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He was like an octopus, like he had six arms whene srted pti skirt, and that multiple women accuse donald trump of sexual asult. Trump is categorally denying the allegations. The New York Times tried the same stunt in march and those women came forwardnd e have a whole bunch of women who haveaid the se thing. Territory now. Without the media and without the press, Hillary Clinton would be nothing. She would be nng. Zero. The United States launching multiple Cruise Missile strikes against yemen in response to t separate attacks on u. S. Ships. Two Boston Police officers were hospitalized with gunshot wounds after a shootout. The suspect was killed. Make ago beene towards bermuda. That little speck is bermuda. Courtside snacks with a young nan and im just ccking for me nkl ha king ko, in grabbing women like osprey. I have to ask, how much do u wishou cldebe na wened jn, his hands were m e wa len pus. It was errt duringirst aid trubed her class flight during the early 1980 her women allege trump rgai in on theirs ror subjected to trumps yeurm. Anone pagean hcame strolling second tut anything. R buzznews feed spet to othe. Trump denied a who was written during a 2005 interview with trump at his maralago resort he wacing his tongue down my throat. In 2005. When youre a star, they let you do it. Merry christmas. This 1992 video released by entertainment tonight trump talking about a young girl at trump tower that caught his eye. Are you going up the escalator . Yes. Im going to be dating her, can you believe that . Reporter trump called it fiction and says the times trilveizes Sexual Assault and a willing to go to determine this election. Ive, obviously, never been in a beauty pageant. Reporter conway struggled with denials. Im the Campaign Manager as he runs for president. No way for me to know what happened there. Reporter last night, the Trump Campaign sent the New York Times a demand to retraction calling the story defamatory and reckless. He New York Times published its account despite o legal that donald trump lied othe debate stage and that the disgusting behavior he bragged about is more than just words. Trump is bashing clinton over this latest email apparently stolen from Campaign Chairman john podesta. Rorter wikileaks says it has 50,000 of emails and they plan to release a batch every day between now and the election and to create a steady stream of embarrassment for the Clinton Campaign which is exactly what Clintons Campaign sayed russians and trumps aides want. As clinton sampled tacos in las vegas, the latest batch of emails were giving her opponent somethin to chew on. The emails that wikileaks say are from the gma account of chair, revl the horserading 5 il podesta urged clinton to call former energy secretarwho isse to some forgagd Bill Richardson notwithstanding the fact he can be a blank. Anotheexchange reveals that clinton was laying the groundwork for a possible r r previously than earlier known. In 2015 plouffe agree to enlist a small number of pple to have a battle plan but promises they would have no knowledge of who the project is, for of course. Cheryl mills was equally secretive telling plouffe i have shared that we met podesta and others. They are a distraction from what for clinn. Thats how desperate they are. Reporter polls show her leading in six battleground states, cluding rado, whe new Voter Registration stats show democratic voters exceeding republicans for the first time in decades. I think americans want to turn out in as big a number as possible to reject t dark and divisive and Hateful Campaign that is being run by my opponent reporter and jt ts the Washington Post editorial board, which writes, quote, we are are endorsement simply bause ms. Clintons chief opponent is dreadful b because she is businelike and knowledgeable surprise, charlie. He the newspaper has never endorsed a republan for president. Nanc thanks. Political contributor. He interviewed Hillary Clinton for this sundays magazine. He said the campaign is taking a risk by being cautious. Before we get to Hillary Clinton, donald trump, what are the implications of all this . Reating drum beats and wikileaks the Trump Campaign seems to be drumming up pretty seriously and this is a drip, drip, drip. Its a problem, obviously, f the Trump Campaign and he seems to be in a very, you kno t bu what i thinks fcinating by the emails you really see the sort of polal maneuving anderscriptedne w see he cante. Abt seeing these emails if youre donald trp and using underscores that Hillary Clinton is a politician. We dontd me politicis. She has been part of the is someone who says one thing in private and dnother thing in public. Your article points out she is sort of tired of selfies as many famous people are. Do you think she is just over it . What is interesting in our discussion, she actually point to the phenomenon of selfies a larger sociological issue and talked about the seven, eight seconds she would have on rope lines are wvoters was very important and she could get peoples stories and have an exchange. Everything now in public is geed towards gng no connection no connection. N connection atsoever . No connection. You write in the piece in a sense that her daring voters to study her positions to listen to her answers and not look to her for entertainment or emotional support isrisky. Its risky in this day and age which is so emotional. And donald trump, you know, has propelled himself in a bigay just by dominating the oxygen of emotional connection and great story teller. Wikileaks has said more releases. Is anything damaging to her a not getting a lot of attention but anything you think, okay, this is trouble . I think the cumulative effect and drum beat of it is, in fact, damaging. I think the Public Private thing reinforces the worst images people have of her. I think as long as that continues in these emails bolster that is problem mat do we know any plan that wikileaks has of releasing these emails . It looks like a steady, daily batch dropped into the i and people with digest it daytoday and sound like the Trump Campaign is very, very happy to use it and mr. Trump is very, very happy to emphasize it. Trump Campaign Says they are coming after the New York Times. Yall worried over there . I havent been over there yet this morning. I st drafted the letter night. This isnt the first time and wont be the last. Thank you, mark. Our next half hour, the New York Times reporters who wrote the story about theexl assault allegations against donald trump will join us in studio 57. It fid cruisis overnight at three radar sites along yemens coast and in response to two separate incidents building week when a. Y ship in ed sea area came under fire. David martin is at the pentagon. Very simple o send the message that anybody who takes a pot shot at a u. S. Navy ship can pect to pay a price. . 6 the american warship uss nitze launched the tomahawk Cruise Missiles into yemen before dawn and the white house proofed the ris the three remote rar sites in territory controlled by iraniancked Houthi Rebels. The pentagon said the strike whicappeared to have destroyed th to protect our personnel, our ships, and our freedom of navigation. The destroyer ussmason had been targeted on twice, on sunday and wnesd sailinin inational wats africa. . A states departmentsp we will continue to urge all parties and do thi b and through th. N. Special envoy to cease and stop thefutility targeting the Houthi Rebels who are trying to overthrow the government oyemen. The pentagon says the targets, icere located i t the rleasure ofuccess will be whether it putsnd to attks bermud is au don dahler is already feeling the facts. Hes in bermuda. Good morning, do adcanese cl nuhtasusri category four nicole has just gotten close enough for us to start experiencing the early rain bands and high wind. Here because there is a coral reef offshore that protects the island from at devastating storm surge. Pe to see waves about 8 t y outside, it uld b as high as 35 feet, which is one of the reasons why the people around heave not been panicking and very calmly and boarding up dathe up grocerie as fu. Fter shse overmuda lat thdon. Rising floodrs tot down bridges and cut off mmits. The beto. They make up most of the 36 at in the United States fr hu t d. The concern here in n even though though thisat recede the neck several days. Rds . eye view revulshe threat that the thrt of flooding long after hurrica heswepthrough. This isnt residual flooding. This is water tt is still ring here. Right. Reporter Grifton Police rougtown to survey the this is main street. Reporter its flooded in this part so your community is pretty much sliced in half by this . That is correct. Yes. Thug orter the creek runs several swoln waterways nth carolina funneling a foot of rain dropped by rricanma in several communities. Things you ct change. You have to learn to accep them. Reporter his dy has led pect the same thing have been a thousands are displaced. T evaatirroach and her daughter home andeay eht for me clototiol, b i. E your house is in right now . Ii have a house ea t its too early to put a dollar amot . . Onam manny, thank you very much. Twoolice officers in boston are in the hospital with gunshot wounds ts rning ey weresponding to a domestic disturbance calst we have an officer down. Can we get a multiple ofrs headed that way. Multiple, multiple shots. The suspect was lled. Heearing body armor and was armed with anault rifle. Authoritiesay nine other officers are being treated for minor injuries and stress. A sprisennouncement a short time ago from sweden. Ahead, why bob dylan, thats right, bob dylan is the latest to win nobel prize that warrants a yea. First, its time to check your local weather. Us are dealing h clear skies as we start off our thursday morning, a lifrom shaw it is ite ol, thoug hi moing sgr that cket, upper 40s iboth durham an raleigh, 46 right now in sanford, llington and clayton at 52 while goldsboro and rocky mount at 51 78 our afternoon high, cold froncomes through toight and will drop us into the upper 60s for frid the news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Roof, th one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Over time, your money could multiply. Hello, all of you. Man soups. So when we re in the kitchen, we re not worried. Madeor real, real life. About the laundry. So today were makeheir srerecipewhisvtkn im ngo . Nd t onwa. Im working to boost lindas immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. Zostavax is a vaccine uso prevt shingl in afiftyears of age and older. Trolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. Why not feel this good everyday . Emerge and see. . Ahead, high schools are calling off dances over student stake in this electi,me cia director mhael d own around the sand hills, some of the rivers arstarting rece but its gointo take a while for them to ac geibaks roadstill closed off o 78 our high his afternoon, great weather again for the saturday. Lets go ahead and chec in with traffic now, if yor getting ready to hfor e or, the tt. D av ng a closer look in rgh ayocan sea liother one in new he bird avenue nearcook street. Direction,staaler on u. S. 264 near lizard lake road and sent to washington . Yocut the debt . Ere eate some good jobs . Youd make peoples lives better. In washington, richard bu made hischard burr took Million Dollars from to pvati medic the Insurance Industry would make billions, while you pay more. Chard burr. Twenty years in washington. . Ld trump told supporters last night to go out and vote on nomber 28th. November 8th. Andregister. Uru t out an vote november 28th. I cantt to hear trump on november 9t n theyayin hlary has already won the election evenaw actually, not for president. He means voting for him on dancing with thestars. He is on that show november 28th. If you try to vote on november 28th, youre just a weirdo hanging out at thelementy scol. Nobody wants that remember to vote, november 8th. Welcome back to cbs this morning. . Sexual advances. Two the New York Times reporters who wrote todays front page story are in the green room. Ahead, why they felt very comfortable publishing the accusations, despite threats from donald trump. The growing trend of cancelling high school dances. School administrators say to punish rowdy students or deter bad behavior. Ahead the backlash against the plans that affect wellbehaved students. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The New York Times reports on the sudden leadership change after the scandal at wells f john stpf retired yesterday as chairmans ceo. He gave up s as worth 41 llndets n vence. Chief officer toan is taking or the student and pilot fought for the controls as plane plunge. Frietekh died in the crash and prevalla was severely burned. They think it was intentional but not terrorism. A First Court Appearance today for ahmad rahami will appear by vid link after h is still reveringn thepi he told the investigators his mbings were random and claims no one else was involved. The guardian of britain says bobylan received a nobel prize about new poetic expressions within the song tradition. It includes a prize of more than 900,000. Zimmerman. You said, bob dylan with gusto. You like that . I do congrats tollerd anut time. Aybe hello an interview. Wit didim of the yorker. We reported eer tha moreg dd trump of improper physical conduct. This mornings the nerk ti f cbs news has not conrmed their have gotten i might not have gott that upset but when he artepuing h hand up my skirt and that was it. The Trump Campaign immediately responded saying, quote, this entire article is fiction. This truly is nothinge an a political attack. This is a sad day for the times. Over overnight, trumps lawyer asked the times to retract their will leave my client with no option for action and remedies. Michael bbaro and twohey wrote the story andstud7 for their first tv interview about this artic. Tell us about these allegations made in your story,gan. Receptionist for bay rock, a Company Located there. She sa and at, you kn, shentce herself. They shook hands. Issed her on the cheek and prde kisser on th and sheuncomftableme to athat . Did the rch out to you all or did you putut a call to t back to norahs queson. Us in their emails andin with what they told us in interviews. Then we also, in both case, these are women had shared their stories with friends and family. In the case of the 22yearold, she immediately made a phone call to her sister right a ha. She went home that night and told her boyfriend, you know, so we talked to the boyfriend. We talked to the sister in the case of jessica we talked to other people she had tolds well. Id you talk to dond yes. We did. Before we get t w lked, t just to the two women who went on the record used their names, we talked to the people around them who went on the record and uses their names. There are no anonymous otations in the story. A at the time they allege these assaults, they had told Close Friends and family who recl similar stories . About a year and a half ago she had to tell a widening circle of people, including her son, her but talked to two friends as well as the nephew and s who recall the details of what she to them, which lined up with what she told us. Megan, you talked to donald trump, you said . Yes, absolutely. Publish these accounts without talkg to the presideial candidate himself. So on tuesday night, he got on the phone with me and i smelled out what did he say . Dont leave that out he insisted that . 6ll of the allegations were a fibuabcation and the new yorkimesde increasiny agitated as i continued my questions and started to yell at me and told me i was . I a disgusting human being. What did you think of that . Have you had anyone speak to you like that in the past . That i haveot hha okthyou veryuch . Talk to you later . You keep talking . You keep asking estis. Skin eson . Fonce again, these women, i think, we iniredo on especialt asked abothis. As we all know onriday, there was a rording relead in h hwn words was describing kissing women and groping women without consent. Came out and said you misrepresented her experience. She said, quote, she spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with donald trump. Yes. That was we did, in fact, do a story in may aboutooking at trptmen of women and, you know, it was an extensive story. She said she was misrepresented. We included the voices of many women and, you know, brewer did not like the story in the end but we have not received any retraction from brewer. Or from donald trump . Or from donald trump. You point in your story the two latest women youre talking about told y they support Hillary Clinton . Which donald trump would say, look, this is another way of attacking me we believed it was important. We actually pro actively sought information about their political views and decided to include it and thought it was an important disclosure. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining us this morning. Homecoming looks different this year for Many High School anyone to punish a handful. Take us with you on the go. We invite you to subscribe to our new cbs this morning pod cost on itunes and apples podcast app. Today we have an inside look on life on the campaign trail. Hanna frazier will talk about the most memorable moments from more than a year of covering Hillary Clinton. The news cbs this morning podcast is online right now. Its pretty good. Its very good. Ive heard they are good. We will be right back. And my life is basketball. 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Hp protect yourself from a stroke we asked real people to us xarelto. Why do you tnk make aifrenc it gets it all clean. They give me a very happy feeling pl go cottonelle, gcommando i ied rdit smoking. But brgh our daug home, w have nicorm e code ctch with urgeo y. Xtend r nobody hurt, but there will still be pain. Cnsany at areou suppod too . Dre threequters of a car . Ifad lerty mutual new careplement . , youd get your whole car back. I gus th dont want you driving aroun e. A new trend cba underage drinking and they are cancelling sool da. Its dance last weekend. Reporter wel good morning. You know, administrars here drinking and being dptive at th of corona delmarhomecoming dance answer a lot of people saying is th unterproductive to ph er corona sol Football Game went on as schelastled eek, but this std, a casualty of alled Student Drinking at a of our studt ca plorable. That isus reporter the school decided to send a clear gnal. Inexcusable behavior, the homecoming activities have been cancelled. Youre punishing everybody because of a select bunch of idiots. I mean, come on emo cancelling everhing om and addresses agold increasing pervasive issue headon. I think some of the pares. Reporter the National Institutes of health says the students engaging in binge drinking has actually declined overhe past decade. But the percentage of students drinking at levels far beyond the bench threshold is concern. Rob pickell and his daughter who attethe high school understand why the hocoming dance was cancel nk setimes actions,s big as th,necey, e . n th i real bummer for, u etunt w werentparticipating. Certnly could question whether the right call. Reporter h ol d they worried about cancelling most of their dances. A lot of the reason why was because they were worried about students being drunk, showing up drunk or under the influence of drugs. One of the superintendents that we spoke with, gayle, aually said tt he is in the education business, no i . Xn the nightclub business, and he defends his thank you. It seems the f whole school has ra re a49 degrees. You willant t ane coulbe viousarea roads. 48 in durhamand c, around faithful checking int. Ayhen reby 3, ed rocket]a . Zts lot ] suts. Male annnc starbut. Uxplainly juicy. [music] because itse. And zero percent apr financi, chan sleep happy guaran, on . Olsthe road again . [ front assist sounds [ . Gi lghs ] . U steatuhs ] . For ss than you inherit lots of traits froyour family. For just 199 a mont my ancestor, lady beatrice, introduced the elizabethan ruff. A a world champion. I ter can spiri and their double chin. Now, im going to do something about it. Kybella . Is the first of its kind injectable treatment at destrs t r chin leaving an imoved pfile. Kybella . Is an fapproved ic4 for adults with a moderate amount of fullness. Aha plan av swallowing. In e surgery or cosmetic treatments on your facene had or ha m or have bleeding problems. Tell your do about all medicines you take. The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, a areas of hardness in the treatment area. Narrator after tw years i richard burr has made mon increasing his weah over five hundred percent. No wonder richard bu was one of just three senators who voted against banning Insider Trading by congress. Then theres medicare. Chard burr wrote a plan to privatize medicare and got one point one Million Dollars from the Insurance Industry. You. Would pay more for medicare. Content of ts ve this flooding is still impacting Edgecombe County. Take a look behindme. Yomibe able to see wais touche latest update from st unty, visibility less than a mile and a half. Ngs are still in beliwate to high, near orareas along d dsike theru eit. Message that anybody who takes c expecto pay aprice. Ssed them or made them physically cotable. Trump has denied allf the allegations. Cbs news has not confirmed any of their claims. Peoe magazine reporter who interviewed donald trump back in 2005 writes we walked into that room alone and trump shut the door behind und andng me against the wa and throat. Wepoke ti lifted the arm rest and began to touch her. The accuser spokea 2005 veo shod trump ming sexual aggressive comments about won. Th say the were angered during sundays debate and trump that you did not actuayissn wit . Have women. Nobody has more respect for won. As i sai i was embarrassed byt. Itableo so. Mendousot y rticle ta we abily in and of itself. It a for him ancast him in a light that is if t wera lauit. Ou seehe people that cited in the story . Anthrteno do that or for his 63yearold son is eected to b a family of a black man killed by police i the Nations Capital is about to get some newstars. Jan awford is this is where magic happens at roses luxury. Its one of the top restaurants in washington, d. C. And is now in contention for a coveted michelin star. Coming up on cbs this morning, undercover who hel tinte wod. . U dont n . . Oh . Dont tell me what to do . . Just let me be myself . The new 2017 corolla with Toyota Safety sense standard. . You t own me . Toyota. Lets go places. T thes soh more to it. Ste heres how benefiber . Works. Sis are trillions of good microflora that sport digestive health. E prebioc fiber in benefiber . And whatelps them, helps you. Curls needed to be stronge pantenes prov formula mas myo. They can dr practbecause strongree. Is butiful. People in North Carolina. Ekn and what did duke energy get . A sweeter deal from pat cror years of higher electric bills to pay for cleaning up their mess. Released by the filf the sharedan killed by Police Confirms that Keith Lamont Scott died from gunshot wounds in the back and abdomen. Officers fired at 43yearold scott last month. He was sitting in his car waiting for his son to arrive from home. Police say he was armed with a gun. His family say he was not. The video was captured by police and scotts wife. We sat down with Rakeyia Scott for the fit remembers about that day and an interview you will only see on cbs this morning. When did you know there was a problem . When did you know this was a bad situation . When i came out the door and two officers were pointing their gun at my husband in the car. Reporter what is your husband doing at this point . He is sitting in the car. Hes just sitting there looking forward. He is confused. I know he was. He had just taken his medicine. Reporter we hear you come to the scene. Keith dont do it reporter and youre saying, dont you do it. Reporter keith, dont do it. What are you telling him not to do . Im not talking to keith. Im calling keiths ne for him to hear me. Im talking to the officers. Dont do it. That i actually see changing their stance, their sitions. Reporter did they know who you were . N reporter im sure in the heat of the woman standing . No, they wouldnt haveno me personally, i t only one out there. Im yelling at em. Im ud enoh for the me. Keith keith no, they probably didnt know i was his wife but im somebody of importance. The Police Report says they encored yo husband, that he was in the car, that they saw marijuana, and that they saw a n. What did you see . No gun. Reporter you didnt see any gun . No gun. Reporter and lets assume he had the marijuana and that he had the gun. At the moment of the shooting is what i think people are focusing on and to that, you say what . He had no gun. And and he had just he was just not a threat, period. He didnt have a gun. He wasnt a threat. What is your purpose . What was your reasoning . Why . You saw him backing up. Why didnt you just say give him a command then . Reporter the police also say the videotape is inclusive. I was there and i saw this incident unfold before my face. What people dont understand, they are trying to bring in our past, but prior to i mea this accident, after his motorcycle accident and when he returned home in january, he was a totally different person. Reporter lets talk about that for a second, because there has been a lot of publicity about the fact you had taken out a restraining order against him. That is correct reporter that he had pulled a gun on you, that there will be violence in the marriage and to that you say what . All of it is correct, absolutely. But thats my marriage. Understand our marriage. Ror case . Had they known him, then i would understand why they would be in, you know, in defense mode. They didnt know who my husband was. They didnt know nothing about him. Reporter i heard saw i he has tbi, traumatic brain injury. He has just taken his mai medication. He had tbi and not do anything to you guys. He justook his medications. You have to give it time to kick in. If not if you start a conversation with him, hes not going to remember the conversation once the medicine has kiedn. Dont you do it [ bleep ] did you shoot him . Y i reporter what do you think the role has played in the shooting of your husband . 100 . Reporter but people say fincent is black and your husband is black officer vincent, i dont husband . Because of the positioning when the shooting actually occurred. Officer vincentas to my left further. My positioning was to where i could see the officer with the white shirt, my husband, the police the officer with the dash cam, and the officer right here with the red shirt. Reporter you did not see officer vincent at the time, or did you . No, no. I did see him but hes at distance. He is t a part of the interaction. So, to you, it doesnt me sense that officer vincent was the e that pulled the trigger . Correct. Reporter what does the chart Police Department have to gain by saying it was a black officer who shot your husband . Im not sure what they have to gain. Im just going by what iecal and believe that day. Reporter and how are y children . Just why. Why did you haveo takekeith . Give us your re the real valid reason as to why my husband my husbands life s n atay before me. Now there are seven children, guys, that range in age. They have been together for 25 years and seven children and range in age from 9 to 23. And she said, you know, th are taking it daybyday, but the officer she is talking about, his name is brently vincent was identified by the police is the officer who shot her husnd rake said ballisc tests could clear this up and no results have been released. That is why they did an indendent autopsy ca n the information about the autopsy or ba lisks andhe whole encounter lasted three minutes and police had gone there to execute a warrant on someone else and had nothing to do with Keith Lamont Scott. They saw him and engaged in an encounter with m but she said beginning to end was three minutes. She said no one has given her an answer and to this day, no one has talked to her and said were sorry owner had a conversation with her about that day. Shes in a lot of pain and you could feel her pain and you could feel her anger. She really held it over but as soon as the interview was over, she burst into tears. She said i wanted to get through this and i didnt want people to see the pain that im wanted to tell my story today. Was there a gun or not a gun . The police say there was a gun. The family still say there was not a gun but the police say, yes, there was a gun. You could hear t fear in her voice almost anticipating. That is why she pulled out the phone. What you have to do these days. He president ial election could have an impact on your financial future. Ahead we will bring you the results of a new survey from the Worlds Largest Investment Firm and that is here on cbs this morning. Cation. This is humira. This is hura helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Hura works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specificource of inflammatiothat coributoa symptoms. Er 18 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, inudintuberculosis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, ou setimes fal inctns aers, inc, hav, serious alle obefo treatment, get test for tb. Tell your doctor if youve bn to areas where certain fungal inct a comn, and if youve had tb hepatitis b, are prone to inftions, or have flulike symptoms or sos. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . 7 talko your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With new car replacement . , well replacthfu value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Come on duck puppy barks you can do it duck. Hurry up duck you can do it duck. Iams. Helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. . Star Quarterback Tom Brady has been known to talk politics off the field. Ahead, how he handled questions about Donald Trumps locker room talk. Tom said, i got to go. Here is a look at Qualcomm Stadium where the broncos play the chargers night. You can watch thursday night football on cbs, coverage at 7 30 eastern and 6 30 central. The game will be simulcast on youre watching cbs right now. We like that. Your local news is coming up next. North carolina starts now. Good morning, everyone. Thanks for being with us. Im russ bowen. We go to the devastating effects of Hurricane Matthew and the destruction left behind. West fifth street in lumberton is floed for miles. It includes dozen of businesses and homes. People are r f to recede to get back to their homes and get back to work. Been here 18 years, trying to just make a living, ive got four guys that work for me and right now we are down and out trying to get everything to where we n start worng again. Enforcementofcers say they will be back out again today assisting victims. In moore county crews continue to work on the Wood Lake Dam overnight after the threat of flooding there. Good news this morning, workers progress there the past 36 hours. Acuation order, though, issued earlierhis week does nothing could befiner, today marks the beginning of the North Carolina state fair. Gates open at 3 00 this afternoon. The state fairgrounds, Robert Richardson was there this morning to give us a preview. Reporter gates will open at 3 00 today for the first day of 11 for the North Carolina state fair. Supercyclone is ready for riders. There are about 100 rides set up this year, couple of ferris wheels, including this one everyone. Weve got all sorts of prizes, various activities. I love the little steelers fans welcome sign on this challenge and then we of course have all the fair food, chicken on a stick is a staple, in of the random new items this year include deep fried jello, bacon wrapped grilled cheese. There have been a few issues due to Hurricane Matthew. Least one vendor, mount olive pickles will not be able to come at all. Thr warehouse flooded. However, the fair folks say that they hope this will be a fun escape away from some of the stress and sadness of the past week as people get going on the road to recovery. Now, tickets are available in advance at a discount if you buy them by the end of today, you can buy them here or online, food lines, and then u purchasing online any day throughout the rest of the fair. It runs through october 23rd. In raleigh, Robert Richardson, cbs North Carolina. Looks like the weather could be really terrific it certainly will be terrific. Not onoday but throughout the weekend, the first weekend of the fair always an exciting one. Its 50 degrees right now in the raleighdurham international airport, all starting off clear there, not a cloud in sight. I wish i could say the same for our friends off to the eas rocky mount, we hthe fog uctuates between ash edgecombe counties. Lifax county still rorting reduced visibility. Roanoke rapids visibility less than a mile. Please take your time, fog still going to cause some issues. Flood warnings continue along and down around e sd lls. Remember my rivers have already crested but they are still remaining at maworeek or ithe mi tomorrow behind a frt, 70s on sunday. Go ahead and switch it up and check in with traffic this morning. We do have a nuer of accidents we are following at this point in time so the latest, u. S. 64 an accident on salem street and we aral lookinat roe stephensan accident at village walk drive and then bringing you into a closer look, good news is i40 westbound has been cleared, eastbound, though if youre it was doggie destiny was mr. Bonejangles expecting the perfect toy at an amazing pre . Of course not. Hes a dog. But thas e beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Narrator after twenty years in washington, richard burr has made millions. Increasing his wealth over five hundred percent. No wonder richard burr was one of just three senatorsho voted against banning Insider Trading by congress. Then theres medicare. Richard burr wrote a plan to privatize medicare and got one point one Million Dollars from the Insurance Industry. You. Would pay more for medicare. Richard burr. Twenty years in washington. Serving himself. . Check out these two kung fu pandas and their play quickly turns rough as you can see on this video from china. One pushes the other off the ledge and into a trowel. Uncertainty about the president ial election is impacting what amecans do with their money . Rob kapito is in our green room. Settle down. Im still laughing. The Michelin Guide has coveted stars. Ahead and first on cbs this morning, jan crawford met with the criteria for these international honors. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Wall street journal reports a glut has forced Dairy Farmers to dump millions of gallons of mi 43 million gallons of milk was destroyed in the first eight months of this year. That is enough to fill 66 olympicsized swming pools. The gut has pushed milk prices down an average 36 . Records on ronda rousey return to fighting after being knocked out by holly holm last year. She could retake her bantum weight title. Wearable monitors may provide interesting fitness information but a study shows they are not always reliable. Report says heart rate are wrong 10 to 2020 of of t time. Patriots quarterback has called trump a good friend but here i whapped yterday when brady was asked about trumps vulgar comments. Tom, you have kids of your own. Would you respond if your kid heard Donald Trumps version of locker room lk . T you, guys. Have a good day. The reporter spotted a make America Great again had in its reported he and donald trump are friend. They asked lebron james the same question and he had plenty to say. One of the questions is what locker room is he in . Its interesting that all of the athletes are saying no locker room ive been that talk like that. The economy is hoot topic among the president ial candidates. Here is a snapshot of comments omust yesterday. I believe we got to get the economy working for everybody, not just those athe top. And we need to make sure that the rich pay their fair p in three such beauutul word jobs, jobs, jobs. We are going to lower your business tax from 35 to 15 , new companies are going to form people are going to get jobs. First on cbs this morning, a new poll from the Worlds Largest Investment Firm shows the election is also looming large in the minds of investors. The black rock investor poll has impacted their Investment Decisions over the past year. About onethird feel the election poses a threat to their financial future. Black rock president rob kapito is here. Good morning. What do you read from the numbers youve got on the terms of their Economic Future and Investment Decisions . The Political Campaign has that kind of impact . Im very pleased to say people are a bit more confident in their financial future than the last time i was here. To be an impact on the election on how they are managing their portfolios and im im proud to say people are going to cast their ballot at the voting box and not in their portfolios and its described what they are doing. What they are doing they are more in cash than they have ever been before. Now, there are problems you are in cash when youre worried about the future . They are in cash because they are worried about the results of actually going to be an election and it could be changed. In fact, the election is only number five on the list of what they are worried about. People are worried about the high cost of living. They are worried about health care costs. They are worried about the general economy. And they are worried about social security. Those come out before the election comes out. So rather than take a risk, people have moved money into cash. And the results of how different investors think. And last time, norah asked me about the difference between men and women. And, in fact, men have 60 of their portfolios in cash and women have 74 of their portfolios in cash. Very interesting. The people investing more are the millennials and make sense because they didnt have the so the millennials are investing more. As you move to on generation x and the baby boomers, they are more in cash. Now is that good, rob, to have so much in cash . No. That was my next point, because you cant save for the future and you cant invest for the future in the future. So people are sitting in cash at a very, very bad moment when Interest Rates are so low and globally some rates across the world are actually into the market today. And i think there are many, many opportunities for them to do that but its so critical that they get this money invested or they wont have enough for retirement. What is the safest thing to be in . Well, thif ini think in the people say after the election they will focus 20 more of their portfolios in equities and 20 more in bond. Always been a large portion of the total return of a stock, are very important. These are large cap companies, open your refrigerator, see the companies that represent different product that pay a good dividend. You can get 4 to 5 dividends versus being in cash at 25 basis points. I also think, charlie, because there is over 50 trillion, 50 trillion dollars of cash that is sitting in places, negative. Right. That when that money starts to get allocated, its going to keep rates lower for longer and its actually going to buoy the stock market to rise. So i think there is some really Good Opportunity in income generating equities, municipal bonds, no matter who wins the election, and short term maybe highyield bonds that give people some income because that were released and indicated, once again, we are expecting Interest Rates to rise, probably after the election. What impact do you think that will have . Well, it really is not going to change peoples lives the next day. So if Interest Rates rise 25 or 50 basis points, it may beginning the signal of rises in Interest Rates, and that is why i would say people should be in shorter term bonds so they will get the opportunity to invest their coupon at higher rates later. But like most ppl election and also in the Federal Reserve, that the economy, today, is not going to change the day after the election and a day after Interest Rates rise. Does blackrock bleach the Federal Reserve will raise Interest Rates in december . Well, theres a 50 chance and what janet yellen is looking at, the jobs. Does blackrock think its a good idea to raise interest the process of raising rates. Its hard for people to live off of the incomes they have today with the higher tli er cost of. If you look at where shortterm rates are, this changes peoples lives. In a sense, its a selftax on the future. They need higher Interest Rates so that the money that they have deposited in banks or in money market funds gives them some income so that they can take that income, pay down their over to invest in the future. Thank you, rob. We always like it when you come up to the table. A pleasure. Thank you very much. Restaurants in the Nations Capital are about to get some international recognition. Ahead, and first on cbs this morning, jan crawford finds out what it takes for restaurants to earn a coveted michelin star. Good morning to you. We are starting off with sunshine, a live picture from Shaw University as we look towards downtown raleigh, we such as rocky mount and roanoke rapids. Both of those areas still a little bit of fog, temperatures climbing low to mid50s. 47 in sanford, while here in raleigh we are reporting 50. The state fair starts later today. . If you want a memorable meal out, you might want to pick up a copy of the famous michelin restaurant guide. It offers the opinions of food professionals are from a week night dinner. To do today, it will announce picks for the first washington, d. C. Division. Jan crawford sat down with the best restaurants. Jan is at minibar, one of several restaurants, eager to find out if it has earned a coveted michelin star. Reporter good morning. This is the day for the big reveal. In washington, it hasnt been known as a destination for fine dining, but that is about to change. Michelin inspectors visited hundreds of restaurants in this city and they are going to recommend 107 of them in the guide and of those, only a select few will get one of the most world, a michelin star. Not good enough. When celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey lost a coveted michelin star. I started crying. Reporter he told a Norwegian Television station, for once he didnt scream. Like losing a girlfriend. Reporter for nearly a century, this red book has decreed the top restaurants in the world. This week, after a years long michelin comes to washington with a new guide and for a few select chefs, new stars. We sat down with michelins top u. S. Inspector at the tasting table test kitchen in new york with the promise not to blow her cover. Its an award they take seriously because they dont know we have been there, they cant influence our findings. Reporter it strikes fear and awe in chefs hearts. This is the holy grail for them and what they have been working to reporter she is strictly anonymous and even Close Friends dont know her real job. We are not trying to play tricks or hide from the chefs but what we are trying to do is have an honest experience the way a consumer does when they go to a restaurant. Reporter so youre not getting special treatment like, my gosh, there is inspector . We sit on hold making reservations to long on time and have to eat at 5 30 or 10 30 and get terrible tables. Like youre in the cia . Cia but much better food michelin found some great food like the dishes coming from cutting edge filipino chef tom kunana. This is our pizza. Reporter this is octopus . Yes. Reporter we visited their bad saint with d. C. Food critic jessica sidmond to find out why its on the list of 19 washington bid ormans. This looks very sophisticated. Right. Kind of trendy. Reporter all right. Well, lets try it. You get all of the textures. Reporter the kind of moderately priced restaurant the inspectors might frequent on their night off. Of course, they meet the Michelin Guide quality and the cooking is excellent. A place like that is great. Reporter one day, they could get one, o, or even three elusive michelin stars. What is a threestar michelin restaurant . Once in a lifetime. Its something youre going to remember forever. Reporter any star is an honor. The restaurants that make it into the guide, just 10 actually get a star rating. In the u. S. , only 13 restauran hold three michelin stars. Places so exceptional, they are worth a special journey. That was the purpose of the guide when it was founded in the early 1900s. The frenchbased michelin, after all is a tire company. In the early days of the automobile, its founders wanted better way than a guide to fine dining. It now has 27 guides worldwide, three in the u. S. Washington long seen as a town of steak houses and expense accounts, this week will become americas fourth. In the last few years, its incredible what that gone on with the restaurantsn washington, d. C. There are a lot of young chefs who are expressing a very unique restaurants that have been around a long time are evolving. Reporter one of those young chefs is aaron silverman. His restaurant is widely considered one of the citys best. Customers stand in line for hours to get a table. T the end of the day, our job is to make people happy, whether youre a server or rtender waiting on a guest or a chef leading your cooks. Your job is to make them repor new venture, the highend pineapple and pearls . Its incredible and i hope that we get something or multiple things from them, but the biggest benefit im going to get out of that award is hofully we are busier and we can do more for our staff. Reporter michelins full announcement wont come out for another few hours with you learned that the chef here and his staff here at minibar have michelin stars. Jose got the car this morning from the michelin inspector. I think excitement may be an understatement. As he has said, this is the kind of thing chefs spend their entire careers hoping to achieve. Gayle . Wow congratulations some good recommendations jose, that is awesome i wonder what they are making there . They had beef they were putting sauce on and it looked really good. All of a sudden, im it happen. Youre watching cbs this morning. We will be right back. Buck newtons law legalizing discrimination. A national embarrassment. It was my honor and my privilege to carry hoe bill 2 through the north calinaenate. My opponent calls this bucks bill. And you know what . I say, bring it on m josh stein. Im running for attorney general to protect our families and strengthen our communities. That does it for us. Once again, our congratulations to bob dylanor nobel prize. Be sure to tune into tcbs evening news with Scott Pelley Charlie likes bob, norah. Take it easy. Take it easy. . How tall you . Take it easy. . Americ how domeasn the height of our skyscrapers . The size of ou. Bank accounts . Its measured by what we dfo the our ildr lues we ss on. Ig for kids and famie anitbe mssn to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams that means good schools for every child in everyipe. Llies. Not debt. And an economy whe e young eric can find a job at lets them startamily their own. We face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. Working together respectingnoth o a. And never givingp. Message. North carolina news starts now. Hurricane matthew, the impact it continues to have on at least 20 people across the state dead and ny l dealing with major ises. One ofe haest hitf areas is Edgecombe County. Lauren haviland has more from or Edgecombe County this morning, so its kind of hard to see that flooding is still a major issue. If you look behind me, this is the bridge that connects tarboro and princeville, the water is touching the bottom of the bridge. The tar river continues to be at major flood stage. Its expected to be that way through saturday. Even with the water due to recede in the coming days it will take much longer for things to get back to normal. Drivers take in princeville and toreboro are blocked. And the town princeville continues to be under a mandatory evacuation. Many of the residents there are staying in toreboro unsure tarboro sure of what the condition of their home is. People managing thshelter at taoro high school say more than 400 people have stayed e in the last few days. As officials continue to monitor the situation of the tar river, that evacuation stays in place, they are unsure when it will be lifted. Cbs North Carolina. Lauren, thank you. And today at 9 00 in the morning, which is in just a few minutes, governor pat mccrory will hold a News Conference to give us an update of storm reco and cleanup. It will be here on cbs North Carolina and online at wncn. Com. Also available on your news app as well. That app is free in your app yo nor colin state fair kicks off today hew. Delays duehurr state fair flier, a 42foot highchair lift that goes across the midway from one end of the to the other. These rides safe. We put our names on them, we have family that rides them want to make sure eir families is for our own. Gates open at 3 00 and the ir will run the 23rd. Ckets are already on sale and you can find more information on wncn. Com. We would love some go down, but we will get the sunny but not the rivers going down . Not the rivers anytime soon. It looks like some of those could still be receding as we head into early next week but the sunshine, well, weve got that no problems. 56 degrees right now and look at this, clear skies heading out from our live camera here in our North Raleigh studios. The flood warnings are continuing across the santos and along the 95 quarter as well. Remember, we are hearing from lauren around the tar river, around tarboro, that area it could be late or into early next week before those waters are finally inside their banks again. Lets talk temperatures. Right now 54 in clayton, 56 in lillington, 62 in fayetteville, we have 55 in roanoke rapids, still in the upper 40s for both roxboro and durham. Night and tomorrow morning, and as a result dropping back into the 60s by friday and saturday, right into it this morning, looking northward near capital boulevard trayrick road near stoney brook drive an accident there, also one at newburn avenue at 440 and you can see the delays are backing up on 440. Go ahead and slide southward, i 40 bostl an accident from earlier this morning near gorman street, also ow further south apemacedonia us1 narrator what would you do if you were sent to washington . Cut the debt . Create some good jobs . Youd make peoples lives better. In wasngton, richard burr has made his own life better. Richard burr took 1. 1 Million Dollars from the Insurance Industry and wrote a plan rivati mare. The insurance richard burr. Twenty years in waington. Serving himself. Judge judy this lady was looking for a home. She wasnt looking to scam anybody. Announcer a rental was a workinprogress. Before i handed him the deposit, i asked him, when will the house be ready . Heaid itould be a couple of weeks. Announcer . But things didnt progress. Judge judy how long did you stay there, by the way . I did not stay there, cause it was unlivable to stay there. Announcer . And more than a lease was broken. Judge judy how did the door get shat they had changed the locks. Announcer judge judy. You are about to enter the urtroom of judge judith sheinin. The people are real. The cases are real. The people are real. The cases are real. The rulings are final. Captions paid foby cbs televiistribution Noemi Camacho is suing her former landlords, pamela hall and clinton golden, for the return of rent and her deposit. Noemi claims the defennts

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