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Is possible that not every person in the queue have an opportunity to provide remote Public Comment. Remote Public Comment from people who received an accommendation will in the count toward the 20 minute limit. The Public Comment number is 4156550001 access code is access code 2661 388 9782 if you recall asked the password is 1, 2, 34. Please, wait for the item before making a comment on this item. Members of the public may make remote comment. Making remote Public Comment will peek in the order than i are received in the queue as described below. When the mod rirt announced the committee is taking Public Comment. Members can raise hands by pregsz star 3 and you will be queued. Caller it is will hear sill wlens had waiting to speak the operator will unmute you. When pomped, each caller will have 3 minutes. Ensure you near a quiet location. Speak clearly and turn off radios and tvs around you. Read the Ramaytush Ohlone land acknowledgment. We acknowledge that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Thanks. Take roll. Please. Thank you. Unmute your mics. Vice chair crawford. Here. Member larkin. Here. Chair matthews. Present. Member pantoja. Here. Member sanderlin. Here. Here. Thank you. I want to note this we have a new member. Member tung. If i may call on member tun to introduce himself. Good morning, everyone im the new member im filling seat 7 appointed by the mayor to represent the byebyes community. In terments of my background i have been work nothing Public Finance for 17 years. 5 years issuing bonds and the last 12 analyst researching musnts dpup down california and the western United States and so forth. Bond issuance and finance. And im happy to bring this to the commit each we have a kwoer and up for the record it is 9 35 a. M. Item 2. Thank you. Opportunity for the public to comment on any matters went Committee Jurisdiction that are not on the agenda. Members of public who wish to provide in person comment on the item line up at the podium now. Each person will have 3 minutes to speak. If you are participating in Public Comment boy phone, members of public who wish to provide comment on this item call 4156550001 access code 2661 388 9782 the password is 1234. And then pounds and pound. If you have not done so dial star 3 to line up to speak. A prompt will indicate you raised your hand. Wait until you have been unmuted and may begin your comments. Note you will have 3 minutes. So. I dont see anyone at the podium. Moderator do we have anyone online . Agenda item 3 election of chair and vice chair. Nominate tim math use at chair. Can we take discussions. Public ment on this item. Public comment. Measures of public who wish to provide in person comment on the item lineup at the podium now. Each will have 3 minutes to speak. And then by phone members who wish to provide comment press star 3. I dont see anyone at the podium. And there are no attendees with hands raised on line. Can we close public meant for this part of the agenda item. Yes, please. Take a roll call vote. Vice chair crawford. Aye. Member larkin. Aye. Chair math use spoke for himself. Member pantoja. Aye. Member sand rain. Aye member tung. Why aye. Thank you, appreciate it. Move to the election of vice chair. Il nominate member cruford to condition as vice chair. Second. Okay. Okay. If we take Public Comment. Thank you. Members of the public who wish to provide in person comment on the item lineup at the podium now. Each person will have 3 minutes to speak. Members of public who wish to payment by phone, please press star 3 now. To line up. There is no one at the podium and there is no one online. Great. Close Public Comment and tick a vote. Thank you. Well close Public Comment now. Vice chair crawford. Aye. Member larkin. Aye. Member matthews. Why aye. Member pantia. Aye. Member sanderlin. Aye. Member tung. Aye item 4 approval of minutes of the april 24, 2023 meeting. I like to make a motion to approve the minute it is of our left meeting. I will second. Il make a comment here for discussion. Tim i know you were not present the way this works here is we will vote and you will also have to vote and you be relying on our position that the minutes are correct. I did have abopportunity to watch the recorded. Good. So i believe it is correct in the minutes. If we can take Public Comment. Members of public when wish to provide in person comment on the item line up at the podium nouchl each will have 3 minutes to speak. And members of public had wish to provide Public Comment on the item, should call 4156550001, access code 2661 388 9782. If you have in the done so press star 3 to speak. We have no public ment in person or by phone. Great. Close Public Comment and vote on the item. Thank you. Vice chair crawford. Aye. Member larkin. Aye. Chair matthews. Aye. Member pantoja. Aye. Member sanderlin. Aye. Member tung. Aye. Thank you. If we move to item five and have a packed agenda due to 65ing the last meeting appreciate thoughtful and careful discussion as we go through the items. Thank you. Item 5 presentation from various department on the 2008 and 2012 clone and safe Neighborhood Parks bond and possible action by the committee in response to such presentation. Good morning. Im kelly and im the Deputy Director for capitol at San Francisco rec and park. Im going to kickoff a presentation on the 2008 and 2012 clean and safe Neighborhood Parks bonds. And then go over the rec park part and shannon from the port will follow ump on the port portion of this presentation. So this san over view of the 2008 and 12 finance. The de feo from the 2008 bond that all of the bond and bond interests funds spent and all 75 projects are complete. Of the 2012 bond 92 are encumbered and 77 projects are complete. This is the shows the list of the 15 open Neighborhood Parks that remember a part of this bond. Include full pool renovations and play ground renovations. Rec centers and p renovations. Jury room the 2012 bond upon funded lets play sf program with the San Francisco park alionels. You see in the bottom left the leverages funds. We look for grants and other Development Fees and general fund and open space to upon if you meaned this program. We opened 10 play grounds. You see that one is in plan anding design expected to Start Construction next year 2 play grounds into construction later this year. Community Opportunity Program is also funded throughout 2012 bond. And this project Program Leverages many other fund source. You can see the completed project and it is final project in this program is in construction the fill mere and turk minipark. The bopped had the programs Water Conversation, forest and trails. These funds supplements other projects and bond projects we have sick complete the Water Conversation projects where in design and construction on the mc clarin trail and middle lake projects on the trails and the forestry they subelements the Golden Gate Park dag play and lake merced trail improvements. A quick over vow of a few projects the alice play ground part of lets play sf opened in 2020. Garfield square fool a rebuild of the pool. Opened in 2021. And George Christopher park this play ground opened in 2023 and i part of the lets play sf program. Looking ahead, we expect to complete the spending for the fwent 20 bond with the city parks the lake merced tris this Year Committee mc clirin trails park next year and lets play sf projects richmond, stern grove, which will Start Construction this year and the buchanan street mall project starting next year. The prospect a2020 health and recovery bond is number 7. Zoel a presentation on this coming up. But as over view 239 million to reshg and park and issued the didnt first 2 issuances. I will go over that the projects and this is just an appetizer. Il pass it off to shannon with the port. She will talk about their projects. Thank you. Im shannon karen, good morning to member and staff. I lead the project Management Office at the port of San Francisco i will actual about the water front parks therapy funded boy the 2008 and 12 bond. So all of our parks that were funded by the 2008 bond of complete. You see the 2012 funded projects 2 are complete. The crews term until commolest in the september of 2047 and had crane cove p funded by 2008 and the 2012 billioned and this is all complete. The park opened in september 2020 and remaining components that were commolest in the august of 2022. We have 2 projects in design or environmental review. Vista park delivered part of the mission bay Ferry Building it has been delayed due to funding issues that are being resolved. We expect to complete other vista park based on mission bay schedule in 2026. The reason that the park is tieed mission Ferry Landing schedule is the park area is land side a jayce uponent to the ferry term until and part used for construction. Foolish of us to dot p before we use it for construction staging. The other one in design is pier 27 public art. That there is i panel revowing the artist applications for this w. And we expect to have the art installed in may of 2024. 2 projects the 2 remaining in construction croak improve ams a signage project and this is in construction and we expect it to be complete in january of 2024 and the vast amming majority was completed in november of 2021. There were remaining fund this is we are using for a signage component we were hoping was going to be complete but there has been a supply issue with the signage. So we expect this to be completed soon in the coming months. And my next slide is a chart showing you the schedule than i quantity over for the remaining work that is all i have. Happy to answer questions. Thank you. Does the committee have questions . Comments . Im thinking this is for kelly . It was i live in the Outer Richmond district and just left night was driving across i think, cross park drive. Connects 43rd. Anyway. Toward the middle of the park a pond or lake being renovated. Is this part of your program yea this is in our middle lake is a 2020 project. I will check kwivenlg i believe middle lake 2020 funding. 2012 and 2020 bond funds. Okay. Not making great progress there. Is there something going on or a delay. There is not a delay claimil let dan speak to it it is on his team. Good morning. Middle like is moves forward anticipate completion in inform had a slow down where we told the contractor demobilize for 3 weeks and so we are in the process r. Ing up after that event. We are aings behind by a few months but plan is to kraham wrap up in november. Looks like there is in the a lot of work there is a lot of w down in the ground this you dont see. Once water fills the like you will see the fruitions of the project. And planting and irrigation work is beginning in near days here. So. Only delay you experienced is the 3 weeks you shot contractor down for the lands. Why that was one delay a zone well. The p area was closed during outside lands if you were walk through you noticed construction were ceased at this point. That was per of the condition transact when we negotiated to accommodate events in the park. You anticipated that. Absolutely no drill claim. No delay claim. We did find a sink hole that we are mitigating part of the project. The lakes are connected by pipes and one was deteriorated the lake is over 100 year old and 25 feet below grade. One of the pipes was damaged we are mitigating that currently. We added scope to the project. And generally are you getting claims from the outside contractors. From the 2012 bond. We had one claim that we were mediated and that was on garfield pool. The 2020 bond program we have a claim on the 900 ennis project. And i will briefly touch on it in the 2020 bond presentation. Thank you. Other members. I had a question. A comment. And aiel. I wanted say thank you for including the leveraged funds us were able to raise in your presentation. We and members of the public like to see these bond funds have the ability to lefrage other funds itch. Ed ask about there was one section of leveraged funds about Development Fees . Can you explain that . Development impact fees in in the city through projects. The they are required to fay a percentage to Public Benefit and there are different bucket list is a parks bucket. We depend on funds and plan on those. There is a Planning Press in the city that plans those funds coming inform and as i will mention in the 2020 bond program we have seen a delay in the funds manage inform there has been work to fill the gaps because it is slowed as we know development slowed. How do you access those funds . Do you have to apply for them . Or are they there is a process and i think im not sure the capitol planning folks may speak. There is a City Committee and the Development Impact fees are assessd and come in at entitlement. There is a process of identifying how much the funds will be that is all estimates and the schedules are estimates as limp. A city mittee this works to plan that funding allocation. You can defer to another party. I understand that the Development Fees are updated based on investing. Are you finding indexing is keeping up with costs giving supply chain and labor issues . I dont have an answer. I dont know if our capitol planning folks do . Keep can get an answer if you you. Thats not something i work in detail. We plan those funds but dont look in the how they are being i guess assessed. Thank you. Thanks. Mittee and can we take Public Comment on this item . Members of the public who wish to provide in person comment line up at the podium now. Each person will have 3 minutes to speak. Members of public when wish to provide comment on the item now press star tloechl no Public Comment if we could go to item 6. Presentation on the capitol plan update and possible action by the committee in response to such presentation. Good morning. Capital planning manager. Quickly the Developer Impact fees are indexed to the citys Construction Cost escalation estimate. Although i do think well is potential bee a change considered. I dont know if implemented it sits with planning department. But we do help with administration. Is that. Okay. So, kate, Capital Planning manager. Here with the capitol budget manager i will give you an over vow of the purpose and function of the capital plan and then the details of the current capitol plan. No. There we go. Okay. So00 autocapitol plan was create in the 2006. Learningly created in response to a long period of time under investment in the infrastructure and haphazard prop to how projects were fundd and what bonds were policed on the ballot. For context at the time, the Pavement Condition index for streets was the low 60 and he expected to drop further and the bond pass ajs rate was 50 . What the capitol plan provides is a fiscally constrained road map that lays out anticipates Infrastructure Investments the next decade. But it maintains flexibility to reserve firefighter to address unexpected needs. So a concern example is the cop reserve. The city has been able to tap top address covid short falls in the cash budget for the last several years. So, these heart plan fundings principals aimed the instructor a balance of investment amongst the 5 principles any one of them could spend every dollar of our 10 year capacity addressing them. Plans building our future chapter. Captures resilience mead needs that dont fit in the service areas. And often span beyond the 10 year horizon. Thats racial and social equity, Climate Resilience and earthquake safety. Were located between 2 fault lines. Planning for the next disaster as we work to recover from the current pandemic is a critical part of our work. So, we have quite a fuft pleasurements from the next slides things the city accomplished in the last since 2020. When we were putting together the plan in 2022. I will highlight the geo bond funds projects of 6600 new Affordable Housing completed since 2020. Funded with Affordable Housing geo bonds. We completed the ambulance deploy am if sillity, fire station proin and the Southeast Health center, which funded through 2016 Public Health and safety bond of completed fire station 35 and moved police staff to the Forensic Service division. Both funded with 2014 funds. Completed renovations 3 p and 9 play grounds throughout bond program. Completed vaness improve am project partial loam funded with 2014 transportation bond funds. So. One of the central aims of the capitol plan to provide transparency and build voter confident sekey we can be successful at the ballot. Almost every bond measure passed since the plan and in 2006 that represents 6 billion in geo bond funds and 2 billion in the left 2 years. The capitol plan process requires getting support during the planning phase as we right the plan that when a bond get on the ballot we have consensus as a city. The board of sprierdzs approved the capitol plan in may. With an amendment to the geo bond program. They add 150 million in geo bond capacity and this was allocated to affordable and Public Health. 1 future million that housed the affordable pipeline and 10 million for needs at neighborhood clinics and critical repairs needed at laguna honda and sf general the funding for pooredd Affordable Housing was 45 high worry this it is 50 higher than the left plan. This is just a birds eye view of the various Funding Sources we are balance when we put together the plan. The bulk of general fund needs are addressed with general fund cash special joey bond funding. We also have leveraged geo bond funds to address transportation that is the 6 sliver you see on the pie chart. Thats tiwill pass it to are shad. With the office of capitol planning. I will be talk nothing detail about the geo bond President Trump are most interested in and touch on the certificates of participation or general fund debt program employs well as the pay go program or cash program. Before we get in the details of when is proposed in the these are considerations we to being in account when put thanksgiving program together. The first one you will be familiar with the current policy is for the city not to issue any more geo bonds that will increase the tax base above 2006 level this is the geo bond cap. This plan maintains that cap. And as a result of this cap and also because of lower assessed projections from the Controllers Office and the success we had in issues large geo bonds in the past years bonding capacity is limited under the 2028 we dont have the ability to increase admit amounts for the near term bond this is much. Another change for this cycle was that voters approvedeen year only. We have bonds for odd year we modified reflect that. And also. Ed mention that when the plan was put together, housing was not considered per of the city geo bonder capitol plan broadly and Climate Change needs are recent addition. This put stress on the capacity available. This is a look at what the geo bond Program Looks Like for the next 10 yers in the capitol plan. I should say that you know we do update the citys 10 year plan every 2 years. So there is scope for this to change during that process and all typically as bonds come close to put on the ballot, you know we do look at assessed value to see if well is additional capacity. And than i might be changes at the board as well. Already since approved there have been modifications. I will get to this once we walk through this list. Up front, we have the Affordable Housing bond that kate mentioned. In march of 2024. Followed by november of 24 the Public Health and shelter bovenld november 26, transportation bond. As you recall in june of 22 the transportation bond was put on the ballot did not pass. This is in order to make up for that. This am amount does in the cover all of the mta needs but the goal is to address the most severe cash flow issues with this bond. As we go further down the list issue you know well is more scope for changine they are in out years in march of 28a waterfront safety and climate bond proposed the next earthquake safety bond is planned for november 28. And we have parks and open space, Public Health and transportation coming back as well. So in general, we have a cycle this we go through to make sure this each of the programs with the funding in a timely manner. To go back, the change i mentioned early cert to take 40 million from this initial 340 million bond and move it to november 2024. The reason for this is that if you electric at the details zee funding for shelters in each bonds the item it consolidate the shelter a sing embond and have Affordable Housing go on the ballot as it is. So that first bond in 24 will be 300 Million Dollars for Affordable Housing only. This chart shows the tax rate constraints i talked about and how our previously issues and currently bonds stack up inform the gray you will see bonds that already approved by voters. And issued. And then in the colored sections up top the bonds listed on the previous page that is how the service for those looks over time moving ahead, this is a look at certificates of participation program. General fund debt is used by the city for important project this is we dont think would meet voter approval. But given the short falls and cash program. Since covid we used to back fill needs. So. First up for the current phi fiscal year exit from 170 million. That is the of hsa headquarters seismicly unsafe building the plan is to move them out to a different location. So that planning is under way. In the current budget we have 30 million for critical repairs. So this is your state of good repairs. As well as 30 million for street repaving attempt to maintain the pavement and exit 75 where it is currently and you see this we have another critical repair allowance next year and then in the out years funding reserve for replace being the hall of justice as well. Moving on to the cash program so the cash program was quite severe leave impacted by covid. You know, in 2020 we had cuts and 2021, budget was occurred what was prepandemic. This plan teams to restore some of the prepandemic levels of funds telling take time to build back up inform this plan we have 89 million in fiscal 24 growing by 30 million per year it will 28 and slower after that. I should say this in the concern budget, we are seeing that getting to the 89 million has been i challenge for fiscal 24 we approved 59 million. And the same for fiscal 25. Tell be a challenge to get back up to levels of funding we were at before covid. The pay go program maintains street resurfacing pave am index at 75 am we are at 74. We do prioritize ad a needs part of the pay go program this includes specific facilities and parks and the on going branch program. And then the pay go program does attempt it set aside 10 million for enhancement projects security neateds and cameras. And upgrades above and abandon maintaining state of good repair that is a challenge to funds these project in a difficult budget year. This is just some context in terms of where we were before covid. Dp where we are what were planning now. So. The gray lineup top represent when is we had planned in the 10 year capitol plan prepandemic. Blue line shows where we ended up as a result of the what we faced during the pandemic. You can see in the dashed blue line we have attempted back fill some short photocopies using certificates of participation. It was in the enough to get us become up to the level we were prosecute posing before the pandemic. In the red the current capitol plan has the solid red upon line is cash investment and the dashed line shows cash plus. But i said earliereen in the first year we have not hit that 89 million. So we starting from a lower starting appointment than this chart represents. Thats all i have in term it is of the happy to take questions. Thank you. The planning around the needs of our cityy Public Infrastructure and investment require side of importance. So this committee intersection of general Obligation Bonds delivering projects in the transparent way system important for us. Thank you. Any committee comments or questions . Tim. Thank you. I have i couple questions. The beginning of the poefrthz presentation and im a new are member but00ue talk the joeo cap. I wonder where is this in policy . Im not sure what the admin code is but we do have that set in place in 2006. I can sure. If administrative code rather than dent management policy . Seems an administrative policy it is in the in the admin code this is a capitol plan policy. Why point me to where this is. For future reference. Definitely. I have a question about the list off geo schedule for the next several issuances. If we can go to that slide. I saw you eludeed this as well that the november 2026, authorize request. For transportation projects relate today the mta and facilities. My recollection is for prop upon a of. Twoent00 a 400 Million Dollars measure 250 for yards of the mta. Is the 300 Million Dollars the same scope of projects . And my other subquestion is this, the other 150 Million Dollars from the 2022 ballot for street. Is this funded from pi pay go or other source . On the 150 in the transportation bond is different from Street Resurfacing Program city whied is mt aspecific improve ams. And the 300 million is a compromise given limited capacity we have in the program currently. We did work with the mta to see what the most cash flow need in terms of the 250 component that is had this is ment to address. But that does in the cover the full need of what the sfmta was proposing part of there pay in 2022. They did receive federal funding as well. I think this was part of the conciliation and justification for reducing the aim. There men slightly different scope and external funding the sum be sufficient to cover the cost ~esque ligz between when it was proposed during the next request in 2026 . I dont think it would cover the entire scope of had was proposed. It helps them address the cash flow needs until 2026 there is an unmet need after the 2026 bond. Why okay. That is helpful. And then worn left question. In terms of the cop. I look and referring to the chart. The line charts you showed. In the prior slide itted that there would be cop of 30 Million Dollars in fiscal 24 and 25 . Is this 30 Million Dollars in each of the 2 years. Yes. Line chart and i think you thursday in your comments starring from 89 Million Dollars of pay go cap x from general funds and adding 30 Million Dollars of gop on top. This is funding should be 119 Million Dollars not 129 . Right . The trent is 129 it includes 30 million for streets. Thank you. Great. Great. Thank you. Questions . You know i think it was katie bosk that through the highlights of the geo the bonds have done for the left several years. The vaness project. Has that do you know has this decreased the [inaudible] on vaness . One of the most dangerous streets in San Francisco. Gi cant spoke to this i know mta would be able to and i dont know if than i have a presentation today . I do know this was an intention one intended out come. I can follow up after. Thank you. And then so what was remind me the goal of that project was is this timing for mta the bus moving faster . More stream lined transit . Jot bus the bus. Brt. Yea. Yea. And another garth accomplishments from the departments. Cool. Excellent. Other members . Thanks. Open this to Public Comment. Members of public when wish it provide Public Comment on this item line up at the podium now. Each will have 3 minutes to speak. Members who wish to provide comment on the item press star 3 now. There is no one for Public Comment. Great. Close Public Comment and move to item 7. Presentation from various departments on the 2020 health and homelessness parks and streets go bond program. Hello kelly rec and parks. I will kickoff the presentation on the 2020 health and recovery bondful joining me are edmonthold lee from public works. Gg whitly from homelessness and Supportive Housing and kathy young for department of Public Health we have a lot to cover i gallon quick and make sure everybody has time. Sthp when was covered boy kate. Capitol plan example this slide this is over view of the officials. Each department will peek to the slide throughout presentation. And so rec and parks. First up we want to talk about the issuance sum row. August of 21 we did our first in february of 23 the second. Just to highlight the projects in the Neighborhood Parks they are in design and construction and in the recovery parks jackson play ground and the square have ceqa clearance and others are in planning and design. This is the issuance. The. Audit and issuance cost 7. 4 million spread across the department in this bond not just for rec park. And this shows rec ps bond allocation activity the toast 2,ances of 197. 8 million. Swham important here i think is the 56. 6 million encumbered and the upcoming with hers rescue rigz. The mall, japantown project and port smith square. Also our gene friend prshth will Start Construction in early of upon 2024. This is the distribution of rec p projects across the city. And i will briefly go through highlights here. Buchanan street mall in design and plan to bid late this year. The Gene Friend Rec Center in design and preconstruction. The bid packages are expect today star going out this sfaul fall and Star Construction in 2024. The rec center at hers play ground is currently in condition transact, ward and construction will star this fall. The ind why basin park phase 2, this is inconstruction you in if you have been there you will see this and tell open in mid 2024. Japantown peace plaza in bid phase now. We are hope to Start Construction in april 2024 and let consideration for the merchant there is in terms of scheduling this. Buena vista the plan suggest complete and design now. And jackson play ground is you in in the design phase. Per smith square this , is in design and we expect to upon bid this thought scombreer Start Construction next year. And in recovery Parks Program we have the south sunset club house which is in design. This is the over all schedule now. You see that all of the named parks are in construction or headed construction by early next year and are recovery parks are all in the design phase. And a couple of programs to highlight the citywide parks and programs sustainability bucket is the south ocean beach coast trail i contribution to the puc adaptation project in design now. The mc clirin p bond funds are being in i communal process to update the vision plan. We are prioritizing those funds through the Community Process now. And on the twin peeks promenade a million and leveraging state and federal grants. These are capitol projects. Some strategies in bid pregnant economic environment are modifying projects and steeking ash funding as mentioned we are experiencing drills in the Development Impact fees. The regular environment and unfer seen site conditions push out construction. We are building stewardship and Community Support this can take time and effort. And the premiere focus on the phase one projects. Our fizz 2 are the citywide parks and programs i talked about. So this is a lot of detail on the bond revenues. Im sure you have might have questions on this and the second one here is on bond expenditures. With this i will wrap up the rec park presentation and i will pass it over to g. G. Whitlow from department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. Good afternoon. G. G. Whitlow Deputy Director of administration and finance for department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. And help to be with you this morning speak about this 2020 health and recovery bond. Okay. So, the scope of this piece of bond for our department stewardship was focussed on stabilization, acquisition. New construction, expansion and improve am of permanent spicht housing this is Affordable Housing with wrap around service for families, youth and adults including homeless adults exiting homelessness including Emergency Shelters. The tonight authorization was 147 upon million. And we issued 30. 1 million to date. And i will go over a bit what our planning is now and how are plans shifted. So, as an over view a first goals to acquire transificational age Youth Navigation Center a low barrier shelter in the lower polk your 888 post. We completed that and opened that site you know in the middle of covid. And spring of 2021. It is hen a Successful Program and serving 75 youth who need Emergency Shelter and helping transification out of homelessness. The remainder of bond was focused on the majors goal to move clients we had moved into Emergency Shelter and place hotels in permanent housing and make an historic investment in per minute innocent Supportive Housing expansion. The bonds was to support with other local funds the homelessness gross receipts tax to, choir and improve 250 Housing Units to serve people exiting chronic homelessness. We shifted a bit based on fabulous accomplish ams. I want to highlight and are plan to move forward in 2024. And useings this bond money to rehad been new cites we acquire with state funds federal funding. This gives you the issuance summary. First issuance was to acquire the 3 Story Building the lower polk now a Navigation Center. Upon an amount for bond deliver and he fnszing can have the and the bulk of the remaining funds 150 for permanent Supportive Housing acquisition and improve ams. This shoes you a diagram of where the low are polk site is. But shows you where we have met the majors acquisition goals and trying to now leverage the bond funds to support the further expansion toward the goals as wells rehab new construction that acquisitions the department embed on so about 2 years ago emparkod a goal acquire 15 huh human new units of Supportive Housing the state at the same time lever knowledging federal covid relief funds introduced a home key competitive grant. We have been successful in going after the funds received 6 grants totalling april within 15 million and capitol funds and additional funds for short term operating expense its, choir 625 units and hi are shown here. To 40u nuts is dedicated to families and 77 for transition at aged youth. No bond funds were needed for thearc way needed. To take advantage student in the market we did acquire properties this need some seismic retrofit and rehab. This is the focus of the next coming projects. Okay. Planning is under way for seismic retrofit and rehab of 2 city acquired cites. We estimate the 2 cytokinesis will cost 40 to 50 million. We will know more after selection of a development team. One first project is 835 turk. Choired 114 units and operating that site as housing since september of 22. We are in the process of going out to bid to select the nun Profit Development team with expertise and Affordable Housing rehab to Start Construction in late of 24. The other site you see is 635 elis this is 74 u hits of Supportive Housing. This used as the units are big enough for companies 114 units of Emergency Shelter. Until we can start the rehab we use it and then will trans thigz it. Jot potential costs not covered. One time costs are not bond eligible and using the homelessness gross receipts propertied in the budget for this. We have been able to really be aggressive in this acacquisition strategy because of our city funds and having operating funds to maintain and operate the unit us will see the operating costs there. And finally challenge s and risks the total cost for seismic rehab project is tbd until than i are fully designd and bid out. There are prescriptional challenge in trying to conduct i rehab project in a site you opened. We will need to do a rehab in place or relocate 10aments during construction phase and replace the shelter bed chaff on elis when construction starts. Thank you and i will turn it over to the other departments. Public health. Good morning im kathy the director of Capital Planning for department of Public Health. Allocates 60 Million Dollars this will passport 2 critical behavioral healing related projects one is the 242 and bed residential step down facility on Treasure Island and the second is the expansion and reason vision of our Psychiatric Emergency Services program unit at San Francisco general. Budgeted 43. 5 million for the step down facility provide transitional housing for clients with Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment. 172 of the beds are city obligations to rebuild for beds lost due to the redevelopment on Treasure Island. We are able to increase the exclusive boy 40 adding 70 beds to the building. We are working on this project and collaborate rigz with tida and the majors office on housing and community development. And have mercy housing selected as a developer for the project. We have abarchitectural team and contractor selected and working toward completion of the design by this fall. Construction is togethered for start in early 2026. With completion by 2027. Total project cost is estimated to be 72 million now. We have additional funding from a state grant. Prop c, our city our home and treasure i lands development. The second project allocated 11. 4 million. To be used for the renovation and expansion of the Psychiatric Emergency Service department of zukerberg. 2 inclusion rooms expanding the day room. Creating a Central Staff and nursing station area and a secondent row in the unit. For safety and access. We received approvals for the documents this past july and early demolition begunful total cost system estimated to be 23 Million Dollars with additional funding from our 2016 Public Health and safety bondful the project we are intend to commolested boy spring of 2026. Questions at the end. Thank you. Good morning chair stroll street resurfisting manager. Jot health and recovery bond dedicated 41 envelope million to needs of the rightofway and public spaces. The city is responsible for the maintenance of 940 miles of streets and 390 streets which many are stair, mrs. Ace in neighborhoods. To ensurety streets and public pace accessible curb ramps are installed for people with disabilities. Other this 41 envelope million includes investment in street resurfags, ramps and structures and plazas. Over over all schedule and budget public works received the 41. 5 Million Dollars in august of 2021. We started off expanding of the funds in q3 of 21. And for the table here breaks dun the road map for our expenditures with each practical. For streets we had anticipated to complete the scope of work in 2024 for curb r. S we are complete our scope of w by q3 of 23. And for street structure s and plazas complete by q3 of 2024. Of the 41. 5 Million Dollars over all considering the expend tours we spent about 98 of our allocation. We accomplished most of the scope of work we planned out to accomplish in finalizing and closing out our projects. The following slides will be updated on each the various different programs we have. For street, allocate therein. 5 Million Dollars and the goal was to have 300 blocks. To date accomplished resurfisting 372 blocks or within 24 of the bond goal. For curb ramps. Allocated 5 Million Dollars to funds construct within 21 r. S. And we accomplished 123, 102 of the goal. For street mrs. Ace, we had 2 subcategories. I goal to fund the reper se of 11 structures and one plaza with the 5 Million Dollars and we have completed 6 street structures or 55 of the structure goal. And wore pending on the one plaza remaining. That concludes the presentation for the 2020 health and recovery bonds can open up for questions. Thank you to the presenters. Important projects. I will open up to the committee if than i have questions or comments . I have a question. Still where you are. Just when the street resurfacing is complete next year, when does this what is your anticipated change to the pc i . Will it get to the 75 goal . You know . So i believe we are still this time, we are still maintaining it where we are. Okay we usually do an assessment of the goal at the end of every calendar year. I think the next reportil be in december of this year. This 31 and a half Million Dollars it is a portion of our funding for our program. It is between 70 Million Dollars. So this bonds is up elements i persian of the budget of this is much about mince as it is improving the score. Yes our plan is to roach the 80s what we consider state of good repair. We will not need to invest the level of funding. Thank you. A question to street. So, thank you. In your presentation you highway lighted achieved within 24 of the goal which is strong, positive, variance and good to see. What do you, tribute the out performance to . Les can have the low to do each mile . We did see a dip in the bids the contractors were of the providing and so, of the contract this is we issued we do see around upon about believe 2 Million Dollars saving in when we had anticipated. Since then, you know our and recent bisd are in line with the market conditions. We suspect, electronically today the pandemic and contractors remember more anxious to get work and things like this. Thank you. Nobody on the street to repair them. Right. That did yes that assist in the our traffic control. Well is a lot cover in the the upon one upon bovenltd parks the homelessness. And the Street Program this is all this one bond . How does this get appropriated amongst different departments and project sns a distribution of the proceeds allocated to each one n. Bond. Okay. Thats all you got. I do have more of i meant on the parks. Liaison for parks. I will watch this, but you know one thing i noticed there is a balance for the previous bonds. P bunkham rec and San Francisco leverages machine tow improve our parks and you know i enjoyed parks most of my life as a kid and take them to the parks. So, as we did in the get i chance to touch base, this time but life to pick up where we left off and just kudos for the work the park and rec is degree to keep it going. You know thats people visit San Francisco for a lot of different reasons. I being one of the best things we have is our outside. We are so much here i think it is important to acknowledge that this is money well spent. Developer fees, thats a problem if you are not developing other pers of the city commercial or retail you are losing out on fee. I wonder if you can talk about the Supportive Housing on going costs. 550 dollars per person . How is this spent . Great question. Gg whitly. Our permanent Supportive Housing model is intended take machine when often times family is chronically homeless and need more passport then and there a rental subsidy. There is a spectrum of housing from affordable, market rate this is a specific model. Society operating costs go to support the building. Janitor and desk clerk this is know average. The 550 per tenant per mont and tenants pay 30 of income it capped. Or an age it would not be reasonable they assume their income will increase. The Case Management work. Referral to medical. Mental health, Behavioral Health all of the serviceers optional and opt in this is the average per tenant. To be clear the 550 dollars per person on average is not to pay for those services directly it is more to refer them to other departments where the services are available . I will correct that no it it is to pay directly. There is on site Case Management we partner with the department of Public Health. Buff workforce, childcare more of i referral to other city services. Imagine the cost to support i family or person exiting homelessness who may have been on the street for more then and there a decade it costs more than the case managers time. What are your 2 initials . Gigi. Thats good. Like the movie. Easy question. You referred to the what was it the laurel post Navigation Center a low barrier shelter . This is a National Model San Francisco was [inaudible]. So you know historically, you know may be you go in a shelter and you could not bring all of your belongings. Perhaps you had a pet. You could in the bring your pet if you mean were in a relationship with someone else homeless i couple could not stay together. Low barrier model to meet people where they torbring pets and partner and possessions in immediately. And make it a welcoming incentive to get keep to shelter. Well is limit on the time . Those . Great question. We did have am time limits we had to susspends that we did not a second time to be shelterering people that is suspended so there is in the a time limit that is said we have limited shelter space. We tried to put in, let of resources at the shelter to move people to their next exit. A permanent housing exit. You spoke about elis. Is that one more to the Navigation Center . Can than i bring pet and possessions and their per ins . Yes, we have really since the department was form in the 2026, have been intentional shift to this model. A Navigation Center. It is true for a large are congregate settings the shelters were folks are resistant in take thanksgiving shelter. We are trying to move toward i Navigation Center model constrained by pace. And as well as you know meeting the shelter beds. This is like the best and highest use and the best intervention for Emergency Shelter. And our current strategy is we dont want people tooling wish in shelter. What is the balance you are trying to strike between the 2 . Wonderful question. Be happy to share with the committee or new strategy plan. We have goals overnight next 5 years. Most of that investment is focussed on housing. We are in a crisis and need 1500 shelter beds. You heard the comments from the capitol plan about future shelter investments. Those are focussed on existing stock and we are work width majors office to meet the goals to expand shelter while expanding housing the other is preventing people from coming in shelter. New strategies you know by the time you are homeless and seek a bed, you know there has been steps in your life to get there. Oui want to intervene more upstream. So you can get become in the room mate situation or family and stuff. A future meeting. Yes thank you. Thank you and this program doing so much. I think we will put 20 minutes on the agenda next time. If we can take Public Comment. Member who is wish to provide comment lineup at the podium. Each will have 3 minutes to speak. Remote dial 4156550001, access code 2661 388 9782. And press star 3 to speak. We have no one from Public Comment. Okay. We can close Public Comment and move to item 8. Presentation from various department on the earthquake safety and Emergency Response go bond programs. Good morning. Im ron alameda the city architect. And Deputy Director for Public Works Department for building, design and construction. Appreciated the time top present the status on the earthquake safety and emergency sponse bond. Im joined by anna ray of p. M. And various departments. I have others here to present on the various program elements. Another multifaceted bond program. On the screen it is made of 3 bonds issued or passed to 2010 bond. As well as 2014 and 2020. We are well into gaining momentum on the 2020 bond. Each will address the specifics. I wanted to give a summary. Let me start with it has been a productive year. But transitional year i wanted to pause for i second to acknowledge chrls we have also had a couple of other departures samuel chu the police projects as department of public works enengage in the airport work now. And captain goldberg. Who historically reported the police prescriptional needs, his moveod as well. We are in the process of rounding out our staff with recruitments. We do have stated earlier we have know array of pms advancing the projects. And speaking of advancing the projects, accomplishments included reaching the completion of phase one of the 911 call center. Bayview and Tenderloin Police station finaled. Fire boat station 35, which was a great addition to the Fire Department. And got to design phase of the surge for pleas in support of advancing the engle side projects well. Include phase 2 about to get start in the november of this year. For the 911 center. Fire Training Facility. Is beginning to gain good momentum and on boarding of ae contract soonful as well as working with our staff to advance the concept design. Upon bond sales and appropriations we have from the 2010 bond, we had 6 bonds april 416. 7 million. That include some interests allocation as time goes by. Or will accrue interest n. 2014, we responsiblesed the same and this is winding down. We have some interests from 2010 and 14. That is currently in discussion for appropriation and upon some of the earlier bomds from 2010 and 2014, still have residual funds there are discussionos how to apply those appropriately. In terms of risks, issues and concerns. Other then and there the struggles or challenge of staff transitions i mentioned. Process ~esque ligz hen a huge impact on all the bonds oflet. So there has been a lot of activity amongst our teams and pms to address those by adjusting scope or rolling out the projects. In recognition of where the bids are heading. And the estimates. Supply side during covid we have shortages of skilled workers as well as delays. From supply side. Economics and pg and e challenging from time to time. And thats impacting a lot of projects. Thats a high level view of what is going on with the over all bond program. And i believe it is michael that will be stepping up. Michael public works project manager. Fire station 14 is one we have 6 fire stations. 5 projects. Mark for identification which are funded out of Public Health and safety. This station is permitted. At 75 construction. It is moving in the queue. It is 80s lower prior than other stations we have. In construction or queued up to move to construction you in. Thats it. Network Improvement Project is higher that started the gipping of the year. And when we are dook is were in planning phase. A project this is comanagered with the department of technology. We are in the process. Serving every fire station to install new equipment to tie each property n into the various fiber ring this is serve the Fire Department. We are energy completion and have surveys to take place on Treasure Island and move in the regular approvals and so forth before bring contracts on board. Mike. Fire boat . Project manager for fire boat station. It was completed successful. Everybody is help and my analyst, kelly fabulous person, told mow in 2 months well be financially closed. If you have questions dont hesitate. Good morning chair and members and staff. Scott mur an project manager at public works. Im presenting on the Training Facility for the Fire Department and police for the fire Training Facility, we completed the survey it is 8 acres of acquired lands. That was a mile stone to get pedestrian. The this was a status as of end of june. So the executive architect agreement we did complete that work in negotiations on that. In upon july and went to the board of supervisors before recess this will be brought up next tuesday and the mayor will intrusion it for approval. The with tht concept is scheduled to complete once we have the final approval from the board of supervisors and the majors office and that is likely to be end of september early october. So we will not build on them they need to maintain access and maintenance for those. And then we expect to go out with rfq. Okay. On the police. This project from 2014 is come least and being closed out. It in the much to update on this one. And then for 2020, 119 million. The cmgc that construction manager general contractor for the Police Station and and search facility presented to the Public Works Commission and approved in midjuly orlet july and design was completed were slightly over budget. For surge is complete and in may completed a phase for the engle side station the budget came in higher than we expected we value engineers to budget and moving forward. Mission Police Station that project has been completed and is closed out. I will hand it off. Michael againful manager for the Police Department Forensic Service. It is amazing tong that the and august 27 was 2 years since come leasting that project. All this remains is under the Arts Commission the install agsz of the public art which you see there will be approximately to the right of where those 3 flag poles are shown. There hen drills with the art and the fabricator. Fanatic managed by Arts Commission. During construction, we anticipated the delays and we moved the foundation for the art piece into Clark Construction condition tract. Funded from the art budget. So, a lot of heavy lifting is taken care of under the plaza. When the art is ready it should be simple. To execute. Min pickup disruption in this plaza. Thats the status on this. Thank you. You see . Imada a project manager worry puc. So give you back grounds of the emergency firefighting water system a stand alone High Pressure water amplify supply for firefighting. Originally the system was built in 1910 after the 190 sick earthquake. Im here to provide you the update and progress we made to improve the system. Moving on. So 2020 and 14 focus doing the retrofitting of existing. Cisterns, up grate grades and the 2020 bond the focus switched to putting new pipe line on the ground. To improust capacity especially in the Western Region of San Francisco. The slide is showing the accomplishment for 2010. We have complete all the project with the pump station 2 construction commolest in the may 9 of this year. It was a huge success. Over 100 year old facility and the improvement improves structure and seismic upgrade. We gave the building new life and then after an event the roof will be retrofitted so it will not collapse on the pump station and the pump station can function can get water in the pipe line to fight fires. So moving on to the i want to point out picture is pretty. New Fire Suppression system in the pump station. And think about 100 year old software to intgrit it. Perspective here. 2014 wore over 96 percent complete. We have a supply pipeline. Them is critical project. It added additional layers of water supply to the city. Especially for northern and Western Region. And this location is strategically selected because of easy access and the additional water supply at this location. So, we are doing the [inaudible]. The right you see valving. Under ground piping and valving and enclosure. And this critical project we anticipate completion this year november of 2023. Okay. 2020 i mentioned. This bond focus on pipeline on the grounds and extent coverage for the city. And we have a a planning study conducted boy puc. Develop a concement of the potable firefighting water system. The system provide the dual purpose during normal operation the Pipeline Service a daily Drinking Water and after seismic event we switch valving and then High Pressure it make it in a dedicated firefighting supply of water to fight fire and once the fires are out the pipe could be flushed, cloned and back in service the seismic reliable the many pipes may fail. A concept that we are modeling after. They do have the system in japan it is innovative and new. And then very exciting to share that we have 2 construction contract currently going on. One is the 19 avenue combined city project lead by public works we instul a 36 inch diameter. And extend west and merth to 42nd and laston. Those other exciting things that are happen and also i want to talk about you know construction amounting construction early as 2026 and both the first contract will be 2026 and the second contract is 6 months after. I want to touch base on the fire bowl manifold. Along the bay side of the city. And these are useful because during the earthquake the fire boat can pull up to the manifold. Hook it up and inject water to the pipe and fight fire, like a pump stipulation but floating. We have 2 replace and relocation at fortmason and 35 and a half. You in we are looking at the planning, looking in alternative analysis, because those are selected locations but we have challenges like crossing embarcadero and National Park has a lot of artifacts. We are work through to find the most Cost Effective way to put those manifold. A picture here the new 36 and 19 and polk. You see how big compareod the under ground we have on the street. All right. Good morning member and staff im lisa the project manager from public work managing the 911 call Center Renovation. We are in construction right now and it is going limp we are about 6570 completed with construction and our anticipating the final by end of this year example so i think thats the update for today. Thank you. Good morning. Dan with rec and park project manager. Project im happy to report on is the public works bond program team the renovation of Golden Gate Park we will per in with sister edges to do excess it utilize city resource. Im assuming you all are familiar with the pavilion it is on the east end of Golden Gate Park. I structure this was constructed in 1926. As a gym and over throw different eras additions made to the backside the annex building. We have done research on the build and i have done Due Diligence to get existing conscience in the process of doing assessments of the building it hen evaluated and determined it is unsafe. Rated 3 on a rating of 4 during a major event the facility would likely collapse on itself and or be uninhabitable and 4,000 people that couldute likewise it is a huge safety issue. Rec and p park look to renovate for many years. We partner with the bond program and partner with department of emergency management. So this we could renovate and do dual function on have i recreation. We are designing it to do dual function in that aspect and it has been terrific. The if sillity is unique in election and the p. The building is the focus of this project but because of location adjacent to open parking lot and a strept in the p and the stadium it is the Emergency Response facilities sdem and other agencies may require. It operates as a drop recricerational if. The goal to renovate it so it it is used daily serving this neighborhood. And upon so that is the program from the rec side. The proposal is multishelter facility. Than i have different term untiling im learning. It would be sheller facility. And the mutual aid station. Would be a place for housing. And distribution of goods to people who need it. So thats goal. And we are moving forward in concept plan. Finding out the variables. We vg have been in discussions with planning it is historical. We have been dealing with Preservation Group as well and monopolied out a press to move through that ceqa process on the project, which is great. We commissioned 2 cost estimators to write us through the process. And to enengage with the community in near term. You heard that cost and markets are changing. So i will leave it there unless you have questions. Thank you. Thanks for all the presentations. Like to open up to the committee. Since are there, i know this completion 2027. What did dh slide say . Completion of planning . The goal. No the goal is to complete thislet 2027. Early 2028. A 30 month construction window. We are talk with contractors and as we develop. Time is money. We are trying to shorten this window. 2 years to 30 months is the window here. But we are aggressively moving forward plan to go in the design or phase of the project. Will help us refine it. Thank you. I got a couple summary slides we got cut off a bit. Do that. I will ask the question, okay. This is for scott mur an this is quick. You said this bids on contracts you issued came in over your budget and so you did engineering. You did the engineering before you awarded . Yes. The when we were completing the design when we completed the engle side Police Station we did a check estimate. That estimate came in higher than when we budgeted. So we went back and value engineered bring it back am within the am budget goals and the condition transact we are awarding is only the Preconstruction Services portion of the Construction Management yes or no condition tractor agreement. It is. Not the construction it is mates and assessments on how we prospect the project. I like you are doing it up front. My experience after contract award is when savings you split them 50 50. We are not at this stage yet this is still design. And we will go back completing design and get in design, development and construction that is after construction documents gets in the phase you are talking about. Great. So a couple sum reese financials i dont need a deep dive. 2010 is winding down 99 of the expenditures and appropriations completed the residual is to do it funds as well. That will be allocated primary low unused. In 2014 at nic . And the same story in terms of were cleaning up and closing up. And left low in 2020 we are getting mobile homeum with 41 in appropriations. And thats again a momentum on the fire Training Facility and engle side. And a good energy toward 911. Ramping up soon as lisa mentioned. And that concludes the presentation portion. If you have further questions i will intan them or defer. Great. Thank you. Resume or question fist anyone has anything further. Question. And may be a general question. But since we were talking about projects manage in, over budget. I guess the question is about had percent over budget. When you get a real estimate versus the internal. How much is that difference . Is this widespread because of the environment and supply chain issues and inflation or something specific . My sense is the various way and again right at the forefront of it. Each has own site conscience engle side adjacent to bart lines. And the tunnel associated with this. Influencing the structure ral design. The projects have their own unique physical challenges the over arching. Supply side balancing around and we are seeing improvement on that. Skilled labors is a bit of i challenge. And as i mentioned earlier. Bring utilities to the projects have been a wild card with pg and e. It moved or a challenge. Our cost forecast. Not to belabor engle side as they went through the estimates and got to the upon point of being able to share with pg and e. To bring power to this site. Thankfully with help from puc and myself we might go to a better advantage. Thank you. We with open Public Comment. Members who wish to provide comment lineup now. Each person will have 3 minutes to speak. And members of public when wish to provide comment on the item call 4156550001. A system prompt will indicate you raised your hand. Wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Close Public Comment and move to item 9. Lay aceon report on the 2008 General Hospital and Trauma Center quake safety go bond program and 2016 health go bond program. Vice chair crawford yoochl thank you and good morning. It is the morning. Fellow mittee members im happy to present today i am focus on the 2016 Public Health and safety bond. Min low because the 2008 bond has been completed or in either the projects are complete or in the final stages of completion. This 2016 bond has 6 come ponents. Each with many projects and even a year envelope in im still learning a lot. You all have the quarterly status report. Hopeful low you had time to review temperature id like to highway light accomplishments and talk about what i have been focussed on the liaison. Min low learning more about and visiting it is Community Health center projects. I had the opportunity to visit 2 bond funded centers one renovation in the can have the reclinic and renovation of existing structure and one a ground up development. I will talk about both today and review really quick where we are with other projects such as the neighborhood fire stations the balance deploy am and s footwork general building 5 has the most projects funded by this bondful i hope for the opportunity and other project managers in attendance to answer questions the committee and public may have. Especially related to zukerberg building 5 am all bond sales have been commolested. As of march 2023 the expenditure total was 255. 7 million and just about 70. 5 million represents 93 of the appropriations and in of the total bond program budget. I few accomplishments all of the Community Healing centers are almost complete and clez out fizz. Southeast Health Center the Southeast Health Center Renovation the existing building to add dental suites and adding on a new construction 2 story beautiful healing clinic. Built next to the existing build. Those are the project one of the projects i had the opportunity to visit. The new building facilities shared Clinical Team space with exam rooms around the team. The team space helps improve clinical work flow and collaboration of the team usa the new Community Health centers are built or built in aline woman this integrated wellness approach so they include primary care Mental Health. Dental, Substance Use Disorder Service and social services. You will see this if you have the opportunity to visit these that these spaces are really beautiful and built to make the responsibles i guess easy as possible for patients they go it one place and get all of the service. The new building the Southeast Health center is beautiful. Has few really cool public art installations. If you have the tune to visit i recommend you can take the t muni. Bay rue park this member pent ja mentioned across theistry. There is the lifely tappest real in the lobby of the clinic this was you know made possible through the sudden front Arts Commission. So. If you have know opportunity you can visit 2 fwounlded projects in one visit. I recommend this one. Other are the maxine hall is complete. Castro Mission Health clinic also nice on the inside. The same Clinical Team space i talked about in religion at this time Southeast Health center. Team really did a great job with this. And with many more constraints associated with renovating an existing building versus more freedom with ground up. Development like with the new Southeast Health upon center. Castro clinic in close out phase with there were like in the old windows after the inter~ winter of heff rinse replacing those and other are minor stuff. Zukerberg building 5. The project Management Team on the current buildings 5 projects there are a lot of them. I think you saw took up half of the 52 page report for building 5 alone. So, there are 19 bond funded projects in building 5, 206 locations. And the team has been working hard over the past 9 months move the projects along and i dont know if you remember from my last years report. There there was a lot of slow progress, lets say in the Previous Year because the team was completing the building scans for upgrades and a lot of redesign based on the building scans and wait for approval to move forward with the building from the state. All that is done now. And so the projects are moving along and that it is really great news. In anticipate that the progress at building 5 this progress is progress will continue the next year. The ambulance deplay am facility is done the certificate of foible completion in february and i hope to visit this long with the new fire station 49. The other neighborhood fire stations. All 6 stations fire station 15. That is in the the way they are stored and drive. All were taken down the city wants for Historic Preservation to reconstruct one. And this is the fire station 15. And this will be bid out this year. I think public works finalizing the contract specifications. For that tower replacement to bid this out. The generator replace am projects, are funded through this bond at stations 18, then and 44. And fire station 18 the design team i think someone might be here from that team. Targeting to complete drawings by september the end of the month and bidding will commence after the jen rirts are are at fire stations 15 and 19. Which was part of that bond but sxron michael spoke about. The next fire station 18 will come after those are complete. But home will services siteos turk and hymn ton shelter are now complete and or in close out phase and joe, if there are questions about the 2 city owned shelters on polk and fifth. Those have been kinds of drilled. Because the city increased the skoecht projects. There were delays related covid. And some recall delay in design and bidding process. Thats it for my leigh liaison report. I said, joe is here to answer questions. Thank you. Questions or comments . Excellent. If we can take public men on this item, please. Members of the public when would like to make Public Comment you have 3 minutes to speak. Call 4156550001, access code 2661 388 9782. We have no Public Comment close Public Comment and move to item 10. Liaison report on the 2015 Affordable Housing go bond program, 20 sxaen loans for rehab of Affordable Housing. And the 2019 Affordable Housing go bond program. I the make up time here for us. First id like to thank andrea lydia and benjamin who discussed the programs. There are 3 this fall in the housing. Im the liaison to and report this all of spending is with the voters will first the 2015 bond item. 310 Million Dollars. Almost completely spent with 3 projects remaining. Just to be completed the potrero hope infrastructure project. Down Payment Assistance Program and teacher housing at 43rd and irving. 1, 568 affordable units. Which is great. Second bond program the 2016 referred the past program the seismic safety. This was 350 Million Dollars. Approved by the voters november of 2016. First issuance of 71 Million Dollars almost deployed and these loans to support housing have nearly been closed the second, 101 and a half Million Dollars. A third of this deplayed to closed loans. And the remaining balance fully mitted in process projects. Society the first and second issuances anticipate to serve to preserve 1, 262. Residential units and if i have commercial units and this is incredible work. As was mentioned in the earlier presentation by hsh. This is keeping folk in homes so they dont become homeless. Oh , and to note on this past program. All active loans are performing, there are no defaults or work outs. The final bond program the 2019. 600 Million Dollars passed by the voters in november of 2019. Margin of 71 . The First Issuance of 253 Million Dollars has 82 spent. The second issuance, closed in april of this year, 28 of which spent by the end of this fiscal year. And positive piece to this is involving program here but. The city group is anticipating 3, 105 units of Affordable Housing produce third degree is up 7 then units from the report by staff in 2021. So a variance in the rice direction. This is it for me on this item exit electric forward to having staff give their report in 6 montes and an update on the goings on. Thank you. Questions or comments. Public comment, please. Members when wish to provide Public Comment line up or call 4156550001, access code 2661 388 9782. No Public Comment. Close and move to item 11 of the agenda. Presentation from the city Service Auditor. Regarding the Whistle Blower Program. Liaison report on the program and possible action by the committee in response to presentation and report. Good morning members. Jury room good morning and thank you for the opportunity to present the Whistle Blower Program. The next series is not new. We will move through them quicker. However for those less familiar our authority to investigate matters from the combination of california code and local gentleman laws. The legislation lid out what is within know outside of our jurisdiction. Our core 4 areas of investigation include miss use of city funds. Imprimary activities. Difishes in Government Services and wasteful and inefficient government practices. Relate to matters outside of our Jurisdiction Program reviews each report and determine whether the report allegations fall in our programs jurisdiction. Charter calls out circumstances when that fall out of our purvow and theyre listed on the slide before you. The keep thing to note when something does in the belong with the program we work with averages to ensure it gets routed appropriately for the human sz side our team we are proud of the professional backgrounded in our member and than i pro possess knowledge and abilities to meet our functions a form are investigate or from pleas ash counsel at and [speaking fast]. The data presented is from our yet to be issued q4 report. And you see report intake volume was down. You may recall from the previous sessions our discussions about reports in the previous fiscal year. During this time, days where we receive with no information as many 10 i day. So, a little inflation here from Previous Years. The next slide is sum row of over all volume. You see we started off with 82 open reports. Received 562 closed 581. And had 63 remaining open. We were efficient in closed more then and there received. Our Program Receives reports with Contact Information the first 2 reflected show everything we received this year and the source of how we received it. The second is further down by breaking out number of unanimous reports zeechl a variety of methods which individuals can contact us the most common way is on line Case Management system. Received about 78 of you will reports left fiscal year. This slide shows a break down how long it took to close reports. Now we have an internal bill this closed 75 within 90 days. There are factors to go beyond 90 days. Number of allegations or investigation requirement for sworn employees. We exceed our goal by closing 88 of reports within 90 days. Of note, we have been giving consideration to adjusting goal to close 75 reports within 90 days. As i mentioned seen fluctuations and use thanksgiving fiscal year as a new baseline to determine how to enhumans and refine closure rules. This next chart how cases were draesdz by the program the first 4 in the orange box reflect matters. The left 2 are matters of examples outside of our jurisdiction. Which we discussed on slide 4. You see we investigated pen of all reports received or 333 reports. Moving on to percentages of investigative reports resulted in corrective action. Increases in natural flushth situation in case and different staffing and managing the hot line. The number is consistent within the 3040 . So of the cases we investigated this left year 39 lead to a final decision make are take a corrective or preventative action we are exploring ways through out reach and education quality of reports we receive exclude, wear knows of the hot line a resource for employees to who need it. Here are goals for the fiscal year. The first is close 75 within 90 days. Rope we consider the need to rebaseline for this fiscal year. We will issue our quarter low public reports on the status of programktivities and anticipate our q4 report issued in the coming months. Conduct whistle blower training for all employee and liaisons on conducting violation. Those of you less familiar with presses we have liaison in every department who garth information for investigation and some cases approved by charter investigate a merit on our behalf. We will host i national web near it prosecute mote hot line practice. Now we are coordinating with brood net had the line the government account act Office Working at the federal level. And finally we will review our policies eye toward improvement and identifying best practices that improve when we are doing. This is all i have for you this morning andy wor help to take questions or comments. Great. Thank you. Like to open for questions and comments from the committee. I have a question. Thank you, stein for your report. Can you talk about the difference between your or not the dwns but talk about the annual report. That the Whistle Blower Program puts out what is included and how the public learns about it. Absolutely. So our annual report we issue a report every quarter this is our selection of the quarter data issued for. Our report is sum rising the fits come year of activities inform this you clearly see trends on a yearbyyear with the Previous Years. That is the most personnel with knowual and quarter low and the investigative sum rows the end of reports we have certain Confidentiality Provisions this restrict when we can reporto omit Department Names and individuals in reports. This can give you a better idea and when corrective actions they resulted in. You mentioned earlier in your report on receiving on average 10 i day of no report. When does this come in the form of e mail or call. In the previous fiscal year, when we were in front of you we spoke to the reports this they did in the make a ton of sense had limited pieces of information. If they would have e milled it may go to the pam box this is when we had to work watch we cant attribute it to a factor the hot line is open 24 7. We the end result of the report created manage where we market and receive it and close it. However, the fact we received it shows up in volume for this year inform Previous Years you may see increased volume but little work. Thank you. Anybody else . Just a comment. To say you know when i became the liaison of this the Whistle Blower Program i did in the understand why this was per of the [inaudible] or i cant remember who made that decision buzz it it is in the i bond funded program. I will say it is fascinating and i do meet with the whistle blower team once or twice a year and put together a stack of cases. This im able to review. And it is just really interesting. For you interested in ethics or how governmental departments processes are processes these. Complaints. I would irrelevant recommend this you participate also as a coliaison or something in the future. I want to commend you on your work. With the whistle blower President Trump are doing i greation and San Francisco is opt cutting edge in terms of municipalities. In terms of their work as you know our program is manage we can be proud of. So. Also like to echo that very professional work done boy your office and i have been in meetings with david. Impressed with how everything went. So without more comments and questions from the committee, if we can have Public Comment. Members of public when wish to provide comment lineup at the podium now. Each will have 3 minutes to speak. Members of public who wish to provide remote comment call 4156550001, access code 2661 388 9782. Then press star 3. You will have 3 minutes. We have no Public Comment. Thank you for feedback and time. Close Public Comment and move to our final agenda item 12. Please. Opportunity for mittee members to comment or take action on a matter within the jurisdiction. Item 12 audit unit reviews. B, Division Update and w plan. Public finance upcoming bob issuances and 12d. Fy2022, 23 work plan liaison and meeting date. Great. Good morning, Committee Members chair matthews and vice chair crawford. Director of audits for the controller city Service Auditor division i will cover the first item. Which is the Public Integrity then and there item d on the first item related to Public Integrity since your left meet nothing april we have commolested one additional audit. Related Public Integrity effort this is was know audit back in july. July 13th. On this citys landfill disposal agreement with ricology. You may recall the mohammed case and [inaudible] ricology under the purview or some purvow within public works. One of the key deliverables we set out was to electric at the land fill agreement over seen by public works and the sudden Front Department of environment. We issue third degree in july. We had 3 over arching findings and 9 recommendations. Recommendations covered improved controls are regarding ricologys reporting. The data this they submit to the d. Environment to make sure than i are accurate and complete. Of those 9 recommend anticipations all 9 were concurred to by the department of environment and well follow up as per of our process in audits. In addition, we have the current fiscal year one on going public report this we are working on. We are in the draft reporting phase. Well issue it our plan is september or october. And it is regarding the San Francisco pu xrshgs procurement surrounding the internal control weaknesses identified in the former general manager prosecute curement procedures. In addition to this we will follow up on recommendifications we lead related to integrity competence folded in the key themes we identify in the all 10 reports this we issued in the left 3 years part of our regular audit program. Audits of prosecute curement, contract and ethics. Happy to answer questions. Thank you for this. Questions the this time . All right. Transificationing to 12b. We have slide deck this will be visible. This is to provide you i mentioned [inaudible] director of audits im on the csa audit side of csa and i will quick with natasha the director of performance for csa performance. Over the next few slides, i will cover background on csa of the city Service Auditor division and why whistle blower appears the program is within the csa mandate appeared on f. The city charter. Within this csa one mandate of the city Service Auditor is to administer our Whistle Blower Program. Hence report before you. To out line the key apennedic prosecute visions. Serve the auditor for the city. We conduct financial compliance and performance audits. We evaluate performance. And we conduct various bench america to make surety city service we provide are alined with leading practices or various kemetrics holding ourselves against. We also administer the program among other responsibilities we have. This next slide is to provide the over arching responsibilities that fall under audits and city promise. On my side on audit side butt cs, audit side near on the performance audits. As well as financial. We comply with general low accepted government auditing guide analysis the yellow book. All of our engagement that we call audits comply with the standards ensuring we have Quality Insurance process and evidence based on appropriate information. We mentioned conduct investigations part of the program. On the city performance side it is a whole host of analysis and bench americaing and Technical Assistance than i provide. Most low driven by risks this are identified or requested bout departments. In terms of our work planning process as you can probably think. We do have more ideas in terms of audits and perform projects we do balance all of the mandates that are in the city charter. As well as the add min code and the requests from various departments. And elected and risk analysis against the available resource this is we have at csa in general. We do a balancing at the end of the beginning of the new fiscal year to make sure we are able to priorize those this are high risk on the audit side. And ensure this is the case for city performance. In terms of resource, as part of the appendix f we do goat 10 of a percent of the budget each departments budget rolls in the controllers audit fund. This funds the services this we provide in audits and those in city performance. In fy2223 and had is, lined with the concern fiscal year. This come to 21 Million Dollars. This we shared between 2 divisions. We have about 77 or close to 80ftes. Just it give you the brick down in cost centers and our work begin is 2 10 allocation you can surprising the large departments bubble up as the 1s that have the most allocations. We do have the first line the general Fund Departments the combination of the small are departments combined so we provide Audit Services to everyone citywide. Good afternoon we are almost done the w we have planned im natash at city performance director. We have key programs on going. Somewhere mandated in the charter. We do performance reporting. There are links in the power point on line. So that is about our performance cards. In full swing in development of the Performance Measures for all diameters of in the charter what we are mandateed report on the standards for parks and streets and walks how sdot User Experience with objectives. We this sprirng issued our first report on streets walks with new standards we developed this are this both easy to measure and give us better information. For public experience and public works operations. We run a program for 10 years. We help then diameters montort come mroins of nonprofits so this one nun profit w with multiple departments for fiscal and come mroins will be done once. We also neumanntate for us is managing the our city our home committee. In key projects this year i wanted go through the departments so for Public Health we are working on continuing phase one of a hiring process project this will lead us to what a phase 2 could look at to help the department with hiring. We are helping with a bed modeling project. Multiyear project to estimate the beds required in about 60 different types of beds for the department that will really drive Strategic Planning for behavioral and, cute care beds and other projects. For the homelessness and supportive husbanding we have a wee of projects simultaneouser Technical Assistance for process improve export helping them measure and report on their Strategic Planning goals . We will be just started coping on shelter assessmentow is the city doing . With the mta, they are a houj client, we are helping them now with the prosecute curement of an on board survey. This will give details information lines specific to the department to be able to make Service Changes . Going forward in the next several years . And [inaudible]. And we are sppth the city add administrator. Our office and the department of Human Resources on making Government Operations better to improve and speedum hire and contracting . And the nonprofit space there will be legislation introduced soon that will be requiring . The we are in support of it of developing a now program for nonprofit helping departments figure out how to monitor the performance of nonprofits. This will include i varietied of things from standards of what types of Performance Measures did in your contract. How are you monitoring those and how we report thez to the public. This has been an area of tissue for a lot of people . We are excited work on this . What is in the shown is is that we are have start work on our general Obligation Bond report . This is wron of those we have done every year or every other year . We are kick it off the next week or so we will community with the departments when it will look like. It will come before the committee hoping a february march completion . Of that work. And i think mark. I will be quick. This is highlights of our key audit says in fy2223 we have a host of audits that relate to nonprofits. Similar in vairn to what city performance is dog . Were highlighting those we identified from Risk Assessment . We will be continuing our construction in geo bond audit program. You may recall some of you have i dont know here but in 2015, the committee asked the audit it was conduct expenditure audits we will completed 10 and the next slide will cover that. We will continuing that work within the space of construction and joeo bonds and construction clez out. Change order audit and best practice and meeting practices we can garth as part of that. We have a Public Integrity suite of work. The it Cyber Security engage am we have Penetration Testing Maturity Assessment ensure the city systems are strong and save as can be. Thoser confidential reports . That we let to the department its make surety city is protectd and we are not sharing the vulnerables to the public but conduct those on going. With the d. Technology. All we are continuing our Cost Recovery work given covid and fema Cost Recovery is on going. I see audit meeting the citywide preauditing of all submittals to fema. That will be tailing off given the emergency has official low been declared not an emergency but a federal government well submit our left few claims to fema. And the coming months. This is emphasizing the geo bonds we audits and we have a place hold in the work plan for those bonds we have not auditd and those are ones we have been holding off because they have not had expenditures to have a meaningful sample. Were revisit thanksgiving now because 3 years passed and covid past the projects i know a lot is happening given the report outs today. Thisy is to callow woo comply withiely book will go through the pore review next fiscal year. That is one of the requirements of yellow book we go through an external pore we view bying audit agency in thes country so we say we follow the yellow book standards that concludes the csa work plan for the year. Great. Any questions or comments . I will quick. Related to the annual report. I will have testimony in the committee to review the last worn we published. Members put a small introduction piece. Lets keep this in minds. Good afternoon member im beau scott with Controllers Office of Public Finance were over timil bey brief am included the citys anticipated forward bond calendar. And as the calendar shows the city expects to bring 2 transactions to the board for approval in fiscal 2324. One is a refunding of certain outstanding general Obligation Bonds. That will be subject to market and assessment of savings going forward. And then addition to the refinancialsing the city preponders to bring third issuance of the preservation Affordable Housing bonds in the latter half of 2324. Thank you. Thanks. Commentsos this item . D. The upon final item silent calendar. And liaison assignments i will pull this up if you have anything to addon this . Pickup the upon screen federal sfgovtv calendar for the year. Of when we will hear report and when meetings are schedule. This was a double meeting. We will get back to normal process of hearing from a few bond programs each quarter. We have one vacancy i dont know well is a rush to get it fill third degree is something to work on. I think we may have corraled a volunteer. Why we did. So we will have tim it apply. Well connect the condition tacts for this program. Thank you. Is there anything else to cover . I think that is pretty much it. Take Public Comment on this final item. Members of public when wish to speak line up or call 4156550001, access code 2661 388 9782. Clear clear close Public Comment and, journal the meeting. Thank you

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