Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20171215

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the way up into the poconos. that doesn't mean you should rush outside. we've had reports from anywhere to one to three inches of snow across the area. one isolated amount as high as 3 1/2 inches so far. we've got a lot of snow on the roadways. the steps, also your sidewalk in front of your house. anywhere you're planning to go tonight will be impacted by the snow. let's take a look. this is making its way out of the area. we see the clearing that's taking place off to the west. doyles town, limerick, abington. wilmington already in the clear. let's slide further to the south. middletown, you're about to clear. dover, not yet. morris river steady snowshowers. same for vineland. cape may, atlantic city. steady snow continuing there. we get down into southern parts of delaware, you're going to get one last push of snowshowers and then this is going to clear through longneck, milford. milford right now, a very steady line of snow making its way through the area. behind it, we have some clearing for tonight. which is going to let the temperatures drop all the way down into the low 20s. we'll have ice and anything slushy, any snow that got walked on a lot is going to turn into ice. we'll have a problem on the roads, even tomorrow morning when you wake up. we have another little wave coming through that could bring some flurries at some point overnight. very quickly this is our hour by hour. here is there line when we're going to clear and bam we're clear. glenn will talk about the snow totals in your neighborhood and what you'll have to worry about as far as shoveling. and steve will be sharing pictures from all of your neighborhoods. back to you. you don't want to be in center city without your snow boots. the sidewalks can be snowy if they haven't been cleared. watch out for ice and icy conditions later tonight as the temperature drops. let's continue our team coverage with aundrea cline-thomas live for us once again in the heart of center city. what's happening where you are right now? >> reporter: it's changed, we're dealing with more flurries right now. it's not adding to the accumulation. i want to point your attention to broad street. again, not as much accumulation, but it's all slushy. it's wet. as the temperature dips that's going to be a problem. on the sidewalks a lot of people are walking home. they're finding some areas have been shovelled but they don't have to go far before they see some areas have not been touched at all. they're having to maneuver that. let's take a look at some video we shot just a little bit earlier. we saw a lot more bikes on the sidewalk earlier this afternoon. folks not trying to take chances with the roads. and how about this little girl? she's enjoying her snow day, just hopping right on through it. now, others powering through it. bundled up, some even opened their umbrellas to shield them from the snow. outside the university of the arts, the crews came out early and they were shoveling the sidewalks. now, as the sun went down, the snow became more wet and stopped sticking which can create more problems getting around. >> a friend of mine is having an art opening tonight, even though i'm 76 i'm going to try and get there without falling down. >> just a little slippery, but it's doable. not too bad. >> reporter: you know, if you got to go someplace, you just got to go. it's going to take a lot more time to get there. no matter how you're getting there. so, also, it's important to note that septa is running on delays. so if you need to get somewhere, just take it easy. aundrea cline-thomas, nbc 10 news. jim? let's find out how much snow you're seeing where you are right now. first alert meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is going neighborhood by neighborhood. >> there's been an incredible storm. 11:00 this is what the radar looked like. two hours before that there was nothing on radar. not like in washington, d.c. and moving its way or pittsburgh and moving this way. there was nothing to move. it developed right on top of us. and it was warm enough at the shore that it either started as rain or it was melting. now that the colder air is coming in, the snow is accumulating and will continue to for another hour or two. a couple of inches in atlantic city and vineland. south harrison. and it's going to get colder as we go through the night. you're protected by those warmer readings earlier today. same story with southern delaware. temperatures got into the upper 30s. started off with rain, when it changed to snow, it was still melting. now it's getting colder, now it's getting dark. and we'll end up with an inch or so, a little bit more in some spots. georgetown a little bit more than an inch. dover, a little bit more than two inches of snow. and the philadelphia area, at least in some of the neighborhoods like in west mount airy, some of the suburbs, nearby suburbs, it's just about over with right now. it will be the last to end. northeast philly and parts of south philly, no problem for the sixers tonight as far as snow accumulation. by the time it's all done with, we're talking about one and a half to two inches of snow. we'll talk more about the weekend forecast and next week when it gets warmer coming up. >> looking forward to that. let's talk about the impact here tonight. could be treacherous driving. up or down the hills of manayunk tonight. a live look there now. do see some snow still on the streets there. we know those hills can be slippery. if you're in manayunk, expect to go a little bit slower to be safe. let's check in on conditions in south jersey. nbc 10's ted greenburg in egg harbor city tonight. snow is starting to slow down there, ted? >> reporter: jim, it's still coming down pretty hard since the last time i talked with you. still coming down hard. still piling up here on the roads. definitely enough to have to clear off your car. enough to shovel off the sidewalks and enough to plow a new jersey d.o.t. truck came by here a few minutes ago here at the intersection of routes 50 and 30. you can see right here, this main intersection, this is downtown egg harbor city, it's mostly slushy. it's snow covered in spots. the back roads, though, i'm told from police in this area are in much worse shape with reports of accidents, especially on those back roads. drivers telling me on those back roads you really have to be careful because the conditions got much more treacherous there. faster than these main roads and they are definitely noticing those slick conditions. if you're still out this evening or heading out, take it easy here in south jersey. live in egg harbor city, ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. >> thanks for that update. let's continue our team coverage with telemundo 62. it looks like you got out of the traffic you were in earlier? where are you? >> reporter: it was bumper to bumper on 676. we got out of there. we're in westville, new jersey. we want to take a right here. we're going to take a right on one of these secondary, these side roads where it's still snowing here. it's adding to the wet conditions. there's slush on the ground and as temperatures go down you have to watch out for the ice that's forming. you can see we're just making our right turn. not as much traffic on this road so you're not seeing the snow as melted here. so people just have to go slow if you're going to go out. live from the storm force nbc 10. back to you. >> we're going to head to delaware where tim furlong continues our live coverage in newark. >> reporter: it's really almost stopped. i think some of the snow you're seeing is wind blowing some snow off our truck from over here. the snow has stopped, there is still plenty of shoppers and movie goers here in the shopping complex. the roads to get around northern delaware are a mess. you can see what is left on the sidewalks and on the roads here. this is the sum total of how much we got here at this store. we got a couple inches there. and it's really been a problem here because it's laid on the road, which has been cold. del dot tells me someone slid into one of their supervisor's suvs. a lot of the plows was stuck in the same traffic everybody else was stuck in. take it from a guy who just decided to take a break from the highways. >> it's terrible. don't drive. it's stupid. >> reporter: can you see the blacktop? >> not really. in some spots just trying to keep in the lines. people are sliding all over the place. >> reporter: we've heard a lot of that. a lot of people coming out to see the last jedi and go out to dinner, shop here. again, a lot of people are telling me the roads are bad. i have to get on the roads to go to northern delaware to get to my house. i looked at google maps and the traffic isn't looking good. it looks like the traffic is very bad all over northern delaware. i'll do my best to be safe i hope you do the same. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> maybe you stay there and finish your christmas list. >> reporter: good idea. this is our camera showing the snow falling in montgomery county. there have been dozens of accidents in the county since this snow began falling earlier today. nbc 10's deanna durante is joining us. give us an update from where you are. >> reporter: good news to report, those 40 plus accidents is now down into the 20s. about a dozen disabled vehicles police are dealing with. take a look at the traffic, it's coming out of norristown from the blue route area. 476 coming to ridge pike and heading towards philadelphia. we're told by penn dot a number of accidents on 309 as well as 476, they say the problem isn't so much the amount of snow -- because if you look, you can see blades of grass. it's the traffic, the snow falling at the worst possible time. crews will be back on the roads and stay there until 8:00 tonight we're told. you can look at the street here, you can see there is not plowable snow here but it's in need of more salt. crews tell me they're going to be out here but they're very grateful the snow appears to be stopping. nbc 10 news. >> a fast moving storm tonight. our snow coverage continues all night long with the free nbc 10 app. use our live updating traffic map so you'll stay ahead of the biggest traffic delays that might be out there. we'd love to see how the snow is looking where you're at right now. see it, share it. send us your photos using the nbc 10 app. we'll run through the best social media posts we're seeing so far. next. michael: i'm thankful that i'm alive and have a second chance. james: i'm thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. darlene: i'm thankful to be able to help people in crisis. vanessa: i'm thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. christie: new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. but if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know: we are here for you. this holiday season, choose help. call 844 reach nj or visit yes, we're tracking snow. our live coverage continues now. this is a live look at bethlehem where the snow has moved out. it's a beautiful evening there. you want to be careful on the roads as we've been telling you because they are slushy as we pan down there. our photographer doing a good job. steve has more picks for us. >> i've got the easy job, thanks to our crews out there covering it. good luck to everybody out there on the roadways. to make light of some of the snow that's been falling, this gentleman has participated in probably several no shave novembers in a row here. he has a professional snow flake catcher, that's his beard there. doing a good job. man's best friend catching the snowflakes. he looks like he's having a good time. lots of pet pictures out there with the pets enjoying it. how romantic is this? center city tonight. you'll see a lot of photography moments here. with all the decor that's outside. the fresh blanket of snow. it's about as pretty as it gets once you get off those highways that are so congested out there. i wouldn't take this guy's advice, apparently he's giving snow angel lessons. watch, he just lands like that. ouch. it's a bit of a hard fall. i don't know about that. if you have a picture or video that's fun, see it or share it, do it through our app. we'll have these videos in a gallery on our website. >> and it just keeps repeating. and there he goes again. >> once wasn't good enough. you can watch it all night long. >> well, it is a messy ride all over our area. here's a live look at i-95 in south philadelphia. and i-76 at city avenue. you want to be careful, 76 is still moving slowly. let's take another look at center city. some of the cars may still be there from 5:00 this evening. the traffic on broad street is moving really slowly. be careful tonight. let's bring in first alert meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz with more on this fast moving snow. it's moving out soon? >> yeah, and fast developing snow. this is something very rare. 9:00 this morning, it's the radar. nothing. there was nothing to the west or to the south. and then here it blossoms. it had to do with a jet stream high up in the atmosphere helping to create upward motion. and it's a small system, moving fast. and it is just about out of here. philadelphia, out of here. suburbs, out. northern delaware, out. still snowing from milford, delaware, down to georgetown and over to the atlantic. still getting a little bit across the river in new jersey. lower bucks county. pretty much over with. mercer county, just flurries. we still have some heavier snow in parts of new jersey. woodland, manchester, well inland areas. atlantic city is getting heavier snow. that's when they're getting their accumulation, right now. visibility tells us the story. atlantic city has the lowest visibility. 3/4 of a mile. still not that low compared to what we saw earlier. look at the viabilities across much of the rest of the area. way up, means the storm is over. now you got to deal with the remnants. because it's below freezing. it's way below freezing. it's 22 in potts town. it's not going up tonight. it's not going down that much, but a 22 degree temperature all night, everything's going to ice up. here we go with the future cast and if it isn't over now it's going to be over within an hour or so across most of the area. tomorrow, we start off temperatures in the 20s. we get up into the low 40s in most cases. allentown, easton, only into the upper 30s. at the shore, we're talking about into the low 40s. we're going to get a good deal of melting of the snow, but it's not all going to be gone. for the eagles in north jersey on sunday, looks dry, looks chilly. it's okay. a lot better than today. and then for the weekend overall, dry weather during the daytime hours. saturday and sunday. more melting each day. refreezing at night, so keep that in mind. and then take a look at this. we have a rain shower perhaps sunday night and into monday morning. look at it warm up on tuesday. winter officially arrives thursday. warms for a day, and then uh-oh, that's christmas eve weekend. and we have a chance. decent chance of at least some snow during that weekend or maybe even christmas day itself. >> another period when a lot of people are going to be on the roads. look at those cars moving slowly. our live snow coverage continues right after this. new tonight, stolen guns and stolen lives. all day the nbc 10 investigators have been digging into the growing epidemic of stolen firearms. investigative reporter george spencer has also found a gap in state law that some believe is making the problem worse. here's a preview of his story coming up tonight at 11:00. >> i can't grasp why. how. i can't. >> reporter: julie patel sees herself as the mother of stolen sons. both her boys killed by the gunfire of stolen firearms. >> there are so many answers i would like to know. and i don't -- there is nobody that has answers. >> reporter: all day we've been working to uncover those answers for her. tonight at 11:00, we reveal the state law loophole that experts say hinders law enforcement working to solve crimes. >> it's frustrating. it makes me think that special interests controls our voting schedule. >> reporter: we head to harrisburg to get answers from one man with the power to bring new legislation to a vote. >> i told you before. i have nothing else to say. >> reporter: i'm trying to get to the substance of it. >> reporter: what he decided after he walked away from our interview coming up tonight on nbc 10 news at 11:00. for the investigators, george spencer, nbc 10 news. slow going on the roads tonight from a quick moving storm, this is storm force 10 moving along in woodbury heights, route 45. especially if you're going over overpasses, bridges that can be icy as the temperatures drop. glenn is here to tell us how low the temperatures are going to go. >> don't forget about the sidewalks and the driveways. that's where most slip and falls occur. and in these side streets. we're showing you the main streets out here. it's definitely worse on the back roads right now. and it's going to stay in the 20s all night. you can see the radar showing the snow moving out, very quickly. and so we're not adding to any accumulation except near the shore and southern delaware. you can see the temperatures getting into the 40s over sunday, monday, 50s on tuesday. we're going to melt a lot of the snow, it's going to refreeze at night over the weekend. and then we have some warmer weather next week. then an interesting pattern for christmas weekend. >> interesting in that it could create problems for people traveling? >> possibly. >> stay watching for that. that's our news at 6:00, i'm jim rosenfield. nightly news is next. breaking news tonight on your taxes. republicans appear to have the votes to pass their sweeping plan. a once in a generation change that affects every american. and we now know the tax brackets, what you'll pay depending on how much you make. is president trump dangling the possibility of a pardon for michael flynn who is cooperating with the mueller investigation? >> i don't want to talk about pardons for michael flynn yet. we'll see what happens. let's see. >> what did he mean by "yet"? shocking apathy at penn state. a scathing report after the hazing death of a young fraternity pledge. a mysterious disappearance in north korea. did kim jong-un have his right-hand man executed? a woman who accuses matt lauer of using his position to

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