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and southern portions of virginia getting the wors . ocean city getting battered. i keep bringing you updates on what's going on. look at the live data. it is 54 degrees. so far today they have had 18.4- inches of rain. i mean inches continues to sheet on down. right now the wind doesn't look like much. gusts of 33 miles per hour. we have seen gusts over 65 miles per hour throughout the day. the problem is that the storm is not moving. it is stationary sitting there. we have been getting report of wave action off of ocean city up to 25 feet. that's some tremendous amount of waves. here in the baltimore area it is still not good but not as bad as ocean city. cloudy, windy and rainy tonight. the eastern shore has taken the brunt of the nor'easter. it knocked out power for 3500 customers today. ten to 15-foot waves washed away beach dunes. brad bell has more from storm-battered ocean city. >> reporter: with recorded wind gusts in excess of 100 miles per hour the ocean has been whipped to a frenzy. waves of 20 feet or more are clawing at the beach. sand stings the faces of those brave enough to venture out for a look. >> we have two more high tides to get through. i don't know if the dune will hold up. it is scary. >> reporter: ida is late for a hurricane but she's prove tough. bethany beach, delaware has been hit hard. most of the beach has washed away. the storm has cut in half the man-made dune which stands between the city and the sea. >> it is gone in the water. the ocean took it away. good old mother nature. >> reporter: ralph mitchell is the town's director of public safety. he says it beach and down will be rebuilt. he's worried now about the flooding that accompanies storms like this. many low areas are awashed and it is expected to get worse. >> it builds up in the back bays. there is no way to escape. >> they are getting slammed. things are not nearly that bad on this side of the bay. annapolis the lower city dock could be close to under a foot of water tomorrow morning. city crews are passing out sandbags to the merchants and residents who need them. current water level is below three feet of the dock. they are expecting four feet, which will send a foot of water into the street and low-lying businesses. >> this will be a lake down here. we'll have water up here at the head of the dock. traffic will be blocked off. that's the things we caution people not to go through it. it is high water. don't go through it. >> they expect problems to begin at high tide tomorrow. virginia has a problem. governor kahne declared a state of emergency has people deal with flooding and power outages from norfolk to richmond. norm will be back in a few minutes with his complete forecast and a look at this storm. now for the latest developments in the search for a suspect in the rape and murder of an east baltimore teenager. today police took a man into custody for questioning. a few blocks away from the home where investigators discovered the body of 15-year-old jason madison. madison had been raped, gagged with a pillow case and repeatedly stabbed with a box cutter. the search continues for daunte parish. a family acquaintance and the primary suspect. parish got out of prison early last year after serving ten years for murder. prosecutors say a judge ordered a new trial based on faulty information from the original case but two key witness would not testify, including one who is behind bars. >> he was charged with homicide and pending a homicide case that's currently in the city jail. another witness, a female who was 16 at the time recanted her testimony. the army psychiatrist suspected of the deadly rampage in fort hood, texas has been charged with 13 downs of murder. major nidal malik hasan was shot by two police officers at the base and is recovering in army inspect san antonio. hasan was charged at the hospital. a maryland woman who was once married to the d.c. sniper says her family sat in silence as they watched the news of john mohammed's excuse. mildred mohammed said it was difficult to see her children degree. the children asked to meet with their father but he would not meet with him. they'll attend his funeral in louisiana next tuesday. mayor sheila dixon's trial began today. both sides made their opening statements to the jury after a long morning of motions. brian is joining us live from outside of the courthouse with the latest. >> reporter: mary beth day one is complete. but not before both sides took two hours to address the jury in opening statements. after a day out of court, mayor sheila dixon new here trial would get started this morning after a long morning of arguing motions the judge ruled new evidence found by the state would not be admissible opening statements set the tone. the state laid its case out first showing the jury numerous receipts for used gift cards and told them to follow the numbers and transactions. dixon countered saying they don't dispute that the mayor cashed the gift cards but take issue with how she received them. the defense stressed the relationship between the developer and dixon saying he had a history of lavishing the mayor with gifts. she thought the cards were meant for her. >> this was classic opening statements. both sides gave a good account of their theories. they are very different theories. >> reporter: on-lookers weren't the only ones taking notes. dixon constantly was jotting down notes of either sides sprinkle expectation. shortly after the state began calling witnesses getting through two by the end of the day. dixon's attorney called it a good day. >> we said what we thought. >> reporter: they were able to call two witnesses before the court adjourned today. this trial will resume tomorrow morning at 9:00. reporting live in downtown baltimore. >> watch abc 2 news on the lates of the mayor's trial. we'll be inside the courtroom every day. if you can not watch us on tv you can get the latest at the smoking lamp will soon be out for good at towsend university. they'll be maryland's first four-year college to band smoking anywhere on campus. traitors say they want to reduce health risks from smoking and second-hand smoke. smoking is already ban banned in campus billings. that means no smoking outside of the bistro. students have mixed emotions about the new policy. >> i don't mind it at all. all my friends smoke. they already make people go 30 or 60 feet away from any building to smoke now. i think being a smoke-free campus will be a big deal. >> i don't think it is right. we are not hurting anybody from smoking outside. there are designated areas that are 30 feet away. >> university officials discussed the ban since last year holding forums on the issue. a survey found a small percentage of students and faculty do smoke. maryland's university system is rejecting pornography on campus. they voted for a non--binding resolution telling the system to come up with a policy by next month. board of regents said it would be impossible to enforce and spark costly free speech lawsuits. they passed the resolution after a pornographic movie was shown in college park earlier this year. coming up, the holidays will be here faster than you realize. but a lot of families will go hungry as many food banks come up with empty shelves. today's stormy skies won't stop or ravens for getting fired up for a monday night dance in cleveland. let's take a look at the temperatures now. the rain gauge in annapolis shows a lot of rain. thanksgiving is just two weeks from today. food pantries are finding it difficult to provide for others. the need has increased 50% over last year at the maryland food bank while donations have dropped. cheryl conner shows us the struggle to keep the shelves stocked. >> reporter: her like so many american, she's fallen on hard times having to rely on the harford county food bank after being unployed for three months. today she's stocking up for herself and four kids. >> right now in my fridge all i have is one juice. >> reporter: free meals at school take the burden off of her her breakfast and lunch. still she has to fill the dinner plate. she just started a full-time job. she's in transition and needs the free food to get on her feet. donations are dropping 20,000 fewer pounds of food came into harford county food bank in october compared to a year-ago. >> the donations from food companies overall have decreased rawmatically-- dramatically. >> reporter: middle class folks, people who never needed help are asking for assistance. it is obvious corporate donors are trying to save money. as the holiday drive begins there is some concern about having enough food. this shopping happens year around to meet basic needs. the needs many never expected they would fulfill at a food pantry. >> it is good to leave some for other people. >> the maryland food bank is holding events this weekend to help stock the shelves. if you'd like to help out we have more information on our website. i could not believe when you showed me the rain gauge from ocean city. >> a quarter after 5:00 it was like 17.5-inch. a quarter to 6:00 it was at 18.25. it is almost at 18.5 inches now. that's just today. that's not counting the rain from yesterday or counting the rain overnight and tomorrow. it is unbelievable. the storm system sitting there. it will sit there another day and a half to two days. >> that's going to be devastating. >> the beaches are not going to be good at all. in the meantime in the baltimore area we are on the easy side. i told you earlier we'd be on the northern side. we are seeing heavy showers. our two degree guarantee today was 50 degrees. high today officially at dwi 49. we hit the two-degree guarantee. we hit it four days in a row. outside our harbor cam shot showing temperature at dwi 49 degrees. pressure 29.96. there are the watches and warnings. everything in blue from hartford county to baltimore city those are watches. everything that you see in green, southern maryland, eastern shore, delaware all of new jersey, those are coastal flood warnings. a warning remains in effect for chesapeake bay. the tides will be possibly three feet highier than normal over the next 36 hours. here are the tides. tomorrow's winds continue from the north 15 to 25. gusting 35 miles per hour. sun come up at 6:38. low this morning was 42. high today of 49. temperature has cooled off a tiny bit. when you figure in the wind it feels cooler. feels like 43 in baltimore. feels like 37 in oakland land. throughout the day heavy rainfall south and east of baltimore. heaviest rainfall around the mouth of the chesapeake bay. the larger picture shows that area of low pressure that was ida making its way northeast with the area of low pressure sitting there parking its there. it will continue to do that. the counter clockwise winds continue to generate waves of 12 to 18 feet. some as high as 24 feet. that's going to continue for another 36 hours. the heaviest rainfall is to the south. it is continuing to move in our direction. we are seeing light showers here but nothing like what they are getting on the eastern shore. as far as what's happening temperature wise across the region. we'll find moderate temperatures. heavy amounts of rainfall affect the eastern shore as the system falls apart during the day on saturday. we'll end up with clouds around. some breaks in the overcast late in the day. tonight cloudy, wind, raining. 43 for a low. during the day tomorrow. cloudy, windy and rainy. high of 51. activity will continue into saturday morning. it will clear up saturday afternoon. late sunday, monday and tuesday not looking too bad. tuesday chance of scattered showers. wednesday and thursday mix. we'll see you tonight at 11:00. some of the ravens say it is just another game but things are different when they step into national spotlight for monday night football. this game means more to some ravens especially when they found out that the team has lost five in a row on monday night. >> i hope that it don't haunt us. i didn't know that until you said it. >> it is always exciting. that's the thing about monday night football. a lot of people will be watching. especially us going into cleveland and the background and history that goes with that. it is going to be a lively atmospheres. >> we have to move on. we have to make sure it doesn't happen again. >> whatever little things you are going through now, it is only the second half of the season. we can be better. i look at the monday night game as a great opportunity to come out and see things differently. it is a great opportunity to play fast and don't worry about nothing and let the game take care of itself. it is always important to start off as well as you can. it is never good to give up point or get in the hole. no matter who you are playing. that's true in this game as well. >> we have pittsburgh twice, indy, we have to fly down to oakland and cleveland this up coming monday at their place. this challenge is going to be a good one. >> once again the ravens play the browns on monday night football. you be watch the game on espn. lets take another live look outside on pratt street. dreary night here. nothing compared to what's going on in ocean city. let's check out that statistic from the chamber of commerce there. look at how much rain they have gotten in one day. at the forecast in a moment. a drop in energy stocks dragged the market lower today as investors learned consumers and businesses continue to use less oil and gas. dow was down at the closing bell. s&p followed with a loss. nasdaq fell also. you may not be able to run from your problems but moving to another state could brighten your mood. living in a state with better educated residents make people happier on average. you cannot do much better than maryland. the happiest states are utah, hawaii and wyoming. maryland also makes the list. we are ranked sixth out of the 50 states. smile. be happy. tonight at 11:00 we are staying on this storm that's pounding the coast as far suit as the carolinas and annapolis. ocean city is taking a beating. that's tonight at 11:00. the rain and wind will continue tonight and tomorrow. things let up on saturday. the next 24 to 46 hours the coast will continue to get hit. as we speak the wind is howling at ocean city with waves break on the beach of 12 to 15 feet continuously. there is not going to be much beach left. >> this is worse than a hurricane. >> a hurricane comes in and move on. this is just sitting there. >> thank you. that's all for us. thank you for watching. we'll be back tonight at 11:00. hope to see you then. good night. there's a big reason to lower high cholesterol... dangerous plaque that can build up in arteries. it's called atherosclerosis--or athero. and high cholesterol is a major factor. but crestor can help slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. go to and take an interactive tour to learn how plaque builds up. 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Chesapeake Bay , Maryland , United States , Louisiana , Texas , Delaware , Virginia , Fort Hood , San Antonio , College Park , Ocean City , New Jersey , Wyoming , Norfolk , Bethany Beach , Utah , Baltimore , Hawaii , American , Ralph Mitchell , Brad Bell , Nidal Malik Hasan , Cheryl Conner , Mildred Mohammed , John Mohammed , Jason Madison , Mary Beth , Sheila Dixon ,

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