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Career in Alameda County spanning three decades. He experienced with criminal Justice System and he celebrated history of working on reforms. His Public Services working with Diverse Communities is impressive. Before i have Vice President carrion speak to the recruitment process, some acknowledgments of appreciation are in order. Thank you to sheriff Paul Miyamoto and chief for coordinating the training for our board as mandated under the San Francisco charter. Thank you to the department of Human Resources for their guidance. Ben ritchie, paul green, shawn sureburn i director carol isen. Thank you to department of Police Accountability for infrastructure and budget analysis support from director Paul Henderson, chief kine, operator officer Nicole Armstrong and legal assistant and active secretary, dan leung. Especially today, thank you to city hall facilities rohen lane and sequoia condon and staff at sfgovtv. Now to the recruiting process with Vice President carrion. Good morning everyone. Thank you all for being here. It is so exciting. It was a long journey to get here and we are excited to share with all of you what our recruitment process was. We did a lot of work in a year and 3 months so what im going to do is highlight of things that happened to get us to this point. Now, we have three regular meetings in 2022 and 10 regular meetings in 2023. Now, we also went out into the community four different places to hear the words of our people. To hear san franciscans tell us what they wanted in the qualifications. What were the issues that they felt were important to them and they wanted to see in our Inspector General. Those were in 4 different locations rchlt the bayview opera house, hamilton recreation center, Crocker Amazon club house and Mission Arts Center in addition in september of this year, two commissioners went to the jails and talked to currently incarcerated people to find out what were the jail conditions that they wanted our ig to address and more importantly the qualifications that they think should be part of a ig. Now, we got a lot of support. This has been a San Francisco project, but it is also been a local state and national project, because we have key leaders from all over talking to us about the best practices for hiring and recruiting an ig. For example, we had folks from los angeles county, bart, madison wisconsin, berkeley, from oakland and from the la sheriff and bart independent Police Auditor and previous Berkeley Police commissioner. They all gave us the information to make such a critical decision. Now, there is a couple key motions. One which was to create a task force to work specifically with the department and health resourcesHuman Resources and to create a job draft description. So, we met that same month in january. The minute we got going, the minute we started working. The following month it was very exciting to be able to have our amazing president at that time commissioner soo be elected to be and be voted on to be the liaison for the department of Human Resources while the entertain and take care of this incredible project. Thank you to president soo for her tireless work. The multiple hours she put in. I know she is very humble that rnsh but i want to make sure she gets the accolades she deserves as she gives acknowledgments to all that helped us. October, november was the grind. Looking at amazing apcants that came nationally and determining who were the highly qualified, who were the best of the best and we are lucky that terry willie was in that. It is a absolute honor to be here. It look a lot of work from a lot of people to get to this moment and we are here to celebrate in community and continue learning from you and doing the work that needs to get done. I look forward to continue serving you as Vice President and we look forward having you participate so community, come to us, email us, public comment, all of those things. We want to hear your voice. We want to incorporate your voice in the decisions we make, so thank you all so much for being here and have a wonderful rest of the event. [applause] thank you. I just want to recognize izy ramsey, our u. S. Attorney from Northern District of california here with us today. [applause] we also have some well wishes from our public defender manohar raju. District attorney. Terry you are famous because i was getting Text Messages 10, 11 at night. Give terry my best wishes. I cant be there, but in spirit. Susan, county administrator for Alameda County and i also need to let you know, in San Francisco city hall, we are generally very collaborative. Is was working to our county clerk diane ray office but ran into the city administrator and city county enter ourselves and say city administrator carmen chui, asked when i was going and had not met diane and said let me walk you and call to make sure. Carmen chui also sends her best. And to give an official welcome to city hall, we will have Paul Miyamoto and Paul Henderson. First up, sheriff Paul Miyamoto. [applause] thank you president soo. Good morning everyone. If we could have a turnout like this at our board meetings, i will be very happy if that is what you accomplish, terry. Want to acknowledge everybody presence. Thank you for all being here. It is important to continue that sort of engagement and our Office Actually very much looks forward working hand in hand with our new Inspector General. One thing very important to understand, this supports our shared goals, our shared vision. T nojust with the Sheriff Office and oversight bored and your mission as the Inspector General, but with the community at large. Transparency, accountability, continuous improvement, those are the goals we hope to achieve and reach and continue to reach to and with your 33 years of experience in al meady county at the District Attorney office that represent immense amounts of experience and knowledge which we are very confident will represent fair and impartial approaches to independent investigations. Fair and impartial approaches to who we are and what we are capable of becoming in the time and years to come. Would no agenda other then public interest, Public Safety and the best that we can do for the community. Collaboration is actually going to present us as a agency with a extra set of eyes that is very much needed. Not just acknowledging the work and the achievements and gad work of our personnel and members. The every day things that happen in our department. The every day things that we do, but it is a look at those things and how we can improve on those things. We want to always be at the highest level of standard for not just Law Enforcement and Public Safety, but also for the community and we are looking forward to having you make sure that we meet those standards. You will play a crucial role helping us identify and address concern to the community. Most importantly, investigation of allegations, not just of of staff, contractors, and members, but those independent investigations are important to make sure the Community Knows we are dedicated to and i want to acknowledge right now the next speaker who is coming up, executive director Paul Henderson from department of Police Accountability who has been a partner for a number of years to address these very concerns. Absence the presence of Inspector General and the work we have done through the years to insure that we have that viewpoint to insure we have that independent investigation into all of these Different Things has been a important part of what he has done and we had challenges in terms of getting the support to make sure that he has the resources available. I want to acknowledge the work you have done for us and as we transition now into this, not to forget everything you have done so thank you very much director henderson. [applause] to you and your staff. I think one thing important too and i want to make sure i address before we move on is that, working closely with the Oversight Board through you is going to help us bridge a lot of gaps that weve seen since weve created and weve worked with the Oversight Board. It will be veryinvaluable in addressing areas of concern for us in ways we can improve how we do our job and we want to identify those issues before they escalate and become a incident or problem or concern or lawsuit or anything else. I am looking forward to working with you, to working with the board and continuing to improve our processes and getting that viewpoint and making sure that we have a positive progressive step towards Building Trust to our community, to our public, to the city and county, which is very unique here, and while you have the experience in alameda, i look forward to many new experiences here in San Francisco and your engagement with our community is something that we are all going to support and regards to making sure we are transparent and continue our mission in Sheriff Office in partnership and collaboration with Oversight Board and office of Inspector General, so thank you. [applause] before i bring director Paul Henderson up, what a phenomenal job he and his entire staff do. I have been to the nacol conference, the National Association of oversight of Law Enforcement. Many y oversight organizations have missed statutory dates, pauls team, the investigators and attorneys have not missed a beat and they are a National Model so that is a impressive. Independent third parties have lotted our Police Department of accountability and that is something to be said for a very lean and mean office and i cant thank them enough for helping set up the infrastructure so the new Inspector General had something to walk into not just a empty office and offered unwaver report so thank you. Mr. Paul henderson. [applause] people said so many nice things already. Amazing how nicely people talk about you when they are not under oath. [laughter] i appreciate all that. They told me i only have 40 minutes, so i want to [laughter] let me start by thanking the commission. Julie in particular for so much work that shes done in navigating those of you that watched these commissions and those that paid attention to the machinations we have all gone through as a city. The leadership she has shown in this process has been phenomenal and gettings us here to this day where we can finally celebrate new leadership coming into San Francisco and i personally thank you for bringing us a extra body because these past few years wearing double hats has been complicated and arduous. I had two commissions, two commissions, so this is great. I do want to thank you in particular julie, but also the rest of the board that worked so hard back and forth both to develop and execute a process to choose the leadership that we have here today. I do think it is worth noting that here in San Francisco we are taking a big step forward in civilian oversight. We are committing to reforms and accountability where other counties, other cities, other states, other movements are taking steps back from the commitments they made to independence and civilian oversight for law fl forcement and that isnt the case here in San Francisco. From the very beginning of the legislation, we had the sheriff stepping up saying, i wanted this to be collaborative and just so we are clear, that collaboration started before we even had the legislation codifying where we are today. This culmination is a very big step both of affirming leadership for terry whom we all know and seen his work for many many years. We wont say the numbers, but for many many many many years because we started off around the same time, but he is way older then me [laughter] way like four years older it is nice to have that level of experience coming to the table to join the work, but i do think that this is important and it says a lot about who San Francisco is and it says a lot about where San Francisco is heading. I also just want to acknowledge Shamann Walton for putting together the legislation that created a lot of this position and more importantly, the funding allocation for this kind of work. There are so many hands that lifted up this bucket of success that i just want to make sure im sure im forgetting people, the folks like marshal kind and my office who did the work daily and who is at so many of these meetings. The rest of city hall and the budget team that helped pull all this together whom we have big expectations for moving forward, and all of you paying attention to all of this as well. It is easy to be an advocate knowing Community Supports you and there is Political Support for the work we do and committed to as Public Servants so thank you all for being here this morning and thank you most of all terry for applying and your willingness to bring your expertise, your professionalism, your management and your character to this work where it is so desperately needed, so well received. I think civilian oversight is taking a big step forward with you at its side and we cant wait to see what the future holds and how we may be able to serve and assist you in defining success for San Francisco. Thank you so much. [applause] so, budget will be the operative word for the next couple months. I also do need to thank the mayor Budget Office and please please give us more money. [laughter] so, now i want to also have a couple people speak before terry takes the oath of office. This is terry up close and personal. We have Yolanda Williams the executive directoryolanda jackson, so sorry. Yolanda jackson, executive director of the Bar Association of San Francisco. [applause] please let me start by saying congratulations for this amazing amazing honor and accomplishment that you are about to walk into. So, it is with immense pride that im here to speak today for the swearing in for the city and county of San Francisco inaugural very first ever Inspector General, terry. Terry and i have been friends 28 years. I owe my Bar Association and the role they play in the Legal Community and Broader Community to terry. When i passed the bar in 1995, so think you ask i are the same age paul i saw a flier and signed up to volunteer to legal clinic at the allen tempe baptist church. Terry was a [indiscernible] and leading that clinic. I was a brand new lawyer, didnt know what i was doing and terry was a great mentor and helped to get me appoint ed to the charles houston Bar Association board. That is who terry is. He is a good friend, an amazing criminal justice lawyer, a brilliant community servant. Terry has spent 33 years of his life serving the public. As a deputy District Attorney he spent part of his career pursuing Police Accountability justice. Fast forward to today, terry will be the first Inspector General to head the San Francisco Sheriff Department office of Inspector General. The ig will receive review and investigate complaints at the Sheriff Department for employees and contractors and to be effective in this role, the ig must understand the importance of and well versed in the best practices related to police and Law Enforcement reform. These are Critical Issues as paul just mentioned and practice is changing nation wide. Use oferse fo, bias pleasing, racial profiling are examines in many Law Enforcement agencies across the country. This role requires someone openminded, willing to think differently about Law Enforcement, someone who is a change agent, someone who knows and understands the role of Law Enforcement and someone who knows how to come to the table to build consensus in order to solve problems. These issues cannot be solved by one department or one agency. The work requires collaborative efforts. Terry is a people person. Hes a collaborator. Hes willing to listen, he keeps an open mind and a strategic thinker. At the same time, he knows how to make tough decisions. He understands Law Enforcement reform and these are the skills and experience that will make the new office of Inspector General successful and impactful. Our Bar Association of San Francisco has a criminal Justice Task Force where we collaborate from members from nearly every Law Enforcement agency in the city. Criminal defense agency, Oversight Agency and criminal justice organizations throughout the city. We understand Law Enforcement accountability and the related thoughtful reform. To the Sheriff Department Oversight Board, you absolutely made the right decision in selecting terry willie to shape and execute the work of this new office. Congratulations to you terry. Congratulations to you sheriff and congratulations to the city and county of San Francisco. [applause] now i like to have the honorable mayor willie brown. [applause] thank you very much and im really delighted to see so many people here on behalf of saying welcome to the man who called me and said, would you swear me in. I swear at people. [laughter] but im altering my role. Im going to swearhave the honor of swearing in the first Inspector General, the Sheriff Department of San Francisco and as indicated by all of you who have been ahead of me, you know how really important this is and so terry, you want to come up and you should know that i actually showed up. Make sure it is legal. I went down and had the county clerk swear me in as a deputy county clerk so if some of you people have problems at the moment, you need a county clerk, im here. [laughter] terry, you will put your right hand up and you will repeat after me. I terry willie do solemnly swear ill support and defend the constitution of the United States and constitution of the state of california. Against all enemies foreign and domestic. I bear truth and allegiance, to the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of california. That i take this obligation, freely without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion and i will well and faithfully discharge, the duty upon which im about to enter or so long as i serve. You know what you are going to do . What . Im going to be a good Inspector General [indiscernible] [laughter] come back up, you got to sign this. [laughter] she told you. Okay, you can sit down. Okay. [laughter] im taking it back. Thank you. Thank you. So, ladies and gentlemen, let me present San Franciscos inaugural Inspector General, mr. Terry willie [applause] alright. Alright. Thank you. Thank you. So, let me begin by first acknowledging a few people. I want to acknowledge the sheriff Oversight Board commissioners, specifically president julie soo. I cannot tell you how much work that has gone into to putting this together and the work that julie hasit is night and day that i receive phone calls from julie because she is putting this whole program together, so julie, thank you so much for all your efforts. I also want to acknowledge Vice President carrion and board member brookter here and all the members of the sheriff oversight commission. I appreciate your decision to select me as the first inaugural Inspector General of San Francisco. I also want to acknowledge Paul Henderson. Pauli have known paul for a long time and i tell you something, he is as sharp a lawyer as you will find anywhere in california and the United States and someone that when i went over to the offices where the Inspector General will be located, i had a opportunity to spend some time going over some of the preparations that have been done for my office by paul and marshal and it is just been a tremendous amount of work that theyve done in order to t us up to get ready to do the work we need to do, so paul, i really appreciate your work and i look forward working with you. [applause] i too was to acknowledge supervisor Shamann Walton, because he was the person that created the legislation that created the office of Inspector General, so i want to acknowledge him. I also want to acknowledge my family, my wife, denise who puts up with me. [laughter] [applause] yeah. My sister in law and family and friends that are also here, and my twin brother was supposed to be here but he was coming from livermore so i dont know whats up with that, but i have a identical twin brother so if you see somebody wandering around who doesnt know where he is going that is my twin brother. I want to acknowledge willie brown. Mayor brown has been someone in my 30 years, he has been a mentor, he has been someone that xae any time i call, mayor brown answers the call. When i call and say, mayor i need you to swear me in, i did nt know what response i was going to get, but hes here, so it is all good. Willie has never or mayor brown has never said no to me and so willie i really appreciate it. I also talked to the mayor about the sheriff and he had nothing but really kind things to say about sheriff miyamoto. Me and the sheriff had convarsation today. Sheriff i look forward working with you and think we will be able to do really big things in terms of making the San Francisco Sheriff Department a top office. Im thrilled and honored to serve as inaugural Inspector General for city and county of San Francisco. As we embark on this journey im filedmy enthusiasm knows no bounds. Building a team of tal wanted and professionals is not just a goal,b it is a commitment to excellence and service and upholding the values that define the city of San Francisco. Our office will stand on the pillars of accountability and open transparency. Fairness, integrity and honesty. I firmly believe that accountability is the lenchpin maintaining public trust in the criminal Justice System and the Sheriff Office. It is our duty to insure that every action taken under our watch reflects these values and serves the best interest of the community. The city and county of San Francisco deserves nothing less then Inspector General office that is guided by the principals of integrity, accountability, open transparency, objectivety and dependence. Confudenchality, professionalism and to me the most important thing is competence. These principals guide us in every decision and action we take. Under my leadership we will work actively work to insure that justice is blind and fair to everyone. Especially those who have been historically disinfraenchised. People of color. Women. The lgbtq community. Our commitment is to create a environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect they deserve. As long as we have the necessary resources, as long as we have the necessary resources [laughter] we are confident, we will not only meet but exceed expectations placed upon us. Im excited about the positive impact we can have on the community. I look forward to the challenges and successes that lie ahead, so let us forge a path that reflects the spirit of San Francisco. A city that values diversity, justice, equity, inclusivity and the wellbeing of all its residents. Thank you. [applause] i just in closing wanted to thank you all for being here to witness this historic moment. Terrys reputation precedes itself. I got a text message from nick greg rotoswho heads prison legal service. It is unprecedent we have a prison legal service, so want to embrace the Sheriff Department for doing a lot of right things and can only improve but there is such great foundation. He said he is delighted and anxious to be working with you and i also want to acknowledge ken is here with the sheriff deputy union. Ken, i dont know where youright there. So, our Oversight Mission is very broad. We want to look at individuals and families effected by the criminal Justice System. The services availed to those incarcerated. Reentry service. Support for reentry, but we also want to look at the wellbeing of our deputies. They are working tremendous hours right now because they are shortstaffed, but it is important that we make sure that we look at recruitment and mental and physical wellbeing of our deputies, so thank you everyone and special message toyes . Yes. He forgot to say something. One more thing and ill let him before i close out. Sorry. The problem when you have prepared remarks you just read the prepared remarks and there are two people here i didnt know was actually going to make it and i wanted to acknowledge Alameda County board of supervisors member nate miley. Nate has always been a big supporter of mine and i want to acknowledge his comeic across the bay and appreciate you being here. Also want to acknowledge u. S. Attorney izy ramsey who is also a big supporter and izy thank you for being here. [applause] and i want to recognize under sheriff Catherine Johnson wearing three hats and budgeting everything operations, thank you for being here and also assistant chief carter who keeps us informed of Community Events to make sure we are out and visible and taking in information. I also want to thank those who got it the word out. I heard the word got out sooner then we thought. Carolyn wisinger with Police Department of accountability and terry mor yarty with Sheriff Office and special word for terry. Go bears [applause] i dont want to be involved in the process after it happens. I want to be there at the front end to help people with something in my mind from a very early age. Our community is the important way to look at things, even now. George floyd was huge. It opened up wounds and a discussion on something festering for a long time. Before rodney king. You can look at all the instances where there are calls for change. I think we are involved in change right now in this moment that is going to be long lasting. It is very challenging. I was the victim of a crime when i was in middle school. Some kids at recess came around at pe class and came to the locker room and tried to steal my watch and physically assaulted me. The officer that helped afterwards went out of his way to check the time to see how i was. That is the kind of work, the kind of perspective i like to have in our Sheriffs Office regardless of circumstance. That influenced me a lot. Some of the storefronts have changed. What is mys is that i still see some things that trigger memories. The barbershop and the shoe store is another one that i remember buying shoestrings and getting my dads old army boots fixed. We would see movies after the first run. My brother and i would go there. It is nice. If you keep walking down sacramento. The nice think about the city it takes you to japan town. That is where my grandparents were brought up. That is the traditional foods or movies. They were able to celebrate the culture in that community. My family also had a drycleaning business. Very hard work. The family grew up with apartments above the business. We have a builtin work force. 19 had 1 as 1941 as soon as that happened the entire community was fixed. Determined to do the job as democracy should with real consideration for the people involved. The decision to take every one of japan niece american o japanese from their homes. My family went to the mountains and experienced winter and summer and springs. They tried to make their home a home. The Community Came together to share. They tried to infuse each home are little things. They created things. I remember my grand mother saying they were very scared. They were worried. They also felt the great sense of pride. Japanese americans. My granduncle joined the 442nd. When the opportunity came when the time that was not right. They were in the campaign in italy. They were there every step of the way. President truman pays tribute. That was the most decorated unit in the history of the United States army. Commitment and loyal to to the country despite that their families were in the camp at that time. They chose to come back to San Francisco even after all of that. My father was a Civil Servant as well and served the state of California Workers compensation attorney and judge and appellate board. My parents influenced me to look at Civil Service s. I applied to police, and Sheriffs Department at the same time. The Sheriffs Department grabbed me first. It was unique. It was not just me in that moment it was everyone. It wasnt me looking at the crowd. It was all of us being together. I was standing there alone. I felt everyone standing next to me. The only way to describe it. It is not about me. It is from my father. My father couldnt be there. He was sick. The first person i saw was him. I still sometimes am surprised by the fact i see my name as the sheriff. I am happy to be in the position i am in to honor their memory doing what i am doing now to help the larger comment. When i say that we want to be especially focused on marginalized communities that have been wronged. Coming from my background and my family experienced what they did. That didnt happen in a vacuum. It was a decision made by the government. Nobody raised their voice. Now, i think we are in a better place as country and community. When we see something wrong we have change agents step up to help the community affected. That is a important thing to continue to do. You talk about change and being a leader in change and not knowing whether you have successes or results. The fact of the matter is by choosing to push for change you have already changed things. Through inspiration for others, take up the matter or whether it is through actual functional change as a result of your voice being heard. I think you have already started on a path to change by choosing that path. In doing that in april of itself creates change. I continue in that type of service for my family. Something i hope to see in my children. I have a pretty good chance with five children one will go into some sort of Civil Service. I hope that happens to continue that legacy. I am paul, sheriff of San Francisco. [ music ] i came here to San Francisco the day after september 11. I have been here since and homeless since when i met erika and claudia and them, my life changed. For the better. Why they got mow in the navigation center. Good morning hi. This is claudia and aircraftasm how are you. Hi. They are working doing out reach t. Is Building Trust. And finding out what their needs are. Everybody who i should be housed that is true. A lot of people dont know how to live indoors and how do we fix that . The Number One Service this we need to do that is the new vision of the team, is to be a familiar face that is consistent and reoccur nothing the community. Behavioral Health Starts with us and other coalitions that relate. Just building the friendships and the resource this is go with that. Once hi near i better place they will be able to help and support someone else. Peers and inspire someone based on the hard work. Like a lot of people around him in the castro. Yall saved my life getting me up off the streets. Thank you. If you see someone experiencing a Mental Health or Substance Use crisis on the streets call 911. For nonemergencies use 311. You can learn more about the street in the bay area as a whole, thinking about environmental sustainability. We have been a leader in the country across industries in terms of what you can do and we have a learn approach. That is what allows us to be successful. Whats wonderful is you have so many people who come here and they are what i call policy innovators and whether its banning plastic bags, recycling, composting, all the Different Things that we can do to improve the environment. We really champion. We are at recycle central, a large recycle fail on San Francisco pier 96. Every day the neighborhood trucks that pick up recycling from the blue bins bring 50 o tons of bottles, cans and paper here to this facility and unload it. And inside recology, San Franciscos recycling company, they sort that into aluminum cans, glass cans, and different type of plastic. San francisco is making efforts to send Less Materials to the landfill and give more materials for recycling. Other cities are observing this and are envious of San Franciscos robust recycling program. It is good for the environment. But there is a lot of low Quality Plastics and junk plastics and candy wrappers and is difficult to recycle that. It is low quality material. In most cities that goes to landfill. Looking at the plastics industry, the oil industry is the main producer of blastics. And as we have been trying to phase out fossil fuels and the transfer stream, this is the fossil fuels and that plastic isnt recycled and goes into the waste stream and the landfill and unfortunately in the ocean. With the stairry step there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. We can recycle again and again and again. But plastic, maybe you can recycle it once, maybe. And that, even that process it downgrades into a lower quality material. It is cheaper for the oil industry to create new plastics and so they have been producing more and more plastics so with our ab793, we have a bill that really has a goal of getting our beverage bottles to be made of more Recycled Content so by the time 2030 rolls around t recycle content in a coke bottle, pepsi bottle, water bottle, will be up to 50 which is higher thatten the percentage in the European Union and the highest percentage in the world. And that way you can actually feel confident that what youre drinking will actually become recycled. Now, our recommendation is dont use to plastic bottle to begin w but if you do, they are committing to 50 Recycled Content. The test thing we can do is vote with our consumer dollars when were shopping. If you can die something with no packaging and find loose fruits and vegetables, that is the best. Find in packaging and glass, metal and pap rer all easily recycled. We dont want plastic. We want less plastic. Awe what you we do locally is we have the program to think disposable and work one on one to provide Technical Assistance to swap out the disposable food service to reusables and we have funding available to support businesses to do that so that is a way to get them off there. And i believe now is the time we will see a lot of the Solutions Come on the market and come on the scene. And is really Logistics Company and what we offer to restaurants is reasonable containers that they can order just like they would so we came from about a pain point that a lot of customers feel which wills a lot of waste with takeout and deliver, even transitioning from styrofoam to plastic, it is still wasteful. And to dream about reusing this one to be reimplemented and cost delivery and food takeout. We didnt have throwaway culture always. Most people used to get delivered to peoples homes and then the empty milk containers were put back out when fresh milk came. Customers are so excited that we have this available in our restaurant and came back and asked and were so excited about it and rolled it out as customers gain awareness understanding what it is and how it works and how they can integrate it into their life. And they have always done it and usually that is a way of being sustainable and longterm change to what makes good Financial Sense especially as there are shipping issues and material issues and we see that will potentially be a way that we can save money as well. And so i think making that case to other restaurateurs will really help people adopt this. One restaurant we converted 2,000 packages and the impact and impact they have in the community with one switch. And we have been really encouraged to see more and more restaurants cooperate this. We are big fans of what reecology does in terms of adopting new systems and understanding why the Current System is broken. When people come to the facility, they are shocked by how much waste they see and the volume of the operations and how Much Technology we have dedicated to sort correctly and we led 25 tours and for students to reach about 1100 students. And they wanted to make change and this is sorting in the waste stream they do every single day and they can take ownership of and make a difference with. An i feel very, very fortunate that i get to represent San Francisco in the legislature and allows me to push the envelope and it is because of the people the city attracts and is because of the eco system of policy thinking that goes on in San Francisco that we are constantly seeing San Francisco leading the way. Kids know theres a lot of Environmental Issues that they are facing. And that they will be impacted by the impact of climate change. They will have the opportunity to be in charge and make change and make the decisions in the future. We are reinventing the way the planet does garbage founded in the environmental ethic and hunger to send less to landfills. This is so many wonderful things happening in San Francisco. I feel very fortunate and very humble to live here and to be part of this wonderful place. Good evening. Welcome to the San Francisco Police Department medal valor award sair manyo. And ask quou are remain standing for the color guard and singing of the National Anthem by molly mcfadden

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