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All told, there are six moments of silence this morning, including one for the crash of flight 93 in shanksville, pennsylvania. President obama is making remarks at the pentagon and hes already observed another moment of silence at the white house. We have a lot to get to including the latest on the president ial campaign. Slew of new polls and interviews with jay johnson and one of the bush administrations supporters of the war in iraq that was prompted by the 9 11 attacks. But st brokaw who was on the air when he realized america was under attack and here we are 15 years later, president ial campaign in the backdrop. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton are both there this morning. What a difference 15 years makes. Well, it was 15 years ago it became one of the worst days in american history. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Its been costly. 4500 americans have died in the war and a cost within the drills of dollars. The early projections will recapture all the expenses from the oil fields. We know that what we have now is a very destabilized middle east. Isis grew out of that and the consequences play out every day, not only that, chuck, it was the beginning of a lot of disarray in america, including the economic 9 11 before 9 11 there was personal harbor day december 7th and i was i thinking where was america 15 years after pearl harbor . There was a sense of we won. Here we are 15 years later on 9 11 and its on going. I think that all the confusion and that distant place for the reasons that are hard for the americans to understand that culture and the political tensions that exist there have made this president ial election what it is. Feeling and a lot of anger because they say wait a minute, this has not turned out the way we were told it would. We are going to be also pausing for a moment of silence in new york city for 9 03 eastern and marks the moment when flight 175 hit the south tower. Tom, this will be the last president ial election where everybody who votes was alive during 9 11. So were now going to have to teach people what 9 11 was all about. How does that conversation go . I think part of the problem were going through right now is there is a great deal of confusiho turned out and we are not only dealing with the middle east but obviously putin is a much bigger player since that time and as we saw in the last four or five days, hes entered this race and what is going on in the ukraine and crimea, all that fuels, i think, the sense of things are not what they are supposed to be. Now what we were told they were going to be. So i dont remember in my 50 years of covering president ial politics, such an unsettled time. Well deal with more of that, 9 11, as well as the current president ial campaign throughout this hour. Earlier today i spoke with Homeland Security secretary joe johnson standing a few blocks north of the new world trade center. Let me start with a new grim poll number. The majority of americans say were less safe today than 9 11. Why do americans feel this way you think . Thats a good question, chuck. Americans have seen in orlando. They have seen the attack in San Bernardino and see what is happening overseas and western europe and france and belgium and elsewhere and they are rightly concerned about our current security environment. Were safer now when it comes to another 9 11 style attack but were challenged when it comes to the prospect of the home grown violent extremists and that requires a new whole of participation and vigilance. I never categorized as anything of low priority but we have to look at what is high risk and spend our time accordingly. So what does that mean . Is there just some holes that will always be there in our Security System . No, i wouldnt put it that way at all. Weve got people devoted to all manner of threats out there. Invariably the high probability type of threat, another San Bernardino, another orlando is uppermost on our minds. It is the thing that keeps me up at night the most, but weve got threats from cybersecurity. Weve got a mission devoted to the potential for a bio threat, of it but obviously, there are things that are higher probability but higher impact and weve got to keep our eye an all of it. Are you concerned that syria today is as unstable and as much of a safe haven for terrorists as afghanistan was in the late 90s and should that concern us considering what afghanistan brought or what happened inside of afghanistan that led should we be concerned what is happening in syria could lead to a new 9 11 . Chuck, i said in february 2014 that syria had become a matter of Homeland Security. Our u. S. Military along with the International Partners have done a good job o taking back military, taking out the leaders of isil, taking out those focused on external attacks but yes, we have to be concerned that syria could become another organization can establish territory, take territory, have a place to head quarter, to train, recruit, thats obviously a big concern and its a big Homeland Security concern, yes, sir. One of the other things youve been having to talk about and deal with lately is the threat or perceived threat to the election system, russia, apparently is trying to infiltrate in someway but are they trying to create actual havoc or are they trying to create the illusion of havoc . The various intrusions we have seen including the dnc hack is still under investigation. I will say this, it would be very hard to alter a ballot count in a national election, to change the vote tally, just because our election system is so decentralized. There are some 9,000 jurisdictions involved. Ive been sending the message to state and local officials that we ought to do our utmost to their internet presence and the department of Homeland Security is in a position to help, if they ask. They have to ask first. Today is your birthday and ive got a cousin who has 9 11 has a birthday, and its i know its awkward for her. How do you handle your birthday . Well, i always take occasion to remember what happened 15 years ago. Im here in new york this year. I was in shanksville last year. I spent 9 11 i dont celebrate my birthday on my birthday anymore, either the day before or the day after and im not sure ill ever be in a position to celebrate my birthday again on 9 11, given the huge impression this day made on me. Absolutely. Jay johnson, i know its very personal for you. I know you were in new york city on the day of the attacks and its a very emotional day, as well. Thanks for spending a few you got it. Turning now to the 2016 campaign, a New Washington post poll out this morning has Hillary Clinton with a fivepoint lead over donald trump among likely voters, 4641. We have some new nbc news Battle Ground state polls that well get to a little later but we begin with what perhaps is turning into a rough weekend for Hillary Clinton. Not unusual for the Trump Campaign trying to find itself explaining a controversial statement made by their candidate. Sometimes its a weekly issue for him but this for words to explain what she meant when she took a shot at trump voters a criticism that immediately drew sharp reaction. You can put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. [ laughter ] the racist, sexist, homophobic. At a fundraiser headlined by barbra streisand. Hopers voters will never forget. Hillary, they are not a basket of anything. They are americans and they deserve your respect. The Trump Campaign quickly demanded an apology and tried to capitalize. Trump tweeted Hillary Clinton was so insulting to my supporters, millions of amaing hardworking people. I think it will cost them at the polls. There is a history of president ial candidates co mitt romney was caught dismissing voters with this line that some republicans believe lost him the election. There are 47 of the people who will vote for the president thats not in 20 08, it was barack obama at a fundraiser talking about how job losses made working class americans feel. To guns or religion. How will clintons opponents attack her . Ask Hillary Clinton. This is what she said about obamas remarks in 2008. I was taken aback by the demeaning remark senator obama made about people in small town america. Senator obamas remarks are elite and out of touch. Running mate tim kaine told the Washington Post on saturday that clinton shouldnt have to still clinton rushed to explain. Last night i was grossly grossly general. That was wrong. Lets be clear, it was deplorable trump built the campaign on prejudice and paranoia and given a National Platform to hateful views and voices. Clinton said something similar to israeli tv but didnt use the baskets, the deplorables, the ratests and haters. The comments come just as clinton is trying to show voters her warmer side after a Veterans Forum where she appeared on the defensive and lawyerly at times. I communicated about classified material on a wholly separate system. And changes the subject about trump. Trumpsai putin. In that system hes been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. Sitting down for an interview with larry king on state sponsored Russian Television where he trashed american institution. It left republicans scrambling. Vladimir putin isnt a president , hes a dictator. Are you still convinced that he is the best choice for National Security issues . Thank you. Want to bring in the panel, tom brokaw is with us and host of all Things Considered and former Deputy Campaign manager and clinton supporter and david brooks whose book road to character is out in paper back. Clintons deplorable remark sums up a deplorable election season. David brooks, what was your initial reaction . First, you know, it was terrible week for po we had to race to the bottom before but this is like humane bolt speed. I was struck by another sentence about the deplorables. If you believe people are redeemable. They say they lack redeemable souls and in a lesser category of beings and thats a dark, dark world view and thats the risk. As president she can be hardworking and effective and stephanie, tough to defend the remark, is it or no . Do you think its tough to defend the remark deplorables in that group of people . Absolutely not. I think her only mistake is she said half of his supporters are deplorable. Does anybody around this table not seen trumps rallies and trumps own remarks . He is attracting a certain type of voter. She gave a whole speech on describing from research we know his own words calling mexicans rapists, criticism a gold star family, these are the most potent things about him. Her only mistake is she described half of the supporters that way. Brokaw in describing and he admits, he wrote a piece saying politically incorrect, perhaps. Here is what is striking to me. That what half of his voters are in that category of being ir redeemably racist and homophobic in a small town in ohio and im trying to make up my mind, you got to wake up the next morning and think is she taking about me . Im kind of inclined for trump. Is that her thought about me . She did this at stakes fundraiser so that separates her, i think, from the rest of the country in a way and you can watch her demeanor there, it was all quite jolly. Everybody was laughing and applauding. I dont think thats what she needs at this point in her life because out there, there are a lot of people saying i dont quite trust hillary. Give me a reason why is it donald trump gets credit for being politically incorrect telling it like it is shes doing what trump does, shes telling it like it is. We can put aside for a second there is a segment of Trump Supporters which surveys have shown do have believes people can talk about islamic phobic and hes retweeted White Nationalist and this discussion about the altright. It confirms what his supporters already believe, right . Essentially hes this bull work against socalled p. C. Culture. Hes leading the that and they are upset that their concerns are routinely dismissed out of hand as being racist or retro grade and hes the person out there saying no, no, no, youre perfectly normal. Something is quote unquote wrong here and she basically confirmed that democrats dont just think they are wrong but like look down on them. Candidates should not be pundits and not sit there in new york where the fundraisers hold 50 but about people. People say repugnant things are complicated and driven by complicated fears and anxiety to sometimes do things sometimes do beautiful things. The true you hate the sin but not the sinner applies to politics. Let me do a pause. Were going to take a break and come right back. And new Battle Ground polls in four states, two from the traditional Battle Ground and tw Battle Ground and later, the 9 11 attacks led to the war in iraq. Ill talk to a prominent member of president George W Bushs administration, Paul Mandy Chang Mark Lawrence charette Gregorio Manuel Chavez Gregorio Manuel Chavez delrose e. Cheatham 98,352 whats that . Gregorio Manuel Chavez delrose e. Cheatham the number of units well make next month no, its a fact. Based on hundreds of proprietary and open data sets folded into a realtime, actionable analytics model. Nine. Eight. Three. Five. Two. Youre not gonna round that up . You dont round up facts. Powerful analytics driving decisions for the worlds most valuable brands. Hewlett packard enterprise. I love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. People rely on that first cup and i wouldnt want to mess with that. Dnt sleep. I had trouble getting there on time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. . Look up at a new day. . Hey guys now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. How can good paying jobs disappear . Its what the National Debt could do to our economy. Money for programs like education will shrink. In just 8 years, interest on the debt will be our Third Largest federal program. Bad news for small businesses. The good news . Theres still time for a solution. Ask the candidates for a plan to secure our future. Welcome back. More now on t campaign, we have now nbc journal polls from four states and the results pretty much confirm what weve been seeing over the last ten days. This race is getting closer. Well start with the traditional Battle Ground state of New Hampshire in a fourway race, clinton leads donald trump by a point. 3736 among likely voters in New Hampshire, not much difference, clinton is up by two. 3937. By the way, look at the gary johnson number, the highest weve measured in any battle next is nevada, clinton by two points, 4139 but look what happens when you have a likely voter sample, turns into a trump lead. Keep in mind democrats won New Hampshire in five of the last six elections and taken nevada in four of the last six so these should be states that favor clinton. Lets look at two red states in arizona, clinton and trump are tied at 37 among registered voters. Trump is up look at the double digits for gary johnson that governed a neighboring state of arizona in new mexico and in georgia, clinton has a onepoint lead among registered voters but among likely voters, its trump who gains. Hes at 4442. Its worth remembering that democrats havent won either arizona or georgia since bill clinton won each once. David brooks, i want to start with a column you wrote about coming. Politics is catching up to social reality. The crucial social divide is between those who feel the core trends of the Global Information age economy at tail ends at their back and those who feel them as head winds at the phase and i can point you to this break down in the poll among College Educated voters, shes up 20. Among nonCollege Educated voters, hes up 20. For the last 20 years, if you look how people is behaved, you can do huge they completed college. How often do they vote . How many friends do they have . Whats their marriage like. It opens up socially and this is the first election we have seen them reflected in the political polling and so my question and this is really a serious worry, suppose one party is less and head winds and that would be the Republican Party and another party is the party of the tail winds, and that would be the Democratic Party. Suppose the partisan realignment alignment and that to me is extremely problematic for what it is. Isnt that what we see now . This is a profound shift because its representing the college education. Weve grown up with republicans at the high end of the income scale and the leaders in american life. This has been turned upside down. I think the big, big issue in this country and this election, cutting away Everything Else is what david talked about, how do we pull the country back together again . Its sat Different Directions and there is not been either candidate whose been able to give a city shining on a hill speech like Ronald Reagan or i have a dream like dr. Ken because they are so determined to separate the country and that is, i think, a terrible prescription for the future. Its going to be like that as long as there is identity based partisanship. I mean, i think weve always talked about the different groups that aligned with the parties, but if you think about idea you see only the news about the stuff you care about delivered to your phone every day, i think the silos of where we live and the silos of the information were taking in is actually exacerbating the problem. There are so many Different Reasons that weve ended up at this place. Some that we can control, some we cant control but i think in addition to the political realignment thats happening, i think that the most pressing issue is whoever wins the white house in november, there is going to be a huge chunk of unrepresented and not heard. And angry about it. And angry about it. Look at the reaction very high unfavorables. So the mandate to govern will be very, very difficult and thats something that hopefully, democrats and republicans will look at each other and say this is it, we got to do something. We could have a winner at 32 . Everybody is at 42, 43, 48. Thats like minority leader government. About it. Mayor rob emanuel of chicago has an idea. Every kid that graduates spends some sort of three months in a National Service so kids are with kids and just three months would make a difference. I thought National Service would be a given. Weve been talking about National Service my whole adult life and i cant believe were not there. Im involved with a academy of Public Service. 250 this year. And by the way, when Hillary Clinton bernie sanders, well give Free College Education to families with 125,000 a year, she ought to say and if you get that, youve got to get with your Public Service when you graduate or two years. It ought to come with a price tag for them otherwise it looks like a government give away. Chuck, i think we cannot over state the importance and the effect of social media in this campaign. Its going on even as we speak both sides thats out there and people have a hard time deciding whats real and whats not. I want to bring it back to deplorables. Against any other candidate against any other year, this is a really fatal mistake for her but have we been conditioned to this harsh rhetoric . I dont think people have been conditioned to rhetoric. If they were, then you wouldnt have a whole segment of the Republican Party that arent for trump. I speaking to were those people, Republican Voters who havent made up their mind because they are very uncomfortable with trump because of the racist words coming out of his mouth and some of his supporters. This is a risk if you make it a referendum on trump, you have to walk the line between saying a vote for trump is a bad decision and a vote for trump means youre a bad person. And i think this crossed that line and its hard to unring that bell. I think weve seen that a tie bad weeks, he benefits. Hes gotten closer not because hes suddenly great. I have to say there was part of this when she did it and i thought marco rubio did this and ted c cruz tried this, when you try to hit him, when you go name calling for name calling and go down to his level he went. Yeah. Because the supporters know what they will get and i think a lot of people made up their minds. I saw a Bumper Sticker that said what people need to do is what clinton needs to do is make it so that sticker says clinton kain 2016. All right. Well take a pause here and do a little more on 9 11. When we come back on this september 11th commemoration, the Paul Wolfowitz grew out of hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Vern from voya . Yep, vern from voya. Why are you orange . Thats a little weird. Really . Thats the weird part in this scenario . Look, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. See . Ah, ok. So, why are you orange . Funny. Cant see it. Cant taste it. But theres so much more to it. Heres how benefiber . Works. Inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. The prebiotic fiber in benefiber . Nourishes them. And what helps them, helps you. Ladies, why just dream of worryfree nights . 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Democrat that returned republican and may feel forced to vote for Hillary Clinton in november. Paul wolfowitz joins me. Welcome, sir. Nice to be here, thank you. I read in an interview you didnt you took issue with the architect of the iraq war. Why do you not accept that title . Because i was not in charge. I was not the commander in chief or secretary of state or secretary of defense and National Security advisor and more importantly, i thought at the time there was a lot of things that should have been done differently. If you think about i a Counter Insurgency strategy, if we had that from the beginning, i think iraq would look like a very different place today and history would look very different instead of waiting until 2007, 2008 to defeat al qaeda and iraq, they could have been defeated. You were an advisor to jeb bush. He struggled with the knowing what we know question now, what is your answer . Then we know now. We know about saddam and not part of al qaeda at the time but merged with al qaeda and the leader is there. We know that now. Most importantly, well never know what the world would be like if saddam was still in power in iraq. Imagine if you had an uprising in iraq like took place in syriyo steroids. Saddam would be more brutal than assad has been. Thats a big assumption. How do we know that . Saddam a lot it turned out a buster, for instance, there were no weapons of mass destruction. He was deceiving the world on that point. Thats a big point to deceive the world on. Not killing terrorists. He was killing his own people on a large scale. He did it in 1991. I dont think it takes a lot of imagination to see how he would respond. We seen what he did. There is a tendency to say it all around the world. If the americans can put a man on the moon, why cant they do x and x is some complicated social problem thats been here for centuries. Americans play into that assuming they can solve everything and were responsible for everything. Hillary clinton was actually right when she said a few months ago the United States didnt create Bashar Alassad created isis. There is another theory that says whatever you want to think of the strong man the fact of the matter as soon as Saddam Hussein was serving as iraq covering up a lot of bad guys, we lifted that rock and all of a sudden chaos ensued. He wasnt covering up a lot of bad guys. He was sheltering a lot of bad guys. He had the one perpetrator who bombing at large and zarkowi in iraq. The you know, when i said assad helped to create isis, he did it by driving the sunnis into desperation where isis is the only choice for them. These dictators brutalized their societies. They divide their societies after they collapse and eventually they collapse. There is nothing left to il go ahead. Not every ditator is like that. I was ambassador in indonesia when the president was the socalled auto cat, or dictator. There was nothing reasonable left in iraq, nothing reasonable left in syria or libya. Let me go back to this issue. It was mostly saudis that flue those planes into the towers, nobody from iraq. Why was that the first action. We went into afghanistan and why didnt we hold saudi arabia accountable . You can make a case a lot mf saudis were funding and fueling these terrorists attacks with saudi money and things like that than anybody in iraq. There is a big problem with what the and i hope people are right when they say the new crown prince. They are harboring terrorists . Cultivating terrorists but the point is you dont deal with that by going to war. What concerned us about iraq and people want to forget but everybody believes and saddam was doing his best to convince us he had weapons of mass destruction. We knew he had previously had anthrax and he was working on Nuclear Weapons and made it intended to start the programs again once the sanctions were lifted. He was a real danger and thats why there was a focus on weapons of mass destruction and people say after the fact that bush lied and got us into a war, he wasnt lying. He was saying what everyone believed and, you know, i heard some discussions on your Previous Panel and i but i heard remarkable comment this morning by one of the orphans from 9 11 whose father died and together. We need to come together as a country. Some said lying when he was telling the truth. Some could say iraq split us apart. The followup from the iraq war. Look at the Republican Party today. Im not disagreeing. More isolation today. Im not disagreeing with that but if you accuse bush of lying when he was telling what everyone believed let me ask you this then, who lied . Is it bad intelligence . Somebody convinced the United States congress that weapons of mass destruction were imminent in iraq, which is why so Many Democrats and republicans voted for this war. I think the original liar is Saddam Hussein who discovered he had more. Later, it seems he was lying that he had more than he really did have because he wanted to supposedly deceive the iranians. The fact is every Intelligence Service in the world, not just the americans, the british, the ges he had weapons of mass destruction. Are you do you are you now concerned that that especially, we were wrong and if you think about the publics lack of trust for government right now, thats one of the reasons. Thats one of the things over the last 15 years when you talk about wall streets inability to be truthful and that under mined trusting government. Do you believe that . Look, i think its done a lot of harm but i think in fact, bush lied does a lot of harm. I believe if we had a better strategy in iraq from the beginning and if the surgetype strategy was implemented, iraq would look different. How many troops would be there . Do you think because youve said in the past you thought this is more like a germany and korea situation thanks we probably would need troops for 40 or 50 years. The issue isnt how many troops you have but how Many Americans are by the end of the surge very muni americans were getting killed. There is a great risk if north korea starts a war. The u. S. Can be a stabilizing factor. Its important to understand and i agree the turn in Public Opinion on the United States is very unfortunate. I think it will bring us more trouble. Were in danger of learning all the wrong lessons from the past. The lesson that intervention is the only thing thats bad. Nonintervention. I think we see in libya the consequence of partial invention. Is this why youre learning clinton over trump . Im learning against both of them. I find it incredibly disappointing when the country needs to come together and we have two Major Party Candidates that enjoy so little confidence from the american people. Paul wolfowitz from the bush administration, thank you, sir. Appreciate you sharing your views. When we come back, a reminder how 9 11 changed us, at least drive much of our politics today. First you saw the large flag that was from the top of the pentagon there that was awe before fibromyalgia, i was active. I was energetic. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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It spark heightened security at ballparks and Public Places and made us all more aware of the threats around the world that many of us face, but for awhile, at least, 9 11 brought us together and made us appreciate shared interests and common bonds and in fact, made it so democrats and republicans simply devastated tried to destroy each other. We brought together firefighters, teachers and journalists to tell us how they saw america change and in some resulted in us waking up on september 12th with a phenomenal sense of what it means to be the United States of america. I had the sense that most of us were reaching into an easily accessible well of resolve, will, strength, r you saw the large flag from the top of the pentagon there and that was just awe inspiring. Literally, when i got there at 8 00 in the morning, we had people in line waiting to buy flags. We crawled before we walked and we walked before we ran. No divisions among people. No colors, no religions, no politics. The leaders in congress stood together, the governors of our states were together. Disappear. 15 years marks the moment of the country together all but evaporated. Strong emotions and very strong activities like occurred after 9 11 are hard to maintain. The country seems so significantly divided in a lot of optimism and hopefulness that we can continue with the Great American traditions weve had for so many years. America went from a great sense of being part of the same together in times of disaster to political fights and a political system that has encouraged division. And we did stand together even though some of us had differences, we put those differences aside and said . . From engineering and manufacturing. To stealth bombers. To landing an unmanned vehicle on a carrier for the first time in history. Just wait till you see whats next. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman hey marc, how you feelin . Dont ask. This is what it can be like to have shingles. 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Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for back now with the panel, tom, ill let respond first. Back on during that interview when we talked about the iraq war and about who is responsible for lying to get us into this war. Well, lying is a very stron i think its an over interpreted with a wanted to see there. They came into office determined to get rid of Saddam Hussein in some fashion. There is no question about that. But then when 9 11 came along, it gave them the big opportunity to do that. It was unclear about weapons of mass destruction. The u. N. Was not certain about whether they insisted or not. I was in iraq twice before the young people, he was a sunni, remember, saddam was. I want to join jihad and fight the United States. What do you mean . You dont come and tell our country what to do. Well do this on our own. I go into a suke ran by shiite. We dont want you come in here and bringing something thats not been here the last 40 years. So there was not a great uprising that was going to been living with him all this time. David brooks, it took the Democratic Party arguably 24 years, 25 years to recover from vietnam. To be trusted again with National Security and the election of bill clinton in 92. You can argue that really even though carter got in there, it only reinforced the perception democrats cant handle National Security. Hasnt recovered from the iraq war. I agree. The democrats did well in the congressional elections. They did but watergate. People remember the people i think parties recover pretty quickly. What doesnt recover maybe is the position. The position that america should be intervening abroad. There is a sweet spot between too much intervention and too little. We swung from here to here and what is striking about the Republican Party, its the party of intervention to the Donald Trump Party of nonintervention. Re party and the gap in the world that putins exploit, we have a bipartisan consensus not to get involved and thats a problem i think paul is right about. She is, because i think that she understands the realities of what it means to be president and the threats that youre facing. But i think youre right, how iraq was handled still has politics today. There was a huge coming together after 9 11. There was support and gathering and bipartisan support for the Afghanistan War and then they started to beat the war drum to going to iraq. There was bipartisan support for iraq. That quickly turned. I remember being with senator kennedy, who was one of the only votes against the iraq war and he said mark my words, this is going to change and within a couple of years it did. Look at how much the iraq war influenced the04 well deal with this for a very long time. One of the major questions this week at the commander in chief forum was where was donald trump on the iraq war . So it is a its become a symbol of where you stand in this country and how youre going to it is interesting that is the public. Democrats and republicans dont want to accept anybody that says they are for it and stick to it. Let me ask this. Can we challenge the premise . Peaceful time. I feel like it was a pause in civic hostilities. We had a ruthless election where you had half of the electret. So im having a hard time they didnt challenge they didnt challenge the difference is i think were all concerned. Yeah. That if we have another 2000 election, that you wont see whoever the supreme courts would say is the losing side say okay, weve constitution. That in fact, because of that election, right . Because of that or because of everything that has happened since then . One other whiplash moment on Foreign Policy this week goes not just on the iraq war and are you Republican Party but putin in russia. We havent brought that up. Basically what was driving the it was an astonishing statement on the part of donald trump, especially the republican dictator in russia and says he has 82 Approval Rating, hes not saying the other 18 are on their way to a log somewhere because the fact is he can have any kind of Approval Rating he wants. He just orders it up. There is real issues in russia. One of my longest friends, longterm friends is a russian scholar that spent a lot of time in the last year and said things have never been worse between the two countries, thats a very ominous on friday, he lives in new york city because his life is in danger if he lives still in russia. Yeah. Thats why. His life is threatened. Do you think the voters care as much about this putin issue as we in washington do . Unconsciously. Politics is a bad odor around the world. Politics stinks. You have to compromise to listen people you dislike but you hedge and fudge and its ugly and sort world and around Donald Trumps mind, that form of politics is suspect is on the rise. All right. Back in a moment. Well have the end game segment. On this first full day of the nfl season in the intersection of sports its okay when you see Something Different to have questions. A good question is a great start to understanding. Take a little time out of your day to learn something new about someone else. All the greatest adventures start with an interesting question. Back now with the end game segment. There was one more thing i wanted to bring up before we get to the nfl and that was a remarkable comment about donald trump, that he made this is the last election that sounded similar to a comment we highlighted last year from michele bachmann. Take a listen. I think this will believe the last election that the republican haves a chance of winning because youll have people flowing across the borders. Ill have coming in and will be legalized and able to vote. Once that happens, you can forget it. Ive been calling him an election armageddon. Michele bachmann, rush limbaugh, one idea of one way to rally republicans to his side but a negative rally. Its the upside down version of something people talk about the Obama Coalition and minority groups and becoming the majority this is the last gasp for white voters isnt subtle. That was not a subtle comment. Donald trump and subtlety. Its racial. How about like were going to be over flooded by brown people. How about trying to appeal to them . Trying to win over votes. Undermine voting that voting group to say your votes, they arent the real votes. Not to out the age of some people around this some people around this table is to remember the Republican Party was the party of african americans. Jackie robinson endorsed nick son over kennedy. Dr. King had no better friend than rockefeller for example and if when the candidates started to approach the king family, they said we dont know. Andy young said even the maids are white. That of course all changed once the gold Water Movement takes whoever loses is how these two parties, if they are able to reconstitute themselves as a democrats did with bill clinton and i dont know whether thats possible anymore in the era of social media and all the divisions that are in both parties at this point. I just dont know whether thats possible. So today is the first sunday of the nfl season falling on 9 11. Sports was a tremendous unifying in this country after 9 11. Particularly baseball and football, as well. Its going to be an unusual day, football season, Colin Kaepernick and his protest, the seahawks are planning. Its very interesting more and more sports figures have decided i dont know what it is, im wondering if its the ali effect, alis death educated a generation of new athletes to say, maybe i should use my platform differently. I hope thats the case. And we saw this happen in the nba. Yeah. Last year. And look, i think some good is coming out of this. His teammates across the league are supporting him and his, you know, real benefits are going to people who are trying to forge change and ensure equal justice. Can i solute the athletes standing for the anthem . They are expressing faith in the ideas of the country. We have problems but stand in honor of those word. Thats all we have for today. Well be back next week because if its sunday, its meet the press.

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