Madam chair we have quorum ladies and gentlemen, please join us for the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Madam clerk any consumption. I have no communications today madam president. Colleagues, any changes to the may 2016 board minutes seeing can i have a motion by supervisor campos seconded by supervisor mar colleagues without objection those Meeting Minutes will place after exceptional or extraordinary. Items 1 through 7 comprise the are considered to be routine may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. There will be no separate discussion of these items cals seeing no other names on the roster. On the consent calendar supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor president london breed there or 11 items. Those items are passed on the First Reading and adopted unanimously madam clerk the regular agenda. Item 8 an ordinance amending did administrative code for the department of homeless in transportation and homelessness recommended fupthsz and establish the homeless cooperating board and sever as a continuum of care according to federal regulations. Colleagues, same house, same call . The ordinance is finally passed anonymously item 9 a resolution designating outreach for the periodicals for 20162017 with sf weekly Small Business exchange for the africanamerican communities and sf weekly for the chinese and sf weekly for the Latino Community bay area reporter and for the lgbt communicates central city for the tenderloin neighborhoods and marina and cal hallow and the coastline and seeing no other names on the roster, supervisor kim. Oh, i just wasnt sure that supervisor cowen had worked out on amendment for 240 item i wanted to ask supervisor would she like to move forward. Thank you very much i appreciate that supervisor kim i appreciate that difference we have. Supervisor cowen. laughter go ahead thank you thank you, supervisor kim and the president afforded me another opportunity to thank you in all seriousness ive met with Naomi Campbell not Campbell Naomi kelly we all look alike and correct me if i am wrong the bay area newspapers i want to see were all scattered away and ready to go thank you. Okay. Seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk i mean colleagues, same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted unanimously madam clerk call items 10 through 14 together. Item number ten through 14 implementing to the memorandum of understanding and new 94 memorandum of understanding with the technical 21 and seiu local 10 and representatives employees Service Employees 10 to one staff and per diem nurses and teamsters and supervisor the rentcontrolled unit nurses for 20162017. All right. Seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the ordinances are finally passed unanimously item 15. Item 15 an ordinance amending the general plan with the association of the protective creating the Affordable Housing bonus plan by amending the Housing Element urban design and van ness and chinatown area plan and downtown and Northeast Area waterfront and making appropriate findings. Supervisor tang. Thank you so ill keep my items on item 15 knowing item 17 is tied to it ill reserve my comments colleagues ill urge you to adopt the general plan before you as i mentioned this is a general plan it, its name and although some have concerns about what this does in terms of height increases throughout the city i just want to send a reminder that the Department Planning department the Planning Commission our planning code all of these further delicate what it say we, build in San Francisco the other things i nodded last week ill repeat this general plan helps us conform certain board of supervisors we have granted in the name of Affordable Housing you mean and pier 70 that was approved to increase the height for more Affordable Housing so colleagues again, i will encourage you to adopt this general plan today not a rezoning of the city as the Planning Department director stated last week, i hope youll support me. Thank you supervisor tang supervisor peskin. Thank you madam president i rise to once again express my concern over the general plan amendment that is before us in the subject of this item which as ive stated at the previous members of the committee i believe was constructed in a much too broad fashion vote down the general plan i understand the Planning Commission will meet this thursday to make findings on items 17 which is not called id like to acknowledge and appreciate the amendments that supervisor tang has made to that item that notwithstanding i believe that we should have a narrowly twarltd general plan not giving the department vast power to subject to future zoning rezoning parts of city that will urge a no vote on this item. Thank you supervisor peskin supervisor wiener. Thank you the president of the information is item 15 is rejected is item 17 mute or discussed and vote on item 17. Mr. Gibner. John gibner, deputy City Attorney. You can still discuss item 17 if item 15 fails but the board cannot pass item 17 until the Planning Commission either recommends a new amendment to the general plan or makes iventhd this 17 is consistent with the continuing it or send it back to committee. Ill speak to this item 15 but item 17 maybe mute but i support item 15 as the general plan amendment and thank you supervisor tang for her leadership on this issue it is not often in at least San Francisco history that a weddings supervisor has stepped up in a mooeveng way to foster legislation that will significantly move the dial in terms of Housing Production in San Francisco and production of Affordable Housing at no cost to the taxpayers so this is a big step forward i want to thank supervisor tang and shes taken a lot of shrinks and arrows around this a fair amount of misinformation and supervisor tang has listened and made good a amendments including prohibiting demolition of existing housing which is a southern for a lot of us including supervisor tang she corrected this thats a good thing not demolishing existing housing i know there are you know a lot of different views about this legislation but at some point we either acknowledge we need more housing of all types of including Affordable Housing or we dont we can sit here and have a lot of condemnation and protests and be upset that the average rent if San Francisco is 3,500 a month or do something about this program not a Global Solution but the same thing is a significant piece of paper the Affordable Housing bonus plan will allow us to create sixth more housing in a way that is spread out not concentrated in a few areas in a way that will create significant thousands and thousands of units of belowmarketrate housing at no cost to the taxpayer this is a good step we should take it and with respect to item 17 which will be called but caught up in female 15 supervisor tang shows what she brings to the board 100 percent housing to make it easier to build 100 percent Affordable Housing to have a plot of land were building Affordable Housing well let you go heroin higher to take advantage to build more Affordable Housing we should be passing this this is unfortunate there is so much opposition but at some point we have to decide are we upset about the cost of housing or do something about if it we do something about this is important step for us to take we should take it. Thank you, supervisor wiener supervisor mar thank you. I wanted to echo some of the points by supervisor peskin but i want to thank commissioner chung for bringing this forward for supporting the 100 percent part of Affordable Housing Bonus Program but the density done right that supervisor peskin and and a coalition of housing organizations but thank you to emery rogers for calendaring this item i think this is critical that were close to finding a measure we can have anonymous support i dont want to see a divided vote ill urge the continuous until july 12th toe give two weeks to work out the issues 0 is united but thank you. The Mayors Office of housing and others to try to intervene we move Forward Together i dont think a motion was made but id like to see more time to find the unit between the 100 percent Affordable Housing thank you supervisor tang question there are no thoroughly to supervisor mar are you talking about the general plan amendment or item 17. Item 15 to continue the general plan amendment until youre next meeting july 12th. I mean for full disclosure a 90 day clock tick if we dont take action it is deemed approves unions my colleague will be okay with that, i would be. Supervisor tang are you finished. Supervisor peskin. If i may through the president to supervisor mar suggest there are a couple of pathways this could go down and quite frankly if the general plan amendment were changed to reflect the subject and the policy and item 17 id be fine but commissioner chung said it is an up and down voted we cant under the charter make the amendments i have language i can amend it but dont have this power so the Planning Commission can make consistency finding on their agenda for this thursday in the absence of our voting this particular amendment down it will become law by operation of law on july 6th thank you. Thank you supervisor peskin seeing no other names on the roster, madam clerk on item 15 call the roll. On item 15 supervisor campos no supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim no. Supervisor mar no supervisor peskin no supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee no supervisor avalos no supervisor breed there are 5 is and 6 months with supervisor campos supervisor kim supervisor cohens and supervisor avalos in the descents. The ordinance fails madam clerk item 16. 16 that ordinance waving the inclusionary housing from the calculation 6 gross floor and reducing the rights by that amount for a project on 1066 Market Street and no cost and making various finding. Roll call. On item 16. Supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed there are 11 is. The ordinance finally passes unanimously item 17 please. Item 17 is an ordinance amending the planning code for the 100 percent Affordable Housing Bonus Program to provide for Development Bonus and zoning modification for 100 percent Affordable Housing that projects establishing the peered project shall be seen and approved adding a fee and amending the planning code for height limit and making appropriate worked out. Supervisor tang you. Given weve failed the adjoin plan amendments i want to do for item 17 if mr. Cooper pass out the amendments before you as supervisor peskin mentioned we have an item calendared on the Planning Commission this thursday the Planning Commission make consistency for the Affordable Housing bonus plan 100 Percent Program with our existing general plan the only portion that is techno in conformation with the general plan is the northeast waterfront area plan south of central line of broadway so to insure this is really a technical change here to remove that portion from our Affordable Housing Bonus Program 100 Percent Program we have to make that amendment today which is passed out and then secondly, i would say that you know even though there is potentially passed forward given the Planning Commission can make a direction on thursday at this commission i want to emphasize how important for us to pass item 17 out before we enter legislative recess as Mayors Office of housing mentioned last week ill ask they come up with some of the updated numbers there are Affordable Housing projects in the pipeline which if we were able to use our local density Bonus Program could yield but many units of Affordable Housing and chart to demonstrate it id like to ask kate hartley from the Mayors Office of housing to go over this information with us. Good afternoon, supervisors kate hartley Mayors Office of housing you see before you a chart this shows the current zoning and approximate number of Additional Units that could be yielded with a density Bonus Program we talked about last week numbers that would be finally determined if we have descended bonus tool in the outreach that the Mayors Office of housing always requires for partners with the community with shareholders to make sure that the buildings that we finance are sponsored are done in a collaborative way that reflect the context and the neighborhood character and also meets the needs of low income people that spelling need Affordable Housing we strive to highest would the between building as many units as we possibly can and building high quality buildings with great Architecture Design so the units that you see the building before you are immediate projects in the pipeline are the density Bonus Program theyll yield 200 Additional Units those are two hundreds spelling needed units and on a project by project basis we again will be working with the community and stakeholders to get the right unit count but the Affordable Housing bonus plan is an important tool that will help us do our job. Supervisor tang. Thank you and then youll see from the chart here as well in our legislation passes before recess there are 3 projects in the pipeline where an entitlement decision has been rendered and will be fall of 2016 that adds all the way down one and 8 units you using the density Bonus Program in the winter potential another 16 Additional Units added and in the spring an additional 35 colleagues, i ask we adopt this amendment to repeat it is to remove the northeast waterfront area plan south of the central broadway and as amended continue item 17 until our july 12th board of supervisors meeting. Okay supervisor tang has made another motion to amend is there a second . On her amendment seconded by supervisor farrell so on the amendment madam clerk can we call the roll. On the amendment to item 17. Supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed there are 11 is. All right. The amendment passes unanimously seeing no other names on the roster, supervisor tang has made a motion to continue this item to the meeting of july 12, 2016, colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection this item as amended will be continued to the meeting of july 12, 2016, next item, please. Item 18 a resolution the exclusion of a purchase and sale for 456 street for exempt trust for 2 housing unit 4 million. Seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the resolution is adopted anonymously next item. Item 19 a lawsuit for nine hundred thousand alleged medical malpractice. Supervisor wiener. Thank you supervisor breed so i know the rules committee put this forward to the board with a recommendation of do not pass and i understand why the recommendation happened i respect it i respective the City Attorneys position and my colleagues in terms of what the landscape of case has changed with the passing of blood die l dieseler ohio in refusing this ill be supporting this settlement i think when we enter into a settlement it has to mean something ill be voting yes today. Supervisor campos thank you madam president i have to say this is one of those issues that it is not an easy one in terms of where this is and one of the questions that i have because i want to make sure that there is also a differs to the City Attorney is if open toe a continuous clearly circumstances have changed but arguments to be made to make sure the city do the right thing not only by the peplaintiff someone that has a passed didnt mean we still dont have an obligation to do the right thing in that spirit to give both sides an opportunity to have further discussions that id like to make a motion to continue this item i dont know what the appropriate amount of time will be supervisor campos if you dont mind before we then this particular item i want to be clear a number of things weve talked about in closed session that unfortunately, we will not be able to talk about today in the chamber i definitely think a continuance is in order and every single one of you to connect with the City Attorney to understand what transpired and the committee made this recommendation with that, supervisor avalos before we allow you to make your motion i will allow supervisor cowen to make comments. Thank you madam president i guess somewhat answered my question during any time i sat on the gao in closed session this matter was dealt with in closed session to significant data the information were not privy good supervisor wiener that came out with a strong in support of this or i guess and i a pay out of the settlement im curious to know what you know that i dont know and why youre you know going to go against the recommendation of the committee members. Supervisor wiener. I dont know that i know anything that you dont know this gentleman between the time of settlement and presentation of the board passed away and so that you know alternates from a legal perspective in terms of the facts of the case and but i just to me the settlement was agreed to and not binding until this board approvals it but prepared to support the gentleman i dont know any facts i doubt i know any facts as you supervisor cowen. Im happy to support the continuance. Supervisor peskin if i may to supervisor campos at a friendly amendment we sleld a closed session of full board to collectively hear amongst this body what we will discuss and hear in closed session at the gao. Ill definitely support that supervisor campos. Thank you madam president so colleagues my motion will be to continue this item to the meeting of july 12th with an understanding that prior to a vote at that meeting a closed session held to have a closed session discussion and without really thats a motion without delving into the specification i think where ill sort say i. I actually agree with supervisor wiener has a general rule that once the settlement is done that even if there are different circumstances you want to generally support the settlement but out of different republicans to the my hope between the time this comes back to the board an argument between the parties we can all support so with that, i make the motion to continue to july 12th. With a scheduled closed session on the matter at the full board seconded by supervisor wiener and before we approve that stuns i want to express to my colleagues supervisor peskin and he and i sits on g a organization with differences of opinion and passed this out amounting comedy and there is definitely a reason brown behind that well discuss in closed session. Supervisor wiener an additional commitment comment. Im happy to support it in closed session additional millionaire parties can workout something ill support that you know, i think i wrote the settlement and recommended 9 board of supervisors approve the settlement tort related claim i know is a deputy City Attorney my role to give my best advise approving or disapproving we can vote for or against any settlement so obviously the utmost respect for mayor colleagues and has nothing to do with not critical of their position i completely i get it why they would take this position extremely reasonable but we play a different role as clients deciding whether to pay a settlement. Thank you, supervisor wiener supervisor yee. I want to states for the record at the last rules committee it was i was not in the attendance because a as a gao committee. Yes. Thank you for your clarity colleagues on the continuance to the meeting of july 12, 2016, can we take that without objection without objection that continuance passes unanimously all right. It is not 2 30 so and almost every colleague on the board has an accomodation can you say that i put mine in first, as president ill go first. It gives me great pleasure to give in accommodation to someone whos i guess ill consider the father of western edition mr. Earl hall please step forward yelling . clapping. see earl is one of those unspoken heroes that oftentimes he stays in the background quieting doing his job and quietly giving advise to some young person and quietly resolving a conflict and slipping people money to get a sandwich doing the kinds of things that ma of us for so many years have taken for granted and now hes retiring this is our Incredible Opportunity to show you him love and appreciation earl is retiring from the africanamerican art and culture complex where i served for 10 years at the executive director and currently mohammed is the executive director there he is so special to our community and it was really important that we acknowledge not only his commitment to the africanamerican art and cultural complex but we acknowledge his doesnt the to the city and county of San Francisco so for everybody who visits the africanamerican art and cultural complex on a regular basis whether an events, a program whether a class we always look forward to seeing earl he know if theres a problem he is the one that to go to solve and earl ill talk about our history it is important not to talk about how old you are but. Thats okay too. To talk about how far youve come born in chicago earl moved to San Francisco in 1942 as as young child and want to Galileo High School and after graduation from gunshot to city college of San Francisco earl entered into the graphic arts in 1958 a Graphic Designer for protecting coal Advertising Agency from 1968 to 1988 owning and operating his own Company Called black and white and montgomery street in the financial district during this time earned a jazz club on bayshore boulevard and leeland avenue called he hoe lounge people come to the africanamerican collection to talk about the good ole days of key hole lounge and the great times in San Francisco when earl had those establishments that to him was the will the of his life in 1988 opened a greatly called bmw on fillmore street that is when i met earl and his wife helen not only delayed art but offered fraimz for customers and if you knew we were returning short on money like i was hed offer you a discount do you wish more people would do that. clapping. earl retired from the graphic arts world in 2001 his talents didnt go to waste that same year worked at the africanamerican collection where he was invited to teach graphic art and affirmative when i become the executive director in 2002 earl was the person that turned this around as you may know the africanamerican cultural was in a state of disrepair because of earl we did so much to turn that place around whether the repairs of the bombards the pipes the light fixtures the plumbing all United States things we take for granted earl was able to fix it all i am not he put conduit in one of the locations and we didnt steel power from anyone but created a power source in order to get our reporting studio the upcoming the right amount of electricity and the kids loved that Recording Studio it is heavily used. clapping. earl did it youll he was a problem solve he was a mentor, a father, he was so much to so many people he oftentimes use earl as an example of what many of our organizations need that stable person that stable figure who lawsuits for the community and takes care of of things and takes care of of people and leads by example i know that so many of our young people that have gone on to be adults as visit they say how much they especially\appreciate you when they were younger but so appreciate the advice you give them the push you gave them all the knowledge and support and encouragement the inspiration when they were kids and earl i dont think i would have been able to do half the stiff with the africanamerican cultural context without you by my side. clapping. thank you for all overseeing kind words that was a mission of love youre like my granddaughters weve bonnet and be together to the end i really appreciate all the things youve done and the kind worlds youve expressed today but im the one i feel that i owe the city and city and county of San Francisco the opportunities that were afforded me growing up here i went to Emerson School and went to a school that probably none of the people in the audience knows john w geary behind the theatre and from there Galileo High School and from George Washington we walked to school everyday i want to gunshot and i think that was a bit much so that was i dont know what ill i thought i was out of here but something about this city that keeps like in the godfather keeps on grabbing you back in i love the challenge here so i dont know what ill do i wont go quietly into the night, you know, ill San Francisco do something to make you more proud of me than so for thank you to the Board Members and london and all my friends and everybody else in the gathering here thank you. clapping. so it youre here for earl hall please stand up. He has changed so many lives. clapping. i know, you know the shakespeare and all from the africanamerican cultural soernth and arnold one of the Board Members and some of the former Board Members and the current employees erica i see the twins melanie eye others from the players and judy if the Arts Commission this is what oh, thomas over there from solo this community is here because we appreciate this man so much being consistent for being good and kind an, an inspiration and just for being full of love and taking care of all of us on a regular basis our community our center is better because you were an important part of making that happen so on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco it is truly my honor to give you one the highest k340789sz from the San Francisco board of supervisors thanking for your service and commitment to the service we love you earl hall. I love you too. clapping. clapping. all right. Next up we have accommodation from supervisor campos. Thank you madam president and congratulations again, thank you for everything i do to the gentleman i want to call upon kathy wolf yes kathy as we continue with the celebration of pride im so excited to be honoring kathy wolf today kathy has made great contributions to the lgbt both locally and globally educated has fought for the representative of the lgbt in the cinema and helped make lgbt films more assessable to audience not only across the country but quite frankly across the world and kathy is well known to the community as the founder of newcomers commercial and cultural ventures with wolf video and wolf releasing and wolf on demand and lesbian. Org wolf video established in 1985 as enjoyed a remark presence in the misrepresent marketplace always the executive district of lgbt theme films wolf on demand has made it possible for audience throughout the world to joy lgbtq cinema those media platforms not only given a voice to the Lgbt Community but also impoverished individuals across the world imagine how many young people because of access to those films have been inspired in different parts of the world to fight for the right of their community kathy has shaped lgbt film and media in profound ways and deserving of her newcomers awards amongst them the frame line the National Administration for women obsolescence in media and Forbes Magazine reorganization as to be routine by the Planning Commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote up and comer reflects the values of lgbt and epitomize the pride at home of equality without exemption and casket thank you for your leadership and advocacy and hard working and doesnt to the the community and low made you an inspiring agent for just and social change thanks. clapping. thank you so much im deeply honored and almost speech also have to be here and to receive this kind of acknowledgment i deeply appreciated it. Thank you. clapping. next up will be supervisor cohen. Thank you thank you very much good morning ladies and gentlemen, today ive come before you to ask that you help me honor a wonderful man doctor moses is he here today come down doctor moses. clapping. i have a lot of remarks here prepared to describe the accomplishment of doctor moses ill start at the beginning doctor emigrated if nigeria if 1945 and attended the university of colorado any aluminum san jose state of and state of and the college of pediatrician medication a master degree in Public Health he is the founding executive director of the Southeast Community facility of the city and county of San Francisco and is retiring after 24 years a San Francisco resident since 1974 he received countless awards and recognitions and accommodates and certifies and plaques and predecessors and trophies for his leadership ever exemplar service in the area of Public Service before coming to the southeast facility he served four years as executive director of Young Community developers that is a nonprofit in the Bayview Community and previously directed likewise house an outofpocket recovery home for recovery victims of Substance Abuse and a Mental Health care provider with the fronts jail Psychiatrist Services and San Francisco county jail and doctor moses is probably best known for its outstanding contributions and leadership and participation in a variety a variety of civic political and religious organizations throughout the bay area the president and cofounder or the willie Democratic Club and serves as the treasurer on the board of Young Community developers and the Vice President of the board of community Vice President of board of Community Design center and the list going on he is president and founder of the africanamerican Democratic Club and served on the economics Opportunity Council a commissioner is a commissioner of the San Francisco Immigration Rights commission in San Francisco, the naacp executive Great Depression Boards Committee and the urban Advisory Board also known as spur he also served on the black Leadership Forum and Gateway High School and the list going on served as the miscellaneous board Additional University of San Francisco advisory group, San Francisco delinquency prevention and the action on the coalition of aids wow. What a career. clapping. and to be quite honest this on the resume so many to say about doctor moses career i cant fit it into the Board Meeting i hope youll join me tonight as well as the host of my of the doctors friends it stand up and recognition his auspicious career and not a better location than 18 hundred oakdale this man is tremendous to my personal growth a Community Man hike an uncle and sand he was is leaving an official capacity but grateful he will continue to serve this man is an incredible father and i hear wonderful husband that is what alma tell us he 1e78g9d that he raised four children that grew up professionals and with the warmest most filled heart that i want to present this proclamation to doctor moss i for his mentorship and an all around great man and grateful for your service in the sfoifblgs so on behalf of this chamber and the county of San Francisco thank you. We love you and grateful for the time you dedicated as a servant to us thank you. clapping. id like to say have my four kids and wife to come and join me, please. Okay im going to read my prepared statement. Thats 43 kids where are the other. Good afternoon honorable San Francisco board of supervisors i say thank you for heroin me today thank you for all your hard work i admire our tenacity and appreciate our support for the Economic Development youve been stellar i feel blessed to represented the Facility Commission and with the most communities in San Francisco i mean im proud to call Bayview District any community and established in 1987 by the ordinance of board of supervisors it is charged with advance and opportunity and provided special services to afford the health, safety and welfare of the resident of the southeast sector i know having accomplished through any tenure and 24 years serving as the found executive director of the Facilities Commission and having served on there four mayors ive decided to retire effective june 30th, 2016 19 2016 the privilege in San Francisco in collaboration with you the mayor has been all respect and have been appreciated and will always be remembered with my departure from the commission i am leaving a solid staff that will continue to be dedicated to the community theyre a the secretary, Eleanor Hernandez Event Committee covert who alone with our newly hired executive director john will continue to working closely with San Francisco public works as a team for the benefit of bayview Hunters Point and last but not least i want to thank my wife for 36 years the executive director off california lawyers and four young adults isabel a graduate of George Town University with a mba degree and also, we have toy an actors in los angeles won the most award laughter and lead actress and a graduate of obamacare detrimental correctly and toy is number 3 and he went to and came out from brazil hes been teaching and the last one moses i couldnt be here hes on call hes a physician at usf he expressed his its been a rare pleasure to serve the city and sad to leave and i look forward to our position in the near future please feel free to call me, please reach me best of luck and for me now it is all about good visitation and hello, again thank you very much supervisors. clapping. supervisor cowen and supervisor breed your your rising star very good thanstar picture. Got it. Congratulations again doctor moses a true asset to the community and well miss you dearly code compliant. Thank you for your services. With that, i will recognize supervisor mark farrell. Thank you supervisor president breed and colleagues im honor not one individual but an organization i know pa few members are here the Alzheimers Association i know that david is here i saw greg and anyone else up here with the Alzheimers Association please come forward here and thank you for being here today so colleagues, were not only recognizing today, the Alzheimers Association so for all their work to end the disease that effects over 5 million americans but voting on a resolution to recognize june 2016 as national alzheimers and brain Awareness Month give you a little bit of background the number of People Living are alzheimers is expected to grow 16 million by mid century if we dont develop a cure currently more than 5 hundred thousand People Living in alzheimers in california and 12 in San Francisco alone the Alzheimers Association opened an office in San Francisco so better provide care in the city and held the most successful for alzheimers for 35 hundred paternities and raised money for the alzheimers support we are making progress on the disease but note to accelerate the pays if we reduce the effects over the next 15 years and the Alzheimers Association is joined together to mark that has alzheimers awareness no month so thank you and a lot of personal stories i know certainly with friends and family but thank you for all the work in the city of San Francisco and thank you and welcome you to say a few words congratulations. Thank you. clapping. he will my name is david im a divorce chair the Mission Committee of walk and alzheimers Planning Committee my father has alzheimers a professor cant tie his shoes i want to thank the board for the proclamation and share basic facts alzheimers is a facility neurology disease that effects individuals ability to think and as the disease advances people cant community and recognition family and friends and care for themselves counseling no known way to slow alzheimers and everyones brain is at risk a wide variety of free or loss cost education and services to families facing alzheimers through the San Francisco at 100 pine street san franciscans effected by or relayed dementia all your twentyfour hour help line anytime are talk with a care professional and get support during alzheimers and brain Awareness Month share the facts to raise awareness and end the stigma i have brochures and posters with me here and grateful if youll share them and electronic resources and an article that well be happy to share and ill be rim to not talk about this morning i woke up and saw pta submit passed away diseased in 59 with dementia. Thank you for your support. clapping. thank you all for the work you do thank you very much and congratulations. clapping. times up. All right. Supervisor kim you have accommodation. I do thank you supervisor breed im presenting a certificate of honor today in memory of corporal one of our world war ii veterans the philippines and u. S. Army and the first and on filipino to receive the silver stairway award the highest for valor with the u. S. Ahbp she passed away ton june 16, 2016, at the ripe old age of 95 years we have the General Council of the philippines who will come up to accept the accommodation on her and her familys on behalf of samgsz earlier the u. S. Solicited star metal it the third highest honor for valor warranted to the members of air force and the only asian woman the four other women in world war ii served as nurses in the country of eyewitness the next woman was not until 2005 and again in 2008, we need to do a little bit of work but someone we continue to remember in her life and valor her certification stated an intelligence operative in the philippines on february in 1944 quote repeating risked heir life to carry the radio and medical supplies to heavy i didnt enemy held territory she was arrested 3 times and that accident happen all 3 times harm free she was have had the opportunity enlisted in the pennies and a member of the usa f i p in 1945 cornell the man that offered her a position recommended that she be awarded the silver star and last night she was awarded the philippines the Resistance Movement metal the world war ii metal and the philippines equivalence she moved to california in 1969 she later in her second stage of life worked at pack bell and owned a home and explicit talk about her war experience shes survived by her sons and daughter of waiving her husband and adopted son corporal one of the 200 plus filipinos that fought on behalf of the United States it is trowel any honor to recognize ms. Fionas and equally important we remember her story and encourage and valor it is also important that we educate our students and young people about the work of many filipino veterans but who defied all war concerns to fight on behalf of countrys would interpretation 2k3wr50u8d i attended her memorial and heard the stories from her son and daughter and grandchildren she was truly a remarkable woman and the stories were urban imaginable for her intelligence and bravery and a form person that introduced a bill calling for the inclusion of world war ii in the pennies for grades 10 and 11 we must continue to remember our filipino world war ii veterans and this is a huge feat colleagues, i want to thank all of you for passing the legislation during the filipino and House Resolution 2337 of the speaker the house of representatives to make the predicament arrangement for a single gold metal to the filipino veterans in recognition of their service in this war and again, i want to recognize the many communities members that are keeping her story alive who are here and organizations like veterans equality and alyssa and recognize the General Council hymie and reggie and mention an author that will be writing a book about corporal and here in london to interview Family Members and others that know here to insure that her life and story is recorded in time corporal led a remarkable life were lucky she lived a century with us in this community and inspiration for many particularly as a female to have her leadership in advance is so important for opening the doors thank you General Council to accept the accommodation for her and on her behalf. Thank you supervisor jane kim on behalf of the family of her and the filipino General Council here in San Francisco and the entire bay area and on behalf of the Filipino American veterans those who desired and still leaving fromz express our appreciations to you supervisor jane kim and the supervisors of the city of San Francisco what was so difficult to get that recognition from washington, d. C. It was good to have that here in this city of San Francisco and we owe this to you jane and the entire board of supervisors and again on behalf of the family we would like to accept this with gratitude thank you very much. clapping. thank you for your Family Service and congratulations again, thank you. clapping. and our finally accommodation will come from our supervisor from district one supervisor eric mar thank you supervisor president breed and colleagues id like to ask if laurel can come forward and any other staff or Family Members to join her if you can it is my honor to acknowledge before our board of supervisors the champion for Young Children a tremendous leader involving Early Education and special education integrated with children and champion for free school for all laurel is retiring from the commissioner, i know all the different teachers and educators and parent that you touched through the years laurel has larkined over 35 years i think you came here in the your parents were 35yearold and your lifelong focus to approve the outcomes for the youngest children for social justice and growth i know that supervisor yee was on one of the first 5 commission i served for 5 years and supervisor cohen as well but many of us know that laurel has been the executive director of the first 5 for 10 years shes improved the likelihood of children to be school ready and access to all resources during the 10 year at the first 5 i might add has overseen this investment of 200 and 70 million in comprehensive programs for Early Childhood and the model of Evaluation System for different Education Centers to the preschool for all is look at because of your leadership and laurel was the regional director of the judiciously family and Childrens Services for over 10 years responsible for Development Development and operation of the agencies four Family Research centers in Mental Health programs yeah. I forgot to mention did connections with Mental Health and Young Children and the developments of many parents from your leadership and directed the judiciously family the highrisk federal and special ed legislation for children to 5 earlier a teacher and a leader in special ed the coordinator for agencies in San Francisco that was covert every intervention kids with special needs and families and championing the inclusionary model i want to say your staff quoted talking about i loved working with you laurel i i know youll be a leader your staff says laurel generously cares and provided a calm that on comes with true integrity lets honor laurel colleagues. clapping. thank you. And before we give a chance to speak supervisor yee would like to make a few comments. Laurel. Yeah. Really does seem like yesterday when we first started in this view to be a little bit earlier in terms of earlier education but i think it was no 80s. It was yeah. We met and in charge of her work and the organization that was working for her also was involved that special needs for the kids and so it was a real Great Partnership at the time and okay. Now youre leaving that Organization Never cross paths again and every 10 years we keep on crossing paths a great, great work relationship experience for me to be able to work with you on all the issues that impacted very young so tremendously what youve done with the Supervisor Program is made into a National Model and you remember the secretary of education came to San Francisco several times from washington, d. C. To say how do you do it in San Francisco we want to do this in the United States they havent done it at least theyre looking at the right model so laurel the joke i guess not a joke today it seems for the last ten years youre going to retire it is hard for me to believe youve actually retire well miss you im sure in the next few years well cross pathways in San Francisco endeavor that will approve the lives of Young Children and congratulations. Thank you supervisor yee supervisor cowen. Thank you very much laurel i want to say thank you it is a tremendous pleasure to work with you even for a brief stance for the couple of years i served with our board youve been a tremendous champion and a great job of educating me on the importance of good quality solid committee Early Childhood education and on behalf of the many thousands of children that have benefited from our love and your great work i just want to say thank you. Thank you very much thank you. Thank you laurel first 5 is a Great Program and a Great Program because it a credible leadership were so grateful fewer service and commitment to making sure that all of our children in the city and county of San Francisco have an equal opportunity to really good childcare the workshops and the organizations the work with the community and providing outreach it is a great inspirations youll definitely be missed in the city and county of San Francisco whoops members of the board i thought we were done supervisor avalos. Hi yeah. Just want to say thank you for your Great Service and your item as you guys really have raised childcare and earlier Child Education to the highest quality in the country and part of our dedicated service and your staff as well and wish you all the best. Thank you so much thank you pursue thank you so much i think that the stars were lined when i came to the first 56 a rollercoaster ride as you may know i remember that the first board of supervisors meetings i had like two minutes to speak and someone said thanks for doing god work Governor Brown Governor Brown Governor Brown and the next person spoke for 35 minutes knowing they were in front of the television the next time ill come and speak more and board of supervisors meeting i feel like ive been blessed with an Amazing Group of people not only any staff but in the Unified School District and in philanthropy and the other departments were we should be celebrating that we have a high quality universal preschool system in San Francisco we have Family Research centers in every neighborhood and Mental Health consultation i think that it has been a real honor to see if the universal preschool high quality is one of the Kindergarten Readiness maybe like mr. Earl ill retiring but hopefully, youll see sighting of me so you thank you very much. Thank you, thank you. Wait i do want to say that im really exist and happy and honored to pass my baton to ingrid the next executive director so. clapping. thank you, again for your service and congratulation ladies and gentlemen, thats our final accommodation for today, well be resuming our regularly scheduled board agenda and we actually have a 3 00 p. M. Special order 106 of Market Street madam clerk call those items. Item numbers 25 to 28 comprise the 3 00 p. M. That was continued from may 17th to hear under persons interested in the Planning Commission certification of a conditional use authorization dated march 17, 2016 for the proposed project on 1066 Market Street and item 26 through 28 comprise the motion to approval or disapproval for the conditional use authorization and to direct corps as the finding and okay looked like we have at sponsor has withdrawn the cu and we will need to take Public Comment since this hearing was scheduled are there any any Public Comment on this item . To commitment on it particular item seeing none, mr. Washington you want to comment on 106 of Market Street there i like to comment on anything that is Public Comment in this city. Would you call San Francisco but ill wait. Thank you very much. A thanks mr. Washington. All right. Seeing no other members of the public Public Comment is closed. And this hearing has been held and filed is there a motion supervisor kim. Thank you, colleagues as you may know we did vote on an amended version of this conditional use authorizations last week so i want to thank you for your support and make a motion to move items 26 to 28 to table those items. Okay supervisor kim has made a motion seconded by supervisor cohens and colleagues to table without objection without objection the motion to table those items passes unanimously all right. We have is another 3 00 p. M. Special order madam clerk read those items. Items numbers 29 and thirty the com pissed special order the board of supervisors will convene that was approved on may 17, 2016, to consider objections to the assessment costs submitted by the public works the subject of item thirty to resolution the assessment costs so for sidewalk and curve repairs in the program. Okay. Colleagues today is committee to consider objections to a report of assessment costs submit by the director of the director of public works for work to be done through the Sidewalk Repair Program and consider approved the underlying resolution so lets open this hearing we will first hear from the department and then we will open up for Public Comment to comment and id like to let members of the public know that if you have any questions or concerns you will have an opportunity once we finish with Public Comment to take your issues of concern outside of chamber and there will be a member of the department of public works who what help you revolve the issue then cack into the chamber with recommendations to adjust possibly adjust the report i wanted to let every member know that is our process and with that, i will Ask Department of public works to make any comments regarding this particular report. Good afternoon, supervisors my name is christen representing the repair sidewalk project it repairs sidewalks in Poor Condition making it easier for prudent person to comply with state and city codes for free of defects like largescale sidewalk improvements and securing the permits and having the repairs done in a timing manner under the highway and planning code the fronting Property Owner is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the sidewalk fronting their property under this program that is notifying the Property Owner and upon notification by the city to repair the sidewalk go the Property Owner agreed to have the city perform the work or didnt make the needed raiders by the time as a result, the city repaired the sidewalk and emphasized the Property Owner and have the contractor perform the necessary work and placed on their property tax under the administrative code if the Property Owner fails to repair the sidewalk after being notified the city will perform the repair and invoice the Property Owner if they fail to pay the bill it going to board of supervisors for consideration for the next tax bill in the last year, we mailed 3 thousand plus invoices of those invoices two thousand plus were paid which is 88 percent paid as of day tuesday, june 28, 2016, one hundred one invoices totally 92,000 plus were removed from the original list through payments made in the recent creeks were doing everything we can in 2, 3, 4 report weve submitting 200 invoices plus totally hunters view including the 12 percent administrative fee the Department Requests the boards approval of the assessment of Sidewalk Repair Program properties thank you. Thank you, thank you very much and colleagues, any questions for the department and seeing no questions again, id like to let the public know im sorry can you please come back to the front i missed your name. Christen low. Ms. Low and who is with you from the department of public works to assist the members of the public. Judy and have some inspectors here. Okay so with that, ill open up for Public Comment and just want each of you to know someone will address your issue outside of the chamber in order to try and resolve your matter thank you very much first speaker. Thank you i thought that would be important to you know how your program a working i got a bill of 3 and a half years of making folks to the department of public works people there was a problem with the bill all the measurements were wrongs because many papers were removed those were with the friends of the urban forestry and the process what so obstruct active give you a little bit of background i had worked for 3 months with neighbors and signed up over 22 people in my neighborhood and the process was to obstruct active every Single Person background out that aside when thai job we were left to deal diesel with 3 agencies every person working with difference agencies to get various things down when they socalled finished the job it was so horrific i sent pictures and more pictures and sent emails and revised number corrections over and over and over and widened my reach to the department of public works and the bureaucracy of urban forestry and various other people s i rp inspection, etc. May please show photographs. You can in the overhead projector. Thank you. And your time is running too. I understand my final. Thank you good afternoon, supervisors ill take care of the details out in the ham i want to let you know on the same dated for the exact same substitutes sp disputes there were two items not done wisp charged we ask they be taken off the bill and did all the stiff stuff in the hallway Nothing Happened im back im confused as to why this is what i want you to know im doing it again, the work was fine they charged me foyer two things that werent how done not every there. Thank you clapping. next speaker, please. My name is more i live on the street the time they sent in the paper for the repair just the week or two i got injured and spent 4 days in the hospital as one month in rehab when i came back there was the work was really bad work done and then it was smelling and it was overflowing so i called the warrant department of emergency they broke the cement to flush it but they told me it still going to offer flow and still doing it today so three years ago when i came back i told the supervisor the problem but they never fixed it so, now im willing to pay for the repair but someone has a fix the damage theyve done i cant live with this smell all im asking is thank you very much next speaker, please. clapping. and to the audience please refrain from clapping is no the allowed in the Board Chamber and well to wave our spirit fingers i guess we call it but please refrain from clapping thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is ahmed i live on the fifth avenue the work was performed i live in on corner the work was extensive the day they came i hired a contractor he was charging me less than half what the city was charging me i know what the city was charging me was the company you contract maybe but it is ill tell you how much they charging i thats one thing and the second thing the work was poor quality and right now one of the work they did is already broken it has nothing to do with the use it is in the core and second complaint i did two years ago was that they left a lot of debris on the green area in the property and they never removed it i called second time and talked to supervisor offer of the company they never remove is another thing i academia was at that time, they were doing the work they damaged some of the work they were okay they were not damaged at that time, so i dont know have any problem paying what is fair but i think it will be pay all that amount our charging p me if i can get some how want somebody to come and see what that is and second to pay what is fair thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im paying under protest but here to honor my father since today is any birthday the thousands and thousands of people that showed up at his funeral to express their gratitude as his constituents will be cheering him in heaven. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Yes my name is tom, i live 2112 avenue we purchased our house in 1999 the city chinese elm city sidewalk under the previous owner indicates their maintained it after 8 years the tree roots broke through the sewer pipes and cost us 5 thousand dollars and in 2013 public works said the tree damaged the sidewalk we were shocked were responsible for the repair the tree root the city agreed to maintain we said the chinese elm trees had a i think value of root and in the hearing in 2013 and state any case the hearing officer hold me the clock stopped i didnt need to do anything until 9 received and written notice and an email from public works stating i kept on saying i want to written rolling and at the time i asked i couldnt get one in 2014 i came to a hearing at the boarding and hearing i at the same request a written ruling in the neighborhood and never got a response and another hearing with the same request you know, i say the city can issue and levy but not a written ruling as well the damage to the sidewalk occurred from a tree that no longer is allowed to be planted anywhere because the tree is such an invasive root system i request ask you look at this it is unreasonable thank you. Next speaker, please. I own the property on coal mine drive this is the second time im wasting it is ridiculous no damage to any sidewalk and adding the damage just because 33 the city wants to make money and i will not i refuse to pay the charges the city cant fix someone that is not required fixing i have to deal with that today, if i have to take this to washington i will but not charging me for something dont have the right to come to any property and charge me and bring the folks to fix what i brought this up to the folks and no response and not coming next week youre my time it is ridiculous. Thank you thank you next speaker, please. Hi good afternoon, board of supervisors im matthew live at barker and california got a notice to repair the sewer vent cover and i did repair it and i sent in the form to patrick the inspector and spoke to him on the phone i sent him a form and then in march i got another notice it is not repaired and i spoke to sarah and sent her an email she sent this to the public works and sent her a photo of the i got another notice youve not repaired it im wondering what can i do ive repaired the sewer cover and any future repairs even to the sidewalk if i have to do them how do i prove ive done the repairs is there someone i can speak to. You might have not been if the room but expressed there is someone outside to meet with you and talk to you how they can resolve our particular issue. Thank you a nametag or someone. Ms. Low in the back and outside already okay. Next speaker, please. Excuse me i just live on 25 sanchez and my place needs repairs thats fine but scopes is a syrup thing area must have those sounds from the whole building because the sidewalk is kind of bad so all im asking is a simple request put in your budget for area must haear muff my name is Herbert Wiener im not a Property Owner but want clarification a hypothetical spokesmans you own property and say there is contractor doing work on our block they set up facilities a crack develops in the sidewalk and the owner i assume would be responsible for repair of that property now in my opinion the Property Owner is being punished for damages by the third party. What resource would that Property Owner have and sealed what resources do Property Owners have with grievance and public works i believe that public works didnt so i would like clarification on that thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. My name is louis my mother is the owner of the block 56567 nebraska street im the primary caregiver she had a stroke 11 years ago and in a fixed income and under a program and her income is just to pay her care and i dont know how she will pay for this. Thats all my concerns. Okay. Thank you maam, and again there will be someone else outside of this chamber once we close the Public Comment to talk you with. Next speaker thank you i know most of you here i grew up in louisiana with someone that had a green thumb this is throughout the city you need to learn to plant the right trees trees will are roots i think many is the choices of the trees it is beautiful to tree San Francisco but release there are poem that want to live now whos custodialable for the damages thats a hard, hard choice i walk all over the city sidewalks being uprooted by palm trees shouldnt be planted there if you want to nice after a keep smooth choose the proper trees i love the fact that San Francisco time to be green like maybe you know beautiful city but it is not it is a place where people have to walk so i know that is a comment im commenting on the fact i love trees a lot but if you cant pick the right trees to plant whos fault is that. I mean how to solve that and sidewalks with destroyed by the wrongs kind of trees thats all i have to say i dont on the Property Owners have to pay for some people wanting to make the city for beautiful by the trees thats my comment have a good day. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, supervisors and listening audience and the government channel truly had a lot to do with the creation im here to parallel some of the things the people are talking about first of all, i want compliment congratulations to supervisor peskin whom is helping him with that issue on Department Heads im tended to pink im tickle pink we have some kind of ivy understand students i want to commend mr. Brown down in the Mayors Office of neighborhood putting in a new program called my understanding when you follow them it is called trying to think of what it is anyway, the Promissory Note Program is going on real good shadow there it is shadow that program get stamp of approval a new earring it is almost like your Department Heads will be followed by students nauls what the hell is going on at city hall sometimes, it is silly hall anyway 40 second commend commissioner peskin and ill be there thursday to testify i wrote three of those agencies and this agency were talking about the public works what the hell is going on a lot of the departments in San Francisco need to have some kind of an Oversight Board everything is going really crazy in city by the bay i thought ill get to say what those Property Owners what is the department of public works doing you want to charge them more i think supervisor peskin you need to find out what is going on in your department too. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Some years ago right front of the of city hall the sidewalk we had cracks nonnobody bothered to fix the cracks until i bring to your attention of someone that seize that issue so a contractor did some work you saw that parking your cars and saw that work was not done properly so i had to go begin and the job was fixed now we have this session and this shouldnt be an exercise 2, 3, 4 futility 4 of the people that came here they came here and took time to state their case only for nobody to get back to them now i know the heads of department and francisco you has nothing to do with yes. I do and ill be here talking about another subject this is what happens the supervisors representative the constituents and one lady came here and said shows not going to pay and she said it 3 time 3 District Supervisor instead of was looking at her funny and so im saying this if you have this experience dont make it an exercise in futility the people come here and state something that is exceptional and in adjudication and a respective if you dont have respective for the constituents you will not get respective and some of you all doesnt deserve respective thank you very much. Thank you any Public Comment on this item . Whod like to speak on this particular item seeing none, Public Comment is closed. And this hearing has been held with that, i wanted to let members of the public know that members of public works is right outside the chamber so if you have an issue please take our issue to the members of the public works they will then bring this boushgs and recommend the adjustments and well continue with the work of board if youre here for our sidewalk talk to the member of the department of public works right outside the chamber with that, lets go back to our agenda madam clerk we were. Item 20. On item 80. Item 23 an ordinance emailed the environment code for the service and oat specified products from styrofoam studying the operative dates and the ceqa consideration or determination. Colleagues this styrofoam policy stimuli band through large project many, many years ago by your former our current colleague but ohio this is Good Environmental legislative and during the hearing a lot of members that held pull this together we worked with the chamber of commerce and other industries and environmental organizations to try and broker the right compromise in order to not have a negative impact on Small Businesses and Others Companies that use Public Policy stimuli for other packing supplyside that cant necessarily use other types of there are not alternatives and uses at this point the industry is chained significantly and we doing everything we can if something is available as an alternative to protect the environment this is good policy and step in the right direction it is the right balance between Small Business and locking the environment and i colleagues would appreciate our support i think that supervisor peskin thank you for your cosponsorship and with that, id like to thank my chief of staff for spaerpd this legislation and working with many of the parties involved to come to the conclusion of this legislation. With that, madam clerk on item number 20 can you call the roll. Item 20. Supervisor campos supervisor campos . Supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor cowen supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed there are 11 is. That ordinance is passed anonymously on the First Reading item 21. Item 21 a resolution selecting the oconnell as independent auditor for an amount not to exceed 9. 4 billion over a Contract Term to consensus july 1st, 2016, with one year 3 option to renew same house, same call . The resolution is adopted unanimously item 22. To create a figured out performance or preference in addition to allocating the city affordable units and making the variance findings. Supervisor wiener thank you, thank you madam president and thank you for the Land Use Committee for unanimously forwarding this to the full board with a positive recommendation colleagues this legislation will put into the code frankly should have been there a long time providing the live work preferences to people that live and work in San Francisco and your lottery more Affordable Housing we need to make sure our only residents and people that are living and working here have priorities in terms of assessing Affordable Housing, however, colleagues today, im announces earlier i my intent to amend this legislation in committee so ill make a motion we send this back to committee and to amend it with an Affordable Housing apprehensive for people that are burned out of their units by fire it is been in the news recently some guess horrific fires in the mission but unfortunately, our problems with fires in the city and our city of many old would do framed buildings with oil Electrical Systems is not limited to the mission we see it in a number of neighborhoods even though the mission is the hardest hit in the castro and the hate eye other parts of city and every time one of those foyers with the immediate passive prompt and the destruction of tenants a larger number of peoples lives that are pillow transformed in a very negative way losing their possessions and logan their housing for the lucky ones finding alternate housing or hold on until the building is fixed they monarch and other are not lucky because it takes a a long time to repair the building and cannot hold on our fire victims are theyre in crisis they need all the help they can get in 2011, i authorized legislation the Good Samaritan this board amazing pass an avenue for landlords to provide affordable rents on a temporary basis this is the next step it is limited group of people low income tenants who are adapted by fire they the receive a preference in our Affordable Housing lottery so colleagues it is were working with the City Attorney to draft that amendment and i will be making that amendment in committee at this time i request this legislation be sent back to the land use and transportation for further procedures. Okay. So is that a motion to send it back to committee is there a second. Seconded by supervisor farrell colleagues without objection without objection this will be sent back to committee. Item 23. An ordinance amending the planning code for the development of castro hill sf project by rising the mass to residential mixed use to rezone the operational from a 40 and 50 height limit and making the variance finding and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the ordinance is passed anonymously on the First Reading. Item 24. Item 24 is think ordinance amending the transportation code to clarify the existing regulations revised passerby conduct violations, authorize the Municipal Transportation Agency to establish separate fines and approving the ceqa determination. Supervisor mar. Thank you, colleagues. I wanted to especially thank you to supervisor campos and along with the Youth Commission all many young activists in support the decryption for the court system has placed young people into the court system i think that children shouldnt have to fight in court for those fines and like for adults in 2012 dreaded as an administrative ticket this is aligned with the principles of free muni for youth that supervisor campos and many young activists and people lead years ago so decriminalizing promotes equality in the system it is consistent with the adult fair evasion ill say this will help us keep young people out the criminal Justice System and i urge support. Thank you supervisor mar seeing no other names on the roster, and before we move on madam clerk colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection the ordinance is passed unanimously on the First Reading. All right. Folks lets go to Committee Reports madam clerk please call items 31 and 32 together. Items 31 and 32 are considered by the land use and transportation at the regular meeting on june 27th and referred without recommendation as Committee Reports and item 31 an ordinance accepting the offer of infrastructure collision facilitated located with want mission bay accepting an offer of dedication for Real Property for the city as open public rightofway and deathly property for public use and amending an official sidewalk and accepting making appropriate findings and item 32 an ordinance dedicating the property commonly known as c26 as public rightofway and Mariposa Park and for the facilities that comprise the facilities for open space and park purposes and accepting the work ordinances and making the appropriate understanding. Okay supervisor kim no comment. This come out of committee with no recommendation madam clerk can you please call the roll. On items 31 and 32. Supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar sxhoenlz supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed there are 11 is. The ordinances is passed unanimously on the First Reading all right. Lets go to roll call for introductions. First on introduction is supervisor campos. Thank you supervisor cowen supervisor farrell thank you colleagues i have one in memoriam to with a heavy heart for the former clerk of the board John L Taylor that passed one the citys most respected Clerks Office and worked for the supervisors for 16 years and brought experience to the board acting with the sense of humor and fairness and served many members on the board of supervisors and public are division and created a Bulletin Board for City Employees to interact and he had a distinguished spanning criteria outside of San Francisco serving on fresno and berkley and working with the Stanford Research institute and missed by all of us but his life he tirelessly worked to make us better and survived by waste wife and children the rest i submit. Thank you, colleagues and bone on behalf of the entire members of the board of supervisors we will adjourn this meeting on behalf of the late john taylor without objection thank you. Thank you supervisor farrell and supervisor kim. Thank you today, im requesting a hearing to review the bike lane safety and enforcement for the last several years inform close to thirty people are being killed and 200 or more injured awhile chrysler and last week two lost their lives on their bikes i live on the discredit where katherine lost her life i use it street and today, i bike down that bike lane to come to work at city hall from my own experience weve been working for the last two years with supervisor avalos and supervisor yee office to form and push for vision zero to get cultural design shifts to insure that zero individuals are dying on our streets due to those collisions we know that many of the agencies make the improvements throughout the neighborhood and in our high injury corridors increasing crosswalks and bike lanes and continue to be a bigger city time to fast track for Public Safety and Bicycle Safety we see those fast track changes to insure the long term changes we need to see are all right. In the hoper and proud to work with sfmta to get our temporary bike lane on howard and fulsome more recently an golden gate but where and when well put in protected bike lanes to insure the growing city your for the growing number of cyclists including myself in calling for in hearing we like the constituents to hear about the protection of our bablz and nothing more frustrating than seeing a truck or car double parked for these with drivers it also, of course, provides additional tensions has been well documented by streetcars and others bike with cameras they can video what they get to see on a detail basis on the streets i want to say thank my colleagues supervisor mar and commissioner peskin and me that concurred that has religion to a level we need a citywide discussion on this matter lastly i want to raise we must continue to think outside the box when it comes to this measure of the mta and the Transportation Authority have been pushing on safety throughout the city we have all seen the diagrams if you are hit by a car traveling at 40 mileperhour only one out of pen pedestrians will survive but at 20 mileperhour 9 out of 10 pedestrians are likely to survive speed is absolutely essential lowering speed is essential inform our city reaching negotiation and speed is ten times the injuries in San Francisco and driving under the influence it appears it unsafe 1350ed was an issue at the Golden Gate Park and at fulsome and 7 and follow the direction of standardized like chicago and new york and really exam and hopefully at the sate level have enforcement cameras in i look forward to work with walk sf and with the Bike Coalition to have a safer city for everyone and i submitted an in memoriam for cosponsor popular earlier today and like to in memoriam on june 22nd earthquake was killed by and speeding driver that ran a red light on fulsome this is gross negligence this young woman as view point and lovely the beloved daughter of john and matter graduated from wisconsin with a degree per her in memoriam site she sought engineering to follow her dreams she loved children and as a growing professional woman continued to see through her eyes a possible she was a shining light 94 of flowers donations made to the society of women engineers as a social of engineers dot. Org we will list this on on Facebook Page we have to insure that lives lost like those of katherine cant be in vain and we step up to create the design to make our streets less than in conflict and starve for all the cyclists and do doing everything we can around the issue of enforcement and the rest i submit. Thank you, supervisor kim and supervisor mar. Thank you colleagues it is time for San Francisco 5 years into the tech boom in the housing crisis to require Big Technology companies to pay their fair share to address the homeless impact on San Francisco i tonight thank aaron peskin and supervisor campos in the Broad Coalition of organization that are introducing this with us today, the rapid tech boom in our city and region effects our citys ability to drive and prosper by the growth of tech sector makes it difficult for working families and people to remain in their homes in San Francisco to live no more where they work by making tech corporations may their fair share keep the Small Businesses running so people can afford to live here thats why im introducing the fair share Homeless Task that will have the 5 percent workforce an large tech corporations in San Francisco to fund Affordable Housing and services that will reduce fees on Small Business owners so more independent merchant can remain in the city and cuts the register fees in half this ballot measures bring one and 80 million in annual revenue to expand and preserve Affordable Housing requiring San Francisco Tech Companies and corporations to pay their fair share low help with the rising rents and higher cost of living the city has ocean boulevard Million Dollars no tax breaks for tech corporations since 2011 in the past 5 years and eliminating a key source of revenue that helps to improve our city and lessen the tax burden for more mom and pop shops the tech boom as priced outs small merchant out of places to live and make a living in San Francisco we cant afford to lose of our incredible diversity and unique character the special beauty and fabric of our beloved community San Francisco must remain home inform all walks of life the impact tax is an example of city stepping with solutions and fund for the homelessness crisis for the benefit of common good and change the rules with the Housing Impact tax to shifter the tax burdens watt from the mom and pop shops and hold the tech boom accountable i thank any cosponsors supervisor cohens and supervisor campos and the alliance of californian for Homelessness Coalition for their encourage in moving this forward i want to give a special thanks to my legislative that working closely with the our City Attorney scott putting in many, many hours putting 2, 3, 4 it together additional hopefully this moves you forward i look forward to the dialogue that follows and also following up on supervisor kims hearing call for a hearing he will join in support of specific action plans and the Vision Zero Coalition efforts to make sure that no more bicyclists are modern pedestrians are killed i think the tragedy that jane kim brought of of jan death by and hit a home run is not isolated from killing someone riding to gg park and end our meeting with an in memoriam in honor of ms. Heather miller 41yearold that was as supervisor kim mentioned tragically killed awhile bike through gg park on jfk on a stretch of jfk drive not with a protected bike lane june 22nd both women perished in the evening shotgun remembered in San Francisco dark history heather loved her dog and a good glass of wine her friends and family i expressed any condolences to the family of kate flatteningy as well as with the Vision Zero Coalition and upcoming meetings coming up from the Vision Zero Task force i look forward to what kinds of specific actions that will be developed i also want to say that the bike party will be having a vigil tonight from 7 30 to 8 point of privilege it is not to see these as isolated events but with the biefl coalition so i looked forward to the hearing and the upcoming vision zero meeting the rest i submit thank you. Thank you supervisor mar supervisor peskin. Thank you, madam clerk colleagues aau as you know this body has lengthy conversation though to talk about the homelessness and easy the surviving of our fellow san franciscans that find themselves without a safe place to sleep and assess services or even use bathrooms when i was on the board of supervisors many discusses and those discussions continue our 2015 Homeless Count 70 percent of our homeless were previously housed 90 in San Francisco at the they become homeless and the two tops were eviction and divorce there is one shelter bed for every 5 and a half people we have 8 hundred people waiting for shelter will kevin did a study it talked about the homeless here in california starting from the fallout of vietnam war and the shameful treatment to the veterans to the gutting of our fellow social programs under 01980s reagan despite the memorial including the magical and mayor newsom carry not cash thousands suffer on the street earlier this month our legislative analyst were spending over 20 Million Dollars to cite homeless for quality of life under the ordinance and yet ours own laws are not decreasing the number of homeless open our streets we all know those facts and figures not a new resolution and not solved by creating more programs that attempt to solve homelessness im delighted weve come together today on the second reading to create a department of homelessness to stop this isolation between the departments and to fully implement a Housing First policy that prioritize wrap around services and transitioning the residents into permanently Affordable Housing we need housing that is affordable and assessable today im asking for support to put people before politics in a compassionate and proactive solution rather than divisive and more failed policies weve been working to get the department of homelessness off the ground i think that is critical that we enable and impervious our new director who brings his years of experience if the homeless and chp we all know cares deeply aboute. Homelessness we need to give him an opportunity to do his job we all work we all agreed to delay supervisor campos legislation so the gentleman can work with him needed amendments made to speak with one voice and not turn homelessness into a applies issue we reserve money for the department of homelessness to the tune of over 11 million and over 47 million in the following fiscal year and the gentleman has given little hire process for staff and we just opened under mayor ed lees leadership a new Navigation Center in the civically E Civic Center and povpt and his in the long run agency has a host of recommendations how we should address homelessness encampments we dont meet a 24th allow alu in the piece of the San Francisco examiner to try to brej that but work togethertology solve homelessness by commenting proactive policies today im introducing a resolution this is a separate subject in response to the public works solicitation for Public Comment on criminal background checks for socalled transportation like uber and lyft and other companies the cpuc has attempted to look at the safety risks and make sure the safety of the public is not commodity and the resolution im introducing support that call to Public Safety under the cutters Regulatory Regime the city and county of San Francisco regulates the traditional taxicab but the cpuc asserts its jurisdiction over the tmcs this an uneven two teetered system to the detriment and indeed to the detriment of the Public Welfare we know a broad consensus among Law Enforcement that fingertip basis background checks are the Gold Standard and the background checks used by uber and lyft has missed serious conviction we here tmc drivers shouldnt be open the road in many instance those crimes could be presented by adequate background checks that is indicative of a two tiered regulatory between taxicabs and tmcs is any competitive and unfair and even though the regulations that we placed on Taxi Companies including maneuvered Workers Compensation are truly common sense registrations but dont employ to tmcs the resolution im introducing supports putting tmcs on the same level the Playing Field with respect to background checks fingerprinting is the best method and the only way to hold tmcs like uber and lyft to the same standards as taxis the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor peskin. Supervisor wiener. Supervisor yee. Thank you, madam clerk colleagues for the past several years grown toirdz of hearing about the care of trees so today ill be submitting legislation to take back the trees i received calls on a daily basis if angry constituents that are meant by fines or to care for trees not previously responsible for everyone seems to love trees until thai they have to maintain them it is a camp for the university we have to agree on one thing we should take care of our street trees i want to acknowledge the effort from friends of urban forest and supervisors that worked on creating an urban forestry plan for San Francisco while a number of tree measures are making their way to the November Ballot i am being asked time and time again by constituents why cant this happen sooner why did it take an election to overturn the decisions to be changed at the board of supervisors today, im proposing a very simple ordinance to echo that very sentiment the city of San Francisco should and low take back the responsibility of caring for strrz care for our street trees should be a basic city service during the recession the city reduces the funding in order to save on the Critical Services it was the right decision to make then but in retrofit it costs us we are now living through the negative consequences of tree Relinquishment Program and in addition to the frustration of Property Owners we end up with a weakened urban forest with trees killed you think maintained and damage from poor care we cant reverse what is done but can take responsibility for what the public directed us to do what our taxpayers expects us to do i find it disappointing were more and more riling on private citizens and every time we find ourselves with a difficult decision were grown accustomed to have more taxed to cover what the city should be prioritizing were not making it easy for workingclass and middleincome families to stay in San Francisco regardless on the ballot we can do this now if trees are a priority of constituents and the city lets make it happen for now we can find solutions until a long term funding stream is determined the people have already spoken lets take back the trees so thats one item that im submitting and the second item im submitting i cant i think we all agree that car breakins and burglars are a problem and in my district the number one issue i hear at every community meanwhile e meeting weve held to hearings at the board of supervisors on this very topic there was many reports on auto breakins in the city when was embarrassing featured in a National Publication the in ability to curve property crimes and residents and tourists had enough for the past year working with the Community Members local champions and sfpd short time and have long term strategies reduce property crime and invest in more resources to have prevention and the San Francisco Police Department thats why im perplexed that an Initiative Ordinance was submitted for other November Ballot to address property crimes through the units of the San Francisco Police Department the residents of San Francisco have all right spoken loud and clear will this issue we dont need to go to the ballot box to have a dedicated unit or to provide property crimes for focused attention the ballot proposal cant be amended or changed the proposals does not have time to be vetted or discussed this is a real disservice to the san franciscans i believe that having a centralized units on property crimes with the San Francisco Police Department is can be helpful but concerned with what that means to the local precincts im concerned about whether this will be the most efficient and effective medal method to address the property crimes nothing can be changed on this ballot we can push for Something Better here and now id like to propose a way for us to come together those are issues that what about made and board of supervisors not the ballot box ours protective process provides us with the opportunity to engage with stakeholders and Community Leaders and the San Francisco Police Department to create something that can work the version im submit today is the same version that was submitted to the department of the elections word for word this is a starting point to work on something we can all support i look forward to working with you to you think if any, to a sensible thoughtful solution the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor avalos. Thank you, colleagues. I have 3 ill stand up 3 items for introduction today since march of 2011 ive been serving on the air Quality Management district income august of 2012 august 6, 2012 the chevron in richmond had a fire and blew up and sent 15 thousand people seeking medical care at local hospitals since that time the staff of the air district have been working on rules to limit emissions from refineri refineries carbon and oxygen gunmen addicted im submitting a resolution calling for the mix of we include the new medic caps not circling proposed caps are refining below what was allowed by the epa and make sure that they dont increase their emissions to within the epa allows so extending the caps well not see more manages of Carbon Monoxide that is vice chair an impact on climatic change and toxic emissions on the bay area Residents Health i have to measure supported by labor and Community Groups with the refinery groups as well as groups loss close to the fence lines of refineries to make sure in the mix of measures that the air district provide were including the numeric more in the city of rofshlgd their emotionally the week fourth of july and expect more resolutions to be passed im also submit a hearing c request it is related to item 37 only our calendar item 37 urging our San Francisco employees retirement system to the disingenuous vest from firearms mustards and item 37 was already introduced and voted on unanimously by the board of supervisors two years ago closely after Sandy Newtown massacre and weve also that year introduced a measure to devest from fossil fuel companies ive been focused on making sure that sf first follows open their promises in particular around fossil fuel divestment and staff has been a huge impediment to make sure we make that divestment really real and happening since 2015 we passed the fossil fuel divestment at the portfolio with 15 billion it is notice 20 billion that was the portfolio theyve lost 500 million that was 1r689d in fossil fuel companies despite our resolution exceeded gave them with them to make divestment a reality so for no improvement and just another resolution not worthwhile so ill calling for a hearing to have sf first come and report to the board of supervisors with their progress has been so for and also think were missing the mark we talk about devest from guns and gun control and how mustards and other manufacturers are inseparately intertwined with the military complex were talking about doing gun control we have to have control of our military mustards as well did you know that colleagues office of citizens complaints is requesting we just want our arsenal by a trillion dollars not to housing and education that is our future being destroyed by the militarization of our planet and so im calling for a hearing as well that sf first report to us what is the citys investment in military contractors not just gun manufacturers. Military contractors and come back after that report with a decision to devest from military contractors as well im waiting for the evidence we were promised 25 years ago and it seems is it so as perpetual war i had a quote from eisenhower ill not use he talked about how the military he pointed out the last speech when he was leaving the presidency our our cultural Spiritual Life the country are placard and destroyed by the military industrial context i think that 50 or you wouldnt years proven to be right lastly i have an in memoriam for joseph gi mentions him last week but now an official admonishment he was someone i had honored here during Small Business month about three years ago she was closing his business down creative music open ocean avenue and Mission Street he held shop for thirty years had a great business going music and records his passion was bylaws and jazz a great person to talk about music he had served as a signal man in the navy and worked as a peace officer if the city of prior to opening he passed away 1235 on june 13th in the company of his wife, niece earthquake and his nephew and his memorial had been held monday july 11th at daily city and elba his wife said please donate to an organization that was dear to i dont have the mentor mens movement www. Com and donations to 5150 old redwood california that concludes any introduction thank you madam chair rosales that concludes our business and roll call for introduction. Can you please read Public Comment. Yes. Yes. At this point, the public may comment up to 2 minutes on matters within the jurisdiction of the board pursuant to the boards rules. Direct your remarks to the board as a whole and not to matter. Speakers using Translation Services get up to twice the time. And if you need to put up a document on the overhead advise sfgovtv, and take it down when you are finished. As in the case with items on content new Unfinished Business or the reports items 1 through 32 director our remark to the board and speakers as a whole and not to individual Board Members, no one is required to comment on your matter. Tshd document on the overhead advise sfgovtv, and take it down when you are finished. Thank you first speaker please. Supervisors today, im going to speak about justice for Mario Woods Coalition and on july the 22 you supervisors unanimously declared that day to remember him so theres going to be to events one on the 22 july the 22 mark it on our calendar and the other one on july 23rd at Martin Luther king slash jc jones playground on third street and carol supervisors this man should not have been killed or murdered but he was and we do meet every thursday at 315 rhode island to discuss about what is happening on our streets of San Francisco and how young men and women are being killed by the police who prefer to shoot first and ask questions later but im here to brought to your attention that in this remembrance ordinance or resolution everybody was very pleased that day was set aside but im here to request some of you whose heart was touched by his death if you all can figure out. Way how some money can be incorporated so this Remembrance Day can be held much like in the military i know youre not a federal organization but i do know and hope the mayor is hearing we have a budget of 9. 6 billion we know we spend a quarter of a billion dollars for our homeless but one or two or three or four who can put your Heads Together this is justice for Mario Woods Coalition so it includes alex, and the others thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Madam president and supervisors good afternoon my name is cecil im a manager in my free time i play the french home with the march bands our band was excluded in the japantown this year because of the interference from the chinese consulate pause members of the band follow the engine promises of compassionate and tolerance in my opinion is an extension of the Chinese Communist prosecution the brutal of this prosecution is highlighted in Health Resolution 33 which it was passed unanimously by the u. S. House of representatives on june 13th condemning the practices in chienl foster on june 22nd a study by Nobel Peace Prize david and david killing more as well as investigative journalist was released at the National Press club the report revealed an astonishing daily that up to one. 5 million prisons like those practitioners were killed for their organs by the chinese regime since the year 2000 the publication as well as the prosecution has received wide Media Coverage in the u. S. I urge the San Francisco board of supervisors and the Community Leaders to take action in stopping the chinese consulate from bullying and encourage everyone to join the chores and end to this brutal prohibition thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im david gold a San Francisco resident i say was arrested and put in labor camp in beijing and worked on the asian San Francisco n go before i was arrested in m may 2006 several folks came into any home i was put into a labor camp and after arrested my wife come from the uc to seek help in 2007, 8 Congress People and congresswoman cosigned several letters to chinese officials with the help of u. S. Government i came to the United States at the end of 2008 with my daughter soon after i was released im grateful to the u. S. Government and other people that helped me and my family my wife and my daughter live in San Francisco we enjoy the deciphered community here just two weeks ago u. S. Congress unanimously passed the number 343 requesting the Chinese Government to stop their prosecution the u. S. Governments taken a clear stands on this issue i hope you can help to keep the administrator of this new city and the core value of that nation thank you. Thank you one more. This is a letter from the Congress People. Thanks. I can hear actually think that is worthy and very good request okay. So after the House Resolution 343 that condemned the stand against the consulate a new report was released a week ago about the same topic that is mentioned by the previous speaker i want to introduce a little bit of the authors two our reknown canada attorney the former canada secretary of state as the Investigative Reporter interviewed by many medias so this report has 8 hundred page and 1y0679 footnotes by the 200 plus hospitals in china and provided the details one and 60 of them and interviewed numerous people the conclusion is gruesome slow motion genocide over one million organs removed if unwillingly adorns so madam president and the members of the public i know that this is a little bit be beyond belief many people feel so including the author themselves around the world disclosed what happened to 6 million judiciously people in holocaust the certification voted never again, the perpetrator tried to cover up and the japantown prayed of San Francisco become an unwillingly victim or an accomplice so the issue raised by the report and the resolution warranted some are inviting investigators tidal ask our board of supervisors when necessary come would you be willing to invite them to take a stand share 0 how they did the findings and thank you. Next speaker, please. Gamechanger madam president im a member of the divine marching bands that was not allowed to play this is the crime against humanity in china and even Investigative Reporter was invite to the congressal hearing one. 5 organize transport sometimes more than the Chinese Government is willing to admit and a piece of what he said last thursday asked and answered solve this problem we cant say verify some proclaimed by arranged visit in the words of doctor jabbing if the go Ethics Committee the son of a holocaust survivor not repeat the dreadful mistake to the nazi complains camp a pleasant Recreation Camp in short the medical community cant solve this they need a House Resolution 343 and need our research and now investigations and oversight against people going to china and the support of American People not a single israel went to china to take a stand against organize replacement and cutting off fund was not enough. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning president and the supervisors im tom im a member of the divine marching band i came here to share the fact about the crime of organize id like to introduce mr. David madison a reknown human rights attorney in canned and served as the canada presentation to stockholm from the holocaust following a short piece of what he said on organ harvesting. Organ transports buys in china is a donor not a patient demand problem we can end this fwierl in organ transport china will continue yet we doing everything we can to avoid complicity and this calls to conduct a Detailed Analysis apple state staungs from nonpefrnlz of conscious ill suggest this analysis should be more than a presentation coupled with schien denials to fulfill the mandate should come to its own conclusions and a more direct connotation making organ transportation is a crime and conclusion let me say when it comes down to abuse of organ transportation not only the patient is in need of the organize but the u. S. Must doing everything we can to stop that introduce happening thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Next speaker, please. Good evening supervisors with the High Technology we have in San Francisco by the city by the bayer bay people that come here express their concerns but now only a minute and a few seconds im here to speak on the black africanamerican with the out immigration i found out today, if director sparks of the commission is no longer there in the potrero and the department was talking about immigration speaking of the Department Heads being the czar of out immigration gives me the power invested in me to audit the departments im grateful supervisor peskin and the rest of them is getting ready to create a commission to oversee a lot of the Department Heads running rampant and affordability most of them dont know what the hell is going on boy and girl spending big time money and out exhibition ill ask our supervisors and some of the legislation to put money aside with the 8. 9 billion for out ma congratulations to the Younger Generation the Department Heads and set aside set aside you cant call it the 209 but set aside money now collectively supervisors you can do that so conflict resolution collective affordability trust and transparency must be in our communities and have conversations about legislations thats going to our generation more, more lip talk a new group im running out of time i try to stick thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you supervisor president london breed and all the folks my name is still christopher i live on 6 and howard less than 40 years from Sea Level Rise rise to comment on San Francisco g spot thats a google spot that is to say the bus stop a spot that you members dont want subject to a ceqa process well i mean, ill give my christophers Environmental Quality analysis if i can get the nvlsz analysis you might start my time this is not an underutilized muni stop it is one of the most heavily traveled muni stops in the city that is one of the most heavily vehicular intersections in the city the transfer port for the central city bus stops this is the most heavily pedestrian pathway in one of the most in our beloved city and county that is also my regular path on the way to and from my give him every other day and this is a mess a design disaster a tragic consequence of apathy planning and inept planning that is an outrage and going to kill somebody eventually thank you supervisor breed. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is silvia johnson. Ive been looking at the it categories and this was supposed to be done and was supposed to be talked to about the hearings and other things i went to one just the other day on 17 and they lied to me i was not supposed to be in there so someone is doing damage not passing and curing cancer on this resolution and it is all over and jealousy im tired of telling everyone what we should be doing and nobody is doing anything abused they want asked me this is awful some message theyve been putting money on and Nothing Happened but killing and no the ccc and Everything Else and this is psa has been monotonous visits for somebody that is trying to help the world in reality because of the airport flights and this is you know unreal because their suspected tupidit theyre telling me i dont need to be there in there im telling you. Thank you, ms. Johnson. Next speaker, please. Hi ive been here years july will be 56 like usually she wants to run out they say go to our supervisors i thought that was what you guys are here for were telling you was going on in the community and last week your own areas i cant come to somebody for help thats one of you guys colleagues but in any event ive been living here my mother died her and family died here my son died here on the chest and theyre trying to putting push me out im protesting against the krooktd police and this mayor you know everybody is getting together and trying to push me out im trying to stay in my own community the sad thing i cant go to my supervisor for help you have showed you copies and every time owe show up and ask for help you only get 8 hundred and 88 protests they rewarding raised my rent to 8 hundred and 88 this is where i want to live and die this is my home there are good people put in court with their children like i said this my home im a san franciscan this is my home you guys are pushing us out im not going no where i promise you guys im not leaving my home but i cant get nobody to help me find a home for two years im balanced because i protested the mayor and the Police Everybody is getting together and saying were not going to help her malia we had an argument. Thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is sarah you know my son was murdered i thank everyone accept and expend out your prayers its been a year and a half the case is not solved im growing and trying to deal with the reality of my son being murdered you know, i come here for various issues today, im here in yards to puerto rico an activist in San Francisco and bayview for over 15 or 20 years ive seen this young woman fight for the children we all have our issues so do you her son was murdered as my son was murdered you know im here to support the families of murdered children so im here to support puerto rico in asking london if you can help me in any way to find hours for her we will have to put all the issues aside if she got into an argument with malia this young woman brought truckloads of women to support malia cohen so im asking for anyone that has any type of power to be able to assist myself and helping this puerto rico shes disabled in finding a home and thank you for your prayers and looking forward to coming and helping as many mothers and families that i can who are dealing with the murders of those babies be murder and their families are not acknowledged thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello my name is a mistake id like to show this hello headline from the businessman that reads this alabama county wouldnt lower flags with the orlando massacre from the birmingham and politicians in alabama refuse to lower the killing of 49 gay people and straight people in orlando, florida and next, i want to show hypothetically castro street flag remains added full flag over orlando attacks that is from a gay newspapers in san diego please come back to me that stories appeared in the to San Diego Press it is shameful that San Franciscos harvey milk plaza lowered the flag for 3 hours while the political rally was on june 12th speak some see that has a political rally regardless San Francisco unfortunately has something in common with a county in alabama as the only places in the world where flags were not lowered at the president requested from sundays the 16 through june 16th what is it saying about San Francisco that harvey milk plaza flag pole privatized by the city and controlled by the castro merchants was one of just a handful of places around the world that explicit lover the flag as president obama requested im here to say it is time to have a discussion about the president s with the rainbow flag harry harvey would have lowered the flag. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Overhead please. Okay tom gilbert a new housing plan i usually dont get to this thirty percent open market resident register or condos open to the world and if so rentals thaig theyre still rentcontrolled 10 percent now if this is a half a hundred units in the tenderloin or one hundred unit in chinatown this is what were getting thirty percent new people monarchy and 10 percent if youre a thirty year resident above 65 years old so were moving seniors into around the neighborhood if youre 20year resident in the local zip code were moving you into the new homes so if youre a 15 year for 5 percent if youre a thirty year resident a senior have a shot at the 5 percent of housing the next 20 percent of those homes are for teachers and political and firemen were not adjusting the price those units are for you and then the last 20 percent are for people the less fortunate we have a stipend in this city to take care of the people in the city Fishermans Wharf everyone in the city and lack of people that have adequate housing we need to evaluate that the city cannot build it on its own the private sector need a new value system thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello this is the issue i really want to speak about now ive been coming up with this idea for storage lockers you can solve the homeless practice i swear to god if you make it a in time you form a nonprofit and you get fund from lots of other foundations which have billions of waiting to do stuff you wont have to use harder any of the citys money by using Foundation Money to do it as a nonprofit when you do that those storage lockers that can be stacked skyhigh hesitant elizabeth those out for two or three hundred a month and use those in sub marches do that you manufactured and stack them and stairways and renter outing those out for 300 or less solve the homeless crisis this year if you get on the stick put me on a committee i answer to god ill show you and put those things wherever you want their transfersable and put them in any district around the city just by manufacturing those beautiful little homes and put them open on lift use storage lockers that is manufactureed and find do the property and start stacking them up and solve the homeless crisis this year put me on one of the committees ill show you how it is done thats how you solve the homeless crisis use storage lockers around the city have a good day. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Chinatown missionary over one needs to have footing for permanent elevation and less this is our wellness of justice in principle were having harmony and projecting once 20 true heart of mercy one can reason well in developing Political Solutions in true principle for all matters political leaders should perform the works of beauties with good circulation in unit of politics and holiness and Diverse Properties list them for humanity and true encourage one takes an course of ones destiny in civilization in all aspects of their lives and true success of ones destiny one can have wellness of harmony and social orders in achievement of personal circumstances facing good or bad outcomes one should have an obvious in more good deeds to direct one lives on a course of action one may not see a way in did the but this guidelines is having mercy as well as humanity and justice one can develop diverse methodologies for solving problems of matters for the full itself stent not loss hope for worldly rescue without bias. Thank you. Any other speakers. A certain man had a fig tree planned in his vineyard and came and so you get fruit and found nun then to the dresser behold those 3 years i seek congruity fruit on the tree cut it down he answering said onto him lord until i dunk if it that bear fruit well, then not after that cut it down when jesus gave that parable judgment day come for the muslim in orlando and the homosexuals and they die today you center to come to jesus this is serious this guy mentioned the rainbow flag was not lowered president obama is bringing in the muslims god says in romes 5 in due time christ died for the urban godly i only have two minutes not two hours im thrumming we are in the is an bath year were definitely probably started in the no december 7th might have start in the strings not an rancho hashing jesus is coming back back i know you dont know the day and hour that is a fact he died for your sins he didnt have any sins we all have sins he didnt have any he made payment he resurrected the third day what man in history ever appealed to the prophesies for crying out loud palms 52 the question listen thank you madam president appears to be no more speakers. Anyone wish to comment on item number seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Lets go back to items 29 and thirty representative if dpw again, i want to reiterate that the sidewalk inspection and repair program has issued over 30 thousand plus invoices and 2 thousand plus or 88 percent have been if the past year for the representatives that presented 3 were about invoiced we reevaluated the bills to the Property Owner one constituents didnt receive the invoice we will email and advise them to pay by july 8th and four will be placed on payments insult will plans work with the Property Owner for an appropriate payment plan not on the property tax additional 9 were quality issues well have the inspector and contractor followup and correct in regards to 2179, 12 avenue requesting for the sidewalk inspection and repair original hearing ruling from the hearing officer he is still disputing the damage that was caused by privately maintained tree on his property we investigate and research this matter in regards to coal mine street of the repair costs of 5 hundred plus placed on their property tax for the total including do 12 administrative fee under state highway and local public works code the fronting Property Owner is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the sidewalk fronting their property this is the second board of supervisors and still refusing to pay for the work i ask the board of supervisors vote no favor of adding the repair costs to the partitioning in the amount off 5 hundred plus. Can you can you talk a little bit about the quality of work and what is your procedure when the work is done it didnt net not up to standards do you go back . Do you precipitate was the plan here. We do have a our inspector does a walk with the contractor that is the first time the property repairs are looked at after that we dont go back to look it, it is kind of on the Property Owner to contact us if theyre cracks or problems with the work that was done and. In some cases if thai may not have received a notice and the work gets done they receive a bill that is the first time or that theyve been made aware how does that work. Well, we get our information if the Assessors Office if their address is not updated with the assessor then thats the address we send to so in terms of that we excuse me not only do we. Judy can you identify the department. Public works. Okay San Francisco public works. Thanks. Not only notify them through the tax assessors organized address but post into the building itself so they get two notifications. Okay the other question i had was the issue around sidewalks and trees is a real problematic issue and how is that dealt with for example, if it is a tree that is not necessarily located tree roots that are not on the Property Owners property but the sidewalks is damaged as a result of that tree it is still their responsibility to deal with the sidewalk damage . I believe that falls on the owner of the tree so if it is the neighboring unit that owns the tree that will be their responsibility to fix the damage. And what is your policy to deal with protecting residents. We have what we call the sidewalk nuisance Assistance Program it is we receive the invoice they can contact us protecting and theyll, mranls placed on a sorry planned on the property tax and paid over 5 years. Okay. So for example, if the case of someone that is elderly owns the property only gets searches and seizures and no income can barely take care of their property they pay their annual praushgs what we we talking about over the course of 5 years year potentially like an example this costs in education or additions to what theyre paying in property tax. Traditionally the average Square Footage or the cost is around maybe 500 to one thousand dollars that included that the 12 administrative fee and over time years that will amount to maybe like i would say 200 per property tax. Per year. For 5 years. Yes. Thats a lot more than potentially the 500 this is an additional couple of hundreds dollars that someone is protecting has to pay because over 5 years. A thats correct. It doesnt sounds like a good use Hardship Program for protecting that is a lot of extra money to pay i guessed im trying to understand what the why is it that someone low income has to pay more i get it you take out a loan but this is for hardship. And we also, we do try to work with the Property Owner and as christen alluded to 3 pertains that are going to pay in installment plan we can work with the praurnz an insult plan with the administrative fee. No, if theyll pay installment plan not paying the administrative fee of 12 percent. But if they put it on the property tax over the course of 5 years have a pay an administrative fee. Thats correct. What do you mean within a year time. Keep that one a year not coming to the board of supervisors year after year. Can you give me examples of type of persons were talking about for example, the one woman that was here speaking on behalf of her mother that kind of situation im mostly concerned about. What weve done well actually talk to her and found out what she can pay off over the course of a year. The sidewalk in front of her home. Damaged by a tree or just damaged. I dont know. I i dont have the details of her particular property at this time. Okay. And i think im going to led any colleagues ask a couple of questions and if i have some ill come back to you. Supervisor wiener. Thank you to the department you might not know this off the top of your head terms in terms of the sidewalk damage you do know what percentage tree relayed. I dont have that detailed but i do know for this fiscal year and over the next two years we are working on sidewalk mentioning tree areas so im not sure of the percentage but can found out in terms of sidewalk damage in San Francisco pretty High Percentage is tree related. Uhhuh. Is that your understanding too. That is the correct understanding correct. Would there be any reason for f this sidewalk damage different from the general proportion anything unique about this this will be different than the general i think facts that the bulk of sidewalk damage is tree related. This year one of of our goals to actually look at a lot of tree related areas around the city and county of San Francisco so do you believe that the unbelievab of those. Ill have to do research. It seems like what youre saying it is probable those locations of damage the sidewalk are probable consistent with the general fact the bulk of the sidewalk damage is tree related any reason to think this is different. I will concluded this is feasible. Okay so colleagues, we i want to use this opportunity to plug and fix this problem it is absurd the Property Owners have to pay for the sidewalk and the trees and pay for a property that is not theirs they may not have planted the trees any financial or physical ability to take care of the tree or fix the sidewalk and there expected to do so i agree with supervisor yee introduced legislation before to go basically repeal and im supportive of that the challenge the cost of the city taking that back is almost 20 million a year and so you know, i know well be having discussions in the board about the measure that supervisor mar and i have put forward with the friends of urban forest to do a ballot measure to take back the tree and tree related sidewalk damage and pay for it and create dedicated funding otherwise if we take back the trees and the sidewalk and damage were going to have to find 20 million in the budget ill bet my lunch will that will not happen they dont do well, in the budget over and over again so i would love to vote against this i philanthropical low dont agree but taking it back and putting your money where your mouth is we put out the budget and none pushed for the 20 million for dpw inform allow them to take back the trees and sidewalk so far as i know but once again trees and sidewalks were not you know even on the list let alone in the upper portion of list lets fix this problem lets fix it with the funding mechanism that is dedicated so we can move on and not have to deal with those hearings it is ridiculous thank you, supervisor wiener supervisor peskin. Thank you madam president there are any number of different lean and taxed that come to the body one procedural question why these sidewalk tax bills have been broke down over a couple of weeks is there a reason for that . This is the second hearing on this in a relatively short period of time. The first one is a separate program a accelerated Abatement Program how we describe it operationally is this one is a reactive problem and the sidewalk repair podium which were talking about is more of the proactive program. In terms of in the police radio active program the city inspects the program when people complain correct. Seems like they can be consolidated in one hearing that neither here more there but 200 on the paper percentage wise like a lot more complainant than we normally see in those kinds of hearing i appreciate the city is aggressive about fixing our sidewalks i understand that there are issues relative to cost of homeowners but i get e get disturbed when i hear the gentleman had been trying to prove repeated he accomplished the repairs relative to a sewer vent that the city had minded him to accomplish i assume that is one of the list but 200 this number coming off with with all due respect that would be great if thanks can be taken place we can separate the cheat from the charge of this is my comment. I have followup questions the concern were the individuals that said theyve come here before and talked to someone and throughout the issue was revolved can you explain what happened in those particular incidents. Unfortunately, im thinking this is one a miscommunication issue weve put in mitigation measures we have been keeping a log of communications with the constituents and with public works so im almost 100 percent sure that wont you know 99 percent sure that will noltdz happen next year i binge this up since ive been on the board ive never dont recall someone saying theyve come here before and the issue was not revolved that was definitely a surprise to me i think that ultimately any biggest concern is the communication and making sure that there is a Clear Communication you know with those Property Owners and there is also i guess a little bit better outreach especially for some of our low income Property Owners especially our senior population i know that oftentimes with more elderly people they dont do their paperwork or manage their stuff and a lot of this can be confusing and stressful i really would like the department to a better job how they communicate when in their accept and expend notices i dont know if it means home visits or somehow connecting with those particular individuals it didnt come to a point they feel the needs to send a Family Member or show up at one of the hearings id like to see those issues resolve with a little bit more compassion for those particular individuals. And is there anything else want to add or anything else anyone has any questions regarding these questions. Supervisor yee. Im just wondering why we are having hearings during the day when people have to take off from work really makes especially theyre coming back twice but coming out once is a pickle and more difficult for in my mind in youre working in a low income job where you get fired because you want to come here to make their case is a real burden so almost feels like those are low income or have jobs they cant get off work to protest im wondering if any probability of shifting that you know when you have the hearings to be done in the evenings or some other format. Supervisor yee you make a really good point i think that what we should consider looking at is the possibility of we can check with the City Attorney number one looking at who to hold some of the harleys in committee im not sure we can and potentially looking listing it for 5 30 and not 3 303 oclock to sit here and wait and listen to all of what were doing on the board when your you know taking off from work to come and testify and address our issue is unfortunate and i know we can do better than this thank you supervisor yee ill work with the City Attorney on what could be changed in order to make this a better process. All right. With that, this hearing has been heard and is now filed and closed and would anyone like to make a proposal to amend the current resolution and adopt it. Okay none. Would like to amend. Supervisor tang. Ill amendment based on what your public works states into the record and then vote on that recommended. Okay. Is there a second. Seconded by i saw supervisor peskin hand first sorry supervisor cowen with that, on the per diem item as amended call the roll. On item thirty supervisor campos no supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed there are 10 is and one no with supervisor campos in the dissents for the resolution is adopted all right. I think weve globulin most of agenda item 35 through 42 the adoption without reference to Committee Items items are being considered for immediate adoption a single roll call vote may impact and sever an item and consider it separately. Sdpooenz items 35 and 39. Ms. Short supervisor farrell. 37. All right. On the remaining items madam clerk call the roll. Supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed there 11 is. Those items are approved amazing unanimously item 35 a resolution for the state legislator for the Assembly Bill public works regulation of taxicabs and recognition of negative impacts on local transportation and consumer safety protection. Supervisor peskin. Thank you madam president the amendments to ab california have been relatively stephen and to that end id like to delete the second whereas on page 2 and like to make a motion to do so for those of you keeping with sacramento proposals to transfer Regulatory Authority from the cpuc to the state department of transportation nonetheless it is something we should take a position so first like to make a motion to delete the second whereas in on page two, that read ab amendments the california vehicle code that provision and then id like to ask for waiver to send it to committee and foivenlg vote. Commissioner peskin made a motion to amend seconded by commissioner chung can we take the amendment without objection without objection and send this to committee. No waiver it from committee and pass the item. Okay. I dont know what that means but. If we could have an unanimous vote it Means Nothing colleagues, can we take this item okay reinforcement. Only item 35 as amended supervisor campos supervisor cowen no. Supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin supervisor tang supervisor wiener no supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor president london breed there are 9 use of force and two nos. This resolution is adopted item 37 item 37 a resolution urging the San Francisco employees retirement system and roof deck to devest from firearm and ammunition manufacturers. Supervisor farrell. Thank you, colleagues and madam president ill save my remarks and hope to have your support i know that supervisor avalos wants a different are hearing and looking talking what the rehabbed. Like to did you want the file send the duplicated file to committee with the seeing no other names on the roster, colleagues reinforcement on this particular resolution madam clerk. On the original file 37 supervisor campos supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor peskin. Supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor avalos supervisor breed. There are 11 is. The resolution is adopted unanimously item 39 please. Item 39 a resolution urging the San Francisco protective for the senate bill regarding wireless telecommunication facilities going due to the preemption of land use and the lack of public assess to the wireless permit process supervisor peskin colleagues as seems like all we tale with state bills on local pretimes those days whether that is in the realm of housing whether it is in the realm of transportation or in this particular case in the realm of the Wireless Industry but we have good news on this in so for as the Assembly Bill has been withdrawn and the fcc has changed course but much weve likely not seen the end of this with respect to fast tracking and preempting id like to offer amendments that reflect the citys concerns over future regulars for the exceptions and the intent of the ab 27788 and circulated modest amendments to strike the last whereas clause and replace with with a whereas after those and other concerns were presented to Assembly Member by a diversity of constituents hes withdrawn the Assembly Bill 2788 for the near term and then slightly change the first resolve and the first further resolve to nester that is the board to insert future legislation that will replicate we go on record in opposition to legislation of this sort so i will make a motion to adopt those amendments. Okay supervisor cohens has made a motion to adopt the amendments seconded by madam chair rosales can we take the amendments without objection without objection the amendments pass and i see no names on the roster and as amended colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . All right. This resolution as amended is adopted anonymously. M will you please read the mirmdz. Todays meeting will be adjourned in memory on behalf of the entire board for John L Taylor and supervisor kim for the laid earthquake republican and the late corporal on behalf of the supervisor mar so for the late more like and joseph lambert. This brings us to the end of the junked madam clerk, is there any additional business to come before this body . Theres no further business. Great were adjourned have the office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek blower protections please seek www. Announcer b dreams and good grades arent enough to get into college. There are actual steps you need to take. Finding someone who can help is the first and most important. For the next steps, go to knowhow2go. Org. So, same time next week . Well, of course. Good morning, and welcome to the monthly meeting of the San Francisco county, Transportation Authority, im scott weiner, the chair of this authority. And i want to thank sfgtv, specifically leo for broadcasting todays hearing. And mr. Clerk, could you please call the roll . All right, item run, roll call . Avalos. Present. Breed. Absent. Campos absent. Cohen . Present. Ferrill . Absent. Kim. Kim absent. Mar . Here. Mar present. Co

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