the times i have sat at this desk with you, and all the different subjects and controversies and other aspects we have discussed and sometimes been on the other side of, whats remarkable is this is the first time we have seen the senate take a hard stance against the president. The Republican Senate take a hard stand against the president on a specific issue and thats fair, but i think this one is a little bit more kind of in your face after the statement was put out by trump about how we need to keep the relationship, and to me that is what is so remarkable, and i think it does show maybe a little bit of a coming together between, well, i dont want to overspeculate what it means but i think its profound in significance at this time. The sad thing is its profound in its significance of congress saying President Trump were going to Work Together here, but at the expense of children who are starving to death. All right. Were going to leave it there. Coming up, please remember this, children, babies dont choose where theyre born. Okay. Just think about that for one single second. We do have to think about every kid on this planet. Please. All right. Republican Governor John Kasich from the great state of ohio will join me on everything from todays cohen news to our nations ballooning deficit, and his own partys responsibility for it. I dont know, maybe were going to get to a couple auto plants as well, and how the president says no big deal, those people are all going to get jobs in like two seconds. George woke up in pain. But he has plans today. Hey dad. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. Going to bring up john kasich and im going to bring up arizona senator jeff flake, because they say they may run against you in 2020. I hope so. President trump in his latest interview fuelling the flames of a potential 2020 republican primary show down against ohio Governor John Kasich or arizona senator jeff flake, and joining me now is the governor himself, Ohio Republican john kasich. John, im not going to start with are you running, but im sure ill get it in there somewhere. Merry christmas, stephanie. Merry christmas to you. Take me to all the chaos between the president and Michael Cohen, and Michael Flynn and take me to the voter, the American People, the republican party. Does this matter . Theres so much going on that its all very troubling but were having, you know, multiple investigations and we have to see what they conclude. Its just that simple. And what happens, what will republicans do, right, were seeing indictment after indictment and i hear guys like orrin hatch going, well, with the laws today, anybody could be a criminal. Do you think theres a scenario where republicans in power right now say, all right, then, enough is enough. This is too much. I dont know, stephanie. I dont know. I mean, i dont spend my time on this. Im really much more focussed on policy issues than what is happening, all this legal stuff. You know, i Pay Attention to it, but i dont focus on it. And i will not focus on it until its really completed, and it has to be an unhindered series of investigations, get to the bottom line, and then see where we are. I dont want to project anything. I appreciate that. Im not comfortable in that. Lets talk about policies because they matter to the American People. What caught my eye is your new oped in the Washington Post and youre criticizing members of your own party over the ballooning deficit democrats too. Walk us through this. Well, stephanie, i was thinking about this this morning, you know, you cant just go out and spend without any regard to the consequences. You just cant. No matter what it is, im talking about us personally. We cant go out and buy everything we want because there is a moment in which we have to pay our bills. When it comes to the government, the more money the government takes, the less money there is available to invest in in job creating the more money money they take, the less to make in job investments. Now it will lead to slower Economic Growth. Its a big cloud hanging over us. Neither party wants to address it. We cant keep going in this way. Were going to get to the point the National Debt itself, the payment will be bigger than some of the most critical programs we have in the country. There are things that are priorities but they will be drowned about because of the interest on the National Debt. Take into account they cant control themselves. It ha s a profound impact on Economic Growth. When the debt goes up, Job Opportunities come down. When the debt goes down, Job Opportunities go up. I was there. We had great Economic Growth and everyone wanted to play santa claus. The political will isnt there. When youre out of control, eventually you have to pay the price. The people who are in office dont seem to think that. It was reported the president said when things become untenable i dont wont be in office anymore. It doesnt matter anymore. What do you think about that . I think aits awful. I dont know why you get elected if you dont go there to do something. You dont know how long youll be in. You dont know how long youll be on television. I dont know how long ill be doing anything. At the moment, i need to seize the moment and i need to do something significant and positive. We all do. Not just people in charge at the upper levels but all of us need to seize the moment so we will say why didnt we lead a more impactful, positive life. I cannot understand why they ignore this. You may get a little heat from special Interest Groups but our children, america will appreciate if we can tackle this. Its not like cutting and slashing and a trip to get a root canal. Its about 21st century attitude. Whether its privatization or public, private partnerships. Whether its streamlining or introducing new ideas and deliver new services at lower prices. People arent voting for long term solutions. Their not giving me that leeway. I think the public wants some control. We all know with our own personal finances that were going to get to the edge of the cliff and its a long way down. Do you know what our Credit Card Debt is in this country . Bea we are out of control. I believe people understand theres a consequence to overspending. That means you buy smart. You can buy better quality items at lower prices. We can. That is exactly what our government needs to do. We need to buy better products at lower prices so the customers which are us, the voters, can get what we need and it isnt going to run out. I worry about Rising Health care cost. I worry about the long time fate of social security. Can we fix it . Yes. Do we have to devastate people . No. We dont have to do it that way. I took medicaid from about a 8 or 9 growth up to like a 3 or 4 growth. We have more people on the program. Its possible to do it. When special interests who are stuck in the status quo yell at you, you have to say Merry Christmas but i got to do my job. Theres something that worries me and its jobs. Some of them are in the state of ohio. Help me understand who is responsible for helping those people. Lets talk about the gm plant. The president said hes furious. He said dont worry to the ohio worker. Im going to fix it in two seconds. Whose job is it . I thought he said he was going to bring more jobs in. Now hes going to fix the ones that have been lost. I think hes realized he cant actually control that. Whose job is it . Her job is to sell as many jobs as she can and optimize her business. If shes got to shut down plants, thats the right thing to do for her business. For these people, for these towns the, whose job is it to help them . We have to help every one of them. I know they are working with our Economic Development people to see if theres a way to either bring in a new vehicle or to bring in some Economic Activity that will generate jobs or partner with others to fill that plant or to sell that plant. Stephanie, down in dayton, ohio, we lost a gm plant down there. Now we have 24 workers making more money than they ever made in the old plant. You have to look at it in various scenarios. Its great facility. Its a good facility and something that has value. Got to move as quickly as we can. Thank you so much. Great to see you. Right back at you, Merry Christmas. All right. Coming up, your voice will be heard. You still have time to vote for todays good news ruhles story. Why dont you decide what it will be. Head over to msnbc twitter page. You have three choices. They are all great ones. Well share the winner right after the break. Of helping peo. Were in the business of helping you. Business loans for eligible card members up to fifty thousand dollars, decided in as little as 60 seconds. The powerful backing of american express. Dont do business without it. The meeting of the executive finance committee is now in session. And. Adjourned. Business loans for eligible card members up to fifty thousand dollars, decided in as little as 60 seconds. The powerful backing of american express. Dont do business without it. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. 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A nonprofit working to help unwanted dogs get loving families. They have helped save more than is,0 1,000 shelter dogs. Thanks for participating. Its my favorite part of the show. That wraps us up this hour. My friend halli, jackse jackson new york. Here we are, after 10 00. Well end the chitchat and move on. This morning for the first time the president s former fixer is talking publicly on camera about that plea deal. I gave loyalty to someone who

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