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Of those karate blocks so you can show your feelings. Here we go. Our clock says ten seconds to go until the 7 00 eastern time hour when all polls in indiana are closed. We can make our first characterizations for the indiana primary. Here you have it. In the Republican Party, sorry were starting lets go to the left. Here you have it. Donald trump is the projected winner of the indiana primary on the republican side. More about those delegates in a moment. You might have seen this over on the right. Democratic primary, too early to call between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders with a scant 7 in. That is our characterization at 7 00 p. M. 7 is an important number because its so low there. One thing to keep in mind about indiana is theres very little polling. Theres been some polling over the last two weeks. There was no polling in the state up until two weeks ago. Thats this part because of restrictive law. We have heard from the Clinton Campaign that they dont expect to win in indiana. We have heard confidence from the Sanders Campaign they expect to win. The public polling is available. Theres very little of it. Showed a small clinton lead. That too early to call results on the democratic side, that had legitimate suspense to it. Ted cruz losing at the poll closing on the republican side. Donald trump being proclaimed projected as the winner right at the moment the polls close is a terrible sign for the ted Cruz Campaign. If this were any normal year it would be ever expectation that ted cruz would drop out tonight because of this result. I dont think that anybody expects that tonight. Nope. Not because it wouldnt be a deserved result but this race is too weird for people to follow normal course of action. Note the name we have yet to utter is john kasich. More on that later this evening. Chris matthews in washington. It was said to and about the Cruz Campaign, if you cant beat trump in indiana, where are you going to beat him remaining on this calendar . Yeah, i think he said himself many time, he had to win it. It was a necessary condition. He lost after saying he had to win. I think his miscalculation and this was beautifully put out together in the New York Times the other day that the strategy of being the last man standing, the last opponent standing. By the time youre the last person standing, the frontrunner has gotten such momentum it will continue and you will get less support. Your support be not grow because youre the last one standing opini. It will shrink. Watch the democratic race. I think it will be very close. Hillary could win. I think being a winner, helps you win. Trump has gotten momentum. Its real. I think he will go to california and win this thing. Hell have that 1237. I think its over. Chris matthews for us in washington. In terms of this trump win tonight, what were watching now in terms of whether or not chris is right about when donald trump will clench this nomination, what were watching tonight is the scale of Donald Trumps win. We know he is projected as the winner of the state overall. How many delegates will he get . For that we go to steve. We can take you through what were getting at the exit poll. This tells you the story tonight. Ted cruz has counted in every single state on evangelical voters. Its processing. If you saw it on the screen right there, it was all right. It was 4845 . Donald trump won right now in our exit poll. He won the white evangelical poll tonight. This is supposed to be the bedrock of ted Cruz Campaign. The fight that donald trump fights him to a draw, maybe even wins the vote, that tells you what you need to know. We talked about the delegate situation. Trump, by winning this he gets 30 of those 57. Ted cruz also, theres the one congressional district. Big evangelical. The earlier has donald trump leading the district. Thats a very big bellwether. Trump is probably heading for a complete nine to nine sweep. That would mean all 57 delega s delegates. Theres no one better with or without technology by his side. The word inside has no doubt filtered through the building and they will be moving, i presume, cameras and journalists inside to hear from donald trump. Were going to be allowed to go inside in just a couple of minutes after the secret service sweep is done. If we were wondering what Donald Trumps tone would be, i know we were wondering about that, he just tweeted saying wow, lying ted cruz really went whacko today. Made all sorts of crazy charges. Not very president ial and he ended it with trumps normal ending. Sad, exclamation point. This is a big night for donald trump. Its a big night for his campaign. Make no mistake, they will come out and they will say they are hes going to say hes the presumptive nominee. Hes going to say it tonight. They are running a general Election Campaign regardless of whether ted cruz drops out tonight or john kasich drops out tonight. They feel confident now they will get to that magic number of 1237. They are not only 200 delegates away. Thats an easy surmountable hill to climb to get there with what the schedule looks like Going Forward especially when it comes to california where hes heavily favored to win as well. I spoke to ed raulings a couple of minutes ago who just joined the donald trump super pac, the Great America super pac. He says he was a doubter like so many others for a long time. Now hes come around to donald trump and its time for the rest of the republicans to come around to help fill in what he calls gaps in the campaign right now. Hes talking about fund raising. He says the campaign has done a good job of getting to the nomination. Going to the general election and facing up against somebody like Hillary Clinton who will be running a billiondollar campaign against donald trump. He will need outside fund raising as well. As you know, donald trump has disavowed super pacs in his name in the past, and hes made a name for himself as a selffunder even though he does solicit donations on his website. Hes benefitted from that. His supporters say they like hes not beholden to special interests. Im hearing from a number of sources that that will change. He will be taking fund raising money from the gop and ed rawlings believes he will not be disavowing fund raising from super pacs because he will need it Going Forward. I spoke to him about what sort of interactions hes had with the campaign. He said he hasnt had any interactions with them since he joined the super pac. Early on he had a conversation with corey about how to handle a billion dollars. He asked how he dealt with ross perot. He said its like riding a bucking bull. Enjoy it while it lasts. Hold on as tight as you can. When you do get bucked, try not to get trampled. He said he has even despite all experience in campaigns for the last 40, 50 years, he doesnt believe that anybody can predict whats going to happen this time around. Certainly not him. All right. Awaiting clearance to enter trump tower in midtown manhattan. Lets check in with the Cruz Campaign. Theyre at the crowne plaza Downtown Hotel in indianapolis. What, if anything, are they saying after this loss . This loss not surprising for the Cruz Campaign. We talked a bit ago about the idea they were bracing for a loss here. The question will be what the margin is. How bad of a loss is it . The fact were calling it at polls close indicate it may be a significant one for ted cruz. Our most recent polling showed him trailing trump by 15 . You look at the exit poll, there was a sharp ideological divide. Painting himself as the true conservative. Cruz will be coming out onto this stage with his running mate, carly fiorina. I expect that cruz will talk about where hes been in this race. He will take hits against donald trump as hes been doing today in an intensely personal way. Weve heard that from him but not like this. It was a very emotional day. Heidi cruz had tears in her eyes when there was this moment when cruz came upon a group of fifth graders. He started giving high five and shaking hands. She began crying. Thats not something we often see from her. I asked her what brought on this response, she said kids sometimes the truth that adults cannot see. Theres a frustration within the Cruz Campaign that trump is able to dominate the narrative and able to bring up tactics that the Cruz Campaign feels they couldnt do. Its a significant moment in the campai campaign. No word yet on timing of his remarks of when we might see him or his surrogates. Well be ready to go to your location. Its an interesting sign of Cruz Campaign and their attitude toward indiana that even though they told hallie, they expected to lose, they still got their candidate in indiana. Its not at all clear where else they might put him because they made so clear they were putting all their eggs in this basket. He will be forced to stand in indiana on hoosier soil having not just been beaten but having been beaten by a significant margin. Well see when the numbers come in. Its going to be stark night. It will be interesting to see ted cruz in that setting. Nicole, let me ask you as a republican, political pro, one of the things ive been thinking about is this mike pence endorsement. Nobody knew for sure he was going to make an endorsement. He probably thought he could get away without making one, which would be nice for him because hes up against reelection. Hes had trouble as governor even though the economy is strong. Now that pence did endorse ted cruz and it looks like ted cruz got shallacked in indiana. Does that rebound . Does that boomerang on mike pence in way that not just hurts cruz but hurts him too . The significance of the pence endorsement is theres no statewide Office Holder who is more a soul mate for ted cruz than mike pence. We talked last tuesday night and asked the folks that joined us what the impact would be if cruz didnt get the endorsement. Getting it the way he got it was a complete wash. When pence endorsed it was late. Mealy mouth and praise for donald trump. He took it back as he was giving it. I dont think pence suffers any damage because he made perfectly clear he admired and liked both of them. The only point that goes forward with us, is trump camp see any value in engaging with Establishment Republicans . Pence took meetings with all three. The trump meeting was very helpful in they believe it held pence back from a full embrace. Helpful to the trump campaign. Helpful to the trump campaign. When pence said he would vote it was the most halfhearted endorsement of the cycle. To your original question, i think you can argue or ask what the impact might be on pence in a general election of having allied himself with not of having allied himself with cruz. Of having said so many nice things about trump. Theres risk on both sides . Yeah. This is why he didnt want to have to say anything. He might have created a problem for himself. Theres a Senate Primary tonight. Tea Party Republicans threw their shot at a senate seat in 2012 when they picked this guy Richard Mourdock who went onto say things about legitimate rape. Lost them a senate seat. Tonight theres another race like that on the republican side in indiana where theres a more establishment candidate and more outsider candidate and who knows what a donald trump selecting electorate is looking for in a senate candidate. Who knows what their preferences are about the rest of the Republican Party. Theres been very little test of that thus far this year. Well see that tonight. Those just joining us, its 7 14 now. 14 minutes ago we had the call. Our projection that donald trump, at poll closing, would be the victor tonight in indiana. Ted cruz second. John kasich returning third early on at 9 . One of my favorite segments live from 50 feet away. That would feature rick tyler. Former press secretary for Newt Gingrich but most recently National Spokesman for the Cruz Campaign. Hes a contributor to us and rick, that means on awful nights like this for the Cruz Campaign we get to ask a guy like you what went wrong . Cruz had a back week and donald trump had a good week. He dominated the state. All indications is its not going to be a good night for cruz and not a Good Campaign Going Forward. Sitting next to you is one of our political correspondents, kasie hunt. The question to you as the New York Times would word it, wither the stop trump movement. Withered, i think. This is not a good night for them, clearly. I just got off the phone with the top trump aide who already, the language that they are use g ing to discuss this race has changed. His campaign was acknowledging we have to beat cruz in indiana. Theyre language is we have just finished a 17person contest. Them saying this is effectively wrapped up. Theyre starting to accelerate talks about how to get donald trump out there to fund raise for state parties. Donald trump also interested in taking over planning for the convention. They want to make sure that the program reflects donald trump. They want control over who speaks. What the tone of the event is and trump wants to throw a big party. Its not really that far out of realm of your imagination to understand why trump might want to take that over. Them saying now that its clear donald trump will reach 1237 and we have avoided a contested convention. All of that still going to try to be coalescing behind the scenes over the next 24 hours. All of these things are in the handbook of things candidates say when they near the nomination. This phrase presumptive nominee, we may hear trump say it again tonight. Thats a thing. He can say it about himself. Our elections folks reminded us if you see that in a graphic or hear us use that wording officially some day, it will mean its official. For now, its a selfgiven title. Lets take a quick break. When we come back, well go down to what Chris Matthews in washington with his special guests. Donald trump took a major step towards sewing up the republican nomination tuesday against the primary election. Dashing the hopes of rival ted cruz and other gop forces who fear the brash businessman will doom their party in the general election. That the words of the Associated Press julie pace. We got statement from the never trump folks. They say obviously trumps victory in indiana makes the road ahead more challenging. Well continue to seek opportunities to oppose his nomination. If nominated he will lose in historic fashion, threaten down ballot campaigns and usher in a clinton presidency. This is indisputable when three out of four women view him negatively. Never does not mean maybe. Six out of ten republican primary voters voted for someone other than trump. Well continue to identify ways to give them voice. Its the never trump folks saying tonight is not the end for them even if nobody knows how they salvage this. Where the trump votes are coming . Take a look at this. Well show you indiana and what this means for donald trump overall. These are the results we see coming in. Donald trump dark red. These are the counties hes winning dark red like the dark red sweater that bobby knight used to wear. You see two counties for ted cruz. Donald trump headed toward a 57delegate sweep. Its very, very likely to be his. His new number of delegates will be 1055. Thats are he would sit after tonight. Lets play this out. 1055 means hes 182 short. He would need 182 the rest of the way. West virginia votes, its funny how they gave out their delegates. This looks like a monster trump win. Lets give them 25 here. The magic number is 157. We got these two different dates. You have a total of 72 between them. Say trump only gets 32. Look at this. The magic number down to 74. New jersey the proportional. Lets give him half. Now youre down to 72. Montana, south dakota, lets still say they go to ted cruz. The magic number 62 now being conservativ conservative. Theres 172 delegates up for grabs in california. Donald trump wouldnt need much out of california. What were seeing here since wisconsin a couple of weeks ago, we said wisconsin is a turning point in this race. It was. Since then donald trump has not been below 50 in a single state. That suggests the momentum. That suggests the race has changed. Momentum is so much on trumps side that being conservative its hard not to see him getting 1237. Hes going to leave 1237 way behind in the rear view mirror. If youre saying he only needs to pull 62 delegates out of california, am i right that right now in the polls hes sitting really comfortably with big fat double digit leads in california . Youre talking north of 20 points right now. Thats before anybody digests the results from tonight. Theres been a couple of polls out of california showing a land slide for trump. What youve been hearing from the stop trump folks is were going to pick congressional districts and fight him there. If hes winning that state by 20 points or more, shes sweeping them all. That statement from the never trump campaign, theyre saying we represent, theyve been sticking to this line who says anybody who wasnt voting for trump will never be with trump. If it is still north of 50 , it will mean hes won seven states now, seven primaries or caucuses with more than 50 of the vote. Thats low by normal standards. To put it in perspective at this same point, mitt romney, the nominee had done it in 11 states. Thank you. Steve schmidt is of counsel to our effort tonight. Hes with Chris Matthews. Theyre both in washington. They are whats coming up next after break. Listen to just a moment of whats going on in louisville where Bernie Sanders is giving his pretty much, sounds like his normal stump speech on a night when the democratic race in indiana, we have it as too early to call. Lets listen for a moment. 1 now owns as much wealth as the bottom 90 . The top 20 people in this country in wealth now own more wealth than the bottom 150 million americans, half of our population. Weve got one family, the Walton Family of walmart. They are worth 149 billion. More wealth than the bottom 40 of the American People. When you talk about a rigged economy, that is exactly what walmart and the Walton Family are all about. They pay their workers wages that are so low that the american taxpayer has to pay for the food stamps and the medicaid that [ cheers and applause ] the american taxpayer is paying for the food stamps and medicaid that many walmart employees need because theyre wages are too low. Now, its a little bit nuts to my mind when the middle class of this country has to subsidize the employees of the wealthiest family in this country. Bernie sanders live in louisville. Look at this race. We have it too early to call. 50 to 50 with 18 in. Something tells me well be keeping an eye on this. Lets bring in Bernie Sanders campai campaign manager, jeff weaver. We know this is a big night for you. Happy to be here. Thank you. How confident are you that you will win . When its 50 50. Its a little tough. I wont be too over the top. The polls have closed. Hes been in indiana. When hes in these states, these open primary states he can move the numbers quite substantially and speaking to the large crowds hes been talking to. Were feeling very good about tonight. I think a lot of media were ready to write this off. I think the voters want this to go on. Let me ask you about one other metric that was a surprise which is your fund raising numbers dropping a lot between march and april. We have been so wowed by your Campaign Fundraising with all these millions of small donors giving again these small amounts of money. Why did your fundraising drop off so significantly between march and april . Well, our average was 17 million a month. We exceeded that by 50 . We did have two phenomenal months. 45 million is not sustainable number. If people want to go to Bernie Sanders. Com and contribute tonight, that will be greatly appreciated. Im used to people dodging the question. Not using the question to remedy the problem i was asking about. Let me ask you about the criticism your campaign has made toward the Clinton Campaign also on the issue of fund raising. You have called the Clinton Campaign money launders for their joint fundraisers with the dnc. Are you alleging that the Clinton Campaign is criminally liable for what is wrong with the fund raising tactics . That term was used by Democratic State party officials. That wasnt our term. Theyve been getting huge donations from wealthy people and doing two things. They said they would give it to the state parties. The state parties have gotten 1 of the money. What they have done is quite remarkable. They take the money they get from people from contributions above the limit that they are allowed to take and turn it into a small dollar contribution machine which all goes to the Clinton Campaign. They are turning it into small dollars that goes to the secretary. Money that goes to the state parties gets vacuumed up by the dnc sometimes, according to the news report when state parties dont realize the money is being taken out of their account. Its quite phenomenal. What you have done in terms of supporting other democrats is you have raised money for three specifically Democratic House named candidates. Are there going to be more than just those three people . Yes. It will be many more. The senator has raised through solicitations money for the dscc this cycle and hes raised money for the dccc. Hes raised money for individual senators. He has a long history of raising money for the Democratic Party and for democratic candidates. Hell continue to do so. I think youll see in the coming days and weeks more direct solicitations to our donors asking them to support other progressive candidates who can help further the political revolution. Jeff weaver. At this hour the race still too early to call. Stay in touch. Appreciate having you here. Folk who is are really into politics will remember in 08, indiana was one of the really interesting states, late states coming in for the democratic side in that race. There are some fascinating counties with names like marion and madison. With a 5050 too early to call race. Steve, those of white house go back a little bit remember numbers out of gary, indiana kept us up late. In may of 2008. That he understa that ended up being the decisive night when it became clear that barack obama would be the candidate. Bernie sanders leading statewide by three votes. Ive been hitting the refresh button. They keep swapping first and second place. Thai been trading the lead. Its going back and forth. This is where south we understand bend is. You mentioned gary. It was such a late night, one of the places that came in very last that night that proved crimin critical to the outcome. It was gary. No returns yet. Gray Means Nothing is coming in from there. That could again, especially if it comes in late, that could be key. One thing to keep in mind as we watch this democratic race, the backdrop is a little different than 2008 where the outcome was in doubt there between clinton and obama. We come into tonight with Hillary Clinton leading in the pledge delegate count by about 290. If this is what holds, if weve got race thats a toss up, 5050, the difference between sanders winning this thing by a point and clinton winning this thing by a point, its the difference between ending the night with clinton up 292 delegates or 288 delegates. The bottom line math, it seems dramatic. Does sanders win . Does clinton win in the bottom line math isnt going to change no matter who wins. We have a tight race separated by all of three votes. Kristen welker outside Clinton Campaign headquarters in brooklyn. I note your candidate will be spending the night about 40 minutes to the north of city at home. Incredibly notable. Thats right. Shes not in indiana tonight. Shes not in any of the primary states. I spoke with one of her Campaign Official who is said they are bracing for a potential loss tonight. Indiana is an open primary. That means that independents can vote. Now, this comes as we are seeing secretary clinton make a total pivot to the general election earlier today in an exclusive interview with andrea mitchell, she all but laid out her strategy for taking on donald trump. Shes going to paint him as someone who has failed the commander in chief test. If they lose indiana, the Clinton Campaign argues they have enough delegates to clench the nomination. Here is the key. Ive been talking to top democrats. They are concerned shes not competing aggressively enough in these primary states. They want her to win a state like california heading into the convention. They say thats going to be critical to unifying the party because senator sanders is saying he is going to fight this all the way to the convention. Outside Clinton Campaign headquarters in brooklyn, new york. We have a trump victory. Were waiting to hear from him. We have a break to get to but live coverage on the other side. This was our first projection and only projection thus far tonight. It was at poll closing time, 7 00 eastern time. It was that the gop primary victor when all the votes are counted will be donald trump with ted cruz losing badly and john kasich even worse. It brings us to our conversation in washington with Chris Matthews. Chris. Thanks, brian. I think the National Lead tomorrow will be trumps got it, right . Its over, 100 . Donald trump will be the republican nominee. As steve pointed out earlier with this victory looking ahead to the state of california. Some polls out in california have donald trump with a 34point lead. Very substantial lead in the state of new jersey. Just those two states alone get him over the magic thresholds of 1237. He will be the first ballot nominee of the Republican Party by the delegates. Will we begin to see people coalesces one way or the other on trump now. They have to decide if theyre with the nominee or not. This was the discussion earlier onset new york. You have ted cruz saying hes a pathological liar, hes a narcissist, hes unfit but yes ill support the republican nominee for president. We see that all over the party. Theyre not taking the logical next step when you look at the ne personality characteristics. How many will say i love my party, but i love my country more. Well see how many republicans out there that say its better for Hillary Clinton to be elected president of the United States to be the commander in chief than somebody in their view is not stable, is not fit to be the commander in chief and have access to the Nuclear Weapons codes. How do you see that breaking . What percentage of your party will say better to give this one up and take hillary on in 2020 than have donald trump as president . I think youll see pretty few and far between at an elected official level. At a republican consulting class, the former staffers in the white houses and been around capitol hill, been in the lob lobbying community, i think youll see a great deal of it. So far hes gotten dr. Ben carson behind him. Anybody else in the candidates ranks, of the 17 candidates, anybody else going to join . He wont go above 1237 until the night of june 7th. He will officially be the presumptive nominee. Any other candidate who did what donald trump did tonight, what would happen tomorrow is paul ryan, mitt romney, is the previous nominee would come out and they would say its now clear that the Republican Voters have spoken and that they have decided that donald trump should carry the grand old Party Standard into the general election against the likely democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton. Well see if those normal protocols and custom occur before june 7th. If this was john mccain, if this was mitt romney, if this bob doyle, if this was any one of another dozen republican, that would happen. Donald trump calls and asks are you with me, what will all these governors and senators going to say to him . Thinking about it. I think youll have a will the of people looking at this saying how does this impact my race. What does this mean in my state . State of utah, is a state donald trump is in big trouble. Because of his lifestyle. I think that elected politicians are going to have a very transactional approach to this. They will say what does this do to me. This could have dire implications for the u. S. Senate. Then again, this race, a will the of democrats, i think, are gleeful tonight saying that donald trump because of his unfavorable levels with women voters doesnt stand a chance against Hillary Clinton. Certainly, people at the highest levels of the Hillary Clinton d campaign, democrats at the highest level do not think that. They regard him as a very dangerous opponent. Put those numbers together. Why do we know the variety groups that are talked about, h hispanic voters, you have a lot of women and most voters are women. All the numbers, quantities out there that say trump cant win. When you said is all in the air and in the national polling. Its getting within the margin of error. How can all the the groups be against him but hes still in t it . Trust is completely evaporated between the American People and every institution in this country that you can think to name. Business, youve seen an error of fraud in sports, Financial Services industry, government, politics. In that environment, an outsider candidate running against Hillary Clinton who has been on the stage for a generation. There are two types of elections change versus more of the same. I agree. Hes changed. We look at this election and we say sitting here today that the election is going to be determined by events that have already occurred opposed to events that have yet to occur. Whats the implication if we see scenes over this country like we saw outside the state Republican Convention in california. Violence being done to police cars. Hundreds of people carrying mexican flags. Protests on the edge of violence. When we look at the vents yet to come, when we consider the toxic tone of this campaign, we think about the campaign with the images of violence that are a prelude of much worse to come. Something we havent seen in this country in a very, very long time. We put that all together, were moving into a general election here that is highly volatile and very unpredictable. It sounds like 1968 with an unhappy result but a fear of change at that point. Change begins not so great. Back to you guys. Daunting in a lot of ways. Talking about us to be discussing reasonably how the ongoing Violence Associated with the Political Campaign might affect the election that is just something i didnt expect in my lifetime to be saying. We have dibs on the next conversation with steve. Easily the most interesting conversation of the evening thus far. A quick characterization before we go to a break. We have moved our characterization of indiana for the democrats from too early to call to too close to call. You see the separation there between the two candidates. Another break, our live coverage continues. Man 1 youre new. Man 2 i am. Woman exmilitary . Man 2 four tours. Woman you worked with computers . Man 2 thats classified, maam. Man 1 but youre job was Network Security . Man 2 thats classified, sir. Woman lets cut to the chase, here. Man 1 whats youre assessment of our security . Man 2 [ gasps ] porous. Woman porous . Man 2 the Old Solutions arent working. Man 2 the world has changed. Man 1 meaning . Man 2 its not just security. Its defense. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. Another barn burner here on the democratic side. Too close to call is our characterization in a race separated by just over 4,000 votes. And while we have so much to talk about on the republican side, having just heard from the kasich campaign, having just heard from steve schmidt, the quote i believe was its over for every other candidate not named trump. We are dutyfound to go to steve kornacki as we are getting results in from indiana. What do you think is going to tip this either way . Whats the big one youre waiting for results from . Ill give you a couple, one for each campaign right now. If youre a Bernie Sanders supporter what do you think of, you look at college towns. Youve got two here theyre looking at, partial returns, indiana university. Bloomington. You can see about onethird of the vote in right now. Sanders is crushing clinton in this county, he could squeeze a lot out of this still. Also, nothing in yet in indiana here, tip pa canoe county, the home of purdue university, boilermakers that could be a big county for Bernie Sanders. On the flip side, the good news for Hillary Clinton, we talked about this earlier, you look up aer, lake county, this is where gary is, it looks like the early vote coming in, Hillary Clinton having a decisive lead there. Theres a lot of votes still to come in here right now. The actual sameday vote, if that favors Hillary Clinton, she could get a lot out of there. Of course in the heart of the state as well as indianapolis we should tell you about onequarter of the vote is in from indianapolis right now. It is dead even right there. Steve do we know if the turnout overall looks big on the democratic side . I cant compare to 08. Its hard to know until everythings in, i know. If we dwell on indianapolis it is because just under half of all the voters who will vote today are in the adi, the area of dominant influence, around indianapolis. Look at you with the obscure acronym. I dont even know what to say. Adi. Well continue our coverage at the top of the hour. Googling

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