The tuesday, february 21, 2017, meeting of the San Francisco Entertainment Commission my name is brap the president of the commission before we get start a few housekeeping items please turn off your cell phones and two if youre a member of the public and last week to to an item that is on the agenda or not i will call Public Comment at various points please come on or got handed a few speakers if youre here to speak on an item there should be speakers in the front and hand them to the staff and finally thank you to sfgovtv and the Media Services so for airing this meeting live to the public every time we meet we have 4 commissioners we have quorum commissioner caminong commissioner thomas commissioner lee commissioner courtney. Commissioner frost will be here at 6 and commissioner perez on the way and a vacant seat that be here in a couple of weeks the First Business item is general Public Comment this is for items that pertain not San Francisco Entertainment Commission but you dont see currently on the agenda any Public Comment on this item . It there something you wanted to speak to on the agenda well come back. This is general Public Comment oh, why look through them all thank you. All right. 4 people hear restore are here to speak on that item coming up to in the report. Maybe we can take it then why not take you guys now i dont know if there are an order you guys want to speak to 101 and then we have a and others as you have a timeframe for them. Two minutes. To 3 you 2 and im 101 im here without a residential within the Entertainment Commission district we in front of the this im here on behalf of the permit holder hoa to share our concerns about the wellness to recklessly impact our quality of life this is the first time meeting you in personal but march 2013 i filed a complaint of then b box to the Entertainment Commission that was never addressed and august 2016 i worked with the staff for address the concerns we wrote a letter how the issues Public School resolve and august of this year will 6 medias or months weve benefit reasonable and respect fell and patient how she soundproofed an old building into a worldclass nightclub wife been corporate with jen i cant allowing the staff into the homes to verify the noise and jean e supervisor yee in a stopped communicating weve taken this burden to live with the noise throughout the process zero progress she operate theyre loud noise into the morning and sometimes next the next day until noon the issue is not jena but the after hours that is in the middle of the on and on issue in the neighborhood and articles like 29 makes it difficult for the Entertainment Commission to endorse the sounds like leakage into our homes were asking that the Entertainment Commission revoke the after hours permits on them for the mixed use residential neighborhood and residents so they can get sleep. Thank you. The next person is kelly. Hi commissioners my name is kelly im here on behalf of the building hoa to share my concerns about the Mental Health wellness i live on the second floor and 101 weve been in contact with the Entertainment Commission about the noise inside the venue and the intoxicationed crowds that is hard to describe 9 impact of interrupted sleep it is torture and lying down and hearing base music it terrible and woken up during the night and other experience that theyre supporting the patrons to block the south bay lanes and having honking that tends to go on until i leave for work the next day is a wellknown risk is physical and E Martin Luther king Mental Health if we can stop the noise by that 2 00 a. M. We can get some sleep as i mentioned oftentimes theyre not available into the night and asked to call pd at the dont arrive to address that and if they do they dont have a but to address this is frustrating the primary problem is hours of operation it is make in the center of the residential buildings were concerned from the permit remains that will effect our health for years we not to the entertainment to continue inform San Francisco but we needed to sleep were here to ask to you rerecognize the after hours permits thank you. I live on noting im here to share some frustration emotional and depression in finding a resolution that i and my neighbors are combrerments if you all you want peace and quiet but youre laying in bed you hear the thump through the doublepaned windows to give you an example i want to play a short clipon facebook of what was happening this past weekend. I mean, you get the picture the video this is accurate because as health kims neighbors we dont sleep i want to say how we get to bed we sleep with earplugs and turn on wide noisemakers fans and things to over power the sounds what i want to share with you 101 and i moved into the house two years ago we were excited to be part of neighborhoods but they operated in the Morning Hours its been an unbearable nuance to our life im asking you to revoke their permit to allow me and my neighbors to enjoy peace and quiet thank you. And finally emry i dont know if there are other people planning to speak. Hi commissioners my name is emry i live on norwalk with the same facing as 101 and others ive been there for smile 13 years and seen a number of parades operators in the space that health on occupies liquor studio z and lot to and b box i feel like im forgetting someone the Common Thread with the venues the physical structure of that building itself jena is clearly a top Club Operator that is voted to being professional and getting that right so far we havent been able to find a sweet spot of health on and our ability to have relative peace and quiet so i eagle everything im a big fan 101 and i met at club bay we are devoted nightclub gores we ask you to help us find a mutually architectural solution that continues to provide employment tax based and fun for everyone. Thank you. All right. Is there any additional Public Comment during this general Public Comment period. All right. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed i think to respond to those unfortunately, we cant act your raising an important question i want to raise a question to the staff how i know this showed up health on on the last inspector report on this one but how have they been behaving and treating the complaints coming in from your perspective. Can i jump in did you give the timeline. Yeah. I think see we are prepared for this Public Comment so i had shawn do background work so something to chew on cant take action tonight but we encouraged the neighbors to speak to you, your the policy body; right . Weve done a lot of work and shawn can speak to that it is not over yet but some direction that would be helpful. A question. Commissioner perez. The residents that spoke with im sorry got here late what the recording did he say that recording is from health on. No, from Health Something been facebook. Shawn i dont know if you want to walk us through the timeline or speak to the responsiveness. Yeah. Get to the mike. Is it still working. Sorry we have so make sure that everything is heard and recorded so do you want to go to the speaker mike . Good afternoon commissioner intaushgs i want to give a run down the question for the was have they been responsive i think throughout the 3 months or so i have been working on this and action was taken all of the process that ive approached this with all of different ways to regulate and enforce they have responded to i think jocelyn and i sat down with jena the operator at the health on with the repeated sifthdz and sat down with her and requested angle online as to steps that shell be taking so far as soundproofing the structure of building there have been steps taken thus far to soundproof the interior and the exterior on the roof specifically capping skylights and fathoming the existing roof structure and multiple environmentalist by sound techs inside the residents on the rooftops ive out numerous times to establish the ambient levels i think theyve been responsive to the concerns on ive been emailed text message its been going on for quite a while and i think there is has been progress at this point during my last visit with the operators and sound techs to my left is at the company and sounds like effects this past wednesday, i was able to take the age bins of that neighborhood from the rooftops and compare am i still on compare the level that is product inside of health on to show that the level for the sound levels produces a level outside from the property within the city so the level ive placed on the permittee puts them in compliance as of last wednesday. Okay. And you know, i think this is we didnt get those kind of complaints if b box that the venues before what can you attribute to the after hours permit is it i think you said it was a new sound system i think. I think based on what im hearing in complainants historically and especially specifically at the hearing i would say there is general sense of the sound level it allowed but more passion or prejudice from the tune the after hours is the issue. Okay great. Commissioner lee. So when you set the level are they able to lock it off or change it after you disappear or when from what ive been told the level ive set for them they are able to lock it in i think anything they lock in theyll be able to unlock in my experience havent seen that or heard that or taken measurement that is happening i know they have the capacity of locking in a level and inhabit but anything they take out they can put in. Do you stop by randomly and notice any difference when you test it. Ive been by so frequently is there i dont sense a pattern of a sound level increasing at the night goes on over and over someone assumes im locked out for the night i think i dont know, there is a corelation between the night and it depends on if i were to make a guess i would say that two you know mentioned 2 30 at a time the neighborhood itself quieted down at that time there is a lot less activity at the 2 oclock compared to 1 oclock ive been to other night life operations i think the majority in the area are closing at two in the pb a it impacts even if the sound is the same i have less emission in the street and seems to be a lot louder. The amount bittbienambient is a stands it was taken over 2 00 a. M. It is important when i take an am bipt that the nightclub to make sure it is during a time where street traffic all and bus traffic and things like that im able to compare that to an operational timeframe i would say and havent tested that but say that ambient level will be tend to decrease as the morning ticks on but as of new the ambient levels are the prime time activity whenever we are testing for an ambient level we try to make sure that is on a friday or saturday night after 10 00 p. M. To get a clear game. Which totally makes sense i wonder for an afterhour permit specifically we might have a different standard that is more line three or four a. M. Sloepz to the 2 00 a. M. Dont know if theyve used a different ambient level. I dont know if ive ever done that is that conceptual but i get what youre saying weve not done that the xremgs between 10 and two is different within 2 and 6 00 a. M. It is hard in the middle. Right. Right. To gage the level that is uneasy. I dont know im not 0 suggesting that is easy but it might be a call for a different standard for after hours. I think i dont want to gods this is just Public Comment i feel like there a couple of actions we can and should take one we should bring in a hearing and have sort of discuss the option around setting different ambient levels or revoking or doing something in between at this time so id like to schedule that for the next Commission Meeting which i believe is the first tuesday in march. March 7. March 7 okay. Great. So just to be clear you want to bring up someone applicant to discuss a condition schedule permit. Correct and theres a standard for revocation are far different we cant have to hearing. Im not asking that we might audio additional conditions that might limit the hours which might add another round of applause ambient level. This is what youre suggesting. This is absolutely what im suggesting for for the Motor Vehicles and neighbors i apologize we cant act because the venue is not here themselves but hopefully, youll attend that meeting if not we have your comments on record so commissioner caminong. The four speakers said the owner had stopped xhuven with them before the hearing that will be good to hear about changes theyve communicated will happen have been completed at least theyre aware of where we can stand at this point. I can encourage that great. Okay commissioner lee. Any reading from anyone youve been notified audience initially sound testing took place on the 11 and both and front the club. So you have those reading for the area. The issue with that particular part of the city that the ambient level on the street an 11 is higher and less sound from this particular venue is escape though the front of the building through the doors most of sound but be able to witness the measures and escape from the roof so the ambient on the street is a higher than from a rooftop is lower so it takes time to establish the proper level. Anything in front of the building you said the back. You have all the information. I do the initial investigation is everywhere else in the city as far as the ambient level from the property and taking measurements outside at the property and we this is when the investigation took a turn and started to climb on top of revolvers. Thank you for all the time trying not to spend that much time anywhere so can i actually ask oh, one more thing. Im good. Have a seat. For the members of the public that want to speak i have a couple of clarify questions are there particularly nights of week or every night that something is going on. Pretty much every night that is not just on the weekends is during the week work and sunday or tuesday night and could go to 7 30 or 8 oclock in the morning. So through the full permit hours. Yes. And a type of sound base. It is base but also at least from my side it is the people loitering outside throughout the night. Or just people standing around like yelling and they tend to be route i didnt as well as as i mentioned the traffic gets backed up so there is cars honking as people are getting picked up and that goes on throughout the night starts around two they start servicing alcohol and through the night. We have a way to move forward well move on with the agenda item 2 approval of the minutes from both december 6th and february 7th. Commissioners i dont know if you have any changes of innovate ill entertain a motion to approve. I move to approve minutes. February 7th. No in my wrong december 6th im sorry. We can do them both together. Okay. No second for that motion. Second. There is a second sounds like we want to take december 6th or february 7th. February 7th is thats okay with me, too. Clarifying the motion to approve of the minutes from both december 6, 2016, and february 7, 2017, and a second. Second. Any comments from commissioners any Public Comment on this item . Take a vote. Commissioner perez commissioner caminong commissioner thomas commissioner lee commissioner frost president tan. I say minutes pass item 3 i think we were going to skip but the director executive director was out last week nothing to report and item 4 report from the sounds like inspections inspector pauley you want to start. Indeed good evening confirmations or commissioners, i only had a few comments its been pretty compete busy but quiet since the first of the year start with inspections i did inspections this past weekend that he is fusion lounge ive not been by there i did a walk through they had a busy night but security is tight looked fine did a walk through and policies is one of the main places i say is where most of activity is in the areas im regularly checking out maids and other places this weekend i did a walk through and talked with Security Guard a new complaint about monroe this is weird i dont want to get into the details before you basically an issue going on inside the building i talked about with the project sponsor and the project manager will solve the problem continue the venue and the person inside the building i believe the issue is resolved or the Property Management is dealing with the Entertainment Commission issue compliance ive been getting a lot of emails about huey on the issue is some nights theyre busy their sidewalks with busy and their messy when the police are proactive in moving the traffic along it helps the situation it shouldnt be all that the police about you it is consistent with venues it is hard to think negative about the venues but theyre busy and the police are concerned theyre not hear youre not hearing about, about that you p but nevertheless, nothing imminent theyre not here maybe not away again, i think it is fine but i do so what the Police Department concerns are i dont want to swipe them away i understand for Public Safety what the issue is but i think thats fine. Are you talking about the 10 b officers. It is usually around ten am in the area because of all the activity and then 10 b through too so the regular patrol didnt get mixed occupy on the block unless a need for like an emergency or Something Like that but the 10 bs are moving the ubers along and making sure that people dont conjugate waited for cars thats the problem with the ubers and the lyft. Maybe a lesson for lovingly street too. Perhaps. But i think your alluding too active on broadway nothing of concern i know that several years ago there was concern. It was different but not the 10 b officers and the d b d was not just forming. Commissioners other comments or questions for this report move on to inspector burke. That particular location we havent heard much about since it was repermitted maybe year and a half ago so ill get out there this weekend and hear what i can hear and followup with the complainants and a couple of inspections i wanted to mention that happened over the last couple of weeks a report and complaint that came from the 60 folsom this is a old bill of Health Body Shop place that was probably used i went by and noticed people sort of step van outside with a lot of equipment in and ive forward the details a picture to the officer and make sure they know about that and the r s four 909 was not here the last hearing we issued an llp a one time permit i checked to make sure they were in compliance with conditions and the music extend past of time weve given them there was quite a bit of noise on the streets and let me know this is not how the loophole will that will be operating and he understood and got my number maybe a mixup with the Security Guards. Is that the one on larkin. The address was wrong. They presented themselves so well didnt they. They took responsibility for a the openness like final the record. The guard card. For over 4. And last but not least i mentioned this in my Previous Report myself the operator a couple of neighbors and tested if you want new details about anything ive mentioned. Didnt seem like any commissioners any Public Comment on my of the inspector seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Thank you thank you for all your hard work. Thank you move on to item number 5 we havent heard from directly in a formal presentation but tonight you dont why always forgot your full at this time. Senior analysis for community and cultural events. Take that away. All right. Good evening, commissioners too to be here to my letting joits one of the 7 pro bono consultants that have been been helping me own is evaluation efforts for outside events as a reminder were working with the Mayors Office with the civil innovation they match private sectors experts with public sectors challenges so we were excited to be able to use their expertise to help to figure out a way to improve and support outdoor fence tonight we want to share the scope a highlevel idea of what were doing and you have a long version of the draft report in your packet and the point of this report is to really help us to lay the foundation for making policy and legislative change in order to foster and promote Outdoor Events it is an opportunity to use the change to simplify the permit process for example, what we did we interviewed varldz so those were reasons as well as City Employees and did benchmarking with other employees and analyzed our cities permitting structures and support systems for after events and from that data gathering we identified 3 challenges that were consistent across the board number one the need for reducing the complexity of the permitting process number it the increasing the transcript of all the registering and who does what in City Government for the applicants but for the who works for the sfgh City Government and late lastly to address the Outdoor Events in the changing landscape of San Francisco lets get started this is frost and sustaining the events in San Francisco. How can we foster events in San Francisco i think weve talked about that 0 Outdoor Events are economic and cultural drivers for the city for the scope of this report we defined Outdoor Events as Public Events including street fairs and music, art, festivals and if you have any questions, well be happy to answer them fundraiser and the controllers report said that Outdoor Events contribute over one billion dollars for the fact of the city much the revenue supports bars and hotels and not just dollars signs but Cultural Assets to major parts of the citys identity as part of the fabric and the Legacy Events like pride are examples of that and then. Which event did it exclude. We focused on scott recommended events on city streets the purpose of evaluation rec and park for example, they have their own distinct permitting structure. Nothing like the summer of love is not something. The summer of love for Golden Gate Bridge is not in the scope. Or like outside. But if so this on the street it would. Okay. Thank you. Sure we were existed to get the help of the bridge consultants to answer the questions and promote boxer and sustained events. Ill let joyce take it from here. Good evening, commissioners and others so to really start off ill take you through how we approach the question of the public challenges as well as some recommendations for a big idea intervene we think will take San Francisco probation officer o to be a benchmark for other cities in the United States so first approach we wanted to approach it in a quantitative and qualitative data as bill mentioned the qualitative data we look at the street closer and benchmarks of other cities that have relatively other events and on the qualitative in the experience of the sites and the individuals on the ground to do that we interviewed individuals and really ask them their experience with the process and how they get their information who do they talk to and how has it changed and also want to get the other side we interviewed 8 individual if city agencies and permanent agencies to understand their experience and understanding how many approvals and permits a year and what kind of systems to handle all the permits they see at first glance we find those the number of events in San Francisco has been growing 9. 9 percent that is one. 7 percent and population around 1. 4 percent thats great but for the scientific pressures tare changing the character so on the screen you have two examples of events that are no longer held this year one the tech festival that is closed after 25 years of being in the space and a street festival hoped that is closed after 9 years ever being in the city and you might think those are isolated were hearing the saints parade or the zero fair with the socioeconomic chances vjt did sponsors something in the neighborhood to support their events so the 3 challenges are one complexity, so if you look at the top right it is a snap snapshot of what the producers have to go through that is 14 bureaus 10 approvals, sorry 10 permits, 15 approvals they have to go through it is incumbent on a 3rd of fte on the producers side that is a complex process if youre a first time producer and the third challenge is transparency so with 14 bureaucracies 10 websites that produce t the information it is ladder on top of the sub websites that theyre able to find what they need this is produces a challenge for the permit agencies because 100 percent the permits require strait with work from the final approval could take weeks because they work with a lot. So with the 3 challenges we found 3 pinnacle organizations and look at them to address the complexity we found that a lot of the cities with the process use the hub and scope model this means a Central Force that manages its own permit progress from the beginning. Carries the pertinent mrfrnt to the end and one point of contact there is none that comes through and make sure they get the second one to address the issue of transparency is really working to increase the communication so steadfast 10 weths the producers have to go drove one document one centered document for the people and the costs theyll occur and one point of information that then the producers can rely on top of creating the mixers with social hours throughout the years helps to foster the first time event producers feel confront and finally recommendation we are putting on the table today to address the socioeconomic pressures to make sure we connect the spores to the event producers to find the funding to continue what makes sf unique and hand it back to dillon for questions. Thank you joyce so first and foremost id like to my next step to get our feedback and see if those findings resonate with you and feel accurate and clear as far as you know the emphasis now or later as far as that report itself were currently hearing from all the departments we interviewed making sure that it is accurate and clear dont want any surprises and want to be collaborative approach and then well be doing enjoying and i and the other colleagues will be doing a read out to the mayor as part of civic bridge presentation with the other presentations on march second and in response to those recommendations you know as far as 2017 planning quick wins are working on a permitting guide that will have a lot of the road maps and way findings and the f f x to make it more clear and oh, i started in your packets started to issuing the outdoor bulletins you know it is a start in the right direction of making sure that when there is a new policy or opportunity that is available to really making sure that information defeats to the right people and so it it squat last week and ill go doing mixers and convening to figure out what was the National Third party whether a nonprofit or some other entity be that can help identify funders and match them to event producers that need it now the long term major type win is a really the piece of hub and spoke model and urban design group jocelyn and i will have to figure out how to approach the board and a sponsor to push forward those as far as change and ill be convening a working group of the different departments and you know asking them you know what are the shared goals and you how to work towards the vision and next steps that is really just again, a collaborative approach and thats 2017 so any questions ill ebt ill be happy to take them or chew on that. Commissioner caminong. I want to say congratulations for reading this case report i feel like the first time ive seen written down 14 agency to go through for approval so i just want to clarify what is the minimum process is it basically like a checklist. So you know this planning died will have an aggregation of people youll talk to and deadlines something that i have the power and wherewith all to do and have done that in my previous jobs thats at the quick win you know, i think the Bigger Picture we want on online dime portal that would be great if i can get people on the same page it is easy as pdf a pack are links does that answer your question . Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I actually think every commissioner has a question. Commissioner perez. Thank you for spearheading this and glad to is where an applicant within city hall an organizer and want to let you, you know that a lot of the cultural organizers are not professional were planned Community Advocates for a festival and tend to preserve the cultural in the neighborhoods so it is overwhelming to go to other department thats why it is kind of and a lot of us are not versed in filing those complicated forms thank you. I think that will help a lot of events organizers moving forward and thank you for thank you for all your hard work. Yes. I have thank you for doing all of this this is fantastic to have it written down it is what ive heard from my colleagues that produce those kinds of events with the bureaucracies is overwhelming and some new thing theyre afraid to theyll leave out thank you for this i really like the hub and spoke model of something there is a central listed place for people to go and found out what necessary need and get the permits and applications i speak from a experience if forms with filled out 100 percent wrong the former is what is wrong and not the individual; right . So how we can make that easier and wonder given the extent so many of the events our cultural events by nonprofits and volunteers the dislocation and figure out urgent care find outing go if we have a different standard or someway to make that easier for volunteers and cultural groups for those events i think that is a difference when have lawful corporate sponsors versus neighbors and a center that wants to put something on so i dont quite know what the answer we have to hold people to the same standard how to make that easier for yeah. For the neighborhood and cultural events. Yeah. I mean, im open for business so, please let people know im here for Technical Assistance throughout the process. Thank you, thank you very much for this report. It is a great solution. Commissioner lee. My turn it is a lot of agencies that even if i with all the knowledge we have i go figured what city streamlined is it something if we get a sponsor we change the legislation well have people on staff that will actually help these nonprofits i mean a lot more work is it in the Entertainment Commission or part of about his cot life streamlining but it is so confusing. May i. Do you want to take that. I want to context lists to the commission i remember forward and do what did i live on is doing we did a title that was clearly an analyst level position we as part of our authority really have a tiny part tonight as it relates to recollecting Outdoor Events and before i sound pretty much like pinky in there the balance of this stuff so the notion we have any control or authority necessarily a quality direction to change from dramatic methodologies or across the city i dont know what to say about that an we cant do it on our own there needs to be political will from a highlevel in the city in kind of things need to be examined and changed with the together daylight to suggest and hopefully, t hopefully, the Mayors Office will work with us were not in a budget cycle to grow the Entertainment Commission or sure were in the right body to do this nobody was taking on the issue so i decided to do that for better or worse. If the Economic Development can bring all the departments total i would i know or think that is the ultimate goal if were streamlining bans other cities other than San Francisco. I dont know about the streamlining. Thats something to think about if you streamline it i look at this and say oh, too much work. The one thing i want to mention the Controllers Office is not here to talk but they working with d e m to do an analysis of the emergency medical plan approval process and so there is some complimentary data we want to connect this report to what theyre doing and make a bigger impact so just to say that is coming down the pike. Thank you yep. Great job. I have a few not number one when i do things i cheat and copy it so you know where im going is like a sample if this is a convoluted and a pain to put together a package that can guide me i think that is one of the things that will help with the organization the thing i see the festival and parade it is huge but im lucky enough so have my assistant hearing laughter lucky enough that our budget allows us to hire a professional producer and tells him i dont want headaches im lucky i get to have him ive realized with work with the city whoever he go to talk with face to face but the bureaucracy they deal with is they dont want to say anything negative but you have to do that so, yeah with us putting on the festival were dealing with rec and park and as civil plaza we are lucky to get the art money and handing is to rec and park and thats lucky because if we didnt get the grants the arts wouldnt have a festival but at the same time im going to sfmta to close the growth street so we vaccine have a kiddie area over there and commissioner caminong said something i cant remember that was really a grain im just happy youre doing this because as the process stand now and being a person that kind of looks things not always in a positive marin manner it looks like the city is setting people up to dissuade people might not be true but every time we institute a new rule we dont get rid of of things that dont makes sense ive seen with a new rule with the bottle i say lets communitybased introduce the whole package but i appreciate you guys doing it im positive that there be a good outcome i believe that. Ill add my 0. 02 and spectacular report you didnt say listen mentioned to cultivate to build did argument for everything we do we didnt have the data few years ago about the impact of night life and the data about the impact of the night life events this is one step closure to that i dont know what the end goal trophy is but think that includes mccity sources for events and more salaried positions to facilitate and to hold the hand especially with the Community Groups to move forward with the types of events he that that hopefully means safer and cheaper and more events for San Francisco i think i dont care about were not number one how to beat this but i think the more we can have the more vibrant and the more that kind of contributes to the city one quick thought i had with i sat in the presentation of mayors Innovation Awards last week one of the things sounds similar basically hsa has to process of calfresh and had this statewide website over 25 pages that low income had to apply to in order to get calfresh that was really crazy complex thing that didnt need to so complex we received an Innovation Award because they redesigned an overlay you can go directly to one website that was simple not a state gibberish site and i think that is like calfresh sfgovtv. Org but the interesting thing not a whole website that gathered information it pushed into the application system i wonder if there is some sort of overlay to create that pushes into that 14 departments applications you didnt have to retype your name 14 types and all the standard information for a simplified form i can send that to you as well but that was one immediate thing i thought of i think we can win an Innovation Award next year in 2018 anyways commissioner frost or someone. Yeah. One thing i want to add the city agency is kind of complained that when we put on events we drain the resources from them i want to make sure it put in under when we put on an event to the city to the general fund and maybe to them is come out of their budget if theres a way to recap or put in how much money was put in and the individual departments cant put a strain on them if it does they can go to the city you think impact Feasibility Study is enough. When the Police Department or Fire Department says where is the resource and they can i understand you can talk to the budget people next year or whatever every time they bring up that. Sorry commissioners. I think youre done hearing in us i dont know if we have my responses you dont have to. I said enough and appreciate it. Thank you very much were going to open up for Public Comment any Public Comment on item this report. Good evening, commissioners the process before and is now is complicated so it does discourage a lot of people you get on a path and go through a mass it long overdue once the capture the data it will streamline the process to track things a lot better and more efficient and effective we saw when we had the superbowl this time with was political so the city had 0 allow the data hey how much money is coming in the general fund and hotels we need to educate about what we are putting in and getting out but most of things that the city wants to make sure that maintenance and theres you know impacts are dealt with if you can manage that theyre pretty happy with that, i want to applaud the commission and report that was long overdue eased events in this town are globally looked at and thats why we want to live here we have special events and by and large it is diverse and a lot of the people that is what makes it special to live here in the first place. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment thank you to joyce for coming and helping out all right. Were going to move on to item number 6 Police Department questions or comments i dont think there is a report or questions so move on to item 7 hearing and hearing and possible action for applications permits we only have one tonight the slogan for the only permit is a change in ownership for a permeate and billiards for a loan star slogan on harrison alone star a bar that historical is recognized absent the first place of the bear movement the bar owners have been involved in the application of management for years and are planning to keep the operation similar to the last ownership for the community and fundraisers theyve reached out to their neighbors not many and received letters of support youll see in the files and i want to call your attention to 6 pages from gail ruben with her relationship with the previous owners by the actively giving her support to the owners that theyll abide by the Good Neighbor policy position and southern station approved the permit and here to talk about that is owner char s charlesly evans and hello, everyone. Hello. Hi so brewing and i have been there 15 years we love the bar and the area so we jumped on it and i have a astrology background if Bayview Management and so unfortunately maggie said all that ill say laughter we have a great relationship with the neighbors and over the years bruce and i are familiar with the operation and the night life and the challenges that brings both during and after hours so i think weve done low to address the issues i can speak marry when you business as usual and not change anything we want to have a dj we can afford one on the weekends and continue on for the last thirty years thats my presentation. Great. Thank you very much commissioners any questions. I do actually i know the lone star i used to deliver pizza there i had a pizza place in the area im familiar with your crowd and love the bears so. They love pizza too. You know that a lot of the development in front of you have gown up and things have changed i had a business there and i know that i see those items have you read this letter from the neighbors on the items theyre concerned about. Yes. And had a conversation with reuben. I started to speak with them in september she was continent on being in contact with us and as recently as yesterday invited her to the bar and wraukd or walked to the changes their made and plan to make they recommended we get a salter we got the report and walked through what they asked us to do and yeah, im familiar. Okay. You have no problems with what shes asking for a no, no not at all we did major changes to the sound separate from the venue already and think that as strongly opposed to the venue as it was to come out and speak to that. Great, thank you. Commissioner gails name carries a lot of weight great job think getting her on board. This is the goal to make her happy when we first took over i didnt want to hear from you vice versa and she feels exactly the same way no news is good news i had some hang over to get through with her and her partner rightly so but were going in a great direction. Thats good to hear. Yeah. And have you seen the police conditions. I have. Proposed and fine with them. Yeah. Yeah. Dont seem like nothing unusual if so standard for a business. The lower one is no the problem because you know we dont have smoke cigarettes. It will make a deference to the impacts as well. Great i think the more we can do to support night life in the south of market is the more i think that is a goal of the commission and also especially lgbt business are you involved in the cultural isnt there a lgbt Cultural Heritage and legacy business. There are legacy but i dont know how engaged yet with the meetings were doing on the Cultural Heritage to try to keep up well try to get them involved and gail is involved a historian as it relates to south of market culture. Yes. Yes. We have different charters every week every sundays a different charity that week a dawn for destiny last week was bigger yeah, the they support us more people have pets while their convalescenceing. Real paws. I think go ahead and have a seat. Well open up for Public Comment i dont know if any folks in the room want to come up and speak about this. You did wait a while to be heard and im bruce one of the new owners this is just were really excited and i met my partner actually 25 years ago so laughter we have a history and our 25 anniversary is 19 in two weeks. Congratulations congratulations any other Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners anyone want to make a motion. Motion to approve with the police conditions. Theres a motion is there a second. Second. Second from commissioner perez lets take a vote. Commissioner frost commissioner lee commissioner thomas commissioner caminong commissioner perez president tan. That item passes congratulations. Happy anniversary all right. Well move on to the election of Vice President i apologize. I wanted to do this at the beginning of the meeting he forgot but postpone this it appears that our commissioner that is vacant that seat will be appointed in the next week or so but wait until we have a full commission and i dont know if we need do we need to move up on that or take it off. Table that. Dont call that. I move to table this until the next meeting second. Ill second that. Thank you any Public Comment commissioner perez commissioner caminong commissioner thomas commissioner lee commissioner frost president tan. Thank you very much finally our last item commissioners questions or comments commissioners, i think there is some parade additional to hear about. We have sfavkd parade it starts the second of march and goes to city hall and then the next day a festival out i will out at 45th and slope, 27 block of 25th avenue thats the next day just like every event cultural feminist your turn to be irish last week we are that all chinese and in may lifesaving and in june we are gay and in and the filipinos im going to get in trouble ill leave something out we started with the flag raising in front of city hall a week from friday at the 7 oclock come out and join us at one of the events or all the events im happy to hear that report we got to make that easier in the future. And wear green and wear green. All right. Commissioner thomas. I know that senator wiener has transferred senator leno legislation will extending alcohol licenses to 4 and just want to make sure that note that wont be but director kane if an update about what that is doing. I can do that certainly i want to ask though that everybody who refers to that call it what it is but call it local control i think that it is a misnomer to call it 4 00 a. M. Bill and thats not what it is this commission i mean weve not taken a position im not sure it is appropriate im happy to bring one sheet in the office regarding the local control bill by the city never takes a position by the Mayors Office so, yes and not suggesting we take a position one one way or another but if it goes through and San Francisco exercises the local control that may impact on the thing were regulating. Ill update the commission. Thank you all right. Any other comment. I have a comment the 90 awards are next monday night so anyone that would like to attend let me know arrest adu before i or joseph know the annual night life award show this year. 5 year. Already 5 years. Commissioner perez. One comment about the agenda i think when we have a long report that is given to us and then have one person coming forward to make and sit through something they have no interest in is there a way in the future we can change the agenda. Absolutely. Yeah. I think that is yeah, the agenda is absent of an experiment what is on it and you know kind of shuffling the cards any Public Comment not seeing any, im going to go ahead and adjourn this meeting have a good the sfmta eight matters with the City Attorney directors to settle accounts with took no action on the matter the board also discussed labor negotiations but took no to be a motion to disclose or not disclosing information or discuss closed session moved to not disclose is there a second . So moved. Second. All those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes. ] opposed, say nay. Mme. Turman that concludes the business before you today. Thank you very much. [gavel] [adjournment]. Heartbeat heartbeat latter heartbeat Healthy Hearts are this heartbeat together we stand Holding Hands capillaries there on open wound hospital room stitching up the place together they stand grafted from the bones of different neighborhood working together to keep each other strong so we live on. Do you hear the people were breathing as one lungs contract and in hail and exhale oxygen without discrimination and the people get to breathe and in hail and exha exhale. Heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat when all the stitches heal at the neighborhoods come together with the erratic heartbeat flows and one mind one brain receiving this message our bodies full and functional our feet running towards the future of togetherness heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat heartbeat clapping. so were going to name a few of the artists of the San Francisco 2017 projects and hold our applause until the end until weve read all the names yes. Shannon wendy deborah block. Tom gold. John elaine Naomi Charles rachel greenberg. Elizabeth demetri anthony swan kathy amy edith. Katherine Amanda Barbara robin and peter jill carla ann alfred white. Amelia. Leslie pop. Thank you thank you. Thank you to our students performs from the ruth school of the arts clapping. and thank you to this years tremendous artists another roemdz please for them. Ladies and gentleman, please welcome San Francisco General Hospital Hospital Foundation board he wanted Connie Sanchez had an. Thanks to you were soldout record attention attendance for this event thank you, thank you, thank you its my pleasure welcome all of you to the 12 annual heroes and hearts how about a round of applause for the students they know how to set the stage dont they. clapping. we are delighted to be in the apt apt park in the sunset and couldnt be more restrictive proud of the incredible work with the foundation does every day for one of the most variable Public Institutions in the bayview and one of the finest hospitals in the country you will see works of that today san franciscans are more than ever deeply committed to Public Health not a betterment than right here right now to support this institution i thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your dedication, your continued port and partnership wouldnt have been possible without the folks San Francisco general offers comprehensive health care to half a Million People annually and treats one in 8 san franciscans with Emergency Care today, we celebrate the hospital is lifechanging heroes and hearts is the single largest source of unrestricted revenue that helps our Hearts Program every year and since 2004 weve given over three hundred plus grants over one Million Dollars because of this. clapping. again, because of you, we can do that as you saw on the red carpet walk to the tent thanks to the be threatened local artists that were announce an absolutely heart series on each side of me and back in the those demonstrate the hearts that support the foundation and zuckerberg San Francisco general you can take a heart through the auction that is at 2 oclock over after this and to schaenl my colleague you have plenty of time to buy buy buy your sweetheart a heart those haters raise visible and generate revenues and initiatives that change lives of patients immediately of course, those changes are farreaching around the community and around the world and they are life ahsha safai entities for the hospital id like to thank the hospital staff as well as our partners at ucsf lead and chancellor sam and our own ucsf advice dean at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital sue carr loyal the above and beyond is a characteristic also modeled for our heroes that go above and beyond makes zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital the heart of our city with the hospital volunteers and providers and staff police dog stand we may recognize all of you stand wow. clapping. thank you and now please join me in welcoming the chief office of zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital doctor susan er lick. clapping. thank you connie good morning, everyone i am really thrilled to be here to welcome you thats my first time very first heroes and hearts luncheon as is ceo of the great zuckerberg General Hospital. This is not my first heroes and hearts luncheon, however, one year ago i had been selected and the as the ceo but not working connie kindly invited me and it was my very first introduction to this Great Community appreciative and supportive and perching is a very welcoming so welcoming in fact, that mayor ed lee mentioned me in his remarks and the beach blanket babylon singers included me i was overcome and what a year since then lets briefing review you how much has happened in the last year on may 21st we opened the new glories cuttingedge art filed hospital. clapping. with the hard work of a well prepared staff we moved all one and 58 of our patient from the old hospital into the new hospital in one inspiring day yes. That deserves an applause as well we can welcome patients and visitors and the entire San Francisco community into a healing space they have long needed and long deserved on june 7th the voters find San Francisco overwhelmingly approved a bobbed to renovate our form hospital that will lose us to provide the primary care and surgery care and Psychiatric Care in a healing space our patients needed and long deserved clapping. and just one the last couple of weeks the board of supervisors approved on an 11 to zero vote and the mayor signed a new ground lease for ucsf Research Building on our campus that will be opened for business in 2019. clapping. that is the kind year its a been and now we see a new set of challenges the Health Care Environment in the country is changing those changes have the potential to hit our patient the hardest especially uninsured and undocumented at zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital our Motion Mission to provide the patient and Community Health care are compassion and right regardless of income, regardless of insurance status, regardless of immigration status squall orientation or religion or national origin. clapping. i want to thank our donors heand t amazing San Francisco general foundation for making that possible to work towards achieving that mission the donation have been critical but more restrictive important is knowing that your donation reflect your understanding about what our hospital means to the city youre behind us 100 percent and proud of the work he had everyday i want you to know how important our support to our staff, and patients every single day when i walked into this gathering would be year ago the very first thing and photo taken care of willie brown, gavin newsom and frank jordan all standing together he come to realize wasnt a perfect heroes and hearts enemy that was several generations of mayors come on together with this consulted to express their support so for the hospital and the work we do one year later i feel that is support ever so deeply thank you very much. clapping. now my honor to welcome the honorable edwin lee. clapping. susan again gas stations and thank you for the leadership at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital house is everybody are you ready for baseball yeah. clapping. well it is also a great time when i can get together in the same room with frank jordan and willie brown where is gavin but all of us mayors know how important our zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital has been i want to say thank you to all of you for being here and being with the hearts and being the heart of San Francisco you know we made more than just a commitment to the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital weve actually delivered on many promises and we want to make sure that for the next 50 to one hundred years in the just a hospital that treats people in need it is a Hospital Research facility that also makes the commitment to find find cures to the diseases that plague us and also educates everybody as how to prevent us from being sick that is a truly worldclass facility clapping. i want to thank my good friends judy and pam and larry because working with them on the foundation has been wonderful clapping. and you know as i was trying to rest last night i kept getting a lot of phone calls and one from rich and judy oh, my gosh another 2 thousand pound concrete slab on the 30th floor someplace and instead theyre saying youre going to come arent you so i want to say with that a special thank you to the San Francisco Fire Department for keeping us safe thank you very much clapping. to the Police Department, to members of the board of supervisors that are here to all of the elected officials from our City Attorney to the searing to all the officials youre here today you know and support this zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital as we all do this Hearts Movement as we witness for quite some years and every year i see another beautiful design by artists to represent what it means to be part of this great city sue youre right because i look at this sfgh as being the best example of how to define a sanctuary city sfgh is our sanctuary city. clapping. it is a place where everyone is welcome a safe place a place where we receive not only what we need but thinking about ahead of time what we may need in the future thats why that ground lease was important for a moment chancellor and barbara garcias and i had a moment that the mayors cherish what is our city supposed is to be in the next 25 to 50 years and how can this hospital contribute those are the moments when i find the mayorship is to be more than just an obligation a joy to think about how we will serve people into the future and i have to opportunity with our sfgh foundation with uc and all the wonderful doctors and today, youll be honoring four people that i think are truly representative of what this hospital means you have. In his love the advocate that will help people to learn about what their faced with and john, Legal Services on the Health Campus a wonderful thing to have you get peggy a wonderful trauma by the way, you know zachary the sunday morning that saved the 6 years old life hes resolved and at school as a result of zuckerberg San Francisco general treatment and finally. clapping. dean who is perfect person to be here who is really focused on not only the research but the Health Network in educating people all for are deserving of this wonderful recognition that you have for them today and they truly represent the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital everyone thank you for being here. For supporting and being part of great city of San Francisco april 10 first see you all out here. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage judy San Francisco general foundation cha chair. clapping. thank you Grocery Store it is hard to go behind a mayor isnt it they always say the wonderful things when i would like to say how many people today from the city have here to support us and i dont know if everyone understands the treasure this is but month cities dont have hospitals like this and they dont have cities governs like that port this kind of care and excellence for every single citizen in the community so my huge pleasure to introduce you to mayor ed lee former mayor art and for willie brown and former mayor frank jordan and california and San Franciscos chief of protocol charlotte and senator wiener former senator mark leno and San Francisco attorney louis and present City Attorney Dennis Herrera and assistant District Attorney and president of the board of supervisors london breed and malia cohen and mark farrell and jeff sheehy Assessorrecorder Carmen Chu chief of Police William scott and former greg suhr and competitive of the Fire Department chief joanne hayeswhite and sanchez. I dont know the title but the fun man around town paul this is a huge amount of support for all of us and thank you, thank you, thank you. clapping. and now it is my honor to direct you for a video screen about our first hero this afternoon. My specialist is trauma in the area he came to hospital because it got a representation reputation of one of the best Trauma Centers in the world i enjoy the challenge of people the most part. We live in San Francisco and have 3 young obesity 9 and 11 zachary was clvj on a wet bar and fell on him. My husband called and zachary is hurt bad. He was pail he wasnt responds and we know in an instant he was critically injured we have to go a zuckerberg right now and some of the things we did with zachary used tools i learned from the military in germany and moved to iraq detailing the treatment we could get him better weve learned those tricks from the military. We were waiting for the doctor to come in and give us an update on the surgery that she walked into the waiting room and she we were taking it moment by moment but the scaring it momentum that was my experience with her, she saved my sons life i cant thank that woman enough. To put them in the iv room with the windows and the family would be in under that was a huge difference. Everything she did for zachary was the right thing and months after we walked out and a month after that he fully resolved thats a miracle i thank everyone and he can be a 6yearold boy. Nothing like seeing a survivor and for this boy in kindergarten thats special. I have no idea what zachary. I will shout out to everyone and let people know what their capable of and how theyve saved lives and treat patients. clapping. thank you. It is a privilege to follow a video like this in the work that is being done at the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital it is amazing when you think about what the went through when jason made that call and christen took that call all of us in the room could put ourselves in if position but at the same time, we didnt have to but it also is just a success to see zachary here this afternoon and with us on behalf of the wells fargo in the thousands of team members that live and work in the bayview that is our privilege to be a part of this community and be able to be around an institution like the zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital that were all so lucky to have the talents of somebody like doctor peggy here as well this event weve been part of for years like many of you in the room but ill say a privilege to be a part of it and it started as we heard 12 years ago but a few years ago there were a couple of ladies here ill tell you they made the difference we wouldnt be here without their dreams so i would like to acknowledge ms. Ellen newman here at the table. clapping. and ms. Nancy bechtel, nancy. clapping. without your vision this might not have come about with that, id like to bring up christen and a special guest up to the stage clapping. thank you. Wow. Very emotional day for me to come. laughter . On september 30th my life changed i got the call that every mother cant imagine and it is really kind of the Worst Nightmare my husband called told me zachary was hurt bad i didnt know the injuries i jumped in the car i thought that is where you go to the pediatric er and said no go to zuckerbergs General Hospital now i drove across the city at 6 oclock as best i could to walk in to finding my husband and my oldest son and zachary was rushed to the operating room with the doctor. It was the scariest moment of my life but couldnt be more restrictive thankful we live in a city that has the means to provide us with the care is zuckerberg does how lucky we are a Level One Trauma Center to save his life because i i dont think that people know what that hospital is capable and how lucky to have it there and so the long story short zachy is with us but due to the care of. clapping. zuckerberg and doctor and all of the people that work at that hospital everyone from the emt to take him to the hospital and to the nurses and the in the i cu and all the doctors that care for him that was an incredible heroic event were so lucky i know that is safe that doctor changed our life she saved my sons life i dont know how you thank someone for doing that all i can do shout out at the top of my lungs what this hospital a capable of and the doctor and all folks from the bottom of my heart im saying zuckerberg and doctor thank you for satisfying our sons life and zachary wants to say something. Thank you. clapping. welcoming doctor peggy to the stage. This is a little bit daunting im not going to lie im guardrail honored to receive this award i came to San Francisco board of appeals in 1989 i knew of its reputation of the premier Trauma Centers in the country and wanted to learn from the trauma surgeons that were my heroes one of the most important lops that trauma is a team 0 sport every Single Person who touches zachary through the prolonged hospital course contributed to his research including the nurses and physicians and even the cook from our cafeteria who came in on his day off to make chicken mcnuggets for zachary. clapping. as the only major Trauma Center in our area we receive all patients that are critically injured but the families dont get to choose their surgeons one minute their child is heath and the membership open deaths door i can tell you no greater honor to be trusted with the lives of this charge card child with our support i believe in zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital Trauma Center will continue to be a preservation Trauma Centers for years to come and zachary buddy you refused to smile at me for thirty days you were in the hospital i believe usual a special child laughter from a very special family thank you very much clapping. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome grateful patient and former mayor the city and county of San Francisco art agnos. clapping. thank you very much im delighted to join with the other former mayors of San Francisco and the many members of our city official family who are here to support and celebrate the extraordinary work of this hospital you dont get this many politicians one of the mayors to beat you once but this brings us together my job today is to give the pitch as we call if politics and it is to encourage you to write the most generous checks in the bidding and the contributions we hope youll make as i thought that will i thought that was something that willie brown does much better how can i do better than him ill do something ive not done before ill talk about sex and religion as it pertains to me in this hospital on december 1, 97 his worked in the Public Housing of potrero hill and after to build a community height clinic the Community Center i was walking to any car a random killer hot me twice through the chest he was rushed to the hospital and in those days, the old hospital that had the old loading dock where the ambulance would pull in and the doors to the ambulance would swing open the whole team would be there at the ambulance to start working on they called it the gotten minute so suddenly i found myself i was awake and in shock with the two bullets went through me verifying interest is nothing inside laughter and they all knew were gunshot wounds to the chest the team put me own is jeremy and all the people i have priority and the older let me see and the people westbound cutting off my suit coats to give the residents surgeons and ambulance and who started to the complication that was a young resident surgeon who jumped on to the engineering any and started tearing off my cloths. laughter my tie, my shirt, my jacket and belt he was awake during all of that and in these days a bachelor i laughter i was better looking than gavin newsom laughter and i looked here h her and in those days some of the medical personnel the doctors were dresses as they straddle my hips her dress kept going up higher and higher we went to the foundational of the trauma unit was waiting i mind to her you know doctor for a young woman i just met youre getting to know me well two days later i had a number of surgeries to save my life as a matter of fact my wife used to say you once had a body of a greek embody but today you have the body of a greek faefd im the mayor of this city a great honor and there are some challenges but one of them trying to be alone with the security that is always with you as my former colleagues know so every awakens in a while we tell the security and sneak out to dinner in 1988 we were coming home and sherry didnt remember we didnt have milky went to get the milk and on the way back the phone rings art art Mother Teresa is a is walking up to the stairs to the houseMother Teresa is walking up the street well let her in and sure enough Mother Teresa is a as your mind tells us what she looks like with two nuns i said hello mother what brings you here im come to talk about the work of god of course, ill listen and she told me about a facility she find out on the corner of turk and fillmore she wanted me to give me give to her for a homeless facility they have several of them in the city this was the late one i said mother i think i know what youre talking about ive got on it in the morning. She said the work of god cant wait. It is sunday and dark down there could be a little bit dawns that time of night she said does not fear god will protect us so make sure that god protected us i call on the red phone and had two Security Officers right away and went to this place that she identified we look at it and couldnt identified it is the red brick building and we couldnt figure out if it was a city owned building we went around the back and in the back eight or ten Homeless People and a fire in a barrel they recognized me its the mayor what are you doing here i brought someone families they recognized Mother Teresa. And blessed them and gave them something and we asked her were trying to figure out who owns the building its at the City Building weve lived here for the last three or four years well get open 24 tomorrow morning and we walked to the car to say our good by i said do you do this often she said pates e whats that. Due go to the mayors houses on a sunday night and ask for building. She said oh, yeah i do it all the time. Remember in 1989 she said mayor cox of new york he has a much nicer house than you do oh, so youre a wise guy you know mother i dont do those things for free she said what. My wife is working on a project and building a facility id like to show you what youre doing they hospital she said okay. Lets go now it is 11 oclock at night the mayor calls the hospital there is bed lemon the mayor is coming at 11 oclock at night with Mother Teresa sequoa went up to the unit and 10 or 12 babies undergo withdrawal and she reached to the babies and blessed the babies and left her medallion and went to the aids ward she blessed each of those guys and left her medallion and went through the hospital for an hour went through the old place as we were leaving through the old reception hall you remember that we had an enturning of one hundred people following us at that time of night a lot of the workers in the order let me see or latino and people that are catholic she noticed those group and turned and said to me first, she said you do all of this for poor people. I would yes, we do this hospital is not only served poor people but anothers as well who needs did kind of help that a medical facility last week this so she turned to the crowd about one hundred people at 12 oclock at night he said this i memorized she said when you all die and go to heaven god will be waiting for you and he will thank you for what youre doing for these babies, and these sick people in this place because in taking care of them youre taking care of of his son jesus christ and with that, she turned and left now, im not going to ask you to follow that particular faith but i am going to ask you to reach down today and seek our regard wherever your faith for doing all of that for poor people and anyone else that needs it thank you very. Working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco General Hospital our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco [gavel] good afternoon everyone. I want to call the meeting of the San Francisco meniscal Transportation Agency to order. Please, call the roll call hsu present nolan present ramos present rath present directors please be a wise director heinicke will be absent today item 3 announcement of probation sound producing devices during a meeting. Pages or other similar

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