Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20170827

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storm harvey. here's the radar look. you can see the center of the storm now sits south of austin, but the arm bands are the big issues now. we talked about this issue, the storm surge and winds yesterday were a big issue. today and for the next several days, all about the heavy rain that is just pounding the houston to galveston area. these are the areas that i think will see the most devastation due to how much rain has fallen already in some areas. about 20 inches of rain have fallen over the houston area. with a possibility of two more feet in the days to come. let's look at the storms' path. the newest projection for tropical storm harvey. you see the winds are sustained at 45 miles per hour, but the issue is it's only moving at 1-mile-per-hour. here the track as it goes to monday overnight. this is 1:00 a.m. barrie moves to the south. and brushes up against the coastline for tuesday with winds still at about 35 miles per hour. that will drop it to a tropical depression, and then it should start to hook to the north beginning wednesday, but it's not until thursday to friday that it looks like the rain will finally start to let up with tropical storm harvey. here's our radar and satellite view. really, we have been incredibly lucky. beautiful conditions have continued to last several days and they're going to continue a few more days including your sunday. if you have outdoor plans, today is your day to do them. just a few clouds overhead, no rain to track, and temperatures will be just perfect for outdoor plans. going to talk more about the temperatures with your planners neighborhood by neighborhood in a few minutes. krystal, thank you. 6:02. we're following breaking news. devastation and anguish are swamping southeastern texas along with flooding rains from tropical storm harvey. but there's also hope, with rescue and relief teams on their way to help the victims of this deadly storm. here's what we know this morning. at least two deaths are confirmed and at least a dozen people have been injured. harvey that roared ashore late friday night as a category 4 hurricane has now weakened to a tropical storm. but catastrophic flooding is now the fear. forecasters say some areas of southeastern texas could get more than three feet of rainfall. local authorities are beginning to assess the damage to homes, buildings, and roads. more than 300,000 people are without power. reports say one of the people who died in the storm may have drowned, but authorities in houston have not confirmed that. officials say the woman drove her vehicle into high water last night then got out. neighbors found her body about 30 yards from the vehicle police are investigating. officials confirm that a tornado spawned by harvey caused this damage in missouri city, texas, last night. the twister caused extensive damage to homes and property. there are no reports of serious injuries or deaths from the tornado. and here's some before and after video from rockport, texas, near where harvey made landfall friday night. before, you can see wind-swept waves from the gulf of mexico smacking against a seawall. now, after a drone camera shows you the severe destruction. homes, buildings, and boats. one person died when a house caught fire during the height of the storm. heavy rainfall flooded the city. coming up, we'll take you live to texas as we track the catastrophic flooding from harvey. that live report is ahead at 6:15. harvey is the first major natural disaster on president trump's watch. moderator chuck todd will sit down with feely administrator brock long on "meet the press" this morning at 10:30 right here on nbc10. we're now hearing from the former law enforcer at the center of a controversial pardon by president trump. a federal judge convicted phoenix area sheriff joe arpaio of contempt for failing to halt immigration patrols. but friday night's pardon wipes away the conviction for arpaio, long accused of racially profiling latinos. >> i'm very happy. i have to thank the president of the united states for his pardon. as i say, he's a big friend, supporter of law enforcement. i think this is a bigger picture than just me. >> arizona senators john mccain and jeff flake both republicans joined the aclu in denouncing the president's pardon. arizona's republican governor favored it. philadelphia mayor jim kenney, a democrat, slammed the president's decision, saying this pardon, like many of the president's actions, contradicts his professed claims for respecting the rule of law. arpaio does not represent american values, and he does not represent the law enforcement officers who do their jobs with professionalism and fairness every day. >> republican house speaker paul ryan also disagrees with the trump pardon. a spokesman for ryan said law enforcement has a special responsibility to respect the rights of everyone. a spokesperson for senate gop leader mitch mcconnell referred questions about the pardon to the white house. new this morning, a man in is custody in a fire that investigators are calling arson. firefighters were called to north 64th street near lansdown avenue in overbrook around 3:00 this morning. the suspect was taken into custody at the scene. no one was hurt. also in philadelphia, a former nightclub in west oak lane is now a neighborhood community center. the reach philadelphia life hope center opened yesterday. the seventh-day adventist church runs the center. a tutoring facility, a vegetarian cafe and a food giveaway center inside the building. >> today, hundreds of women and men are waking up and getting ready for the last day of the susan g. komen philadelphia three-day. nbc10's randy guillen haul is live in ft. washington where walkers spent the night resting up for the last leg walking for a fure. randy. >> and what perfect weather for a walk and camping out here. these walkers started their three-day journey up in willow grove. by the end of today, they'll make it down to the navy yard. a lot of them are decking out their bikes and shoes in the color pink. we're live here at the breakfast tent where they're getting ready for the last leg of their journey very shortly. this three-day walk spans some 60 miles. last year, it raised more than $2 million for breast cancer research. so women and men here wear a lot of pink. you can't miss them as high hike up and down the local streets. today, you can spot them in and around center city. by the zoo, down kelly drive, down the parkway into old city before walking down to the navy yard. walkers tell us it's the encouragement from members of the public who stop them to say hello, give them encouragement through the tough stretches. >> people come out and support the walkers. there's a great street, all the families, they invite you in to use their restrooms. the walkers yesterday had a tough day. it was a lot of hills. they're really tired. today should be a good walk through center city. >> for a lot of these walkers, it is a personal movement for the last three days. a lot of them are survivors or have loved ones who have been diagnosed or passed from breast cancer. it's expected in 2017 that 40,000 women and 400 men will die from the disease. every two minutes, somebody new is diagnosed, and walkers know that every dollar raised here goes towards a cure. for now, live in montgomery county at the susan g. komen camp. randy gyllenhaal, nbc10 news. >> wish them the best of luck. thank you. 6:08. our coverage of tropical storm harvey's rainy assault on texas continues throughout the morning. plus, survival instincts. a photo that has gone viral of a dog carrying food in the midst of the devastation in texas. and up next, a fun way to spend the day if you love air power and speed. politicians playing gameston while south jersey gets short changed? then vote fran grenier. think it's time we had a regular guy, not a lifelong politician? that's fran grenier. looking for a fighter to take on the tax hikes and job killing regulations? elect fran grenier. want a leader who'll actually stand up for south jersey schools and communities? if you answered yes to any of these questions, there's only one way: fran grenier. welcome back. we're starting with a live view over easton, pennsylvania. it's a gorgeous picture we have. i said this a few times this horning but we're lucky to say that this morning. throughout the day, scattered clouds in the afternoon, but here's a look at radar and satellite. a lot of us have a perfectly clear picture to start our day, and it's just in the afternoon hours we'll see some of the puffs of clouds build up. i don't think we're going to have any rain today. another dry one with low humidity. 62 in philadelphia. 71 the expected temperature at 10:00 a.m., and upper 70s this afternoon where you see the clouds starting to build in a bit. winds coming in from the northeast and east. to keep the temperatures a little below average through our afternoon. in the lehigh valley, look at that, starting at 53. the crisp, fall like weather for us. 74, your lunch hour temperature, and mid to upper 70s in the afternoon. light to breezy conditions, but the winds will crank up a bit by monday into tuesday. at the jersey shore, 59 right now. clear as can be. you do see that temperature rising to about the mid 70s by this afternoon where it will sit for a perfect shore forecast today. want to talk more about the conditions moving into your work week, more on the winds kicking up in the days to come in just a bit. >> krystal, thank you. >> wear governor john carney will take part in a salute to fallen heroes today. the heroes end of watch benefit will be held at delaware park to honor public safety and military personnel killed in the line of duty this year. four firefighters, a corrections officer, and a state trooper died in a ten-month period in delaware. the day begins with a memorial motorcycle run from smyrna to delaware park. >> a stealth bomber just like this one will be one of the high-flying attractions at today's thunder over dover air show. it runs from 9:00 to 5:00 today and tomorrow, part of a triple celebration. space is marking its 75th anniversary, the air force's 70th anniversary, and the city of dover's 300th anniversary. well, harvey is now a killer storm. and seemingly never ending rain is causing catastrophic flooding in texas. we'll get a live report from galveston, next. our breaking news coverage of tropical storm harvey continues. flooding and rescues are now the issue as the deadly storm dumps more rain on houston and southeastern texas. sarah dallof is live in galveston. the rainfall amounts are truly staggering. what's the situation where you are? >> well, hi there, ted. unlike other storm systems, harvey is very slow to move on. in fact, it's forecasted to only move 60 miles in the next few days. this morning, little relief. >> ten years of my life gone. >> for texas communities hit hard by harvey. the storm spinning slowly inland. bringing heavy rain anding heartbreak. >> the devastation that i see today is hard. it hurts. but we are resilient. we'll clean it up, rebuild, and be perfect again. >> in rockport, texas, where an estimated 40% of residents decided not to evacuate, widespread devastation and at least one death. a library and church destroyed in fulton. >> a beautiful thing that people come and forget everything that's bad and come together as a strong community and help. >> stories of heroism emerging. coast guard helicopters rescuing 15 people aboard vessels in distress. >> first responders are absolutely putting their lives on the line. >> cleanup begins. >> you can see the town. >> the rains continue. bands battering flood-prone houston. the power of mother nature on display across southeast texas. and back here in galveston where in a three-hour period, the city received five inches of rain, parts of houston already reporting 20 inches of rain. and their 911 circuits currently are overloaded. the city of houston asking you to call only if it is an emergency. >> so much anguish there. sarah dallof live for us in galveston. thank you. check out some of the photos going viral on social media after harvey hit. that dog you see, his name is otis. he's carrying a bag of dog food in his mouth in synton, texas. during the storm, he got away from his owner. in this photo, he's returning home. from dogs to birds, this is sergeant hurricane harvey. on friday, he flew into a taxi in houston and wouldn't get out. bruceo posted this video and several others on youtube. he even took the hawk before turning it over to wildfire rescue workers yesterday. also this morning in denver, the high school cheerleading coach who forced girls to do splits until they screamed has now been fired. the denver public school superintendent says what he did was wrong, dangerous, and unacceptable. denver police are investigating. now, to business news. wall street is watching employment, auto sales, and amazon in the week ahead. we get a preview from cnbc's contessa brewer. >> a small but eclectic group of earnings out during the week. best buy, lululemon and foreman. employable and auto sales are two of the big economic reports out during the week. watch for changes in the pace of job growth. auto sales are expected to rise for the first time in seven months thanks to heavy dealer incentives. and finally, change is coming to the grocery aisle. amazon says its deal to buy whole foods will close on monday. amazon says it will immediately lowers on many items at whole foods stores and offer special deals to customers with amazon prime memberships. i'm contessa brewer. get all your business news on n cnbc. >> all right, we're going to begin right back to radar for tropical storm harvey. you can see the heaviest rain right over houston, stretching down to the galveston area. this is the area likely throughout today to see the most devastation. the threats yesterday were strong winds and storm surge as harvey made landfall. now and for the next several days straight, the flooding concerns due to the heavy rain expected. on top of that, several tornado warnings have been in place all night long and more are coming to be. this is a very dangerous situation over parts of southeast texas. take a look at the radar estimated rain totals so far. these areas in gray, that's where the arm bands have been dumping the most rain. look at this estimation, around 20 inches for galveston. 13 inches to the north of houston. for the south of houston, also around 20 inches. 15 near bryan, texas, and jest to the east of austin, also about 22 inches. this is just so far, with another foot to two feet possible overy locations in southeast texas. here's the path that is now forecast for tropical storm harvey. winds at 45 miles per hour moving at only 1-mile-per-hour. that's the big problem. those bands that are pounding houston are going to continue to do so. as we go overnight, it will drop to the south and run up against the coastline through tuesday early morning. wednesday into thursday, it should start to the north, but at that point, the likelihood is there are areas that are uninhabitable due to how much rain has fallen. in our neck of the woods, a much better forecast. 62 is the temperature in philadelphia right now. 50s in parts of pennsylvania suburbs. 54 for new jersey and 53 in the lehigh valley. delaware at 58 degrees. it's a very pretty picture out there, just high level clouds its place this morning. nothing to track. no rain in the forecast for us today. we stay dry. from our sunday to monday, those temperatures will be really lovely. 79 degrees in philadelphia today. also 79, south jersey and delaware. the shore, 75 degrees. you have to get down to the shore if you can. mostly sunny start. partly cloudy afternoon, and then a little more cloud cover starting to build in on monday where erwoo rr looking at a temperature of degrees in philly. most of us stay in the mid to upper 70s through your monday, staying dry as well. on your hour-by-hour, clear to be on your sunday afternoon. as we get into the evening hours, just scattered clouds out there. as i mentioned, more cloud development for monday, but really, we're dry right on through tuesday through philadelphia. a spot shower possible tuesday over parts of the shore. as for your winds, a little breezy later today and monday. tuesday will be a windy day with a temperature of 75 degrees. then we'll stay in the mid 70s wednesday with showers that linger through thursday. >> thank you. this weekend marks 97 years since women won the right to vote in america. a celebration of freedom was held at the independence visitors center in philadelphia for yesterday's anniversary. a toast to tenacity had women raising their glasses to those who fight for the right to vote. 96-year-old laura wooten was born in the same year that the 19th amendment passed. the mercer county woman has worked at the polls every election day for the past 78 years. >> things are changing. there are very few people who vote these days. and young people, i don't know what their problem is. >> wooten says she hopes more people get out and vote, especially in primaries when voter turnout is historically low. 6:23. up next,ing each other. homeless cats and dogs are getting a helping hand, thanks to local teens without a home of their own. third graders today. their new gogurt tubes are easy open. and p.e. consists of sitting around on mats. hippies. oh, mom, making them eat their favorite snack in the back seat. whatever happened to "eating at the table?" that's what cup holders are for. fios is not cable. we're a 100% fiber optic network. and with the new fios gigabit connection... you get our fastest... internet ever. with download speeds up to 940 megs - 20 times faster than most people have. switch to fios gigabit connection with tv and phone for $79.99 a month online for the first year. plus hbo for one year and multi-room dvr service for two years, all with a two-year agreement. and switching has never been easier. get out of your contract with up to a $500 credit to help cover your early termination fee. go to nbc10 and telemundo are committed to clearing the shelters. we look at how local teens without a home are helping homeless cats and dogs. one philadelphia nonprofit is turning a tough upbringing into a win/win situation for hiring these teenagers for around internship. randy gyllenhaal has the story. >> reporter: at the hand to paw rescue, 16-year-old mark williams feeds, cleans, and plays with the shelter animals, all part of his summer internship here. >> i was looking for a job, and thought i would find a job like this. >> growing up, the high schooler never had a dog or cat of his own. unable to have any pets while living in foster care most of his life. >> it's like the childhood i never had. >> his internship is part of a program where homeless kids in the city help homeless pets living in local shelters. >> there's definitely a common experience that these animals share. and the youth share a lot of times. >> staffers say it's a chance for these kids to not only get work and life experience, but also learn about empathy. >> they come into an animal shelter and they will often articulate they're just like us. they do feel that bond. i think it helps them feel hope as they see the animals find homes and they're a future. >> funded by donations, the program is hoping to expand. mark says the most rewarding part of the whole thing is when he helps a cat or dog find a place to call home. >> it's just a good feeling knowing animals are going to a forever home where people will love them, hopefully. just about 6:28 on your sunday morning. flooding is now the top concern in southeastern texas. right now, harvey is dumping devastating amounts on the houston area, causing catastrophic flooding. and that rain will continue for several days. some areas could see two more feet of rain there. take a look at our area. a very different picture. plenty of sun today and a nice afternoon in store. here's a live view from penn's landing. we'll talk about your afternoon forecast coming up. ♪ ♪ be a powerful force. nature valley right now on nbc10 news today, a killer storm, tropical storm harvey claims lives and drenching southeastern texas. and the rain won't be stopping anytime soon. >> helping hands, philadelphia firefighters joining the effort to assist harvey victims in texas. we caught up with them before they got on the road early this morning. >> plus, a local teacher under arrest for what he allegedly said to police officers. it's all connected to a controversial statute here in philadelphia. good morning, every. welcome back to nbc10 news today. i'm ted brg. 6:31 on this sunday morning. we appreciate you being with us. let's get to nbc10 first alert meteorologist krystal klei and the most accurate forecast in town. before that, really staggering amounts of rain in texas and so much more still on the way. >> yeah, that's right. this is really just a terrible situation. catastrophic flooding has occurred and more to come in the next several days. this is the radar, a look at tropical storm harvey. pretty evident where the heaviest rain is, the arm bands around the center of the storm which is south of austin. the heaviest rain has been pounding areas like galveston up to houston. it's these areas starting to see the worst flooding from rain totals have already approached 20 inches in some areas. that's so far. there's still another potentially 25 more inches to come over the several days. on top of that, tornadoes are in that area as well this morning or tornado warnings firing off for the potential. here's a look at the path. as we go through the rest of today, winds are at 45 miles per hour. the issue is it's only moving at 1-mile-per-hour to the south-southwest. so through to tonight, overnight, 1:00 a.m., your monday. winds will weaken a bit, but really it move almost none, which means the heavy bands of rain are likely to stay put and cause major flooding issues on top of the problems they're already experiencing. it will start to hook to the north, but that's not until about wednesday into thursday. for us locally, a much different picture. we're at 62 right now in philadelphia. mostly sunny conditions. as we go through today, just a mix of clouds and sun with temperatures that move into the 70s by your lunch hour, and upper 70s this afternoon. coming up in a few minutes, we'll go through the planner for all of our neighborhoods. >> crist, thank you. >> we're following breaking news. tropical storm harvey is now a deadly storm and pounding texas with relentless rain. more volunteers from our region and around the country are headed to texas to help the victims. here's what we know this morning. two deaths are confirmed, and at least a dozen people are injured. hurricane harvey, mat blew ashore late friday night as a category-4 storm has weakened to a tropical storm, but catastrophic flooding is now the fear. forecasters say some areas of southeastern texas could get more than three feet of rainfall, as krystal has been telling us as well. local authorities are beginning to assess the damage to homes, buildings, and roads. more than 300,000 people are without power. take a look. these are not manmade fountains in houston. so much rain has already clogged the sewers, the excess water is bubbling up through the manholes and grates. here's a close-up look at more of harvey's fury. you're looking at cell phone video of the storm's eyewall that was shot from inside a car yesterday. withering winds and driving rain pounded this in fulton, texas. the storm also formed this funnel cloud in cypress, texas. what you see on this video has not been confirmed as a tornado, but you can see the aftermath for yourself. high winds caused major damage to this home and other properties nearby. just within the last few hours, more philadelphia firefighters departed for texas to join search and rescue efforts linked to tropical storm harvey. nbc10 was in northeast philadelphia where first responders with the pennsylvania task force loaded up tractor trailers with equipment and supplies before rolling south. >> we originally were told we were going to have a mission specific package that was going to be sent down there, and then fema has notified us that we're going to go with a type-three deployment, which is the second largest deployment. >> a convoy of task force tractor trailers started rolling around 3:30 this morning. the first group of firefighters from philadelphia left on friday before harvey made landfall as a hurricane. philadelphia's fire commissioner said ready pennsylvania team to assist our texas colleagues in hurricane harvey. godspeed. the nbc10 app has instant updates and notephics to keep you on top of what's happening with the tropical storm. well, right now, crews onboard all u.s. military ships around the world are going through safety training. the navy's top brass gave the order last night. all service personnel must relearn, retrain, and focus on precautions and procedures. the move follows two deadly collisions, the latest involving the battleship uss john s. mccain. ten sailors from the mccain were lost near singapore last week. among the casualties, kenneth smith from cherry hill. he graduated from cherry hill high school east before enlisting in the nauvy. >> a philadelphia public school teacher is facing charges after police say he went too far during this heated protest. cell phone video shows john sheeren cursing at police during a protest august 16th over the rizzo statue in center city. friday, officers arrested sheeren and charge him with making terroristic threats and harassment. the philadelphia school district said he had been reed from his job before this incident. >> there's a way to get your voice heard, and that's not the way. >> we went to his home and numerous calls trying to get his side of the story but we did not get a response. >> also in philadelphia, free haircuts and book bags for students getting ready to head back to school. it drew families to the tloiskth police district in logan yesterday. they handed out 400 book bags to kids in the community. >> i can't say it's christmas but it's good to see a smile on their face, a good opportunity to see police in a different light. that's a blessing. >> the captain told us the event is a two-fer. >> students get what they need for school and officers get an opportunity to give back to the community they sev. >> today, hundreds of women and men are completing the last leg of the susan g. komen philadelphia three-day. they're walking over 60 miles to help fight breast cancer. participants began journey in willow grove yesterday. today, the hundreds of men and women will walk around the philadelphia zoo, boat house row and the museum of art. fight night, but did the bout live up to the hype? we'll have the highlights of the mayweather/mcgregor showdown in vegas. plus this -- >> the sweet sounds of success still ahead. how delaware students saved the music at their high school. oh hey! it's me mom, catching some side eye. first rule of motherhood. someone's always judging. breastfeeding, didn't work out. guess what? world's still turning. yeah, i bribe my kids. how else you think stuff get done around here? mom's special juice, it's wine. now if you think that's shocking, check this out. new yoplait mix-ins, with salted caramel pretzel. watch out now. ♪ starting with a live look in philadelphia. look over the ben franklin bridge. what a gorgeous shot we have of sunrise this morning. a beautiful day ahead for us. if you didn't get outside yesterday, i did, then you have to do it today because things will be so nice again. not very often we can say this stretch of beautiful weather continues. on our radar and sate lite, some over the northern edge. a sprinkle trying to make its way to baltimore, but i doubt it's making it to the ground. instead, on our neighborhood planner, we go from the low 60s this morning to about 77 degrees at 3:00. forecast high today in philadelphia is 79 degrees. which is five degrees cooler than average. in the suburbs, 75 at 3:00 p.m. mid 70s as well for the lehigh valley where we will see more scattered clouds in the area. still a mix of clouds and sun, but not a perfectly sunny forecast for us. in delaware, 73 at 11:00 a.m. 76 by 3:00. that's the exact same forecast you see for parts of south jersey and along the jersey shore, mid 70s for us as we geinto the afternoon hours. it will be a nice day at the shore, but we will talk about some of the more interesting facts for your shore cast, that's coming up in a few minutes. we'll also get to the ten-day on 10. >> thank you. >> today unburlington county, you can catch good softball and raise money for a great cause. police, fire department, and local businesses are sponsoring the fallen hero softball tournament. it starts today, there will be music, food, and fun for the kids. money raised goes to the families of fallen home town heroes. >> a title on the line in south philadelphia as the soul went for their second straight arena bowl victory, and he did it again. you'll hear from rhys hoskins about his latest round tripper. that's next in sports. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ 6:44 now. anti-hate groups in san francisco are rejoicing after a right-wing organization canceled a scheduled rally. the cancellation still did not stop the anti-white supremacy protesters from marching in the streets yesterday. police were stationed on rooftops in case things got out of hand. there were no issues. >> in boyers runt ate, there will be new rules for transgender students. they can rule bathrooms and locker rooms that correspondent with their gender identity. no comment from the school district about the ruling. almost fall, and you know, nothing beats the sights and sounds of a high school football gape. for one school in new castle county, it looked like some of the sounds weren't going to be there come halftime. tim furlong has the story of two newark high school band members who were determined to save the music. >> the newark high school football team is looking good, but a big part of the tradition that lichbs here in the stadium was in jeopardy. the school's many great musicians, they lost their leader at the last minute. the proud marching band with a great history suddenly had a very uncertain future. after district budget cuts and talk of job consolidations, the director decided to push up his retirement and get out. it got worse as band camp rolled around and the kids didn't have anyone to lead it. but you can see and hear the band marches on. >> band is like a family. like most of your friends are in band. people love playing their instrument and putting on a show. >> carol ann and cathy weren't going to give up on their passion. the decided at least in the short term, they run band camp. they put out the word they were running practice. >> we didn't have anything prepared. we said we're going to do basics. show up, please. >> and show up they did. ams the entire band on day one. >>, two, three, four. >> on their own, the band practiced marching and their music. everyone bought in to the plan. lots of folks in the community and the university of delaware helped out, too. by the time mike archer was hired as the new director, the band was already where it should be at that point in the preseason. >> what these two particular students have is really nothing short of exceptional and what we want to see from our students as educators. >> for a while there, saving the band seemed like mission impossible, but against the odds, this group is now ready for half time. in newark, tim furlong, nbc10 news. >> you know the old saying, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? well, this photo should certainly make glenn "hurricane" schwartz feel flattered. christina send it to us. you can see this little boy loves to dress like his hero. that is awesome. of course, he's sporting the bow tie, krystal. >> got to wear the bow tie if you're being glenn. i think that was a pretty good interpretation. i'm sure he's enjoying the view from home. we're going from fun to something serious. tropical storm harvey over southeast texas pounding the area now where it made landfall friday late, late night. it has since dumped in some spots near houston about 20 inches of rain. more to come, as you can tell, the heaviest arm bands are right over the houston area, and that has head to catastrophic flooding and the biggest issue is the fact this thing is very slow moving. it has no forcing mechanism. i mean is some kind of set-up to push the storm along, help it fall apart. instead, look how small a movement it makes over the next several days as it starts to loop up directly through houston and finally track along to the north. it will weaken some over the next several days, but this isn't until thursday that it starts to move out of the area it's been pounding with rain for more than 24 hours. the issue with that that while storm surge and strong winds were the initial issue, flooding due to heavy rains will be the long lasting issue. look at the forecast rain amounts from one of our computer models. just through tomorrow morning, of rain in parts of houston. more with the brighter yellow that's down south. these are areas that have already seen 20s of rain. now you're talking 30 inches. look at this number go up. it just continues to boost through tuesday, wednesday, into thursday evening. could see up to 22 inches over areas like houston, and that is going to lead to some areas being likely uninhabitable for a period of time due to the flooding. in our neighborhoods, a very different picture. have clear conditions across the map, a few high level clouds this morning and no rain in the forecast. we pull it out wide, there you can seeical storm harvey down to our southwest. we also see some tropical moisture trying to come together directly to our south. that may start along the atlantic coastline and bring us some spotty showers by wednesday into thursday, but we will not see the effects of harvey. that will be staying down south. our high temperatures for today, we're in the upper 70s. a little below average for this time of year. partly cloudy conditions in the afternoon, overall very nice with a high of 79 in philadelphia. let's talk high temperatures along the shore. 76, cape may, and same for beach haven. uv index is high at 7. surf, 3 to 4 feet. unfortunately today, the rip current higher, more elevated than yesterday, moderate. you want to in areas with life guards and if you can, swim with protection as you go out there. let's look at thor winds as we go through the afternoon. gusts up to 20 miles per hour. a little breezy this afternoon. stronger winds crank up on your monday afternoon. gusts around 30 miles per hour in the afternoon hours. then we continue with gusty conditions. your tuesday afternoon as well, gusts again around at 30. >> thank you. the most hyped fight in recent history goes to floyd mayweather, the multidivisional boxing champ stayed undefeated for his career with a tka of conor mcgregor in the tenth round in las vegas last night. mayweather landed a flurry of punches on the ufc champ that forced the referee to stop the bout. the event was expected to break all pay-per-view records. now here's the rest of your sunday morning sports. hey, good to see you on this sunday fun day. i'm danny pommells from csn. phillies going for two wins in a row over the cubs. friday night, rhys hoskins became the fastest player to hit his first nine home runs. we pick it up in the bottom half of the first frame. hoskins doing it again. his tenth home run in 17 games. the fastest ever to hit his first ten homers. 2-0, phillies. cubs, though, can also hit a bit. anthony rizzo booms a shot over the center field wall. a three-run shot, the first of two for hem. cubs hit six in the game, forced 17 runs, most ever allowed by the phillies. they louis 17-2, but hoskins, six of his home runs have come with two strikes. >> i think it is preparation, knowing what guys like to do, especially when we get to two strikes. a lot of it is being comfortable with hitting with two strikes. >> across the street, a championship was on the line last night. the soul hosting the tampa bay storm in arena bowl 30. soul going for back to back titles. brian dawkins doing the coin flip. it worked. the soul won it. third quarter, trying to bring the soul back, down a touchdown, not anymore. a 40-yard pitch and catch, as the soul come back from a 14-point deficit. reynolds reeling that in. four td passes and this is the last of them. soul win to win their second straight arena bowl title. >> eagles, after two days off, they're back to work to prepare for their final preseason game against the jets. >> the sixers, meanwhile, first overall draft pick, markelle ful fultz. we caught up with him and asked imabout the ankle he sprained in summer league. >> i'm great, 100%. i can go out and play. i feel good. >> will you be ready for the start of training camp health weisz? >> definitely. >> once training camp starts, what are your expectations for the season, yourself and the sixe sixers. >> for myself, give it my all, play as hard as i can. for the team, get back to the playoffs. >> the pitch, the union hosting united fc. down a man in the extra time. andre blake where he should be, and then not where he should be. tyrone meres with the header over the out of position keeper. not his fault, though. union settle for a point in a 2-2 draw. that's sports. i'm danny pommells from csn. ♪ hey! ♪ bee to hive for that honey you know ♪ ♪ a sweet tasty bowl ♪ of that get up and go ♪ put in the good and the good will grow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ honey to the o is the yum in yo bowl ♪ ♪ playing around that's how we roll ♪ ♪ start with the good and watch good flow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around hey! ♪ ♪ good goes around good goes around and around and around. hey! ♪ happening now, dozens of soccer fans are getting their kicks following last night's union game in chester. the club is hosting a camp-out on the field. campers saw a movie on the video board before lights out. this morning, they'll have breakfast and get conditioning tips from the union's trainer. >> today, pennsauken is throwing a giant birthday bash for its 125th anniversary. it will be held at the pennsauken community recreation complex. you can enjoy food trucks, craft wine and beer, as well as family friendly activities. the pennsauken police will do canine demonstrations and the day will cap off with fireworks. philadelphia children and their families celebrated life yesterday at the charles foundation's annual family and friends day. incharles foundation is a nonprofit group that works to stop gun violence. survivors of shootings, community leaders, and activists had fun in wynnefield heights. >> 6:57 on your sunday morning. tracking devastating flooding in texas as harvey hammers the houston area. here at home, a walk for a cure wraps today. a live report with participants in the komen three-day coming up. >> and beautiful conditions for the walkers. take a look at our first alert radar and sate lite. not a thing to track this morning. take a live view outside. the sun shining brightly right now. we'll talk about the forecast and the details on the work week ahead. one letter left on the board. your clue is a great way to start the day. what is the final letter? luten-free, luten-free. it's a g it's a g g,g,g,g,g! g! z. oh! what! show me z. no we were looking for g. gluten-free breakfast cereal. good starts with g. and now introducing new blueberry chex. death and devastation. breaking this morning, flood waters rip through texas as harvey dumped torrential rain. >> trek to texas. another round of philadelphia forces risking theirs to help with relief efforts. >> plus, fight night. we've got the highlights from a closely watched between two famous fighters. good morning, everyone. welcome to nbc10 news today. i'm ted greenberg. thank you for being with us. we start out by checking with first alert meteorologist krystal klei and your neighborhood forecast. also, keeping track of harvey and those heartbreaking scenes we

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