Political, it is notable in swing states, new polling shows most voters, 52 , theyre also opposed to donald trump rushing this pick through before the election. Trump also trailing in the pivotal swing states overall trailing badly in the home stretch. One. Those key states is florida and trump keeps talking with florida when he talks about barbara lagoa. The reported frontrunner is amy coney barrett. Now biden entering with more money than trumps Reelection Campaign with more money for the first time ever, 100 million pouring in after the announcement of rbgs passing. It is the future of the court. Money pouring into senate races. Take a look at this. The platform which handles these donations saying it has the largest surge toward democrats ever, breaking a 16year record. So there are warning signs for donald trump as he leans into what you could call the Mcconnell Graham school of politics where hypocrisy publicly, easily proven visible hypocrisy is worn like a badge of honor and you brag to your base about how contradicting yourself means that youll go and do anything for donald trump and that to some people is a good thing. So thats one political approach. Meanwhile, lets be clear. This understandable focus on the high court doesnt halt the other problems facing the u. S. Now in the trump administration, as trump faces fact checks for falsely asserting the coronavirus virt virtually no one. While many are struggling to maintain this pandemic, it is not just a trump problem. American results under trump do continue to show a contrast to other places. Take italy, once the center of this pandemic. That country had about 13 deaths one day last week. On that very same day, the u. S. Didnt have double or triple or ten times, but 849 deaths to 13. That would be 65 times that days total in italy as an example from the New York Times. So lets get into all of it right now. Sewelly cohen, political an list, and the washington posts libby casey. To see all of you. Jason, both things could be happening at once. The president eager to lean into anything other than the other bad news. And yet there are many indications that this potential legislative process where they do control the senate may not ultimately favor him. But given the polling i just showed. Yeah. Look. Trump is in a lot of trouble. Hes in a lot of trouble if he makes this pick. Hes in trouble if he doesnt make this pick. And ive never seen the trouble at this sort of level and confidence. I think it was last week at one of his rallies, the first time he ever heard trump say, if i get elected. Hes never shown that confidence. Heres whats going forward. Ever since Mitch Mcconnell and the president decided two months ago that they were not going to above bother with coming up with a covid package or care package, the only they know sitting senators could possibly say to prove that theyve double anything for the last courage months would be trying to push through this pick. If he does, and this is an absolutely important thing to remember. Look, bader ginsburg, god bless her, shes passed, shes gone, even if she had lived, she wouldnt be in a position to affect the 2020 election. If republicans push this through election day, it will galvanize democratic voters the same as kavanaugh in 2018. That could be the Tipping Point not for people already gone. Thats the big question. We have now two elections, 2016 where a lot of insiders, media, pundits, political leaders got it wrong. The polls were all over the map because there were different ones. Certainly underestimating trump. Democrats the very well. A huge rejection. Health care messaging, bread and butter issues. With that in mind, im curious. This is the New York Times key senate races. Arizona, you have 50 to 42. Maine, 4944. Collins trailing there a little bit. North carolina, tight. Some of those within the margin of error. Some of them though suggesting a potential blue wave, libby. Yeah. The election is so close and yet so much can happen in the coming weeks. If donald trump puts forward a nominee who republicans contain as someone who belongs to be on the court, that may change things. Democrats have to stay on message. Not about the pension but about what the change in the court could mean for peoples lives. And you see it already in the messaging, talking about the contact. A very real case coming before the Supreme Court, right after election day. The more you hear about joe biden talk about the aca, the more you see senators tying the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the loss of it, which help them pivot back to coronavirus. And this pandemic. As you point out, it has killed 200,000 americans. A hot can happen. If they say, weve got the votes, we can go forward. People who say theyre concerned, they dont like the idea that this president would ram through someone right now, may feel different once they see who this person is. And they see the collegiality of republicans and this no, maam never. They have to stay on the message of what this would mean. Yeah, the closer you are, the more you look at the history. Chols hypocrisy and thats process. Whether or not the person actually selected is more or less appealing may affect it. Then instead of polling on the idea and the process, you get the person or they could be less appealing. Kavanaugh was hugely controversial, obviously. Youre itching to get in. I see in your body language. Go ahead. Well, look. This is in a lot of ways, a gift for trump. He gets to remind not only senators but Republican Voters why they put up with his bs in the first place. You see the supposed dissenters. They are lock step. If they get, and were not talking about a moderate conservative judge. Were talking about a conservative justice who will voimtly turn a regressive Institution Even further to the right. Then it will be worth it. And it appears it will be worth it even if they lose, i think it was going to happen anyway. So lets pause on that. And then ill let you finish, as they say. Ill pause to get clarity. You are arguing as an objective empirical matter, separate from your views, you know a lot about politics. If they ram this scotus pick through. It will hurt trump republicans in november. Thats your argument. Well, i think republicans were already pretty motivated to turn out. Democrats unfortunately, theyre excited with the nominee. Theyre more worried that the virus. They already thought trump wasnt a shoein. There were lots of variables and theres all kinds of voter suppression. So it would be harder and less likely. In turnout election, it always, turnout always helps democrats. So if this motivates democrats, and i think it does, it will hurt trump ultimately. But i dont think they give a crap because they get to fundamentally change the court for generations to come. So would you say you largely agree that this may blow up in the republicans faces . A lot of it depends on timing. If this is dispatched with. If the senate is actually able to vote on it before the election day, it may take away some motivation for republicans who would hold their nose because they dont like the way donald trump acts. They dont like the way he treats people in this country. But they really want to see a conservative court. Maybe that takes some energy out of. I think she makes a great point that this is very motivating to the left. There are the hard Court Supporters of liberal causes who are so concerned that roe versus wade. Joe biden already has that. And he has to try to hit people with what else they have to lose here. Were seeing like Michael Bloomberg pour money into florida, to not convince people to rote alone but to make sure the disenfranchised people. People with felonies on their records, they are able to vote. They can wipe away the financial penalties being held over their heads. And lets look at the process. Lets look at how that played out in the florida courts. So were looking at how more people can vote, to have their say here. This is not just about the white house. This is about the senate as well. What happens on wednesday may play differently and translate differently in how it plays in another state thats a closely contested state. Colorado is not north carolina. A couple things. As ive been saying for months as a political scientist, there are no undecided. Theres not one person in america right now who is saying, im going to sit on my hands and knees and i baltimore going to do anything but now with Ruth Bader Ginsburg jason, give out your twitter handle. Wait for anyone undecided. dr jason johnson. I academically dont believe it. You cant be an egg or a bot. If you are under your own real name and youre undecided and you dont work for vladimir putin, well revisit this. A different way to say it scientifically is the share of true undecideds is far, far lower than it normally is. In our Public Discourse we confuse whether theyre undecided. No one is trying to figure out if they want four more years of trump or if they want joe biden. Theyre trying to figure out if they want to vote at all. So the significance of trump trying to push through a new nominee at the last minute, the time moment, it could move some democrats certainly far left progressives, certainly some people on the side. You know what . I didnt want to go through the bother of voting. Voters are more motivated by something being taken from them than something being given to them. If Ruth Bader Ginsburg is replaced by a conservative, democrats will see something being taken from them and that motivates them to vote. Thats why i dont think theyll push it through. They dont have to. They can put somebody in the lame duck session. Whats interesting, democrats still operate as though theyre the most important voters in our country. I happen to think incidentally that this is some implicit White Supremacy on the part of the democratic establishment that says that oh, the voters that matter the most in our country are these white suburban women and these blue collar rust belt workers. When the actual fight is about turning out the margin, the historically underrepresented and disenfranchised voters in our country. And hes right. This is the kind of thing that makes people do that. Im not endorsing this but there are in fact a lot of people among democratic base, including the far left, who do feel that voting for joe biden is in effect holding their nose. It is more a vote against trump than for biden. And i think that this is massively motivating to that base. When you say im not endorsing this but, i thought it would be way more than that. Its fair to observe in the primary, Many Democrats were measurably looking for Something Else in the future. Im running over on time. I want to give to it libby who is nodding. When you see Chuck Schumer out there with Ocasio Cortez speaking together, this is what shes talking about. Showing democrats. We have to get on board here. Everyone has to get out to vote. You have to vote all the way down your ticket. You have to be present for this. I think thats the show of imy the democrats will have to have. Really interesting. In my biased opinion, a great panel on a lot of big issues here. So appreciate you guys. Thank you. We are back in just 30 seconds. A big reality check on these covid claims. New calls for democrats to get tough in more creative ways on the Supreme Court. What we think is more important, back in 30, i have a special report on what is at stake when it comes to womens rights and what is most important. Nd what is most important its official National Coffee day is now National Dunkin day celebrate with a free medium hot or iced coffee with any purchase on september 29th. Turning tonights special report, what is at stake in this Supreme Court fight . President trump said to make his third pick for the high court. If he does, he will have put more justices on the court in one term than either president s and clinton did in two. Now, part of that is arbitrary luck. Clinton faced two vacancies in his first two years in office. And then none in the next six. Justices decide when they want to retire or Mother Nature decides when they pass away. But part of it was republican hostage taking as Mitch Mcconnell stole a lawful appointment from obama in 2016. And then added it to trump. This fight over ginsburgs seat is not the same as the last two of trumps nominees. This is, if you understand nothing else, understand this. This is the first time that donald trump can alter the ballot court because he is replacing a liberal vote with now a trump vote. Thats different than the last two vacancies which were justices appointed by republicans. Thats one of the reasons so many republicans view this as a time for potentially extraordinary action. Many different issues hang in the balance. If you ask the late Justice Ginsburg, she would tell you her work on equality, feminism and sex and gender discrimination are some of the biggest advancement thats she made in her life in farm. On the principle that people are equal so women have the same rights and opportunities as men. Ginsburgs work as a judge, her jurisprudence,ed my that basic principle to the workplace, to financial independence, and to Womens Health and womens bodies. So she was a vote to uphold abortion law when she joined the high court and which remains the law of the land today. Roe versus wade protects the womans right to choose and the later cases that grew out of. Limit how the government federal or state interferes with any burdens on that legal choice. Before the Supreme Court ruled on roe in the early 1970s, over 30 states banned abortion. It was just left field. That is very relevant tonight. Donald trumps allies are demanding that trump delays ginsburg with a legal antiginsburg. Let me tell you what that means. They want someone who not only personally or religiously opposes abortion, but someone who will rule to make it illegal in america. Okay . So before we go any further, it is worth hearing and understanding the reality of what women face in that situation like before 1973. And as a newscaster, i have to warn you, some of this is graphic. But editorially we think thats all the more reason to reckon with it right now before u. S. Politics and the u. S. Government potentially pushes the u. S. Back into this reality again. Someone gave her a hanger abortion, perforated her uterus and her bowel. She was in septic shock and she died. He said im not going to give you any anesthetic. And he said if you scream, they will hear you. Got on her Kitchen Table and watched as she inserted a plastic tube that had been boiling in a pot of water. The doctor had actually left in tissue and had caused massive infection in this whole area of my body. The uterus is probably so scarred that shell never be able to get pregnant again. A lot of them were afraid to go to the e. R. So they just bled out. Experts and doctors stress how those conditions were terrible for the patients. Procedures without the required safety, without antibiotics, sometimes without doctors. And to be clear, this was common. Hundreds of thousands to a million women estimated annually getting what were then illegal abortions in the 1950s and 60s. The Supreme Court end that had by ruling there is a constitutional right to choice. In the law thats a national holding. Thats the baseline. Then the court used its jurs proo prudence. Thats an approach that the Supreme Court refined further in 1992. In a land mark case called plant parenthood v. Casey. That was authored by the first woman ever appointed to the Supreme Court. A republican, sandra day oconner who noted that there are strong and legitimate religious objections to this practice, while also noting in her ruling that women are entitled to their liberty unlt the constitution. It does not overturn the Central Holding of the roe vers wade decision. She said while it may be rethat you go nanl to some, our obligation is to deliver the liberty of all. The liberty of all. Now the very next year, ginsburg became the second woman on the court. She was a key leader in the voting bloc on these issues. Joining opinions that struck down laws that made other efforts. Like a nebraska law that failed to protect the lives and health of pregnant women which she wrote about that she said stripped away. As the Antiabortion Movement continued to push those haws to narrow access, especially access for poor women, ginsburg would disent and call out her colleagues on that court for alarming steps within the last five years she was the crucial fifth vote halting a texas law that could effectively ban most abortions in that entire state. Just this summer she was again the fifth and crucial vote for a similar measure that would have restricted access in louisiana. And as a justice she spoke bluntly about what she thought those laws aimed to do. She argued they discriminated. Not only on gender but on class by specifically targeting poor women in america. All of the restrictions that we see in states like texas operate only against those who are far from the big cities and couldnt afford to take a day off from work. Restrictive abortion laws operate against poor women. Thats the sad story. And thats the sad story that she tried to patrol. And joining sometimes with republicans for that bloc. That fifth vote right now, i can tell you. That part is missing. A new justice reverse those rulings entirely if that conflict goes back to the court. And this is the confirmed strategy of many conservative groups and some states, to limit abortion access, making it, for example, a reality right now that theres just one clinic per state in six different states in america. Then they keep pushing legal cases until the court will join a strategy that effectively makes abortions possible. Missouri will become the First American state to go completely dark in terms of legal abortion providers. Since the Supreme Court ruled in roe versus wade. You can imagine our anxiety. We go through this over and over again as abortion providers. Sometimes im hard on myself. I ask, why do you act like youre so shocked . Thats whats going on. Then legally what is already almost gone becomes potentially a path to completely obliterate it on the books. Donald trump is thus far impacted the court with the two that i mentioned. Trump conservatives replacing traditional conservatives. But those changes didnt fundamentally reshame the voting bloc on this issue. Which is what can happen if a certain type of conservative replaces ginsburg. Something she was very aware of when she offered this warning five years ago. This is something central to a womans life, to her dignity, it is a decision that she must make for herself. When government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult responsible for her own choices. Thats how she laid it out. That was her life work. Thats part of what she did on the court. There are genuine and strongly held beliefs on both sides of the issue. If you take this seriously, you have to look at the imme indications. Of course we live in a world where you might say, okay, ari, every other night were being told, this is big one. This is the big fight. This is the most important x ever. But this is actually the most pivotal potential change on equality, on the rights of women in america. More so than anything else that donald trump has done or may ever do. And you have to ask yourself, well get into this tonight, why is it that people who talk about precedent and conservatism, and Holding American traditions turn to radicalism on the issues they choose. It would be conservative and precedented oriented to maintain this balance in the law that ive just described to you, that has operated since roe. And it would be radical. We have we believe the right guest to get into all of this. I mentioned the case, the former head of planned parenthood when were back after this. D parenth were back after this. The chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. So, when you get a check. You can deposit it from here. And you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. You can save for an emergency from here. Or pay bills from here. So when someone asks you, wheres your bank . You can tell them heres my bank. Or heres my bank. Or, heres my bank. Because if you download and use the chase mobile app, your bank is virtually any place. Visit chase. Com mobile. Its official National Coffee day is now National Dunkin day celebrate with a free medium hot or iced coffee with any purchase on september 29th. Everything we have, weve earned. The unmistakable lexus is. Get zero percent financing on the 2020 is 300. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Now you can trade stocks and etfs for any amount you choose instead of buying by the share. 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Somehow Mitch Mcconnell and now donald trump have made this issue now front and center for women across this country not only, of course, abortion rights, but as we know, five days after this election, the Supreme Court will hear the case that they have been pushing that would overturn the Affordable Care act which would mean 20 Million People losing Health Insurance including millions of women who have preexisting conditions. This issue, health care access, was the issue that the democrats won on in 2018 and i believe now they have just really reignited women on this issue and of course, on the issue of abortion rights. Let me press you on something that comes up a lot. And we only alluded to it briefly in the piece. There is a view on the right that no matter how far they go, they dont get justices who have actually stepped up and completely overturned roe. And i pointed out tonight how close that time is coming. And there is as well a view in the rest of the country that i would not say is strictly ideological. Well, you hear about it a lot but roe has not been overturned. What do you say as people who say this is something as potential but they dont believe it is around the corner potentially. I think what you appointment to is important, that donald trump ran as a candidate and now as president saying he will only appoint justices to the Supreme Court that are committed to overturning roe v. Wade. Hes already appointed two of them and this would give him a third. Would it completely shift the ballot court. This sbl a hype kret cal. This is real. Now that theyll jam an appointment through just weeks before a president ial election, i home theres a conversation about this issue. Women have had this right for more than 40 years. Do you view the voting bloc i mentioned basically in those texas, louisiana cases, as the antiroadblock . Do you view it as four sitting there and this new trump person would be the fifth . Well, of course, two of these justices are relatively new. But all of their voting to date has demonstrated that they are opposed to roe v. Wade. They do not respect precedent. And look, the president vetted these judicial nominees himself. He is the one who put them forward. You can bet this is a total threat to womens ability to make a fundamental decision about their own pregnancy. The last thing ill say, women are already opposing donald trump. The latest polls, suburban women by 30 points are opposing president trump. This move to get rid of the Affordable Care act, to end health care for preexisting conditions, now this, is only going to inflame women more and well see it on november 3rd. Its interesting, as you say, what this does. It has been a theme throughout the broadcast of the substance and the ethics of these legal issues, and then what do people do if anything about it. I think you think this could be part of a huge wave. The stakes are quite high. Good to see you. Good to have you. Well fit in a break. Up ahead, a lot more fauci fact checking. And how is this issue playing out on this very issue with the Supreme Court . We may have some surprising results for you. Also, obama veterans and aoc uniting. Well tell you about that when we come back. You about that whn we come back honey . Yeah . I respect that. But that cough looks pretty bad. Try this new robitussin honey severe. The real honey you love. Plus, the powerful cough relief you need. Mind if i root through your trash . New robitussin honey severe. Strong relief for your severe symptoms. Strong relief im a verizon engineer. And im part of the team building. A powerful 5g experience for america. Its 5g ultra wideband, and its already available in parts of select cities. Like los angeles. And in new york city. And its rolling out in cities around the country. With massive capacity. 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Dr. Fauci has spoken out against that. If you look at the numbers, the numbers are telling. We have in this country now, you know, close to 200,000 deaths. We have 6 million plus infections. You cant look at that and say, thats terrific. When we come back, we have a very special guest on the strategies in this big fight over the Supreme Court. Stay with us. Fight over the supmere court stay with us tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. With the icon that does the same. The rx, crafted by lexus. Lease the 2020 rx 350 for 409 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. To deliver your packages. And the peace of mind of knowing that important things like your prescriptions, and ballots, are on their way. Every day, all across america, well keep delivering for you. Come out of the dryer wrinkled . 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Of course, we dont know what theyll do until they do it. Well stay on that important story. When we come back, what ive been telling you about. Many liberals demanding a different approach taking on this epic court clash. We have a special guest with plans and a lot of money, when we come back. Money, when we come back to severe ulcerative colitis. Or Crohns Disease . Are you ok . I did. I was there. But i never knew when my symptoms. Would keep us apart. So, i talked to my doctor and learned. Humira is for people who still have. Uc or crohns symptoms. After trying other medications. And humira helps. People achieve remission that can last. So you can experience few. Or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability. To fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections,. Including tuberculosis, and cancers,. Including lymphoma, have happened,. As have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,. Serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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And obama officials like eric holder now backing that plan. In a similar vein, liberal senators pushing them to add more states to the union and spend these next weeks grinding it to a halt. And then double down if democrats win in november. You see there several planks of that. Thats one liberal approach, fight fire with fire but risk partisan escalation. Then theres also the more conventional approach coming from democrats who actually lead the senate caucus. Senator schumer laying it out, a strategy that focuses almost entirely on trying to recruit partisan republican senators to turn against donald trump. Now lets be clear, facts are facts, and the core of Chuck Schumers strategy has already fallen apart. There is only one way for us to have some hope of coming together again. Senator Lamar Alexander pledged in a statement to consider president trumps scotus nominee. And that is for four brave Senate Republicans to commit to rejecting any nominee until the next president is installed. Senator graham said hes happy to go ahead with plans to fill this vacancy in the Supreme Court. Never mind what he said in the past. Those few Senate Republicans, please, follow your conscience. To jam this nomination through the senate is just an exercise in raw, political power. Chuck grassley of iowa and cory gardner of colorado both say they will support moving ahead with the nomination. If a nominee actually reaches the floor, then i will vote based upon the qualifications of that nominee. And were joined now by brian fallon. He worked as an aide for senator schumer and was the National Press secretary for the clinton campaign. Hes the executive director of a group demand justice, and he hopped on the phone for us. How are you doing, brian . Good. Thanks for having me, ari. Absolutely. When you look at that piece of tape i just showed, it seems that the Biden Schumer approach has already faltered in just looking for republican senators to come along. Would you agree . Well, look. The bottom line is we cant solve for or fix the fact that Senate Republicans led by Mitch Mcconnell are beyond shame. So in every sense, this is a breaking of our democracy in terms of what republicans are doing. And the fact that theyve been able to sort of circle the wagons and in 48 hours commit themselves to drive over this cliff, that is something beyond our control because they control the senate as we speak today. What we can control is in the weeks that remain between now and the election, we can turn up the temperature to a fever pitch. We can make the republicans feel political pain for what the path that theyre taking the country down. In so doing i think was he achieve three things. Number one, we increase the chances however small they may be of still potentially trying to defeat the nominee. Because if we can get to the election, i think its a whole new ball game. If we can at least succeed where this thing is slightly delayed so that the vote doesnt happen before the election i think it may take on a whole new complexion in a lame duck. And this means that we can make them pay a political price for this, especially when it comes to invoking the effect this will have on the Affordable Care act case which is going to be argued one week after the election. And, third in, carrying this out, we can create and summon the resolve to do something about this to seek redress in january 2021. Im not surprised that joe biden and Chuck Schumer are not leading with that message right now because in their minds its a little ahead of the ball game. But we in the grassroots, we in the outside, we need to summon our will and collective muscle behind Building Support for that idea so that its there for them to tap at the ready after this happens in january. Brian fallon speaking to us here by phone on this big battle. And so all of what you said makes sense and seems to be more on the pressure and aggressive side. I am curious, given your insights on this, i mentioned some of your experience, whether you understand why some of the sort of the voters and Democratic Party faithful are confused by Chuck Schumer even spent that opening volley yesterday looking for these Republican Senate votes. We have a little bit of a comparison here of the deja vu from impeachment. Take a look. Four brave Senate Republicans to commit to rejecting any nominee until the next president is installed. I hope, pray, and believe theres a decent chance that four republicans will join us. If they do, we will have a fair trial. Curious if you think its time to stop hoping for those four brave republican senators. Well, i think in schumers defense here, i think his mindset in how hes played the first 72 hours is that he knows that we have a fundamental advantage on the question of whether voters agree with the idea of jamming this nominee through before the election. Or the poll that came out showing by 20 points the public doesnt think we should be doing that. So i think people like schumer and biden dont want to jeopardize our standing on that question where were ahead by 20 points by introducing other variables. Now i think the republican shamelessness is in stark relief. Now i think we have a little bit of justification to take it out on them politically at the polls in november. And then if they do follow through on this even still to commit ourselves to reforming the Supreme Court. So i think in schumers mind, this is probably the first act of a long play. I dont think he was born yesterday in thinking there was a strong chance for republicans doing the honorable statesmanlike thing. I think he wants to lay bare for the public that this is really going to happen, theyre really going to push through with. And then were able to parlay that into a political permission structure to do Something Big about it. And interesting to get your perspective on that. You and other officials who are seen as part of the leadership of the party, we mentioned your credentials, have also been pushing for this larger systemic reform, which is very interesting. Weve covered that here. I want to play a little bit of joe bidens response on that. Take a look. Would you consider adding more Supreme Court justices to the bench . Its a legitimate question. But let me tell you why im not going to answer that question. Because it shifts all focus. Thats what he wants. He never wants to talk about the issue at hand. He always tries to change the subject. If i answered that question, then the whole debate is going to be what i did or didnt say. The discussion should be about why hes moving in the direction thats totally inconsistent with what the founders wanted. Ive got about a minute before i head off to joy reid. I give you the final word on the nominees response is something you and others have said should potentially be on the table is structural reform. Joe biden to me is going to be a lagging indicator. Hes not going to lead with his chin on this and try to bring the country along on the idea of adding seats. Its our job from the bottom up to tell the public. I think were already on the way to getting there. Theres a poll that came out today that showed a plurality of voters already agreed. It would be justifiable to go ahead and change the composition of the court. We just need to keep that up. In three or four months time, i think joe biden will be there at the end of the day. Very interesting. I think folks are familiar with the idea that the nominee is who you push, just like the platform. Brian fallon, whos got millions of dollars behind him, a key player in this court fight, thanks for jumping on the phone. Thank you always at home for watching us on the beat. Right now its the reidout with joy reid. Tonight, donald trump and his party would like us to talk about the Supreme Court. As he and Mitch Mcconnell are moving full speed ahead in their attempt to steal the seat vacated by the death of justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And were going to get to the court issues later in the show. But the most urgent crisis, the thing he doesnt want us to talk about is that more than 200,000 americans are dead due to covid, and he is still lying to us about

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