The latest numbers from four key swing states. And golden once again. Michael phelps gets redemption against a rival proving revenge is a dish best served in the pool. Its 5 00 a. M. On the east coast, 2 00 a. M. Out west, this is way too early. Theres wakeup music for you. Good morning, everybody. Its tuesday, august 10th, im betty nguyen alongside Louis Burgdorf. On the campaign trail yesterday an outcry over what many read as a threat that donald trump was accused of making against Hillary Clinton. Listen for yourself. Hillary wants to abolish essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick [ audience boos ] if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, i dont know. But but ill tell you what, that will be a horrible day. Now the reaction was swift. The secret service tweeted they were aware of the comments. Clintons Campaign Manager said this is simple, what trump is saying is dangerous. A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way. U. S. Senator chris murphy of connecticut added dont treat this as a political misstep its an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a National Tragedy and crisis. The Trump Campaign responded with a statement, quote, on dishonest media. Its called the power of unification. Second amendment people have an amazing spirit and are tremendously unified which gives them great political power, and this year they will be voting in record numbers and it wont be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for donald trump. Trump retweeted support from the nra which posted donald trump is right, if Hillary Clinton gets to pick her antiSecond Amendment Supreme Court judges theres nothing we can do. The candidate himself spoke up in interviews last night. Well, i think youre talking about, im not sure because i havent heard this question, but i think youre talking about the power of people that are in favor of the Second Amendment, and they have tremendous political power, and i think they really are strong, theyre united, and in fact, the National Rifle Association Just came out and they agreed that that is absolutely the way they feel, too. The Second Amendment people have tremendous power because theyre so united. Ive seen statements from democrats so far whove equated it to condoning violence. Not what that was . Oh, no, no, this is political power. Obviously youre saying that theres a Strong Political movement within the Second Amendment, and if people mobilize and vote, they can stop hillary from having this impact on the court. But thats not how the media is spinning it. Whats your reaction to it . Well, i just heard about that. And it was amazing, because nobody in that room thought anything other than what you just said. This is a political movement. This is a strong, powerful movement, the Second Amendment. You know, hillary wants to take your guns away. She wants to leave you unprotected in your home. This is a tremendous political movement. There can be no other interpretation. Even reporters have told me, i mean give me a break. All right so just there you heard donald trump say that no one in the room thought anything other than him talking about political power. Though an audience member sitting right behind the candidate found trumps comments worthy of this reaction mouthing whoa to the woman sitting next to him. As donald trump made his controversial remarks in wilmington, yesterday, his running mate governor mike pence was on the stump in pennsylvania, where he said this. Just have to tell you, donald trump just gets it. You know what im saying . When he does his talk and he doesnt go tiptoeing around those thousands of rules of Political Correctness that the establishment places in the way. Once pence was offstage a reporter read trumps comments to him. Governor pence said trump was very clear in that he was talking about the elections in accordance to the constitution. Electing donald trump as the next president of the United States will ensure that well have a president that will make appointments to the Supreme Court that will uphold all the liberties enshrined in our constitution including the Second Amendment. You dont believe that he was inferring any violence relating to Hillary Clinton . Of course of course not, no. Donald trump is urging people around this country to act in a manner consistent with their convictions in the course of this election. And people who cherish the Second Amendment have a very clear choice in this election. Other people heard trumps comments differently, including former cia director retired general Michael Hayden. Who recently signed a letter with 49 other Republican National Security Officials saying trump would put the country at risk. If someone else had said that outside the hall, hed be in the back of a police wagon now with the secret service questioning him. I tell my seniors at cia you get to a certain point in this business youre not just responsible for what you say, you are responsible for what people hear. That might be a good lesson here. Democrats also condemned trumps remarks. Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted donald trump makes Death Threats because hes a pathetic coward who cant handle the fact that hes losing to a girl. Adding your reckless comments sound like a twobit dictator. Donald trump not a man who wants to lead the greatest democracy on the planet. And after campaigning in austin, texas, yesterday, Vice President ial candidate tim kaine shared his disbelief and disgust. I really, frankly, couldnt believe he said it. And so i went to watch the video of it, and found that he had said it exactly the way it was printed. It just revealed a sort of a complete temperamental misfit with the character thats required to do the job. A slew of new swing state polls shows a battleground map that is getting harder for donald trump to expand. In the latest quinnipiac poll things are close in florida with clinton up just one point 46 to 45. Theyre close in ohio as well with clinton leading by just four points, 49 to 45. The new nbc news wall street journal maris poll shows her up by five but pennsylvania, a place trump is trying to steal, clinton has stretched her lead to ten in the quinnipiac poll. Shes grown her lead there to 11 according to the marist poll and in iowa clinton leads by four points 41 to 37. And one more poll to show you this one out of kansas. The ksn poll shows donald trump leading clinton by just five points. Thats a swing six points in clintons favor since july. House Speaker Paul Ryan easily defeated his challenger in the republican primary last night. He walked away with 84 of the vote. Paul nehlen took just 18 . Instead of holding a victory rally, ryan bought volunteers cheese curds and beer, sounds pretty good. Nehlen had been courting donald trump supporters. His bid to unseat ryan gained attention after trump praised him on the campaign trail. Trump eventually endorsed ryan but not before creating a flap within the party and speaking to reporters after his win last night ryan called for leadership that unites the country. In times as uncertain as these it is easy to resort to division. Its simple to prey on peoples fears. That stuff sells, but it doesnt stick. It doesnt last. Most of all it doesnt work. Around here, we look beyond the noise and the static. What we have accomplished here tonight is historic beyond words and measure, because we have lit the spark of a raging fire of righteous populism that will lift up the spirit of this nation. As a result of our campaign, people know where ryan stands. The mask has been pulled off, the charade is over, sentiment behind the smirk has been revealed. The con is up. According to Nbcs Kelly Odonnell as of 10 00 p. M. Last night nehlen had yet to call to concede. Hillary clinton mean while campaigned with representative Debbie Wasserman schultz in florida yesterday lending her unequivocal support for the former dnc chair. Im here today with a very simple message. I cant think of anyone who deserves your support for reelecti reelection, starti ining with primary on august 30th, than my friend debbie. And i am committed to doing whatever i can to support her as she returns to the congress, with your support by her side. Because we have a lot of work to do. Becauwasserman schultz tweete was honored to have clinton stop by. She could be in a tough primary. Wasserman schultz stepped down amid the scandal amid emails posted by wikileaks that seemed to propreferen shum treatment for clinton. Republican senator kelly ayotte of New Hampshire says she still plants to support donald trump though its not officially an endorsement. Thats despite trumps delayed enforce hadnt for her and pressure from fellow republicans like Susan Collins who says she wont be voting for trump. Ive come to the ines capable conclusion that there is no new donald trump. That he is incapable of change and growth. He is incapable of apologizing, of saying that he was wrong. His lack of empathy and compassion for a family who lost a son in combat is really telling. I have Great Respect for senator collins, in fact she and i have worked together on a number of important issues. And i think each person has to make their own decision as to whether theyre who theyre going to support for the president ial ticket. The fight against zika has made its way to the campaign trail with floridas republican governor rick scott and Hillary Clinton both urging congress to act. On tuesday, Governor Scott announced four new home grown cases of zika. Likely contracted from mosquitoes in the wynwood neighborhood of miami. That brings the number of locally acquired cases in florida to 21. Governor scott called out Congress Inaction on zika funding saying quote every day that passes hinders our National Response to zika. This is not only an issue affecting us here in florida, it is a national issue. And while touring a Medical Center in miami, Hillary Clinton joined the governor in urging congress to return from summer recess arely. I am very disappointed that the Congress Went on recess before actually agreeing on what they would do to put the resources into this fight. And i really am hoping that they will pay attention. In fact i would very much urge the leadership of congress to call people back for a special session and get a bill passed. Get a bill that is focused on combatting zika passed. A blistering new report by the Justice Department has found the Baltimore Police department engages in racially biased practices. With the citys officers routinely violating citizens constitutional rights. The findings, which will officially be announced later this morning, show officers regularly stop, search, and even arrest africanamerican residents. Sometimes using Excessive Force without justification. One example included an africanamerican man in his 50s who was stopped 30 times in under four years. None of those incidents resulted in a criminal charge or even a ticket. The probe which comes from freddie grays death while in Police Custody last year involved more than six years of records. It found shortages in training policies and supervision that did not give officers the tools needed to do their jobs effectively, and within the bounds of federal law. Now to missouri, a peaceful protest for the second anniversary of the Fatal Police Shooting of Michael Brown reportedly turned violent last night. Police had ordered a small group of protesters to clear the street, but then in video provided to nbc news a car appears to strike one person in the crowd. Moments after the person was hit, what sounds like gunshots begin. Oh, god. Oh oh somebodys shooting somebodys shooting oh, my god frightening scene no doubt. Michael brown was shot and killed by a Police Officer leading to weeks of unrest in that community. Still ahead were also following the violence out of chicago this morning. The warning from the chicago Police Department about plots to attack officers. And hes doing prison time for trying to get something in return for president obamas old senate seat. Former illinois governor Rod Blagojevich wanted his sentence reduced. Well have the judges decision. And california currently in its fifth Straight Year of historic drought could be facing one of its worst fire seasons on record. Well have the latest on the blaze thats already forced some schools to close. Those stories and a check of the weather when way too early comes right back. She spent summer bingewatching. Soon, shell be bingestudying. Now she writes mostly in emoji. Soon, shell type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. Today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. Soon, hell take notes en espanol. Get back to great with the right gear. From the place with the experts. Office depot officemax. Gear up for school. Gear up for great. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. Oh, look at you, so great to see you none of this works. Come on in. Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated . Use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula available. Its clinically proven to work on fine lines and. Even deep wrinkles. One week . That definitely works rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots, rapid tone repair. Neutrogena®. See whats possible. Former illinois governor Rod Blagojevich has lost his bid to have his 14year sentence reduced. Blagojevich was sent to prison in 2012 for trying to sell or trade the senate seat vacated when barack obama became president. The federal ruling means blagojevich will have to complete the remaining eight years of his sentence. The former governor appeared via closed circuit television. His once jetblack hair now all gray. He apologized for his mistakes telling the court hes trying to be the best man he can be. The decision came despite an Appeals Court ruling that tossed out five of the original 18 counts that landed him in prison. The ongoing plague of violence in chicago shows no signs of slowing. 10yearold tevon tanner was among 19 people shot on monday. He was with family on his porch when someone fired as many as nine shots in front of his home. His twin sister tried to keep him calm holding his hand and yelling twin dont leave me. As he screamed in pain. He underwent four hours of surgery and remains in critical condition. Of the 19 shot on monday, nine were killed. This marks the deadliest day for chicago in more than 13 years. According to the new york times, more than 2500 people have been shot in the city just this year. 427 fatally. And the paper is reporting that the chicago p. D. Is on alert after learning of an alleged plot by members from multiple gangs to shoot police. The plot is reportedly meant as retaliation for a Police Involved shooting of paul oneal last month. The pilot fire burning in californias San Bernardino mountains is growing. Its now more than 7700 acres and is only about 6 contained. Schools in the area will remain closed today due to air quality issues. Almost 1500 personnel are on hand battling the blaze, which started sunday. 5300 structures are in the line of the fire, but so far no homes have been destroyed. Lets bring in nbcs meteorologist bill karins with a check on your weather. Bill, scary story there with the fire. This is a peak of the fire season. You expect there to be fires out there in the west. It hasnt been a record breaking season but it has been an active season in california. No rain in sight for them. They have to wait for the fall. Lets talk about whats changed overnight. Youre waking up this morning and heading outside in areas of the northeast. These numbers represent the dew point. They give us a good representation of how much moisture is in the air. The only thing you really need to know is when the numbers get into the 70s, that is oppressive air, almost feels heavy when you walk outside. So the humidity has shot up incredibly. Some of the most humid air from d. C. To philadelphia up into new york. Thats going to spread to new england. You get more moisture, you get more thunderstorm. This is needed rainfall. Heavy rain and thunderstorms from areas of western new york right across central new york, now heading for the capital district. Some of these showers and storms will move right across new england. Heres the timing on it. This is at 7 00 a. M. Most of the concentration around central new york, syracuse, utica, heading into areas like albany. As we go throughout the rest of the morning well watch and track some of this heading towards the east. Now it looks like it dissipates a little bit and flare up a little more this afternoon. So at noon we get a little bit of a break. Just some scattered showers, springfield to boston, hartford included. By 5 00 p. M. Notice they start popping back up again. Theyll be hit and miss. Not everyone is going to get wet today. The humidity is so high you may welcome a little cool air with the rainfall when it falls. Also were still watching this very heavy rain in the gulf. So far still concentrate down in the gulf. Thats going to change later today, tonight and all day tomorrow. Heavy rain event likely for the new orleans area. Well get five to about seven inches of rain, pretty much widespread. Isolated areas up to twelve inches of rain. Well have to watch that, see how bad the flooding could get along the northern gulf coast. That will be tonight and tomorrow. I dont like the humidity. Anyone who has a lot of hair knows humidity results in a bad hair day. The frizz factor is on extra high. Still ahead the latest from the summer games as Michael Phelps plants his 21st gold medal with the help of his team. Well have that plus what else to watch from rio today when way too early comes right back. Isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. Easy to use chase technology, for whatever youre trying to master. Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. Chase. So you can. Would suffice for jordans Bachelor Party. I dont need a sword, im a firemaid. Ding dong im going to give this place a killer review. I dont know, i just always thought maybe my Bachelor Party would be a little less grated. Wench ahhh ahhh hahaha. Oooh Party Time Party boy ok, ok. Mm hm, party time. Hmm, mmm, mmm. Thiswell we thought geench programmed machines to talk. Ge is an Industrial Company that actually builds worldchanging machines. Machines that can talk to each other digitally. Hello . They dont talk to each other like that, ricky. Shhhh, youll anger it. He looks a little ticked off now. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. With usaa is awesome. Homeowners insurance Life Insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as Gunnery Sergeant when i call being a usaa member because of my service in the military to pass that on to my kids something that makes me happy my name is roger zapata and im a usaa member for life. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Time now for sports. Another day of olympic competition in rio. Michael phelps the most decorated olympian of all time earned his 14th individual gold medal after taking the 200 meter butterfly last night. Phelps won backtoback olympic crowns in this event in 2004 and 2008. But finished behind chad le clos of south africa at the 2012 games in london with tensions building after the pair had not met in a major final since that second place finish. Phelps celebrated his victory with a finger wag, and a quote bring it on gesture to the crowd. At age 31, phelps is the oldest individual Gold Medalist in olympic swimming history. And the first athlete to win multiple gold medals in four different olympics. And after wrapping up his 20th career olympic gold medal phelps followed up an hour later with his 21st anchoring the mens 4x200 meter freestyle relay along with ryan lochte, conor dwyer and haas they continued with a fourth consecutive gold medal. Phelps the first olympian to win 21 gold medals brings his career medal count up to a total of 25 and after the victory the relay squad got a visit from a few of the team usa basketball superstars nice show of support there. Lets turn now to the pitch for day three of the olympic womens soccer tournament. The u. S. Womens National Team compared against colombia in their final group stage before fridays quarterfinals. And while the americans looked strong off the start controlling much of the possession it was colombia who was the first on board scoring on a free kick mishandled by u. S. Goalkeeper hope solo in the 26th minute u. S. Stormed back four minutes later with an equalizer from crystal dunn and then a goahead by mallory pew the youngest player to score for the u. S. In olympics history. But in the 90th minute, colombia finds the back of the net on a free kick once again to end the match in a 22 draw. The americans get seven points in group play with the draw and finish at the top of group g. Theyll face sweden in the quarterfinals colombia has been limb natured. Im still in awe of Michael Phelps. When you saw at what 31 hes the oldest to win an individual medal in swimming. Thats incredible. The ripe old age of 31. Unbelievable, right . Thank you, still ahead. A look at the days top headlines including Donald Trumps offthecuff remark that came across to some as a veiled threat against Hillary Clinton. He and his campaign are now pushing back against accusations hes inciting violence. Well be right back. We left on our honeymoon in january 2012. It actually evolved into a business. From our blog to video editing. Our technology has to hang tough with us. When youre going to a place without electricity, you need a long battery life. The touch, combined with the screen resolution. A mac doesnt have that. We wanted to help more people get out there and see the world. 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All right it is that remark that donald trump is trying to clean up this morning. Did the republican president ial nominee really joke about assassinating Hillary Clinton . Or are his words being misconstrued . Plus the father of yoeld shooter omar mateen speaks out in favor of Hillary Clinton after being spotted at one of her rallies. Now the Trump Campaign is making political hay of his attendance. And a giant win for house Speaker Paul Ryan in his primary. He celebrates in the wisconsin way. Cheese curds. It is 5 30 on the east coast, 2 30 out west, this is way too early. Good morning, its tuesday, august 10th. Im Louis Burgdorf alongside betty nguyen. Well talk about the controversy of a man who attended a clinton rally in florida in just a bit. First deep division over what donald trump said and what he meant while talking about the Second Amendment. Listen for yourself. Hillary wants to abolish essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick [ audience boos ] if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, i dont know. But but ill tell you what, that will be a horrible day. Now the reaction was swift. The secret service tweeted they were aware of the comments. Clintons Campaign Manager said this is simple, what trump is saying is dangerous. A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way. U. S. Senator chris murphy of connecticut added dont treat this as a political misstep its an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a National Tragedy and crisis. Now trump tweeted med yeah desperate to distract from clintons anti antidistance i all right. Were having a little bit of problems here. The Trump Campaign responded with a statement saying, quote, on dishonest media. Its called the power of unification. Second amendment people have an amazing spirit and are tremendously unified which gives them great political power, and this year they will be voting in record numbers and it wont be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for donald trump. Trump retweeted support from the nra which posted donald trump is right, if Hillary Clinton gets to pick her antiSecond Amendment Supreme Court judges theres nothing we can do. The candidate himself spoke up in interviews last night. Well, i think youre talking about, im not sure because i havent heard this question, but i think youre talking about the power of people that are in favor of the Second Amendment, and they have tremendous political power, and i think they really are strong, theyre united, and in fact, the National Rifle Association Just came out and they agreed that that is absolutely the way they feel, too. The Second Amendment people have tremendous power because theyre so united. Ive seen statements from democrats so far whove equated it to condoning violence. Not what that was . Oh, no, no, this is political power. Obviously youre saying that theres a Strong Political movement within the Second Amendment, and if people mobilize and vote, they can stop hillary from having this impact on the court. But thats not how the media is spinning it. Whats your reaction to it . Well, i just heard about that. And it was amazing, because nobody in that room thought anything other than what you just said. This is a political movement. This is a strong, powerful movement, the Second Amendment. You know, hillary wants to take your guns away. She wants to leave you unprotected in your home. This is a tremendous political movement. There can be no other interpretation. Even reporters have told me, i mean give me a break. As donald trump made his controversial remarks in wilmington his running mate mike pence was on the stump in pennsylvania where he says this. I just have to tell you, donald trump just gets it. You know what im saying . When he does his talking he doesnt go tiptoeing around those thousands of rules of Political Correctness. That the establishment places in the way. Once pence was offstage a reporter read trumps comments to him. Governor pence said trump was very clear in what he was talking about, the elections importance to the constitution. Electing donald trump as the next president of the United States will ensure that well have a president that will make appointments to the Supreme Court that will uphold all the liberties enshrined in our constitution including the Second Amendment. You dont believe that he was inferring any violence relating to Hillary Clinton . Of course of course not, no. Donald trump is urging people around this country to act in a manner consistent with their convictions in the course of this election. And people who cherish the Second Amendment have a very clear choice in this election. Meanwhile conservative author ann coulter tweeted i just woke from a nap to an allnew fake media scandal about trump. Hes joking about assassinating hillary saying number one, it wasnt about assassination, and number two the medias trying to get trump assassinated by incessantly calling him hitler. Shortly after winning his primary last night Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan gave trump the benefit of the doubt. Ive been a little busy today. I heard about this Second Amendment quote. It sounds like just a joke gone bad. I hope he clears it up very quickly. You should never joke about Something Like that. I didnt actually hear the comments. I only heard about those comments. Now surrogates also came out to defend trump, including rudy giuliani, congressman duncan hunter, and even nonsupporter Susan Collins of maine. What he said very clearly was that if Hillary Clinton were elected president , she would get to appoint judges to the Supreme Court, and among the other things that they would do to destroy us, would be to do away with the Second Amendment and your right to bear arms. And then he said, and you have the power to do something about it. And what he meant by that was, you have the power to vote against her. You have the power you have the power to campaign against her. You have the power to speak against her. You know why . Because youre americans youre treating mr. Trumps words like he is the most articulate person whos ever graced our ears with his words. And that is not true. He is not a politician. He is not a person like you, whos very articulate, very well spoken. I think he can be inarticulate at times. He is a business person and he misspeaks a lot because he doesnt speak for a living. Ive been very critical of donald trump, but i actually dont think thats what he was saying. I think he was suggesting that the Second Amendment advocates across the country might be able to come together to pressure the senate to reject her nominees should she become president. Thats how i interpreted it. But, it is an example of Donald Trumps looseness when language that can lead to interpretations that such as the one put out by secretary clintons camp. Other people heard trumps comments differently, including former cia director retired general Michael Hayden who recently signed a letter with 49 other Republican National Security Officials saying trump would put the country at risk. If someone else had said that outside the hall, hed be in the back of a police wagon now with the secret service questioning him. I tell my seniors at cia you get to a certain point in this business youre not just responsible for what you say, you are responsible for what people hear. That might be a good lesson here. Democrats also condemned trumps remarks. Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted donald trump makes Death Threats because hes a pathetic coward who cant handle the fact that hes losing to a girl. Adding your reckless comments sound like a twobit dictator. Donald trump not a man who wants to lead the greatest democracy on the planet. And after campaigning in austin, texas, yesterday, Vice President ial candidate tim kaine shared his disbelief and disgust. I really, frankly, couldnt believe he said it. And so i went to watch the video of it, and found that he had said it exactly the way it was printed. It just revealed a sort of a complete temperamental misfit with the character thats required to do the job. Now the Clinton Campaign is responding after the father of the orlando nightclub shooter was spotted at an event this week. Seddique mateen was seen sitting almost directly behind clinton during a rally in florida on monday. When asked by the nbc affiliate whether the campaign knew he would be in attendance he responded, its a Democratic Party so everyone can join. The Clinton Campaign later released a statement saying the rally was a 3,000 person open door event for the public. This individual wasnt invited as a guest, and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event. The incident has both donald trump and his running mate mike pence weighing in yesterday. Yesterday at a rally outside orlando, florida, the father of the very radical islamic terrorist who murdered 49 americans, attended the rally, was on television through most of the rally sitting behind Hillary Clinton. And he said he was there because he supports Hillary Clinton because shes quote, good on National Security. Now the medias not talking about that, i expect, because Hillary Clintons been a disaster on National Security and on the foreign stage. Disavow, and if that were me, this would be a headline all over the world about trump, but she did not, as i understand it, disavow this man, and hes got some pretty harsh views. So i think its, look, its a whole double standard but were punching through it and i think the people understand. And late last night a spokesperson for the Clinton Campaign released another statement on mateen saying Hillary Clinton disagrees with his views and disavows his support. All right, betty, lets turn now to business. Intel is making a big bet on Artificial Intelligence with its latest purchase. Cnbcs Louisa Bojesen joins us live from london. Louisa, good morning. Good morning, louis. Yeah, not a very big player in ai as of yet but one might be forgiven in thinking that theyre heading in that direction. It looks that way. Theyre buying nirvana now, a startup that essentially specializes in Artificial Intelligence and intel has been very up front. They want two things. One they want nirvanas expertise to boost their own a. I. Performance and in particular were talking about the xeon processors and two they want to know more about Artificial Intelligence as a lot of companies do. Its a big area in tech in the future. So the other thing is that it could be cushioning them against the likes of inindividual yeah, the graphics firm thats been very aggressive. Theyre pushing a. I. In areas like driverless cars. Intel is one youre going to want to watch. Disney, slightly better than expected figures coming through from this giant, were looking at their earnings for the Third Quarter of 1. 62 per share on 14. 25 billion dollars in revenue. Theyre benefiting from what they say is a Strong Performance of their films, including captain America Civil War and finding dori, movies i havent seen yet. They made some very big announcements, talking about including an overthetop streaming service for their directv and also taking a Minority Stake in b. A. M. Tech with an option of increasing their ownership there, as well. So two companies to keep outlook on louis. Excellent. Louisa bojesen live from london. Still ahead, swimmer Katie Ledecky is bringing home more gold as team usa continues to dominate the olympics. We have all the highlights from the games, thats ahead when way too early returns. Across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, Creative Business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov myand a partly sunny mode. De. And an outside to inside mode. Transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. Ask for transitions xtractive lenses. Extra protection from light. Outdoors, indoors and in the car. It takes a lot of work. But i really love it. S. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. When agerelated macular have degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. And everywhere i look. Im reminded to stick to my plan. Including Preservision Areds 2. My doctor said Preservision Areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the National Eye Institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. After 15 years of clinical studies. Preservision areds 2. Because my eyes are everything. Time now to get a check on the weather outside with nbc meteorologist bill karins. All right were in the throes of summer. What do you have for us today . A lot of heat. A lot of humidity, and a lot of thunderstorms. Kind of a contest who has the worst weather . The people in minnesota, you may get the award unfortunately. We saw some very strong thunderstorms that did some Severe Weather damage with winds in areas of south dakota and north dakota. Now that storm system is heading right through central portions of minnesota with severe thunderstorm warnings and the saint cloud area. You probably have id estimate about an hour, maybe 45 minutes until that line of storms crosses your area, then well wait and see if it makes it to minneapolis as we head towards the morning rush. Central new york. Just a lot of rain. Some thunderstorms, even some flash flood warnings now in northeast portions of pennsylvania, or excuse me northwest portions of pennsylvania right around erie. So this will track right across upstate new york throughout the morning, enter into areas of massachusetts. The first time in awhile some of these people had to use their umbrellas. Heres how the timing of these storms go. It kind of dries out a little bit as we go throughout the morning. The humidity is way up today. I mean youre going to feel it as soon as you walk out the door anywhere from the midatlantic to the northeast. This is some of the most humid air masses weve had all summer long. Its going to be with us right through the weekend into about monday. That will pop up afternoon storms today, and not just today, anywhere in the midatlantic to the northeast, today, all the way through sunday, there will be hit and miss thunderstorms each and every afternoon because its going to be so hot and so humid out there. Theyre going to pop up. Were still watching a ton of rain down along the gulf, and the new updated forecast rainfall for the new orleans areas, seven inches of rain possible over the next couple of days. Watch out for flooding down here in louisiana, louis, over the next couple of days. Humid on the east coast, and were dodging thunderstorms almost everywhere. What a day okay. Thanks, bill. Lets go to the rio games where Michael Phelps isnt the only u. S. Olympian racking up gold medals in the pool. Katie ledecky is still on pace to take home five gold medals after earning her second in rio after winning the 200 meter freestyle. Ledecky, who had already won a gold and silver in these games added to her total last night the 19yearold charged to the lead in the third lap and powered ahead to outtouch the silver medal finisher from sweden. Heres ledecky after the close victory. I did come pretty close to throwing up. Just kind of like a burp with about 25 to go. But, i knew i had been in that position plenty of times in practice before that i could still kind of accelerate into the hall, and get my hand to the wall. I couldnt see anything that was going on around me, and just knew i had to fight and get my hand to the wall. Glad she didnt throw up in the pool there. Now the United States final five proved to be the best womens Gymnastic Team in the world. Aly raisman and Gabby Douglas along with first time olympians never faltered in yesterdays team final. Starting with a nearly stuck landing in the vault from raisman and then two of the highest uneven bar stores of the day from croatian and douglas. Hernandez, raisman and biles turned into impeccable routines in the final floor exercises. The teams total was the largest margin of victory in the history of the current scoring system. Rio will be the last olympics to see fivemember gymnastics teams. In tokyo each team will have only four members. But it wasnt all glory for the United States in rio last night. The worlds top ranked womens tennis player Serena Williams couldnt get it done in her third round match. Williams initially took the lead in the first set but made a number of unforced errors and was overtaken losing in straight sets 64 did 63. Until last night williams had won in all four previous meetings with smitolinap the United States has expended its lead with 26 total medals, nine gold, eight silver and nine bronze pretty incredible there and can China Remains in second with 17 total followed by japan and russia. It is just so nice betty to see the u. S. Doing so well. Oh, absolutely. I would have liked to see serena, though, win that. But it was very uncharacteristic. Yeah, right . Doesnt make a lot of unforced errors. She did yesterday. People were speculating if she maybe has a shoulder injury. Well see how that all plays out. Okay thank you. Up next the United Nations calls for a ceasefire in the divided syrian city of aleppo. Bill neely takes us inside the devastation when way too early comes right back. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. Theres only one place where real and amazing live. Book a seaworld vacation package and eat free. Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated . Use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. But i only had a salad. It was a buffalo chicken salad. Salad. Welcome back to way too early. A disturbing story overnight from the capital of iraq. Officials say a fire at the Maternity Ward at baghdads hospital has killed 11 newborn babies. An iraqi spokesperson says the initial investigation points to an electrical failure. Were told seven babies and 29 women were evacuated to other hospitals. And we are getting a startling look inside the battle for syrias largest city. Fighting between rebel and Government Forces for control of aleppo has escalated as the u. N. Warns of a humanitarian crisis. Nbcs bill neely has more. Reporter in a city of ruins, the most intense fighting in five years. Its rebels against the regime. Neither able to win, neither willing to give up. And caught in the middle of aleppo, more than 1 million people. Like this man. Screaming, where is my son. His child, buried, dead. The u. N. s called for a ceasefire. Warning of a catastrophe. The last full day of Running Water here was a month ago. But the u. N. s plea may fall on deaf ears, because rebels aim to encircle and destroy each other. They each control half of aleppo. The rebel coalition, led by jihadists, with other groups backed by the u. S. , facing the regime, supported by russia and unaian backed militias. Rebels broke a regime siege just days ago but russian airstrikes are relentless. This teacher sends video updates. Bleaker every day. This is a genocide. Reporter its slaughter without mercy. This mans wife lies dead before him. Then he raises his arms for the body of his baby son. Babies are born into a world of dust. Aleppos only miracle is that anything is left standing. Syrias oldest city, dying like the people in it. Nbcs bill neely reporting there. The u. N. Special envoy for syria is hoping to restart syrian peace talks at the end of this month. Still ahead despite a party divide, democratic president ial nominee, Hillary Clinton and Florida Governor rick scott, may have at least one thing in common. Concern over the zika virus. Details when way too early comes right back. 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Invokana® works around the clock by sending some sugar out of your body through the process of urination. Its not for lowering systolic Blood Pressure or weight, but it may help with both. Invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. Other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. Serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. Stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take invokana® if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. Using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Its time to turn things around. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana®. Ask your doctor about it by name. Welcome back to way too early, the fight against zika has made its way to the campaign trail with floridas republican governor rick scott and Hillary Clinton both urging congress to act. Yep, on tuesday Governor Scott announced four new home grown cases of zika. They were likely contracted from mosquitoes in the wynwood neighborhood of miami. Now that brings the number of locally acquired cases in florida to 21. Governor scott, who runs a protrump super pac called out Congress Inaction on zika funding saying quote every day that passes that congress and the president fail to come to an agreement hinders our National Response to zika. This is not only an issue affecting us here in florida, this is a national issue. And while touring a Medical Center in miami Hillary Clinton joined the governor in urging congress to return from summer recess early. I am very disappointed that the Congress Went on recess before actually agreeing on what they would do to put the resources in to this fight. And, i really am hoping that they will pay attention. In fact, i would very much urge the leadership of congress to call people back for a special session and get a bill passed. Get a bill pat is focused on combatting zika passed. And well see if that happens. In the meantime, though, that does it for way too early. Morning joe starts right now. I dont think its a story at all. I dont even think it was trump misspeaking. I think trump said what he meant and what he meant was we could stop Hillary Clinton from being elected. He was saying if she gets tapick her judges. That means if she gets to pick judges, she is already the president of the United States. Youre treating mr. Trumps words like hes the most articulate person that ever graced our ears with his words. He is not a politician. He is not a person like you who is very articulate and very well spoken. He is a business person running for president. I dont think the way that he said that and the sequence of his statements, im not going to judge him on that because i dont think thats what he meant an

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