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Perfect score of a hundred is not necessarily achievable so we go through the whole process and what we come out with our total needs that are estimated as 21 p. S. . 4 billion and here were sun shining it by the major programs by which the primary investment is muni one the big things from this plan it is significantly larger than the one we showed you two years ago good a big there of 5. 5 billions more a big component westbound fully assessing the states of replace specifically in the transit fixed railway the cable overheads and the parking the passing but also the state ons parking we added a lot of projects and completed a studies on the ocean subway was adams to the capital plan in this cycle about a year ago we undertook a Feasibility Study at the Fishermans Wharf extension of the t line third line this was excluded included and weve been developing a real capacity strategy to unlock the potential the light rail system to perform at a greater capacity to allow to it carry more people over time in total those 3 efforts adams about 3. 5 billion to that total another way to look at the capital plan by the type of investments were making weve categorized them into 3 categories so the first is restore which is kind of a state of good repair needs to rehab all our existing assets 50 percent the total costs or needs and the rest the other 50 percent is roughly split been enhancing the assets and making improvements to them to make them, if you know better or add new targets or the expansion of now vehicles or extend a light rail line a couple of examples there. The final we summarized the investments by the preliminary mode of travel how we move more and more into building complete streets projects this it is getting harder to begin this is the major consultant in a transit that has Pedestrian Safety or bicycle improvements is it so categoryized about 80 percent of the needs for transit about 10 for parking and traffic and the other 10 is split between pedestrian bicycling and traffic calming and other street improvements so the last piece is how will well be using this document as i mentioned earlier at capital plan is the foundation for the Capital Improvement program which were just beginning to pull together now and it every project that wants to be funded through the cit must start in the capital plan so the timeframe differ it will take a long range foreign the capital plan and shorter for the kip and by it the amount of funds we can invest in a 5 year period are roughly are a lot less than a quarter of the total 3. 3 billion versus the 4 point plus were seeing the 20year plan it is did not on the revenues to support the delivery of those needs and included in the capital plan is the first step of the project in its lives cycle from the capital plan gets opportunity into the cit and additional planning to understand how were going to approach the project the Community Outreach to make sure the solutions were thinking of our best alignment to meet the interests a lot of the design and environmental process and then finally construction and use of those improvements so while this is an important step in a project being identified there is many steps along the way where decisions need to be made and we need to be engaged and other system points that will likely come before this board so as i mentioned before this plan will be used for the regional and planning update in the planning area weve submitted our initial project list to the Transportation Authority to look at the counties needs for that plan bay area update based on the work weve done on the capital plan the individual plans strategic other documents that feed into the capital plan will continue it be revised on their own and then this capital plan will start the process again in two years to feed into the next cycle so just want to thank quickly a couple of staff annie chang u chung that joined us 6 months ago and helped us with the capital plan and alex the members of the capital committee, and also wanted to thank the Citizens Advisory Committee for providing us with finally prior to bringing this do you. Thank you excellent presentation and we look forward to whatever is come we have a couple of members of the public. Two people have indicated an interest in addressing the commission. Good afternoon good afternoon tom nolan im kathy from the policy and Program Manager in walk sf im here to competence how happy to see 762 million looked to pedestrian projects in the 2015 capital plan that is actually double the amount from 2013 were stealing excited we know that a quarter of trip in these the city are walking it is great to increase our investment in pedestrians the percent are the majority of victims the traffic collision so increasing the funding will help us get to vision zero were excited about the increase were curious to see if it is going to be enough to get us to vision zero this is a question that remains as projects get into the cit weve been watching that anxiously but it is a great start thank you. Herbert wiener followed by tone lee. Mr. Wiener and Herbert Wiener one question really comes to mind is this plan able to adapt to natural and manmade disasters now i believe this plan will incorporate reduction of present bus stops will require a longer walking distance and when you have buildings that are collapsed, fires and water mains busting i have to have available transportation it is going to be necessary so this should be one the criteria of the project just Roanoke County 1989 in San Francisco i was there i was present the city was severely damaged youll need adequate transportation and this plan must reflect this perhaps there should be communication with the Homeland Security department of this city it is really vital to do this otherwise well have one disaster for another this simply wont do for the Public Safety thank you atone lee the last person to thunder in a card. Mr. Lee. The capital we need the one billion dollars but in the labor costs is costing more 50 percent on the top of the budget the concrete and iron and car is only maybe 50 percent only but they do age liking just like taxi driver we do a lot and get a timely i went to the dmv and paid 4 hundred bucks they said i have a ticket so i cant know where i bring my case to get my money or why this is happened yes im not not trying to concern myself using only your mta but today a lot of people dont pay but the thing now is yes. You do need it and ocean view is subway is good but every year you have to look at this clearly a dollar you use is not easy to go away easy yes, he saw a lot of improvements like dui about say park and geneva and santa fe is an important spot a lot of People Living interest you ought to put the money there nobody complain but today, i have to cut a lot of office cuts and put the relabel on the top thats our power who is running the transportation last week new york only taxi thats why you have to put the color scheme an tmc the corruption more than you because they buy every assembly and bring the bill no commercial lists plate i saw this from the capital thank you. Is there anyone from the public who wishes to comment members of the board questions or comments. How are were going to get the oneonone offer. Yes. Mr. East to. You know i think that the first step to make this part of on advocacy piece with the 2030 that leads to half a Million Dollars in prop a approved by the voters of San Francisco it will chip away at the large number over time. I mentioned in my report a snapshot of the state of foyers in the state and the government has mentioned that this kind of analysis this you know our 20year plans addressed to barts and caltrain this is what helps identify the needs at the regional and state level the federal level so i think this is an important part of the advocacy you step one is understanding the needs and having a handle on what theyre to prioritize them probability not the whole 21 billion but in the spring fiscally 5 year plan for your k that can identify it is important and we have a requirement for a masters plan and as important to start to rely our needs only starting point in terms of being able to participate in future communications with the city region and state, federal level for the future. I think this was great and the process by which you did the analysis for the project was expressive and i know it go took a lot of work congratulations to the team that pit together the goals and the matrixes of it the only question in two years will we unfortunately is that number the main target every year will be increasing a little bit. We have seen it grow over time as new studies are undertaken and ideas are development so thats why it is the prioritization is important to say if we cant Fund Everything what are the most important things to seek funds that is the second part of the capital plan to identify and express the related permits of investment. Yeah. I wanted to express my deep gratitude for this work and everybody that contributed this is going to be a critical document it advocates are going to be able to depend on on well talk about measure 3 that confuses it happening in sacramento and d. C. This is the kind of stuff it demonstrates it, it is from the world were ours and the sky was the limit those are the kind of things well put into place before we get out and fight at the ballot and ends the losers we have to have something concrete to show well not be able to have have this without your great work that was a great report i courage everyone to ask him through it there is so much interesting visionary information im sure is going to give us a lot to talk about Going Forward but it is weve got tough exceeded oversees we need money for parks and schools and any number of other services so the clearer we communicate our needs the battery well be at winning and convincing our public and legislature and the electorate overall were worthy of their, their investments kudos to you and your staff and everybody that helped to make that happen and well see what we can do. Motion to do you all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it thank you, mr. Ito to. 12 whether or not to conduct a closed session. So moved. Second. Closed session wait for a moment sfgovtv item 13 announcement of closed session the mta meet to discuss the energy with the board of supervisors voted to settle the case item 14 either to disclose or not disclose the information discussed. Not to close. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . The is have it were adjourned thank you the executive record boy it was pretty close director reiskin i have a question for you. Its 5 30 im out of hereyo. Present off pledge of allegiance of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Up about face David P David t dennis p, Jermaine Dennis a craft Dennis Lawrence Dennis Herrera listen dennis kari centering and Dennis Mulligan and Dennis Dennis p ma competent and dispensing p over the and Dennis Dennis j bird Donald J Reagan Douglas C Miller douglas e during relay Edward Alexander edward s edward j y edward j right now edward jay wright the 3rd eric eric eugene madam clerk makayla frank Jonathan Franklin j franklin are j callahan frankie fred fred rick junior the third gary gary right direction boss jeffrey example e golden gate cain george jerold atwood jerold a jerold jerold r did you have i didnt jerold p dui win jerald p strange jerold p nerves glen perry Glen E Wilson oar gregg atlas grefr j grefrg m staff grefr right direction grefr harvey l heralding hector henry a. More like junior james a. Gish son. James awe motto. James m greg james a. George James Raymond james organ our jeff allows jeffrey j jeffrey j olsen jeffrey p waltzes are jeffrey establishes jimmy riches john a criticizing write john a sharp arrest john august san torn john john dj Marshall John f john john j planning i didnt john j jen j. John j the second john k john m. Collins john madam clerk maureen john m. John pburg gunmen john p burn side per john p John P Williams and john patrick john right direction fishing john t the second jonathan lowerincome Jonathan Jose combaup Joseph Joseph senior Joseph Joseph dj barryly joseph e mellone governor jerry brown g hunter. Jim glover levy joseph j. And junior Joseph Joseph p, joseph p, henry joseph p, scores per joseph right direction junior joseph right direction junior t glad top keith wood can it connecting j. Man or a woman no kent watson kevin cdc kevin h. Kevin j. Phifer were you kevin o rock kevin kevin over and over rile kevin Donny Lawrence lawrence j. Lawrence t stack v s pauline leon smith junior lincoln louis louis j. Manually junior manually mark p, witness for the record Martin E Mcwilliams are martin junior martin in the wrong direction matthew dj gaffe i didnt martin e Lauren Matthew lowerincome ryan Matthew Logan and michael s. Michael boiling michael cdc Michael Michael dj Michael Michael e brendon con. Michael e rousht Michael Edward Robert Michael f Michael F Lynch Michael D Michael h. Hobbs michael j. Crawling i didnt michael j. Michael j. Alliance michael j. Putting con interest Michael Healy were michael al pack important michael paul Michael Scott harry low. Michael thank you for your time carl roll arrest michael thank you for your time michael thank you for your time ross 0. Michael Thomas Michael vernon. Michael neil joseph levy and nicoles dj nicoles thank you for your time arrest oreo patrick dj Burns Patrick j. Brown patrick j. Pacific j. Waters paul, paul rue beck arrest will paul paul j. A. M. Event paul madam clerk beyers Paul Mccartney richard mary citizen 10 peter a. Peter a. Nielsen Peter Anthony investigating gay. Peter cdc martin peter j. Peter halls pr peter phil s. Eddy Bruce Raymond e murphy raymond e downey raymond right direction joke richards do richard a. Richard dj and then rikd junior rikd thank you for your time downey junior Robert Robert p, king junior robert go on the record robert borrowing tool robert man Robert Edward arrest robert f pursue robert j crawford. Robert j. Manor Robert Reagan robert laying a Foundation Everybody remembers where they were on 9 11 inaudible want to put in your memory forever lives were lost that day. Thank you for taking on the challenge inaudible very grateful to have you wish you the best inaudible always place in our hearts and remember the sacrifice for that day id like to ask inaudible . Thank you chief joanne whilst good morning. Good morning. It is my privilege and honor to join you in our city for the com arbitration for those past victims as well as heros 9 1114 years ago all of us remember 14 years ago in 3 thousand miles away it seems like a distance but burned if in our memories as an event wed like never forgot by most importantly we take lessons from that and continue support our San Francisco Fire Department our Police Department, our responding and optimistic readies for anything i want to thank the chief the mission, our police chief and all those that worked together to make sure that our city is ready inaudible and i know that while we horn the First Responder especially today, we take a moment to remember the specific names not trained as froerd for families flight tenant on American Airlines she worked in communicating the very first event our own hero to let us you know your countrys country was under attack mark batting i am remember him as in the airlines they were not going to lowest terrorists file their cabin those are some of the peoples names that reacted that all to say that at the community please understand the sacrifice i do for sure im working and continue to work the excessive makes sure to remind us we have the resources the support and most important that the public precious what that day whether it is recording to a fire, whether theres an accidents on the street or youre on a very sometimes think an hourly basis treating the needs on the streets we know youre there and ready we know that you respond and intending to thank and let you know that those of us not only work but appreciate the work you do and your sacrifice and appreciate the ready i didntness we continue to be ready for days moving forward know this our city appreciate our role in our response our sacrifice and youre ready i didntness thank you for being here and rem remember were a worldclass Fire Department ready to be responding to anything that occurs. Thank you, mayor ed lee id like to introduce inaudible . Thank you very much, mayor ed lee chief suhr and thank you for joining us this morning and chief joanne hayeswhite and members from the team members of the inaudible we are joining the authority and inaudible andrea and our Vice President covering ton come this morning to commemorate and acknowledge the sacrifice of those 3 hundred and 43 new york Fire Department members who gave the ultimate sacrifice to 40 doing their duty they gave the sacrifice of their lives no greater gift or sacrifice for Public Servants than to do that we acknowledge to those members are we at commission and command force of Public Service for the Fire Department dictate ours to serving the public inaudible the sacrifice discharging our duties and obligation thank you. Now id like to ask inaudibl inaudible . For 4 hundred Police Officers and firefighters dyed it day another 14 hundred have passed over 9 11 nearly 25 thousand other people would have died we lost 3 thousand americans that day as chief joanne hayeswhite says everybody remembers exactly where they were so as and stand here with the large class and an equal or larger group of Police Academy recruits up at Police Academy prepared to be that next generation to run in when everybody else runs away ill finish with a quote from the president we take the devotion for the last measure of devotion to high resolve theyll not die in vain we cant forgot the firefighters and Police Officers that ran in when others ran away so we might survive adjourned. Hello and welcome to this presentation. Im San Francisco purrs since that time weve helped people clean up their criminal records. We created this to help you understand how this worked. Well plan or explain all the steps. After watching this program youll know what to expect after completing the process. Hi, there are im deputy and im part of the clean slate team. The first thing we will need to know whether your despicable to have our convictions dismissed cant be on parole or currently charged with a crime or serving a sentence and it must be from San Francisco. While your colleagues will get to know your circumstances there are 3 steps. Getting the clean slate process started it simple you can get them done in the same day. First fill out an application and they can be opinioned on sf defender. Org. Next youll obtain a copy of your rap sheet thats a rap sheet going 80 the hall of justice at 850 bryant street on the fourth floor. The bureau is open monday through friday from 8 to 5. Its located one block away from the Public Defenders Office youll need to bring our photo id. Finally, theres your our own your rap sheet to the front desk. Youll receive a letter from 2 to three weeks explaining the next steps. Lets review the 3 steps if that fillist the Police Stations and on your Police Station and 3 deliver our rap sheet and application 0. 40 to the defender. It can help with Financial Aid for colleagues. I want you to meet a client who did the Clean Slate Program he refunds a nonprofit literary series. Please meet joe. Peep at the Clean Slate Program worked with me today, i i am an author of 3 books a husband and a father would you recommend clean slight to another person i would definitely recommend that. So, now you have a better understanding of the gibt address benefits of the Clean Slate Program as well as highway to get started. Lets hear some common questions. Keep in mind those are general questions youll you may be seated with an attorney who be provide more information based on our circumstances just to be clear i dont have to tell my employers will my ejections. Yes. As well as convictions that have been dismissed. If someone runs a criminal background theyll see the charges but its dismissed. You will be able to legally tell your employers person never convicted i dont to tell anyone is there a way to rears them. Theres some cases you can. Maybe youre arrested because police thought you were someone else. Wound our arrest record is sealed you can say you were never if i wanted to clear my record if i was convicted of a felon. It is also known as a one letter officer the clean stating hit. May be able to get it raersz but if i went to prisoner you may quality for a correspondent certified document saying youre a lay abating citizen are. You had should be aware for some state jobs state agencies are allotted to consider our criminal history. Those jobs are private security jobs Health Care Workers and other careers involving the children the i can sick or elder. It will benefit you Human Resources heres some of the things clean slate cant do it doesnt prevent an old conviction to there the sense of a new criminal action. The court might connotes more sentences even if it been submit you cant own or polgs possess a firearm. If it bars you from carrying an firearm eclipsing our record wont change that. Submittal doesnt rove a sex ejection. If youre required to register as a sex offender that process will continue even if your record has been cleared, however, other forms of royalties maybe eligible. We look forward to helping you move forward with your life so, now you know a little bit more about the program we encourage you to apply go the sf purifyi purifying. Org or stop by any place for our Clean Slate Program. Our team looks forward to serving please rise for the pledge of allegiance commissioner president loftus earl please do. Commissioner president loftus Councilmember Sherman is in route commissioner marshall in route commissioner de jesus commissioner mazzucco is excused commissioner president fong and commissioner melara commissioner president loftus you will have is quorum also the police chief chief suhr and joyce hicks good evening, everyone here at city hall and welcome to the wednesday, september 9, 2015, Police Commission meeting sergeant next item. The presentation of certifies of appreciation calling names . If those folks with with us, please come up to the front. clapping. were getting a call applause before we even start we want to make sure we see your faces on sfgovtv in the one side of bar laughter this is a failure of my directions not your. Youre the leader we want to see your faces welcome chief colleagues and members of the public you are all sure that the Police Department went through a redistricting with the support of partners before us today at the Controllers Office this is a lengthy process for over a year involves careful analysis looking at data, and not just looking at data but bringing it to communicated members, commissioners, engaging in conversation compromising and changing things working with the department with captains and neighbors and members of the board of supervisors we saw randy and another person on a regular basis but im glad the entire team it here for the heartfelt work it was extraordinary at this time i called your boss and felt this team exemplifies the best of Public Service really a team effort on behalf of myself and the commission we wanted to recognize you for the incredible amount of work and from this department chief. Chief. So ive been at the intersection this for the long time and somebody said there are two things Police Officers cant abide things that stay the same and change so laughter this was you know officers they know what they know they know where theyre going and trust so much in my new to get us where we need to go and do it safely and then when you change the boundaries that the amount of change that the officers have to contemplate this was although there was all kinds of paddling under the water on top of the water was seamless in no due part to those behind us this is in place the general order has changed around thanks to the good lieutenants captain beg your pardon ill read this in recognition of our outstanding work in preparation in the successful im blind to say transition of the district boundary on behalf of the San Francisco Police Department their hereby awarded this this was no small feat this was a such a Capable Group as you said but with the amount of humility of what they did it is crazy when you think of now those boundaries as we were stood for 15 years i think 20 years for a a long time so we wanted to get it right. I think we did a lot of consideration and tremendous patience on the parts ever everybody behind us a heart and soul felt thats correct i wish we had more but the plaques are enough. I forgot to thats correct captain watching and randy a new father 12 days ago youre taking time off of the maternity. Its been an exhaust 12 days. You look great. I wanted to mention a couple of names early on in the scoping process caring rene manager in my office helped to scope that with others before france is on a vacation currently in the middle east would have loved to be here hell get his plaque when we comes back and with the captain very much so throughout the real the first year of that project and then the expert consultant from boston who this much of the analytical work in getting everything though the commission in a way they can make decisions so thank you very much to everyone on this team and worked with us throughout the process we appreciate that. Thank you very much okay. I think that is time for a picture of some sort did someone bring a camera of that fine group clapping. good job is it a live tweet at this moment all right. laughter . Its okay. Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you and congratulations again youre welcome to stay for the whole meeting laughter i got a lot of Police Commission any Public Comment on the fantastic certifies of appreciation marry hearing none Public Comment is closed. Sergeant next item. Item two consent calendar receive and file request the chief Financial Officer to accept a enlist of 200 from mr. Peter for the sfpd and status report on general orders policy Second Quarter 2015. Colleagues you have in our packets two items for the consent calendar do i have a motion . Motion to accept second. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That item passes sergeant next item im sorry any Public Comment on the consent calendar . Hearing then Public Comment is closed. Sergeant. Item 3 general Public Comment commission on items of interest injured address the commission will be afforded with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded and not to individual commissioners under roberts rules of order neither the police or commissioners that required to provide a response individual commissioners and occ should refrain from discussions with speakers during Public Comment please limit our comment to 3 minutes. Good evening and welcome. Welcome i mean thank you very much commissioners and listening audience this is my first appearance as the supervisors recess let me say this i plan to say i wont say i had a bar conversation with the chief that is very much supportive of the issues ill not rely that issue tonight thanks to the chief that says a lot of the partnership with the chief and done it for a number of years i was the first africanamerican on frank gordons campaign so how far i go back about the Law Enforcement issue here peri ace on the case am officially coming back to city hall backed bipolar demand any company is Washington Post california one of the first projects i want to have a round table on Law Enforcement it was very weak situation i know all 4 of the london breed Law Enforcement police chief and officer in my community used to be the supervisor and jeff ive known and chief massachusetts con in the prosecutor so all 4 along with the City Attorney i think that time for a round table decision around city hall to talk about the Law Enforcement people extraneous about the Law Enforcement against them but dog it it here weve got problems amongst the departments the paper is full of that i wont have the controversial on the table whats the problem with that department and that department thats not what were talking about the Law Enforcement here in San Francisco must be addressed specifically with africanamerican to im saying about that im with the immigration thats an constitution that will continue on the africanamerican studies of the drilling see right now ladies and gentlemen, the population of blacks were obsolete were not being here 5 years but all this housing well not be around im trying to put together and mechanism to make sure there are black africanamericans here in 2025 so this is one the reasons i wanted to talk though the police chief and all the Law Enforcement to find out and put something together a mechanism a study to put together 5 hundred black families studying and put in in part of the infrastructure that is happening thats longrange it starts here that was the biggest study of immigration where the blacks have a relationship with the blood alcohol i gather we dont have this all over the country thats because were the city that knows how well continue to be the city that knows how. Thank you mr. Washington. Any further Public Comment . Good evening and welcome ms. Brown. Hello. My name is Paulette Brown im here commissioner moran my son eyebrow that was murdered august 13th to a semiautomatic gun id like to use the overhead this is my son august 14th was the ninth year of his death its been 9 years next year it will be having been a decade ive been out here for many, many years and nothing has changed im still grieving im still in pain and i dont think it will ever, ever ever end the perpetrators are walker the street that murdered my son one of them is getting out next year in august the month he murdered my son that is the most he is going to get out his name a paris moffett and he would be getting out in august of next year whos to say that another child wont get murdered whos to say that shes not looking for revenge and as a mother i cant give up whether hes getting out or staying in i know hell see me if i die i die for my kids my son didnt deserve to be killed my sons life matters ill never give up those are all the prerlts permeates that shot my son. This is all i have of my son this is what theyve done to my son i dont want this to hit Nona Melkonian door if i catch another motto go through this pain i will i ask for justice and closer i havent any and next year will have been a decade for me so i guess ill be doing this for the rest of my life i shouldnt have to do this i should be taking care of my grandchildren and doing things but im in too much pain and im scared for them when necessary get his age so im trying to keep them out of trouble their babies looking for justice thats it. Thank you ms. Brown if anyones wavrp with this investigation the anonymous is 415 5754444 is that; right . Chief. Yes. Thank you ms. Brown. Next speaker. Good evening and welcome. Good evening. My name is lagging on im a sole survivor in world war ii and i was faced by this fascist police chief and his people 6 people came in like they were the gestapo or the kgb 6 police came in 12 clock at night and took me naked in underwear and put me in jail for completely nothing for the beginning to the end nothing will change not with that woman even i not supposed to be 85 years old i was even in commission by way of today lets talk about the commission you are seeing what is going on in the street and the police kill black young people because you dont do anything i was in the commission on van ness 25 and after that they told me we abduct and the Police Officer came and our corrupt judge it is completely fascist yeah, and the United States is more and more became fascist country what we are doing what they did and killed 5 millions indians and now smaller black and you dont do anything. What im talking about basically your time and my time you have a good day. Thank you. Is there any further Public Comment . Good evening and welcome complooid. Hey good evening its been a long time brother weve fought when you were the captain yeah. Maddox him and i argued in northern when she was the captain lets bring up real facts i heard today in donald trumpet he trashed black life matters he trashed that is crap i started to think wait a minute clyde he has a point, of course, black life matters every life her life her life all of them but trump came across i hear what youre saying brother hes not black like the black community didnt want to preacher themselves now you expect us you and San Francisco, new york wait a Minute Police our own house weve been pub recognized baltimore and cincinnati and for another clean shoe the cop had every justification wait a minute clean your own house and then look at the police weve had incidents in San Francisco not so much i got do give you credit all of you the racial tension in San Francisco is kind of cool new york not see i read a report from the commissions office of new york with the new Video Technology the reports substantiated by occ this is the same thing they dont call it that 21 percent because what everyones got a cell phone everyone can report it commissioners blasting even had to fire 3 cops filming that wait a minute its not beginning the law no, its not not in San Francisco, not in new york commissioner thats it they did you wrong so you retaliate bye thanks clyde is there any additional Public Comment hearing none Public Comment is closed. Item 4 reports and engagements 4a chiefs report and discussion and review of recent activities and presentation of the quarterly fiscal report for the commission and save streets for may 7, 2014. Good evening chief. Commissioners and director hicks ill be as quick as i go i want to get to the presentation for safe streets things have been busy the officers made substantial arrests hive mentioned a couple on august 28th we worked with the 41 for a search warrant in organ our in network against childrens that suspect in into custody on several charges this is about a yearlong investigation it is great to get suspects against children camp mather children in several states on friday night at Critical Mass a much publicized woman in a jip cards on the boulevards we interviewed the bicyclists and then into custody and booked for felony and false prifrment and vandalism and willingly throwing things from the vehicle and more of late over the weekend we had a hate criminal in the importantly tally district in the 13 hundred block of silver and one hundred of brussel and in an abandoned Grocery Store someone spraypainted the words, no more chinese web worked the neighborhood and found assistance video and had a picture of a truck officer hernandez a beat cop recognized the car and suspect has been taken into custody he lives on bayshore and booked for 5 counts of hate crimes and 5 counts of felony malice mischievous its been hot in the southeast section from the double rock area the officers concentrated on that area and over this weekend recovered 8 firearms and made 9 arrests without anyone else being hurt last thursday night night a homicide in the housing complex im sorry a shooting that the person was shot in the car was actually shot by the person who is the more gravel injured shot by a third party or maybe selfinflexibility well wait for the ballistics but found in the get away car abandoned were working that case, i want to let you know two people randomly shot and good video of the video shooting the person seated in the car and shot in the both of them are alive but the shooter is in grateful condition on a much higher note the city is busy right now we really into the 911 weekend and today, the nfl is rolling in for tonight and tonight nights kickoff for the super bowl 50 theyre doing live shots to help to showcase San Francisco weve providing security and the big salesforce conference moves in on the 10 and goes for 10 days and, of course, we have events across town how friday memorializi memorializing 9 11 and this will bring the comba embassy they acy saw things differently and wanted to join the Cadet Program and today and tomorrow a world renown experts focusing on ways to minimum listing that outcome effect the outcome of looter process is giving a class with the friends of the division also known as at crime lab on forensics weve invited the District Attorneys Office and the Prosecutors Office and Crime Lab Personnel as well as any bill clinton a she recognized the doctor in the first place and hope to have every year training to have our crime lab on behalf of board im proud their accredited to the High Standard a difficult accreditation to achieve as well as clearing the backlog completely sexual as a result so a lot of great work by director sanchez with that, ill yield. Before that do folks have questions for the chief. You found in our packet on friday, a draft report with regards to the 21st Century Policing direction e director hicks can you get our comments back to us over the weekend so maybe by 3 oclock on friday that will be appreciated. Chief maybe an upcoming meeting we have a packed agenda maybe go over in terms of violate crime and property crime im reading will the property crime maybe a presentation with a a little bit of information that would be hey or helpful the u. S. Department of justice we have a policy requiring federal agents to get a search warrant when they use frirntsdz is that the policy of this department and follow the leads on that. We dont have the that it is standing policy for someplace if we bore one to make use of that and well get a search warrant prior to that. Also property crime is up 20 percent ill make a more detailed presentation. A tourist whos rental car somehow about got a cell phone call the officer took the time to pick up clothes and bring it to the person and this person like i didnt know there were Police Officer like this i dont think how the Police Officers were but those guys made someones day so okay perfect segue for safe streets. Dr. Joe. Clarification on the report on 21st Century Policing youd like to us go through it and feedback whats going to happen. Once the report is a final document posted on the website youll find the one tinge that wont change the fact were in compliance with pretty much every recommendation support any recommendation that is really more of a more have to another agency how they support Law Enforcement the one recommendations that is contra to the new School District everyone in district didnt want the Police Involved in the discipline of children in the school. Director hicks. Thank you as chief of police can do did occ just received the departments response to the present condition on 21st Century Policing simply unable to go through a 45 package report i spoke with our policy attorney sandra and it would be a stretch for us but we will be able to provide comments by next friday which is the 18. Okay got it. Well, ill leave that to you guys to sort out and certainly a lot of good meat on the bone and a lot to read well lord it that colleagues the safe streets was passed in 2014 the good commander part of resolution was to keep at the forefront of our minds the commitments we made around how we were going going to make. Streets safe the enrollment education the department committed to and our partners from the walk sf and Bicyclist Coalition the idea to continue to have stories antidotes and various actors that use mediums to get around good and bad but how to measure if were going towards vision zero so this im proud to say were continuing to be very careful about the magics to make sure were on track as we sort through the tougher things that were discussed by the chief so commander. Thats correct commissioner president loftus tonight ill present the Second Quarter for 2015 and also here to presents will be captain of the Traffic Company and director susan of the Technology Division we worked collaboratively with president lufz and the advocates to design the presentation well give you tonight thats why i brought in the Technology Aspect they asked for an i cant want of the certifications so 20162017 as you can see 22 people were killed while walker their bikes year to date 2015, 15 killed while walking and biking 3 pedestrians and two bicyclists we are focusing on the 5 as a reminder speeds red lights and failure to yield to pedestrians and such weve tab lads those specifically and as we work with safer streets the a long time goal of zero traffic fatalities by 2024 weve partnered with every burritos in the city and in fact, with the steering connecting committee with representatives us and Fire Department, mta the vocalists and general members of the public and on to listen to give input and meet to achieve the goals and vision zero meeting yesterday kind of cool about 5 representatives from the city of santa fe embarking on their requests impressed and as far as theyre trying to on the goals of zero traffic fatalities so thats what were do in general what we do every day to captain in the traffic companies and the stations we focus again on the 5 preliminary collision factors by the way, we also focused on the 5 most dangerous intersections and mostly as i told you the last report every district captain comes up with an information and target the top corridor everyone knows where things are occurring they direction their resources in addition the Traffic Company predominantly works downtown but well go out to the section for circumstances to add enforcement along the corridors like geary and fulton so that said the Traffic Company are focusing on the 5 but have detail chores they have to go out and psychiatrist for blocking the block and the on ramps to theyll go out and do transit only lane enforcement we have now the new safer Market Street no right turns on to market in enforcement but the signs are confusing again to show you that on a daily focus on the 5 they have chores if you want to call them that were continuing on the special Law Enforcement operations the captain will talk about that and the senior stares our most vulnerable population and blocking the box and the decoys and the ever popular bicycle operations weve done one that was as you read in the Park District our lighter will be booming up were work with mta weve objected a grabbed well be purchasing radar cabins and officer will be out in mass doing speed enrollment weve received the equipment within the next come up of months in 2016 well start to do the enforcement and a lot of operations with the chp what we are doing differently when he go out and do on probation we invite the media out we dont just want those that are receiving this and drying by to get the education we want to educate a broader mass we invite the media out and the last category the community during which driven operations weve gotten complaints about skateboarders and pedestrians and cars when we can we go out and do those added special enforcements so continued education outreach the captain will talk about specifically what we are dissolution in regards to Senior Centers i think i got ahead of my flag Senior Centers and childcare services. Commissioners with the Draft Company our specialized housing enforcements for the Second Quarter of 2015 we Carbon Dioxide 34 total operations 20 were conducted in school donates and others in Senior Housing areas in addition to the total for general enforcements in those areas 16 hundred and 15 violations were issued in school zones during that time 9 hundred and 90 violations issued in Senior Housing during that period of no other educational convenes for the ot s grant with golden gate to attend that last week that was a good experience to be able to engage people in a nonLaw Enforcement setting ive not had an opportunity to go to the schools but the officers target 3, 4 and 5 graders in heros as man and on the inning side in the terryville and Sunset Elementary School all the lermdz third, fourth and 5th graders got a bicycle and Pedestrian Safety well be doing more with the ot s in the grant cycle some of the money was diverted. Captain you might go not know that what schools youve focused enforcement the 20 schools enforcements were focused on. I can tell you ive not got all the schools but back to school weeks ago it will come up later we focused on speed violations this past i guess august 17th though the 31st we partnered with sfmta they asked for Law Enforcement the majority of citations were the motor risks for speed betsey carmichael, kidnap academy and the Chapter School George Washington high school and notre dame east son charter and james lick and west portal so theyre regulated in San Francisco and the vehicle code where you can administer light air this is radar that is a company name we use those particular schools can be located thats why we choose those. Anecdotally i walk my children to school i founds microfilm screaming at cars going fast around the schools so it is important that we are doing the education and enforcement in areas people are vulnerable thank you for doing that. Thanks captain. Okay oh, according guard were working with the supervisor and have 6 more schools on board not the old conventional crossing guards by the way, we pay adults to do that now it is more of a greeting kind of educational for both patterns and kids and the officers interact with the kids so bringing 6 more schools on board Going Forward continue the education that the captain spoke about and continue the enforcement commissioner president loftus youll name the school. Ive never tell. Again great partnerships with the chp were doing more acts and continue what were doing i think that is positive the interaction that the city bureaucrats have in objecting vision zero is great i think the advocates if they had a chance to come up would agree im speaking for them lets go the to the data it is all good news we are on par to write as many citations as last year total wise and wrote more last year than we ever have what is most for the captains it is really getting down to the officer on the street were focusing on the 5 collision factors i see that f from 24 to 34 percent citywide i see the substantial within the year and if you look those totals if you back ousted the special operations that the transfer company does theyre up 60 percent i have data it shows we didnt include on this slide and the southern station but remember the traffic companies primary for the Southern District were getting feedback. Just kidding i think that is better. Well have time for questions at the end. And then we get into the next slide the mode and a change here slight change, of course, were focusing on the most dangerous mode of transportation that is cars you can see hugely 98 percent, 96 percent last year earlier and 3 percent of pedestrians were at 98, 2 and 1. Okay. Again, by mode as you can see the change january to june of 15 and then the previous slide was the Second Quarter and page 8 citywide traffic violations as you can see the not onlyly up one percent and again last year, it is hard to beat last year, we wrote more citations in the history of the department as you can see so folks on the 5 pretty much up red light cameras down we took them down because of the construction theyll go back up after the construction and mta said the timing was changed on the light and staff find a bored of the top 5 there is other violations that could fall into the 5 in some districts it is pedestrian violations but so you see a drop there but everything is up sunsetly. Commander it is not just splitting out the pedestrians and bicyclists and cars by district but by violations to our point the focus on the 5 violations can be focused on the modes of vision were dlaerg to know what the violations are within the sectors all right. Well include that in the next report. Well challenged by the data it is a work in process. Exactly. So citywide by category this is a graph showing the great improvements again drooild and focusing on what the preliminarily reason people are colliding and 34 perseveres 26 percent this is an actual change and then here by station everyone is up number 7 is primarily covered by the high the traffic companies how much theyve increased the focus on the 5 breakdown central at 21 percent and bayview 33 and mission you want me to keep going. You can fourth from the previous slide and again, if we back out the special operations the Traffic Company handling theyre to 60 percent focusing on the 5 and then. Your pie chart showing pretty much the same thing the real focus on speed and it will be increasing well see substantial in the next year abag because of the lights enforcements well train the officers in the use of equipment i think that mta really went after the grant to gain those because automatic Speed Enforcement is not yet legal in the state so theres another way of capturing the most disruptive if you want to call it the mode of collisions and finally for my slides the fatalities by mode the vehicles are no vehicles this year during this reporting period im sorry modifies motorcyclists one more and bicyclists static and bicyclists down one were down 13 percent year to day as of this reporting. So im not going to answer our questions bring you up our can i i o susan to talk about the citations this is interesting. Okay welcome. Thank you. Merit. Good evening, commissioners chief suhr and director hicks just an did you want on the east side citations thats the east side citations it is the writing of a citation on a smart phone so today for the most part 75 percent of the citations are given to you on a pipers in the future the police will be writing the citation on a smart phone printing a copy of the citation on a thermal on the truck of their car looks at like a safe way recipe and the information will populated not only the crime data and the court and everyone that needs the day well have instantly available detailed trackable information contracting that to the process some of you might not know the process it is 60 years old the sergeant retired in 1980 basically the officer writs writes the citations and takes the copies to the Record Keeper they read the citations and stacks them in piles and then kick marks because remember theyre on piece of paper what the citations are and gathers the citations and drives to the records room and puts them in the record box the courts pick up the citations they sends them to india where key intra operators. Come on. They enter the citations and into the database. This is no joke unfortunately and it gets into the Court Management system and so this is why calendar mann index and chief suhr i like thaerg their hair out this is such an old collect i didnt process so were leaping ahead to do this on the phone and as i said well have constant access to the information weve made progress on the back end instead of waiting for the hand count wear i told the people in i understand type the citations but we now have those in justice were pulling the information from justice to electronically record and capture about 90 percent the citations so well be able to stop the hand counting process thats on the back end but the front end having the Information Available to take it the reason you you know we havent been able to find another Law Enforcement agency in the country that do citations on a smart phone we think there are a couple that do parking sites but it is fairly New Territory the reason we are competent were already doing our incident reports on the smart phone those are updated and the same thing weve got to print it out in a certain forefront were confident were doing that as our own project were using our own technology the plans we have we had a funding of 6 hundred thousand dollars he within the printer for the vehicles will be 2 hundred and 50 and some assistance well have agriculture and 2 5000000 for training and prelims we have to have a pilot up and running by the end of the fiscal year. June great yes. And my understanding is that the board of supervisors and the mayor allocated some funding for this project in particular 8 citations in the last budget. Of a hundred thousand yes. I can our partners from walk sf and the Bicyclist Coalition joined us this come up in january of 2014 when we were at board and supervisor wiener said why in the Realtime Data where the citations are you know that takes time but to have an actual plan in place. Weve had a great process with the Advocacy Group and the Court Documents well select the gender dictated were going to collect timing is very good another this project. Commissioner turman has a question. This this is now to be applied to traffic stops. We already have traffic stop data this will give you the information. I mean to the technology so it could be recorded simultaneously. Yes. It will yes. Yeah. I mean not all of the information is on the printed so i guess but we select it and print whatever and send whatever we need from the other data. Exciting thank you for the update. Uhhuh. And director youll be able to email the citations right. Thats pretty cool you dont have to get a paper copy. You have to get a paper copy by law. My bad. A good option to have. I like the emails i always lose them. But chief our deep requirements of the california joke code is amazing. Overall questions colleagues. Commissioner melara. I understood most of presentation but was not sure i understand the fatalities by mode how did the pedestrians cross of the fatality or they died. They died. The mode is what the person who is deceased was going by the pedestrians were killed bicyclists were killed or cars in this case is that clear . So they were walking. So the pedestrians were walking. The pedestrians were walking. Who killed them. Hit by a car. When you talk about the vehicle. Right during this time none died by a vehicle. And this was pedestrians. No drivers were killed. Okay. Commissioners wong is there a partner that tracks what happened after the citations are issued what happens to them in the traffic courts is there a higher demands on the sfpd when we go to travel court do we have the partners monitoring what happens at the back end after the citation. In general or at a scene of a collision. If we have an increase in the citation and the focus on the 5 are folks getting the lesson doerd. If you have evidence the ticket you pay the fine i know that i would probably learn a lesson but not everyone this is speculation on my part. Do we know is there an increase in the folks paying fines or warranties im curious do we know. I dont have that information can we get that. Well check with the courts. I think another way of saying that last year 54 percent of increase in citations so the citation is not where it ends it has to go through the process do we know anything about how this is going. Well find out from the court but were instead in our daily soigsz for blocking the box so none it learning a lesson. Im sure theyre watching tonight that will change. Commissioner de jesus. That is impressive and just a Job Well Done im glad we got together with the Bicyclist Coalition to put this together and hopefully, well go past it thank you very much. My question commander is it seems like a number of captains have stepped forward their citations focused on in the 40 percent range weve not seen it quarterly i paid attention to the numbers i dont know if there are particular shout out but looks like captain at northern and captain silverman is a steady champion of 5 and inside at 40 and captain schmidt. In favor thank you im sorry my station too captain in the terryville i dont know if there was is particular recognize of folks that obviously theyre getting Great Results anyone else to be recognized for in their efforts. The traffic folks. It is so handy youre here thank you for your great work. No, but i will pass along our compliments to those specific captains and you know that were now studying the traffic it will come up for those who are professionalism well and those not performing well. It is important for them to know as those things are presented to us there is a note of increase and all the things are happening it is just a great, great to see the stations and everyone is doing the same with different challenges to get to the numbers it is good to see the increases here. Anything else. Do we want to invite. Partners from walk sf and Bicyclist Coalition to add ill say i did take a ride with captain stanford and the Bicyclist Coalition through the wiggle and got on a bicyclist and rode the wiggle so thank you for that i recommend it all my fellow commissioners that issue is important you cant understood it until you walk in someones shoes we with the mode of transportation we rode and get in cars i rode on the bicycle and survived. Good evening, commissioners im thrilling the policy decoration at the Bicycle Coalition and congratulations to the excessive on this recent new newly married bliss after the presentation on the citation process we can take a deep breath and thank you to a captain maddox we were very excited to support that budget request this year and help to push it through im excited to see the results that is implemented were excited about that and along the lines of giving the recognition to the captains and who are making great process on fiscal focus on the 5 and great progress and impressive results in a lot of the stations and in particular i want to highlight captain silverman he put in his weekly article in the richmond paper a piece couple of months ago on why focus on the matters for his neighborhood and communities and it is a really wonderful articulation of why focus on is an important part of policing and keeping our communities save i highly romanced recommend it i also want to try to be brief but highlight the beginning of captain madding indexes presentation she talked about santa fe theyre taking the San Francisco model with with the 5 approach that is important for you for your us to see were the leaders this is scary and trespasser first degree were figuring out this out but other people are watching us this is what they want to do this is exciting for all of us and hopefully, well take that honor and responsibility going to finish two things were excited to, work with captain sanford and finding ways to build that partnering and keep good lines of communication open between the telephone to 18 hundred people that bike the wiggle everyday in his officers out on the street and working with that pleased to see the bike board is upcoming e up and running and happily take any of you on a bike ride commissioner president loftus had a great time and love to take anyone else out there send me an email and finally want to reiterate i think this is actually, the biggest increase on the focus on the 5 citations weve seen in wore quarter since the resolution passed we have a lot to do to keep people save this is a great moment and progress happening thank you. Thank you tyler and nicole. Good evening, commissioners my name is nicole with the walk San Francisco i want to echo lots of things that tyler said how fantastic for the 56 numbers are up drastically so thank you to command mann index for really taking ownership over that and that goal and you know modeling that with the rest of the police force and thank you to the excessive as well for making sure that is part of your mobile status meeting i had the pleased of attending one it is great to see the leadership and captains and their saerlts on focus on the 5 and Traffic Safety and how you know sharing best practices this is what richmond is doing it is working have you thought of that that sort of thing i hope that is part of the reason it is contributing to that theres a the commitment for your staff i appreciate that i also wanted to share you know commander mann index talked about the Vision Zero Task force and another that meeting the trauma surgeons presented data on traffic injuries in San Francisco what we sue 50 percent of Trauma Center patients are people that have been in traffic related injuries in San Francisco this is really, really rack and shocking and scary we also saw about hundred and 50 percent more severe injuries than getting captured in police data not a fault of the Police Department we are you know people have injuries that dont necessarily get recorded even the magnitude were capturing that assemblies so large with 3 people hit by cars everyday is just a fraction and this continues to be one of those preventable Public Health crisis that impacts all the people in the community and impacts parents who deciding whether or not they wanted to walk to school with their kids and bicycle to kids top reasons parents dont walk or bike to school so our walk sf and sf b. C. And the department of Public Health and sfpd courage the kids could walk and bike to school we have bike to school on october 7th hope to see you guys out and about and commissioner president loftus well be walking with our kids as you usually do on that note great to coordinate any School Outreach for sure we have staff in the schools youre working in so lets make sure we are connected on it and last but not least im really, really excited that to have susan here to talk about the collision or is citation data and the app that becoming a proprietor for sfpd having that cat is so important you know as we get more and more information on where citations are happening we can start to hone in on the 5 but the 5 most dangerous corridors and district and take into account the Law Enforcement at the Task Force Meeting yesterday sfmta and sf dpw recorded the impacts of save streets as best campaign that includes education on 4 high injury corridors the enrollment has the biggest impacts on drivers yielding to pedestrians it is working and Law Enforcement is a really, really important piece of that as much to continue to monitor where our crashes are happening and making sure our enforcement is directed at those places and at those behaviors well continue to make an impact on the big numbers. Thank you. Thank you nicole. Can i say something. Commissioner marshall. How far are we into this i remember the meeting with the Public Safety meeting is it 2024. Yes. 20 years from 2014 i did the math. How far. A year and a half. Not very long. Ill say i believe that the Police Department was one of the first adapters of vision zero and not just people that adapted it in theory but puts action behind that so a year after that resolution or vision zero candidate that was 44 percent in all sizing but anyway. My thought that was probably that is why i wanted to get perimeters on the time maybe too soon but a number of factors that cited as hopefully being able to get to the zero looked like the department is moving steady in its efforts of citation but again my question is prematurely but how were how those when we convene and look at the first stage maybe 3 or Something Like that so, yeah not just the citations but i mean the overall efforts to year and a half is too early but early indicators how things are hoping to get to the zero number which is obviously a lot to go but found out early on those are parts youll hope to get there and you know not year 8 i havent looked it thats my only thought. Thats right dr. Marshall. Okay. So what tyler said from the gallery a two year action plan and dr. Joe wants to make sure we get it in the maybe the First Quarter of next year after 2016. So commissioner melara. Im wondering was there a reason why one of the traffic violations to focus on was not included using the technology. Yeah. We get it request a lot it is cypresses youre talking about cell phones distractions. The pedestrians almost get rotunda over using the technology. It is very high but when youre out there at the scene not many people witnesses a person with cell phone or reading a book or doing something other than driving we focused on the top 57 speed or running relies or stop signs it is again hard to prove the fatality on third weve gone after the cell phone the cell phones was based on the approximate and his state but generally dont have that does that answer your question. Okay. Yeah. Anything else i want to thank commander mann index and captain and traffic absolutely the reason we spend so much time because of the prevention and the Public Safety model we can do more to prevent those tragedies that have happened so excellent work thank you all what exists me the most it the fact we have Community Partners engaged not only when it is going well and keeping the lines of confusion open i really think this is what cities look at how to work would the culture crashes i congratulate everyone for continuing to work through this and look forward to hearing from you guys at the next meeting. Thanks chief. That concludes my report. Chief i neglected to enlightenment the captain and the accreditation and the bias training sings e since were giving out congratulations thank you to captain conley as well. He did a lot of work. Sergeant next item. The directors report review the recent activities and the presentation of occ Second Quarter report and the presentation of the occ statistical report and the summary of cases in 2015 and the mediation of compliments e exclaims in 2015 the sustained complaint in august 2015 and the companion reports. Good evening director hicks. Good evening commissioner president loftus and executive branch and members of the public the occ has recent activities to report i will address the Second Quarter 2015 statical report you have before you our Second Quarter statistical report some of the statistics are similar to the quarter of 20132014 in each the occ received a little bit there 4 hundred and 13 containments the ones in 2013 and 2014 is the this quarter we took approximately three weeks longer than to close our cases and there are more pending cases, however, the Second Quarter of 2015 the occ sustained more cases in the First Six Months of 2015 and the occ sustained more case than 20132014. In the Second Quarter the occ received a total of hundred and 64 complaints and closed hundred and 62 the sustained allegations are failure to take action in 19 complaints against San Francisco Police Officers that is a 12 percent sustained rate we mediation 8 and combining the first and Second Quarters the jauftdz total of complaints received 3 hundred and 39 and the total number of complamentsdz is 321 so there is a 18 case difference between opened and closed cases and the total sustained case in those First Quarters of 2015 is 27 total mediation is 29. In looking like it the sustained month is 8 percent and the mediation is 12 percent my mediation rates looking at our staffing in the first 6 months of this year to struggle with not view investigators by the cross of second close 16 line investigators but only 13 of them had full cased loads the two permanent line investigators were acting as senior investigators and one of them continued to fill the vacates when a senior was promoted to Deputy Director another investigator acted as a senior investigator while a senior investigator was on a long time leaf im happy to report the senior investigator has returned by the close of the Second Quarter two investigator vacancies and two line investigators one senior investigator our budget provide for 17 line investigators, 3 senior investigators and a Deputy Director and by the close of the quarter 18 employees staffed at 21 investigator positions we were down 3 the charter provides 4 for investigator for every hundred and 50 Police Officers 2 hundred and 76 sworn members and the Second Quarter was 15 line investigators in looking at technology the occ and other city departments continued to transition to new Services Mississippi soft office 365 and our information continues to trouble shoot the issues working on the next generation. Item complete and installations for the laptops and conducted audits into the fiscal year purposes and continued to assist the investigators with Technology Issues im happy to report hes unaware away for two weeks getting married and the occ continues to operate its Training Plan for staff and investigators with the budget and this is old news were reporting on what happened in the Second Quarter i testified to the two board of supervisors Public Safety Committee Meeting and board of supervisors how the budget electricities to increasing public trust in the San Francisco Police Department during the First Quarter the occ had proposed budget enhancements rather than reductions to include 4. 25 ftes in addition staffing the proposed staff included one 81 journal level investigators and system assistants and an attorney. Additionally, the occ requested a partial release from the adjustments the promoted enhancement totaled over 600,000 for 20152016 and ongoing costs in 2016 is 17 totally nearly a Million Dollars on april 30th mayor ed lee and the board of supervisors london breed and other supervisors announced a proposed package to implement the police or more for accelerated hire and more training for officers in deploying officers on the street mayor ed lee announcements included the occs budget request to fund 4. 25 positions and this announcement also included the president lufz and cheri chief suhr at the context the Budget Finance Committee forwarded the proposed budget to the board of supervisors in the two year budget that included the occ proposed budget enhancement moefb to the investigation of cases with only 13 investigators assigned during this period compared to 16 investigators assigned for full caseloads in 2014 were higher than the best practices but actually in both years the 2016 was that 3 cases per investigator versus 23 in the Second Quarter of 2014 it increased from a hundred 70 to hundred and 90 and our goal to conclude within 1 hundred and 70 days we concluded 71 percent during that time period. Moving on to case that the occ found neglect of duty or misconduct the number of cases that the occ sustained in the Second Quarter 19 is 3 more than the sustained cases Second Quarter of 2014 its a 12 percent sustained rate in the Second Quarter of 2014, 8 were closer to 9 months similar to the closed rate in 2014 when we combined those the sustained rate as i said earlier was 8 percent compared to 7 percent the first half of the 2014 during the Second Quarter the sustained allegations were mainly neglect of duty 17 of the 19 sustained complaints had a neglect of duty sustained allegation or 89 percent of those this 7 of the complaints were sustained in whole or part for neglect of duty for failure to collect the traffic stop data the second largely from the First Quarter of 2015 when no sustained allegations for failure to collect the neglect of duty data the occ is continuing to investigate several high profilers theyre serious cases two of them are officer involved shooting and two involved sro and one involved the San Francisco Police Department crime lab an officer involved one case resulting in a womans death another one is the wheelchair incident involving an alleged mistreatment of a disabled man in a wheelchair there is a case involving a public defender who was arrested at the haumsz. We have a baby bicycle incident where a father has complained that San Francisco Police Department officer was wrongful arrested him and took his 10 monthold baby he was riding the bike with a child in the baby basket and another case the was a complaint a man questioned by the fbi and a member of the San Francisco Police Department regarding the freedom of information allegations the violations of the code and prohibition and finally on the last complaint of note a complaint filed by a San Francisco Department Head against a lieutenant for an alleged battery committed during a meeting and the mediation the Second Quarter 17 cases compared to 13 in 2014 by the end of the quarter 29 cases compared to thirty bind of the 2013 an increase in officer participation during the first half of 2015 two officers or 5 percent declined to meet the first half of 2014, 5 officers or 5 percent refused to meet they continue to document the reasons why officers decline to meet and the officers response is are generally around the circumstances of a particular case rather than the officer not willing to do mediation and our mediation coordinator did a grant for the National Community Recommendations Services in looking at the occs outreach activities the Second Quarter was full of occ outreach i testified at two board of supervisors safety meetings and beginning in january and continuing through the Second Quarter attorney and i met monthly as members of the Bar Association for the San Francisco criminal Justice Task Force manny and i serve on the civilian Oversight Task force and he serves on the day collection subcommittee on april 17th i was on trophies and the Deputy Director an acting sherry had a class of cadets at the San Francisco academy in may investigators sarah and casey green participate in a fair for youth sponsored by mo magic and the sfpd and the correspond donna met with the Community Organizations rewarding the upcoming organization for the fall and attend a function on improving safety in the communities she and the staff were at the table on the june festival it was a fun events and ms. Salazar and others attend for the reform and the District Attorney for the justice and in may the occ sandra talked about the reduction of trauma to parents she gave that to the Law Enforcement and the social Services Agencies during a conference hosted by the Alameda County of parents for partnership. In june, i presented to you our flaunl report in june Deputy Director balthazar policy attorney and i met with the delegation of 25 islander government officials attending the school of government policy for summer session in june ms. Marion had a program for the Community Restriction before the Police Interaction with people with Mental Illness and attend the resilience as alcatraz and featured a Performance Art by youth impacted by their parents incarceration she participated in a round table discussion on ending violence against women and girls supported by the status on women network. Another major event that occurred for the eject was that we had our informational mediation and youth know your rights brochures trailed into braille and continue to provides our brochures to various organizations and entities as well as district Police Station and moving to the policy analysis as ive stated many times before the policy work is an essential component of the work that is occ does and that by charter were required to present quarterly recommendations regarding the departments policy to practices that enhance the police Community Restrictions while insuring Effective Services with the san marion meets the occ policy work some of the work she did during the quarter continues to be in the area of Language Access and ms. Marion meets monthly with the Sexual Violence advocates and with the Police Department so the practice of the occ nishtdz 3 years ago. We recommended that the department the Second Quarter establish a written procedure for timely translation of limited english witnesses and suspects and were working with the Police Department to issue a priority a blunder on the topic the occ worked with the Police Department on a survey for general order 5. 20 to have the officers evaluate the Language Services and the training video that was development by the workshop ms. Marion present the occ policy work on children of arrested parents over and over on two webinars on june 3rd and joined chief suhr on the urban constitute webinar for pro tem an initiative practices for parents arrested through p prear it was including representatives from the media and social services and Community Organizations and academic also with this webinar the urban constitute released the report on children of incarcerated parents framework documents pro tem practices and recommendations for the field and this culminates the study they this on San Francisco bay area and two on the studies that the report includes the occs roll in establishing sfpd parents arrested protocol and the urban constitute released the urban arrest policy that includes the occ initiated to establish sfpd parents arrest policy two more things about ms. Marion on june 15th the presenter on the webinar entitled developing a policy to protect the children of incarcerating parents and the was the host collaboratively with the bureau of office and the u. S. Department of justice and ms. Marion joins chief suhr and also in the web mar was melbourne at the scene the cofounder of the children of incarcerated partnership and youth from project what and discussed the approach to implementing an arrest policy and finally ms. Marion wrote an article entitled the Bridge Builders collaboratively with the police to develop the trauma reducing procedures and published in the National Association of civilian oversight of Law Enforcement in the in that case hole of summer 2015 review and not spiritually ms. Marion i was saying that ms. Marion was nominated to receive an award and recognize for the work shes down or done in the policy area so with that, that concludes my report. Thank you crossexamination questions for director hicks and commissioner wong. Thank you for your report i had a different question if i could so there was a press release today a lawsuit by aclu for the please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones and other Electronic Devices are prohibited. Involving use of force against a man named travis hall i saw a comment i think his mom said there was a complaint to oak and the occ did nothing a hurtful comment because of the outreach in terms of trying to get folks to file if can you examine that was a report that was received is it being investigated . Commissioner wong ive not seen the press erase im not fall familiar with the comment the mother made. An incident of april 2015 i dont know if she filed it for the young man detained by 4 officers and released afterward ill send you a copy of the press release i that that that is a damaging effort to the occ to build trusted from the community. Commissioner wong it is i certainly concur with you that when people say that the occ has done nothing it isnt good press but thats not the end of the story the occ receives complaints we investigate those complaints and when we receive the complaint we go through a process and contact from the complaint is not a walk in or phone call in were contracting the complainant to take that complaints statement to conduct an interview that is recorded and we investigate and i believe i heard you say that the incident occurred in april. Right. Were only in august so the occ would not refuse to take the complaint so i would have to investigate and i looked at the audience of acting senior investigator Sherry Fleischer and were not at this time prepared to comment but shell certainly a lot into this. Thank you. Youre welcome. Colleagues so thank you for your report director hicks i do want to emphasis the importance this commission and the mayor and the board of supervisors in providing the additional lawyer for your policy team i nodded you said there may be a delay and ms. Marion has a lot on her plate so looking forward to having another attorney to look at this for recommendations for the policy adaptations i can in the future well get more workshops on the progress and that process there are many policy initiative that are important we look forward to hear more about that and congratulations to ms. Marion on her effort we wish her the best. Thank you very much one last report ill be brief the occs august 2015 fiscal report and you have the detailed reports in our packet ill highlight that the occ mediated 7 cases in rug 2015 four more in august 2014 up to august 2014 and 37 occ complaints were mediated between january 1st and almost the same as last year 36 complaints were mediated and finally the chief concurred with one occ case that was jaurtd in august that was a neglect of duty complaint or neglect of duty findings failure to collect traffic stop data and the officers get admonishment and retraining that concludes my report. Any last questions on that. Thank you director hicks. At this time im going to exercise produce discretion to see if there is Public Comment on items 4 ab. The monitor. Yes. Public comment on ab the chief did report regarding the homicide so welcome and good evening. My name is monique i retired inaudible . Im sorry is here mike on we want to make sure everyone heres you. Im tomato e i retired contributing teaching in the San Francisco unified School District we are this is a this is with weapons to the regarded triple homicide one young man was my grandson whom i was supposed to retire last year when i spoke to him he said wait until the end of the year to do so i talked to him and my family before his demise and stated the date at Harvey Milk Academy and finished at the first school i worked at George Washington and Elementary School in the bayview so those are the four young men four men young men that passed this happened 8 months ago january 9th is young man, im sure i came across every school in the San Francisco unified School District from pre k to High School One young man over at the left i knew him since birth this is his mother and my grandson it is third one from the left and thats him. One young man at Uc High School i had the pleasure pleasure of being called the mid wife and two years later his brother we want to know whats going on with our youth all youth i consider mine this young lady her shes been advocating for the youth with the murder of san franciscans for many years and it is hitting home for her and myself and a couple of Young Mothers who were unable to come out and my daughter being one they were born and rated in San Francisco and dr. Marshall i had the opportunity to be near my son and my son looked up to him these young men were murdered in hayes valley no two blocks up the street from home that was purchased by my aunt the year i was born if 1949. Im the mother of u long time. Make sure yes see if that mike works im sorry there is technical difficulty. Okay. And on january 9th as my sister spoken quadriplegic homicide those boys were a. M. Bushdz foreclose to months no arrests there are suspects, however, no and i also know the with regard put on those boys not one dime the city didnt have the money at this time when i spoej spoke to london breeds they made a phone call to chief suhr she was disappointed and very kind to call me and let me know she was skill inquiry wev leads. Across the street from the Police Station and people are been shot and the police at northern station didnt do anything ill go to the future ace on the case and im taking it from a to b i have to be careful because some of the people know me walk on the streets im not stooped but sensitive but in my community im a finger but im letting you know people are Walking Around as murderers what is going on were going to try to put together a Community Called Community Policing if we find out well help the police so they can get arrested i feel sympathetic so the chief are will work you with. Anyone that has any information murder find four young men in hayes valley the anonymous tipline 415 5754444 sergeant next item. Item 4 c the reports reports and that concludes my report the only thing to report next week well have our First Community meeting when the body cameras and in terms of the presentation we will get not just for us it is also for members of the public to come and learn what weve learned well get a similar presentation from commander mosser and and that will highlight the issues for the members of the public i ask the command to track the issues that were addressed and continue to trafficking where we are that will be your meeting next week and thats the plan for that. If i may. Dr. Joe. I hope that maybe ill say that maybe well be on before the meeting this is not a typical Community Meeting you go to you know you do a meeting at a but to hear about body cameras and i want them to understand this is not limited to a district but the public to i believe thats it thats correct for the body cameras so i remember a similar meeting about redistricting and no one want the folks to know you can come from anywhere we want to hear from you from the public will body cameras were into the hearing from the public. Thats right thank you, dr. Joe. Colleagues, any reports this evening . Okay sergeant please call next item and commissioners announcements and items for the future Committee Meeting for future action. For scheduled for fire chief meeting anything we havent discuses any Public Comment on 4 c and d . As are are hearing Public Comment is closed. Item 5 adjournment. Action item. Colleagues do i have a motion to adjourn. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Motion passes were adjourned thank you, everyone happy arbor day, everyone. We have a lot of volunteers from the Richmond District center. I grew up in the california area, ended up at ucdavis. I made my way out to San Francisco in 1984 when i was a college student. I remember growing up on clement street. I have always lived around in richmond area, just being around a unique area of the richmond, discovering San Francisco in the 1980s. I am hoping we can not support Small Businesses like this because they are the unique character that makes neighborhoods like this so rich and lively to live in. I have also been active as a community organizer. I worked at the chinese progressive association. I also worked at the Mental Health center in the Richmond District. I have always been passionate about civil rights, equality for everyone. I have a 10yearold daughter, so having a girl has made me much more sensitive to gender equality issues. I guess i have always been vocal about my politics, but as a supervisor, i have to listen to other perspectives and making decisions. Very soon there will be of much more seniors in that area. We are trying to focus on whether a stop sign or stoplight might help. Tried to look at issues of senior nutrition programs, alzheimers research, even housing policies that allowed our buildings to become more seniorfriendly. Also looking at how to support senior services, neighborhood byneighborhood programs that allow aging in place. People who are getting older helping each other stay in their homes and communities longer so that they can contribute as long as possible, as opposed to institutionalizing them. I support working families, livable communities, definite drawn support for the small business. Even in my district, there are pockets of poverty and many people of work. So it is also about supporting those under employed people, Small Businesses in this difficult economy. There are a lot of vacant storefronts, so we are trying to find people to read these spaces. There is a bookstore over there. This way there are a lot of businesses that have been closing. I support the Small Businesses versus more chain stores that seem to be coming in to some of the vacant storefronts. I am ting to be sensitive to the local merchants because they make up the unique character and diversity of our neighborhoods. You go to lafayette. I was just there reading to a bunch of kids. I think i was reading to fifth graders. What grade are you in . As a member of the school board, i know strong schools in the richmond is key. Also, from the birth to 5 commission each commission has an organization to oversee prekindergarten kids. I want to ensure that the state level that we advocate strong support for Young Children and their families, Good Parenting support as well. Often, we have to govern with our hearts. 80,000 people in the Richmond District sometimes have different needs than people in the Mission District or bayview hunters point. So often, elected officials and other hard working staff have to make tough decisions. They are political in nature, in many ways, even though people denied that, but at times, many of us are politicians, but we always try to govern with our hearts. I have always considered myself having progressive politics. I believe in a vision of people having their needs met. I believe in equity. When people have special needs, we should be considered of that. I also feel that working families in the lowest income population should have a safety net. We should have civilrights and equality rights for people as well. If that is being a progressive, then i am proud of being a progressive. Mayor edwin m. Lee good morning, everyone. Welcome to our citys Navigation Center. I have this opportunity to talk about the partnerships that weve created in our latest but on going challenge of helping to house our homeless the best we can as a city. Let me begin by again saying thank you to former mayor gave and articulated a plan to end homelessness in our city and got ought of all of us in the city to give this high attention and our city to create homeless programs and homeward bound programs and incentivized us to look at as many model as we can to housing rubric first and thats been our mantra. As i approached the challenges that i have with more people having suffered homelessness and working with our Public Health agencies, our homeless connect, our Homeless Center and leadership through the stories that they continue to provide to us about the challenges that families and youth and others face along with our Human Services agency, we also wanted to make sure that we formed additional partnerships to help us with this challenge. I think one of the best partnerships that we form is with our Inter Faith Council because of their on going commitment and i know members of the board are here. I want to say thank you to our local representative here david campos and also mark ferrell and Julie Christensen for their leadership and the rest of the board as we look at this model at the Navigation Center and try to figure out in this partnership what else we can do and do better at. The Critical Partnership with the interest Faith Council is not just the leadership they have been and working with el nino but working with our Human Services department and all of the agencies that want to help in this incredible challenge of People Living on our streets. We must do more and we must do better and learning from the very examples that weve given to tomb homeless connect when they are at bill gram and other parts of the city and we try to form even better ideas. The opportunity came about when the Inter Faith Council had an opportunity to present to us a philanthropic idea to work with us and other agencies to put our best ideas forward at this Navigation Center. This truly is a center where people who are homeless and living on the streets can gets services at one center. Its an attempt to take on the challenges at our homeless shelters and input on the street and those that are working through the Incredible Services at the Service Center working along the streets along with working with our public works department, our Police Department to try to provide the highest human touch for people who have the tremendous barriers of living on our streets. This Navigation Center has some of its good values as we try not to say no to anybody. That when we invite people we try to invite the relationships that they built over perhaps sometimes many years on the streets, taking care of their pets, the things that they have a sense of belonging with. Identify their property and take care of that and have a place where they can immediately clean up, have immediate attention on Health Services of support, mental challenges that they might have on the behavioral side of it as well as just basic food and the Inter Faith Council has been able to attract along with the Episcopal Community services a variety of food stock such that those can be here can have access to Healthy Foods 24 7 can get the shower and health needs on an on going basis on these sites with these portables that used to belong to Public Schools and the help of public works and againstity of philanthropic donors that weve been able to have very portable showers and bathroom facilities all in an effort to work with supervisors david campos because he was not interested basically in having the traditional shelter here and supervisor which would be responsible to do and as we talked to other supervisors, we wanted to present a model. I believe now given that some of the mayors that came through some of the conference of mayors that this would be the international model. Mayors from seattle, portland, vancouver, have sent delegations here to review what we are doing here because they are facing similar challenges in their city and we are comparing notes along with los angeles, san jose and oakland. And by all accounts, our effort and our model here has demonstrated that we have done better and we can do more and better. Such that, this Navigation Center given all of its collaboration, the systems we put in, the nonprofits that we put in. The surrounding and embracement of our clergy as well as those that are advocating for the rights of homeless to be respected in a dignified way. They have all said i think without a doubt that this Navigation Center is the right way to do it shouldnt surprise you with some statistics that over 200 people with the last 5 months since this center has started has been served that 60 have moved into permanent Sustainable Housing off site. 34 interesting enough, 34 individuals have raised their hands and said i have gotten to a point where you help me identified a support system where i can go home and be more successful. There are currently 71 persons here right now living and getting the support services, awaiting the permanent housing that we are negotiating. So all in all, the brief time that weve had with everybodys level of cooperation and with the again the Housing First services being part of that, the Navigation Center with its goals have been very successful to the point where todays announcement is not just to give you some background about the center in the Navigation Center in how it works. Later on well have someone who has gone through the center to talk to you directly about what this means to him, but also to allow the center to effectuate in a way that this center approaches homelessness. We will begin immediately of reprioritizing of existing fund that exist in our human Services Agencies and Public Health to call for an additional 3 million to be put in both an expansion and another Navigation Center. The location of which we have yet to have, but we know this is a good model. And working with our budget office, working with bevens input and working with nonprofits, we believe an expansion and working with the Navigation Center, im going next year of identifying two or three more of these Navigation Centers to make an even more impact around the thousands of people that are homeless in San Francisco. I believe we can do that and i believe this model can be had. We are not doing it alone, we could not do it alone. I think we have affected this private partnership so deeply and encouraged the private sector that we want to establish a fund. We are going to call it Navigation Partnership Fund where we will deposit our initial 3 million that the city will have and ask the private sector to match it. To match it in a way in which its not just money. But that they will match it only when they see the use of the city money going towards a very Successful Program as we have demonstrated here so that their private money can then be viewed as being used very much in an accountable level to be matched up with the city money. We expect and we hope that as we introduce this model and bring more private citizens and companies in to educate them about homelessness and about the causes of it that we will at the same time say that this is part of the solution. Now, i say part of it in a very deliberate way because none of the supervisors will say that the Navigation Center is in and of itself the answer. Its still Affordable Housing that is at the end result. This has also been the end result for all of our shelters, for all of our service programs. We want to have sustained housing but are people ready for it . I think coming to the Navigation Center and getting the support we have will get them there back up to this Navigation Center and certainly by the end of this year are over 500 units of housing primarily in affordable Residential Hotel units that the city and the private sector are mass releasing. That is an incredible part of the answer and that by this midseptember, we will have about 150 of those units identified so as people move in, they know where they are going to be ending up. By midoctober, another 150 units have been mass released by the Mayors Office of housing and the housing coordinator and all the other agencies working together. Now, the big difference and of course we will have the target of 500 by the end of the year. The big difference is this i know cecil knows this, episcopal knows this, inter faith knows this, it is never ever about just the brick and mortar, is it . Its about the people. Its about what they need on an on going basis so they can more than survive. They have to be successful. They have job Training Programs helping. We have support systems for our transitional age youth that they can not do without because they have got skill training. They have to get back on education levels. They have to get to jobs that they can use the earnings of which they can afford to live here. For so Homeless Population its no different. In an around the south of market area or tenderloin, we know that if we dont do more than just the brick and mortar, that they will be no different than those that are living there. We have to have services on site. Where we mass released these, we made an agreement with the Residential Hotel owners and i want to thank them for being great people and working with us because we are going to invest in the building and management of those buildings and we are going get the ability to have a number of those residents to appeal to a Certain Council to keep track to make sure people are being taken care of. And continue to refer them to services and many of those will have services onsite and those will invest in the elevators and sros and things that they do in massive Affordable Housing on a daily bases. They operate very low income Affordable Housing just like our Nonprofit Sector that we are working deliberately on that are passing this incredible bond that we have that they though that they have to have Asset Management as part of that system. So, we have this model of a Navigation Center that begun with some great philanthropic ideas but also worked reality with our supervisors and our homeless advocates and Service Providers in the homeless connect to cause a center that had not only an enriched level of services, but we also have the end result which is housing at the benefit that we are taking care of as well. It not to say and im not going to promise 100 for all of this, as a matter of fact some people decided it wasnt for them and they are back in shelters and 17 said i want to go home. There is Strong Enough of a system of support i want to have. I think this is humanity we want to have in our city. We do have voices that are formally Homeless Individuals that keep advising us. We want to keep our ear open to those that we help so we that on the longterm we have the longterm answers. It is not just about announcing 1,000 or 2 or 3,000 units. Its about how we do it as a city. Its a story i want to tell to take the opportunity to say that more people will be off of our streets not because we want to move them to another part of the city. Supervisors dont want to hear that either. They want answers and i think we are providing them with the collaborative answer that people are seeking the longer and more sustainable answer and allows people that are form erly homeless to allow the ability to get some support to be job ready or they can Access Services they are not able to to live a richer life in the city of San Francisco. I think we are already acknowledging how expensive this city is. That is why the City Government is stepping up to cause this to happen but we are also going to say that we need the private sector to step it up as well. We will ask all the businesses whether its the chamber of commerce, the tech companies, the hospitals, take a look at this model. Come down here. Visit, talk with the individuals and if you agree with us, with our best step forward, i want to make sure that those who have been involved in the challenge of homelessness see our citys commitment as deep as well as is wide and that we want to make sure we have all the foundational answers for this. And if its the only way you can do that is to interview those that come to the center and talk to them about whether their lives are changing and whether we are doing the right things or not. It doesnt end with just the the center, but it does an on going basis to have a lot of partnerships to continue to recognize this is an on going thing. I want more of our People Living on the streets to be off the streets for the right reasons. This incredible weather that we are having has caused a lot of people to be on the streets at night and the lifestyle of things that happen on our streets are very dangerous to them, to their health, to their well being. We have to have these kinds of answers that allow people to have longterm homes. This is the work of the Navigation Center. Im proud of the people that staffed this place from episcopal to Public Health, behavioral, Mental Health, staff, neighborhood center, mission center, remind me of everybody thats down here. They smile when they have visitors because they are proud of work that they are doing. I want to give kudos to all of them and Human Services. This is a model that is working well and i want to be able to expand it. With that, let me proudly introduce supervisor mark farrell who has been paying a lot of attention to this and what it means to us here. [ applause ] supervisor mark farrell thanks, mayor lee. Homelessness has been a serious situation for decades. There is no solving this issue. What it does say is staying commitment on behalf of the city and on behalf of all of our residents. Housing will always be our first priority, always. But also look at creative new ideas over a period of time that will make a difference in the lives of those living on our streets and all of San Francisco residents. To me this Navigation Center represents not only an embodiment of new creative thinking of how we are going to take people off our streets in an environment that will bring them on a volunteer basis in this Navigation Center but also represent the ability of allowing the private sector to get involved to really address something that is more attractive to our city and how we are going to help them. Whether its homeward bound that mayor lee mentioned whether it the laws we passed last year or Navigation Centers. This is what we need to be doing as a city. We need to make sure this is a top priority for our entire city of San Francisco. I want to congratulate not only mayor lee for this, but our Budget Committee and i want to share with you the 1st hand this administration has had and to all of those that are involved in this city not just citywide but in particular, i want to talk deven duffy, it is your vision here. [ applause ] with the coolest sun glasses that exist in San Francisco right now to bobby garcia, all the other providers that worked with us in our community and michael and rita here as well. Thank you to all of my colleagues, supervisors campos and christensen. Its a great thing when we come together with new ideas and to benefit all of our residents and to bring the private sector in. Im proud to celebrate with the mayor this Navigation Center and also the future to continued bringing of the private sector into continuing to work on our citys issues. To me it represents an incredible step in the right direction. Where we need to go with the city. Im excited for the future. I want to congratulate everyone today and the work and the best is yet to come. I want to introduce a true friend who cares about this issue as well supervisor david campos. [ applause ] supervisor david campos thank you, mark. Working on the budget specifically on this issue. Mr. Mayor to supervisor christensen welcome to the mission to district 9. I want to just be completely honest. We are not going to solve the issue of homelessness today. I dont know that this city or any city for that matter can really completely eradicate homelessness. But what i have seen since my not only tenure as a supervisor but as a Police Commissioner and someone who has lived in San Francisco for a long time that when it comes to homelessness, we really have to be smart about how we deal with the issue. And i think that we need to get away from some of the extremes that we have seen in the past. The idea that somehow the status quo is fine and we deal with homelessness by not looking at it and not thinking about it and the other extreme that we somehow deal with homelessness by criminalizing the homeless. Those strategies do not work. When beven duffy first approached me about the Navigation Center and i talked to the mayor, it was important for me that we in district nine and specifically in the mission that we stepped up to make this happen. My experience is that whenever you talk about homelessness on the board of supervisors there is always apprehension about bringing into the district anything that has to do with that population. It was important for me that district 9 and the mission approach it differently and say you know what, we will tackle that issue. So, before anything is said, i want to thank the people with district 9 and specifically the people of the mission that helped to make this happen because [ applause ] because a Navigation Center like this does not happen over night. Before even the concept was something we could talk about, beven and i had to meet with Community Member and Community Member with school parents, with the principals, teachers, merchants association, with the residents with anyone we knew that would be impacted by this. It took months to get to that point. It wasnt only until we did all of that work that we were able to bring this to what it is today. So, my message to the rest of the city is as grateful as wonderful as i think it is that district nine did this, other parts of the city also need to step up to the plate. We in district nine and we in the mission in particular are proud that we have been carrying this responsibility. But this is something that to really address it, other neighborhoods have to do the same. Because whats happening right now, i can tell you is that the numbers of homeless folks that are moving into this area are increasing. I think to some extent maybe that if they are in this neighborhood that somehow they can get priority to this Navigation Center. There are some who feel that. So whats happening is is that we in this Navigation Center do not have the capacity to really address all the need thats out there, not only the need in this neighborhood but the need throughout the city. There are people who are trying to get in here and we have to do a better job. I am very excited and i want to thank the mayor for the fact that we will be opening another center. I personally think that we need 56 navigation . San francisco to really begin to address the level of need. Also the Navigation Center as critical as important as it is is only part of the equation because the ultimate solution has to be permanent housing. So, mr. Mayor, i look forward to continuing partnering with you and looking forward to working with my colleagues and decided where else these Navigation Centers will go we will make ourselves available to share with you the Lessons Learned and our thoughts and i think its only fitting that this council and city is so involved because the city of frances should be the city that gets this right. With that, im proud to introduce one meef colleagues on the board of supervisors, the supervisor for district 3, supervisor christensen. So lots of people to thank. Lots of history. I would like to confine my remarks to three things. To the citizens of this city get it and people who have been living on the streets because they have no home and no leg up. We understand their plight in our community is an important issue and we are on it. Secondly, to this particular place, to beven duffy and his team and i think parks and recreation had a hand in this. Thank you. I have been watching this center since before its opening. I think i toured with deven. I was proud to be in south of market for the first people that moved out of the center into housing and i was especially happy to be here with senator Diane Feinstein a week ago who took a very particular interest in this program and in its opportunities. So it is wonderful with an issue that seems so intractable and often so lacking in hope that we have come up with at least one step that provides a chance that we can do something about this. But thirdly and this is the most important thing i would like to say today, to the person whose contribution made this possible. Who may even be among us today, i dont know. Thank you. Your money has been put to good use. Wonderful things are happening here. And secondly, an invitation to people who are out there that havent stepped up. To the companies who have not discovered philanthropy yet. To people who want to help, this is a good place to put in philanthropic system to make a real difference in peoples lives and in the lives of our communities as a whole. Come join us. Come make these new centers happen and well be looking for possibilities in district 3 and well make many more of these happy place an i hope everyone will help to that end. Thank you. [ applause ] our jewish sisters and brothers are about to embark on the holiest time of their year, and a time of season of new beginnings. I draw from the sacred text of the jewish people, the book of proverbs that say the without the vision the people will parish. Its a vision of action and we are blessed to see this. I want to share 2 stories with you about how we came to this day because in order to get this up and running in the time constraints that we are were given us we want to make sure at the Inter Faith Councils part that we can get the funding mechanism placed within the year. We were so grateful to be able to partner but it took a little work to get there. The meeting of our board took place on the second thursday of december. I dont know if you remember what that day was like here. It wasnt as beautiful as it is today. Theres no power this this city and all the schools were closed. There were torrential rains. We had done all of our Due Diligence and to just get a letter to talk about the significance of this and the staff said no, we wont give that to you and i said why . Because the mayor wants to come himself and impress upon your board the significant of this project and he did. He made a little reference to el nino. And in his statement to our board which i think everybody will remember because we met by candlelight. There was no power. He says we are here today to pass resolutions because the people that need this shelter the most are the ones that are out there getting wet now. And i remember that like yesterday. And we felt very blessed unanimously to have embraced this project and to stay active with it. We were asked often by the press, is this going to work . Is this going to be a success . People of faith can talk prophetically. I can tell you why, having an opportunity to tour this site with the mayor and owner. The mayor new every inch of what was happening here in this building and that vision i can see it was going to work and the genuine confidence in the done or and it allowed it to be created. And the creativity to be able to create coalitions with the board of supervisors, the neighbors, the city Department Heads and the nonprofits. That was a sign that this was going to work. We are very thankful to have been at the ground floor of this Pilot Project and we so pray to see this replicated and continue our commitment. Weve been in the business of the inter faith winter shelter for over 25 years. Mr. Mayor, thank you for allowing us to be involved in this. I actually get and i want to recognize human Services Agencies commissioner rita soems who is here. Shes the president of our council and she has a very important vision. Im proud to be here to present our client. Victor and his partner cynthia on the street for 25 years. It wasnt until entry into this place where they can see a road to hope, a road to possibility. Victor, would you come and share with us a little bit your story. [ applause ] this is a story about empowering me. It took a strong woman to give me that vision, that believed in myself. That means a lot to me. This woman right here. [ laughter ] you know, that is what is really great about this place because as you know, these streets can tear you down. You can be out there fighting and running the streets and using drugs, whatever. It is what brought you to that point in our society. In this society you need hope and believe and everybody that deserves a chance to have a life, to be a part productive part of our society in this world. She gave me that hope because i was living up under a bridge. I went to el nino as you talked about last time on a tarp with safe way baskets. It not what you want to go through. Torrential rain, everything wet, alone. This woman inspired me. She seen something in me just like deven who said im coming back to get you. For a city official to tell somebody that and to come back to get that person no matter if it was a day or 2 months later. He said believe in me and i did. Im here to testify to it. Thats important to me. For the next place to have a place to come to. Its not easy to be in the streets. This is a great thing. To take you off the street and put you in a Living Environment is a shock. I know many people that went in off the streets and just went right back out. Because they werent ready for it. This place here. It teaches you the life skills which is so important. It makes you feel good about yourself where you can go to have a place to wash your clothes. A place to take a shower everyday. A clean environment. Not just some hotel where everybody just comes off the streets with whatever. This is a clean environment. Its teaching you. You have a kitchen. You have staff, the support. They support us in getting our drivers license, marriage license, domestic partnership. It all factors in to giving that person a sense of being. That is what is so really important to have a sense of being of accomplishment and they help you on that way by giving you wake up calls. You cant have someone that lives moment to moment on a whim and expect them to go, okay, i have an 8 00 appointment today and after that i have another 2 00 appointment and its difficult for that person to meet that because its living outside. Every minute, it can change. Your life can change. Somebody can come in, someone can interact with your life and change the whole, everything that you have planned to do and it will change. This place gives that you buffer and opportunities to sit down and think about it, no pressure. They are here for us. Thats whats made my. It hasnt been an easy road. Im used to getting up every morning thinking about how im going to eat, how im going to take care of her. What im going to do to take care of her. Thats on the top of my head. Put you in a basket. Whatever, recycling, whatever. A few dollars to do that. If i had to pick her up and put her in a basket and put her in there and got pulled over for it. Our Police Department said this woman coma toes in this traffic cart is getting pushed. They were worried. [ applause ] that officer that pulled me over cared enough about seeing Something Like that, a person with another human being in a basket. Thats what its all about. Thats what beven showed me. He cared enough about me for meeting me and we all do. Everybody. We love a chance. Thank you. I wont say anything more. [ applause ] thank you, victor. We have more people to serve, more people to come through. Mayor edwin m. Lee one significant thing that i know supervisor campos mentioned. When we talked about this idea, we also talked about it being temporary. The reason is this is a site for now and hopefully less than a year construction will start in 160 affordable units, that this mission and community deserve and need yesterday. We are moving very quickly on that. But it also says to all of us that, we only have a certain period of time to show what weve got. We do have time pressures because we need to get people off the street before they encounter things they cant handle. This is where the time frames are important to the accountability and the use of the public funds as well as the private funds. So we are dedicated not just to ideas, not just to the programs but on a very deliberate life changing transformative time changing for people to get their lives in order and this is what is part of the discipline in the Navigation Center. I want to assure that the supervisors as we promised it would be temporary and it is in fact temporary because these sites dont run off very often. We are already identifying other areas of the city and we need the similar cooperation that we fortunately had here by community representative, residents, the School District and everyone here watching whats going on they have been supportive of the pets and the property and the level of activity thats been here. We are on a quest to create more Navigation Centers. We are on a quest to use the citys money wisely and to create more partnerships with our religious community, our residents, our nonprofits that are incredibly important to this. Thank you for visiting the center and thank you for listening to the speeches and there will be more folks to ask more questions and we anticipate that our approach here will cause more people to come and take a close look at this model and work with us. Thank you very much. Issue. Homeless in San Francisco is a challenging issue that effects owner in the city in many different was as of the 2014 Homeless Census over 64 homeless in individual in the city to try to address the issue weve got a program for chronic homeless welcome to the Navigation Center. This Pilot Project is for People Living on the street what makes it different the Navigation Center is able to accommodate homeless encampments lowell u allowing people to keep their pets and bring their personal bloonlz. The full realization that people dont want to be homeless not refuse services but from the services dont meet them and not relevant theyre not going to be successful if you look at the budget losses weve got a community sacrifice important people to get food and laundry were standing next to the bathrooms it is designed to be a dynamic and brief residential experience where right of on this site city staff to connect you to homeless places to return to family dine is up for medical and all those things that are complicated for people. The other exciting thing city agencies come on site and provided the services for folks this is existed to see when the goal of streamlining a a whole processes of getting people on go gentle assistance into housing as much as possible. Way totally different you can come and agree as please and get Laundry Services and showers any time of the day and night its twentyfour hours a day whatever and twhefr its not like any other she recalls. They come and help people for what it is theyre required the issues they need and reach out and do what we can to say okay how can we accommodate you to get you set up and straight never in my mind imagined a program like this this place it different and a a lot a lot that better it works. The navigation is center is a collaboration of partnerships too city departments one is the Homeless Outreach team managed by the San Francisco distributing i look forward to the Navigation Center well have our agents go out and help and say dont go anymore over and over send our dayshift out theyve meet the population and hang out and hang in the encampment and transport people and be with them and make immediate impacts with me and my staff. Bringing our wloongz whatever you go presents a problem this place their help with the storage i dont have to worry about it staying here you know youre getting things done they need to get things down done to get off the street avenue of the hope alsoness is gone. They help you if youre hungry go eat if e you need to go places go. Theyre 4th district it awe auto. It was funded through a unanimous donation and of may 2015 an additional 3 million to help to continue the Program Beyond 18 months. You see people coming out theyre ready to being so the future homes you know how variable the Navigation Center is my message for the constituents yes something can be done do break chronic homelessness it is being done. This is a community that sets an example but i how to pick an area that was funky theyve seen were trying to do is help their neighbors theyve seen getting sicker and more frail and broken down on the streets and welcomed us thats a powerful Statement People are exist and president in theyre becoming to see the movement for folks and people on the streets are only survival modes where is there next meal and their itch more carefree. The staff here is interpretation the first day i have a appointment and everything was made all you do is go through them this makes a huge difference. To get settled in a helping hand, to get on my feet, take care of the issues i have and get out of bed and help. Even though the Navigation Center has been up in march 2014 the program is creating successful outreach for its clients. A month ago they came to me and asked me to go into a new program i moved into here and now 3 months later i have my own place it is mine i lock my door dont worry about my stuff it feels human again. My name is jaeven alexander an attorney for the San Francisco City Attorneys office i inspires the tax team give tax advise to the treasurer and drafting tax legislation the thing i remember any mother telling me as a child but need to be prepared to take care of youve i know you wanted to burger to do something i enjoyed i did not expect anyone to gym give me anything they didnt give her anything i saw her fighting for the things she wanted for home share my name is jason man flovrlz working alien agency an admin assistants at the City Attorneys office i felt in the tasks ive been given on the days i didnt show up and held my own for me, i think it is being more active and being more involved in a person to person interaction my grievous bodily harm jobs includes being a physician or nurse or pharmacy or firefighter and working with animal or the public on a personal level for improvements my sister is the biggest influence in any life because she to tell you the truth me to go forward what makes you happy rather than the most money. I graduated from law school in 1972 at this point when was was beginning to be an influx of women in the professional and tries case for diligent operated programs government budgets and a life fiscal legislation came to the San Francisco City Attorneys office and been here for about 12 years advising think tax matters i does just about anything to think of lawyers do some things and some negligence letters dont do. Im from the mission and grew up and also there my whole life living there you see others question. Some of them oldest and some look like me my age and a lot of them work nanny and childcare jobs and retail jobs i dont know it is being kind of like a reminder that youre kind of lucky to be where you or i guess just the facts whether you havent gone so far at all i want them to go maybe go on an intrauf for challenging that is facing things they cant get that job you know kind of challenge and maybe surprise themselves when they get that job and feel better. They have been women practicing law for many years but it was so few of them that a lot of the issues hadnt really come into play and some of them were fairly worked out and resolves like equal pay in partnerships in law firms mac that women get fair assignments to be excluded and in the upper levels of government and law firms i consider myself more of a beneficiary of all the women that fought really difficult battles along the way housekeeping items one it is to first if you could turn off your cell phones or put them on vibrate and second a spectator or speaker and wants to make a Public Comment on any items oils on the agenda we have speaker cards if you want to hand it to the staff and finally thank you to sfgovtv and Media Services for producing this and airing that

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