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Russian troops were able to advance on several fronts at once thousands of ukrainians were willing to risk their lives to escape the country and evade conscription. In orenburg, entire neighborhoods are flooded, water is moving toward the hurricane, and rescuers are building temporary dams. And the murmansk port began transportation for the first time fish delicacies to asia by rail. Maina in novosibirsk , robots help grow roses in greenhouses. And in the Stavropol Territory, local pump rooms have already been opened. The flow of tourists is growing every day. So iran attacked israeli territory this night with hundreds of drones and Ballistic Missiles. Shells also flew from bases of proiranian forces in lebanon, iraq and syria. This was in response to the israeli bombing of the iranian consulate in damascus on april 1. The attack lasted more than 5 hours. The head of the iranian general staff said that the targets were the Israeli Information Center on the Syrian Border and the tsahalnevatim airbase. As stated in tehran, the objectives of the operation were successfully completed. According to the tsakhal, a total of about 300 shells were fired into the territory of the jewish state. 99 of them were intercepted. According to the tv channel, the us military participated in repelling the attack. Also jordan air Defense Systems. Tel aviv has already threatened to respond to tehrans actions about how the events of that night developed in the middle east. Reports of our own correspondents in the region Sergei Pashkov and alexander belibov. The most massive attack of combat drones in World Military history. According to the israeli army , iran sent about 200 drones to targets in israel that night. Message about the first wave of launches. Israel from iranian attack. So far , we have been able to intercept the vast majority of strike drone missiles, as well as cruise and Ballistic Missiles beyond israels borders. Several iranian missiles fell into israel, causing minor damage to the military base, no casualties. Footage of iranian drones flying over iraq was shown. World news recorded from iran, yemen and iraq. Tv channels. There were drone launches. The first wave was met and seriously strengthened by the air defense and air force of the kingdom of jordan. Amani announced in advance that they did not intend to allow iranian combat vehicles through their airspace. After some time , confirmed reports of Ballistic Missile launches arrived. Their flight time is until 15 minutes and about 2 00 but. There was no doubt that the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps officers in israel would be responsible for the destruction of the iranian consulate building in damascus on april 1, who died under the ruins of the generals. The multistage Missile Defense system had already been brought to a state of full readiness the day before. Benjamin netanyahu warned citizens of a clash with iran in just a few minutes. Before the drone attack begins. Citizens of israel. In recent years, and even more so in recent weeks, israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iranian side. Our Defense Systems are deployed, we are ready for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. The state of israel is strong, the Israel Defense forces are strong, our community is strong. We appreciate the support of the us, as well as the support of the uk, france and many other countries. I set a clear principle of who will hit us. We will also strike, we will defend ourselves against any threat, we will do this calmly and decisively. After the attack, the israeli Prime Minister posted a satisfied post on social networks with just four words shot down, stopped, together we will win. Israel has reintroduced partial wartime restrictions. The skies over the country were closed until sunday morning. School classes and Public Events have been cancelled, beaches and parks are closed. The iranian air attack here does not consider the incident to be over; a senior Israeli Government official said that the response to iran will be serious and powerful. The fate of the retaliatory strike will be determined by members of the socalled narrow military cabinet headed by benjamin netanyahu. Now israel has taken a pause, after which it will be clear whether iran and the Israeli Exchange of blows will develop into a fullscale melee. Eastern war. Sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. The lighting of Ballistic Missile jet engines is clearly visible in the skies over iranian cities amid the enthusiastic screams of the crowd. There is hardly any need to explain where they are flying; it has been clear for a long time that retaliation for israels attack on the consulate in damascus will be inevitable. And now that hour has come. Massive a combined attack using all available weapons that are in service with the Aerospace Forces of the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps began before midnight; attack drones were the first to take wing. And while the exact number of uavs launched by iran is not yet known, there were clearly hundreds of them, the largest drone attack in history. The following photo illustrates this well in the sky with a whole swarm of drones of various modifications. The drones were launched in waves in several passes, and later missile units also joined the attack, using dozens of both cruise and Ballistic Missiles. That night , units of the Lebanese Hezbollah group, as well as proiranian forces in iraq and syria, also struck israel, and although their strikes were not as largescale as the iranian attack, they completed their task as a wavelike main strike from the Islamic Republic. One of the best. In the world, at least until this night, the israeli iron dome air Defense System was overloaded, simply unable to cope with so many approaching drones, rocket projectiles at once artillery and missiles, some of which appear to have reached their targets. This is how iranian media report the defeat of the israeli Ramon Air Force base in the negev desert. Ksirzhe has already called the attack on israel successful, without yet providing a detailed report on the targets hit. Official tehran, through its representatives at the un, meanwhile, stated that everything that happened today was nothing more than selfdefense. Irans military actions, carried out on the basis of article 51 of the un charter, concerning legitimate defense, were a response to the aggression of the zionist regime against our Diplomatic Missions in damascus. The issue can be considered resolved, however, if the Israeli Regime makes another mistake, irans response will be much harsher, this is a conflict between iran and the Israeli Regime, from which the United States should stay away. The states, of course, helped israel intercept iranian drones and missiles, some of them exbilist. That he is ready to deal with any enemy, secondly, he clearly showed what the militaryindustrial complex of the Islamic Republic is capable of, the products of which have in fact proven that they can bypass the best western air Defense Systems and absolute protection, from which the countrys opponents do not have, thirdly, without essentially causing any significant material and physical damage to israel, iran, like no one else has ever hit the image of the jewish state, forcing it to respond for yours. Actions tehran responded blow for blow, while being able to show restraint, not going further than necessary, but it is too early to draw the line. Israel has already stated that they wont just leave it like that, but that same restraint is not tel avivs habit, so in the middle east we can expect a new round of escalation in the near future, the consequences of which can now hardly be predicted. Alexander bilivov, dmitry cherbakov, maria bolotvina and evgeniy kononov, lead the middle east. All flights of Russian Airlines to jordan, iraq and israel have been suspended, the federal air transport agency reported. The sharp deterioration of the situation in the middle east will be discussed today at an emergency meeting of the un security council. The Russian Permanent Mission notes that the region is at on the verge of a new acute crisis. Now everything depends on the further steps of israel and iran. Previously, moscow has repeatedly called on middle Eastern Countries to show restraint. The world cannot afford another war this is a quote from. Statement by un secretary general Antonio Guterres condemned tehrans actions. The eu, britain, france and the United States also condemned the iranian attack. Joe biden reaffirmed washingtons commitment to supporting israel. However, according to nbc, in private conversations biden expressed concern that tel aviv was trying to to draw the United States even deeper into the middle east conflict. As cnn reports, citing sources in the white house, biden made it clear in a telephone conversation. Against this background , the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps said that the United States would regret it if it participated in attacks on iran and would receive a decisive response from the Islamic Republic. Meanwhile, the frigate of the Russian Pacific fleet marshal shapochnikov overcame the soviet canals and entered the mediterranean sea. This was reported to the ministry of defense. Marshal shapochnikov, bearer of the newest wing. According to the military department in the mediterranean the frigate will operate in accordance with the previously approved combat training plan. Already 16 dead among them are children. The number of victims of the ukrainian strike on takmak in the zaporozhye region has increased again. Rescuers pulled out the bodies of four more people from under the rubble, one of the dead was a child. Another victim died from his injuries in hospital. Of the twenty wounded. Over 100 ukrainian militants were killed. Our fighters were able to move forward in the areas of harvest, staromaisky and ravnopol. Powerful blows to fortifications ukrainian militants were hit by the rszzohurricane. The affected area of ​​even one hurricane is several tens of hectares, but most often the strikes are targeted, using only part of the ammunition. From receiving the target coordinates to occupying a firing position, aiming and executing a salvo takes no more than 7 minutes, after which the crew promptly changes the position. Zerkators calculations are also in action. Over the past 24 hours , they. Shot down several hymers and alha missiles. These antiaircraft Missile Systems protect our skies day and night from missile attacks by kyiv formations. Today is the day of the air defense forces. As at any other time, russian antiaircraft gunners are always on combat duty. In the special operation zone, they fight off thousands of air attacks every day. Our war correspondent, alexander katsuba saw it. How the s400 triumph crews control the sky. The s400 triumph antiaircraft Missile System reliably protects the skies of donbass. The division has been here since the very first days. On duty for air defense. We can hit airplanes, helicopters, tactical aircraft enemy, also ballistic targets, Ballistic Missiles, operationaltactical missiles. And this is a kind of brain center of the division, a control machine, called the black pearl, it is here that all the information about air violators flows, it is from here that the crew gives the command to destroy any enemy target, there is a target, speed 180, height 8, range 75, attention bush on first c4 Triumph Controls the sky within a radius of up to 350 km, it looks like a ship, each crew has its own call sign in the shift, well, a black pearl, everyone it was more by eye and ear, so we decided to put this name on it. As part of the division , the pantsir s1 antiaircraft missile and gun complex covers our triumph from kamikaze drones of the air force, i qualify the target as an unmanned aerial vehicle, there is one launch, there is a launch. I am constantly in position, the special purpose antiaircraft Missile Division is acting ahead of the curve. Alexander kotsov, alexander malyshev, lead. Now to the flood situation. The level of the ural river near orenburg began to decline for the First Time Since the beginning of the flood. However, a lot of water over the last 24 hours came to almost a thousand more houses. Entire neighborhoods are flooded, and multistory residential complexes look more like islands. Now the evacuation continues from there. By this moment , more than 16 thousand people have already been taken out of the disaster. The kurgan region is now preparing for a sharp deterioration in the situation. The peak of the flood there is expected any day now. Over the course of a day, tobol rose by as much as 75 cm and came very close to the level of 5 meters. Another meter threatens to flood the right bank part and center of kugan. Rescuers have already begun laying protective dams to minimize damage. Murat zaripov and albert musin have all the details from the scene. Every hour without news about another rise in the level of the urals is like a longawaited respite in the fight against the water that has surrounded the city, but the pause can be interrupted at any moment by the sound of an emergency siren, so people still leave their homes, moving to safe areas. This is a new microdistrict still under construction, not all the houses are inhabited and not all the houses have reached the water yet, but now its practically possible to get out of there on your own impossible. The only road leading to land, water approximately along the stake in the deepest areas, hundreds of people are blocked on this island right now. Walking on foot is far and difficult, someone leaves the microdistrict in the bucket of a tractor, but mostly people use cargo transport, instead of the usual minibuses, now kamaz trucks ply here, you will sit down carefully with your head, dont hit yourself, but here wheeled vehicles are already useless, the depth in some places reaches up to 5 m, namely suburban and holiday villages from flooding. 600 houses went under water. Local residents take a tour of the places where they recently stood. Their houses in the water are almost invisible to road signs, not knowing the area, strangers will not pass even by boat, so they rely only on themselves, evacuated on their own, and also helped their neighbors get out of their flooded houses. They saved each other, so they didnt have time to take anything out of their homes, only what they could lift to the second floor survived, theres water from the ceiling 10 cm. Something like that, i think theres no point in going downstairs. Gorny ilievsky shows the situation in the house of his neighbor, who is waiting for us in the boat. The two of them lived here for several days when the water began to flow. The gorons house opposite is onestory, so only the roof is visible. 2 months ago we finished renovations in the winter and just moved in. Almost all houses are built on high foundations, taking into account possible flooding during spring floods. In orenburg, the scale of the disaster can only be assessed approximately; the water level is projected to drop significantly only in a few days. Murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, lead orenburg. For a week now, kurgan and its surroundings have been living in constant anticipation of big water, the flood wave is already at the very approaches to the city, and preparations are being made in advance for its arrival here. Continuously, hundreds of sandbags are sent upward from here. With their help, it has already been possible to increase the main ninemeter dam by another half a meter, and they say this is far from the limit. In some places it is increased by almost a meter; entire factory shifts, student groups and creative teams work. Folklore ensemble tsveten, and we we tour, sing folklore songs, on our list, we will notify people about the evacuation. The entire right bank part of kurgan is under attack; it is located in a lowland and will be the first to go under water; a preventive evacuation has been announced there. Our kids have already been taken away, so what s left is me and my husband, my husband works on the dam, for example, we have nowhere to transport our property, we ve moved everything up to the second floor, this is your only housing, of course, the only one, experienced people come out to help the volunteers united russia volunteers, some joined the ranks of builders dams, others conduct a house bypass, a meeting. Threatening directly the Regional Center and the bridges across the tobol, so that the entire body of water could pass freely, employees of the ministry of emergency situations began clearing the riverbed. The goal is to remove all old logs and dead branches from the river path that could create an undesirable natural dam, which in turn could lead to the accumulation of a large volume of water and the threat of bridge collapse. Where in flooded areas the population and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations are being vaccinated against hepatitis a, then how how the flood moves and what settlements may be in its path, rescuers are constantly watching from drones and helicopters. Some units monitor the level of tabol directly from its waters. At the same time, rescuers are building up sand dams and deploying waterfilling dams. Work goes on around the clock. In the city of kurgan, where a significant increase in water in the tabol river is expected, employees of the ministry of emergency situations. In russia, waterfilling dams are being installed around the clock in three areas. A waterfilling dam is a special sleeve that is filled with water to create barriers against flood waters. The tense situation remains in the tyumen region, where a sharp rise in water in the ishim and tura rivers is also expected. Now we are strengthening the old barriers and laying out new ones. Contractor employees provide reinforcements. However, the incident can turn out suddenly by human standards. Same dangerous values residents are returning to the city, electricity and gas supplies are being restored in the affected areas. Starting monday , local schoolchildren will begin studying in person again. At the same time, vorsk without. The rescuer, the volunteers, those in need have eaten, they say they are full until the evening, and they say we work bravely. The water gradually recedes and reveals devastating consequences; after the house tour , commissions continue to assess the damage and condition of the housing, calculating the loss caused by the entrepreneur. I am here for the first time after the flood overtook us, the damage, well, the damage is colossal, the lilies in tatyana potapas flower shop bloomed due to the high humidity, the flood caused it twice. Blow, flooded the house, destroyed the family business, you need to work, no matter what what, because buyers are waiting for our return, we ourselves, i have workers waiting for work who will arrive tomorrow, and we will get to work, no matter what, affected entrepreneurs can count on subsidies for restoration, credit holidays, loans at minimum rates , this mobile Innovative Laboratory for determining Water Quality runs along the city streets, in orsk, it arrived from omsk, overcoming. Flooding is dangerous due to water pollution, complicating the sanitary and epidemiological situation in laboratories on wheels are unique equipment, it allows protective minutes to carry out analysis and give results; gas, electricity and water are gradually returning to orsk homes. Of the 75 working wells, today only 35 remain in operation; with these thirtyfive wells , with voluntary efforts, the groups workers provide water to the residents; the mobile team is here. They arrive from omsk, from krasnodar, from voronezh, precisely so that, as soon as the water recedes, they can immediately begin repairing wells, the victims the city continues to receive humanitarian aid, trucks are coming from almost all over the country, orsk is awaiting general cleaning and largescale disinfection, 50 tons of special equipment have already arrived in the region. Ruslan bikbulatov, cherkasov, alexander bazhenov, vladimir minyailov, conduct orsk, orenburg region. To vladivostok from murmansk. More than 400 tons of fresh frozen crab were sent by rail. This is the first port transportation in history using refrigerated containers. The delicacy has to travel almost 10,000 km by land for further export to asia. Oleg posobin found out when the new route will be made regular. A huge truck crane lifts a refrigerated container containing almost 14 tons of crab products and places it on the platform with pinpoint precision. Myna for the first time in modern history , refrigerators with delicacies are sent from the port of murmon by rail across the entire country. They have to travel almost 10,000 km by land and then get to asia by sea. The crabs were caught, frozen in the barints sea, then placed in the refrigerator, and from there we loaded the refrigerator into this container. This is how it is now loaded onto the platform, then the entire train will go to vladivostok. Footage of crab fishing underwater, a special trap at a depth of 80 m with the aroma of herring, after a few minutes the first crab appears at the hole, it slowly makes its way into the net frame, then the second one appears, and so the crabs are shaken out of the trap. After special processing, the crab meat is transferred to transport ships, which deliver the delicacy in the refrigerator of the murmansk port. In murmansk they expect that the next batch of these. This has never happened before. Sending fish products by rail to the middle zone from moscow to st. Petersburg , in terms of logistics, it loses to road transport, but over longer distances the railroad becomes competitive. The new Railway Route appeared largely due to foreign sanctions, which cut off fishermen from european markets. Now. Our companies are redirecting products to asia, and some to the domestic market according to calculations, a new route beneficial for everyone. Here now, we are loading about 400 tons, since the times of the ussr, the first shipment from the port, well, of course, the port has never shipped in such volumes. They are planning to make the new route regular for containers with fish and crab products; they do not plan to send them by train. Several times a month, oleg posobin, anton klimovsky, dmitry kvastnyuk, lead murmansk. Millions of plants per year will be grown in a Greenhouse Complex near novosibirsk. Flowers occupy. About 2 hectares, while in order to serve a huge area, only 16 employees are needed, all thanks to a fully robotic complex, and convenient logistics will allow you to deliver Fresh Flowers not only to the regions of siberia and the far east, but abroad, reporting by ksenia klimina, not a million scarlet dews, three, white, yellow, purple, pink, so many potted flowers are grown in the novosibirsk Greenhouse Complex, the only production outside the urals. Of such a scale, and the main agronomists here are robots. One machine performs three functions at once pours peat into pots, places it on a line, carries out watering. Only 16 people work on an area of ​​2. 5 hectares; is planting done manually . Already 3 weeks after the small cuttings were placed in the ground, the flowers. First haircut. And these cuttings are later planted and new flowers grow from them. The production is wastefree and almost completely robotic. We supply flowers from the urals to the far east. This is about 240 270 thousand pieces per month. This is more than 3 million per year. Without robotic technology, we simply cannot implement this. Manual labor, well this is impossible. From the moment of planting to a lush flowering bush, it takes about 3 months, in the greenhouses they maintain a special climate, temperature, humidity, artificial warm light, a Climate Control system is used, where we have sensors monitoring temperature, humidity, all this is monitored, so, in the end , after 3 months, such a beautiful bud grows, this is our grown flower, and it was grown with love in order. To get something so beautiful, you also need to love, to love what we do, so that the flowers please the eye for as long as possible, on each one there is an instruction, we point the Smartphone Camera at the qr code, and here the agronomist tells how to properly care for this or that variety. It was not by chance that novosibirs became a largescale platform for growing potted roses; convenient logistics make it possible to deliver Fresh Flowers to the far east and the nearest cis countries. Soon the blooming horizons will expand in the plans for a greenhouse plant for the production of siberian orchids. Ksemya klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva. Vesti, novosibirs. You are watching the news, this is what will happen next in our program. In the kherson region, marines of the black sea fleet prevented another attempt to land Ukrainian Armed forces units on the left bank of the dnieper. The militants mortar was eliminated. River of death, thousands of ukrainians are ready to risk their lives to escape the country to avoid conscription into the army. And in the Stavropol Territory , local pump rooms have already opened, the flow of tourists is growing every day. I have a grudge against you. Im also a premiere on rtr, so what can i do to make you she forgave me, well, well, if you want, ill get on my knees, and i can see right through her, but shes lying, and shes lying to you, and to this taxi driver, yes, she chose me, its obvious, youre seriously starting to think that youre in doubt, here i am i decided everything with mine, allah taxi, on monday at rtr. Discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. Titanic, Luxury Collection bodrum. Exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. Immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. Welcome to the eternal world elegance and unsurpassed comfort. The secrets of paradise are being revealed. Rest is leaving yourself alone. Rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. Rest is rest. We know about rest. Everything is anex. Treat yourself to a firstclass holiday with leo reorts, elegant details. A celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. Lio reorts, we are here for you. Well, how come my heir doesnt play pranks on saturday, the nannies and i are just unhappy, anna suits me completely, shes beautiful, smart, shy. Are you breaking down . Quietly, he invited me into his office and raped me. I forgive you, levitul, lets part on good terms. Scum for every crime there is a punishment, my sister was offended by one freak, we need to kidnap vorontsovs child, it will be necessary, this is vorontsovs eldest son, there is a lot of hassle with the little ones, stop immediately, otherwise i will shoot, a bouquet of dust flowers, well, you know why i was kidnapped here brought, premiere on saturday on rtr. With whom were these conversations why in the kremlin it was necessary run write where the excitement is stronger in space or at the table with the president s there will be a lot to discuss the nuances of big politics which surprises everyone, so why did allenvo never understand that putin called him, the president congratulated you, well, the president congratulated him, and the most interesting shots all our weeks from the kremlin, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look at rtr today. You are watching the news, we continue to publish over 500 ukrainian fighters were destroyed by our fighters over the past 24 hours in the southern donetsk direction and were able to occupy more advantageous positions in the regions krasnogorovka and antonovka. Weapon attention one tank, three armored fighting vehicles and five gunships, two of which were americanmade, were also destroyed. Artillerymen deliver precise strikes and help pave the way for assault troops. In the kherson region, units of the Ukrainian Armed forces do not abandon attempts to land on the left bank of the dnieper, however, thanks to the coordinated work of our units, all enemy groups are destroyed on the way to our positions. This time, the marines of the black sea fleet eliminated the militants mortar. Help famous russian performers also give their best to our fighters, and this is not only financial support. Concerts in the combat zone. Musicians have never used such transport to get to their concerts. The tiger takes dzhang and sergei babunts to avdeevka. There was enough space in the armored car for both tools and passengers. In the windows of an armored car, the streets of the city where they had just recently walked. On the way, instructions on how to behave in a place that is not yet entirely safe, when stopped for a while now, first of all , we unload ourselves, leave the tools, okay, its better not to linger in open areas, but even these few minutes were enough for a group of people to be noticed by an enemy copter in cover, where the musicians took out their guitars, were all making arrangements on the go. we didnt have time to rehearse, the musicians who pack stadiums are playing under fire in the basement, where instead of a spotlight in a dim lamp, you have to keep your balance on an old stool. These songs have not been heard here for 10 years. There wont be even a dozen spectators, these are the residents of avdeevka those who have lost their homes are now staying in the shelter, but it is important for sergei and alexey to play just for them, to hear such warm gratitude at the end. These priceless hugs when we part with the guys after our performances, they are very warm, sincere smiles, light in their eyes, with such people we will win, the museum of the labor and military glory of donbass, here is the story of the destruction by the ukrainian state not like its cities, its people, history in photographs of those killed under the bombings, the bell seems to count down the seconds, although time has stopped here, there are people who ask the question why are you showing this, why are you showing . Hard shots, but maybe not necessary, memory, whatever it is, it must be preserved, and these faces, these faces, we must see every day, if someone is tired, let them come here and look at them, those who talked a lot before, after they visit here, i see that they begin to think, in the museum there are a lot of enemy weapons, mostly trophies, but there are examples that literally flew onto the shelves, the museum itself once suffered from shelling, he is in a troubled area, shell fragments entered window, broke through this display case, leaving a hole like this and one of the fragments remained on the shelf. The musicians donated trophies from ovdeevka to the museum, the fighters asked for this, also something from themselves, so i also bet that it will also be left, and the pick that we played for the fighters in avdievka. The first concerts and the first trip with this lineup are just the beginning of a long frontline journey, and let them go through it in bulletproof vests. Its difficult with guitars at an advantage, but in many places they wait, as they say here, they come to donbass once, so that then definitely come back. Pavel prikopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news donetsk peoples republic. Thousands of ukrainians are willing to risk their lives to escape the country to avoid conscription, the New York Times writes about this today. According to the publication, one of the main routes for cloners is to escape to romania through the tiisa river. At the beginning of the conflict, over 6,000 ukrainians had already entered the country this way, while dozens of people drowned; according to the authors of the article, because of this , the river of death has already received the gloomy nickname, although is located hundreds of kilometers from the combat zone. Referring to the words of the ukrainian military, the publication emphasizes that conscription into the army for many residents is independent, the same as getting a oneway ticket to the front, so now, when ukraines prospects at the front have worsened, the number of draft dodgers is increasing. Constantly growing in talyat , they began to sew invisibility cloaks for special operation fighters, and this is usually done by an atelier, where previously the emphasis was on jackets, trousers, dresses, invisibility cloaks or the so called camouflage ponchas made from waterproof fabric with a special insert, a person wearing such clothing becomes essentially invisible to quadcopters with thermal imagers. Report by artyom morin. The cutter uses an electric knife to cut out the details of the future invisibility area according to the prepared drawings, outline the design using special patterns, lay it out, then cut it out, after which the parts go to the sewing workshop, it takes almost three hours to make one protective raincoat, it turns out big, well, yes, about what size, full adult body like a tent, simple garment factory in tagliate has turned into a workshop for the creation of military protective kits, which. Are not currently on the market. Targets have already been sent to the front, and very serious ones at that. Crying must. More than 10 thousand of camouflage raincoats alone, they are made of waterproof windproof fabric, but are designed for completely different temperatures to take the ambient temperature, inside it is not, that is, the heat generated by the human body should not flow from it, that is, you are looking into a thermal imager and god forbid it will be a little less, yes, that is, it will be colder, lets say, even the environment, that is, it will incorrectly take the temperature of the environment, you will be visible in it as a blue square, but this is the same as what you see, a fighter covered with such a cloak merges with the ambient temperature and becomes invisible to thermal imagers, so occurs thanks to the filling of the product, the composition of which, for obvious reasons, is not disclosed, 4 months of an engineer. Selected the necessary materials to create protection capable of saving lives. The raincoat is very light and comfortable, thanks to tactical velcro panels, in other words, velcro, a fighter can throw it off very quickly. This cloak is also used to cover the wounded on the front lines and even protect military equipment from thermal imaging. The fighters themselves take part in the development of protective products. At their request, the Company Began to produce kevlar shorts, which can save them from fragmentation storage. Leave on the skin, yes, that is, the penetration will not be as deep as without them, that is, they, well , br1 degree of protection holds, the products of the talyatinskaya garment factory have already proven their effectiveness and received approval from the Russian Ministry of defense, the military from the front line also speak positively about the protective kits, thanks both from you personally and from the entire group of heavy ones, yaroys group, the Guard Brothers for the material assistance they provided, in this case these are thermal imaging capes. Your help helps us work both day and night, we express our deep gratitude for the humanitarian assistance provided, together with you we are stronger, together we will win. Thanks to the feedback from fighters from the frontline company regularly modernizes production and improves equipment, now in the development of a special invisible cape for various army units. Test equipment for special forces and attack aircraft has already been sent to the front. Artyom morin, dmitry cherkasov, alexander bozhenov, lead the samara region. In ulyanovsko. The Interregional Training Center for Communications Troops held its next graduation; more than a thousand specialists will be sent to troops throughout russia. Young signalmen learned to defend their homeland for more than four months, and they did these are modern examples of technology. Artyom petrov attended the ceremony. The banner group brings in the Russian National flag a truly solemn moment for graduates of the ulyanovsk Training Center troops of communications. 4 months of study are behind us, here it is. The most exciting moments have begun 1,200 junior specialists of the signal corps are graduating from the ulyanovsk interservice Training Center. In this Training Center, signalmen are trained in three stages military and combined arms training, as well as indepth training, especially in one of nine specialties. We train radio specialists, specialists in Automatic Communications classification, and tropospheric satellite communications. A unique base has been created for future signalmen at the ulyanovsk Training Center. We are working on one of the most advanced equipment in general, which exists, uh, well , that is, we are studying this both in practice and theory, deploying stations, today russian means of communication are the most modern in the world, but to ensure direct communication between the formations and the military command, it was important during the great patriotic war, in the museum at the educational the center contains exhibits that then helped achieve the great victory. Stable communication during hostilities is perhaps one of the key guarantees of. Success. Over the years , not only weapons have been improved, but also devices that help the military always be in communication, for example, this is tai43, numbered by year of manufacture. Over the 30 years of operation, the Training Center has trained about 40 thousand Junior Communications specialists, and 10,000 contract military personnel have undergone retraining here; today there is another professional addition to the ranks of communications specialists. Artyom petrov and alexander rasokhin, lead. This year , the Ural Federal University will receive almost 500 million rubles for scientific research. Several areas will be funded at once, among the latest developments is a device with which you can check at home whether you are sick with the virus or not. Our correspondent, kirill bortnikov, saw what else ural scientists are ready to surprise with. This is the rarest meteorite on the planet, it is 4 billion years old and similar samples. It fell to the ground in 1937, but even decades later scientists could not find out all its secrets. In this meteorite we found socalled silicarich inclusions, well, in english its src, sirikanichkom. This has not been observed before in this particular type. This is just one of the studies of the Ural Federal University. Dozens of other laboratories have their own scientific life in full swing. Here, for example, they synthesized nanotubes from. Zirconium dioxide, which can become the basis for miniature flash drives with a huge amount of memory. Today, dense recording of information, for example, on such a flash drive is on the order of several terabytes, in the case of ispo a, the center for chemical and pharmaceutical technologies has already completed work on a new test system based on a chemical receptor, it is capable of determining the presence of viruses in the human body. The chemical receptor is a small organic molecule, it is more stable, cheaper than the biological receptor, which underlies the test systems that are on the market today. The test system will determine orv, possibly covid, the mechanism of operation is elementary. In order to do the analysis, we first need to take the calluses from the zev, and we take it and then immerse it in the solution. After a couple of minutes, a drop of this solution must be placed on the sensor, and in a matter of seconds the result will appear on the screen. The blue line is the control line, and the orange line is the line already containing a sample of the persons suna. We see that there is no significant difference between these. In just a couple of years , the device may appear on the market; there is a demand, like for these vein scanners. The development of ural scientists identifies a person not by lines on the palm, but looks deeper. Since the pattern of the veins of the palm, it is unique for each person, like fingerprints, but it has a more complex structure in itself. The assembly of highprecision scanners takes place in a clean, almost sterile area with access. It is limited to get into this room using just such a scanner, unfortunately my data is not in the database, so you will have to observe the process from the outside; the matrix is ​​cleaned of various contaminants using a microscope. Already today, such scanners are used, for example, in the banking sector, on closed facilities, more than 10 thousand devices have been manufactured, specialists are working to improve the technology. Yekaterinburg, in the Stavropol Territory , the flow of tourists is growing every day, local pump rooms opened earlier than usual and they are now open around the clock. Those who come to local sanatoriums are first of all recommended to take long walks and drink orthosis water, and for those who dont even need this, minerals can be obtained differently from mud. Report by bulat shakiev. The first milliliters of mineral water flow from the tap of the summer pump room this year. After winter storage, it was opened almost a month earlier than usual, the tourist flow had already begun to grow, so 24hour access to water was organized for city guests. By the way, you need to drink mineral water with the help of a special device called a bell mug, you see, i have a branded one, so you need to drink from it not by tilting, but as if sucking mineral water through the spout, its delicious, it will help. It will help protect the enamel of your teeth from staining with minerals, however, many people dont even think about it; there are still more benefits. Mineral water is Something Like a miracle, its something incredible, that real mineral water comes out of the ground. This is not the only miracle that happened during the journey of simer razumovsky from yekaterinburg. Alexander and anastasia brought their daughter masha to the resort. She began to almost walk practically. I dont know if this is connected with zheleznovodsk. There were serious injuries, treatment in local sanatoriums involves daily walks and drinking water, from different sources, everyone here treats Something Different water normalizes sugar, drives sand out of the kidneys, crushes stones, and for some this is not enough, minerals can be obtained differently, from mud, it is brought to zheleznovodsk from the famous tambukan lake in tons, they even had to build a special storage facility. Where is it supplied for pipeline procedures . The mud is applied directly to the body. Doctors say that the closer the contact, the more the body will absorb useful elements, and almost the entire periodic table is there, so you can smear yourself completely healthy for prevention. Before the procedure, i heat the mud to 40. Im feeling so hot right now, because when youre wrapped up like that, it feels like youre in such a warm cocoon. At the same time, it does not look like a bathhouse. Neither a sauna nor a hammam, this is something separate, but definitely very pleasant. Even better, ill feel better when the effects kick in. This usually takes several weeks. At least thats what happened to oleg budylin from dmitrovgrad. The injured arm simply stopped hurting. I didnt expect, i didnt think that it would go away, for example, it went away on its own, i only realized later that i really didnt have any pain. This year he came here again to consolidate the result, and sergei tuchkanov from tomsk he comes here regularly, since his nineties. The second year, then his kidney suddenly fell ill, the doctors performed an operation, but the prognosis was disappointing; in order to increase the chances of recovery, one of the surgeons recommended taking a course of rehabilitation at the zheleznovodsk sanatorium. After the operation, when i had it done, it was like dirt in essence, well, it saved me, i really like it, the city is clean, wellgroomed, the people are calm, friendly, well, i can compare from abroad, yes, its as if my soul is still there , so to speak, where you rest and where is it more convenient for you to get a discount in russia, and this is probably the best recommendation for those who are still thinking about coming to zheleznovodsk this year or not. Uladshakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chestikov, news from the Stavropol Territory. Watch the main events of the last seven days in news of the week with Dmitry Kiselyov today at 20 00. This is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, look on sunday there is a big disaster from the urals to siberia, where. The water is already falling, but where else is it coming . Flooding of your houses and plots is expected, and how can we help the whole world . A truly longawaited launch, a new heavy angara rocket, a launch from the new russian cosmodrome, eastern, flight into the future. Why is the west baiting kiev into attacking zaporozhye . Will then spread radiation throughout europe, about which magathe is again silent we are pressing on all fronts, precise missile strikes deep into ukraine at strategic targets, and how we are ready to repel attacks from the sky. Automatic release completed, minimal error. Are waiting for home, and we live in novoroziya, and there will definitely be paradise here, news of the week, sunday, 20 00, all news always available on the media platform, look, we have everything by this time, denis polonchukov was with you, see you. 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