Transcripts For WHDH 7News Today In New England 20160901

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perhapss as a category one hurricane. what's important to us, what does it do once it moves off the carolina or mid atlantic coastline. this thing is going to slow down. huge area of the high pressure will prevent it from going anywhere. the question is does it slow down just south of new england or are we talking about something several hundred miles south. it will be breezy. we'll get some rough surf and rip currents, but we won't get rain. gussy winds across the cape and the opportunity of rain coming in here late sunday and into monday. all right. a couple scattered showers across the area, as well, this morning. most of them along the mass pike. close to 80 this afternoon. dry it out late in the day. more on the forecast ahead. >> sarah: time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: thanks, sarah. a little baby first birthday, as well. heading into town, not looking no problems for you heading in and out of town on the pike. a couple of yellow exclamation marks out there, those are working crews wrapping things up as you head into the 5:00 hour. 93 fine back to 495. slowing down a little bit as you head enters be because of some construction out there. no issues on route 1. let's check those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. ten minutes braintree to boston northbound on the expressway. 12 minutes into town on the pike from 128. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, 11 minutes this both the "t" and commuter rail starting the morning on schedule. back to you, guys. >> sarah: right now an 11-year-old abington boy is recovering after he was accidentally shot in the face. the suspects are become at the scene today to investigate exactly how it happened. >> christa: also this morning, councilors will be at the by's school. let's go to 7's nicole oliverio with more. nicole? >> nicole: christa, definitely a sad way the start the school elementary school here in abington. definitely a tough day for the neighbors and those two families yesterday. what we know is a shooting happened inside of the home in abington. now, according to investigators, they say there were two 11-year-old boys. somehow they got their hands on a gun. that gun accidentally went off and shot one of the children in the face. an 11-year-old rushedded to hospital after investigators say he and a friend were playing with a gun when it went off and shot the young boy in the face. rushed the child to the hospital. >> it's sad. i've never seen anything like it in my life. i'm very upset over it. >> nicole: according to neighbors, both 11-year-old boys live on linwood street. one woman says her grandchildree earlier in the day. >> they were playing together. i don't know what they were doing, but i don't know how they got the gun. >> nicole: the shooting happened just before 3:30 says the handgun is legal but wouldn't say who owns it. it's also unclear if the parents were home when the gun went off, but investigators believe the shooting was accidental. >> we believe there was not intentionally somebody not trying to hurt somebody. >> nicole: the boy had to be airlifted to boston hospital with injuries the his face. investigators say he was in stable condition. >> we believe he's doing okay right now, but like i said, any gunshot wound is dangerous and anything can happe > nicole: what the district attorney's office has not said is whether or not this was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if this boy was shot in the face by his friend. all of that remains under investigation. at last check that boy remains in stable condition at that boston hospital. live in abington, nicole oliverio, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: happening now, a community on alert as a woman out running in shirley says she jen, there are special concerns after what happened to that jogger in princeton last month. >> jennifer: sarah, that case is still unsolved. as far as this case, police here in shirley says this jogger told them that a man tried to run her off the road. she could see inside his van, and in the back she says she saw another man hiding. a woman out for a morning jog in shirley says an older man in a large green van forced her off the road and then kept telling her he had water in the back. individual didn't pass the water out to her. she thought he wanted her to reach in and grab it. she thinks she saw an individual sitting in the back. >> jennifer: it happened tuesday on haven road. the jogger warned others on facebook. the woman told investigators she felt sure the driver was trying to get her the reach in so he could grab her. >> we haven't had any other calls. this is an isolated call. we haven't had any other reports. >> jennifer: investigators are want the public the keep an eye out for anything or anyone that doesn't seem right. this community can't help but think of vanessa marcotte, the jogger killed on august 7th 20 miles away in princeton. despite more than 1,000 leads, authorities have yet to find her killer. >> i haven't been in touch with princeton because we're getting ready to reinterview the individual to see if there is any more specific information. >> a woman, walking the dog, aware of the danger, didn't want to be identified but said she is very cce and it's pretty scary with everything that's going on. >> jennifer: the woman says the plates were massachusetts, 9-3-0. she only had a partial plate. if you know anything, give police a call. live in shirley, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: new details. police in new york city have a new lead on a murder-mystery from last month. a jogger was killed. investigators say he is not a suspect but are hoping he could provide them with clues on what happened. karina vitrano was sexually assaulted and strangled to death while out for a run in early august. police say they have developed a d.n.a. profile for the possible killer but haven't found a match yet. >> christa: happening today, a vigil will be held for the woman who was shot and killed in manchester, new hampshire, one year ago. killed while taking a walk. she was a long-time employee at the "union leader" newspaper and her killer has never been caught. >> sarah: donald trump with some tough talk in the race for the white house. the republican taking the global battle to mexico before laying out his immigration plan in arizona. trump ended the speech with angel's mom who has lost family couple. nancy chen is here with a closer look at trump's plan, nancy? >> nancy: that couple lost their son in 2011 when an undocumented immigrant drove over him. >> our right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to that rye and flourish and love us. >> nancy: donald trump taking the stage in arizona to lay out his plan the immigration. he talked about zero tolerance for people here illegally. >> you can call it deported if you want. the press doesn't like that term. you can call it whatever the hell you want. they're gone. >> nancy: joining trump on stage, a family whose son was killed when an undocumented immigrant ran him over five years ago. >> if donald trump were president in 2011, our son matthew denice and other americans would be alive today. have fought for tougher immigration laws in massachusetts after their son's death. >> donald trump will put americans first. donald trump will put your children's dreams first. >> nancy: and trump sticking to his guns. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border and mexico will pay for the wall. >> nancy: hours before this speech trump was in mexico for a meeting with mexican president pena enrique pena nieto. he says the subject of who will pay for the wall didn't come up. >> we didn't discuss who will pay for the wall. >> nancy: but the mexican president says he said they would discussed the wall and no way is mexico going to pay for it. the clinton campaign fired back saying that trump "choked on his first opportunity to make good on his campaign promises." >> christa: anthony weiner under investigation with child services over a photo. this appears to show weiner in bed wearing just underwear with his four-year-old son next to him. children's services has not visited him according to weiner. houma aberdeen, his wife, says the couple is separating over this latest scandal. maura healey is trying to figure with guns made by two major manufacturers. healy is investigating weapons manufactured by remington and glock. both companies have filed lawsuits challenging the investigation. >> sarah: right nows be police are searching for a missing woman. investigators say evelyn bindo was last seen in dorchester. police say the 81-year-old is suffering from alzheimer's. if you've seen her, please call police. >> christa: and police on the lookout for two suspects who allegedly stole a donation jar took a jar from the lowell humane society, from the counter of a pet store some time wednesday. it's not clear how much money they got away with. >> happening today, a plastic bag ban is starting in somerville. supermarkets are prohibited from offering plastic bags to customers. the ban takes effect for stores with more than 10,000 square feet of floor space. the patriots pray their final preseason game tonight against the giants. it will be t quarterback tom brady can be with the team before serving his four-game suspension. we now know what he will be doing during one of the weekends in september. he will head back to ann arbor to serve as honorary captain of michigan. brady played for michigan from 1995 through 1999. >> christa: he said he had the find some way to occupy himself. 5:11. more news ahead. it's a sure sign of fall. some call it the perfected time to do a little shopping, but you know what, others just call this whole situation a big mess. >> sarah: plus a lunchtime lesson courtesy of a college football player. why this picture is going viral. >> christa: and tropical storm hermine tracking toward florida right now. the sunshine state already getting soaked by this storm. >> chris: yes. and before we feel any impact, we have a front moving through with scattered showers and storms. more on that and a tropical storm ahead. >> danielle: so far this morning the roads looking good. here's a look at the expressway. no accidents or incidents out there. both the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. we'll be right back. with 10 grams of protein... and zero added sugar, zero artificial sweeteners, zero fat. just what you need to help keep you going. new oikos yogurt drink. be unstoppably you. barbara moussette: kelly came through for me and my husband, and i am just forever grateful... with my husband in cancer treatment, we fell behind on our bills, and we needed our tax refund to catch up... ...but hackers had stolen it. we were the victims of identity theft. i was terrified - we faced losing our home. she didn't know us at all, but she went to the irs and she fought for us. thanks to kelly, we got our refund and we kept our home. kelly ayotte: i'm kelly ayotte fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online, cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. >> christa: 5: 15. and this morning we are tracking tropical storm hermine. there's some trouble brewing in coast. >> sarah: it's already having an effect on southern states. so danielle gersh is here with a closer look at the storm an how people are preparing. >> danielle: that's right. this morning heavy rains associated with tropical storm hermine are causing problems across the tampa bay area. residents at an apartment complex had to be evacuated in a kayak, as you can see here. some homes are already seeing minor flooding. there is no telling when residents will be able to come back and clean up. there are dangerous dng across florida, cars stalled in the rising water and an s.u.v. wound up in a ditch, as you can see here. the rest of the state is bracing for impact, as they've done before, piling up sandbags and cutting down dangerous tree branches as they wait for rising water and whipping winds. this morning the storm is really strengthening. a new advisory just into the weather center. so let's send it over to chris for more on that. >> chris: winds 60mph. that storm still to the west of continuing to pick up some steam here as we approach northern florida later today and tonight. expected to become a category one hurricane right around landfall there. just in the panhandle of florida. taking a look forecast. what's important to us as we get beyond saturday is this huge divergence all of a sudden. you notice it's pretty consistent through the carolina coastline. the reason why it's such a large spread here is because it misses its opportunity s path and go out to sea and this big area of the high pressure builds over. this is going to stall the storm out south of new england. it's 100 miles south of new england, 50 miles south of new england, with with the higher impact on us with winds and rain, or is it way off to the south where you don't see any rain, just a gusty breeze at times throughout the weekend. that remains to be seen. we'll see some impacts of the storm at minimum as well as some rip currents across the beaches at maximum we could be dialing 50mph down through southern new england more specifically toward southeastern mass. some rain backing on in. it would be beneficial. a lot of us get some rains to come on in. notice these lines. these are some of the forecast models showing you where they think the storm is going the stall out and spin around. if it's several hundred miles to the south of us, again, the impact is not all that great here into southern new england. a breezy second half of the weekend with some showers backing on in. so we'll really pressure and how far it keeps the storm. the further north it goes, the more impact it causes, the less impact. definitely looking at rough surf and rip currents. that's a lock no matter where it goes because the atlantic is so churned up. whether we get more rain sunday night into monday is another question. if we get more rain and gusty winds especially, down through the cape and the islands, and along the coastline. radar right now does show a few showers across southern new england. even some thunderstorms back into rhode island and eastern this rain is located across connecticut, rhode island and working into the cape and the islands. and plymouth and north of the pike, not a lot going on, that's the trend throughout the day, your best chance of some scattered showers south of the pike, maybe an isolated shower north of the pike, but i think you'll also see the most sunshine north of the pike this afternoon. temperatures in the low 70s. dew points into the upper 60s. we do have some humidity in the air right now. take you true the rest of the day, into the overnight hours toni w mainly dry on friday, nice day out there. pop-up shower, just a little bit of instability, cold air aloft. overall a mix of sun and clouds. taking a looking across the midwest, nice and quiet down there. another concern is the weather working in from the north and the west. beyond this point it's more of what's going on down south of us. we'll cool it down. a beautiful day on saturday. sunday likely featuring increasing clouds and showers approaching this afternoon down through the south coast of new we're watching hermine on muched tuesday and wednesday on shore breezes still as this storm just goes to the south. >> christa: chris, this is such a touching story. a florida wide state receiver is making fans for life during a recent visit the a middle school, spending time with a child who has autism. >> i was just so psyched, like a f.s.u. football player just came and sat with me. >> christa: receiver rudolph noticed this boy was sitting all by himself during lunch. so rudolph went over and sat down and he shared a meal with him. it ended up making beau pretty popular at school. >> something that seemed so i'm sure small to him was just i mean really life-altering for me. >> we just started off having a good conversation, you know, a great convo with a great kid overall. >> christa: beau's mom posted rue dove. f.s.u. has invited beau and their family to attend the season opener on monday when the team takes on ole miss in orlando. >> sarah: amazing. >> christa: middle school can be so tough, and for kids with autism even tougher. the fact he took the time for that story. >> sarah: up next on 7news, tebow could be coming back to new england. the team offering the former quarterback a baseball contract. >> christa: and crews in western mass working for hours ? amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds adjust on both sides for your best sleep ever. don't miss the biggest sale of the year. right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed, >> and now time for 7sports with joe amorosino. >> joe: good morning. the red sox bullpen almost ruined another game with their seventh blown save in the month of august. the sox pen put the pressure on their offense, luckily the bats delivered against the last-place rays, but this is a real problem for this team entering the final month of the season. john farrell watched his bullpen the home stand ends on a high noted, coming up with the go-ahead single in the bottom of the frame. jackie bradley, jr. would add an r.b.i. double. the sox win it 8-6, taking 2 of 3 from the rays. the patriots wrap up preseason play against the giants. tom brady has made the trip. according to yahoo! sports, the team is looking to get him some snaps with the starters. brady hasn't played in an exhibition final since 2011. the pats also reportedly agreeing to a one-year slatedder. i'm joe amorosino. that's sports. have a great day. >> sarah: one day after former quarterback tim tebow had a workout for major league teams he now has an offer to play professional baseball. but the offer is from an independent minor league team in connecticut. the bridgeport blue fish offered a contract to tebow to join the roster immediately. tebow has not responded yet. interesting to see if he says like. what sport will be next? maybe wrestling or something. it's 5:25. coming up, buyer beware. stop & shop warning facebook users about a fake ad. what you should be on the lookout for. >> reporter: and it's going to be a crowded and crazy day as thousands of college students move in. find out why some people now call september 1st christmas in allston. >> sarah: and morning commuters marking their calendars. when the longf ism now at 5:30, allston christmas. free stuff on the streets as students come back to boston. why it's not the most wonderful time of year for some people. >> christa: and protesters locking arms. >> sarah: and a non-profit shark tag off cape cod. >> this is 7news "today in new england." >> christa: good morning. 5:30 on this first day of september. i'm christa delcamp. >> sarah: and i'm sarah french. a tropical storm warning issued for parts of the east coast. let's send it over to chris lambert with more. >> chris: those warnings going up for the south carolina and georgia coastline as tropical storm hermine picked up some strength yesterday and early this morning. winds sustained at 60mph. expected to be a category one hurricane as it enters north florida later today and into tonight. a question for us. where does it go after there? it will stall off, off the eastern seaboard here. is it close to new england? that's the $64,000 question as we get into early next week. the potential of getting some rain in here on monday. we have rain right now. the thunderstorm just south and west back into connecticut. so we have some scattered showers to go through this morning, especially south of the mass pike. we'll warm up today close to 80 crease. low 80s north and west. mid to upper 70s south and east. we'll get more sunshine north of the pike. more cloud cover south of the pike. more on the tropics ahead. >> christa: let's go to fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: thanks, christa. good morning, everyone. so far much quieter today than yesterday. good news there. here's a look at the braintree split. slowing down a little bit if you're trying to get on the expressway. let's go to the maps. a lot of green no issues heading in or out of town on the pike. route 2 and 3 looking good. 93 pretty much fine all the way back through 495 this morning. and all green on route 1. so if you're getting ready to head out the door, you're in good shape. take a look at those drive times. braintree to boston northbound on the expressway, just 12 minutes. 12 minutes into town also from 128. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, just 11 minutes this morning. both the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. back to you, guys. >> christa: let's get a check an 11-year-old boy in abington is recovering after police say he was accidentally shot in the face. investigators say the boy and a friend were playing with a gun when it suddenly went off wednesday. the district attorney says the gun is legal but has not said yet who owns it. right now police are on alert as they search for a suspicious person who allegedly pushed a woman off the road in shirley. investigators say man driving a van followed a woman who was jogging and offered her water. the woman then told police t man trapped her after she fell into a ditch. anybody with information is asked to go ahead and contact police. donald trump taking the stage in arizona for a speech on immigration. he says anybody in the u.s. illegally will have to leave. the speech comes just hours after trump met with the president of mexico. he says they did not discuss the wall. trump is proposing americans. but the mexican president says they did talk about it and mexico will not be paying for >> sarah: christmas coming early as college students move in and out. a trashy tradition continues in one boston neighborhood. some call it a chance for curbside shopping. victoria warren live with the story. doing any shopping yourself? >> you never know what they're going to find. they call it christmas in allston. you have all of the summer students moving out and leaving their furniture and belongings curbside. all of the new students moving in and tak things they want. september 1st is definitely a day, though, that people have a love-hate relationship with. september 1st in allston, a sea of moving trucks that might not exactly leave you feeling jolly. and the spirit of this day might leave every man looking out for himself. still, it's a day some are still determined to make merry. they've come to affectionately [cheering] september 1st is when almost all the college kids descend on allston, brookline and boston. >> it's just chaotic. i saw a bunch of other u-haul drivers waving to each other. >> some trucks even getting stuck. state police sharing this picture, reminding drivers trucks don't belong on storrow drive. >> i'd rather see some right bridges to cross. i found a mechanic to helpe not get stuck under a random bridge. >> things going so suggestive, the city of boston releasing this heat map detailing areas you may want to avoid. some tried to get in early saying all the holiday cheer can only go so far. >> it's a nice idea, but it doesn't make it easier. >> and today is also a day that inspectors will go around making sure all these apartments are safe and legal. live this morning in allston, >> christa: also happening today out of allston, crews will hold a meeting to talk about the conditions of that home severely damaged by a fire. flames tore through the myricks street building early wednesday morning. i told you about this yesterday. the house has three units, but 11 people were renting rooms there. investigators say that is illegal and dangerous and they also say the owner will be held responsible for it. attorney general maura healey set to offer guidance to leaders before the state's implementing its transaccident der rights law that. law takes effect in one month. healy wants to identify scenarios in which a person could be arrested for making an improper gender identity claim. >> new details on a violent attack in wakefield. police say three men were high on drugs when man was stabbed with a broken golf club tuesday afternoon. 18-year-old curtis day faced a judge on wednesday. his friend. police say the man took l.s.d., marijuana and heroin at the reservation. that's when a fight apparently broke out ending with that golf club attack. day is being held without bail. >> and police are continuing to investigate that deadly crash we told you about yesterday morning in east boston. investigators say two tourists from texas were killed when a swampscott man slammed into the back of their shuttle bus as he was exiting the tun into the jersey barrier. the victims were thrown from the shuttle. three other people in that van suffered minor injuries. >> christa: new this morning, stop & shop was warning facebook users a fake ad circulating on social media. the fake ad claims to be in celebration of the store's anniversary. it offers a $75 coupon asking users for their personal information or access to their profiles. the stop stop & shop says it's l the longfellow bridge is scheduled to be fully opened by june of 2018. it's a few months earlier than they originally expected. the "globe" reports that one side of the bridge will be temporarily closed to pedestrians and bikers. >> christa: more news this morning. a $1,000 reward is being offered for the return of a missing shark tag. the transmitter was placed on a shark near maryland back in may. for the only been sending signals from north falmouth. fishermen who caught the shark ended up with the satellite tag. >> sarah: shark sightings have forced two beaches to close on the cape, nauset beach and coast guard beach have been temporarily shut down. no word yet on when they will be open. earlier this week the atlantic shark conservancy spotted this shark off provincetown. >> christa: still ahead, on up about that allergic reaction that forced her to miss the v.m.a.s. >> sarah: and get in line. when wal-mart is launching its holiday lay-away program. >> chris: some peeks of sun this afternoon, especially from the north into the west. all eyes on the tropics this morning. what it could mean. >> chris: 22 minutes from braintree into boston. not watching any other issues on the roads. both the "t" and commuter rail four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. fios is not cable. we're wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios. this is ryan. i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what you're seeing. really? yes, mr. mcenroe... see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh absolutely. i like that. tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. >> sarah: trending today, more than 200 musicians, including r. kelly and earth, wind and fire are showing support for robin thicke and pharrell. >> christa: gabby douglas posting this picture with a health update saying she had to have mouth surgery because of a that forced her to miss an peisch at the mtv music video awards. >> sarah: summer nearing an end. wal-mart announcing that it will launch its holiday lay-away program tomorrow. customers can wait until december 12th to pay off their account. >> christa: i know you're the biggest christmas fan going, but please. let's not talk about christmas yet. >> sarah: you have to plan ahead for gifts. always works out better. >> christa: i usually wait until the day before. 5:42. we have lots to our know and go segment with a new report out that's giving automakers praise for trying the to make it easier to use child safety restraints. >> reporter: and we're live in abington where an 11-year-old is shot in the face accidentally. the latest on the investigation. >> sarah: and he was caught on camera stealing from a jewelry store. now he's been caught by sharon i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. how do we make the economy work for everyone? hillary clinton's plan starts here... by making big corporations and those at the top finally pay their fair share in taxes. and those companies that move overseas? she'd charge them an exit tax. in creating good paying jobs since world war ii. millions of jobs. hello! it's our new intern, bart's first week here at td bank, he's a robot from one of those other banks. we're training him to bank human. i am banking assistance & registration technology. wait, wait, wait. but you can call me, banking assistance & registration technology. hi amy. that is not protocol manager jenna. that's ok bart, it is here. at td bank we do things differently, like having the longest hours of any bank. don't just bank. bank human. >> sarah: it's 5:45. time now for everything you need to start your day off right. >> christa: know and go time. chris lambert has been busy tracking the tropics. >> chris: coming up lots of plans, last-minute vacations to do. it's the second half of the weekend we'll keep an eye to what's going on to our south. first half of the weekend looks great with a lot of sunshine on saturday. we're tracking a couple showers and storms this morning. a couple heavier thunderstorms back into rhode island and down we'll get more and more breaks of sun from the northwest to the southeast throughout this afternoon. temperatures 74 in boston. 71 in norwood. behind the cool front as we start the clear on out, we'll lower the humidity and watch dew point levels drop because of that going from the 60s back into the 40s and 50s for friday. in fact, more comfortable overnight tonight as a cold front drives on through. cooler tomorrow. a lot of sunshine around. more clouds in the mix. instability clouds. maybe a spot shower in the afternoon. muff of the time unanimous the begin the weekend. this is going to be the key to the forecast going forward because if this is really strong, it's going to prevent the tropical storm from coming up north and getting really close to southern new england. it looks like it will stall out just south of new england across the mid atlantic coastline. take you on the updated track as of 5:00 a.m. northwestern florida close to later today and into tonight. and then on friday, as it tracks stalling out because of that big blocking high. it's critical. does it stall out off the east coast? impact will be minimal. if it stalls further north closer to long island, obviously dealing with more rain and more wind. the high pressure is the kee overthe weekend. what i think is a will be for first will be rough surf and rip currents along the shoreline, especially the s and the vineyard over the weekend. some rain is possible late sunday into monday. the strength of that wind will depend on that exact track. breezy nonetheless on sunday into monday. keep an eye on that. cooler over the weekend. temperatures in the 70s. ism time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: good morning. here's a look at the pike. no issues heading in or out of storrow drive eastbound. this crash at mass avenue. south of town, braintree to boston northbound on the expressway, already 34 minutes. so things slowing down quickly. the braintree split a little slow. route 3, 24 and 95 all looking good. let's check those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. this morning half an hour braintree to boston northbound on the expressway. just 12 minutes enter town on the pike from 128. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, also 12 minutes this morning and both the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. >> sarah: right now an 11-year-old abington boy is recovering at a boston hospital after he was accidentally shot in the face. police are expected become at the scene today to investigate exactly how this happened. >> christa: and this morning additional councilors will be at the boy's school, as well. nicole oliverio has the latest. nicole? >> nicole: christa, the good news is that boy is listed in stable condition, but definitely a sad way to start off the school year. now, the district attorney's office is investigating. they are calling this shooting details. now, they responded to this home on linwood street in abington around 3: 30 yesterday afternoon. what we do know is will were two 11-year-old boys inside of that home. somehow they managed to get their hands on a gun. that gun went off and shot one of the boys in the face. that boy was rushed to south shore hospital and then later taken by... air flighted to a boston hospital. now, what we still don't know is how the boys managed their hands on the gun. investigators are saying it was a legal gun. it's unclear if the boys parents were home at the time of the shoaling. for now, that's the latest live in abington. nicole oliverio, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: new this morning a local group trying the raise money for the animals found in deplorable conditions at a westport farm. a fund-raiser will be held at the north attleborough arts lodge on september 23rd. injured animals found on the farm. a hiker in ashfield is recovering after he fell and had to be rescued. he fell 30 to 40 feet from the chapel ledges last night. it took crews more than three thundershowers get him out. they say he was alert and talking and taken to the hospital by helicopter. >> christa: also this morning, a salem mom has been set free after withholding potentially lifesaving medications kristen labrie spent a total of five years behind bars after being convicted, however, the state's highest court granted her a new trial. >> sarah: new this morning, an easton man is set to appear in court after police say he break into a sharon jewelry store. officers arrested 25-year-old michael mead on wednesday night. police say mead stole thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and he used a brick to break into the store. he's being held on $25,000 bail. protesters calling for change in cambridge. >> hear our story. >> christa: protesters chaining themselves by the neck to the doors of city hall. that rally went on for more than eight hours, calling for affordable housing in the area. >> we're looking for affordable housing. gentrification is people of color who live here. they're disappearing. >> christa: police arrested four protesters. >> sarah: happening today, for the second time in two weeks, nasa astronauts jeff williams and kate reuben will conduct a space walk. they are among the crew currently on board the international space station. in today's mission, the astronauts will retract a thermal radiator that is part of the station's cooling system. >> christa: today marking the 10th anniversary of roger as nfl commissioner. he's faced criticism for the way he handled tom brady's suspension following the deflategate scandal and ray race's abuse situation. there is no credible evidence to show james harrison and packers' linebackers clay matthews and julius peppers used ban substances. they are investigating a furth player. been set for chris brown after his arrest on thursday. brown is scheduled to be arraigned on september 20th. this comes after a woman accused the rapper of pointing a gun at her during a gathering at his home. the grammy winner was arrested after a 14-hour-long standoff. brown posted videos on instagram during the standoff saying he is innocent. >> christa: now checking news cross country. a dog rescue call on camera. in florida, first responders truck. rescue crews found the dog trapped under a pile of debris, but that puppy is doing just fine today. >> an old mansion moved down the road after someone bought it. crowds gathered to watch it happen. the mansion was built in the late 1700s. officials were saying it was moved so it could be perfectly preserved. >> christa: and in 7 health cast, a mediterranean diet could be a huge help for people wit researchers found those with a history of heart problems who stuck to the diet had a 37% lower risk of death than those who did not. a mediterranean diet is heavy on fish, fruits and vegetables. so automakers are making it easier to install safety restrains in newer vehicles. a year later several automakers have already made changes. tests on 170 vehicle models, most of which earned a good or acceptable rating. >> sarah: the news now turning to a major snack food recall. browny bites and minichocolate chip muffins from store shelves. it comes after customers complained of finding pieces of plastic inside the food. at least one person was injured. the company says the issue was caused by a manufacturing problem. millions of people will be on the roads for labor day weekend. it's one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. in one last vacation before the end of the summer, and drivers will save. gas is 27 cents lower than it was last year. if you're traveling for the holiday weekend, msn has some things you might want the leave at home, new or uncomfortable shoes. make sure your shoes are broken in so you're not in pain while you're trying to relax, even if they're cute, ladies. skip the designer sunglasses. you don't need an excessive number of gadgets. unless you're traveling for business, they take up space if your bag. i always find that. i'm going to bring my laptop because i'm going to get some stuff done. never use it. >> christa: i have never owned a pair of designer sunglasses because i misplace them weekly. >> chris: i forget half my stuff on vacation. ask my wife, anything from t-shirts to socks, i have to go to the local store and buy some more to get me i don't care. 76 to 82 degrees north of the mass pike this afternoon. some scattered showers around. we do have to watch what's going on in the tropics second half of the weekend. a couple showers late sunday sneak into the south coast of new england. better chance of rain pre-hermine on monday. how much wind? demands on the exact track of that forecast. >> christa: coming up at 6:00, a local family taking the stage with donald trump. why they say they're backing the republican's immigration plan. a jogger approached by a suspicious man. what police in shirley are doing to keep everyone safe. >> christa: also ahead, we know how tom brady will spend some of his suspension. the q.b. set to take the field for the last time before kelly ayotte: thanks, buddy. kelly (voiceover): i'm kelly ayotte. and when i take the plate for new hampshire... i'm up against a political machine that plays dirty -- throwing millions in false, negative ads... i'm out here knocking down every lie... because new hampshire deserves better. that's why i'm batting for good-paying jobs, to protect social security and medicare... ...and help families pay for college... >> christa: an 11-year-old boy rushed to the hospital after getting shot in the face by a friend while playing with a gun. >> sarah: bay state towns on alert. a woman followed while she's out far jog. a case similar to an unsolved murder in princeton. >> christa: a tropical storm headed for florida. the heavy rain already causing trouble there. >> sarah: plus donald trump's his dispute with mexico's president. and a massachusetts couple on stage with the candidate. >> christa: and countdown to his deflategate suspension. we now know how the pats' q.b. will be spending his time off. >> this is 7news "today in new england." >> christa: and this morning we are tracking tropical storm hermine. there is trouble brewing as this major storm gains steam as it makes its way toward the southern u.s. the system threatening to dump up to 15 inches >> sarah: a state of emergency declared in florida. their rains are already causing flooding in the tampa area, millions along the gulf coast are placing -- bracing for impact. >> christa: the storm will eventually make its way up the east coast. for more on the impact on our forecast, we bring in meteorologist chris lambert. just in time for labor derek huh? >> chris: we'll watch closely on monday. this will be stuck off the east could be a category one hurricane by the time it goes to apalachicola in florida. then from sunday to tuesday, this does not move much. potentially just stalling out. now, does it stall out off the mid atlantic coastline closer to new england or off the carolina coastline is important the our first. it looks like it will stall several hundred miles south little wind but not as much rain. rip currents out there. right now we're tracking some showers across much of southeastern mass back into connecticut. it's spotty, but we have it this morning. we will not put a dent in any drought. i think they become isolated by mid-day. and they will contain this afternoon down across the south chest of new england. we'll see some brightening skies this afternoon from the northwest to the southeast, as well. so the front coming on through behind it. then a couple nice days ahead of us friday and saturday and even coming up in a bit. >> sarah: time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: thanks, sarah. here's a look at the expressway. it's really slow. let's go to the maps. braintree to boston on our maps. it will take you over half an hour. south of town, route route looking good. slowing down a bit at the braintree split. you are problem-free heading in and out of town on the pike. route 2 looks good. route 3 is starting to see that stop-and-go traffic. there 93 in the bad back to check those drive times heading out the door. half an hour, 12 minutes into town on the pike from 128. also 12 minutes on 93 southbound, from 128 to the zakim bridge. both the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. back to you. >> christa: danielle, thank you. this morning an 11-year-old boy is hospitalized after an alarming accident. he was shot in the face. police say he was playing with a friend and suddenly a gun went off. >> sarah: investigators are this happened. 7's nicole oliverio live in abington with more. >> nicole: sarah, what is still unclear and what investigators haven't said is who fired this gun. we do know an 11-year-old is shot and is now in the hospital. an 11-year-old boy rushed to the hospital after getting shot in the face by a friend while playing with a gun. neighbors watched while the young boy was rushed to the hospital. >> sad. i've never seen anything like it in my life. i'm very upset over it. >> according to neighbors, both 11 year old boys live on linwood street. one woman says her grandchildren heard the friends at the home earlier in the day. >> they were playing together. i don't know what they were doing, but i don't know how they got the gun. >> nicole: the shooting happened just before 3:30 yesterday afternoon. the district attorney's office says the handgun is legal but were home when the gun went off, but investigators believe the shooting was accidental. >> we believe there was not intentionally... somebody did not try to intentionally hurt somebody. >> nicole: the boy had to be airlifted to boston hospital with injuries the his face. investigators say he was in stable condition. >> we believe he's doing okay right now, but like i said, any gunshot wound is dangerous and anything can happen. >> nicole: boy remains in stable condition at a boston hospital. meanwhile, there t school will have grief councilors on hand. it's a sad way for everyone to start the school year. that's the latest live in abington, nicole oliverio, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: sharon police are telling people to be on the lookout after a woman reported she ran off the road or she was run off the road by a strange man while she was out for a run. 7's jennifer eagan live in shirley now with the latest morning. that jogger also told police that the man in the van tried to get her to come closer. she panicked. she says especially because of another unsolved case in the area. a woman out for a morning jog in shirley says an older man in a large green van forced her off the road and then kept telling her he had water in the back. >> according to the victim, the individual didn't pass the water out to her. she thought he wanted her to reach in and grab it. she thinks she saw an individual sitting in the back. tuesday on haven road. the jogger, shaken up, warned others on facebook. the woman told investigators she felt sure the driver was trying to get her the reach in so he could grab her. >> we haven't had any other calls. this is an isolated call. we haven't had any other reports. >> jennifer: investigators are taking it very seriously and want the public to keep an eye out for anything or anyone that doesn't seem right. this community can't help but think of vanessa marcotte, the 7th, 20 miles away in princeton. despite more than 1,000 leads, authorities have yet to find her killer. >> i haven't been in touch with princeton because we're getting ready to reinterview the individual that reported to see if there is any more specific information. >> jennifer: a woman, walking her dog, aware of the danger but didn't want to be identified. she said she is very concerned. >> i read about it last night and it's pretty scary with everything that's going on. >> jennifer: the woman told police the van had massachusetts plates. she got a partial plate of 9-3-0. live in shirley, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: vaij will be held today for a woman shot and killed in manchester, new hampshire, one year ago. 62-year-old denise robert was shot and killed taking a walk. so far no arrests have been made in that case. >> sarah: massachusetts attorney general maura healey is in a gunfight with two major weapons manufacturers. she's trying to determine if according to the "globe," healy is investigating weapons manufactured by remington and glock. those companies have filed lawsuits challenging the investigation. healy is no stranger to gun control. just last month she banned the sale of so-called copycat assault rifles, a move that has faced stiff criticism. right now police are on the lookout for two suspects that allegedly stole a donation jar from a store in chelmsford. investigators say these two men took a jar from the lowell of the pet store some time on wednesday. it's in the clear how much money they got away with. >> sarah: now for the race to the white house, donald trump keeping a hard line on immigration. >> christa: moving ahead on his policy to deport immigrants. he has a ten-point plan, such as a border wall wilt at mexico's expense. a local couple was front and center for his speech. nancy chen has more. >> nancy: christa good 2011 when an undocumented immigrant ran him over. last night they showed their support as trump made his highly anticipated speech. >> our right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that we think are the likeliest to that rye and flourish and love us. >> nancy: donald trump taking the stage in arizona to lay out his plan the fight illegal immigration. he talked about zero tolerance for people here illegally. >> you can call it deported if you want. the press doesn't like that term. you can call it they're gone. >> nancy: joining trump on stage, a milford family whose son was killed when an uncomed imgrand ran him over five years ago. >> if donald trump were president in 2011, our son matthew denice and other americans would be alive today. michael defeist and his wife maureen have fought for tougher immigration laws in massachusetts after their son's >> donald trump will put americans first. donald trump will put your children's dreams first. >> nancy: and trump sticking to his guns on his main campaign issue. >> we will build a great wall along the southern border and mexico will pay for the wall. >> nancy: hours before this speech, trump was in mexico for a meeting with mexican president enrique pena nieto, where he said the subject of paying for the wall didn't come up. >> we didn't discuss who pays for the wall. >> nancy: but hours after that meeting, the mexican president says they not only talked about the wall, he s there is no way mexico will pay for it. the trump campaign said in a statement, "it was not a negotiation and that would be inappropriate. it's unsurprising they hold two different views on this issue and we look forward to continuing the conversation." the clinton campaign said "trump choked on his first opportunity to make good on his campaign promises." in the control room, nancy chen, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: the patriots may their final preseason game it's the last time tom brady can be with with the team before serving his four-game suspension. we now know what he'll be doing during one of the weekends in september. brady will head back the ann arbor to watch the wolverines play colorado. brady played for michigan from 1995 through 1999. >> christa: happening today, a plastic bag ban is start in somerville. supermarkets and other stores in the city are prohibited from offering plastic bags to >> sarah: much more ahead on "today in new england." the special college students into the city, the concerns about trash and congestion on this move-in day. >> christa: and a mother hailed as a hero for saving the lives of two children. her quick action to get those kids out of a burning car at a gas station. >> sarah: a heartwarming moment between a college football player and a boy with morning, isolated in nature this afternoon. and with eel get some brightening of the skies throughout the afternoon from the northwest to the southeast. what about hermine? we'll talk about the tropics coming up. >> danielle: we're not watching any accidents on the road at the moment. but it is over half an hour from braintree to boston already this morning. and both the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. new clients? let's go meet them soon. in person, we could read the room. on the phone, you're just a voice. yeah, i'm good. for fast rewards, let's book on choice. this trip could really help us grow. ? should i stay or should i go? ? when it's time to go for business, book on us two times. book direct at >> sarah: we're tracking tropical storm hermine. they get pummeled in wet weather. they're already seeing streets flood before the storm even makes landfall. >> christa: and the rest of the state is bracing for impact as they have certainly done in times past. could fall, as they wait for rising water and whipping winds. and it sounds like this should be a rain maker for us during our holiday. >> sarah: much-needed rain, though, right, chris? >> chris: if it's far enough north, we could get some rain sunday into monday. all pending the track of hermine sitting over the gulf of mexico. expected to strengthen into a category one hurricane before coming on the shore close to apalachicola. then it moves off to the northeast here and stalls out coastline. you notice how the cone almost becomes a circle on days four and dave five. this is tracking the national hurricane center. just expressing uncertainty. is this closer to the new england coastline or further off to the south? if it's further off to the south, then we're not talking about a lite of wind and rain. be f it's further north, then we introduce gusty rain and wind into forecast. you can see if it's several hundred miles off to the south of us, mostly wind and most of the rain stays to the south of us. you may get some rain to move in here for sunday night into monday. a couple hundred miles further off to the north, then we're dealing with stronger winds and more widespread rain. i think it's a lock we'll see rough surf. and the rain is possible sunday night into monday and sooner than that on sunday during the day, if the it's sooner an the strength of the wind will be track dependent, anywhere from a little wind to some good tropical storm gusts if it comes closer to the new england coastline. right now the radar is showing some rain. we need a lot of rain across the area. we'll find a little bit outside this morning. note the trend here, most of it south of the pike. when you get across vermont, some rain. so north of the pike this afternoon, the brightest conditions south of the pike, an isolated shower. can't rule out a pop-up sprinkle or shower. much of the time on friday is i do with low humidity. we have dry weather working in for saturday. as that area of the high pressure builds in, it's going to allow for a gorgeous start to the weekend. whether we can hold on to the dry weather or not, you know, that's question as you get into the second half of the weekend. chance of some rain late in the day. so keep an eye on out of the fort east, as well. still coolest at the coastline with an on-shore flow tuesday into wednesday. >> christa: danielle gersh is here. step away from the doughnut box. it's okay. i saw you at the gym yesterday. >> danielle: we're having a great morning. we have apple cider doughnuts. we have pumpkin doughnuts, sarah. we're very excited around here. and the roads not looking too bad. 93 as you make your way through somerville, switch cameras, take a look at the expressway. slow drive, over half an hour this morning. let's go to the maps. on route 24 northbound, from harrison boulevard up to 128, 95 and route 3 look pretty good. the pike problem-free in both directions. route 2, a little stop-go traffic on route 3. let's check those drive times if you're getting ready the head out the door. 26 minutes to half an hour on the expressway. rate to boston, 12 minutes into town on the pike from 128. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, about 20 minutes, both the "t" and commuter rail >> sarah: police in connecticut are continuing to investigate after a fiery regulars cue at a gas station that started when a car reversed right into one of the gas pump, toppling it over right into a car on the other side. the man nearly escaped the falling debris. she then managed to rescue her children from the burning vehicle. this morning that mom is talking about the great escape. >> i saw the smoke. we had to go around this way. it had to be pretty badden i'm glad everyone is okay, though. they're really lucky. >> sarah: police believe it's possible the driver of the van mistakenly hit the gas instead of the break. >> christa: this story is so incredibly touching. a florida state wide receiver is making fans for life during a recent visit to a middle school spending time with a boy who has autism. >> i was just so psyched. like an came and sat with me. >> christa: receiver travis rudolph noticed beau pasky was sitting by himself. so he went over, sat down and shared a meal with him. he ended up making beau pretty popular at school. >> it was something that seemed so i'm sure small to him. it was just, i mean, really life-altering for me. >> we started off having a good conversation, you know? that meant so much. beau's mom posted a picture of a meeting on facebook to thank rudolph. they invited beau and his family to attend the season opener on monday when a teen takes on ole miss in orlando. you can see why it means so much to his mom. because a lot of these kids struggle for acceptance. it must be so hard for her to see. >> sarah: still ahead, effort to locate a missing transmitter that tracked a shark off the cape. >> christa: and trouble after a fire displaced people in alston. who may be cited for violations. ism big papi larger than life. what it took to create this lego introducing dunkin's new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. he craft of cold brew today and keep on. >> chris: good morning, everyone. 76 to 82 this afternoon. a few showers around. most of them this morning. most of them south of the mass pike. as you get into the weekend, we start off beautiful on saturday. 75 to 80 degrees. low humidity in place. showers possibly arriving sunday afternoon, sunday evening, we'll watch that closely through monday. best chance of rain coming up could be on monday. >> and now time for 7sports with >> joe: good morning. the red sox bullpen almost ruined another game with their seventh blown save in the month of august. the sox pen put the pressure on their offense, luckily the bats delivered against the last-place rays, but this is a real problem for this team entering the final month of the season. john farrell wathed his bullpen blow a 6-4 lead in the eighth inning, but aaron hill made sure the home stand ends on a high noted, coming up with the go-ahead single in the bottom of the frame. jackie bradley, jr. would add an r.b.i. double. 3 from the rays. the patriots wrap up preseason play against the giants. tom brady has made the trip. according to yahoo! sports, the team is looking to get him some snaps with the starters. brady hasn't played in an exhibition final since 2011. the pats also reportedly agreeing to a one-year contracted extension with special teams campaign matthew slater. i'm joe amorosino. that's sports. have a great day. >> sarah: a lego brick. a special statue of david ortiz now on display at fenway park. the work of art was unveiled on wednesday. it contains nearly 35,000 lego bricks and took nearly three hours to complete. the statue is actually four inches taller than the real big papi. that is amazing that someone can create something like that. >> christa: remember the story about the corn maze with big papi out in central mass? all right. still ahead, a hiker in trouble after falling off of a cliff. and we have more on the race to rescue the man who was injured. >> sarah: taking over city hall. >> reporter: it's a crazy and crowded day. thousands of college students move in. we're going to explain why some people now call september 1st christmas in allston. >> reporter: and protesters tying themselves to the front door ing new. >> reporter: new this morning, an effort to rescue a bay state hiker. the big fall and the large effort to reach the injured man. >> christa: college move-in day in boston. >> sarah: protesters chain themselves to the door the cambridge city hall. >> christa: searching for a shark tag. the reward offered for a missing transmittedder off cape cod. >> this is 7news "today in new england." ism good thursday morning, everybody. it's 6: 30. thanks for staying us with. i'm sarah french. >> christa: and i'm christa delcamp. we'll go right to chris lambert. he's been very busy tracking our local weather and the tropics, as well. >> chris: taking a look at hermine this morning, christa, winds 60mph expected the make landfall tonight as a category one hurricane. coastline next week and the south carolina coastline early next week. mostly sunday enter monday. from sunday to tuesday, this does not move. the question is: where is it in this cone. it almost looks like a circle because that's where it stalls out. national hurricane center is saying that the exact track may be far enough away from southern new england that we'll get the brunt of the storm. keep a careful eye on it. you can get some wind and rain out. showers across much of southern new england now, down through and into connecticut. scattered showers to isolated showers into mid-day north and south of the mass pike. saturday looks like the west start to the weekend. ism all right. time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: thanks, sarah. good morning, everyone. look at that. high, sarah. >> sarah: awesome. thank you. just checking twitter. >> danielle: okay. we're watching an accident. this is in hanover, route 3 northbound at exit 13. from harrison boulevard up to 128. the pike, problem-free in both directions. route 2 no issues. and route 3 starting to see that stop-and-go traffic. 93 not too bad. slow and go, but no major delays. route 1 looking good. let's check those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door this morning. 26 minutes the half an hour on the expressway, braintree to boston 12 minutes. and into town on the pike from 128, 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, nearly half an hour this morning. back to you, guys. >> christa: let's get a check of your top stories on this thursday. an 11-year-old boy in abington is recovering after police say he was accidentally shot in the face. investigators say the boy and a friend were playing with a gun, and that's when it went off wednesday afternoon. the district attorney says the gun is legal, but it's not exactly clear who owns it. they haven't said. police are on alert as the search for a suspicious person who allegedly forced a woman off the road in shirley. investigators say man driving a jogging and offered her water. the woman then telling police the man trapped her after she fell in a ditch. the incident happened just 20 miles from the scene where the jogger was murdered in princeton last month. and donald trump taking the stage in arizona for a speech on immigration. he says anybody in the u.s. illegally will have the leave. the speech comes just hours after trump met with the president of mexico. he says they did not discuss the mexican president says they did talk about it and that mexico will not be paying. >> sarah: also this morning, it's moving time for thousands of college students in and around boston, and a tradition continues on the curb. some call it christmas in the city. a chance to go curbside shopping. others say what a mess. 7's victoria warren is live in allston with more. hey, vicki. >> victoria: good morning. christmas in allston is taken very seriously. everyone who moves out l curbside. the thousands of college students moving in taking their pick of the leftovers. september 1st is definitely a day that people have come to have a love-hate relationship with. september 1st in allston, a moving truck that might not and the spirit of this day might leave every man looking out for himself. still, it's a day some are still determined to make merry. they've come to affectionately call it allston christmas. [cheering] september 1st is when almost all the college kids descend on allston, brookline and boston. >> it's just chaotic. i saw a bunch of other u-haul drivers waving to each other. >> some trucks even getting stuck. state police sharing this picture, reminding drivers trucks don't belong on storrow drive. >> i l find the right bridge to cross, found a mechanic help me not get stuck under a random bridge. >> things get so congested, the city of boston releasing this heat map, detailing areas you might want to avoid. some tried to get in early saying all the holiday cheer can only go so far. >> it's a nice idea, but it doesn't make it easier. >> and today is also a day that city inspectors go around making live this morning in allston, victoria warren, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: happening today, inspectional services will hold a meeting to talk about the conditions of a home, also in allston, severely damaged by a fire. flames tore through this building on myricks street early yesterday morning. we brought you this on the news yesterday. the house has three units, 11 people, though, were renting rooms there. investigators say that's illegal and it's dangerous and they also sae responsible for it. new this morning, a hiker is in the hospital after falling off a cliff in ashfield. that higher falling 30 to 40 feet from the chapel ledges last night. it took rescue crew nearly four hours to get him out. they say he was alert and taken to the hospital by helicopter. and new this morning an easton man is set to appear in court after police say he broke into a sharon jewelry store. officers arresting the 25-year-old wednesday night. thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. right now he's being held on $25,000 bail. >> sarah: protesters are arrested during a demonstration at city hall during cambridge. >> what do we want? -affordable housing. >> when this we want it? >> now. >> sarah: protesters chained thenls by the neck to the doors of city hall. they also locked army corps of engineerses as they laid down in front of a building. the rally went out for hours with protesters calling for affordable housing in the area. >> we're asking for affordable housing. gentrification is killing people. the people of color who live here are disappearing. >> sarah: there were four arrests following a march through cambridge. >> christa: and new details on a violent attack in wakefield. police say three men were high on drugs when man was stabbed with a broken golf club tuesday 18-year-old curtis day faced a jung wednesday. prosecutors say he stole a car and crashed it after stabbing his friend. police say the men took l.s.d., marijuana and heroin at the reservation. that's where the fight apparently broke out and ended with that golf club attack. day is being held without bail. >> sarah: a $1,000 reward is being offered for the return of a missing shark tag. the transmitter was placed on a shark near maryland in may. it has only been sending caught the shark and ended up with the satellite tags. >> christa: still ahead, tom brady taking on the new job. details of his venture as vek chip producer of a tv show. >> sarah: new trouble for anthony weiner. norman: that's a lot of vitamins there, harold. harold: oh, i'm stocking up before kelly ayotte gets her way on medicare. norman: what do you mean? harold: well, she wants to privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher program that'll cost families big time. norman: uhhh... the vitamins? harold: gotta keep my family strong because ayotte ink maybe i'll pick up a few too. narrator: tell kelly ayotte: oppose medicare privatization. >> christa: take a look at what's trending today. olympic g.m.alist aly raisman's golden tour continues as she has a chance to meet another big name. >> the needham native had the chance to spend some time with she posted this photo on twitter. oh, hey, king james, can't believe this is my life now. >> christa: more than 200 musicians showing support for robin thicke and pharrell williams' song blurred lines. they have signed a legal brief now supporting the appeal of the verdict that the song copied marvin gaye's hit "got to give it up." the group says the dispute shou b experts and not judges and jurors. gay's children sued and received millions of dollars. >> sarah: one day after tebow 45d a workout with major league team, he has an offer to play professional baseball from an independent minor league team in connecticut. the bridgeport blue fish offered a contract to tebow to join the roster immediately. tebow has not played baseball since his junior year of high school. >> christa: it was a good year apparently. you never know. >> christa: we have much more news ahead on this thursday. tropical storm hermine barreling toward florida florida. new overnight, evacuations from flooding ahead of the storm. we have a live report coming up next. >> reporter: and a jogger run off the road by a man in a van. the unsolved case police here in shirley are comparing notes with. >> sarah: also donald trump doubling down on immigration in his big speech. there was a local family on >> it's 6:45, time the know and go. >> reporter: rushed to the hospital, a young boy shot in the face. police say it was accidental but want the know how he got his hands on that gun. >> reporter: a community on alert after a jogger is run off the road. why they're worried after a murder in a nearby town. >> christa: plus tom brady putting a spiritual spin on things. >> sarah: and it's time the know and go. we have all stories coming up. >> christa: starting things off with the weather. chris lambert is checking your forecast. >> chris: big weekend coming up. we do still have some scattered showers. most of them down across bristol county, plymouth county as well as descending back into rhode island and into connecticut. a couple scattered showers. a lot of them close to and south of the mass pike. this afternoon the best chance of a passing shower or thunderstorm will be confined down along southeastern mass. 74 in boston. 67 in worcester. as we get into the morning side, mid-70s down through southeastern mass. brightest skies from mass pike points north. everyone talking about hermine for the weekend. expected to become a category one hurricane before hitling florida overnight tonight, this goes off the carolina coastline. we know what happens to the forecast cone early next week. it almost becomes this huge circle for the national hurricane center. this right here, this l, that expected to stall out because it's going to be the high pressure that blocks it from going out to sea and going too far off the coastline into new england. now, it's important to us, you know, if the tracks are close to the new england coastline, we introduce a lot of rain and gusty wind. if it stays off to the south, we'll get rain in here, but the winds won't be as strong. so you have to keep a close eye on that. breezy conditions out of the way sunday afternoon into monday with the best chance of some of england on monday, guys? >> sarah: time now for fast track traffic with danielle gersh. >> danielle: this is the expressway northbound. you can see an accident blocking the left lane there. and this is in quincy. let's go to the maps. northbound on the expressway. right near exit 16. so just before you head into boston, we also had an earlier accident in hanover that just cleared. no problems on the pike heading in or out of town. a little bit of slow and go traffic on route 2 and 3. 93 slow ando and route 1 not looking too bad this morning. check those drive times if you're getting ready to head out the door. half an hour, braintree to boston. northbound on the expressway. and that time could get worse because of that accident. 13 minutes into town on the pike from 128. 93 southbound, 128 to the zakim bridge, also about half an hour this morning, and both the "t" and commuter rail running on schedule. back to you, guys. >> christa: this morning an 11-year-old is in the hospital this boy was shot in the place. police say he was playing with a friend when the gun went off. >> sarah: investigators are trying to figure out what happened. nicole oliverio is live in abington with more. nicole? >> nicole: sarah, we can tell you investigators are calling this an accidental shooting, but there are still many questions this morning, like how did those two boys get their hands on this gun. police responding to the home on linwood street in abington around the 3:30 yesterday 11-year-old boy was shot in the face. we know two 11 year olds were playing inside the home. somehow they managed to get their hands on the gun when that gun went off. now, according to investigators, they say that was a legal handgun. we still don't know if the parents were home at the time. investigators haven't said who actually fired that gun. that boy had to be rushed to the hospital and airlifted to a boston hospital where he is currently listed in stable condition. information today. for now, that's the latest live in abington, nicole oliverio, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: shirley police are telling people be on the lookout after a woman out for a jog says she was followed by a strange man, and in this case not too far from an unsolved murder of a jogger in princeton. willest go to 7's jennifer eagan who is in shirley with more. jen? >> jennifer: christa, this woman here in shirley says she had just dropped her kids off at school. she decided to go for a morning run around 9:30 a.m. here in town when she says she was run off the road by the driver of a green van. the maned at the wheel tried to get her the come closer, offering her water. she says she could see another man hiding in the back of that van. the town of shirley is about 25 miles away from princeton. the woman who reported the incident here says she was especially concerned because of the unsolved murder in princeton. on august 7th vanessa marcotte was out for an afternoon jog when authorities investigators haven't made an arrest in that case. now, investigators are not connecting the two cases, but they are comparing notes. as for the case here in shirley, police say if you think you may know anything, no matter how small, you should contact them. live in shirley this morning, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: now to the race for the white house, donald trump moving full speed ahead on his policy to deport illegals. trump outlined a plan that included his signature such as building a wall at mention -- mexico's expense. nancy chen joins us with more. >> sarah: . >> sarah: donald trump did talk about that wall he's planning on building. he said anyone here in the united states illegally will have the leave. >> you can call it deported if you want. the press doesn't like that term. you can call it whatever the hell you want. they're gone. it's our right as a sovereign nation to choose immigrants that thrive and flourish and love us. >> sarah: also speaking last night, a couple from milford who lost their son back in 2011 when an undocumented immigrant ran him over. >> if donald trump were president in 2011, our son matthew denise and other americans would be alive today. >> sarah: just hours before his speech, trump met with the president of mexico. trump said they did not discuss e americans, but the mexican president says they did talk about it and he also adds mexico will not be paying for it. in the control room, nancy chen, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: this morning we're tracking tropical storm hermine. the strong storm already making itself known in florida. this is new video just into the newsroom out of sarasota. crews have been working overnight to evacuate families and their pets. and this heavy rain is bringing let's go to diane gallagher who is live along the gulf coast for us this morning. diane, good morning. >> diane: good morning, christa. in the past three minutes it started absolutely pouring. we were enjoying a nice muggy morning here, in apalachicola, florida. this is where we're expecting it to hit at 8:00 tonight. overnight will be the wettest period. the governor declaring 5ou the 67 counties in the n a state of emergency getting ready for. this you have people preparing, boarding up windows, putting down sandbags and getting caught up while you wake up what they need. they may be dealing with power poutages and water they cannot drink. so most of the shelves are bare. we came to about 3:00 a.m. and tried to get flash flights and batteries. we weren't able to do so because so many people already prepared. it's been more than ten year since a hurricane actually hit but there is a potential of her turning into a category one hush by the time she makes landfall. once those winds are 70mph, that's what we're dealing. with starting to rain. no wind yet, but it will get progressively worse. >> christa: it sounds like we could see the effects this far north, as well, diane. stay safe and thank you so much for your report this morning. it's 6:53 right now. massachusetts attorney general maura healey is in a gun fiepght with two major manufacturers. she's trying to figure out if there are safety problems with their guns. now, according to the "globe," healey is investigating weapons manufactured by both remington and glock. both companies have filed lawsuits challenging that investigation. healy's no stranger to gun control. just lasting month she banned the sale of so-called copycat assault rifles, a mover that has faced stiff criticism. >> sarah: anthony weiner under investigation by child services the photo appears to show weiner in bed wearing just underwear with his four-year-old son lying next to him. weiner claims that child services have not visited him yet. his wife huma abedin says the couple is separating after this latest scandal. thousands of college students are moving into boston. the crush of moving trucks can cause problems in the city. vicki warren slive with more on this story. >> victoria: good morning. in a lot of different parts of the city. all of those college students moving in, in a tradition that's come to pick through some of the trash that those moving out left behind, to the point where some affectionately call it christmas. there's no santa sleigh, but plenty of moving trucks, with chaos and congestion accepted. while it doesn't leave everyone feeling jolly. some try to get into the spirit today is also a day that inspectors go around. they're going to be looking at the apartments to make sure they are safe and legal live. this morning in allston, victoria warren, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: the patriots play their final preseason game tonight against the giants. the last time quarterback can be with the team before serving his four-game suspension. we now know what he will be doing during one of the weekends in september. brady will serve as captain of michigan in their game against colorado. and tom brady is calling out michael strahan. >> christa: these are deep thoughts. in this new documentary series, the show is going to be basically taking on religion and the spiritual impact around the world. the religion of sports is what audience network beginning in november. pretty interesting. very compelling figures. i'm excited to see what they have to say. >> sarah: it will be interesting to see how that pans out. >> andy:>> chris: i'm interesteo see that, as well. a few showers south of the pike. lightest to the north. some sunshine across mass pike points north this afternoon. as you get into the weekend, all eyes on hermine. expected to slow of the new england coastline. that will determine how much impact we have. the best chance of getting some in here sunday night into monday. we'll keep an eye on that. too close here and some stronger wind gust, as well. right new that rain chance mainly on labor day. the "today show" is straight ahead. thanks so much for joining us, everybody. i'm sarah french. >> christa: and i'm christa delcamp. we'll be back at 9:00 a.m. with more news, traffic and weather. now off to the "today show" in narrator: "by almost every measure, public charter schools have been a success." "they are models of inspiration." with "impressive results" and "eye-catching educational gains." it's turned my son's life around. narrator: "charter schools amount to hope" for kids all across massachusetts. question 2 will give parents more choices vote yes on 2. [ clock ticking ] time. you only have so much. that's why we wanna make sure you won't have to wait on hold. and you won't have to guess when we'll turn up. because after all... we should fit into your life. good morning. state of emergency. florida braces for the worst with tropical storm hermine expected to become a hurricane as it bears down on the gulf coast. evacuations now under way there and then it's set to slam nearly the entire eastern seaboard. how will it affect your labor who's telling the truth? donald trump meets with the president of mexico and then says this about that wall he wants to build. >> we did discuss payment of the wall. >> the mexican president says it not only came up, he told trump mexico isn't paying for any wall. back in the states, trump is back to his biggest applause line. >> mexico will pay for the wall. >> did trump's high risk venture

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