About Meghan Markle. Why he used the word nasty. First, breaking News Development in the mass shooting at Virginia Beach. City officials are bitterly recounting a scene of chaos and heartbreak as a trusted employee with full access to a Municipal Building opened fire, killing 12 people. They also confirmed the identity of the gunman, dewayne craddock, mentioning his name one time only just as we are here and describing him as a City Engineer who worked at the Public Utility Department for about 15 years. No motive was advanced for what turned out to be the deadliest mass shooting in the United States this year but we are learning more details about how it unfolded and warning here, some of the images are graphic. 16 hours ago the lives of 12 people were cut short by a senseless and incomprehensible act of violence. Boy, i tell you, i got a call there was an active shooter situation. I started heading to city hall and then i got a call that there were fatalities involved and, you know, the list kept on growing over time. First i saw all of the police were their guns running towards the building behind me. I was parked in between the two buildings. And then i saw this man and Police Officer come running by in front of my car and he had blood all over himself. Just a couple of hours ago the president tweeted about the shooting saying hes spoken to state and city officials and the federal government will lend any assistance they need. With the latest for us, nbcs ron allen at Virginia Beach and Pete Williams in washington. Good day to you. We are hearing more from the city police and manager about how these events unfolded inside that building. What can you tell us . Alex, its horrific. This all happened at 4 00 p. M. Friday where hundreds of city workers in this very open campus behind me, thats the building where it happened, tcolonial building, but a place where people come to pay water bills, contractors come to pull permits, a place where many people will know the victims, People Killed because they encountered them when they came here to do city business. Of course, the gunman suspect was a longtime city worker. He walked in, actively employed. He had a building pass, police say. He would have been recognized and not been unusual for him to come walking into the building around 4 00 and opening fire. Authorities say they found victims on all three floors of the building. There were 12 of them. They ranged in years of service, one had been there for just 11 months. Another had been there for 41 years. And many of them lived in this community of Virginia Beach. Its 450,000 people that live here. But main many ways this tragedy affecting a Small Community because its so focused on a city hall, town, Municipal Buildings, open, public place where a lot of people come and go freely. Heres the chief police describing what the scene looked like and what was happening there in the moments after the gunman opened fire. This is a large scale crime scene. Its a horrific crime scene. And police understand it takes not only physical, emotional and psy psychological toll on edge who spent the night in that building. We will review some film last night, review some film of the officers who responded into the building. The officers checked every room on every floor, every closet, under every desk and they e escorted a large number of civilian employees out of the building. Remember, theyre escorting them out of the buildings while the victims are still in the building. And trying to sort out, of course, who was a victim and who might have been a perpetrator. Horrific scene as the chief is describing it as you might imagine. Four very heroic Police Officers who were not far away, again, this is a complex of city buildings, encountered the grunmgru gunman and there was a long gunfight but it didnt take them long to subdue the gunman. They reacted very quickly and that was in less than 30 minutes. The company had a. 35 caliber handgun with additional magazines and also had the weapon outfitted with a silencer or something to muzzle the sound so a lot of people around here didnt quite know exactly how close all of this was when it was unfolding. Again, 4 00 in the afternoon, hundreds of people around. A lot of Police Officers being held as heroes for preventing a lot more carnage gut now this Community Like so many others trying to come to terms with what happened tlxt have been vigils and just notifications much families completed. There are also four other people still hospitalized, some critical condition. Theres a Police Officer whose life was saved by the bulletproof vest he was wearing. We dont know exactly what his condition is but we believe hes expected to survive. All of these details now just flowing out into this community, grief stricken and mourning. Absolutely horrific tragedy. Thank you for that, ron allen from Virginia Beach. Lets move to d. C. And nbc news justice correspondent Pete Williams at the bureau there. Given the description of the scene and we saw that building, it looked pretty large. The police chief confirms that. Apparently theres evidence, horrific nature of people been attacked on every floor of that building. What does it tell you, pete, about the scope of the suspects rampage . Every floor of the building except the basement, the police chief said. Its clear duaewayne craddock, e 40yearold Civil Engineer and employee, planned this in advance. Authorities say he bought his guns within the past several weeks as well as highcapacity magazines. The significant of thoser that the clips that hold the rounds that go into the gun and allows someone with a weapon to fire it repeated lip before havi repeatedly before having to reload. The chief indicated they found several spent magazines, so hundreds of rounds fired not only at victims but Police Officers. And he was firing indiscreme knitly, all over the building. The question is what set him off . And we still dont have the answer to that. Some Law Enforcement said they thought he was fired but the company said he was still an employee with a valid pass. Thats a key because members of the public have access on the first floor where the offices they would interact with City Employees but to get into the rest of the building, you needed a pass to underlock t lock the and craddock had that very thing. The silencer is significant because as ron pointed out silencers are somewhat controversial for the argument they made it harder for victims to know how close the gunfire is coming from and also harder for police to know where it is. As for the motive, police chief said he was still employed but we dont know whether he was told he wouldnt be employed much longer or disciplined or demoted, or was there some precipitating event and the police have not said what that is if they, in fact, know, alex. Pete, we spoke earlier and you said the suspect was able to purchase his firearm,. 45 caliber semiautomatic pistol, something common by your description, legally. How about the suppressor, aka silencer, are those legal and easy to buy . They are legal and theyre not easy to buy. Heres the reason. Theyre legal in most states. There are eight states that ban them but virginia is not one of those states. Theyre regulated however and have been since the 1930s. To buy one you have to register with the atf and you have to go in to the gun store, fill out several forms, show i. D. S, leave fingerprints and atf has to approve the registration. However, its happened Something Like a million times in the last couple of years, so its not impossible to get one, its just a little bit difficult. Were still trying to sort out whether in fact craddock had gone through that process or not to get a silencer. There has been legislation pending in congress the past couple of years to remove this restriction. Advocates of lowering the access to this say its good for the hearing of the person using a firearm for sporting purposes, less recoil that theyre just a better thing for people who use sports shooting but those legislative efforts have been set back in the past by Mass Shootings and i suspect a mass shooting in which a silencer was actually used would be a setback as well. Pete williams in washington, pete, thank you very much. You bet. Lets go from there to politics now. Yesterday a debate whether to launch an impeachment inquiry. New today the first poll after special Counsel Robert Mueller made a statement after some democrats have interpreted was an impeachment referral to congress. When asked what action should be taken against the president , 43 say no action, 37 say the president should be impeached and 20 say congress should censure the president. Some 50 House Democrats plus one republican support an impeachment inquiry but the House Minority whip suggests for now they should just carry on with investigations surrounding the president. I dont think those of us are saying that impeachment is not the answer. The question then becomes what is the proper time for us to start this process . Lets build public support and then we may have reached the time to launch the impeachment inquest. I dont think were there yet. A bit earlier i asked a House Democrat who does not support impeachment whether an impeachment inquiry could generate public support. I think we have to show evidence, continue in the amount were doing, the American People will see it, republicans will have to come on because this should not be a partisan issue. This is an issue about democracy in the United States and wrongdoing of the president of the United States and why he should be removed from office. Also developing today, Widening Political ramifications over the president s threat to impose tariffs on all mexican goods unless the white house determines mexico slowed down the flow of immigrants crossing the border. Two sources close to the white house teld nbc news that Terror Threat was opposed by secretary treasurer Steve Mnuchin and robert lighthizer. Whose idea was it . Apparently Stephen Miller, nbc news learned, the white house adviser spent the bulk of the president s japan trip advocating for a tougher line on mexico. Several republicans in congress have slammed the president s threat as crucial 2020 electoral states c states could be hit the hardest. Most economists agree americans will be the ones ultimately to pay for the tariffs. The nations top tariff adviser navarro says otherwise. People saying somehow the American Consumer will pay for this, its not true. The government of china borne the burden of those tariffs in the form of tax revenues and lower rate of growth. But so has the American Consumer, importers pay for it. No, the government of china and mexico will pay for it and producers in mexico and china pay for it. Joining me now, laura bassett, freelance journalist and jeff mason, White House Correspondent for reuters. Youre always good. Jeff, since youre ready, what is driving the president on this . Well, i mean number one, his top issue is immigration, at least the top issue he cared about since the beginning of his president ial campaign. He has declared a national emergency. And hes seen from his point of view tariffs work to implement his policies and desires in other areas. After this trade war with china, he believes having put the tariffs on the table that brought china to the table for trade talks, hes now implementing that same type of strategy in an entirely different policy area and thats immigration. His desire, as articulated in the tweet, is force mexico to stop the huge influx of people over the border. Jeff, any chance the president is using this as a pivot, if you will, as a wake of Robert Mueller making that statement that many are finding to do anything but exonerate the president from possibilitily of having obstructed justice. I heard people asked about that and i think Kellyanne Conway was asked about on the drive yesterday. Its hard to say. There are a lot of things going on, as there are in any white house. But im sure if thats a side aspect of it that people are talking about tariffs instead of mueller, thats something that would not be upsetting or displeasing to the president. But i dont think its his main motivation. His motivation is clear, he genuinely wanted something to stop this immigration influx over the u. S. mexican border. Remarkably even though the economists are saying this would hurt the economy and that could be a tremendous platform on which he could run in 2020. Let me get laura in here. We listen to peter navarro, insisting that the americans will not pay for the tariffs but that is no what we are hearing from the Business Leaders and the economic experts. Who is telling the truth here . I would say the businesses and economic leaders. Not only will it hurt American Consumers but people out of necessity are flowing situations of poverty and violence. So punishing those countries, punishing mexico, making their economy worse will only make the immigration flow worse. This is not that hard to understand. You dont punish people if you want to stop immigration, we need to work with those countries to make their economies better and make the situations better for those who who feel like they have to flee. Following up on this impeachment poll, we had an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live by Speaker Nancy Pelosi who said the president wants to be impeached. In fact, heres how she zplaned that. Well, he knows its not a good idea to be impeached. But the Silver Lining for him is then he believes he would be exonerated by the United States senate. I see. Theres a school of thought who says if the sflenate acquit you, why bring charges in the private sector when hes no longer president . So when we go with our case, its god to be ironclad. Shes giving her thinking there. Jeff, what is the white houses response . Is there any push ps back against the notion the president is welcoming impeachment. We asked him that very recently during sort of a press back and forth in the roosevelt room. He said no, he doesnt want to be impeached and i think he said just a couple of days ago that that word was vile. Thats his pushback. Im sure when they think about the calculations, they wouldnt be necessarily bad for him politically with his base. If impeachment proceedings were started was that could generate a lot of enthusiasm among the people who support him to get out in the polls and vote in 2020. But i think nancy pelosi is very, very atut stute to that a thats why shes trying to put the brakes on impeachment for some time. You saw that in the interview she just played as well. The explanation she offers to jimmy kimmel is shes saying this to advance her own nonimpeachment approach or she believes it . I think shes trying to advance her own nonimpeachment approach. Trump had a dputerral reaction, its disgusting, he doesnt feel that when he doesnt feel a gut reaction to somebody. So i dont think hes looking to be impeached. He only cares about his reputation and it would look really bad for him. Think pelosi really doesnt want to impeach because she thinks it would be detrimental to the democrats and with Elizabeth Warren and cory booker and the progressive ring coming out saying this is lack of leadership, moral failure, we need to impeach now. Shes getting defensive and having a harder time defending her position. Yeah. Before you go, i want to get your thoughts on this. The president ask leaving for a fourgame interview tomorrow, he was interviewed about talking with the queen and prince charles, if you like. He was also asked about comments made by Meghan Markle back in 2016. Lets take a listen to that. She said she would move to canada if she got elected. Turns out she moved to britain. A lot people are moving here, what can i say. No, i didnt know she was nasty. Is it good having an american president . I think its nice. I think its nice. Im sure she will do well. Excellently, she will be very good. She will be very good. I hope she does. Can i ask you first off, who is it that thinks a good idea is of the president speaking to a tabloid newspaper like the sun . Alex, i dont have an answer with that. Im smiling because he did an interview i believe the sun right before a press conference with theresa may and he endorsed her then and then threw her under the bus. He said she would make a great prime minister. Thats right, it was controversial to weigh in on a leadership conference. And he did something later that he almost never does, ended up apologizing. As for the comments about Meghan Markle, it goes to show about President Trump he does not like to be pritt sized, by someone whos a princess or commoner. In fact, laura, part of what he was row reacting to the interviewer said to the president she called him misogynistic during his 2016 campaign and thats when you can almost feel the hair on the back of his neck rising, right . With this president , he follows it with a comment of praise for markle. I think they felt obligated in that moment and do you like having an american princess as a nationalist. He said yeah, i love a praens there but made his views known. He called them nasty. He called Hillary Clinton nasty. This is an insult on woman who challenged you in any way. And really look, calling a woman when she called you a miss oj in any event proves her point. Thank you both. An optional oped providesers support bd because they just want to beat trump. Another report claims they have a plan to turnkey voters against biden. Te coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. 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They were basically a disaster when it came to so many things, whether it was economy, whether it was military, defense. No matter what it was, they had a lot of problems. So im not a fan. Theres some news there. President trump setting his sights on joe biden as the former Vice President leads the democratic president ial field. According to the daily beast, the president s plan to stop bidens plan in 2020 is turn black voters against him, adding voters are fearful the tactic that worked against Hillary Clinton in 2016 could work again. Joining us now host of msnbcs politicsnation, which will be on the air later today, reverend al sharpton. Rev, glad to have you here. Do you have any concerns this president could be successful attacking joe biden in the way he successfully did with Hillary Clinton . I have concerns he will try. I think theres not been enough reiteration of noise, so to speak, about what they did to Hillary Clinton. Just remember one of the things that came out of the investigation into what russia did to interfere with the elections is they created false black activist sites on social media to suppress the black votes, started really going after Hillary Clinton, going after black vote, theres no difference between democrats and republicans. They did that. And nobody is talking about a racebased strategy to help donald trump. Thats what they did. And for them to have gotten way with it and even in all of what we are concerned about, nobody pushing that out to the forefront, they will try that again with who they are assume will be the nominee, and at this point joe biden looks like that according to the polls and start saying he did this, he did that, similar to what he did with hillary and suppress the vote. They dont need blacks to vote for trump. Need them not to vote in key states, play the electoral map and i think that is absolutely more of a danger than people think it is. Fortunately were talking about it. Goodness knows you will pick up and talk about this. You will be all over this thing. Yes, because clearly, i disagree with joe biden and bill clinton on the crime bill. Were going to talk about that in a second. And i disagreed with joe biden on anita hill. But joe biden has dealt with that. He came in january, in fact, to the action network, Martin Luther kings breakfast and said there were things i certainly own up to. He was wrong there. He didnt see the unintended consequences. You compare that to the man who called for the Death Penalty on five young men that were accused in central park of a rain case of a white female that some of us not many of us i didnt have a lot of colleagues i know stood up for those young men. We found out years later we were right, the young men did not do it, dna proved it. Dna should have proved it in the beginning, alex, because the semon found at the rain scene didnt match any of those young men and they said they were coerc coerced into confession. Even when they found the young man who did it, he said i still think hes guilty. Youre going to compare that to a guy who maybe 20somethingyears ago did legislation that many of the black congressmen wanted . I think this is what theyre going to try to do and we have to understand we should not be manipulated and ma nuverred. The president is manipulating, though, the 1994 crime bill with joe biden. Heres what he tweeted out, anyone associated with the 1994 crime bill will not have a chance to be elected, particularly africanamericans, will not be able to vote for you. Whats your reaction to that message, because hes twitting it around, joe biden. I was the one opposed to it. We dealt with the aftermath of violence a couple of years before that with a basketball star, the crack epidemic had a lot of people including black leadership, Political Leadership concerns. And i think they overreacted. But western o are out fighting the crack epidemic. But many black members of congress supported it. It was a mistake but joe biden didnt operate in a vacuum here. There were many blacks in washington push ig him on this. Bernie sanders voted for the crime bill. And joe biden came with you Martin Luther king jr. Breakfast and hes dealing with it. Yes. And hes running against a nominee who said i think the central park five should not get a settlement. I think they beat it. You cannot argue about semen at a scene. I think thats clear. And we really need to be ready not to talk about we will endorse biden or this but push back on the blatant attempt to suppress the black vote. You ran for president back in 2004. There was a large field at the time, but not quite as large as it is now because its ginormous with 24 in. How difficult do you think its bog to be for joe biden or anybody else to emerge as a key frontrunner . What will be the tactics they have to employ to get there . I think theyre going to have to create a base constituency that buys into what theyre standing for and say and stay with them all the way through. If you dont have a Firm Foundation base, you will be playing all over the field and it can go anywhere with 24 people. You have to say this is my lane, this is what i believe, this is what my background and track record shows i have always believed and build and keep that base all the way through. My fear is that you get some of them to be seen do bizarre thing or divisive things rather than stay focused and really represent what it is they believe in. Okay. We know what you believe in and thank you for all sharing with us. What you do, rev, on your show for all of you, be sure to catch the rev on politicsnation every saturday and sunday at 5 00 here on msnbc. Thank you, my friend. Hidden in plain sight, the message Robert Mueller embedded in his statement. Feeling good . Oh yeah. Now im ready to focus on my project. This is why we plan. You never cease to amaze me, maya. See how investing with a j. P. Morgan advisor can help you. Visit your local chase branch. Has four levels of defenseremium gasoagainst gunk, wear, corrosion and friction. That helps keep your Engine Running like new. Its fuel for thought. When former special Counsel Robert Mueller spoke in public this week for the first time in two years, he reiterated what was detailed in his report. But the weight of his spoken word was undeniable when he declared this. If we had, had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime. The constitution requires a process other than the criminal Justice System to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. Lets discuss with natasha bertrand, National Political correspondent with politico and msnbc contributor and mike isikoff, chief correspondent with yahoo news. Big welcome to you both. We had several democrats interpret this statement by bob mueller to mean he was referring to impeachment to congress. Is that fair, michael, or are democrats overinterpreting . Clearly the line that you just played in which mueller said the constitution has other mechanisms for holding a president accountable for wrongdoing was a reference to impeachment. Now, that was similar but not exactly what was in the report. Sort of nudged the ball a little bit closer to an impeachment referral. But at the same time mueller, first of all, looked very uncomfortable in his statement. He didnt want to be there. Part of his motivation seemed to be to explain better to the public the criticism his response the criticism has got for not making a decision on whether the president s conduct amounted to would have led to criminal charges or not. So, yeah, i think in a small way mueller did move the ball in that direction. But at the same time he also made it clear that he doesnt want to testify. If he does testify, hes only going to say whats in the report, and that is a bit of a setback for the democrats who are hoping that he could be the witness that would break through and put impeachment over the edge. They would not get that much from getting mueller before the committee. Would we see ag criticizing mueller for the president for not breaking the law. Heres what he said under Longstanding Department policy, a president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. Charging the president with a crime, therefore, was not an option we could consider. I personally felt he could have reached the opinion. The opinion said you cant indict a president while hes in office. But he could have reached a decision as to whether there was criminal activity. So we ask this question of you, natasha, what do you make of this, because mueller also said it would not have been fair to accuse the president when there can be no Court Resolution of the actual charge. Yeah, alex, its a difficult question and legal experts disagree on it. I have seen a lot of lawyers who are not necessarily supporters of the president by any means say or and have long been defensive of mueller say maybe mueller actually went a little bit too far in this instance saying that he was maybe a little too fair to the president by not making any kind of decision whatsoever when the olc opinion that the judge wrote up years ago did not actually require that. This is also kind of a choose your own adventure type press conference that mueller gave, where everyone has taken from it what they have wanted to hear, right. So you have the president s allies completely spinning it off in directions where it was probably never meant to go. Then you have certain democrats pressuring nancy pelosi now saying mueller essentially said well, commence impeachment proceedings. When in fact the difficulty interpreting what mueller said is that you really cant interpret it because hes such a straight shooter, straightforward person, he was just laying out the facts as he saw them. The fact is the remedy for charging or accusing a president of misconduct is impeachment. He wasnt necessarily saying congress should go down that road. He was saying this is what we found. But you also have to remember that he said if we were confident that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so. They did not say so, ergo, they were not able to say with confidence he did not commit a crime. Yes. Bill barr in this interview was asked about the president accusing obama officials of treason over how they were surveilled, approved by the fisa court. Lets listen to that. Do you think they committed treason . Not in a legal matter. Do you have concerns about how they conducted the investigation . Yes, but sometimes people can convince themselves what they are doing is in the higher interest and better good. They dont realize what theyre doing is really antithetical to the democratic system we have. I want to ask you both about that, but, michael, you first. You were one of the first reporters to talk about the steele dossier. The president s supporters are citing that for what sparked the investigation in the first place. Thats not quite true. It was the popolopodus information coming on top of the discovery that the russians hacked the dnc but the dossier played a role. There was no question about it. It was very much in the air and fbi took it seriously and they ultimately used it in the application for the fisa warrant on the carter page. Barrs comment not legally treason does leap out like what does that mean . What is he trying to say, that it was the moral equivalence of treason for the fbi to be investigating these allegations . Of all of the things barr said, that really struck me as going to the edge. And then the question is going to be, does he know something that we havent seen . We have to Inspector General report coming. I think thats going to be a very significant document to see exactly how the ig lay its out and if it finds wrongdoing and if it does, the president will shout that to the rooftops saying they were vindicated but the devil will be in the details. In terms of how this plays out, its the next big shoe to drop, next thing we have to look for. Unfortunately, nick told me were out of time. Natasha bertrand, thech. You will be first next time. Michaelish cou michael, thank you very much. Next, President Trump and Meghan Markle. Oh oh oh ozempic® announcer people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . And you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . A twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . Oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not share needles or pens. Dont reuse needles. 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This morning the chief of police opted to only name the shooter one time. Heres what mayor bobby diyer said earlier we want to honor the dignity of the families and the community and everything. I guess we didnt think it was appropriate to highlight the shooter. That was a heinous act that was committed. We have to focus right now on building our community and getting the Community Behind not only the families but also the people that work in our city and the people of our city. Virginia beach prides itself on being a very safe city. We have one of the best Police Departments in this nation. Were regarded as safest city of a city our size. This is a shock of the peace and tranquility of Virginia Beach. And officials took a moment to remember those who lost their lives. Here are those 12. Laquita brown, tara welch gallagher, mary louise gayle, katherine a. Nixon. Christopher kel write rapp, Michelle Missy langer, herbert bert snelling, Alexander Mikhail gusev, richard h. Nellington, ryan keith cox, joshua a. Hardy, robert bobby williams. Your daily dashboard from fidelity. A visual snapshot of your investments. Key portfolio events. All in one place. Because when its decision time. You need decision tech. Only from fidelity. You need decision tech. Here is another laundry hack from home made simple. Do you want ready to Wear Clothing without all the hassle . You can, with bounce dryer sheets. Simply toss two sheets in the dryer to iron less. We dried one shirt without bounce, and an identical shirt using bounce. The bounce shirt has fewer wrinkles, less static, and more softness and freshness. For extra large or wrinkly loads, toss in three sheets. Dermatologist tested bounce free and gentle is free of dyes and perfumes. Bounce out wrinkles, bounce out static. To the impeachment debate and how judiciary chairman jerry nadler outlining how politics are factoring into the decision to hold off on an inquiry for now anyway. In an interview, jerry sadler said this you cannot impeach the president until the people support it. And you also dont want to divide the country so half the country is bitter for 30 years saying we won the election, and you stole it. If theres justification, and i think there certainly is, you have to develop the awareness of the country enunder agreement before you can take the real step of impeachment. Joining me now the executive program for sirius xm and rick tyler, both msnbc political analysts and kurt codella, spokesperson for the Oversight Committee and nbc think contributor. Welcome to all. Helena, is chairman adler saying politics is pretty much the reason they and have the launched impeachment . And if so, are democratic leadership failing to fill democratic responsibilities . I think the democrats are in a pretty tricky spot because they both have to consider the fact they just got their House Majority back in the 2018 midterms and its potentially risky to go down a path where you dont know the outcome. I think you know the senate will never vote 67 in favor of removing but you dont know what the effect of an impeachment will be in the terms of processing the midterms. That said i think the democrats need to have back bone and show spine in this moment. There are plenty examples of things the president has done or said in the past week alone that the house could consider a insufficient manner. But i understand where theres so much hankering because when theres a black box and you dont know whats in it, that is scary when you talk about policy and elections. You wrote a piece for nbc think and its titled, Robert Muellers statement made the democrats look like cowards. You asked why did the Democrats Ask the American People to grant the power of the majority if they are so reluctant to protect the sovereignty of congress . Its a total copout. Nobody with tell you 18 months from now what we will be talking about. Anything can influence the campaign at that point. This is exact opposite of what should be happening right now. Wouldnt it be refreshing if for once politicians in washington did what the right thing was, because if congress isnt willing to stand up for its own farr, its own status for a coequal branch of government, no nobody else will. If they dont ask for the power who in turn gave them in november, why should the democrat American People entrust democrats in 2020. Is the leadership decision to stall an impeachment a good strategy or to kurts point, does it make them look weak and theyre copping out . I think kurt has a point but i think chairman nadler has it exactly right. Impeachment was constructed by the founders to be a political process and in order for impeachment to succeed, you have to have the support of the country. And there are many things democrats can try to do to get the support of the country but as it is now, the majority of the American People do not want to go down the road of impoochment and theres no way the senate will convict. I think the worst of all scenarios is you had an Impeachment Vote and it went to the senate and then they exonerated the president. I think that would be the worst of all outcomes. This is just a hard lesson of a constitutional republic. The congress wanted it difficult to overthrow the president. We cant lead by emotion. Emotion has to be the caboose on the train. We have lead by traty and logic. But this is a constitutional republican meaning as a representative of the public and most people go not want impeach. And if you go down that road, you may suffer the consequences. Im glad you all are weighing in on this. Cere lena, i want you to way on the president s comments about Meghan Markle. We will play back what he said during an interview with the sun in london. She said she would move to canada if she got electedment turned out she moved to britain. A lot of people are moving here, what can i say . No, i didnt know she was nasty. It helped to have an american as princess. I think its nice. I think its nice. Im sure she will do excellenty. They will be very good. She will be very good. I hope she does. What do you think of the underhand calling her nasty and saying i hope she makes a good princess. This is the president s m. O. , anyone, particularly of color, skrit criticize him or as Meghan Markle did before she was the princess used the descriptor of nasty and nobody is stupid enough to believe he means nasty when he says it. Its a placeholder for the b word or something worse. Thats really what he wants to say. So i think maybe we should substitute that meantly when the president is launching attacks on women and particularly women of color as nasty and hes done that many, many times. He does not like being challenged by women who do not put up with anybodys bs. Cere linea maxwell, you dont put up with anybodys bs. I do not. Thank you all. Next up i will speak with a congressman whos been a yes for a long time. Ime. Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Expedia. Look limu. A civilian buying a new car. Ug lets go. Limus right. Liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. Huh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. 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Kamala harris and beto orouke spoke earlier today to the Service Employees union last night and Elizabeth Warren spoke to potential voters in oakland, california. They are all among 11 candidates speaking in the next few hours at the California Democratic party state organizing convention happening in San Francisco. Though noticeably absent from the list, frontrunner joe biden. Lets go to nbcs beth in San Francisco. Welcome to you. Lets talk about the democrats, what they are addressing today and the whole format. The press conference just got under way. Were going to hear from gavin newsom, governor of california and a few officials including nancy pelosi. And then the president ial candidates start off. The first will be Kamala Harris. She needs to do well to show shes viable in the president ial race because in part of her popularity in california. She had good showing at several other events in california so we expect a good showing here at the speech this morning. What about nancy pelosi, whos expected to speak momentarily, what is she going to be speaking about, do you know . Yeah, as you know, the specter of impeachment of President Trump is following her everywhere at this point. It will be an oiv here in california as well. California and state Democratic Party very liberal, probably to the left of most democrats in the state. Certainly to the left of many people across the country. They hate President Trump and they want to see something done to remedy what they see as his misbehavior. As you know, nancy pelosi has really resisted that up until this point. We will probably hear her address the issue. We will certain hear that from people in the crowd to get this started. As you know, alex, 48 won seat lz in red and purple districts, 7 in california. She does not want to jeopardize those democrats by starting a very divisive impeachment proceeding. Another shocker Orange County and Southern California has gone democratic. I dont know if it has ever been completely democratic in the history of that particular county. The last question to you, who stands the most to gain from this event . Does it have to be Kamala Harris in some way or an outlyre . I know kamala and Bernie Sanders have been vying back and forth for the attention. Bernie sanders is zejed tomorrotomorro scheduled to speak tomorrow, right . Thats right. Kamala harris has to do well certainly because shes the home state senator with the hoax field advantage. Bernie sanders, there will be a lot of eyes on him tomorrow. He did pretty well in 2016 running against Hillary Clinton. He got 46 of the vote, netted a lot of delegates. Theres still a lot of very, very supportive people among the delegates in california. But 14 people speaking, anybody could make a big imbig impression. Thats what theyre doing here, trying to differentiate themselves from one another. If anybody has a great sound bite or hit it out of the park in their speech, they will get more attention, both from california delegates and those in the media. I will talk to candidate john delaney, who wb speaking tomorrow, with a preview on what he will be speaking about. Joining me now, betsy woodruff, politics contributor for the da daily beast. This primary has 24 different vendors. Whats different this time around . What is different this time around is the state is earlier than when the vote happens. Its more prominent and matters more from a timeline perspective. We know a lot of these early primary campaigns are governed not by the way most americans and democrats about who they want to be at the top of the ticket but rather a handful of small tastes. Californias move towards prominence has the potential to seriously change some of the partys dynamics when it comes to who appears to be most competitive early on, not in the general election against trump but rather in this crowded, diverse and a big primary field. Yes. Lets bring in also to the conversation the washington correspondent for San Francisco chronicle who moved into that position for us. I know you have been following Elizabeth Warren closely. She was in oakland yesterday with pretty huge crowds there. Tell me what stood out to you and the kind of energy which was report ld i pretty high for her. Oh, for sure. There were several thousand people who packed into a sker field in oakland. When i got there, about a half hour before the event was supposed to begin, the line was wrapping all the way around the campus in oakland and started an hour late to make sure everyone could make it into that soccer field. It was a fairly standard stump speech for Elizabeth Warren but this is the first time shes been to the bay area since she decla declares as a president ial candidate. They were eatling up her words. Applauding when they were supposed to applaud, booing at prompts like the Koch Brothers and they really responded well to her message. I talked to some people in the crowd before we began, and most of them were fairly undecided of the ones i spoke to but they enjoyed what they heard from warren so far and excited to hear more specific policies, those specific policies and plan for action. Thats what she dliverred the crowd last night. She will definitely be delivering to that crowd again today. Ladies, stay with me, we will get you reaction to other political head lines. But lets go to breaking news on the mass shooting in virginia. Fbi officials are continuing their gun sweep of the agency that killed 12 people. Agents are remaining at the home of the suspect duanewayne cradd. One member is still in fair condition and three in critical condition. We are, meanwhile, learning about how yesterdays events unfolded. Take a listen to that. 16 hours ago the lives of 12 people were kurt short by a senseless, incomprehensible act of violence. Boy, ill tell you, i got a call there was an active shooter situation. I started heading to city hall, and then i got a call there were fatalities involved and the list kept on going over time. First i saw all of the police with their guns running towards the building behind me. I was parked in between the two buildings. And then i saw this man and a Police Officer come running by and come in the front of my car. And he had blood all over himself. Earlier this morning, the president tweeted about the shooting be saying he has spoken to state and city officials and the federal government will lend any assistance needed. Also now were taking a look at the flag at halfstaff at the Virginia Beach post office. Lets go to nbcs ron allen. Ron, its a busy day. A lot of moving parts on the story but were learning more about what this day was like yesterday for fist responders. What can you tell us about that . Were learning a lot about that but also learning today who the victims were and the consumer is learning who was last year. You see behind me the memorial. A dozen people stopping by and laying flowers and flags set up to honor the victims. This is something of a resort town but theres a fluent, longlived military tradition here as well. So i think you can say the horror of what happened is starting to hoicome to what happened in this building. And that threestory back there where this mass car happened, its a place where people came to interact with the public and people who were lost were often there and many are known by the to the public because they had these interactions. They were there doing their jobs. It was 4 00 in the afternoon on friday and people thinking about the weekend getting ready to leave for work when a gunman, coworker, burst in and carried out this massacre. Hes been named dewayne craddock, age 40. Authorities made a point of saying they will only utter his name one time and then focus all of this on the respect and dignity of the people who are lost. A horrific crime scene was described by the police chief. Heres some of what he said to say what the four heroic officers found who arrived on the scene and took on the againman immediately. Heres what the chief described was happening there. This was a largescale crime scene. Its a horrific crime scene. Police understand its not only physical but emotional and psychological toll on everyone who spent the night inside that particular building. We were able to review some film last night, review some film of the officers who responded into the building. Officers checked every room on every floor, every closet, under every desk and we escorted a large number of employees out of the building. And remember, they were escorting them out of the building while the victims were still in the building. I think this is hitting especially hard because these are public employees. They were hailed as brothers and sisters in service to the city by unofficially who we are speaking to about them. Thats adding to the gravity of what was lost there, a gravity of the day people are starting to understand and determine and learn who was lost. Theyre in the process of identifying the victims, the families have been notified. There are memorials popping up, services that have been happening. As Virginia Beach comes to grip with whats happened here. Unspeakable horror thats unfolding. Again, a lot of people coming out to pay their respects and to just try to understand and live with this horrific moment for a while. Thank you so much, ron allen. Lets go back to politics now and the growing backlash over the president s threat to impose tariffs on all mexican goods unless mexico slows down immigrants crossing the border. Sources tell nbc news two top economic aides oppose the threat but Stephen Miller was the force behind it. Several Top Republicans slammed the president s threat. Most agree consumers will be the ones to pay for the tariffs with the Top White House trade adviser, peter navarro, claims thats not the case. People are saying somehow American Voters will pay for this, its simply not true. The governor of china has won the burden of those tariffs in the form of tax revenues. So has the consumer, importers pay for it. No, the governments of china and mexico will pay for it and producers in mexico and china paid for this. In contrast what the trade representative and u. S. Treasury secretary say. New as well, statements after Robert Mueller made statements some referred to as an impeachment referral to congress. 43 say no action and 37 said should be impeached and 50 House Democrats and one remember support an impeachment inquiry but the House Majority whip insists for now they should carry on investigation surrounding the president. I dont think those of us in leadership are saying impeach 789 is not the answer. The question becomes what is the proper time for us to start this process, that is build public support and then we may reach a time to launch the impeachment interest. I dont think were there yet. Were back with our panel betsy and empaula are joining me. What are some of the warning signs for democrats that are inching to begin impeachment proceedings against the president . The biggest challenge in this new data for democrats is independent voters seem to have very little interest in impeaching President Trump. Just from speaking with democratic operatives and congressional staff, people familiar with the thinking and House Democratic leadership. One of the most Important Reasons pelosi has staunchly opposed impeachment is that shes worried about many of the democratic members that were in red districts, and purple districts in 2018 could face punishment at the polls from these independent voters if the caucus spends the next six months to a year focused on impeachment and these illegal matters rather than focus on the bread and butter policy issues they view as a big reason they were able to split the house last year in 2018. Pelosi deeply is worried about many of these vulnerable democrats, including freshmen, thats a huge part of our calculus. And the fact these polls supgt independents are enthusiastic about impeachment, its something that will probably make her feel more comfortable with the decision and trajectories. And the speaker made it clear shes in no rush at all to impeach, despite all of the growing voices in the caucus. What are some of the considerations the speaker is taking into account as she weighs what the houses next move is going to be . Nancy pelosi is a master strategist so shes keeping her options open. Its noticeable that shes not doing anything to restrict the members that are coming out and saying impeachment. In fact you have a prominent chair on a committee thats relevant, maxine waters, who is talking about impeachment. Pelosis letting members go out there but what pelosi is concerned about first and noefrt and always is keeping the house. The only way she believes they can do that is holding on to the swing districts, suburban districts and split districts including the ones in Orange County as beth mentioned earlier. If those members are not ready to move forward with impeachment, nancy pelosi is the type of woman who will take all of the flak for them and keep the pressure off as long as necessary they believe to keep the house. Those are the calculations shes weighing, give members each of what they need, whether or not its coming out for impeachment, or whether or not just to let them talk about it. Betsy woodruff, thank you, thats for sure. Feeling the heat, growing number of democrats impressing nancy pelosi to impeach the president. Ly speak to one on that list next. St next when crabe stronger. Strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. Layered with flavor. Its the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. For an amazing taste. That outlasts your craving. New nicorette ice mint. Introducing miraclegros next big thing performance organics. This new organic collection of soil and plant food is what youve always wanted. No compromise. Twice the results. Guaranteed. 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You never know what life is going to throw at you. [ whimpering ] and from this point on. Nothing is going to be the same. [ all these things that ive done by the killers ] no, no, no. This way buddy. No liams heads for comforts is in the 80th percetile. Oh thats cool. Its a lot of head. Its like youre the dad and im the mom and were in a relationship and this is our baby. [ laughing ] well. Its exactly like that exactly in this hour, house Speaker Nancy Pelosi offering the latest insight into her hesitation to push impeachment. He knows its not a good idea to be impeached, but the Silver Lining for him is then he believes that he would be exonerated by the United States senate. I see. And theres a school of thought that says if the Senate Acquits you, why bring up charges against him in the private sector when hes no longer president . So when we go out there with our case its got to be ironclad. But the calls to launch an impeachment keep growing. One of those on our list, texas congressman al greene. Thank you for your time, sir. You tweeted earlier this week, mueller has spoken. The wait is over. No one is above the law. Either we hold the president accountable or congress is impeachable. Impeach now. Why do you think this needs to be done right now . Thank you for having me. As you know more than two years ago i went to the floor of the house of representatives and called for the impeachment of the president for his obstruction he attempted to and did follow through and fire mr. Comey. The president cannot be above the law. If we say hes committed impeachable acts and we say no one is above the law, then we have to take the next step, and that is to impeach the president. The only place where the president can be properly prosecuted is before the congress of the United States of america. Congressman, hold that thought a moment, please, sir. Were going to take everyone to a briefing thats being offered by the surgeon, head of trauma at the hospital in Virginia Beach as well as er physician who was on yesterday. This is dr. Martin ogrady, head of trauma at santana breech hospital. We will have to go back to the o. R. Earlier next week. You might have to go back to the o. R. . I cant be too specific. One person went directly to the o. R. Last night. Same patient will probably go back today and may have to go back against next week. And patient just got out of the o. R. A few seconds ago and back in intensive care. All of the patients went to intensive care after being seen here. Im dr. Haley thomas. I was on duty in the Emergency Department last night along with another attending physician. My role in the situation was to prepare for the emergent response. And to receive the patients as they arrived so we mobilized the trauma services, called for oncall backup, prepared to receive an unknown number of victims because we were made aware when this was still and active shooter situation. I would like to acknowledge the teamwork of the staff, medical staff, nursing personnel. We had excellent preparation from First Responders on scene letting us know what was coming in and keeping us up to date on the situation. And for a horrible tragedy, it went as smoothly as it could have possibly have gone. I will reemphasize that point too, these things can be difficult, they are difficult, but this event here was very well managed. A lot of preparation from the hospital standpoint and administration who supports the program here down to all different layers of physicians and nursing staff, o. R. Staff, xray staff, the whole hospital, the whole hospital is completely involved. It takes people to clean up the rooms afterwards. And it all went extremely well. Is there a victim that is a sister i have no yfgs on that. All i can tell you about these patients and others were taken to general as well. Not the nest casualty in the sense of four, five gunshot victims at one time. We had one, two, three but not this many. Just curious, were you here when this happened. I wasnt actually. Were you on duty . Well, i was notified of the event as it was going on and since im the director, i felt i should be here. The way it generally works is we have a physician in charge of the whole scene. This one wasnt so bad. In a situation we have the staff outside triage and these were more limited in numbers so everyone came in. My cosurgeons from my view and another Surgeon Group participate in trauma were there and a lot of doctors there. So each doctor got a patient and assessed it. We found out the severity of the illness, injuries, do they need intensive care or operating room immediately . Fortunately they were all stable enough we could get xrays and not rush to the operating room and fully assess them. Of those that died, how many how substantial was everything there on the gunshots . The one on the one that died. We cant say how many wounds they had. Can you describe how many there were or how substantial the injuries were. Well, they died. The people who died suffered multiple injuries. Can i say that . Okay. And stop there. Knowing other hospitals in the area have Practical Solutions like this, did that help . Absolutely. Im not military background but a phrase is failure to planning and planning to fail. Monthly meetings that handle emergency disaster situations, to multiple levels to coordinate with regional and state trauma services. So we have plans to activate people as much as possible. We had four operating rooms ready to go 5 00 on a friday night, which was pretty remarkable. Staff stayed around. Blood bank notified, xray teams notified. Administration played a key role to making sure everything was all done right. It was done very well. It all takes planning and practice, you have the right people, how to contact them. No drill can ever prepare you though for that reallife situation. You dont have situations like this on a regular basis, how did it affect responding . You have to sort of be separate from to the sense you cannot get too personally involved. Have to do it in a professional way. We had an incident several years ago, you probably remember the five children, that was a lot more emotional for the children involved. So we are going to meet after this, probably next week sometimes and sort of debrief everything. Go over what we learned, what we did, are there improvements to be made. When you talk about preparing for this is what we train for. This is what we train for. This is why we chose to go in these professions. But when its actually happening and the scale its happening, it becomes surreal. And you have to just focus, compartmentalize, and attend to whats going on at that moment. And thats why i do what i do. Doctor, you said you were prepared but what [ inaudible ] controlled chaos. Staff everywhere. A number of folks in different roles attending to their roles, and a few people in the middle kind of directing traffic. You go here, you go here. I need this, i need that. And we mobilized resources from different areas of the hospital. We gathered equipment from other areas of the hospital to make sure we had several rooms set up in a row in order to receive the patients that we received. And it worked well. One of the things that happened in advance of our receipt of patient was ems contacted us and asked our capabilities. There are two Trauma Centers in the area and they wanted when we had some sense of how many victims were arriving, how many can we handle . How many did we want to direct to the other facility. So we were well prepared for what arrived. To be clear on the patients in your care, two had significant injuries. One had less significant injures and one person, you used the word devastating, doctor. Theyre all serious injuries. Theyre gunshot wounds, which are never minor. Two have been taken to the operating room. One is probably more fortunate, hopefully that patient will have a full recovery, but thats not clear but it will require further operations, and were lucky with all of this, he got lucky if the injury, not exaggerated, were a little further over, he probably wouldnt be here today. When they arrived immediately, did they receive any care . [ inaudible ] im curious if any of the patients arrived were able to speak to you, share anything about the experience or anything . No, it really is not a time for us to ask that. We want to know their medical history. We will continue listening to this, dr. Martin brady and dr. Jenelle thomas, two absolute heroes. Surgeons in the Trauma Department of the santana Virginia Beach General Hospital that went about saving the lives of those patients that remained in their care. We will keep listening to that but now we want to take you to San Francisco where speaker of the house nancy pelosi is speaking to those that gathered for the california state democratic convention. Lets listen to her. The president s Campaign Welcomed russian interference into the election and the report lays out 11 instances of possible obstruction of justice by the president of the United States. As i told you, this is like coming home for me. As counsel mueller said, if we had, had confidence the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We would have said so. We must not only investigate to stop russias continued intervention in our election, we must investigate the president s welcoming of russias assault on our democracy. It is our patriotic duty to push back on the Trump Administration undermining of america. What is america . America is our constitution, with a system of checks and balances and our freedoms, which the president did honored. America is a nation of immigrants who constantly renew america, which the president disrespects. America is a Beautiful National pat traa mony from sea to shining sea and beyond which the president degrades with his denials of science. America is our values, which the president disgraces by adding trillions to the National Debt for our children to pay instead of investing in our childrens future, including public education. In the darkness hours of the revolution, thomas payne wrote, the times have found us and today they have found us again. We do not place ourselves into a gory of greatness of our founders but we do place ourselves in the urgency that we face in securing the democracy that they established. This isnt about politics. It isnt about partisanship. Democrats versus republicans, no. Its about patriotism. Its about the sank thatty of the constitution, and its about the future of our nation. We will go we will go where the facts lead us. We will insist on the truth. We will build on an ironclad case to act. Because in the United States of america, no one is above the law, not even the president of the United States. And President Trump will be held accountable for his actions. In the congress, in the court, and in the court of Public Opinion, we will defend our democracy. And we will do so, and we will do so honoring another guidance from our founders, e plur bis unum, for anyone who could not possibly imagine how many we would be or how different we would be from each other, but they knew we had to be one. We had stride as we go forward in this important constitutional action to unify our country, not divide it, as we protect and defend it. The times have found us indeed, each and every one of us, every one of us in this room, the time had found us and we had the courage and the strength to win. Are you ready to keep the blue wave rolling . Are you ready to defend and expand our House Majority starting in california . Are you ready to take back the United States senate to the American People . Are you ready to elect a democratic president of the United States . I thought so. God bless you, god bless california, god bless the United States of america. Thank you all very much. Thank you. You listened to the speaker of the house in her home city of San Francisco, california, speaking to those gathered there at the california state democratic convention. She was making a strong push for continuing with investigations before starting anything that would amount to impeachment proceedings. I want to very much thank texas congressman al green, whos been staying with me since we had to take that News Conference with the trauma surgeons in virginia. Congressman, tell me what you think about what nancy pelosi said. Its nothing new. Probably the same sort of ideology we think of why she wants to hit a pause button with regard to pursuing impeachment proceedings. What is it youre so worried about . What do you fear, if anything, will happen if your colleagues do not move to begin an impeachment inquiry at this point . Thank you for the opportunity to respond, and if i may just beg of one courtesy, i want to extend my sympathy and my condolences. I did sit through the News Conference, and im very much concerned about whats happening with guns in this country. And if the solution to gun violence and guns is more guns, we will continue to have more gun violence. I have a lot more i would like to say i would like to go to your question now. We will have you back another time. Im right there with you. Lets continue. Yes. I am of the opinion that a president who commits impeachable acts should be impeached. My fear is that we will engage in what dr. King called the paralysis of analysis. Meaning we will investigate to the extent that at some point we will say, lets wait until the next election. Lets just defeat him rather than impeach him. This is unacceptable. If the president is not above the law, and he is not, then we must act. The framers of the constitution gave us article 2, section 4, for a time such as this and president such as trump, either we will hold him accountable or we will be held accountable. Were at the crossroads of accountability. May i ask you a practical question, logistics question, help me me define the difference between what is happening in congress now with the support of all of the democrats and even some republicans that there are investigations that youre gathering information, how does that differ from launching what is an official impeachment inquiry . Because an inquiry is where youre going to as well gather information. Cant these two be one in the same . Miss wit, you cant impeach the president without using the word impeach. And filing it would npleasant thing if possible but i dont think it is. At some point were going to say to the American People were going to honer what the constitution requires of us. I believe if we do so, people will fully ners better whats going on. Impeachment is not as complicated as some would make it. Literally could impeach a president by not having investigations. You simply bring the resolution to the car and Congress Takes it up. Twice i have brought impeachment prosecutions, 58 voted once, 68 a second time. There is no need to do all were doing. I will not oppose it, i will not get in the way of it, but i will promise this, if i see the paralysis of analysis taking over, i will bring impeachment to the floor again. Not something i want to do but i believe if were going to honor what we say, principles above politics, people above party, we have to follow through with impeachment. But i guess im still not clear, sir, on the fact that theres information being gathered in these investigations, potentially which would be then given for an impeachment inquiry, whats the difference between the investigations that are gathering information and an impeachment inquiry. Were not talking about impeachment proceedings yet that are officially of that nature but of just starting the process . Isnt an inquiry about where you also gather information as to whether or not youre going to pursue impeachment officially . I indicated to you im not in any way going to get in the way of that. But there is a point wherein we have to crease with the investigations and the inquiries and we have to move to impeachment. The Mueller Report is replete with examples of where we can go forth with impeachment. We have allowed impeachment to be outsourced. We have wanted mr. Mueller to say to us, congress, you should impeach him. No one is going to tell us to do it. We have to decide to do it our sfls. It appears to a certain extent that we are trying to acquire some sort of outside source that will give us the courage to do that we must have the will to do. The framers gave us the way. We have to develop the ball ourselves. And if we do not, history will not be kind to us. There are many people in this country who have built their reputations on putting principle above politics. If we dont do what were supposed to do and were members of congress, were going to be held accountable and for those who concern themselves with the general election, i would say we might concern ourselves with the primaries, where in the democratic voters are going to vote, wherein democrats have said to us in clear and per prospectus terms they want this press impeached. I dont say because they want it but because of the conduct of the president. Hes not above the law and must be impeached. I believe he will be impeached. History, many people can make history but history can make people. I see history starting to drive this. I see people who are reluctant and kals kals atrent they realize they have to do their constitutional required duty and move forward with impeachment. Texas representative al green. Thank you so much for all of the statements and staying with us through that breaking news. I appreciate that. We have new details this hour of the dnc unveiling tougher new requirements for the third primary debate to happen this fall. To appear in that one, a candidate must have 2 support in four Party Approved polls this summer and also receive donations from 120,000 different donors in at least 20 states with 400 donors from each state. Lots of criteria there. Both have pretty much doubled the cry tier kbra auls iteria f second debates. Joining me now former president ial candidate john delaney. Welcome, sir. Nice to see you again. Thank you for having me. Your speech tomorrow, you will be addressing those in San Francisco, where you are clearly. But you sent a letter this week asking them to recall the process to which all of this criteria are set. What are your concerns . My concern is not with tom perez specifically. Hes a good person and great Public Servant but the dnc is playing an Important Role in this process. Theyre acting like a gate deep keeper. In that regard theyre determining who gets to make their case in front of the American People. There should be rules qualifying for debates, im all for that. But im concerned weve come up with doanar standard as a criteria for the debates and one of the things i dont like about that is half of our country cannot afford daily necessities, rent, heat, utilities. Those are the people im running for. And theyre not in position to make a contribution to political candidates. So i dont know why were coming up with a standard that excludes so many American People from having a say who gets to debate in them about the future of our country. It just doesnt make sense to me. A small relative number that give money to candidates so were kind of prioritizing them in this incredibly important process that were engaging in, and that is a battle of ideas and put forth the best person in the democratic praearty to beat donald trump and lead this country to a better future. I have a lot of issues with the fact they have a money or donor standard. I want to know where they came up with it and why they think its a good idea. Are you concerned this standard will help support or favor candidates that are more established, the joe bidens of this race . It obviously favors candidates who have spent decades building up donor lists, right . Theyre in a poeter position to raise money. But im not concerned about any particular candidate. Im concerned about having a battle of ideas. I want the democratic primary to be a battle of ideas, where we put forth our determination for our future. Which is what Speaker Pelosi closed with in the remarks you just went over. We need our next president to, in many ways, bring this nation together and start solving problems for the American People and allowing us to rethink a much more positive future. Thats part of the democratic primary process, define that person, put them forward, have them redeet donald trump and put our nation in a much better place. I just want that to be an onthelevel process. Im just concerned the rules theyre coming up with strike me as somewhat arbitrary and im curious as how how they came up with them. Representative john delaney, thank you so much for the chat on this topic. I know you will be speaking tomorrow. We will watch closely to what you have to say and thank you for your time today. The democratic divide on impeachment. We will talk about it next. With tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. Fixodent ultramax hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. So now you can eat tough food without worry. Fixodent and forget it. Glad youre back how you feeling . both exhausted. But finally being able to make that volunteer trip happen was. Awesome. Awesome. You have to scrub. What do they. They use for washing. Lets do it every year. Well do it every year. I thought youd say that lets do it. See how investing with a j. P. Morgan advisor can help you. Visit your local chase branch. Now to the democratic divide on impeachment. Moments ago house Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowing to hold the president accountable in congress and courts and the court of Public Opinion and holding off on an impeachment inquiry. Joining me now joe crowley and shermichael singleton, from mox media considerate. Welcome to both of you. Congressman, i know you spent years working with Speaker Pelosi so you have the insider knowledge on how she plays the long game. In your view, sir, is she trying to avoid impeachment full stop or building towards it . I think people have to understand, alex, in this town, it appears that character and integrity are in short supply. But on Nancy Pelosis case, she has an abundance of both. And i think the president views it as a weakness but it is her greatest strength. And what shes talking about is building the case. And you have to have the investigation to really delve in and find the truth and thats what shes looking for. She doesnt believe in persecuting anyone, including the president , for political reasons but she wants the Public Opinion to be moved and believe that elections have consequences and the best way to impeach the president in my opinion and hers as well, is to have him unelected in 2020. Do you think, democrats, shermichael, that the window of impeachment will close at some point . What are your thoughts on that . They get to a point where it is null and void. Alex, i think at some point democrats are going to have to make a decision on this. Either they move towards impeachment or they do not. I think with the congressman is saying is accurate. If you look at an aggregate of polling data and slight majority of the country is not on board with impeachment yet. Which is why you do have to have investigations and public hearings. I would argue to persuade the American People. If that is the direction democrats seek to go. But i think Speaker Pelosi is keeping this in mind, of the 64 members of the freshman class of 2018, 43 seats were won by districts that were held by republicans. Republicans have i believe about 197 members in the house right now. They only need 21 seats to win back the majority. So Speaker Pelosi and democrats arent careful, they would risk losing the seats and some of what they are saying in the districts, those arent questions that the voters are asking for. Theyre talking about other things. So members are divided from what a small majority within the Democratic Party is speaking of right now. Congressman, give me your read on where all this stands within the party as it relates to Speaker Pelosi. Is she losing control of the caucus as the calls grow louder or is she actually maintaining because the vast majority are still behind her . I think shes demonstrating how great she is at this game. Shes at the top of her game right now, i think. And shes always been able to hold the Democratic Party together. It is moral persuasion that shes had i wont say a spell but moral persuasion. Ive seen it through any 20year career in the house of representatives and the people are seeing her character. And lets listen to Bernie Sanders who picked up on a point that nancy pelosi has made this week. Get your reaction on the other side. Here its. It may well be that donald trump wants to be impeached. Because he knows that in the senate, you know what you need, twothirds of the United States senate. Do you think the president is there, he wants impeachment for strategic purposes because he gets exonerated potentially in the senate. He certainly will be exonerated in the senate and that would benefit President Trump. Again, that is another part of the calculus that nancy pelosi is thinking of. While i do think you have a small faction within the Democratic Caucus who are lead speaking of impeachment and they force some candidates to come out and say they think impeachment should concur and to go back to the numbers i spoke of, of the freshman class last year, 43 of the members were elected in seats that republicans held. Those are going to be very, very tight seats come 2020. You do not want to risk losing your majority and nancy pelosi is thinking about the long game as the congressman said. And i think those other members need to get on board with the speaker. Very quickly, ill ask barry or director to put up a graphic on where people stand on censure. 40 believe that is an option. What do you think of that congressman. When you combine that with those who thinks he should be impeached it shows a growing number of americans who are turning away from this president and believe that his behavior is reprehensible. Congressman, come see me again soon and shermichael, i see you all of the time. So come back soon. It is home turf for Kamala Harris but how important is the California Democratic convention to her president ial hopes . That is next. Just like any other family the house, kids, theyre living the dream and here comes the wacky new maid maid . Uh, im not the. Is she an alien, is she a spy . Shes always here, someone tell us why why, oh, why shes not the maid we wanted because im not the maid but shes the maid we got again, im not the maid. I protect your home and auto. Hey, campbells. Whos your new maid . Were on the move. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Terminix. Defenders of home. Take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. 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This is the most devastating day in

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