And the roof deck is above that. In response to the concerns theyre raising concerns during the preapplication and the project is built to the Property Line and weve agreed to the setback and weve met with them to see how to further mitigate their concerns and we agreed through that meeting to have a fixed planter along the edge of the roof terrace and the flats windscreen for privacy for the rear tenants from the roof deck into their properties those are the concerns and theyve agreed to formally withdraw their agreement in the executive summary that concludes my portion and the neighbors concerns as well as my thoughts on the design so if im im available to answer any questions. Thank you opening up for Public Comment on this item. Any Public Comment on this item . Scenes commissioner antonini. Thank you you know, i think this is i was looking at the plans it as a welldesigned plan and rather seen the townhouse with an additional bedrooms on the mid floor unfortunately looking at the plans you have all your bedrooms penciled in for the first story of the master unit and you have the floor above that where but have your formal rooms you know it would have been better in the formal rooms on level 2 and bedrooms on level 3 get rid of the huge family room in addition to all the space in the front and an you recaupper d i thought the family room that you had rec room or whatever you call it and the bathrooms love the lower unit not easy to make a townhouse out of the lower unit but have to redesign ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say because youve decreased the lower Square Footage and increased the Square Footage of the upper two it is a size that is probably not practical for most people to thats my feeling. Commissioner moore. Commissioner antonini raise an important question the lower unit is assess there the culminated walk to the garage is more token than anything else that is a question as a policy issue i see surfaced again and again it is hard to quantify were basically having a de facto demolition or tantamount to a demolition and building a super sized units ando the liveability thats what were doing now so i would agree with them and further to this that area didnt a roof deck when you look at the google map quickly i question even if you have a quiet agreement take that into the dilate of the property and in the future no disputes about what is being sold because what is fine with the current owner my might not in addition to the fact because the needs can be resolved every night when you make the 311 call to the annoyance of people that hear the annoying noise with no enforcement id like for the commission to start thinking about what were doing with the token units with the projects for it falls short making this equitable situation the best form of units we have in San Francisco are indeed stacked flats the most equity and the fabulous way of general fizzing the city and creating equalities and in this can say wire diminishing the quality of the lower unit when you look at the drawers a2. 1 how that unit is assessed through the part born by the garage and wonder would you like to live there i personally do think so. Commissioner antonini let the other commissioners weigh in terms of of design it would be nice to see something that took its clues from the building surroundings it again something with a lot of glass in the frontdz and not as bad as some but like to see something that looks like like the period in which the rest of the homes are and in this very nice neighborhood that is a minor point the point about distribution is more serious id like to see two dwelling units that would be appropriate for families with multiple children whereas the lower units will not work that way and the upper unit with those huge rooms like a cafe im not sure what will happen in that place anyway, thats my feeling about the plans. Exposure raises a some good points i didnt think of in the equitable autobiographies theyre not huge but normally affordable so were seeing those hidden the garage units a lot more and from a policy view look at how equitable they are. So commissioner to get response from the architect i think youve done a good job on the magnificence the structure and responding to the magnificence of the neighbors but this kind of seems more of an ancillary units than a unit you know so i dont know if you gave that any thought or a way to kind of better balance these units you seem to have a lot of competence Living Spaces on the you werent units it is large for a 4 bedroom. Yeah. There is obviously. Were going in the allowable 25 percent reduction and following the Planning Department staff lead to considering were trying to modernize the two units that were there ill argue that 2 points in the impartial and the liveability by creating a smaller unit were making a more liveable units better sued for a larger family diverse Phil Ginsberg the ill argue to anyone in the city with 15 a liveable unit like my circumstances i have a wife and daughter we live in a seven hundred square feet bedroom apartment ill be happy to give up my bedroom for that space but 15 hundred square feet is liveable ill say you know, i really want to point out that we are operating within the the direction of the department within the allowable reduction of 25 percent of the units and we have the support of both Planning Department and the rdt. Okay. Thank you. Sure. Commissioner moore i wanted to comment can you ask you a question. Sure. Is your unit off the garage along a narrow walkway. The main light for this unit is not taken from the north rear but it is basically liveable part of unit comes from the lightwell while you not having private issues i look at the windows but still crammed feeling into this unit i think with all due respect providing the unit is streamlined under. Id like to put a up a quick floor plan and look at that and so those two bedrooms enter into a breezeway plus they have you know 8 foot tall openings and to the right hand with the lightwell and descents amount of light into the breezeways you because of the neighbors lightwell, and, secondly, light and air come into the bedroom and specifically point out family rooms is space with telephone foot ceilings i think that is a 12 footed sliding doors will be a light airy open space. The point on the secretary and puts on the next item list the units distribution something we need to look at were seeing this more and more and commissioner moore hit the nail on the head i want to call it were seeing more reductions of the second unit and need to take into account that and jonas will say we have several of those commissioner antonini. Thank you. I mean, i dont know how the commission feels but maybe possible to continue the item to see if we can have a redesign that makes the units a little bit more equal in size you know it would be nice to have two flats particularly the center floor on the you werent units can be a large units and actually part of first story can be used separate we give part of it to a garage units and make it more townhouse with two floors as well see in projects coming up later that did exactly that and made the units of two fairly nice units appropriate for families rather than one tiny and not tiny i i know it as fyi inches but the back of a garage but ill see what my fellow commissioners have to say. Is that a motion to continue. Yeah. Okay sure. Do you have a suggested date. How quickly it can be redesigned to include more space for the lower unit and other things the commission brought up. Youre asking me how quickly to redesign it do i have a moment to discuss the redesign component and the steroid history and how weve gotten to this point. No, no just how long to redesign. To redesign the entire building and redistribute the units will be a substantial blow to the project schedule and a substantial under take weve heard all the you know a lot of a year nature to this design. Worked with Planning Department staff and the rdt. I made to point to talk with our representative and during the after the first hearing quite a while ago. We didnt have a first hearing. Sorry. I spoke to him. You have the concerns of the habit ability of the lower unit it with what we have an additional second bathroom and make sure the entry sequence from green street through the garage to the main breezeway was demarcated by the balance in other words, to make sure that no car about block it a desirable sequence and beyond that obviously in regards to the had been ability of the unit just to focus on how wide area not a baseline area. Sir with all due respect the commissioner commission is seeking your advice to how soon it can be continued to. I think were looking at october. Okay. Thats the relevant it. I will propose and make a motion october 13th. Thats up to the architect if we can we look at the calendar and want to get to an as quickly as possible. The question how long to take you and turn around a new design you said that was extensive what do you mean. Well, we want to get it on the calendar as quickly as possible. We have a scheduled manager as well you know im looking at what we got here you know were looking september we have september 15th is closed and september 22nd is closed september 29th is closed and october 6th is open thats the relevant itself. Nothing in july. Were closed those hearings have been closed mr. Tuney for months. July 21st is a joint hearing with the assessment ta ive tried to keep the session light. Thats a pocket we can continue that gives us three weeks. That hearing with the titanic mess on van ness im sorry weighing well have 200 speakers that day making a motion give me other ideas early august. July 28th. Again, this doesnt have a ton of Public Comment. Lets try july 24th. July 28th make a motion. Second. Thank you, commissioners to july 28th with directions on a redesign. Commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu and commissioner Vice President richards so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and commissioners that places us on item 16. Excuse me at tenth street a conditional use authorization and a planned Unit Development. Good afternoon rick Department Staff the the item before you is conditional use authorization and planned unit for the proposed project on tenth street riders the conditional use authorization on a lot large 10 thousand square feet and larger than 2 thousand square feet and merger of lots weather see rh3 with the street footage greater than one thousand feet and temple Group Housing for the former to childcare and formal school uses and establishment avenue childcare of preschool with more than 13 children in the rh3 the proposed project is the expansion of the campus for the Presidio Knolls School that will encompass a childcare use in the mravpd and elementary and middle school the proposed o project will demolish the one story garage on tenth street and the existing preschool and the Elementary School building and rehabilitate the directory and change from grumz to school and constructed 23 or thirty foot tall School Building and a one story Music Building the project will preserve and maintain the eastbound parish hall and outside play ours with class 1 bike Parking Spaces and class 2 bike Parking Spaces overall that will expand the skim use from 36 thousand to ti thousand square feet the department has not received any public corners in supported or opposition the of any person s responsible for the ringing or use of a recommends approval with conditions that complies with the planning code and on balance effect with the objectives and policies of the jean plan the project maintenance and educational childcare use that are used in support of children and families in San Francisco the promotes the historic conservation resource this is encouraged by the western edition and the project will pay the impact fees and complies to the hire agreement and it is necessary and desirable with the surrounding neighborhood and note under the planned Unit Development the project is seeking exceptions to planning code requirements including the roof deck and bike parking and showers the project sponsor has prepared a presentation that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions thank you. Thank you. Good afternoon im head of school at proerldz you thank you for the opportunity to talk our children proerd is a nonprofit preschool and emergency room combloin a progressive education with learning our curriculum is relying on best practices and child center and math and science and english and our goal to have the children them comfortable they have our under the influence on progressive teaching that involves learning our children are taught to speak and write and write marina language by one Million People across the glob we have 200 and 60 children this year is it through 9 from families that reside in the neighborhood and cross San Francisco and the neighborhoods adjacent to the school our School Location is highly desirable ore parent want to stay in San Francisco with a private city and all it has to offer were committed to being a Good Neighbor with the surrounding community our businesses by initiating a nature watch group and have Neighborhood Watch meeting and carved out our place in San Francisco Chinese New Year and regarding the student population one quarter is chineseamerican and caucasian and many ethic i can and iceland and indianamerican and will approximately 8 percent of the americans receive Financial Assistance they come by Public Transportation and our parents and children are par for the course about being Good Neighbors and building a good area they spend a lot of time on schools projects and sport our monthly coffee breakfast we host teachers and volunteers raising up projects our children are building lifelong friend of mine in settlement and it will be a fulfillment of dreams a little bit about our history in our 8 years it was found in 2008, and presidio and mandrin immersion we saw a growing demand for mandrin in San Francisco and began egging merging kr9 we k through 8 and grow to eight grade and employ 40 teachers with plans to hire more as we build our school awhile 250 chest street is more than an hed their home away from home they spend a lot of time and see friends and teachers work on projects and make mud pieces and play kick ball and get a rough knee theyve moved up to the k through 8 and soon our first presidio graduation im excited about the future and what it brings to the children and thank you to the commission for the thank you for your time and consideration and im im available to answer any questions after the presentation thank you. Thank you thank you, commissioners my name is laura principal of sustainability agreement weve worked Presidio Knolls School on the location of tenth and howard with the church the church is not part of site were rehabilitating their existing i dont know if you can see our presentations i have it on the screen. Sfgovtv go to the computer please. It is also the site plan included in the original packet the yellow buildings are the historic conservation buildings were rehabilitating and the Green Buildings are New Buildings all of which will provide status quo 21st century expanding enforcement the expanding part of conveying campus are organized around the central courtyard and utilizing the buildings degree secure camp campus. You can see all the set west of the site were using a second Story Building that is a lower right structure to maximum the day light only tenth street a u shamentd building in color there that houses folks on the empowering and elementary and both of the buildings are accountant by outdoor walkways and terraces and this is an eclectic block and wanted this facade to reflect the Chinese Program as well thank you for your time im available to answer any questions our other members of the project team are here. Thank you. Good evening commissioners just briefly greg land use couldnt u counsel im here if you have any questions. Opening up for Public Comment Public Comment seeing none, you have Public Comment, sir. Okay. Welcome, sir. Hi commissioners my name is richard im a parent at Presidio Knolls School and have twin girls that are going to the third grade there and just wanted to speak in support of project im proud of what theyve accomplish in their time academically and permanent i say this is to the staff that Fosters Development chinese immersion is important to me because it provides an important link to their heritage i measure the success of the school and excited the girls are able to go and proud of the Parents Community and close knit parents communications theyve created a community there i think your approval the master plan will go a long way from the mr. Larkin perspective that is a thoughtful use of the link and as potentially another could he components of tenth and howard plain clothes. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Hello my name is matt im a cochair the Presidio Knolls School board of trustees im here with my daughter milly. My wife christine and i have two children shes be going into second grade and my youngest 2 year of preschooler we grew up in boston and on the shores of we have one joke that hers happened to be in paradise when i was younger and thought about imaging a small outoftowner experience i found myself living in the middle of this chris feign and i feel in love and the things about the small town were you possible here because the what proerldz a grounding and sense of bloeng like many we had a group of forensic we separated as we reached the age of having children many left the say we stayed there was too much we loved not to try and start i suppose an excerpt but Presidio Knolls School has given us stability i love watch my girls run down the streets and the hugs from their teachers and they talk about theyre learning and experiences i love this school it the middle everything you, you visit a city like San Francisco youre looking at the Tall Buildings and sites when you live here your eyes are on the ground and being a part of all that that project before you is brown about mulch more my family and girls that will provide homes and communities for many families along the way were working hard to create a school that San Francisco, california soma can call its own and seize many more children running down the sidewalks with smiles thank you for giving me a few minutes to speak on my familys behalf and hope youll approve the proerlz. Additional speakers, sir. Im actually for another item but moved to speak in support of proerldz he look at this thing spot everyday im even though parented avenue toddler in a dive preschool and see how difficult to expand to a full emergency room and San Francisco for a healthy city needs to keep the families so ill encourage you in their expansion thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is tyler this my daughter good morning. Say that again. My name is al i didnt. Here we go. Hello, welcome. laughter . Thank you for allowing me to address im a paternity at proerldz and a resident of the inner mission 6 blocks from the campus we walk and bicycle to school on a regular basis my wife is chinese eye having my daughter attend a mandrin school is important not only for language but culture exposure and attend the school that celebrates Chinese New Year is an experience not from mainstream American Culture i live and work with my wife and daughter and having a school in the neighborhood of marijuana immersion is very important it keeps us in the city as a resident of the soma and the this is an exist neighborhood i love a progressive mandrin school that adds to the diversity and allows family to contribute to this mixed use neighborhood take the opportunity to address you and please approve that plan thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item maam. Did i say maam,s. Good afternoon. Im karen im a Presidio Knolls School parents and soon to be board member as of july 1st and my daughter underneath here joining three and four thats a first grader and been there 4 years you wanted to say hi. Hi. Proerldz place an Important Role she was born in china in 2008, and 2010 a family when we landed at sfo on july 3rd of that same year 2010 and i really felt strongly about having something that integrated the Chinese Culture into our lives when i heard about the proerldz through an organization i belong to with families from with children from china i really building that learning mandrin would help her keep the Culture Connection to our country it is an amazing experience im learning mandrin as fast as i can not an easy feat by the way, the teachers that by daughter is mentors and they are playing a big roll in our family the Chinese Culture tags were celebrating is also important to us so i urge you to approve the project and i want to thank you for your time and available for questions afterward. Is there any additional Public Comment on this item maam,s. Hello, im bonnie i serve on the board of trustees and am a parent at the school my family is part of community over 5 years now i have had two kids at the school first my daughter. Hi, my name is al i didnt im 7yearold and going into third grade and have a son jet who is 4 years old in accident preschool i have 3 generations of my Family Living inform San Francisco near chinatown and since high daughter was born nearly 89 years my husband and i seen families are small children go to the peninsula and other plays huns committed to stay in San Francisco and raising our children we love and appreciate the richness of urban experience so for our kids and really one of the biggest factors is the fact we found 3r0er8d both my husband and i are of ethnic heritage and neither of us speak mandrin we have a loss of our heritage he wish that xifltd when i was a child and wonderful to have their children reconnect and working hard to help the school to as you may know there was a huge mandrin expansions and not sufficient issues to meet the demand in the Public Schools so i believe that p k s provides an additional funded opportunity for more families to take advantage of that tshgsz and i urge you to support and approve the Presidio Knolls School plan. Thank you. Is there any additional Public Comment on that item. I see a young man right there. Whats your name yeah, you. Hi you wish to speak. You want to come up and say hi. She shamed him into coming up. Wait a second. laughter whats your name. Jackson. Hi, my name is dave a board member and treasurer the school and also a parent of jackson and gore are you saw jackson can you say hi. Hi. So both of our kids currently high wife my two kids attend Presidio Knolls School and its been an important part of our family reviewed the school as part of our extended family my wife and i love the community and Great Teachers and staff to the caring parents condominium to believe a great mandrin in the heart of San Francisco pcs the community is diverse and global minded and engaged in the San Francisco community everyday we drop off our kids and get to experience the city in an your honor, environment that helps to shape them as global citizens we you work. My wife and i to support is this will have a positive impact on the empower San Francisco community thank you for your time thank you and jackson and cosponsor are. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner antonini thank you for presenting a very nice project that will go a lot of good things for a Wonderful Community hearing the speakers talk about their experiences at Presidio Knolls School rims me of my experience coming if a ruler and finding a church and school that was a community that you know was very supportive and made it feel as closed knit as a small town i came from maybe closer a Community Within a large city and confronting and been so successful for the next generation of my family is attend the same school very supportive my only comments with anything i might have some proximate causes with the the architecture doesnt have much to do with the Saint Josephs and like to not see something pa has to be needs more glaesz other things but fit in better would have been better that seems it is decided on i dont have that ambition of a problem i like the project. Thank you commissioner moore. I think the birth form of appreciation to move to approve. Second. Second. It is conditional use necessary and desirable and seeing the smaller users the pride of school is quite inspiring because often children sit for hours and get bored and express their brovm i think the location is remarkable that area a transforming for that type of use and im very supportive of it evict this is more a children architecture ill leave it at that. Commissioner hillis the design you did a good job of having it into the context we may have issues with the building but the way you took a garage and turned it 0 into a Music Building and used the historic conservation building was great to kudos to the design and how you kept the corridor so very much in support. There is a motion that has been seconded to approve that with conditions commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson commissioner moore commissioner wu and commissioner Vice President richards so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero and places us on item 17 commissioners for case hoffman after a conditional use authorization. Good evening, commissioners nancy Planning Department staff the the item before you is a conditional use authorization request for 437 hoffman avenue for the 317 as a alteration to expand a singlefamily residences 3 reviews were for the mid block open space and privacy and light prior to the previously discussion hearings the project is a de facto and therefore requires the conditional use authorization the project sponsor submitted an application for demolition and revised the scope for a second dwelling unit the conditional use authorization are closed and by the request 437 hoffman within is an rh2 in a neighborhood with renal 2 and 3 family dwelling units onsite is an existing 3 story singlefamily dwelling approximately 3 thousand square feet with offstreet parking and 200 in 2008, approved with no modifications to the project through de facto with the additions raising the structure for a two car garage and basement evacuation it results in 57 hundred square feet structure with a 18 one one bedrooms onsite where the publications a revised plan that reduces the magnificence are the Property Line in change from flat to peak roofs with the interior configuration that reduces it by 60 square feet and provided that meets the ms. Hayward planning code since is publication the department has one letter of support and one letter of opposition of the project as well as additional clarification from individual that previously submitted the opposition to the project and copies of those are available for the commissions review rdt reviewed it and the staff is in support and the Department Recommends approval with conditions for the following reasons one the project proposes two dwelling units to add to the Housing Stock and two it proposes to maximum the density allows in the rh2 Zoning Districts with consistent and it is on the underutilized lot and 3 it has an determined to not be a landmark and 4 the project meets all applicable is it so of planning code. Finish our presentation. Please. Project sponsor you have 10 minutes. Good afternoon, commissioners john with the roar on behalf of the pardon with a rear addition with an additional dwelling unit the existing two bedroom is roughly 25 hundred quiet assess the result is 2 and three bedrooms with 25 hundred square feet not inconsistent with the neighborhood lets start with the front of the property along hoffman the design of the front is well have basically a patiently below grade on the mid lastly a lifesaving level and a pitched roof that has a habitable area that is consistent open hoffman street if i could get the performer this is across the street we have buildings an additional stories with the garage level to main levels and a pitch lovely several across the street and across the street on the same side of the hoffman another building garage and two levels above that with no pitched roof and another building a couple buildings up hoffman street and were going proposing today, the same partially below grade and a pitched roof level it is consistent right in the middle of where the what the character is on this street the project will add a garage entrance and provide the to offstreet Parking Spaces that the project triggers and the general character of the front facade will remain moving to the rear the project parades i provides a 45 percent rear yard if we can taking into account this red line is where our rear Property Line if you go look at there is 5 buildings at deeper than the proposed extension of the building so once again kind of in the middle of things in terms of averages here per we are going to be the same depth as the north neighborly ill mention there are no windows along the building wall right here cant see the whole wall but no windows along the Property Line of that neighbor and there is a glass lightwell closer to the center of the building one of the things were doing were moving a set of the stairs that are abutting that lightwell so that will improve that were going to match that lightwell on the lower 3 floors and at the top floor provide a 3 setback that starts at the front of the lightwell and all the way down to the rear of the property that provides a shaft for light and air additional light and air to reach down there now as for the south neighbor the project provides setbacks a pitched roof in recognition of that smaller building there are virtually no shadow impacts were in the north thought that building and pretty much all shadows are cast by the buildings to the south youll expect if you look at that that building is 5 feet less deep than what were propose on the other side of the similar building that again is where autumn the shading is coming for the south neighborly generally a project it is both from the front and rear and taken measures to respect the neighbors and some declarations or detailed by beneficial to the project it is a better project than before so i now im going to turn it over to to kelly with the project sponsor that will walk through the design process and how we got to here thank you. Hi, im kelly im the designer and one of the owners of the building we bought this building from someone that had attempted a family that was taementd to get the same project similar proposal sometime they sold the building so they could find a space large enough theyre family and two neighbor meetings before we purchased the building a hearing at the department of public works regarding the tree there is a tree in front of the house that is there we go thats the best projector do i need to talk to it. There we go that is the existing tree up to the power line it breakdown the sidewalk and dpw give us additional approval to remove the tree if the garage was approved by the Planning Department and Building Department and we have to have a new tree the proposal is to lift the building 6 feet and this tree will be nudged over the first neighbor meeting we held i read through the comments from the previous neighborhood meeting and nodded right off the bat not recess on the southern neighbor it a shallower building i started notching windfall away from that neighbor we created a 4 foot recess at the alignment and for the last rooms of building we notched in further to about the center line of the lot to creates and more erase e recess this is what we started with the facade so at this first neighbor meeting one of the comments was he didnt like the box seat facade and height and they asked for angleed roof this was the rear of the building and at that point, we had a 12 story pop out it is on a hill like this and the houses in any neighborhood abut into the hill this particular location the hill is tail clearcut so people can have leveled backyard so the front of the building is almost 2 stories higher the curve of the building is centered so two of the stories are pretty much through the current level it looks at all but a crawl space flo underneath and room at basement level in response probation officer neighborhood comments we removed the room and theyd made this a terrace pushed this side wall rather than a 5 foot started with a 5 foot setback now a 6 foot setback and rather than a 12 foot pop out we had 6 foot terrace that was recessed 6 foot on one side and 56 on the other in respond to those comments we cack for a second neighbor meeting and in what e, which won the comments to split the roof we San Francisco Public Utilities commission with the modern building well be doing demolition and sloped the roof and came in with those changes to reduce the height of the rear pop out and create a balcony and recess in a little bit from the side we were on that rear pop out we still got pushed back on the modern facade thats how we arrived keep it clean and raise the building. One of the reasons that is a conditional use hearing during our review process browns our first hearing was skwermd told that anytime you lift a building for any reason now it is going to trigger conditional use and treated as though your demolishing the building we meet the calculations and reached several was and made them stricker and stricker but call it a demo we might as well, no worry about crossing that lion we were within 10 percent of demo calculations so in this case we will keep as much as we can but here we go conditional use. In plan just to better describe this. This is at the basement level the Green Buildings and the neighbors building so the north side the neighbors is 6 inches away from the setback line our basement extends to the setback line and terrace for the duration of telephone foot pop out bruise of the hill theres a crawl space and recess in 34 foot two at the neighbor and the building ended with the lightwells at the bottom this is now 2 stories tall this is the next level of that the lightwell continues same outline and it has a 6 foot 3 terrace floovt balcony off the rear we come up one more level . The lower level of the you were unit we recess away from the neighbor and we might are additional questions there is organized opposition on this item and their needs to be 3 speakers so mr. Williams. Mr. Williams your combined time for the 3 speakers will be 10 minutes. We have the overhead projector and keep it on good evening commissioners Steve Williams i represent the neighborhood to the north from dr. Dr. A professor lived next door foreign more than 35 years and taught at 0. 78 and lived next door in one unit and rent out the other 3 affordable residential units to teachers because that building is on the north side all the direct light will be eliminate what youre siege on the overhead this is his building on the right and before we talk about the impacts weve heard about from the other side we need to go look at this from a planning and housing policy perspective the approval will be a terrible result just a few years ago this 19004 building was classified as two units therapy accountable rentcontrolled units their still there an approval allows for the occasion of those units and replacement with large luxury top of the markets types of units how did we get here in 2008, the Commission Approved a merger in error they did it by combining two accountable residential units and ignoring the recommendation it happened one lastly only a philanthropic vote of two commissioners, if you look at my brief youll see how to happened at that the Department Finds the merger is not consistent with the jean plan that violates the plans emphasis on retention of the existing supply of housing and the preservation of economic diversities and went open to talk about other expansion of the Square Footage and keep the units if it is true in 2008, that it as violation of general plan to lose by merger how could a it be okay how can the task force master to demolish both of those units if you demolish one of those sounded affordable units the neighborhood didnt oppose the project in 2008, because they were told the building envelope will not be expanded no garage been added and no curve cut and no street trees will be removed they like the family that lived there thai didnt complete the merger that didnt get completed for more than 5 years today, the sponsors one stop to add a garage and perform a cutting curve cut and expand the building ms. An unacceptable result the policy problems that it involves are too large to mention i need to turnover some of the time to the other neighbors thats what i want the commission to look at there are solutions you can safe those units and eliminate the demolition to the units come back under the rent control. Leave the overhead on. In 2008, the Police Station voted since 1905 rentcontrolled units two unit could be marked into a singlefamily home with no curve cut and addition the house was sold planning told me them to complete the merger before they can add a garage the merger was completed at the direction the Planning Department in order to do the option of what the permit required and the house was sold now the pertain is asking you to approve the preearthquake home as necessarily so the unit density can, ruptured to what had was up to december 2012 this time without rent control it includes the affordable units 24 huge proposal violates the character the neighborhood and jeopardizes the diversity for this project mask didnt equal density it is two amusements for most of history until keeping with the scale of the neighborhood i request the following retain the breezeway on the north side a prominent pattern what an open feel physically it is for light no matter what the design a setback needs to be look at this is not a lightwell but an important area for the service stair and the major source of light it seems that consideration of this elderly has been marginalized and not given one effective change has been made to meditating all the sunshine and lower the straight will be dramatically commodity and stick up like a sore thumb a spectacular christmas at the time of trial in front of of in front of the site it go refers to the units crossing overseeing to smaller homes are rentcontrolled units and are built up into the hill the first of two was built in 1996 no ones privacy more view nothing out of the scale because they were not any does not allow the garage please stay i save this tree id like to direct your attention about the tree from the poetry i have here this beautiful home more than any other on the entire along with the string of trees stretching it from this home to 24th street gives the character to the neighborhood waiting garage circulate that is contrary to the existing building and the scrape many ways to downsize heres one plan that rise the second and third floor it is easy to see how the you werent stories can preserve the privacy for the neighborhood and lastly heres an example of a home around the corner with a garage and tree a similar home please dont approve the conditional use authorization for this project neither necessary and desirable thank you. Im paul im joined by my husband stephen weve been living in the property south of this home for 13 years a two unit and rental upstairs both homes will be impacted as you can see from the renderings the proposed lines are unreasonable the scale to the neighborhood and really do completely box us in and this graphic shows the outline in blue in the proposed building in red in terms of building depth we can see from the plans the four buildings will have 18 feet from the back wall given the scale of the building we ask count commissioners reduce the deputy to the average adjacent setback where at a anytime by and third or beyond the back of the wall besides 18 feet seems a modest eye reasonable request that will help us to be boxed in i have to think that surely a solution that will be arrived at in terms of Building Height the building rises above 11 and a half feet and the back it rises well over 40 feet from our home in addition given the enormous scale the sjts are a mere 4 feet are i have seen sufficient and increased to 6 feet as for the pop out session that is less than 2 feet increase it should be achieveable it makes a significant difference in the impact that the building has on our home in terms of privacy the newcomers terraces is that face south creates a privacy issue for us with a large terrace on the topf the pop out 16 feet by 12 no need for additional terraces on the first and second levels i request it you require the terrace on the first level shown on page 86 be removed this terrace is 6 feet by 16 feet wide it is not necessary given the Lower Terrace and just below it and simply increases noise and, of course, well request that no larger terraces are created thank you. We might have question opening up for Public Comment i only have two public speakers calling names any additional speakers line up on the Television Side of room im stephanie i reside on hoffman avenue this is in the building at hoffman im a Public High School teacher at allowing and bring in history references well i was driving here the feeling that came up for me a comment that william made in 1882 asked about whether enveloped running his rail road with the public in mind he said the public be damned ive goal gotten that in terms of the attitude of the project sponsors towards the neighbors that has been the feeling since the beginning the in fact, i helped jean out and take out his dogs everyday hes an elderly gentleman and teach in his became and get all the light from the lightwell and in fact, the project will virtual wipeout 90 percent of that light i dont know who would feel that is okay to do to their own folks if in their parents lived next door it saddened and sickens me the architect low do that without consideration perhaps some accommodations but nothing that seems to preserve that light and also privacy for paul and steve but finally jean has allowed me to live in his apartment my husband and i are workingclass and live in the city of San Francisco by the graze of jean and the next door units will not, affordable and upward of 4,000 for rentcontrolled units if not for sale and not adding to the Affordable Housing in the neighborhood i think outside the box, you know, there really came back be a solution a little bit more consideration of neighbors on both sides and an incredible professional project without you know frankly pardon mime french screwing screwing over both sides and weve moved thank you very much. Thank you next speaker, please. Hi, my name is scheme any voice we live one street offer up hill have you, you heard the one about the developer that had constraint, of course not they dont exist the changes that the person makes in the home changes in a thoughtful way didnt disadvantage the current residents an opportunity that is rarely seen instead of the last to develop as in this case didnt want to share sunshine or privacy want to take those saetsz they dont own and take them at the expense of the current residents by visual of being the last Developers Developers want to maximum their profits while existing tenants want to maximize their quality of life which it enough is enough which is too much too much thats the decision that is entrusted to you i hope find in the case of 437 hoffman it mcmansion has crossed that threshold thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening im sorry anastasia commissioners im a member of the protect noahs charm and to support my neighbors in opposition for the conditional use authorization so to develop a project at 437 hoffman and protect noahs camper for those that conform with the neighborhood in height, size, scale and character with the residential Design Guidelines first, i want to correct the record accidently i was in the rec center for a preapp meeting forgive Caesar Chavez i michaelly as i understand the petition twice as things were going around with the preapp and this and that im sorry you know and i need to correct the record i dont live in a four Story Building and they said i do the flat ive been renting on 24th street since 1984 is located in the three Story Building in 1906 with two flats and their rentcontrolled im opposed to this conditional use under two points the first is that the project on hoffman is huge in size and scale and the second im appalled this project will getting into the weeds of two rentcontrolled units thank you. Thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon with noahs charm we remember notified of the project back in september of 2015 and at that time, we looked at the scale of the project and the many points with the residential Design Guidelines that it falls on we started communicating with the Planning Department and interesting enough the wants we rays were some of the ones that were raised again here today but we, of course, you know are cries for reconsideration didnt go anywhere i want to bring up after viewing many slides and graphics that were presented today interesting enough im not seeing the actual shot of hoffman avenue where in project will be erected if you actually look at Hoffman Google map or actually going there youll see this project the proposed project will be a good floor above the two adjacent neighbors and also the breezeway another thing that was raised in the 3 letters to the Planning Department addressing ms. Trend and mr. Washington the paramount patterns on that block of hoffman does demonstrate the breezeways on these homes and eliminating that is not something that would be within the residential Design Guidelines policies and principles those those policies were raised and it will stick out like a sore thump and the fact it will be not within the and recommend by the residential Design Guidelines were all the points we raised and here we are 8 or 9 months with no resolution so id like to urge you to reject this and send it back to the designers and architects and sponsors because it is not within the scale we dont have 5 thousand plus square feet houses on that block and one other thing i want to bring up this morning i was getting prepared coming out with pictures of google maps of those houses this was specified as being bigger than the proposed project many of the houses on the sheets and the charter and spreadsheets provided as part of packet ive been erroneously designated as much bigger i thought wait a minute this is not about the people that signed the petition but not waste of time i urge you to reject this thank you very much. Any other speakers on this item. Hi georgia swedish a demolition that is meant to be a demolition and on paramount to a demolition 2 1 2 months ago that was an alterations now deal with the section 317 finding when i look at the executive summary explicit meet preponderance not applicable thats a technical matters there are several pockets of concern one the demo new read my email with the emails from the project sponsor to the staff when they decide to make it tantamount to a demo it is concerting because the facade will go away and the whole thing that is before you on the plans is the facade basically as it is now to so it facade will the no preserved or given leeway missing information in the file with the conditional use application no aau portfolio that is a demolition watt an appraisal and no demo permit the demo is not checked on the demolition those are details that are important you are or what about the design of this project unit two the bulk of this unit is below the garage and heard People Living behind garages and above but never blow the master suit is entirely below the garage nobody wants to live below a two car garage that alone means you have to send that back 2 and a half months ago the mart suit away was an in home gym this is not a bad building this facade needs to be preserved the two units sounds like great but i think theyre not real units their fake units in their not liveable units i think you have to deny the cu and do the following keep the breezeway, keep the trees eliminate the garage and use that space for better units guess so continue the peak roof all the way down per commissioner antoninis email for the project sponsor and no big box on the back i mean, i want to remind the size of the units it is compatible luxury building with 3 used 3 baths units those are 17 hundred square feet it is 24 approximately each unit there is a lot of give and take can be done and especially this is a cu he hope ill consider that thank you very much. Thank you, ms. Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner antonini. Thank you. Ive spent more time on this project probably than any other before us in the last few years i did make a site visit and was lucky enough to be able to go through the entire building and i dont know how this rating is done but i think that is very lowly rates two things that are obvious first of all, the lower what was a lower units and even though ass even as part of you were units merged are illegal rooms i have to duck down and the rest is 6 if the 4 well below the minimum height for rooms in that entirely lower area as that sits so even if this wasnt demoed it will have to be raised and at an mounted if you kept the old house it is noteworthy keeping i hate to say it i know that the you werent floors are not level it slants to one side there are a lot of things wrong with that place and cost more to keep everything this is there and raising that that instead of, you know, quasi demoing where the project sponsor devices to do that thats the first one i was here when he voted for the merger id like to have known that the lower units lower parts of units were not have legal height at this time so we will knows their couldnt serve as a second units even if the units are unmerged those will have to be the whole thing raised up probably two or three feet to be able to make those habitable under the lowest of standards work with project sponsor and got a lot of things done and approved the project the first the area to the northeast agree that we should try to preserve as much light and air as possible to the Northern Building up to the point he has a window to the east of that window youll not get light because it is the west it is on a hills theres a hill behind the building even if it is open youll not get area to the south thats where the sun comes from on the upper most floor of the new building is very important and making it for through is going to add more light into there so there maybe room for additional work to open that up more but the project sponsor has done a lot the other thing the comments to the lower units are not habitable it is habitable it was a sunny day lots of sunshine even in the backyard blow where the existing housing exist even the level below the garage will have lots of light and made a second level turned it into a townhouse that will be a pleasant level and plenty of light and, of course, the upper units will get light almost all the light will come from the souths and east because the the direction where the hill slopes and a huge sleep in terms of so both the units in the range of 25 hundreds square feet is a good size especially with the constraints you have having setbacks on the two sides theyve going done a good job as far as the facade theyve changed it is to the facade that exists and thats what if it is approved ill guarantee it will be built and ill be out there checking it and anything else ill go to dbi and say stop construction it has to be squeak that is what the sponsor to have text upper design not another modern structure and my suggestions we slant the back part of addition to the 10 foot ceilings and 8 foot on the sides maybe an area for a slant on the sides i think you legally need 78 feet up to the eye issue that helps a lot with employment and making that back section look better in terms of height the front of the building will be 31 feet 7 inches from the street from the curve which is only of feet higher than the existing one not a huge impact and relatively in keeping with many of the other building on both sides the rear peak as measured from the curve is 28. 7 obviously higher than ground level because the extreme down as soon as possible slovp but both are well within the 34 3450eg9 limit and conforms to the 45 foot rear yard. Of the tree is really oversized breaking up the sidewalk not appropriate forepersons the streets unlike any other trees i am not i have big trees and one of the branches fell on the house they were now gingko and need to get rid of of that tree the setback is a minimum of 4 feet in terms of distance to the Property Line every detached homes rh1 parts of city are unusual only 3 feet for a 4 point setback and expands the other thing about that two units i dont know it was overflow room built at a singlefamily home in 1905 somewhere along the line experienced to units we dont know the date somewhere this the records but most of it was a singlefamily dwelling or world war or illegal unit was created didnt meet code as far as suggestions made i think the project sponsor might be willing to reduce the size of some of the terraces which you know would meet concerns of privacy and as far as the treasure to the south which i think it 441 hoffman a shallow building so they have to leave and large setback they have but the fact it extend into the rear yard is not deep enough than the structure too deep im willing to work with the other commissioners eye Property Owner or project sponsor to make whatever modifications to get this thing through too often were preserving older functional homes with no issue but to make go it into a december sent place that will create two familysized units and still has contextually. Commissioner moore. Id like to start with a few questions mr. Washington a can you clarify whether or not the existing units are 6 feet in height and are considered rentcontrolled units i dont think that that 6 foot high room qualifies for it current a singlefamily units it was originally a two unit but the decision to allow the building to be merged i have not been inside of the structure i think the project sponsor architect can answer that question by the way, commissioner antonini alluded to but not inside. We know the code and how tall. The minimum ceiling heights. Second. 2008 unit merger i was on the Commission Young commissioner at this time i dont know. I approved unit mergers this particular project distinguishes itself through Sensitive Solutions an aggressive remodel and looks like the previous referred to recognized that is a slightly venture of homes built out of context he had taken issue to not recognizing context when you come forward within an embarrassments of the site we have other projects the earth in question has pushes back on other prongs because they didnt have hit that settlement ground incidental this particular building deserves to be designed with the strongest focus of an residential Design Guidelines and actually residential Design Guidelines to drive the design of this project what i mean sculpting the project to be Site Specific and responsive to where it is one of the most layering errors of that prong if it step down it should really in the expansion to the rear step down to have a less intrusive rip to these people that spoke and showed the relentness of that building that aside we have issues issues of private and have to say given everything there a lack ever skill by which this project brutally goes through wanting to eliminate the trees when trees of that particular kind have been issued for commissioner Vice President richards for example, fighting for trees to be a designated tree that is a in the public rightofway for trees that could be declared to be a legacy tree and something for which we account get preference by the way, we dont believe that because it has listed roots it needs to be taken away it didnt so i believe i want to use the discretion of this commission as a conditional use to suggest that project has to go back and really get into a serious dialogue with the conditions that involves look at typography and the residential Design Guidelines, how to sculpt the building and then if at all possible to fill in a dialogue with the neighbors about the issues that includes the breezeway and leaving a confront knowledge environment etch the house is larger for the adjoining neighbors and move we continue the project and look for the architect to work with the Planning Department and with adjoining neighbors. Commissioner moore do have a suggested date and two or three months this project sponsor has grandson other projects ill say october because earlier this requires more work perhaps the earth can spend but october is the first date and october 13th and, huh . Other 13. Ill second that. Nancy are you saying youre not available. October 6th . October 20th. Commissioner moore are you amenable to totally. October 20th. Shall i call the question . Oh. More. Comments commissioner hillis. Then ill speak. I mean, i agree with the continuance i think the project needs work i predict what commissioner antonini said if i can ask the project sponsor the garage causes a lot of problems leading us to the demo you know it causes you to change at facade i mean it is a great historic conservation building so can i ask you have you look at the possibility of keeping the garage in i think you get Square Footage back you can use for other uses if you go up the block and hill i dont think there is many homes that have garages. Maam, youll need to speak have you considered eliminating the garage because i think it is causing you problems. Why not. Because we wanted to put a garage in there, there are many garages on this street. Sure. Projects in the last 5 years are modern and turn around this one within the block that have the problem it is a great historic conservation building in context as you group that street smaller kind of in height cottage looking i mean, they extend. Sitting down in the back but whats your goal what is your goal base think you can go eliminate the garage have a singlefamily home and make an additional to the back that is significant and get you a significant home so i think the garage is causing problems. And the tree the demo the lifting up the historic conservation integrity of the building and kind of spirals you know duo to get a two car garage is tough on a small. Not that difficult the previous homeowners sold this they couldnt fit into the building to try to remodel there was houses that look frankly identical to this on the block of hoffman with garages. Maybe it allowed them to facilitate thats my issues it leads to many problems weve seen in the last couple of years the ability to actua build and sell homes in units without garages a lot and again, i think this is causing you problems it is causing you a demo of what i will consider and the department didnt care necessarily a Historic Resource it leads you to elevate it causes problems it adds to the Square Footage that you otherwise can go take back and used for Something Else and perhaps give some space back to our adjacent neighbors but i i mean the project needs work thats one direction you should consider. So thanks. I guess the question i have for staff is maybe in the prior packet there was a evaluation report do you have that available maybe the commissioners the other question do you know what kind of a tree that is. New Zealand Christmas tree okay. Thank you. Okay. Thank you thank you. And no appraisal . Well needs it is node required for the conditional use that was for the dr. Okay you know this is like the third or fourth one of these today those demo de facto demos with 1 on 14th street and 16 demolishing a two unit building for two new unit one uncouldnt have happened for about more than 10 years and unoccupied yet we sat here and continues an item on green same issue also whether this is a two units building or not id like to talk about to mr. Williams if we keep on destroying relatively Affordable Homes i keep saying that over and over one of the priority policies keeping sound housing yet affordable for 11 percent and 15 not a huge number but replacing housing affordable to the one percent he get property Environmental Impact report i get it and box on green street the city were starting to lose it noah valley it is epidemic ever block Something Else and some are seriously permitting and actually involved the department of building inspection i dont i this takes us into a spiral youll need work with the neighbors and work more sensitive around keeping more of the building and expanding as much as you can without describing what you have that compasses the tree thats it commissioner antonini. Well in terms of the structure i guess i could ask the project architect maybe the other commissioners should take a trip out in the interim the youre talking about garages and cars the place hospital has to be raised no cars and you save the tree this junky houses will have to be raised to make that legal and have enough space for the lower floor thats the first thing and sells families are moving on and out those are people that moved and try to make a go of it the family moved out of San Francisco because we could not get park and too expensive do make this into a liveable house thats where is before us and those suggestions can be implements a better bigger home ideally two unions and families will leave San Francisco unless they find family type of situations with a garage with a large enough house with enough bedrooms that is happening historically ill be happy to work on it and see if we can address the concerns the other commissioners have and plenty of time in october i hope to be sooner but well get it done and come back with a project that is even better unlike the project on green that if try to make two equals that project sponsor listened to what we said and equal listed the size of two units and may needs more work but moving in the right direction and unlike sponsors throw up green housing but keeping the boom what is under their moving in the right direction and well have a good product in october. Commissioner moore. I think this commission is having more and more residents with the fact that the second units which we are being confronted with in those over sided homes have to be an equal or like quality than the prior units not prepared to see outline second units to be basement units im not prepared to see in under a garage and i think we need to raise the level that people want to endanger their preliminaries residence of what type of second units because the existing building has two qualified rentcontrolled units and were not doing anything to further the cause to create liveable quality units probation officer none wants to live in the basements arrest the lower garage leave alone having to contend with the fables to what in does to any homes up and down the street no birthright if in that a house across the street or somewhere has a grammar few sites specific ill talking to the architect that makes or breaks a units this particular commission has the discretion to talk about the broader issues which we apply equally to everyone as to whether or not our design meets the expectation of what is important to us relative to figuring out the quality of Housing Stock but as a whether or not were properly responding to what neighbors are asking so call the question. There is a motion that has been seconded to continue it to october 20th. Commissioner antonini. Commissioner hillis commissioner moore commissioner wu and commissioner Vice President richards so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. I think well excuse me 5 to zero. Well take a 5 minute break well be back at 7 oclock. All right. Good evening and welcome back to the San Francisco Planning Commission regular regular hearing for thursday, june 30, any kind. Please silence any devices that may sound off during the proceedings. Commissioners, we left off under our regular calendar on item 18 open sacramento street a conditional use authorization. Good evening commissioners laura Department Staff im going to be brief since you have additional items to review the approval before you a conditional use authorization for establish a business or professional service use within the sacramento street neighborhood commercial district planning code requires conditional use authorization for businesses or professional Services Within the Zoning District the subject property is a 3 story commercial building constructed in 1907 and no exterior other than business signage the tenants space is locate at the basement level and vacant the formal tenants what an formally art gallery and framing business that closed last year chashgs of the portions of sacramento is a mix of spreadsheet shops with clothing and dry cleaners and personal establishment the surrounding Zoning District with primary residential and it provides both Management Services and 31 theyve ranched overview reached to the local businesses and duo to date one letter in supports from the Presidio Heights board and the sacramento merchants board a copy of that letter is included in your packet staff recommendation the approval of conditional use authorization is meet all requirements of planning code the proposed use will fill a basement use and contribute to the vitally of the neighborhood that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions a representative from the for the project sponsor is here as well as some representatives from walnut organizations. Thank you project sponsor. If you have a presentation or like to speak you have up to 10 minutes. Good evening my name is heston the architect for to project on my other promotions were doing everything we can within the envelope of our space not proposing any addition not proposing any change to the outside at all. Youre on endangered species laughter so anyone one of you have any questions architecturally we have our Building Owner and our future tenants here to leadout their case so anything architecture. Thank you, thank you folks youre all welcome to speak i have many speaker cards in support and option if you do want to speak youre certainly welcome to but in the interest of time we have a long agendas i dont see any opposition this is a good thing. Anybody that want to speak. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Public comment is closed. Commissioner wu yes may i speak. Ill, brief sure. I was asking folks to voluntarily not speak. My name is a jim im a member of this group of businesses right now we work on the letterman complex in the presidio i live in the neighborhoods two blocks and ride any bike to work and plan on walking to work all my employees ride bikes or walk and to a therefore no need for garages or eliminations of trees like in the prior discussion i know that is ive this particular space my brother and his family live a couple of blocks they describe the space as spoke i didnt it is fine we have 11 people that are san franciscans who will contribute to the barkries and the restaurants were local and it is a good direction. Would anyone else like to speak on this item seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner wu. Think this is an appropriate use seems like the cu process is working to see this kind of office will fit in terms of the location and the subterranean basement it would be great to you know see a little bit of the traffic in and out of that business and happy to support move to approve. Second. Commissioner antonini. Yeah. That is actually better use than the previous use the present use is retail if youre visiting a businesslike Wealth Management you know where it is and gladly go down the stairs but trying to shop that is potentially hard to find a space for a retailer a hard location to make that work this professional is the proper way for this to be zone and im supportive of the motion. Call the question, please. Surely commissioners theres a motion think outside the box commissioner antonini commissioner hillis commissioner johnson. Commissioner moore. Commissioner wu and commissioner Vice President richards so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 do zero area commissioners that places us under our discretionary review calendar grant avenue and telephone through 26 a discretionary review and Zoning Administrator will request a request for a variance. I want to make a statement there is questions by project sponsor a coworker of mine made a personal check to pay for a dr not conflict of interests thank you good evening, commissioners Planning Department staff the until the time you is a public request for discretionary review of a Building Permit that the project on 1615 grant avenue and 12 through 26 site the project is located on a rectangle lot on the west side of grant avenue nearing the intersection filbert and grant located within the r m two the height and bulk and the in which special use district and you were grant historic conservation district the site is opted out by a twostory over basement residential building with 8 dwelling units on grant avenue and a twostory residential building that go to the other street a narrow courtyard with stairs is access the second story separates the building both buildings are havent and are bicycle to a district the surrounding properties are a 23 unit building and a 3 story 15 unit building to the south a primarily residential with structures if 2 to 3 stories the project consists of alternatives to both buildings with the reconfiguration of the dwelling units and the reconfiguration of the courtyard stairs and the roof deck the number of dwelling units will remain the same with the newborn of bedrooms due to the common living areas currently the site has 12, three bedrooms and four bedrooms two bedrooms and 8, two bedrooms and four larger three bedrooms a vaurnls from the planning code for rear yard per section 134 the property is required to main 25 percent of lot are 21 feet plus between the buildings because the project will reconstruct portions of the building with a no rear yard the project requires a variance a variance hearing was scheduled and noticed for january 2016 as the discretionary review was filed during the neighborhood notification and prior to the hearing the Zoning Administrator continued the item and deferred on the variance pending the outcome of this dr hearing subsequent to the dr request the project will incorporate the elements from the departments rdt are the which was to remove accident stalker penthouses for the private roof deck on the grant avenue building to date the department has two letters of support and 5 lowers of opposition i actually have another letter that came in this afternoon id like to provide for the commission. The project as dred by teresa that expressed concerns with the renovation and the impacts to the inhibited the department represents the commission take dr with approval of modifications that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions. Thank you project sponsor you have up to 10 minutes. Is dr has 5 minutes. Im sorry, i apologize dr dr requester up to 5 minutes. Dr requester. Sponsors or dr requester. Oh. Members of the Commission Im of the San Francisco Tenants Union it is unusual for me to speak on behalf of the dr requester but grants an unusual project gives it unusual consideration we ask you not allow the private decks and not the super sized on the metro and not grants variance it is has a Historic Site in north beach this is the developer want to say Police Station 5 roof deck 4 private and one massive like a Basketball Court if you allow those changes here and others buildings uniform funning alternate the character the neighborhoods what is that giant deck for who ares private decks for large parties or gather creates noise that will spill into the street that is the quiet part of grant street the you werent grant only one of the residential blocks and will make a huge difference in addition those are out of scale for the neighborhood and those look suspiciously like shortterm rentals and this the shortterm rentals are rampant and spraepd like a cancer but the whos also reason im here to remind you this building was the largest ellis act in north beach the purpose of the listing to allow people to go out of business as a landowner and if the prior tenants are allowed to come back in this case the owner evicted all the tenant increasing the elderly and 20 protecting Chinese People and waited and not allow them to come back and left it vacant for 8 years it became an eyesore and people think that wrote letter made mention of the empty building they want you to consider value on the buildings for them to make more money with fancier unit this is bad faith and a bad print for the neighborhood the owners want to reconfigure the variance why allow the owners to stay out out of compliance and why cant they be that in compliance openly the reconfiguration not the protecting people why should you give them this variance. Variance should not be granted if it is not in harmony and if this project violates two policy the hours character is sxhefrtd in order to protect the diversity of the neighborhood and the policy that the city Affordable Housing should be preserved and enhanced those priorities are having not been critical please dont make more out of scale red cross on this historic conservation building and not concessions had like 24 variance ellis act. Im teresa i live and work find in north beach since 1982 in march of this year i was ellis acted from my home of 33 years in 2014 within four blocks 59 people were ellis acted do you think that changes a community a neighborhood United States of america in 2007 there was the largest ellis act at grant avenue that is built over the 06 earthquake for the sole purpose of rehousing merchants and workers in the hood in fact, that building 1615 grant represents all that is beautiful about north beach the Ethnic Diversity and middleincome and washer living dorothy t

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