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, which will include air defense systems, including the holk antiaircraft complex, biden also noted. That abrams tanks will arrive in ukraine next week. Vladimir putin held an extended meeting of the presidium of the state council in Veliky Novgorod on the agenda of labor market development, the head of state emphasized the meeting was taking place against the backdrop of record low unemployment and called on the government to stimulate further growth in employment, according to putin, any transformations. Impossible without welltrained personnel. Anastasia efimova knows what else was discussed at the meeting. Low unemployment is an indicator of the effectiveness of the Economic Policy being pursued. But its definitely not a reason to relax. Since it may already become a symptom of a shortage of personnel, and this is what the president said today, opening an extended meeting at the sight of the council in Veliky Novgorod, where the head of state arrived and first of all went to the office of the participants Protection Fund special military operation and their family members. And by the way, the support of the heroes who are defending their country today after they return to civilian life. The president also spoke at the meeting separately on such an important issue as support for veterans of special military operations, including advanced training in obtaining a new profession in employment in organizing their own business. All this is the task of the special state Fund Defenders of the fatherland. We need to do Everything Possible to help our heroes in the fullest sense. These are our heroes, the guys who were not on the front line felt that they were in demand, could work, could provide for their loved ones , their families, and create these families. There are a lot of young people there, the same worldwide assistance should be received by members, family comrades whom we have lost, i again ask the leaders of the regions to keep all these issues in personal contact, dear colleagues. I have emphasized this many times. I see your efforts, they are yielding results and i ask. Today , a number of areas are recognized as promising by the same bar. In particular increasing labor productivity, which has been talked about a lot in recent years. And, of course, the efficiency of personnel training, including within the framework of Higher Education , the policy of high wages is another priority to return to precisely this model of the economy. The head of state called at the st. Petersburg International Economic forum and today he spoke about this again, he has already spoken about it, and our systemic task, namely in the horizon of the current decade, is to move to an economy of high wage plans. This is the most important guideline for Domestic Companies and certainly for all levels of government. When developing a world of economic and social policies. What is the Current Situation with the level of wages and salaries . And in general , at the end of july, their growth amounted to 10. 5 in real terms. This is good, of course, we need to support this trend and make it sustainable so that the labor market remains balanced, it is very important to clearly forecast. What kind of specialists and in what quantity will such a forecast be needed in the country . It should be absolutely obvious formulated. Moreover, the president urged not to delay. We must understand clearly. What kind of specialists will our economy and Enterprises Need in the near future . Today, of course, and in the near future, it is not necessary to take into account the emerging trends in Technological Industrial development. That is why , annually, we will form a fiveyear forecast of the need for personnel at the level of the entire economy, of course, without and without business without colleagues who work in real production. We will not solve this problem; these are joint tasks. Necessary the first such forecast should be prepared next year, and it is on its basis that we will now calculate the parameters for training personnel with secondary and higher vocational education. For all of the listed issues and for many others , specific proposals have been formulated that must be implemented. Because all of them, in fact. Today they are woven into a ball that needs to be, to quote the president , not cut, but untied effectively, but i will quote again elegantly. This is exactly how Vladimir Putin formulated the problem, as well as the method of solving it Anastasia Efimova konstantin pionov and alexey koshlakov news, Veliky Novgorod in the krasnaya liman direction , the Russian Military hit the enemys fortifications, the forward gunners spotted that militants were accumulating at one of the jesus strongholds, having received this information, the command sent crews of the grad systems to eliminate the targets, the artillerymen gave a hall, with active shells at a distance of more than 15 km, Drone Operators confirmed the stronghold along with the nationalists was destroyed. It takes up to 5 minutes to receive the command until it is fully ready live broadcast time. We contact me directly and give the target coordinates and the nature of the target. After which i begin to work out the cases. Uh, when communicating the goal, the nature of the goal is also called. That is, you already understand approximately how many shells you will fire. How much time do you have . Lets say for preparation. Near the city of zaporozhye, which is still controlled by the kiev regime, russian Reconnaissance Aircraft and attack aircraft successfully lie in wait for the enemy in the socalled gray zone, the strip between the positions of the parties, which neither does not control them completely. This does not prevent our fighters from making successful forays and striking at all firing points, our war correspondent. Anton stepanenko went with the attack aircraft to the front line at night and saw how they were achieving success, very unusual positions in the order of things, which were part of the route. Eh, under visual control they are, of course , under fire, but the position is painfully unusual , no one is standing closer to this unit of their front line to the city of zaporozhye, this is the position of the Assault Company and battalion, crimea is a gray zone, which is fully controlled by neither side. The first line of our defense is behind from this place to the objects of the city beyond bozhya, a little more than 30 km. Listen, there is no one closer to the enemy than you. Yes, we are close here, you actually go out into the street. Well, yes, well, moving secretly, we hide from the trees, while zelenka is now easier, but when zelenka settles down, it will be harder; only attack aircraft will work here. The scouts are on the front line. A group of 25 volunteers moved in this area in january navigated. Nizhnyaya kamenskoye advanced 8 km. It was as if they had already met us on mars , began to disperse, pulled away, and grouped for the second time. They just highlighted the hell out of here, that s all. And after that the front. The gray zone bridge did not move in this section. They are there like that and each other, a nightmare, in short. I want to go further. Well, of course, for as long as you can sit here, each others nightmares, constantly with everything you have from the fact that i equip firing points with escape routes, oh, which you wouldnt even guess the mortars are working. From the hard i also say that tanchik can be dismantled during the day by drones. For the purposes, mortars are actively working. Just give them return fire and their fire stops. They dont carry on any smuggling operations for a long time. And here the only option left is the one who was able to stand longer than the gun, who had enough nerves and other things, well, its more likely to aim, that is, exactly. Here is the work experience, who has more someone is a winner. And this is a more serious machine, the caliber is the same, but it hits cassettes of four mines, precision is a funny thing. Electricity in the platoon opornik only for charging the radio the rest of the time sveta camouflage machine gunner lyokha finishes equipping his belts for the upcoming action. Well today, uh, from the maple tree. We were told that from the side of the boarding school they are constantly shooting at nasa. Thats where well shoot in that direction for a couple of hours to rest, and by dawn its time to work from two positions. Before leaving, they listen to the air. Its not that far to the position, but getting there in the dark without giving yourself away is not just a shot. Now the count goes on in minutes; at any moment you can receive a response the strike operator Valery Vinokurov manages to film the work of the utyos heavy machine gun. Now the response will definitely follow, if you dont leave, the platoon support officer can stay until the next night during the day. They dont drive in the gray zone, the driver doesnt turn on the headlights and drives from memory Anton Stepanenko Valery Vinokurov and conduct a military special operation on the zaporozhye front. Received vladimir zelenskys welcoming speech in washington, read out from pieces of paper , did not answer journalists questions , the american president said he approved a new package of military assistance to ukraine will include air defense systems, including the hawk mediumrange antiaircraft missile system. In addition, biden assured that abrams tanks will arrive in kiev next week later , secretary of state anthony b linke. He clarified that this time the United States is sending a 325 million aid package to ukraine, but kams will not include missiles in it. It should not involve representatives of its structures in politicized initiatives regarding ukraine, this was stated by Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov following negotiations with the organizations secretary general Antonio Guterres diplomat discussed pressing International Problems and various aspects of cooperation between russia and the un; in addition , Sergei Lavrov held negotiations with several dozen representatives of other countries, the head of the delegation from pakistan even called a meeting with the head of russia. Mida was the most important for the poles at the assembly, and representatives of burkina faso, following the negotiations, lavrov informed reporters of russias invaluable contribution to the fight against terrorism and ensuring security in the region. Yerevan is waiting for a new a protest with such a promise late the night before. Demonstrators in the country dispersed on the eve of independence day, but instead of a rally in the armenian capital, those dissatisfied with the authorities policy towards nagornokarabakh gather in the city center. Protests have broken out for 3 days in a row. After the escalation of the conflict in the region , protesters are blocking streets and roads. Many believe that the Prime Minister is nikol pashinyan. Just surrendered to the fathers, as karabakh is called in armenian, by protesters demanding his resignation, but pashinyan is not going to leave; instead, he promised to strictly suppress the unrest. But meanwhile , the military phase of the conflicts was born in just a day. It was done yesterday. The First Step Towards a peaceful settlement, representatives of baku and stepanakert met and discussed the reintegration of karabakh armenians into the republic of azerbaijan, but so far no specific agreements have been signed. No, consultations will continue. The ceasefire in nagornokarabakh took place through the mediation of russian peacekeepers; they maintain constant communication with baku, stepanakert and yerevan and ensure the safety of civilians ; more than 5,000 were evacuated from dangerous areas. Now the contingent remains over 1,300 people. Russian military doctors treat the wounded and people with a variety of diseases. On the base. Peacemakers. There is all the necessary equipment from ultrasound and xray machines for modern operating intensive care units. Since the aggravation of the situation between the parties , specialists from the medical detachment of the Russian Peacekeeping contingent began in order to provide qualified medical care with elements of specialized medical care, the evacuation of citizens from the most dangerous directions due to remote settlements was organized in the shortest possible time; medical and paramedical personnel of the detachments provided assistance to citizens, both those who were injured and those who had various diseases. Russia plays a leading role in normalizing relations between azerbaijan and the army , our countrys peacekeeping contingent in the region has no real alternatives, this was stated at a meeting of the Un Security Council on settlement of nagornokarabakh, deputy permanent representative of our country Dmitry Polyansky according to him. Now the main thing is to prevent the resumption of hostilities and provide security guarantees to the residents of the region, we thank the azerbaijani assistant; reconciliation must be accompanied by reliable and clear security guarantees and respect for the rights of the population of nagornokarabakh. We proceed from the fact that a set of trilateral statements at the highest level in 2020, which laid the legal basis for the armenian process azerbaijani normalization remains the only real the basis for a Sustainable Settlement in the south caucasus is the uncontested role of the Russian Peacekeeping contingent in the region. At the same time, the representatives of armenia in the Security Council during their 15minute speech never mentioned russian peacekeepers and asked to introduce a mission to the region under the auspices of the un, the head of azerbaijan in turn. He rejected this proposal and reminded his armenian colleagues about nikola pashinyans statement, in which the Prime Minister reported that there was no direct threat to the population of nagornokarabakh. Now lets return to the topic of the state council for the market labor artyom yamshchikov joins me artyom good morning, how will the proposals voiced affect the russian economy in business and what specialists need to be trained urgently, but the novel is that the greatest demand for personnel in russia has developed in Manufacturing Enterprises in construction and transport, this is exactly what was discussed at the expanded building of the president for the development of the labor market, which Vladimir Putin held in Veliky Novgorod opening the meeting. The head of state drew attention to record low unemployment rates in country, noting that this process is systemic in nature. At the same time, the president pointed out the other side of this coin. Our meeting is taking place against the backdrop of record low unemployment. This is one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of our entire Economic Policy and its social dimension; at the same time, it is also an indicator that Economic Growth may encounter a shortage of labor resources. Well, that means it may collide, we know that such a problem is already encountered, it already exists, and we must take this factor into account and react for the long term. Well, on other topics, the russian government has adopted a new measure of support for rubles since october. According to the decree, a flexible export duty is introduced with reference to the Exchange Rate , the value varies from 4 to 7 , and at 80 rubles per dollar below the duty will not be dimasa specifically for fertilizers. Maybe the goal to reach ten percent is an initiative to stabilize the National Currency and rid the domestic market. Due to price jumps, duties will fall under the influence of and in particular caviar alcohol, some rural Agricultural Products precious stones, nonprecious metals building materials. Russian banks earned a record two trillion 400 billion rubles in 8 months of this year. The same amount was only for eight for the entire most profitable year for them, 2021. Directly for august, which is the subject of the new report of the central bank , bank profits exceeded 350 billion. This is 8 more than in july. The regulator explained this result by business growth; the companys funds exceeded one trillion 770 billion rubles. Especially for oil, gas, metallurgical and financial enterprises. This is due to the influx of revenue from exporting Companies Due to Rising Energy prices. The widespread introduction of the digital ruble into circulation in general will affect the demand for the banking sector. This opinion was expressed in an interview with our tv channel by deputy head of the ministry of finance alexei moiseev. But he noted that this will allow clients to save on commissions. In the ruble it will compete only in, uh, when receiving Commission Income, the same banks went after the Commission Income when calculating, but uh, its there, and we didnt really like to pay, so the Steering Wheel will be like this. This is one way to get rid of the fsb, because it is clear that the banking functions they count on are not there. Yes, all these functions are performed by strange gods. The deputy head of the ministry of finance also answered a question about the discussion. Now the world of currency control to curb capital outflow, look at this and more in the interview. On our air after eleven moscow time. Well, now the Exchange Rates, dollar, 9607 and euro 102, 36 roman artyom thank you, we are continuing now with the latest Vladimir Putin instructed not to slow down the rate of wage growth, the president held an extended meeting of the state council on the development of the labor market, putin responded to the record low unemployment in the country and called on the cabinet of ministers to stimulate an increase in employment. The Un Security Council held a meeting to resolve the conflict in nagornokarabakh, as stated by the deputy permanent representative of our country Dmitry Polyansky russia plays a leading role in normalizing relations between baku and yerevan ours peacekeepers in the region have no real alternatives; the search operation in libya , victims of a powerful flood, is moving into the most risky phase for russian rescuers who have been working there since the very beginning of the family disaster. It is necessary to evacuate the bodies of those who died from the coast, where there are rocks everywhere , rapid currents and pitfalls. The Russian Orthodox church protested against the decision of the bulgarian authorities. Expel the country of the rector of the Russian Orthodox church compound in sofia two more employees. They were obliged to leave bulgaria within 24 hours of the clergy, allegedly pose a threat to state security. Russian rescuers in libya have begun the most risky stage of the search and evacuation of bodies that died from the coast ; this has to be done among the rocks in a storm and fast currents, according to a special correspondent. Igor pikhanov will tell you the details. The funny libyan coast guard leaves the port of the city of derna on board a team of russian rescuers and local military personnel, their task is to evacuate several dozen bodies whose dead the sea washed up on the coast, an International Team rescuers are in a hurry, literally counting for hours at this time of year on the Mediterranean Sea at the libyan water heating station. Strong winds are blowing and in the next few hours another storm will come here. The libyan authorities called this operation a high level of risk and entrusted it to the russian team, as the most prepared for the bodies , it is difficult to get close to the steep cliffs on one side and the rapid current and pitfalls on the other. Two groups began work from the shore and the water began preparing the bodies for transportation. During this place it is very strong, but still the closest possible distance. Towards the shore, the captain shows skill. Shipping and almost 10 5 m passes here stones in this bay 20 km from the city, a whole garbage bullet has formed among the fragments of wood and plastic, it is necessary to allow those killed on the water, a strong current to approach on rubber boats is impossible, it will immediately tear it apart, so a plastic wall is used in rescue bay, with their hands , they are clearing their way through the wreckage of houses and furniture, turkish colleagues are joining the operation, russian divers are helping out safe trap, swimmer. During the day, teams from two countries lifted the diver from the water and evacuated more than 80 bodies to the ship. Yes, it was very difficult to approach. In general , you cant get close, so you had to work with ropes and somewhere in waterproof suits to go further and tighten the boat manually. Russian rescuers also eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster. In the citys worsthit city of turf on september 10 after anom. Hasatka wig broke the dam, a rapid stream washed 1 3 into the sea, in the populated area, water reached the third floor of houses; the number of People Killed and injured by the elements in libya was more than 11,000. Now the cities are gradually coming to their senses, the authorities are restoring roads , Power Supplies are being supplied. Igor pikhanov conducts drainalivia. Sports in court Alexandra Abramov sasha good morning the russian team will play against cameroon when the match will take place roman good morning russia and cameroon are scheduled to play in moscow on october 12 , rfu president Alexander Dyukov spoke about this the day before. Eurocup the week continued with matches of the first round in the Europa League and the conference league. The main favorite of the Europa League for liverpool began its performance in the tournament in austria with a match against the weasel team, during the match jurgens team, the bug, appeared in a role catching up with the austrians. We took the lead early in the match. Liverpool responded in the second half. They scored three times. Darwin nunnis converted the penalty, after which luis diaz scored and substitute Mohamed Salah scored 3 1 liverpools victory is liverpools fourth victory in five matches this season. The results of some other matches of the first round of the Europa League are on your screens. Sparta prague beat ares with a score of 3 2. The striker of the cypriot club Alexander Kokorin scored from the penalty spot in this match against the english brighton at home, lost in the greek aeku. Ajax and marseille produced a high scoring draw three out of 2. 0 against villarreal and the finalist of the last edition of the Europa League roma Jose Mourinho started with the victory in moldova , the Russian National Football Team will play a friendly match against the Cameroon National team in october the match is scheduled for october 12 and will be held in moscow, Alexander Dyukov announced this the day before. At the same time, the president of the Russian Football Union did not guarantee that cameroon would not refuse a match with our team again, as was the case earlier this year ; Alexander Dyukov also took part in the opening of the first allrussian School Football League Competition the day before. This is part of a larger project. Rfu football at school, there are no journalists at all dyukov also commented on the words of the head coach of the Russian National team valery karpin, who recently recommended that russian Football Players progress and, if possible, leave the domestic championship. The football question was not a political question. Georgievichs answer said that, according to the Football Players. You need to try to get out of your comfort zone and some Football Player, accordingly , try to get out of the warm baths that they are in. As for the Russian Football Union, there is certainly an interested Football Player there. They played here. Here audio has progressed and developed , of course everyone is interested in the development of players. In the regular khl championship , the next six matches were held the day before. The current champions cska moscow played away against lada. The tolyatti team managed to beat cska for the last time. Lada beat the army team at home. Even 14 years ago, yesterday s victory turned out to be a strongwilled one, it was opened by maxim mamin, who turned out to be the most efficient after a series of ricochets. Lada won back in a minute of playing time. Dmitry kugryshev realized the bullets he had earned, and through 23 seconds danila moiseev scored on the power play and scored the winning goal in the match, and in the third period andrey altybarmakyan. When playing in the 4x4 format, he intercepted the puck in the opponents zone or easily beat the cska goalkeeper three one ladas victory against cska is the sixth defeat in nine matches at the start of the season. The day before, the traditional preseason basketball tournament started in moscow. The united vtb League Super Cup is being held for the third year in a row; this year eight teams are taking part in the tournament these are the six best teams based on the results of last season plus guests from turkey besiktas and fenerbahcecen. On the first day of the tournament, two matches took place at the quarterfinal stage. Cska moscow played against Lokomotiv Kuban; let me remind you that last season it was the krasnodar team that beat cska in the semifinal series. Revenge for muscovites. Yesterday it didnt work out; Lokomotiv Kuban won again; the fate of the match was decided in overtime. As a result, 198 , five players in lokomotiv broke the 10point mark, and kasper weyer played an outstanding match in cska. He scored 44 points, however, these efforts were not enough for cska. Lokomotiv kuban will now play against feyerbahce from cska in the semifinals of the vtb united League Super Cup in the fight for fiftheighth place. From moscow emba thats all about sports for now , see you in the next chat. News midhour Vladimir Putin briefly discussed the development of the labor market with participants in an extended meeting of the presidium of the state council in Veliky Novgorod, the president called for stimulating further growth in employment. Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov called on un secretary general antonio kutterishan to involve the organization in politicized initiatives on ukraine during the negotiations. Lavrov also pointed out the inadmissibility of double standards in un documents in yerevan in the coming hours. A resumption of protests on the eve of the demonstrators is expected. They dispersed late in the evening; the protester believes that Prime Minister

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