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That motion carries. Pledge of allegiance we dont have a america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, planning code are prohibited at this meeting. Match please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room the meeting room ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing electronic devices. Please be advised that a member of the public has up to 3 minutes to make comments on agendas items unless a commissioner asked otherwise. Any Public Comment on the items not listed on the agenda if there is have a card and come up to the mike twice. Public comment is closed. Next speaker, please. Item 9 closing arguments. Good afternoon commissioner adams and a commissioner Vice President brandon and members of the commission and members of the public and port staff im eileen the intern port director and pleased to announce the San Francisco simple inform will have a free concert here at the james r. Herman in cruise terminology park on sunday july 24th from noon to 2 00 p. M. For the viewing public the cruise terminal is pier 27 on the embarcadero at the foot of the lombard the symphony held a simplify last year, it was a success and this year edwin at water and the orchestrate will perform a russian music on the festive oh, it is your and concerto number 3 beginning at 1045 and visit the simple informs please plan to attend and bring a family and friend a blanket and picnic in cruise Terminal Park and various food trucks will be available as well as a water philips station bring our Water Bottles and vendor booth for various organizations excluding including the part r post will line up our own port 33 and bring use Public Transportation they offer alternatives to parking it will be scare and bike riding is strongly recommended and wed like to have a valet bike park to make bike riding a preferred choice thousands a free public event no tickets are required mark your calendar now and join is for a special sunday this july 24th with the russian simplify he waters edge that concludes my presentation. By Public Comment on the directors report Public Comment is closed. Pursue. Next speaker, please. Madam secretary. Item 9 Port Commission report. Colleagues id like to go first. I have a heavy heart today, this last week in our nation has seen a nation on edge a country i think on the vertical of a nerve break down today in dlasz president of the United States with their to the Memorial Service of the 5 Dallas Police officers that were killed i wishes and prayers to the mayor of dallas chief brown we all mourn those tragedies but also, we mourn the shootings of the gentleman from louisiana for over and over opinioned from stalling minnesota and patrick and michael and Sergeant Mike smith and corporal is 7 people were wounded. Right now no our nation fear and anger how do we spread and rack to injustice in our society in violence theres a lot of work i think that has to be done not about ideas it is about action either summon the angles of our character not atmosphere at this time, id like to have a moment of silence so for the 5 Police Officers and the victims killed by Police Violence in st. Paul and louisiana. silence . May they rest in peace. Id like to get on with my Police Reporting after the last meeting went to washington, d. C. Had meetings with congressman john and talked about transportation for the port of San Francisco ferris and Sea Level Rise, also meet with congressman Jerold Hoffman talked about the sthamgz and leader pelosi chief she wanted an update with the parks agreement the ferry and how is the process going to the new executive director for the port of San Francisco two days literary later on a sacramento with the speaker reardon and invited him to take a tour of the port and assemblymen david chiu to talk about 70 infrastructure and Assembly Member chiu not to see more ferries to deal with the infrastructure and congestion we have in the port of San Francisco and looking forward to coming to a meeting to talk about ferries and his ideas how to take more traffic off the streets and deal with the congestion and how we have more ferries with the ferry many mission bay or ferry to Treasure Island maybe more water taxis but more efficiency to zeal with the i think flux of people moving to San Francisco two days after that i attended a conference in england i was there for the citizens of england voted 52 percent to leave the european process and theyll be leaving the eu i sat in a pub in england and licensed to the people that was extraordinary what is happening in elgd a lot of people feared that england pulling out of the you think like spain and france maybe germany will follow suit a mass exodus but the people spoke a lot of frustration there was a lot of anger and talking because that he felt like a lot of people were only traded on the one percent the rich and everyone else was left behind that was good to be there at that time, as you may know David Cameron tomorrow will be his last day in england for the second time in the history having a lady as a new Prime Minister and wished him well lease on an ally of the United States and also good do think how people are thinking throughout the word will and the frustration and the anger with the status quo and wanted to be part and not feeling left out i have a letter to read dear willie i want to thank you eileen and peter and david and michael for the exciting waterfront developments of San Francisco on june 4, 2016, please also convey my appreciation to the San Francisco police for the refreshing boat ride i treasurer the experience for the port of San Francisco in balancing commercial and Public Interests in merchandising the planning for the future and leveraging publicprivate partnerships San Francisco and hong kong are woimd renowned cities by the water and hong kong the hereby is a prim time a unique asset our Waterfront Commission has Telegraph Hill pursued new initiatives to enhance the waterfront for the tourists to enjoy ill encourage my colleagues in the Development Bureau to keep in touch and carry on the challenges that are maturing beneficial i look forward to welcoming you and your colleagues to hong kong and reciprocated your hospitality ms. Kari the chief of the government of honk do know o Congress Region we appreciated having her here that connection was made the conversation of commissioner woo ho and secretary lamb and visited and toured San Francisco at the last meeting ive talked about that the agency spent one billion dollars other than the cruise it is out in the middle of no where its the best cruise terminal she wanted to know how we operated and enjoyed the spaces in San Francisco the parks and dog parks how we operated and, learn from the port of hong kong and they can learn from the port of San Francisco my last feeling is it for those of you who dont know as well to the public the transparency were undergo a search for. A executive director this the brochure we hired reliance and right now we are going through the process to accept the applications and started at the end of june through july 29th we have a website that is you on the website of the port of San Francisco the city of San Francisco and you can go to reliance website if you want to apply the posting is sf port dot com jobs and opportunities then the citys website and also you can go to alliance www. Dots alliance rc. Com that concluded my report. Any comments from the commissioners. No. You said it all thank you for the remarks on the recent tragedies i want to note on july 20th well have a group of minute stares from the government of india to visit the port once before they did this the group that went back was president this group gets the same exactly as the same before the tour kudos for all of us being prepared and it highlights after what commissioner adams read about the tour with the representatives from hong kong port we have become a worldclass designation and equity entity that used the model how to figure out the integration in a larger setting weve gotten the reputation and actuary as a place that needs to be visited to get angle understanding of improvements and opportunities that the can take back to their own injured thank you. Madam secretarys. Next speaker, please. Items on the consent calendar request approval the 20162017 monthly rental rates and special rates. So moved second. Is there any Public Comment on this issue going once, going twice. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues is there any comments. Okay. All in favor of resolution all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . That motion carries. Item lovingly request the approval of the operations with Chevron Incorporated with the richmond, california refinery as a Foreign Trade zone for a term of 5 years with 3 options with 5 years each. Good afternoon, commissioners peter daily from the staff it is great to be in the cruise terminal were asking approval for on practitioner agreement with chevron but ill make my port comments brief with the program was as i understand into law in 1934 by Franklin Delano roosevelt to create opportunities by providing businesses with economic advantages to International Trade the intent goes on today years later in 1934 Foreign Trade was somewhat of an interesting unknown survives and today your walking into costco and a Department Store but nonetheless ftc are to promote integral trade by reducing unintended costs for u. S. Trade flaws and the fcc is a federal program fascinated by the port and the port of San Francisco was named the Franklin Delano roosevelt and negotiation was number one, of course, and new orleans and we fascists the program for the National Government and the fcc board is chaired by the secretary of treasurer im sorry the secretary of commerce and the concert of treasurer is on the fcc board we the port of San Francisco has impacted the program and with the agreements with the sfo and the mayor of sfo and the refinery with the rodeo and chevron as a fcc for the last 18 years an work of their benefits is that chevron supplies jet foul to International Airlines and sfo and the petroleum is put on flights that are four International Designations and it is due to the exempt basis considered not considered export outside of u. S. Boarders the most recent agreement with chevron inspired in 2015 a number of meetings the port wants more classification to the program meant to the community and region and asked for more outreach to the region as to the fcc program the Commission Approved two 67 month expectations to get that work done and the fcc agreement over the port is expiring in a couple of weeks we have expanded our Public Outreach with a half hour day forum from 65 companies and cities and regions around the region and last october the port staff made an informational presentation to update the Community Outreach and id like the candidates and that meeting the commission requested the idea of a good Corporate Citizen clause into the agreement the good corporate concept with the Foreign Trade in washington, d. C. With a good Corporate Citizen agreement with future fcc operating agreements with the Port Commission and vet it with the fcc board and worked with chevron our internal attorney and staff has grafted the language for the agreement with chevron. The fcc board and u. S. Custom services have the originate for the grants for the submittal of approval in terms of local discretionary the fcc board mandates that each zone is operated as a puc and the grantee shall have the furthermore treatment under like conditions the equal treatment provision of fcc law mandatory a grantee like the port must provide access to zones and manufactures on a n nondiscriminatory basis it could route in a fine to a thousand dollars and day and loss of the city fcc grant in the case of chevrons request weve granted the status to other repeating va letter and in 2014 2, 3, 4 approved it is also pursuant to the revised agreement with the good corporate language on file with the secretary of Port Commission and worked diligently to companies in the region and made numerous meetings to the municipalities and others government organizations and still up to the federal program the good Corporate Citizenship by the fcc board and added to the request of the commission this fcc program meets the ports Strategic Plan by improveing the vital of the Northern California economic knotness with that ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. So moved. Second. Public comment cairo worthy. Gym lads is next, bob from the Building Trades and others. Hello my name is cairo the executive director of for richmond the chevron organization to date we have with the funds own 2 million on chevron has invested and be able to place over one thousand young people and adult into employment some at the refinery and other refineries and some at the multiple entities throughout the city of richmond and be able to provide 50 young girls historically black cologne experience that focusing on stem criterias and building a park that formally had nothing for the neighborhood to do and most recently been a finalist for the boom grant to build and have pop up next to housing in the city of richmond after our six months planning process were appreciative of chevron were able to provide outcomes and actually talk with Community Members that speak first hand how Port Richmond has assist them not only with their children but themselves so thats what we have in richmond any questions. Thank you cairo. Jim San Francisco chamber of commerce. Thank you, commissioners jim lads and first commissioner adams thank you fewer moving comments in louse us to share in the moment of silence for the tragedies the country faced we represent 25 hundred businesses including chevron and the Foreign Trade zone is an for competitive piece of the economy and the ports provides a Great Service for many businesses throughout the region thank you for operating that Foreign Trade zone and making it available to chevron and othery financier throughout the bay area it is a major historic presence in the city and besides have a maritime focus obviously serving that refinery through San Francisco San Francisco bay area and any businesses that call the port of San Francisco their home i want to thank our staff and the community and labor that got together to create the good Corporate Citizen provision that is in the draft contract im sure will be a model in other foreign agreements in the future we urge you to adopt the resolution and presented by the staff thank you. Bob. Good afternoon. Im bob liley with the local 2 i represent the Building Trades council as well im here speaking in support of chevrons 5 year trade zone operating agreement as a citizen of the bay area i think this Foreign Trade zone is a terrific one to maintain the competitiveness not only as a labor person but a member of the community we supported the objectives and applaud chevron richmond to bans the local economy to produce high paying technical jobs in the bay area and this supports others businesses and enhances the tax base we provide those valuable services this is not just today but far into the future chevron develops craft workers and technicians by supporting our local partnership and reach out to organization like ms. Worthy mentioned the richmond and the group that is gets people if the Community Working and working in the chevron refinery chevron is a good supporter ive worked as a craft worker at chevron and represented wanted iuoe and sat across the table we dont always agree but chevron showed respect for the men and women in the building trade and the workforce this is not something that im happy to see other labor people here today and you might not expect to see labor speaking in support of the bsd but im in support of 5 year program and like to see the temporary permit into a permanent one and thank you for your time. Thanks bob. Good afternoon, commissioners my name is a debris im the Community Engagement manager for chevron im responsible for guiding the investments in the community and the municipalities those investments are focused around economic revitalization and job training and Stem Education and Community Initiatives all of which are in line with the federal trade zone to support Economic Development and jobs through our economic initiatives chevron as has pledged 10 million to help to create halfway for the living wage and careers and industries for richmond and north robbed residents for the workforce Training Programs and other programs at the high school and process operator and industrial maintenance and mechanic Training Programs and prepare the residents for entrylevel jobs and chemical and other related destroys through our 5 and a half Mental Illness Stem Education we seek to have Student Access to quality education and learning and math survives where students and adults can be entrepreneurs and through our 10 year 35 million pledge of allegiance to the city of richmond were making secondary education possible for the students in the Richmond Program beginning with the graduating class of 2016 were working with the city so every responding student will be eligible to get up to 6,000 for the University Community college and Technical Education programs those are a few of the many social investments that chevron has made in richmond in fact more than 8 hundred and 21 million creating jobs and helping local businesses and nonprofits, paying taxed that fund the essential services liquor school and safety as i mentioned earlier those investments align with the goal of supporting u. S. Manufacturing jobs were pleased to comply with the commissions request to include the citizenship language in the operating agreement i hope the activities ive outlined and why were happy to comply it goes with the very core of chevrons Community Commitment i therefore ask and urge you support the ports staffs recommendation to grandparent a new operating agreement to the refinery thank you. Thank you. Going once, going twice. Public comment is closed. Colleagues, any comments. Im sort of curious think one thing i didnt hear anyone no 90 in favor of extending the lease to be 6 month extensions because even if Community Concerns i would be interested in the nature of that concern and has it been addressed thats why no one is here. Commissioner peter daily a year ago in july we were here da gentleman have you with the chevron we regarded this, if anything motion by the Port Commission we felt we had a good outreach to the municipalities of richmond, however, given they felt not enough outreach meet with the Community Groups of richmond that you cant question has bang addressed and the Biggest Issue i believe. Okay. Weve heard this issue i really thank everyone for all the work that is done to do significant outreach i even the Foreign Trade zone is is a benefit well off to the surrounding regions and the president that commissioner lazarus makes us that much more competitive these days i want to thank chevron for sending representatives today and other representatives to the community to let us think that there are such significant ongoing efforts inform provide benefits to the community and to respond to 9 concerns that we had been raised before us previously we really appreciate that and also for the support and the inclusion of the Citizen Concept i hope others fccs will take up but as pointed out one of the things we need to be mindful as we have a prescription on what we can and cannot do and equal treatment to applicants before that is significant as well for the so im supportive of this and pleased it came back. Peter thank you for the report i want to thank you and your team for doing the extensive outreach to make sure the community was engaged in all thE Developments of the Corporate Citizen agreement and thank chevron for the continued job creation and social investment in the community. Thank you. I just wanted to mention i think when this item first came up ive been familiar with the Foreign Trade goners for a long time and my banking career so the concept i support it is it a good example here where awhile i supported the Foreign Trade zone all along and chevrons participation it is it would be nice it was outside of our zone we were able to do a positive influence as commissioner katz mentioned for a positive influence to the community and brought all the parties together with chevron and it was a good definition so were in the right place i think that we took a little bit of a curious pathway but ended up in the right pa place and it would be nice to know that the parties are aligned and the Community Feels that chevron has made a positive impact as well so even though that is not the purpose of trade zone but able to use what were doing here to make it a positive outcome thanks. Seeing no more commission comments. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Resolution 1618 passes unanimously good luck joe i see you back there sweating. Item 12 a for a request for the solicitation of the Consulting Services sorry the Mission Bay Ferry Landing project. Good afternoon. Im the ports Contract Administrator and leading this solicitation process for the mission bay and may 10th meeting europe provided with an introduction to the Mission Bay Ferry Landing ill be presenting today as a solicitation a team effort a number of us here to answer any questions you may have that includes joe from our Engineering Division the project manager, wendy from our Engineering Division the assistant project manager and megan from the finance and administration and the project financing carol is here shes responsible for theville permitting and david leading our interagency outreach and the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority or meta and jerry from the maritime can answer questions related to water taxis and from the office of Economic Workforce Development is also here so we have a deep beverage in this the item before you is an action item to authorize the port staff to have a request for proposals to solicit the Engineering Services so for the design of Mission Bay Ferry Landing project upon our authorization port staff will initiative a solicitation that will result in staff recommendation of contract award to the highest ranked firm at a future Port Commission meeting the solicitation is only for the projects designed not the construction portion of the project. The project complies with a number of port wide strategy goals proactively working with the port to ease the congestion on the waterfront awhile extending and promotes alternative transportation with the ports climate goals to reduce emissions and increases the businesses and lbes. The overall goal and final deliciously with the undertaking for a new water transportation for the Mission Bay Neighborhood and businesses the architecture and Engineering Services for the design phases is estimated 7 million half of those fund come from the port budget. Mayor ed lee supports this project and 9 want 3 million to help to fund the design and costs the construction budget a 36 million the port will worked with wed District Attorney and Municipal Transportation Agency to help to secure the funding to construct this and we anticipate the federal and state funding to support the majority of budget the project term from design through construction is estimated 5 years the work for the design portion of this project will be divided into phase with the shareholders to establish the ferry design during phase one a contractor will talk about two sites and gun 7 investigations into the Environmental Impact permitting process and phase two complete the sites along with the reports applications and supporting documents needed to complete the ceqa review and during the fattens the contractor low provide Technical Support through the data and construction process to assure that construction is preceding in accordance with the documents and regulatory permits so thorough Public Outreach will be done at each phase this is a tentative schedule of the rfp since then the port start with wed District Attorney we want to issue the rfp on july 6th and august host the meeting on pier one to talk about the scope and the mission bay ferry alternatives and review the rfp submittal requirements with the proposers that will be followed by a networking to the subcontractors in particular to meet and network with the privilege contractor our to death due date is september 8th with the goal of returning for an award the contract in october since the may 10th Port Commission the Public Outreach has gun performed with the planning and development has a attended 6 Community Meetings to present the Ferry Landing project with the Advisory Groups and port is joined by wed District Attorney and questions or comments are summarized on pages 5 and 6 of your worst o report if approved today, we are going to issue the rfp on july 6th and at that date the besides that contact did lbe folks to have the Engineering Services and the firms that appropriated Similar Services so for the port and services the rfp will be on the ports website and sent to the local chamber of commerce and with the citys outreach newspapers prior to the submittal date 3 member Selection Panel that will be tavkd with supporting the proposal and two additional experts if other city or state agencies the Contract Monitoring Division will make sure the paeblz reflect the city and county and not disadvantage lbes the Selection Panel low review and score the proposals in oral interviews and contract and sit in and monitor all the Panel Meetings to make sure there is is a fair procedure lbe prime contractor will receive a 10 percent rating bonus and joint venture will be entitle to a 5 to 7 and a half percent by evidence discount bans the lbe participation with the expanded outreach mayor ed lee added 3. 5 million to the general fund in order to have the design of Ferry Landing at this point, were ready to enter the next phase and ask your permission to solicit the Design Services for the mission bay third landing that concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions. Public comment one card Veronica Sanchez and anyone else after vero is done speaking you can speak. Mr. President , and members of the commission Veronica Sanchez from the polite first, i want to thank you, mr. President for your leadership responsiveness at the may meeting you directed the staff to start this Community Process and the gentleman explained that was very wroerth and we want to thank the commission and i think that jim is present and it was said best at the wed District Attorney Board Meeting he conveyed to the directors our desire to open this up and he said you know most of the time people are complaining that butter have not moving faster and this is the right thing to do the staff report is very good and responsiveness to the questions the operative statement for us that we were looking for our union was this is a Ferry Terminal and it is a joint project where weed District Attorney the state agency our union and sister union work hard to get and mandated with the creation of new ferry routes in the by a happy to see that language and thank our staff direction on that in closing what i i want to make comments been funding thats my prior experiences to get ferry funding as weeda staffer i notice the state and federal funding added to memo also i will suggest you add to that regional measure 3 bridge town hall money the project youll undertake in a few months the downtown Ferry Terminal has 23 million of the regional money and it is in there because we were there at the right place as a weed District Attorney staffer to get that money that is a measure and i hope your staff tracks that and all the power houses that commission especially your leadership mr. President , would be circuited to seek the funds for that terminal as well as perhaps sales tax money for the city and county of San Francisco your bog to be reauthorized the extension to the starkly measure were here to support this project more Ferry Terminal and Ferry Services great for the jobs and for the commuters so thank you. Is there any more examine having said that, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner woo ho this is near and dear to my heart. Glad to see this come before us i think my only question is that the timeline 5 to 6 years as you may know were all experiencing tremendous Traffic Congestion over the course maybe you could address what can be done to expedite. The engineer can speak to this the principles to slow down the permitting and licensing the design phase two or three in the construction and two or three in the design. This is something ive read about i mentioned to commissioner adams in the directly related but new york has said between 3 years borough more political will to get this done sooner than later we need to do this. Commissioner katz. Im just excited to see this moving forward and thank you for all your hard work and making this happy. Commissioner kounalakis. So my 93yearold fatherinlaw said when 33 he came from greece in the 50s took a train to oakland on the east bay and from San Francisco a ferry that was the first way they stepped foot in San Francisco and i think this is just so exciting because in some ways good evening to the future from the past and my understanding was that there used to be tremendous ferry traffic across the bay my question as we launch into this project of building a new landing what kind of analysis has been done to what the roots will be, what ferry expansion looks like . You know a simple or complicated matters peak times people want to get to that area for games what is that part of the progress look like. Yes. Can you have weed District Attorney respond. Thank you, commissioners im kevin the manager of mr. Larkin and developing the question was simply was it complicated and in terms of what were doing now in the region were reevaluating transbay in the near future and in the periods of our significant direction the region is going we have looked detail in schemes for the mission bay we building we will probably start out with a link service and other services from the east bay to the north bay and make a second stop in mission bay and the ridership really stabilized we probably will have more direct service to mission bay as well as from mission bay to the east bay this is a nexus to the facility on june 18th we are excited and seeing a great market we share our concerns wish it was open tomorrow. Okay. Commissioner Vice President brandon. Thank you for the presentation. Thank you for doing more Community Outreach and when you did that was the Community Supportive or were there any concerns. Actually david with planning and Development Community was very excited about the project and supportive of it there were some concerns about making sure the port and weed District Attorney is in an mou as indicated in the staff report back to you, you in september this fall with an mou online the respondents responsibilities and the roles people want to see the Ferry Landing operating as soon as possible as well. Director forbes a comment and involved in this process before i make my last comments. Thank you for yielding the floor i want to acknowledge the support from the mayor and staff is mentioned it is unprecedented to have a significant amount of funds added back to the budget in order to help us advance the design phase and the city as vested a lot of thing for the design work and Community Outreach so kudos to all of us for being given this important task we all acknowledge it is infrastructure that the area needs and we have been given the big request to get it designed so we can turn it over to weed District Attorney to operate the Ferry Landing so thats my remarks thank you. Thank you. I wanted to say that was not only veronica but corin that assessed to do more Community Outreach i wanted to say to commissioner woo ho you know were no new york and just not trying to be smart but we have is to patience its not a magic wound we want more ferries and it is important were not new yorks were San Francisco but you are the engineer you were going to come up can you explain to supervisor wiener commissioner woo ho the process and why it it takes time but sometimes things have to go through the process and not as fast as we want them to go ill sofas commissioner woo ho he has put a working group together and committed to getting more ferries i he wants to come to the commission owe address and he and elaine are welcome to sit down and ill yield explain to commissioner woo ho what the hoops are and why were not new york and San Francisco we have to do it our way. Good afternoon. Im joe structure engineer with the port for this project to answer your questions right off the bat ill start with design we have on our schedule to start in december it shows november identically we are a month ahead but it takes two years and submit for an environmental permitting the permitting is really the Critical Path if we could do design and construction well be done quite a bit faster so the environmental specialist carol sorrow here to address ill add were stuck doing those regulatory permits through the department and really no way to get are around it ideally if we didnt have to do dredging it would safe time and other things the schedule that boris mentioned 5 years thats a optimistic schedule it is assume well do breakwaters but as far as accelerating the schedule Everyone Wants to go as fast as we can to meet the mayors extension we hopefully, when you approve this Commission Item well go back and hit the project running and get the process going. Okay. Thank you any more questions. No, but i appreciate and i say that only for emphasis and phone call that sometimes, we highlight something that is pushed it helps and appreciate the process and not suggesting weer going to shortchange the process but i think that it seems like an air force long time for one Ferry Terminal one city is building a borough for the Network Within 3 years but i think that we have had to mind that and what was mentioned by one of the speakers we eventually want to see not only within the commission the overall master plan for ferries one ferry lapds low help a grateful and it is one of my passions to see the transport but seems like a master plan how the necessary landing niece to be developed every day were remind how much congestion through the city east, west, north, south other answers beside we have so ferries is one maybe a more expensive alternative but it is something that presumably should be upstream faster. Ill add a couple of more comments i purchased something at the outreach meeting and it was spoken to and indicated weed District Attorney 19 has total control of the project and to the state board to this takes 5 years were using to twelve as far as im sorry, i forgot our other comment. Hoping that we on the regional level are looking at a master plan for a ferry system and network that is like putting the whole thing in the dike. It will be addressed in the outreach meeting. This question was ask the i didnt answer is it graphic shows our Expansion Program were in the process of executing right now and we are about to adopt in october a Strategic Plan for the ferry agency and were more than happy to come back and present the Strategic Plan from a graphic stand point the program of Ferry Terminals within the next 10 to 12 years throughout the bay and sort of the most practical places we can and longer than term other places but this is what we have and should see a lot more Ferry Service and go today 10 thousand per day and up to 60 thousand there was where we were in 1946 and in the next 15 years. One more question is part of timing has to do with with the fact that the funding for the entire project is not identified yet. You know i dont think that is a barrier to the term right now we would anticipate within the 5 years we have full funding we acknowledge the mayors generally reiterate so ohio not tripped up but thats honk things take. Thank you very much. All right. Colleagues no more discussion. All in favor, say i. I. Of resolution 16, 18 i opposed . It that concludes my presentation. Anonymously. Next speaker, please. Item 13 an endorsement between the port and the National Park service for a memorandum of understanding outlining the business terms of one Ferry Service to alcatraz what a future xhoirg and two Golden Gate Park Services Located on pier 31 and 33. Good afternoon rebecca representing the Port Project Team on the alcatraz negotiations want to recognize jay from real estate and byron and director forbes were working closely on that item and like to recognize superintendent christine is here to answer any questions on this action item were before you this afternoon a present on action item on a term sheet for a memorandum of understanding that port staff is negotiating with the National Park service for the alcatraz site ill briefly recap what we discussed on june 14th ill note additions to the staff report and go over the next steps and request action from the commission heres an overall of the framework of the set of relationships and legal relationships were talking about the term sheet provides key financial terms well be furthers defined in the mou been the port and National Park service in the mou are responsibilities and rules will be extended and mtc will be to contract with the ferry professional to chiefly create a contract and have a prerelationship between themselves and the conservatives a nonprofit partner and other roeblthsz that be independent in the mou through those relationships attach to any contracts with the entities and be negotiated with the ports and formed through the mou process the ports responsibility will be to lease to their selected ferry impairs with the form of to invest in the accident pier 31 and one half that is in need of repairs in order to keep on operating the alcatraz ferry traffic and the property projection is on the embarcadero at the pierce 31 and 33 and a half marginal rules where you are pointer there we go. This is the food and beverage in the pier 31 bulk head and contract stations an expansion of what is currently for some sites a large plaza on the marginal what sort of a with some more intuitive queuing and other improvements to help to fascists the thousands of people through the site and an additional better to accommodate another type of Ferry Services that will be further sdpind as we go through the mou process that the ambition terms are summarized here one of the key revenue items the ports rent from ferry ticket sales going to alcatraz we addressed to maintain the recent raised percentage rent the port is getting on a month to month basis that is operating the alcatraz Ferry Service and noshthd by the parties based on Market Information that each party has from the respected appraisers the project also includes the Capital Investment and port property what 21 million on the passport of leaders and 5 million for the sub structure the pie chart we shows shows the investment in the super structure and the portion of that expenditure a total of 8 million that is rent creditable for the rental expenditures are the corner part of building of the total expenditures. Putting the term sheets into a cash flow analysis of what the port is expecting to see is shown on this chart if mp s concession is completed by 2018 we expected stabilized by 2020 by 2020 we would be expecting about 3. 2 million in gross income to support we negotiated the rent credits the 3 million will be paid back to the leaders over a 4 year port a relatively is short time for 4 years the anticipated review revenue is 2. 5 million before youier year 5 they jump back up to over 3 million ill point out the first 3 rows of the table has to do with are the 80 percent of revenues to the port and of that amount 70 percent from the existing alcatraz and 10 percent from the new services and to put into context an approving an existing Service Versus something through the mou terms and through the Parks Services greater definitions of what those might look like some additions to the staff report since june added language on the framework to flush out more terms a thirty year and two 10 year each of the leases weve had different terms because of the nature of what overseeing uses are so a bit more language will clarify that a bit more and also, we added in procedural clarifications in the staff report we noted to we will be seeking from the board a full source waiver to negotiation and in the Staff Reports what is of justifications for solely negotiating with them for the site the key ones the mp f the the important designation to insure that absolutely well have this on the land to negotiate in order to maintain negotiations with alcatraz and partnered to provide a heightened and more historically investor experience that thats partner and were working through that vein we are obligated to work with the conservecy they have a track record and for the ferry operators will be well be completing a fiscal year Feasibility Analysis that will help to support the boards adoption of the feasibility for the project the staff report includes the resolution language and the term sheet were seeking our endorsement of today just an overall of the next steps if we receive a positive endorsement from the commission well Going Forward with the board of supervisors approval or endorsement process for the term sheet the waiver and the findings of feasibility and new wag and mtc will continue or deeper dive the mou negotiations and have the entire set of types of legal frameworks for the mou and the forms of leases for the two leasxees our recommendation is a are engrossment of term sheet and the feasibility findings and t\ recommendation is a are engrossment of term sheet and the feasibility findings and the waiver we ask you direct the staff and negotiate the mou that concludes my presentation. Were all available for. So moved second. I have one card Veronica Sanchez anyone else wanted to speak on 13 a. Mr. President , members of the Commission Commissioners Veronica Sanchez for the m m and t this is a big milestone in the contract and you heard the business terms that are being proposed i think a lot work has gone into it were very, very glad this service will stay at the port of San Francisco we our union supported that i wanted to ask the question about the labor terms and the labor requirements that will be included in the lease between the ferry operator this is different than the situation right now the agreement is between the concession ear the park service youll have an agreement a Lease Agreement with the new concessioner and the commission and the city will be able to implement some of this very generous and progressive labor requirements to this Lease Agreement i think this is important to not forget that the history and the contract the transition of this contract is one of the biggest blows to two maritime unions on the waterfront b to the iuoe that lost a lot of jobs that lost service marching on the embarcadero and the meetings by Speaker Pelosi so a lot of advocacy about labor rights our hope as we position the port into a new contract with a new operator we look at not only the business terms that have been described and outlined here but also as the labor requirement that the port and city can certainly impose on the new concessioner. Thank you very much. Anybody want to answer that. Im happy to begin thank you for the question veronica a couple of points the relationship that we have in terms of mou o obligates us and weve discussed that nothing in the form of a lease can be a conflict of federal law and their process does not define the roll that lash will play and the existing former lease doesnt have a term that notes what thank you very much lease will be completed by the leaseleasee. Im add that conceived the federal government will go through their solicitation process with the questionnaire and go through their process and enter into a lease with the concessioner following the terms that have been outlined in that way it is somewhat similar to the prior process we dont know who will be selected through the fair process but for the federal government to determine. Okay. Is there any more Public Comment on 13 a. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner kounalakis. I feel pretty confront seeing the terms for a while so ill fine no questions. Commissioner katz. Similarly covet seen this a few times i do think that Going Forward there are some issues raised this is the time to address them i hope that a lot of those concerns can be addressed. Commissioner woo ho. And actually, i do want to thank the staff that was perhaps one of the more pro transacted negotiations and very complex and i think the staff has done a tremendous job educating all of us and the parties involved the compleblthsdz complexity of this lease and the alcatraz will benefit by having a really strong vibrant space and certainly along the waterfront mr. Enliven it and make it a significant designation for tourists and hopefully for the locals and provide a lot more of interest on the site there and again, i think that will certainly enhance the experience sforsz for those traveling to alcatraz and those who cant make it see the compleblts so thank you for everyone putting in this hard work. Commissioner woo ho. I also dont have any further questions given weve reviewed this many times and mentioned previously it has been a legit and complex discussion with all parties and it has taken us sometime with all the stakeholders to understand each of those positions and i thankfully now reached a good point that is fair for all parties involved want to thank the staff for being patient with the commission for pursuing this and the park service to understand our point of view and roll the dice what needs to take place to get this done the citizens of san franciscan want to see we maintain the Ferry Service on port property and everybody was in favor we needed openly it on terms that make sense for everybody a good win and i think that the newspaper terminal as commissioner katz mentioned with the amenities with the adversary experience will be improved and enhance the waterfront it is a plus for tourism and for the whole area a good outcome thank you. Rebecca thank you for your presentation and i really want to thank the staff and the National Park service for coming together and keeping the alcatraz at the port of San Francisco i want to congratulate everybody is a winwin. Whats the timeline for the next steps. There are a couple of things ceqa will be the driver of when on mou can be brought back and the other item were working on the nationals Park Services need to get their perspective out to the ferry folks and at the end of next year thats the other driver ceqa how long and we need to get this done to get the visas and the reason theyre on the timeline a current operator theyre limited on a time they can maintain that questionnaire so we have this as sort of a bit of a fire to complete ceqa and the negotiation to come back with the mou to you all at the end of next year. Thank you. Sure. I want to thank. Commissioner katz can i do add that it seems a good time in the summer going out to alcatraz in a couple of weeks all of the great presentations have given me a lot to look at when i go down to the terminal. I just wanted to thank the staff and the Parks Service but i want to say what ms. Sauvenz said weve been dealing with that a lot and nobody has been here youve not been here to Say Something weve been through that four or five times and nobody is here i appreciate your comments but take a moment to tell them theyve got to be in the game and youve explained the process how it goes but have those meetings and the public didnt show up until their interests are there and dont hear from them i appreciate we heard from you a month ago weve globulin this process i want to ask rebecca when do they put it out to bid the government makes the decision and thats exactly right. I think if you look at what happened when the horn blowers buffs an outcry not a union shop but were congress has held in terms of what is included in the perspective it takes an act of congress to change the requirements to require a union ferry operator. And we continued to ask this question and the responses were getting and lived through it. Rebecca whats the timing on issuing. The end of next year is the targeted timeline right now. Okay. Im fine thank you. Colleagues if we dont have any more questions. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . It passes. Next speaker, please. Item 14 an informational presentation regarding a Navigation Center on port property on 25 street between michigan and the former la la street. Good afternoon commissioner katz and commissioner Vice President brandon and commissioners and director Forbes Brad Denison director of special projects here with the team of port dpw and department of homelessness and Supportive Housing staff working on homelessness issues on port property, want to say we were here before you last april talking about a proposed potential Navigation Center on port property on 24th street im going to defer to sam dodge the Deputy Director through the evolution of the public discussion wanted to start presentation by let me letting you know a few things first there was an effort and response to Public Comments to address pretty major homelessness encampments in the park tom worked with the department of public works, San Francisco police department, and the Homeless Outreach team for outreach to the folks that are caging in the folks and that encampment broke up not reappeared since then so the park is clean providing access to the residents to enjoy the park secondly, we have is an open pier 80 shelter this disinherits has closed as of last week but tom is working with the hsa staff to make sure it is ready for occupant for that agreement so yield the podium to sam dodge about the Navigation Center on the port property and ill return to talk about the proposed plans. Commissioners thanks for having us back i have the presentation that include a lot of backward information about the Navigation Center i know youre well verse but want to go over some thought it for the general Public Comment i want to started with the observance situation with something called the shelter crisis and been declared by the board of supervisors and even now at the statehouse theyre considering the state of california whether if so under a homeless crisis we have a population 3 thousand 5 hundred people unsheltered and given time in San Francisco. We had really good success with Navigation Center models which is a low threshold transitional facility we as you sit here now work with people to attach their benefits and assess and helped over 5 hundred and 60 people leave homelessness through the Navigation Center on mission and opened a second 1 on 2012th street that is near the Pacific Center and weve been look at by the rest of the country and the people working on this a bright spot not only San Francisco but facing a large homelessness a lot of communities especially on the west coast and who we are targeting with this intensive effort overseeing people that are not assessing your Traditional Services that have been out in homeless for extended periods of time with the responsibility to help to resolve those need steroid efforts for people that are by and large theyre facing multiple complex conditions and height and Mental Health and some of the ways to come as you are meaning if you have a partner willing to welcome that in for the Necessary Services and they were focused on transitioning into housing there are other services that are great to have in life this is an idea to have a transitioned people back into Housing First that means once youre in housing well continue to work as far as other things so our current Navigation Center is 75 people and the staff highest Staffing Ratio and its a tranquil environment thank you for your time to come and see what that looks like were excited about trying to work with that environment on 25th street. Just you know part of what weve within doing taking a real ann illicitly approach for the corrections to go and keep a weekly report on how we are performing so we can look at obstacles and right now an average of 90 days to get someone off the street into housing and other kinds of exits on the homeward bound and we track all of that and part of our model. This kind of a complex from far away is hard to read 84 percent of people that exited the Navigation Center have been successful and leaning towards you know housing and reconnection to family and a long time Treatment Program and that is really Great Results in get marginally better we try to keep it going. So a Navigation Center at 25 street given the presentation about the proposal we had around 24th which is right at the entrance of cove and with Community Outreach and input there was the suggestion 25th street those are large blocks but one block to the south and in between the back of a shady yard and next to the muni train yard and it is again, a dead end street and you know it works and it works for the community and some of the physical components we want to see bring some of the things weve seen successful at 1950 mission with laundry rooms and stourj community spaces, the same array of bringing onsite benefits onsite bringing medical clinics with the Necessary Services and shortterm as far as you know, Real Campaign approach to how we are inviting to help people resolve their homelessness and utility the site and return to the site. So we have a gop we bring to all our froomz and want to enhance that here already meeting with community and Business Owners in the area and are looking for various ways we can continue to partner theres a lot of capacity and with an interest in the communities stay involved with the program and want to find ways for them to stay involved and you know in our Community Meetings one of the things that has stood forth Community Members said i know it is tough for our community to take a Homeless Service on their site this is an opportunity to change hundreds of peoples lives and something that theyre familiar with in the dog patch, unfortunately encampments that are in the communities nearby and he really just respect the urge it took to say that and work with us and return the favors and return to the community we want to be open and you know transported any concerns that people have about the actual site and be good stewards of the property and he does surrounding were looking for ways to be safe and the access it is an Industrial Zone so we need to be mindful of the industrial uses in the area but i think this is going to work well we also have you know an ability probation officer make sure that you know there are not loitering around our facility and lots of space to hang out and enjoy the area if they want to hang out and be able to assess the rest of the city for the t train and the ability to have transportation so this is some of the map of the site currently and see the shaded areas were talking about proposed Navigation Center on 25th rather than 24th street to the north youll see that you know some of the Community Benefits we were conditioning from 24th street was having a strong stewardship of the park and sometimes physical difficult to manage positions from the park at the 25th well not have this stewardship but more intiefshl to the community and the businesses their activity with that on 24th street so this is does work it is a little bit narrower we changed the configuration and ended up working well, this is a mockup the front with the storage and holding did accessibility and have an eye towards the aesthetics it works well, for everyone you can see what the basic plan is still the same as annoying for 24th street a platform for the utilities under the platform and it makes for on assessable sites with the modified trailers and there are staff offices there are showers and laundry and Community Kitchens as well as other things this is enough for 70 planters and how light is getting into the environment so a lot of areas to relax on the campus. Here we go on overall the distribution of offices and actuation activation on the front and enduring on the middle and helpful for sort of easy on the street and to activate and safe space so for the community as well and you know different dormitories in the middle with the courtyard the proposal for number 3 the Central Waterfront and were excited about this and all of these that are temporary settings so 1950 mission looks like were possibly having another year of operation the Service Center it looks like to years possibly more it is slated to be demolished and replacement housing for the apartments at the 1950 mission and for the Central Waterfront were proposing you know a 3 year use a 4year term because there is sometime to take up and down but a 3 year active use for the Residential Services for the Navigation Center we had a robust Community Engagement process you know with the assistance of supervisor cowens office weve been meeting various forms and i really appreciated the port and the advice from the southern and stairwell waterfront Advisory Council one of the tough decisions the Advisory Council were strong in wanting 24th street and knowing the challenges of warm water code it is an asset to have there with the dog patch neighborhood successors and the businesses feel strongly about 25 being the more desirable site to the 24th street having to balance the two is you know weve ultimately felt the 25th is the better fit yeah. Theres been a number of visits to the Navigation Center by various partners as well i think that helped it is hard to understand what were talking about you know small intimate settings not like the kind of big shelter youve seen in the past yeah. Theres the timeline coming up one of the ideas to meet on august 9th for the board to trg to consider the mou the option of kind of delaying until september 13th we ask well be able to continue with august 9th that would be our desire from the department to indemnification department of transportation and Supportive Housing a number of things to lay out following the mou where the street ordinance and to buy out the rfp from the Services Provision onsite and the final opening late january maybe february those are just the what it takes to do this the december breaking ground in more ways and tested in settings the idea taking the is one step further and a first time for that it has taken a little bit longer than than expected but some of the extra time for Community Outreach is helpful weve ready to anyone talk about the mou thank you, sam before i get into the mou terms stan mentioned the street vacation ordinances that is a public street this is 25th and being in a position of support to lease it auto the street needs to be vacated it is currently a dead end street not providing assess to the bay 90 no trust use of street so weve talked to muni theyre okay with the street vacation next and theyre no entrance on the portion of 25th street and no ways to be vacated had ordinances are will be considered by the board of supervisors on the 15 and consider at the positioning to bring it with the mou getting to the terms of the mou the mayor will take effect after the riders ceqa review period or when the street vacation ordinance becomes effective that is later the term had been that four years that sam was talking about the port in any lease like this is an intern lease with the port property a couple of things the ports needs the right to terminate this agreement if needed for trust use we also need to charge fair market are we talking about this is 5,700 the department agreed to that there will be a two month Security Deposit and to build and operates the Navigation Center subject to following the cbo school so the Good Neighbor policy that sam described will be enforceable under the review so just want to go to next steps the department port staff helped with the continuing outreach in consultation with supervisor cowens office and in touch with the dog Patch Neighborhood Association with the businesses we will return to the Port Commission and act in september there will be a period of permitting for the project so for the engineer will permit the construction of the Navigation Center under the port code and well expect the construction to start so that concludes my presentation. And im available to answer any questions you may have. I have two cards corinne woods and if anyone else line up. Hi, my name is corin woods a member of the Advisory Group sam and the group made a presentation to c wag we support the Navigation Center and pleased to see the port is part of solution as compared with the rest of the city and im also very grateful to the port and to tom carter of the maintenance for all the work theyre doing with the existing homeless problems weve had at warm water cove it really i think going through the Navigation Center process is brought a lot of attention to a longstanding problem we were grateful to all of you especially tom helping to clean it up thank you. Anything else that wants to speak on 14 a seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner katz thank you sam for your presentation and thanks brad and thank you corin for recognizing we do want to be part of the solution im pretty sure to all of staff and my colleagues as well we want to be making a difference in the fabric of the city and peoples lives this is one way to help to reduce so aha a couple of quick points youre familiar with one in terms of being able to assess the water i know you have the emergency lane an ability to utilize that open space or have to walk around to 24th street street and access the warm water cove. Currently 25th street in access to the water tell that to any dog. People will have to go around the block. And then weve discussed p this location is not as central some way of helping people will they be given transit for something that will enable them to assess the facilities. Commissioner katz we plan to use a van and mission even though this is startling located there is things we want to make sure that people get to schedule appointments at the county assistance fireman or the dmv were going to continue to have that demand what is wrong with the bicycle parking and transit assess tokens as well. Lastly i want to echo our comments on keeping it forward even with this schedule with the winter i dont know but it looks like a tight timeframe so hopefully, well be able to stay on schedule so we can have something before the weather gets wetter stay colder in San Francisco but at least wetter. Commissioner. Thank you for that report i think i missed the last report i was not here i wanted to say im reading about this obviously since the chronicle has been highlight and actually great to know weve made difference in the report with pier 80 this is a permanent solution brad answered my question with the existing sites sounds like a street that had been turned into a location and thats terrific i think that i had high hopes and hoped well see it and hoped this is an example where i think that San Francisco is leading the way in trying to found out ways to manage im not sure end but manage it for about both the people that are unfortunately effected but have to live with this the issue in the city im pleased to see that i think that we have worked out a great solution and proud to say were part of it and certainly in favor with the staff relax why not and the relax of muni. Commissioner kounalakis. Thank you for the presentation it was helpful to go to the Navigation Center on Mission Street to see how this works i i have to tell you this is so interesting in that decades San Francisco has been looking for initiative ways to manager the homeless crisis that is a very new and very different idea youll do a shelter youll put a temporary shelter for a fourmonth period of time on the street and vacate a street temporary 3 years sorry i see the term is 4 years plus operation okay. Thats a typo did you say that and oh. 3 years of operation but it is really interesting i mean i think that San Francisco has been the city for that has been trying a lot of Different Things and i remember when i was Student Graduate school i had a day only the job was that then mayor agnos and he was talking about the challenges and at some point during the time as mayor mr. Clinton to thauk u talk to him about the different approaches what works and didnt work it has been this anywhere after mayor and look at different ways to address this is an interesting thing to see unlike the mission which is not in the middle of the street like this it is interesting very different and ill really be looking forward to coming and seeing it when this is operational and the city with a lot of interest to see it success so very, very exciting. Commissioner Vice President brandon. Brad and others thank you for the presentation and thank you for thank you for your time to doing the outreach to the community and coming up with a solution that this piers any work for everyone im very very supportive and having the tour of the Navigation Center and see first hand how it works and everyone gets lialong it was ve, very helpful. I i guess my issue is not the Navigation Center at all im very supportive of that my issue the concentration of homelessness in one area the Overall Department doesnt seem to be helping with the existing situation and the fact that we cannot get on a list to help get the street cleaned up it is at the present time, city over the last six months i proposed part of pier 80 shelter and learning about the caging out there is a highrise in the area and a high crime rates also due to the fact that there are so many homeless area i guess i need to know how your department as a Good Neighbor has nothing to do with with the Navigation Center but helps to clean up and make sure that we just dont have tent city you know just wherever with none taking responsibility yes. Thank you, commissioner that is a valid point you know one of the things weve looked at were a brand new department we formed on july 1st and formerly in the end of august but the you know part of what eave down to really look at having a response to what weve been doing in the past like the Mission Creek and in encampments for a long time actually. And transpired over the last 6 months before pier 80 we were reaching 50 people in the Mission Creek and tried to attract them into pier 80 because that was tents from you know anyway predating just to be clear about that and you know two be clear about the fact that People Living on the street are far more likely to be victims of crime and all kinds of things that are influenced but we want to take seriously the charge of ropdz to go Mission Creek in particular and we are meeting tomorrow with the fire inspectors and Homeless Outreach team, sfpd, the public works, and you know we are talking about a number of different difficult jurisdictions areas that is one of them and we do look at how to bring it down and how to maintain it, it is a board border of a lot of responsibilities with the port property the caltrans and the you know puc has some responsibility there as well so various Property Owners and groups like ourselves with the Outreach Team to offer serves as an alternative and enforce the amenity to enforce the law. Has to do with the property. It is all of our property. The port properties. I mean it is the line along Mission Creek. We leased to muni. Spent a lot of time in the area they see they condition to think about it did trans assess in the caltrain property underneath the bridge i mean underneath the freeway in the freeway along the puc type there and just maybe im getting into over details. I want to know how resolve this. No exact Silver Bullet the idea we meet with social services to give people the best option for the city they dont need to be in the tents. How about Mission Street. We lead with social services and brought the resources to the table and gave people openings from shelter homeward abandon and treatments and rehab programs to some complex problem solving and opened the pier. What about warm water cove. And hopefully hopefully, when you come back you can let us know how that goes. Okay. That sounds good. Sammy want to say that youre still living and around man laughter . Ive heard youve been missing but i wanted to say i respect all the hard work you guys been doing and for me you know some people i want to be on the right side of that i support that we hadnt worked out the bugs this is is right thing to do i know that probably in some areas of the city everybody is saying theyll give a big speak as long as it is not in my area were talking about peoples lives that are mental problems and weve talked about that this is one of the unrest in our country you can our countrys is like a ball of fire 0 so much going on in the country and have an opportunity to help out in a small way in the port and we cant put all the weight on the mayor hes got so many problems and it is important were in a unique opportunity to side our part a maybe by us but leading that the people will see and not to be afraid of Homeless People and we take it on were talking about our society and people that really care about im like commissioner woo ho i support having this in the august meeting and we vote on this we have to deal with this i think that i can say this about any commission we have our difference of opinions but the best commission in the city and couldnt have a finer group of commissioners the backbone to step up and thank you and lets try to help commissioner Vice President brandon not have a heart attack and be calmer and maybe her allow do work and answer her questions so i want to say thank you for your presentation. Item 14 b for the enter into the memorandum of understanding mou and going into a six months license agreement for the bay area protecting a regional bike share port for the operating the bike share where a 19 month rather waiver. Good afternoon. Im jamie here for an action item and we are going to be requesting our approval for two agreements both related to the expansion of bike share in the city of San Francisco and throughout the bay area region and more specifically on port property the first is the memorandum of understanding with the municipal Transportation Authority and the second a licensed agreement with the current operator of area Bike Share Program that is helping to motivate and im going to be coming back to you giving more details about both of these agreements but a guests speaker in terms of what well be covering today, i have Emily Stapleton the general manager from the bay area bike share up and talking about the Program Terms and also be addressing some of the questions this commission had at the last time that she was here and we were here before you with an informational update and thatban february and exhibit to the staff report sort of another attempt at addressing those questions thats exhibit a to the staff report and then ill when emily is done with they are presentation ill come up and talk about the two armies ive mentioned seeking authorization for today with that, id like to invite Emily Stapleton to the podium. Good evening commissioner katz im happy to be back on behalf of the operator of bike share system in San Francisco and across the bay we were here in february with an informational item and going to quickly review the highlights the program to go back on the details and provide some answers to questions this commission had at that time, so first just for orientation today, there are 35 bike share stations in the city of San Francisco 5 of them on property today and we have a currently license agreement amended last year to operator those 5 bike share stations as part of legacy Pilot Program start in 2013 again, im here on behalf of the Bay Area Motivate theres a large operator across the United States and australia 75 percent of bike share across the United States 19 are operated by motivate two agreements that create a foundation for the program is rolling out today are the Program Agreement between Bay Area Motivate and the municipality Transportation Commission and the correlation that is again between bay area and the municipal agreements those are the two foundational agreements which the terms have been set the agreements that were talking about today, of course, relate to the use of the port property i the 4 bike share that concludes my remarks that is operated by the motivate and the city. Again in acceptance of scale we have seven hundred bicycles in the Bike Share Program this agreement a 10 Year Agreement shows that the bike share will be growing to 7 thousand bicycles across the bay area well include the east bay this is operating today in San Francisco and san jose will be adding the 3 bay cities from three hundred 50 bikes to 45 hundred bicycles over a short time through the early part of 2018 and from there there is potential for it to grow at a minimum of 45 bikes in San Francisco. Alluded to the total 5 fees that includes San Francisco in the roll out begin the cycling for the locations and the total Service Areas for the system we done initial introductions to each of the supervisorial district and many of the stakeholders across San Francisco and in the greater bay area to provide introduction to the program and terms and where were going to be rolling out new Central Station stations the timeline for the bikes will be sploil 50 percent by another thirty percent and between early next year and 2018 so theres a long lead time before that well soliciting a Community Input that is a critical part of the way we formulate this program and decide where the stations will be placed thats ongoing work we had a series of public workshops in january of this year those stations are expected early next week and during the month of july the phase two stations this will appear in summer of next year and so on so the next time for Public Feedback will be for those bike share ive covered some of the terms earlier and 45 hundred bicycles in the city of San Francisco there will translate to three hundred and 20 stations weve expected the stations in each of the lovingly district and 20 perishes of the stations will be an mtc designated communities of concern in San Francisco 7 of them and in the next session questions from the prior meeting will be a map of the concerns and ill provide more information about that as well we want this program to be executive and the membership a couple of passesn annual pass and a casual short time pass were using the system which thinking about the unanimous pass there are a couple of ways to purchases a discount membership that allows the members that are eligible to purchase the bike share for 50 a month or a year the standard rate of 15 per year down the road to integrate the clipper cards across the bay. For a quick summary of the agreement i referred to between the area bay and the city of San Francisco is a 10 year term with 20 205 year terms through the sponsorship in negotiation o new york so sponsorship rights are the placement of the naming rights on the equipment the part of the progress give us minded for thorough Community Outreach and stamp our investment in the program and in the city of San Francisco well be providing systems with station permitting so that review of the permits feedback and guidance through the hearing progress and providing identification and maintenance to the system and Security Deposit and theres a refer sharing involved with certain hurdles. Okay. So some answers to a few questions that came up in february ill go through them oneonone and if there are questions later ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. First a question of how does bike share serve the Public Interest the goals of the program the goals are many lots of way that bike share impacts the community providing equitable transit and alternatives for actually transportation including Public Health and bike share a participant in the Emission Reduction and more sustainable transit across the bay area one of the ways to provide a first and last solution that will encourage people to swap out instead of a bike share trip to a ferry or muni or ac transit in the east bay. Bike share supports vision zero by having for people on the road and awareness of cyclists in the city and have a commitment to local hiring and bringing more staff into the program as well. To follow on the comment of Public Benefit one of the biggest ways to influence the executi executivene executiveness this will have stations in the designated areas so 7 unique ones in San Francisco theirs listed here with the company maps and ultimately with a minimum of three hundred and 20 stations 60 locates in the communities there. To follow on the Public Benefit the rational for expanding the program the initial program at the end of 2013 and 2015 was generally successful we saw multiple trips per day in city of San Francisco they have 90 percent of all the regional bike share trips have reason to believe this also be successful and more useful inform more people and allow mode shifts over a great area, of course, another constraint theyre at capacity and hopefully bike share will allow a relief for some of the pressure and again as mentioned bike share is a sustainable mode of transit that that helps us with the emission goals and again bike share is widely successful bus the bike infrastructure and the addressing of the transportation and weve seen how well bike share work in other markets this really is considered to be a Healthy Service and we really think that that will be successful in the large picture. One of the things of importance to any mode of transit is safety and just to reiterate from the february presentation we have regular safety classes at the moment quarterly and all of the districts in which we operate in the city in which we operate and all the stations way findings maps that helps 80 people to choose the best bike lane and offer discounts important hem purchase and coordinating with the Sf Bicycle Coalition and others stakeholders on the initiatives and if theres a particular initiatives that the port is undergoing to enhance the Bicycle Safety and Public Safety we want to be partners with as well. In terms of the stations themselves they said today 5 stations on port property and dependent to continue with the next iteration of the program and the future location is highly dependant whether people in the community we dont know the location of bikes but looking at the areas there could be up to thirty detailed stations on an additional slide in the presentation well refer to the process by which new sites are reviewed by port staff that is part of this agreement with the port as well. Some of the potential locations youll see not yet approved but in process with the communities and also are any private property who are sorry the Property Holders that have blaez with the port for example, to look at something near at t park to work with the giants that mans with their needs and space and want to again, that conversation and binge on port staff and ultimately include that location in the master with the port. One find questions at the last meeting as well what is the revenue hurdle how does that work one is membership revenue so anything that we collect through ridership when the Program Reaches 18 million per year and the revenue thats when the revenue sharing takes effect and when we reach 7 million a year in sponsorship revenue thats when the revenue share comes into effect and this refers to the term in the Program Agreement and the coordination agreement that governs the agreement the revenue share is between motivate and the participating cities well going get into more details the city of San Francisco will consider that the stations in San Francisco and just for a frame of references for the bike share stations it depends on how large the station is it ranks from 47 k to 97 k or higher if the station is larger we dont see a station much larger and the bike station is 1,200 with that, ill im going to turn it over to jamie to walk through through the fact agreements between motivate and right of po port and the memorandum of understanding between the city and the port. Im available to answer any questions. Ms. Emily. Id like to just highlight a few of the features of each of of those agreements starting with the license agreement with motivate it is a term of just under 10 years 9 years 6 month term they have they requested a fee waiver for the first approximately 19 most of that term ill talk about that in a future slide but they will be paying a fee for the space that they is utilized basically the footprint of the station and theyll be paying the current rates the 5 stations currently located on port property we determine the rates to be Commission Approved and perimeter rates approved with the plan that was 0. 80 maybe up to the new rate but those rates if you approve the fee waiver period that is part of this agreement and the port staff is supportive of those rates and payment of fees start in march of 2018 the agreement also the license has ports developed location criteria or sighting guidelines where the stations will be located on port property they include thanks like the dimensions of location not in Revenue Generating areas the port needs to be compensated in theyre in a space and academy for the lost revenue they will be consistent with the planning street guidelines americans with disabilities act the port and Planning Department staff will be working closely Going Forward to making our o those sites and community and again emily talked about the robust places to make sure as well as the port tenants it is collaborative effort to make sure we do it right so just to go a little bit further on this in the proposed rent abatement you know one of the things to note you know we early on when we started negotiating about the expansion of this program we determined port staff suggested were supportive but required to pay us rent or a fee not necessarily the case of other participating cities or other agencies within San Francisco the sfmta will not be charging for stations located in their public rightofway they control but you know we explained that our status as project folks and most importantly our responsibility if with the public trust requires us to charge and they did that but also like i said theyve requested the waiver for the build out a year and a half it will be an grief schedule where theyll have a lot of capital costs and basically we asked them to give us financial you know justification for that as a private company theyre notable it devogue their costs will greatly exceeds the costs in the buy out period and bans the program and recognizing the reality of that during the buy out period were supportive of the fee waiver period for 19 months and again starting in march of 2018 theyll be paying faefrt. This is probably the rigorous process where it is located on the port property starting with professional engineering firms doing demand out analysis and deciding which locations will be feasible and then looking at the ports sighting guidelines ive referred to working with the port staff and also working with port leasees and other Community Groups and then presenting that information those possible locates to the community for feedback and again emily mentions the county workshops having a big role and once again through this process through the buy out of this program looking at an additional thirty on top of the 5. So, now switching forward to the memorandum of understanding between the port and sfmta i should mention in the audience is keith a senior planner with the sfmta working on bike share and involved in the negotiation of foundational agreements weve talked about earlier and hell be available to answer questions it is a straightforward mou with mta and really does a few things for one that provides an additional imdetermination the mta through these foundational agreements will be receiving monthly report from missouri day well provide data on the Activity Revenue and Security Deposit and sfmta will be sharing those with us on a monthly basis and it provides port assess to the Security Deposits theyve provided to the program a 200 and 50,000 deposit for the port property and well assess that deposit and then again, this is sort of the mechanism by which were able to obtain our share of what the city receives in the city receives any revenue per the refer share provisions in the foundational agreements so im going to go through an example i know that is late in the day and dont want to be doing complex math this is a hypothetical example in which the revenue hurdle that emily described there was revenue available to be shared among the partnering cities it is one hundred thousand the formula that was developed 70 percent of that revenue will be allocate based on the number of docks or stations or number of trips so you then would divide that amongst the city imply the number of docks and city and counties cities in San Francisco as a whole inclusive of port generating 50 percent of the docks and 50 percent of the trips in the bay area and you go through that math and again, using the 70 and thirty percent split and come up with city of San Francisco sharing of 62,000 plus and do that again for the port and basically saying what percentage of those docks are port property and what percentage or ornately that the port should be getting from the city thats a hypothetical example i think that you know it is the mechanism is there to participate in and for this one this slide ive shown earlier this is the license agreement and the process for developing it i mean, the process for developing mou was concurrent with this process for developing the license agreement just to remind you are of earlier this is a renewable for continued operations of the 2 year Pilot Program to be included and emily referred to the february 9th informational meeting here with the Port Commission and since then weve been working with motivate and mta on negotiating the terms and conditions of the agreements. Please wrap up the presentation the terms are well spelled out in the report youve done an excellent job youve present the item. This is the last slide so today and im done thank you. laughter . Thats the end of the presentation and emily and i are here and connie is here and keith mta to answer any questions you may have thank you. I have one speaker card maddox sfmta. So moved. Second. Thank you good afternoon. Im keith with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency senior planner for the last of years the bike share manager so i served as the citys main point of contact with the Transportation Commission and other local jurisdictions that are hosting bike share and i manage the sfmta review and permitting process that covers most of the stations in the city i also help to coordinated what other agencies like the port or rec and park for sighting with regards to their next section or later role that ive had the privilege to work with the port over the last 4 years getting the bike sharing going as you may know 5 of the existing stations 35 are on port property and i want to thank our staff and the Port Commissioners for making that possible those 5 stations have been a big part what made the initial pilot a success so i just want to say im really excited by my job bringing bike shareings to San Francisco for the last 6 years i believe there the single most important impactful thing to do to promote bicycling and as a cyclists and a city planner transportation planner thats something that is important to me i sits on the north american Bike Association i work with other cities who are rolling bike sharing out what weve seen cities that are largescale bicycle share programs with modern High Quality Bicycle Network improvements seen very large growth in bicycle use and emily went through all the ways in which the bicycle schaffers is part of goals so i think that San Francisco which is a great city of a bicycling city with the expansion of bike sharing citywide is going to be a great bicycle city i urge you in support of mou and the lessons agreement with motivate and thank you very much. Anymore comment if no Public Comment is closed. Commissioner woo ho. Thank you for the update i want to understand maybe just in terms of the big picture so how many cyclists do we have in the city. Oh, thats a good one for maybe emily. Actually not recreational cyclists. I dont have an answer to the number of cyclists but were people on bikes we have seven hundred thousand perspective people in the city. Perspective im trying to understand the rational go tenfold like based on the exciting population trying to think about the threshold tenfold and one single jump thats all and trying to understand people giving up their exciting bike is that part of plan to transfer from your own bike to sharing or expanding expanding for the other people i dont know that the presentation addressed that question i know you have seven hundred but thats not realistic. There are a lot of questions backed into our inquiry it wont be tenfold all other once phased in two years the tenfold expansion weve seen in other cities that when the system is large enough and becomes may not citywide but covers an proportion of the city there was a Network Effect and emily referred to the goal was investing in the system and putting it out through to be used and the soonest there are many places to go to be used by not many more people that on the peninsula where the stations and the city and the park palo alto but we have just a Small Network but three hundred and 20 to 4 hundred and 50 stations it will be used that much more so i dont think the goal is either that people give up their own bicycle but one way that people like to refer to bike share the Gateway Drive thats one group of people that people are not currently bicycling may choose to do so the barriers to bicycle use is reduced simple when i walking up to a stations and swiping a credit cards or paying a fee per month have a bike at their disposal on the Street Corner by their office not worrying about where to store it or keep that hope that answers your question. To give you realistic fingers as opposed to the seven hundred people the bicycle Collision Coalition have been checking figures in 2006 and 2011 it doubled to 10 thousand maybe 20 thousand are those that are using their bicycles for commuteing. Two other quick metrics it is 7 percent of all trips in the bay area dont know mayor 3 and 4 thousand in terms of your questions about scale city bike theyve nearly 5 hundred bicycles and 20 thousand riders the bay area bike share is 4 thousand that was two years two other data points. My next question whats the difference between ridership hurdle and stop issue revenue im not sure i understand the difference. Ridership is anything we collect from trips ridership for inlaws or casuals. Arriving how many years to get to 10 million. It is hard probably in the order of 5 or 6 for ball park. Youre going to start paying rent i guess sooner than later thats not representing what we expect. Not in the back by the time were out of the rent period sorry a good chance well be in the red. And two other questions i have and then my commissioners one these bike stations getting to be visible so how are we taking care of the lease aermentsd to make sure the stations and the bikes themselves continue to look as attractive theyre all new but how to make sure that you will maintain the stations so they look attractive at least on the port property and throughout the city thats one question. Those terms are all included in the Service Level agreements we have in the Program Agreement with the cities and mtc regular bicycle maintenance and station maintenance and rapid addressing of instant of constants of vandal lynching and other disadvantage destruction to the station. A service agreement; correct . The last question as much i want to say i want you to be successful and great were trying to do this program what happens if you not because of San Francisco but lets say youre in all the other cities have financial problems what happens if you cant continue. How are we let the record reflect against that. Well not continue bike share operations. Yes. Could be caused not locally but putting a lot of capital into expanding that across the country so i have to ask the question how we are protected in you go belly up. Thats included that the in law with the Security Deposit with the city theres not in terms of revenue stream a per station monthly rate i might look for staffs comment i think an ad active im not sure how budgeting works. I see the Security Deposit 15 thousand over time not sufficient i think that if you know they went out of business that we will have enough in the agreement to enforce them to remove the stations at in their cost if in any damage to the port property but really not you know Financial Partners with them theyre making that is a available to them and theyll be pga up us rent if they have to stop paying rent you know thats money that we could a have now. I think so i want to make sure that the Lease Agreement is the appropriate protections in the event i did not hear anything about the terms in terms of the down side i only heard the upside to make sure we covered on the downside. Is that it commissioner commissioner katz i have one question maybe me missing something in the last somewhere and just doing the revenue share and frankly part of issue we wont get to that point the maintenance will tearful of but 9 percent port share of the revenue and 14 percent of the city of San Francisco bike share revenue is that double dipping. Let me look at it myself. Just an example of revenue share. Yeah. So 9 percent is of the hundred thousand dollars and this is an example to the port if you look at this 5060 the 60 thousand plus 500 this is a 14 percent of city. Of the city got it. Thank you. Commissioner kounalakis. Thank you for the very thorough presentation it is always great to have the opportunities to dig deeper in the phenomena in the city i certainly see the bikes around one of any question is what is the breakdown between the number of people that use the bikes that are residents and want to give up a car to commute who percentage are tourists who are going to do this instead of say going and renting a bike from one of the bike shops that do a robust business down along the north side of the city. Yeah. Ill start other than that one and just i dont have the statistics and emily might have that ill point out that one of the citing criteria and it is actually in the lease is basic a noncompete clause not expediting with the Background Companies we want them to be successful and not have bike share cannibalize their business the way it works that basically through the pricing differentiates a different market i think that hopefully emily can have some of the numbers to give you but in terms of the breakdown the tourists are looking for use of bike for a much longer period than those using the bike share from one station to the next or for example, complete the last mile of their trips that was mentioned in the presentation if you renter e rent a bike share bike it will be far more expensive than paying the rent of the bike we have that in the license i dont know if have a breakdown of the numbers. Thats enough thats fine but let me ask the process wise has this gone to the board of supervisors yet and heard from those bike rental companies. It has gone to the board of supervisors and it was unanimously approved by the board and there has been outreach to the bicycle rental companies by motivate and mta through that process before talking to the board of supervisors everything ive heard their comfortable and not you know not heard negative feedback from them. And my next question moving with commissioner woo ho asked if you get just summarize the costs so that theres clearly not going to be very much revenue for quite sometime what are the costs society with consulting that urged assumed to be Parking Spaces that are lost . Are anything i cant think of that caused that even the cost of managing the program things like that are renot having any rents for quite some time how do we quantify the actual costs well, i mean stipulates no cost to the port and spoke with the Parking Spaces if we were to agree to low Parking Spaces to be xhefrtdz into a bike share station well need to be contemplated for the loss of the revenue. Thats the same for any cost wise. Yeah. I mean as far as staff time no metabolism in the agreement to recoup the staff time for negotiating the licensed agreement but i think the staff time Going Forward it minimal will involve consulting and cover first come, first serve on locations and im asking im giving examples not asking i dont think that is worse but but the Staff Reports doesnt tell us or it is helpful to know in an instance like Parking Spaces it is in the agreement theyll have to cover it. The only other cost category it is real for us is staff time. Okay. And no maintenance. No, that will be required for them to take care of the bicycles. If theyre not ruptured and things thats all them they manage everything. Well make sure theyre responsible for everything. Some staff time will be recouped through the fees well port fees for the bike stations for our planning review and the bike share stations well be charging. All answered thank you very much commissioner Vice President brandon. Thank you so much for that very thorough presentation laughter . Very, very thorough. And thank you for the update i think that most of my questions were answered in the update thank you very much this is existing. Okay. Colleagues if we dont have any more questions. All in favor, say i. I. Of resolution 1621 say i. Opposed . Resolution passes madam secretary. Item 14 c informational presentation for the San Francisco Fire Department earthquake safety i have a Emergency Response improvement projects on pier 22 and a half and fireboats and support agreements. Me again good afternoon jamie from planning and development and glad to know ill not be doing a lot of speaking some of you speaks much faster than me will be up here in the moment this is an informational presentation with a new exciting two new projects that is embarking with the San Francisco Fire Department and actually going to so ill bring up from the department of public works gabriel judge and shell cover the first part of this which has to do with with the station house at the pier 22 and a half and the project the Fire Department has there and then daily im going to turn it over to will talk about pier 26 project with the Fire Department. Hello commissioners and good evening so happy to be here thank you sxhapts ill gabriel the project manager with the department of public works and from the San Francisco Fire Department is assistant deputy chief to address any questions you might have thought Fire Department relating questions since 2011 ive been the project manager for the fire projects that Internal Revenue generally public funded and go into the details i get excited about this project ill try to be as brief as possible well be covering all the topics that id like to cover today for our information i love this picture obviously a historic one the current station 35 is a small building in the middle of the picture theyre no longer standing there and familiar with that site onto the fire station on the embarcadero and the project for fire station 35 will be funded by the earthquake safety Emergency Fund that is a bond and with already done some work at the historic station a couple years ago we rotated the apparatus base lab for the fire station 31 this project was put on hold while the San Francisco Fire Department was considering a reorganization to piers pier 70 pow we resumed the project once that project cack then the warriors went to the salesforce sites on the bonds 76 projects important if the Fire Department the 2014 more 40 projects for the Fire Department that project im speaking about it the largest project bond and super important to the Fire Department and our Bonds Program the project itself is especially praishl critical to the San Francisco Fire Department and to us the safety of everyone in San Francisco the project has the support of the San Francisco Fire Department chief chief joanne hayeswhite we have made similar presentations to her as well as the project director Mohammed Nuru and supports the project this next slide a aerial photo give us a sense of the project as it currently exists i mentioned the historic sheds on either side of the station which is, of course, within the red circle are no longer standing so many considerations as part of historic waterfront and view corridors and architecture heritage and planning this is complex in terms of an exciting location and the use of it and the reasons for the project itself are just manifold first of all, as you may know we have a at risk from the richmondy first one and the quarter support and the role of San Francisco Fire Department and San Francisco bay area is crucial you may or may not be aware of the aid society the responding as what that he doornt but for this the San Francisco Fire Department has the primary role for the Emergency Response in summarizing their equipment has changed over the decade theyre operating act out of 4 thousand go 1913 structure theyre in lies the need for this project we approached this project for the size of the ultimate design it very sensitivity and trying to minimize the shadow of the bay one of the first one we want to eliminate the vehicle parking over the by the way, on the design diagram under the historic structure a small paved lot in the center image is shown as part of at parking will be relocated to designated parking for the San Francisco Fire Department personnel that report to the station also in that Center Diagram and dash indicating that will be demolished it is in the bay and pier 22 and a half is top of the diagram is limited in size and lifespan has been exceeded the diagram on the right is how is it so abstained as you can see with the demolition of pier 24 and 22 and a half the vision for one pier to service the Fire Department equipment response and also an a w manifold located on the property so execution of this project will involve several cooperative relationships our work relationship with the San Francisco port i want to thank the staff for working with us to diet and public works is holding monthly work sessions to explore this program and execution in those working meetings we will include the staff and Fire Department and consultant on this next slide as you can see a summary of existing facility again 61 hundred square feet the historic structure is 44 hundred square feet and the small shed at the top of pier 22 and a half a number of functions that are located inside there are ive alluded to inadequate in size to support the port. The new proposed is a combination of a small amount of offsite to remain offsite in the ground floor box underneath the green boxed 19 hundred square feet a program that will remain and the new permitted facilitated at the new pier to be constructed will cover about adequately sized elements that are sited there and the new working areas that are sorely needed not located on that this slide we tried to redo for your convenience for the next mislead the proposed features and capacity of fire station 35 the assets include two fire both the and 7 San Francisco Fire Department firefighters pilots and engineers that support the fire hydrant water rescue and then the better and better areas at the 22 and a half are deteriorating are unstable and none of the oil spills boom equipment is located here should an event or oil spill the Response Time is hinder is it so not located near to respond quickly is that type of emergency there is limited storage areas and limited rescue and unloading areas and interesting one station of the 44 stations that San Francisco Fire Department has in San Francisco not have equal accommodation for women in 1990 the Bonds Program that renovated the other stationed in San Francisco and provided equal accommodations their combined. The next slide the station capacity the increase in fire hydrant fast from 7 to 12 a reminder this is not an Office Facility fire houses are in residence twentyfour hours a day the jet skis and small boats are locate here and any enhancements youll expect structurally a sounds like Emergency Response for the Emergency Response criteria for significant increases in equipment to support the operations i mentioned an excellent Consulting Team and happy to work with the expert consultants that advise us on the fire station and fire boats that is their own specific program as you can imagine and those are initial concept diagrams with the process and the next steps in a couple of slides to give you an overview in the center of this facility if you go over and visit the fire station youll see the work they do that will keep that area very well utilized in the event of a disastrous or the unfortunate realty there are often needs to remove well to support of Operation Rescue operation from the bay we need an ambulance assess to the fire station this allows for ambulance assess that is safe and appropriate to the operation and should that be necessary in the events of a big disastrous sufficient quantities of ambulances need a proper flow. On the second story a graphic depiction of the functions ive listed on that two slides ago the list of functions Prime Minister the listing for the personnel that are designated twentyfour hour a day 7 days a week the next slide a diagram to convey the scale of the new structure across the pier a rectangle but meant to reflect the various chances that can occur the building is complimentary to the historic disclosure as you can see in red the two silhouettes of the boat proportions relative to the building we recognized there are any number of authority in this project there is a number of permitting authorities well need to safety a number of Community Groups that need to reach out and all of those help to for the scale and relationship with the historic structure in this slide i wanted to reflect our work with the port staff and others requiring both consideration of fema and flood map considerations and also the Sea Level Rise consideration and one thing i think were excited about the design for this has been selected for this project is that of a floating structure and this is really exist the top concept diagram depicts should that be conveniently in multiple piles will require detrimentally and a lot of disturbance in the bay and more expensive but relatively to Sea Level Rise it didnt move which is inevitable the height of the docks may not be servicesable we thought that was ann unacceptable so we have a floating option in the diagram blow a total of 6 guide piles that guide that hold that in place but that would rise and fall rise and lower with the tides if necessary and with Sea Level Rise as necessary. In the next slide nor detail about the sunset technically speaking the structure is critical not at Fire Department tense but technically it would, directed from the piles and 3 sequence guidelines how the structure will be a barge base with 6 isolated components if the corner the tanks lower the structure to make them level and a comfortable criteria that is developed that wont feel like a floating structure and the concrete slab that is across the top and the building gets built on top and another thing the ramp that assess the new pier from the embarcadero will be not reliant on the seawall another element i wanted to point out the design and construction of the barge will take long enlist into account with the various protections what kind of field and sacrificial feel and coding suitable for icebergs to insure lifespan in the next slide i included for your information in the middle photo the red arrow of that guide going up and down that will remain fixed by the structure will go up and down with the tides with the rollers macro for a comfortable feeling and as you can see on this slide also an example of successive floating structures this is in the an untested structure type on this slide we summarized the pros and cons for the Major Construction types and have finalized and recommended the floating steel barge and again in is adoptable with Sea Level Rise and allows us to have a much lower Environmental Impact when executing the project for reasons all of those described this is a a complex project so public works recommendations when was accepted by the San Francisco Fire Department so deliver this project by a design built procurement and this is a method of delivery that is often done by some of the sister agencies with the sf airport and puc and public works will be pursuing the design build with the delivery method for this project the next step were going to a into rfp phase for interested design build teams to respond and, of course, participation opportunities identified for local companies for local construction teams those are currently offered by the city and almost through my slides i want to include that to give you a context and scale at the bottom of those diagrams and as you can see the red boats outlined with the volume of new structure that is compared in the cruise ship and the criminal that is the building were fitting in and the exploratorium pier 28 and the joint pier a sense of belonging what were considering the relative scale and indeed a reasonable and historic appropriate scale facility and then in the last slide a quick review the project schedule were in the phase i was describing that major decided have been made embarking on the environmental process and the design procurement process and anticipate a lengthy duration per agency well pursue with the design and hope to have those in place in 2018 two years from now and have our construction period ending in 2020 when the Fire Department will be recuperating it the facility so with that, thats my presentation regarding fire station 35 ive been charged to give it to any colleague to discuss the next pier. Google commissioners daily port special projects manager ill be brief considering the hour. Im working on getting straight to lee the skipping the first slide the improvements the fire station 35 or pier 22 and a half are for two beshths long term there is a need for a fire boat to store a long period of time and this is they can monitor visually from the fire station additionally awhile pier 22 and a half is a need to relocation the first fire comboots balancing the budgeter bertha leaving the third fire boat in place and this is no decking or apron not serviceable at all for maritime use in exchange for the lease mou for the use of space Fire Department is going to make Capital Improvement and fernd systems suitable for 3 boats and aprons one and a half with foreclose lifts so an electrical upgrade phenomenon the pier to service the port. By way of schedule we will be up against the pile for the bay before we know that the plan is to be in the water before the end of october due to the through the entitlement process this part of presentation has really 4 port agreements ill skip to the pier the Capital Improvement the Fire Department will make concession with 3. Million for the first 5 years the first 3 boats will be housed and using the blue space and the water space and the all of the repaired apron space after 5 years a single better and tracks down the service and then month to month after that thats the short of it ill hand it over to jamie for the remaining part. Just a couple of more slides those daily and gabriel described the two projects i want to describe briefly 4 agreements we have that will be coming back to you were not looking for approval or authorization but coming back with a series of agreements starting at the next positioning on august 9th one is the daily talked about the lease for the pier 26 the other is much well sorry no this will will be coming sometime before they Start Construction somewhere around the start of 2019 a Lease Agreement for pier 22 and a half we you know they occupy the space with no formal agreement for decades and decades and a new agreement that insures damages and marketrate all spelled out it is transparent and up to date we have a needs during the design as we go forward with the design of that project for a cooperative agreement with the Fire Department mou that boronic allows us to do joint planning the permitting and the public revenue coordinating with the stakeholder and Community Groups so forth make sure were on the same page an mou the Fire Department talks about that and finally a Services Agreements right now we dont have an aircraft other than we fund 3 million annually for fire Boat Services we will propose a new be agreement with the work order for the work with other departments which shows the services and the scope of Services Provided the cost that we are funding and so that everything is transparent and then i think this is the last slide a note this does fit in with the port maritime industry policy through 2011 and then in 2015 all new development E Development this include the use this is clear it does that the pier is called out the renewable Maritime Research and just in terms of accepts ive mentioned coming back to you, we anticipate in the next meeting for approval the first of two of the 4 agreements that i mentioned lease and low louse allow us to help with the Fire Department im available to answer any questions i believe that chief lombard of the Fire Department is here in the audience thank you. Thank you very much. Any Public Comment on item 14 c. Being no Public Comment Public Comment is closed. Commissioner kounalakis. So this is so interesting and i suspect admonish information to come but the floating peer is interesting to see as opposed to whether or not you gain a lot of time in the permitting process it looks like the estimate for the pier is the same cost wise as putting a 6 pier and faster and easier to permit and deals with Sea Level Rise and in a more effective way and interesting because it is the first one. Ill look forward to seeing and hearing more and will get into more details of the actual architecture looks like but just as a First Impression it is very interesting and exciting and commissioner katz. I agree i was immediately struck by the sounds like a broken record a floating pier it was great on paper thank you. No very interesting i love the developing the significance as well as the critical nature of the work being done and great to see this coming forward i echo the commissioners remarks and appreciate at that juncture im excited thank you. Commissioner woo ho. Thank you that was very informative and fellow commissioners mentioned the ideas of a floating dock i understand a capital involvement of 2. 3 million is that all the costs and where is that money coming from. Thank you, commissioners out of funding for all the work 22 and a half is from the earthquake emergency ooefrtd 2014 bonds the 2. 4 the 2016 and the total costs for 22 and the fire station 35 is 26 million. Thats funded and, yes we pay San Francisco Fire Department every year 3 million to operate the fire boats so the money goes both ways. The bond will fund all those resources thats repaid by who. Both of those initiatives were voter approved initiatives in june of not to exceed and 2014 their capital part of citys capital plan so. To be specific those are repaid by the general tax base and in other words, not something from the portside. No. Well be getting an improved facility. Much improved. I want to make sure i understand all the financing here so timeline you will expect when will this be completed. Pier 26 is out to bid with a low bidder and through the contractor steps and look to have many under contract in august and after smulz and pile fabrications in the water and needs to do that pier 26 work that falls within the water been the date and the pier 22 and a half is a longer horizon were anticipating two years of principles of law which well pursue with the design were not looking at that construction until 2019 and the construction it pretty substantial so not complete until 2020 for the inquires quarter of 2021. Thank you nice to see we dont have to pay for that. Commissioner Vice President brandon. Thank you for the presentation it is exciting i look forward to the next few times you come before us so see how this will work. Ill speak which junctures in a 5 year status. Thank you very much. We look forward to you coming back this is an interesting project. Thank you very much. Thank you. Madam secretary. Next speaker, please. New business. I heard new business to out United States u puts on the calendar a review of the overall fair plan in weed District Attorney and in their plan in october well schedule it and put on the ford calendar for the Fire Department to update us on the fire boat project any other new business. I want to request the calendar for september 22nd on the port strategy regarding the homeless encampments it is on august 9th if possible. Thank you. I want to first of all, thank you sfgovtv we dont thank them thank you guys thank you for all your hard work and special to amy and arrested having to come up and set up at the cruise terminal appreciate it thanks a lot. I have one item i wasnt going to is but reading the rental schedule that was passed looking at the presentation in the staffer report in terms of different types of port spas and the annual categories what i would like to request not an urgent one more discussion on how our releasing portfolio in terms of where we have the spaces and it is listed and the revenue by categories not matching up in terms of the space and the revenue i think that i have questions that will be good to have an overall presentation of the portfolio and more in depth than the rental schedule. Id like to say id like to adjourn in the in memoriam in memoriam of alton and phil from st. Paul minnesota and dallas officer brent thomas and michael crow, Sergeant Mike smith and Sergeant Corporal may they rest in peace thank you. Thank you. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Were adjourn shouting. . 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