Fernando i m fernando espuelas. Welcome to matter of fact. Donald trump had a huge victory in New Hampshire. And now he s moving south, to a road perhaps that leads to the nomination. Will the other candidates be able to compete with him in South Carolina and beyond . With me today are two journalists who are following the candidates every move. Priscilla alverez is with the atlantic, looking for differences between candidates on the issues. Shane goldmacher is with politico and just spent 21 days on the gop campaign trail. Shane, priscilla, welcome to the program. Priscilla thank you for having us. Shane thank you. Fernando shane, you ve been following the Trump Campaign for some time now. What s going on there . Obviously they re thrilled, but what s their plan Going Forward . Shane kind of the remarkable thing is for once donald trump wasn t the center of attention, and he might have been even bigger than he got. Donald trump just won a state. He leads in every subsequent state in the entire country. Pretty remarkable sequence right now. He s heading to South Carolina where he will have a big battle with ted cruz. The focus in New Hampshire was so much who is going to finish second. Was it going to marco rubio . Was it going to be jeb bush . They just kind of clustered together, and that makes the race so much more complicated. There s not going to be a classic establishment, favorite of the republican elites, that is going to take on donald trump right away or ted cruz. They re fighting amongst each other and it really leaves him a pretty good pathway Going Forward at this point. Fernando and how do you guys see kasich s number two position in New Hampshire . Is that really something that is sustainable, you think . Shane it s going to be really hard for him. So he basically moved to New Hampshire. His super pac spent a ton of money in New Hampshire, and after New Hampshire he has very, very little infrastructure. He s going to be in South Carolina the next couple of days and really interestingly, next week, he is not just staying in t have a vote until 6. March tells you a lot about your strategy where they go tells you what they re thinking. So march 6 is really the next state he really can win. That s a long ways away because there are 12 or so states that vote on march 1. It s super tuesday all across the south. If you don t win any of those places and you don t win any of the northeastern states like massachusetts that are voting, it s going to be very difficult to say i m a leader. I m a top viable candidate when you re not winning in 12 states until the first week of march. Fernando and priscilla, obviously a huge disappointment for Hillary Clinton coming out of New Hampshire. How does that impact her, you think, Going Forward . Priscilla so she made sort of changes in her messaging. We might see some of her speeches, sort of more aspirational, sort of hit what sanders has been hitting. She ll certainly start honing in on the minorities. She does have a good record with minorities. And so we ll sort of see that play out in nevada and South Carolina, where she has a lead in the hispanic and African American vote. Victory speech from Bernie Sanders, he used we and, meanwhile, the concession speech for Hillary Clinton was all i. How do you think that was perceived by the voters . How you think that impacts, if at all, people s perception of both candidates . Shane the big challenge for Hillary Clinton, if i m breaking it down, why is she running president . What is her one sentence answer . I am running for president because x. And for Bernie Sanders he has an answer to that question. I am running for president because i think there is too much income inequality and people with money have too much power. That s his one sentence answer. I ve watched the Clinton Campaign a lot and i don t know what her one sentence is. She s tried different ones. She s now saying, i m running for president because i m fighting for you, everyday americans. So there s a little bit of that i and we really is interesting to me. Priscilla and there were results out of New Hampshire of just that the i and the we and how that resounded with voters. And a lot of people do respond to the we versus the i, which they were hearing from her. Fernando not surprisingly. And you think about obviously people right now if you had to guess, in terms what s going to happen, because we re all guessing, in terms of the republicans how will this shake , out . Is trump unstoppable at this point, do you think . Shane i don t think anybody is unstoppable. I think this is a completely unpredictable cycle at this point. What people have looked at is potentially narrowing to three candidates, which would be donald trump, running as sort of a populist, ted cruz, running as a hard line conservative, and a classic mainstream republican. And the issue is, will that third person even emerge . If they don t win in sc, which in South Carolina, which they are all very far behind. You have a slew of Southern States that play better for trump s populism and cruz s conservatism. So where do you get that third person . Bush, john kasich, the ohio governor, and marco rubio the florida senator, are all competing for that socalled lane. But that s just a mess right now so any prediction, in three to predict. Fernando what do you think . Priscilla no, i would agree with shane. It is very unpredictable and i would not like to speculate on what is going to happen because it just changes every day. It s a dynamic race. What i have focused in on is just that it s not really a governor s race, which we ve seen in history. There have been moments in history where governors have t seen that in this race. We have jeb bush, who is struggling. John kasich did have a second place finish, but whether that really moves forward and what means for him moving forward is so i ve been interested in how the governors have been faring ll be able to come out of that establishment. Fernando well, priscilla, joining me today. Priscilla yes, thank you shane thank you. Fernando we have one week before we find out who wins the republican primary in South Carolina. Coming up, can hillary rebound after New Hampshire . The dnc chair knows the stakes plus, how twitter plans to combat terrorism. Fernando donald trump and Bernie Sanders may be changing politics in ways few imagined. They share a disdain for the establishment and a willingness to test their own parties. Correspondent Brittany Shannon talked to dnc chairwoman Debbie Wasserman schultz in milwaukee about the trump effect and challenges within the Democratic Party. Brittany this is the spin room for the democratic debate in milwaukee, where Wasserman Schulz engages with reporters. Brittany donald trump in this race has kind of thrown out the rule book when it comes to winning elections. What does that mean for the Democratic Party as far as changing its own strategy or strategy . Ms. Wasserman schulz well, donald trump has thrown out american values, so from our perspective the entire that they want to adhere the dictates of donald trump when it comes to their priorities and their agenda, and brittany drawing a hard line between republicans and democrats,wasserman schultz sees a sharp contrast especially with donald trump. Brittany so, looking at him as a potential frontrunner, it doesn t change anything the party is currently doing . Ms. Wasserman schulz with all the republicans jumping, leaping to embrace the direction donald trump has taken their party, we like our candidates who have really continued to have a substantive and robust discussion. Brittany Wasserman Schulz dismisses fights between sanders and clinton over progressive and feminist labels. She admits their differences, but maintains their Mutual Respect for one another. Ms. Wasserman schulz they ve both consistently said that they agree that either one of them would be far better than any one of the republican candidates. In fact, the republicans spend a lot of time insulting one an elbow as possible to try and knock one of their candidates off the stage. Brittany Bernie Sanders some of , his critics are saying he s unelectable because of his socialist label, and there are critics of hillary saying that she s untrustworthy. Is the party ready to support either candidate . Ms. Wasserman schulz i am confident that either one of our candidates, when they are ultimately the nominee, are going to earn the trust and support of American Voters because they agree with our party. Brittany Michael Bloomberg says he could consider a run for the presidency. What would that do to this race . Ms. Wasserman schulz i think ll find it unnecessary to run, because those issues are already being taken up by a candidate that ultimately has an opportunity to be elected. Brittany the chairwoman also told me she believes both candidates have the important issues covered, and voters will respond. M Brittany Shannon. Fernando the democrats have launched an intensive effort to s vote, millennials, African Americans, and the latino vote in the south one woman is empowering undocumented people to give them a voice in this election. Astrid silva joins us via skype from las vegas. Welcome to the program. Astrid thank you for having me. Fernando so you ve been a very powerful advocate for dreamers what does it feel like to make an endorsement for president . Astrid it was something that was very daunting, because again as an undocumented student i think that sometimes we fear that we still don t have voices. We sometimes still feel that we still do not have a role in this political process. So it was definitely a big responsibility and it was something that i didn t take lightheartedly and i think many others don t. Fernando and you endorse Hillary Clinton, of course why . Astrid well, the major reason was that i was talking to my community and i have a lot of ability to talk to people not only within political movements but outside of it, at the grocery store, at the bus stop issues they were talking about were things that i think secretary clinton would be very powerful in and be able to get the job accomplished. And also within our group of this. And believe me, we caucused ourselves. We talked about it and we all came to the conclusion that for us. Fernando some dreamers have actually gone out there and told some people not to vote for some curious reason. Why did you choose the path of integrating yourself into the astrid i ve seen the effects of people not voting. I think here is the state of nevada, where my home has been for the past 20 something years, i ve seen how one vote can sway an election. Here in the state of nevada, sometimes when there is a tie vote they have to draw from a deck of cards. People s voices really do make a difference, but most importantly their vote. Fernando and finally, as mrs. Clinton moves to nevada with the rest of the candidates, are you feeling good for your candidate . Astrid i think i m feeling i m very excited. S competitive and i will be participating, as well many of the students that have not only received daca but those that are still fighting for their parents to have that relief so that they re not deported. And people here are excited. We re registering voters, we re making sure that people are getting out there, understanding the caucus, that people really are engaged because i think that they care about it, it s just you have to find them where they re at. Fernando well, thank you so much for joining me today astrid thank you. Fernando latino voters make up 15 percent of nevada s electorate, a significant voice in this election. Up next. Does this play into the concept of dysfunction in our congress . Why are democrats begging the republicans to come to the table . And, banning terrorists from using twitter. I would never characterize us as being in the lead in countering this. Plus, how beyonce and donald rep. Ryan the way we hold the Obama Administration accountable is controlling their budget. Fernando House Speaker paul ryan has an uphill battle on his hands. And it s not just a fight with the white house. It s a fight with fellow republicans who say the president s four trillion dollar budget is dead on arrival. Congressman Chris Van Hollen of maryland is the ranking democratic member of the house budget committee. Congressman, welcome to the program rep. Van hollen it s great to be with you, thanks. Fernando thank you so much. The president has presented his budget. The majority in the house is saying they will not even have a hearing on it. Does this play into the concept of dysfunction and immobility in our congress . Rep. Van hollen this is a really sad episode here. We had hoped with the new year, 2016, and with the new speaker who expressed an interest in more openness and debate, that we would see a different kind of attitude. First time ever, we believe, the Republican Budget Committee chairs are refusing to even have a presentation of the president s budget, in the sense that we usually have the president s main budget director come and testify before the budget committees and provide the outlines of the president s budget. They ve refused to allow him to testify, a major breach in protocol and something every american regardless of their political persuasion should be unhappy about. Fernando so you mentioned protocol. I mean, even if they are going to vote against, why not hear out the president . Rep. Van hollen well, that s exactly what we re asking. That is why whether you ve had republican president s or democratic president s and regardless of who has been in the majority in capitol hill, the budget committees have always heard from the president s main budget person. And it should help everybody. S budget, whether you agree with him or not in the end. And the American People deserve i ve written a letter with my colleagues to the chair of the reconsider this because it s a breach of protocol but it s also a breach of opportunity for everybody to hear what the president s budget includes and for that important debate. Fernando and as we look forward, and you know very well that voters are very frustrated with washington in general, both parties and so forth, is there a reason for hope . Rep. Van hollen when you have divided government, a democrat in the white house and republicans in majority on the hill, you ve got to have people who are going to at least look for the common ground. I will fight to the end on certain issues, i will make sure we don t cut social security, protect a woman s right to choose. Those are important values. But there are other areas of the budget where we should be able and i was pleased, yes, for some help. Last november, i helped negotiate a sort of two year, bipartisan agreement on the budget that prevented the Government Shutdown and prevented the default on the debt. So that was a glimmer of hope. But now we re sort of back into it and this is a very bad sign, a refusal to even hear from the president s budget director. Fernando well, let s hope for some hope. Congressman, thank you so much for joining me today. Rep. Van hollen thank you so much. Democrats see little hope, as the conservative House Freedom caucus pushes for lower spending levels. Passing the budget may be difficult for speaker ryan if republicans don t unite around a single plan. Coming up next, twitter s plan to take down terrorists. It s a constant battle. Then, Political Correctness and the backlash against beyonce phone ringing you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates seem to be dealing with social security. Americans work hard, and pay into it. So our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise hey candidates, fernando twitter visionaries believe that the popular social a virtual global town square. Because of its worldwide reach, terrorist organizations are using it as a recruiting tool. From the black lives Matter Movement to the toppling of foreign governments, twitter has succeeded in galvanizing social movements. But enabling groups in terrorist atrocities like the isis attacks in paris is not what the social media giant had in mind. According to twitter, over 125,000 terroristlinked accounts have been suspended in the past seven months, most affiliated with or supporting isis. And in a blog post, the company condemned the use of twitter to promote terrorism, noting that twitter rules make it clear that this type of behavior is not permitted on our service. But given the adaptability of social media, banning terrorists from using twitter is like playing whackamole. Tom sanderson is a terrorism expert at the center for strategic and international tom social media is a tremendous tool of amplification and a multiplier of isis activities. It will be to their advantage for years i believe, or perhaps forever. Limiting their accounts, going after social media is an important thing to do, but it will have a limited effect. Fernando sanderson also noted it is important for social Media Companies to police the internet. But the advantage goes to those who know how to exploit it. I d like to know your thoughts. Tweet me matteroffacttv. Check in on facebook or connect with our video site to view and share videos from all our programs. When we return, beyonce and message about free speech. How to plan for the future. Happy birthday. Sorry i forgot our anniversary. Now get this 1. 5pint orchid for only 9. 98, at lowes. Fernando this weekend s Grammy Awards are a rock solid celebration of the music industry. And, usually, a stage for political commentary. Consider last year s show, when Pharrell Williams won a grammy while performing his hit, he took on the issue of racially charged police shootings, incorporating hands up, don t shoot into the lyrics and dance. It was beyonce who used her star powered appearance at the super bowl to address the problem of race in america, with a dramatic gesture of black power. Critics like former new york mayor rudy guiliani, denounced the halftime performance as scandalous, an assault on police officers, and politically charged. Quickly wall just got 10 feet higher the wall just got 10 feet higher. Fernando free expression, whether artistic or political, can make us uneasy. That discomfort can be a motivator according to stef woods, an american studies professor at american university. Professor woods at a time with such racial tension and realizing the role of Structural Racism and in an election year, any dialogue, in my opinion, is positive, if it is coming at it from a place of let s discuss why i feel this way, let discuss why you feel this way. Fernando when we are confronted by speech or expression that offends us, we are confronting a view of reality that may not align with our own, that may not reflect america s best self. As a nation we struggle with economic, social, and racial inequality. In my opinion, expression that forces dialogue supports a body politic in search of its best self. I m fernando espuelas. I ll see you next week on matter of fact. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its [narrator] planet earth. A planet echoing with noises, loud and soft. The sound of trains, and planes, of music and laughter. Space seems very quiet, compared to earth, but even here, there are surprising sounds. We just have to listen a little more closely to hear them. Listen to the hoot, of the hoot planet for instance. [hooting] oh my that little hoot thinks its an acrobat. But it doesnt look very safe

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