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Coping with economic hardship, Consumer Prices, richard records levels, forcing people can ra goal to warm their homes. And even by ordinary grocery, even will you, you know, the sub group, you lose sure. You got for the next that you got for if you dont know if you going to lunch there with the mosque out of the world, this is our international. Im Rachel Blevins and here are the top stories this hour. We begin with the latest from the dawn valley where, according to local authorities, ukrainian shelling has left 2 people dead, and one wound in the city of lucy, shocked a word of caution. The following images may be disturbing. Here are some in edge is showing the aftermath of the attack. Officials say the shelling came during a humanitarian, a delivery to locals, and that the attack use the u. S. Supplied hi mars rocket system. Meanwhile, authorities of russia belgrade region the ukranian shells have once again hit russian territory where 2 people have been wounded in a border village. This comes a day after one ukrainian refugee was killed and 4 wounded in a similar attack on civilian areas. Now this comes as hundreds of ukrainians have fled to russia following the recommendation by the head of the har, call, region and ukraine. This influx of refugees was triggered recently when military forces took control of a number of towns, their fears of ukrainian reprisals in the territory have been rowing with threats being made against anyone who was cooperated with russia. Heres what one of the refugees told us, much. It is 3 of them, the shell and started, and they fired the ministration and shops and shops where there were a russian products. They were looking for people with brushing passports and they tortured them. These were the national battalions, the grant and army seemed to be ok, but the battalions didnt carry was women were children. They didnt even speak ukrainian or russian. So we thought it was very scary to state luncheon. Meanwhile, ukraine has slammed germany for not supplying enough weapons, accusing berlin only, offering quote, abstract fears and excuses can talk. Diplomat says hes not satisfied with berlins refusal to hand over its modern battle tanks and armored personnel carriers, insisting that his country needs them. Now, this comes after germanys Defense Ministry said its military age. Ukraine has reached the limit disappointing signals from germany, while ukraine needs leopards and martyrs now to liberate people and save them from genocide. Not a single rational argument on why these weapons cannot be supplied only abstract fears and excuses. What is berlin afraid of that key of is not. We have handed over an unbelievable amount from the reserves of the boon to spare. But i say at this point quite clearly that we have reached the limit. So far, the western countries have been supplying mostly outdated, armored vehicles, the machine so desperately wanted by key, or the leopard to and the martyrs which cost around 10000000. 00 euros each. This however, isnt the 1st time key of officials have lamb bastard, germany for not doing enough. Ukraines ambassador to germany previously called chancellor shoals, a quote offended liver or worse, due to his delay and visiting key at the head of the german state of saxony also came under fire and was declared unwanted in ukraine by the ambassador. After he suggested berlin should start negotiations with russia. This comes as ukraine has recently published a security guarantee proposal, which looks to the u. S. U. K. Turkey and australia to be guarantor states. The proposal these allies should make clear commitments to support ukraines military. However, ukrainian Officials Say this proposal is not a substitute for joining nato. Was cross live now to earle ras, me as an executive Vice President of the your asia center earl. Its great to have you on the program today. Now, what do you make of the security guarantees or rachel, i think the if theyve been proposed before, and i think theres the secretary austin, kind of talking about them and plus bring them up. So what basically this does is that it codifies, or it put a Legal Framework on, on commitment that need to be provided by the, by the guarantor, different level, certain ones on a military, certain amount would be non military. But essentially, you might have, you move that up quite to the nato membership, article 5, but it let it move that up, even though weve seen the fact. So, ukraines actually to be literate and part of nato sexually but, but this actually, i think, is, is an escalation of the commitment. And it even discusses the multi decade commitment. So were looking at western power, trying to drag this on as long as possible. Aaron t from member state when sure the financial and military support going on. Its a dangerous escalation. Yeah, and you know, you certainly get a lot of those very big statements from politicians in the west saying that they will be committed to ukraine for, quote, unquote, as long as it takes. But another one of the guarantors on this list is actually turkey. According to this proposal, do you think that turkey is suitable given how close it is to moscow economically here . I think, i think treaty, the unique situation i dont know. Cookie may be i dont think youll see them guarantee in stepping is as follow, the everyone else i think is going to try to play the middle ground that they have so far in their economic interest than if theyre better with direct goes. So i do not the turkey being as mid as you k canada, australia, and certainly the other countries have been known more so to stick together. Now what you see is the overall purpose of the guarantees, as this conflict is still ongoing, and the western powers are still supplying weapons ukraine. I think, i think the key part does this, that actually theres a Legal Framework to that that actually provides almost like a treaty, essentially where theres where theres a Legal Framework and its a formal mit. Unlike right now, you have companies, but like germany example, oh no, we have, we cant provide anymore that this provide those that are part of the will be having that otherwise thanks to be placed on them or Something Like that. Though i think it increases it and it tries to provide a Long Term Support basis for the training. You know, to support your grain in the, in the veteran. Im like right now where i think you got pregnant going on europe. Youve got the political turmoil going on. Know what happens after different election. Theyve got their economy, im sure theres going to be civil unrest this winter. So this is trying to lock something in here and he almost to a creevy basis. Some type of support that would be in for a longer a now speaking of ukraine, trying to really walk in that support using pick here. Thats actually dictating european politics right now. And whats your opinion on the fact that some have said that no one is allowed to really criticize key as i think this is i im just made at the statement, the criticism that is thrown at germany and other other Member States that are, that may not be providing as much as ukraine would like. And i must say that this is essentially drawing down their own surprise supplies. And essentially di will rising nato members for a country thats not part of the, its not part of nato. Theres no defending democracy. Its not really a democracy. So i think these countries of the got political career to so they have to watch out of the goals and they should be watching their, their people, unlike what minister bareback the to hear more about ukraine than the german people. I think it seems like maybe ukraine has the as the board, the u. S. And so they figured the us only would come by and with the arm to make sure things happen. But it really is shocking to see the amount of what happened. The amount of, of a flowing in the money flowing in the crane. And yet they talked about insults of the senior people. This is just, i mean its, you know what i would find in the military iliad, if i was your, your diplomats have those types of comments made it. The ukraine is dictating the path and there. Yeah i, its shocking to the i can only see that happening if, if theyve got a big brother behind them supporting i have a feeling that we, weve seen for us and thats trust, make trip over to. Yeah, we only blink in. Ready newland make trip there, so i have a feeling i think we know who the big brothers are with the european is certainly will be interesting to see how things play out, especially as we head into the winter are asked me, then executive Vice President of the eurasia center, thank you so much for your time and insight and it seems like one of the potential guarantors, turkey cause theory is displeasure and key. Thats out here a website linked to be ukranian, Foreign Ministry demanded thing, sions, against several church guests, bank executives. And businessman for failing to join the sanctions against russia, thats just by significant assistance. And kara, has been providing to kiev the website war in sanctions publish several turkish bank bosses as target for new sanctions. Although it is not officially under the control of the ukrainian Foreign Ministry, it was the 1st to announce the site to launch the move spark a pub spark, the public backlash with former ambassadors and other international figures, voicing concern. If the site under question is affiliated with the ministry of Foreign Affairs of ukraine, silence is not an option or ministry of Foreign Affairs. Should investigate the issue given assessment within the framework of the information obtained and take action. The Ukranian Ambassador to anchor it should be summoned to the Foreign Ministry and asked for an explanation, a direct targeting of turkish public offices, private sector organisations. And businessman is unacceptable. Ukraine has no right to interfere with Turkish Foreign policy. Turkeys, the only country that can engage and talks with both ukraine and russia. In addition, ukraine earns money by selling its grain, thanks to turkey, mediation in such circumstances, calls for sanctions on turkish institutions, and businessman r thoughtlessness by key of ukraine needs. Turkey. Cherokee has often offered its services as mediator and the conflict in ukraine. And as weve just heard, its also helped a broker the grain deal with key ad furthermore, and kara also supplied advanced military drones to ukraine. However, such actions are undermining turkeys right, to trade with whoever it was that according to political commentator on our son and gus olds, in with whom we spoke earlier long. So she is independent and us, were in country so touchy materials or business men, they have right to do trade or corporation or any organizational, any entity that they want. And russia is one of our neighbors all normal with industry. Those and Business Mentors banks are very irrational partners, churches government following balance policy between west and russia is normal and turkey is member of nato. Thats a fact. But in the same time, to achieve corporate to russia in, in business fields, in the industry of field in new to the field. Thats the fact also, i think today by these United States right to cut Church Russian population. Thats why i told that this website bringing the website is a part of u. S. Lance. I think that the government is not the independent then the suits are in political and i think they are acting like the bulk of United States or 30. I think this moment a school, but i think of the people in purchasing why not they understood better that thing and government is its kind of a bulk of the incoming canyon president williams. Some more were tow, has been sworn in as the countrys 1st head of the state. That says kenya finds itself in crisis with skyrocketing food in Energy Prices, as well as a high unemployment rate. Before winning the election, he served as the Deputy President for almost a decade over the years, years also when the minister of home Affairs Agriculture as well as the minister for Higher Education after the election chose main rival contested the result. But the Supreme Court rejected the challenge. Local chorus rondon modes, he neu is on the ground with more after several weeks of tensions and Political Uncertainty in the country, doctor william somewhat route was final to be sworn in as to his president of the republic of kenya. These come just a week after the Supreme Court upheld his victory. That was to link ways ak rival railer amolla. Dinger, who was swooning alongside hes running there together. Shotwell, who now becomes the Deputy President of the republic of kenya. Now, several heads of states, foreign dignitaries, on thousands of canyons from the stadium, to witness the integration ceremony. He took over from president , looking out after hobbins, alongside him as the Deputy President from 2013 to the ear 2022. And he, in a country that is facing tough economic times, huge did crises and high unemployment rates in his campaigns. He made numerous promises to the electorate with a focus on liberating the country. Economically, kenyans are waiting with bated breath for this promises to be haunted or want to know. Reporting for russia today from nairobi, kenya, political analyst, and high court advocate. Miss our ne august says that the incoming president has a lot of work ahead due to the predicament the country is. And now i think the new little president , given a very strong indication of what they actually come to, to pick given the novel beach you had left or most of the principal can know because to me because you get some given that, you know, the new system noted by the government meeting with the d p. T and develop the gun point of view implemented the visual toxic committed, visual culture talks about the economy function. And of course, is talk about the general purposes that he ventured over to the residence, to the mean of the person for the people around the region. You have a very moral lead. Youve got 7100000, gotten a come to 50000000 people to, to 1000000 to do football. Good. Quite a dogs are bringing everyone together for the country to move along. One direction. Food prices in the us have soared to their highest levels and half a century, 13. 5 percent year over year. That coupled with skyrocketing energy costs, which have risen by almost a quarter compared to 2021. So very more on this was cross lived, a r t correspondent, caleb mop and kayla. Good to see you. Now, how is the biking and ministration dealing with the current food and Energy Crisis . Well, weve got joe biden continuing just saying a happy song and give the impression that hes somehow decreasing and stopping inflation. Heres what he said. Todays data shows more progress in bringing global inflation down in the u. S. Economy this month we saw some price increases slow from the month before at the grocery store. Well, the facts just dont match that if you look at the economic data, were seeing an 8. 3 percent rise and inflation. This august weve got the Consumer Price index at this point, saying that prices are still pretty high and rising. The hope is that the u. S. Federal reserve bank will be able to maneuver some kind of soft landing. Amid all of this economic pain, experts are saying this is actually a warning that the future of the u. S. Economy could look massey. Now the u. S. Public is not thrill with what theyre hearing from the white house and gas in the right. Like food prices had been going up, so i do see it badly, potatoes a tricity actually gas has been born up as well ago. My mother actually she to call me a couple days ago telling me that her prices like spike like skyrocketed even. Will you eat now . The supper . You michelle . You go for next that you got perfect because you dont know if youre going to rush lunch. You know, there were you used to right now . Well sir, he says very expensive for people that cant afford to michael series. Now at this point, we have the Biden Administration celebrating on tuesday, the passage earlier of the inflation reduction act, which is a piece of legislation. It includes no tax law changes, it includes issues, address, and climate change. Health care is also included in it. Its called the inflation reduction act, and we have the binding ministration celebrating this, that the great victory that they the before the mid term, the American People arent celebrating with them. And the numbers when it comes to the inflation are also not celebratory. At this point, high prices are hitting americans and causing them to consume less energy, less gas, electricity. The Consumer Price index is looking to shrink at this point by 5 percent. That is what is predicted. Weve got the 20 Top Companies in the United States, having their stocks fall by an average of 3 percent. And on top of that, we saw bitcoin and a theorem, the 2 major crypto currencies that are quite popular in the United States. We saw them both take a big drop by 5 percent in just an hour crypto users were quite shocked to see that happen. Consumer prices were 8. 3 percent higher in august compared the last year. In july they were 8. 5 percent higher than they were last july in june. It was 9 point one percent higher than over the previous year. And things could all be getting worse pretty known. Because at this point, there is, at this point weve got Railroad Workers, boys to go on strike on friday, Railroad Workers are negotiating their contract. There is a possibility to friday. We could see the 1st national Railroad Workers strike in the United States in 30 years. And this would bring all kinds of freight to a grinding halt. And so people are looking at the situation and it just does not match the happy songs were hearing from the white house correspondent, caleb mop. And thank you for that report. According to hon. Gary and National Assembly speaker lazlow cobar, brussels is not serving its people. He said that the European Union can already be called a loser, and the ukraine conflict as it acts against its own economic interest. Today, the European Union, which cannot politically prevent the outbreak of war and ukraine restore peace through diplomacy. And under external pressure acts against its most fundamental economic interests is already considered a loser. Regardless of the side, non european Interest Groups and private capital condemned the European Union as a whole and each member state individually to military dependence, political subordination, economic, an energy and viability, financial debt, robbery and social division. Earlier hungarian prime minister, victor, or bon said, the sanctions imposed on russia are not successful. As its the you itself facing inflation and Energy Shortage is in his opinion, the block should change is policy. Otherwise, both industries and households across the continent will suffer or bond emphasize that the you will be weaker after the Russian Military operation, while countries like china and russia, as well as a large american corporations will benefit george sam while lee Senior Research fellow at the global paul, as the institute of london says that the block has lost its independence and economic competitiveness. As the result of the sanction, the European Union has allowed itself to be manipulated by external act. Those chiefly the United States, into a confrontation with russia, from which you derive no benefit and to the contrary, it suffers greatly if anyone with any common sense would have known that you dont sanction a country. That is one of the Biggest Energy producers in the world, and hes one of the biggest grain producers in the world. And hes also one of the biggest red metals producers in the world. It has everything the world need. So how the European Union will the hope that it would get the better of this confrontation . Almost amazing. Its clear that the software is coming of the journey. The economic powerhouse in europe is going to, theyre going to be closing down factories that were ready closing down plans. And once that happens when the economics of europe starts closing down than everything else, shutting down and you have Energy Prices that no one can afford. So this is an artificial crisis brought about by very, very stupid political decision, essentially eliminates in europe as any kind of economic rivals to the United States. Remember just a few years ago, President Trump was hitting europe with parents because he didnt like the economic competition from europe. So thats, thats already gone in. The americans are worried about the European Competition anymore. Whats really happened is the europe as well. Any sense of independence . The moscow la defense blocks, the s t o will send emission to the republic of armenia intended to de escalate tensions on the border with officer by john. This comes after an Online Meeting was held at the initiative of armenia with the presence of all members, including president in armenia, a protest has been held by relatives of soldiers killed in the ongoing conflict. Opposition forces are demanding the impeachment of armine as prime minister, protest search gathered near the parliament building, intending to block all entrances to the National Assembly earlier armenia, as pm said, at least 49 soldiers had been killed in a fierce battle and war. The death toll could still rise. Meanwhile, as or by john has disclosed 50 casualties. Explosions from artillery and drawn strikes were reported by armenian citizen. Shortly after midnight on monday, armenia says that by johnny forces had been targeting civilian infrastructure. There by john seriously rejected that claim, saying it was only directing fire military installations in retaliation for quote provocation from the armenian side. The armenian Defense Ministry says 7 locations, including civilian areas were affected by the fighting. A local journalist gave us this report about the refill escalation, as by johns armed forces, use artillery and military drones to attack sovereign armenian territory in a battle that began around midnight, september, september 13 after midnight, digital units. Eliza projects forces using their life and more open contents far as small tenuously on various sections of our 1000000 and have our journey toward the in the direction for additions and initial fire called for the fight to end at 9 am. But the answer, my johnny army has continued to show the Armenian Border in violation of the agreements. According to the official information 49 people were killed on the armenian side. Its unclear how many casualties were on the answer by johnny side of the Armenian Army as completely combat ready. We will fight for our land. The answer by johnny army has attempted to move forward from their positions, but the Armenian Army had succeeded in pushing them back. Their bye, john defense minister, has said the escalation was a response to the Armenian Military placing the land miles an officer by johnny roadways. A local journalist from back who gives us more details. Ah, so says close to the Missile Defense also informed as a result of yesterdays complementary. Taken, missouri by john, the armed forces destroyed the infrastructure that armenia continues to build on the. Busy on the other by johnny Armenian Border and this infrastructure new could posed a potential threat to us about our security. They added that it will take another for 5 years for a minute to restore it at night sabotaged groups of dominion armed forces using the mountaineers to rain and existing gaps in ravines. Mind the territories and supply rolls between the positions of those in, by johnny army units in different directions. It also said that there was an army has taken control over strategic points on the border, which would pose a threat and danger for the position that was, it was on the military units. It was on the line that as my journey army didnt have an intention or go in to a invade into the armenian territory. Thats all for now. Be sure to check out our teen dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. Was he right back here at the top of the hour ah, with with

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