Transcripts For WNYW FOX 5 News At 10 20151224

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high smile afternoon, so tomorrow 10 degrees, we still have one brain tonight some good downpours, putting it into motion. in this area of rain taking the wide view, what to do in the washington dc area. then a the little bit of a break, these storms with severe weather moving through that we were showing you. dramatic activity thunderstorms going into the lower mississippi valley area. these are just strong storms producing heavy rain and strong temperatures now around 60 degrees rising into the middle 60s overnight. and that area of rainfall, putting it into motion advancing toward the north and east. senate temperature low 70s and we could see a couple of showers at some point tomorrow. sixty-four tonight, temperature rising from 60 degrees and we will see showers and fog, tomorrow up we go with breaks of seventy-three is a new record in the afternoon. dari: up we go. like santa claus is displayed. going to the airport, looking at the airport having its share of delays and cancellations. kennedy and laguardia having problems with delays. passengers from reaching their holiday destinations having a tough time in one of the busiest travel days of the year. reporter: i will say that things have dramatically improved and yes, you are on camera, say hello now. [laughter] we have heard some nightmare stories from travelers. the people were deleted. they are all just trying to get home for christmas. >> happy holidays. happy holidays. >> it was delayed, delay, delay. frustrated travelers schlepping bags and clutching phones and hoping that they make it home for christmas. and michelle just started a new job and needs to make it back tomorrow, no exceptions. but her flight canceled. >> my car is parked at a parking i mean, you are like a country music song. [laughter] i know, it is ridiculous. >> we finally found out where was very they started bringing people on board according to when they book their flights. >> they said the first flight out would be 1:00 p.m. on christmas and now it's getting later and later. and the reason for this mess is of course the weather. it least in new york you can blame the fog. all along the east coast, drenching rain has saturated. and across the u.s. there are thousands of delays and hundreds of cancellations. it was expected to be a record-breaking year for holiday travel. flights to handle the travel. >> he deserves it. so this is generally considered the busiest travel day of the upcoming four-day timeframe. steve: at least one of three people going somewhere else. dari: a queens man pleading not guilty at the roosevelt field mall in garden city, long island. oliver lee tried to steal an 8000-dollar watch kerry at a mall security guard allegedly pulled out a handgun firing a shot hitting him in the shoulder. the police say that he posted a picture of the gun that he used on facebook. >> the police are searching for this woman. morning after a night of clubbing. interesting video, something to keep in mind. he took a back it back to his apartment where they spent about the jewelry was found to be missing later that day. anyone who knows more about this, call crime stoppers. dari: a grand jury indicted this truck driver who crashed into a limo and then severely injured tracy morgan and killed his best friend last year on a new jersey turnpike. he is charged with second-degree vehicular homicide and third-degree aggravated assault. an investigation found that he had not slept for 28 hours before the crash, but he is denying that claim. in the new york city government chance staff have staff. joseph lamb and troops were killed in afghanistan. use the 15 year veteran. dari: an editorial that appeared online and picking ted cruz we be daughters is dancing monkeys has no place in politics. linda schmidt has more. reporter: that's right, it has angered a lot of people. it has been pulled from "the washington post" website. >> this is a the cartoon that sparks heated reaction. depicting senator ted cruz is an organ grinder and his daughters is trained monkeys. republican presidential hopeful that we responded with a tweet. stick with attacking me, carolina and catherine are out >> not much ticks me off. but making fun of my girls will do it would. reporter: after they appeared with ted cruz and his wife and holiday video that poked fun at political ads. >> was the night before the shutdown and all through the house not a bill with stirring. reporter: the cartoonist said the ted cruz has put his children in a political ad. don't start screaming when editorial cartoonists do so as well. the cartoon is sparking debate because the rule of thumb is that children of local families are off-limits. >> it used to be the rules across the board, the kids are off limits, don't mess with my kids, don't mess with hillary's kids or anybody's kids. leave kids alone. >> they are five and six years children are off-limits. reporter: for meghan mccain, this hits close to home. she's the daughter of john mccain who is a former republican presidential nominee. >> "the washington post" apologized the wife and children. reporter: the cartoon has been pulled from the website with a note from one of the editors that reads it is generally the policy of editorial section to leave children out of it. i fail to look at this cartoon before it was published. i understand why she got an exception to the policy was wanted in this case. i do not agree. so again, it has been pulled from the website. steve: senator schumer visiting after news of a security breach. officials say that iranian hackers were able to view the control system back in 2013 but were not able to take control of it. the senator urging the department of homeland security to conduct a thorough investigation into just how cyberattacks. be sidelined for this weekend's game against the vikings. he lost his appeal today and will serve his one-game suspension for losing his cool on the field. dan bowens has more. violated multiple safety related playing rules and today the suspension was upheld by an officer. the former rookie of the year took to twitter to apologize for all of this, saying that he dropped the ball out of sportsmanship. >> a day after being named, he officially lost his appeal at the nfl headquarters in manhattan. it means that he will not practice with the team and will miss what could be a crucial game on sunday night. the wide receiver issuing an apology saying that this isn't about anything that was said or done to me. this is about my behavior. people expect better from me and i expect better from myself. >> another fight breaks out and again it is dumbed down field. reporter: that come had three personal foul penalties including one for a helmet to helmet hit on josh norman. >> what is going on? >> he may have been provoked before the game by another player holding a baseball bat. coach tom coughlin offered this defense. >> to depict this as him being wrong and the only one wrong is not right. it's not fair and it's not just us and it's not the way it works. reporter: dissecting your standup is tied up for the touchdown leads and has become one of the most popular players. going on to say that i hope to be an example of somebody who from it. the panthers player was fined more than $26,000 for his role in the competition. if the washington redskins lose on saturday night, the giants would be playing for a possible playoff on sunday, again that they would play without their arguably best player. steve: a close call her one of the top skiers in the world. dari: and a crazy moment. a drone comes crashing down missing the world champion. steve: and an early christmas present for beatles fans. how much longer until you can stream the entire music catalog online. dari: taking on sewage to raise just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. roomba navigates your entire home cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. which means your floors are always clean. you and roomba from irobot no way. savor an egg mcmuffin any time you like. a fresh cracked egg, canadian bacon and an english muffin with real butter. mcdonald's all day breakfast menu. dari: the amazing beatles. they will be available in a couple of nights tonight. several major carriers, we are talking about google play, and more. a major move that a lot of people are happy about. >> that is right. the beatles have been another and that changes tomorrow. >> in a way it is a testament because they have realized that streaming is the future and the future has arrived and they are going with it. >> you know their songs. the beatles. one of the last holdouts in the growing streaming world. that changes when they dropped compilations. >> it's the big new release. it will be absolutely awesome. and he will have the entire back catalogue which will keep you busy for a few days. >> the announcement will expose an entire new generation to the band. others will carry the library. >> they maybe don't know. but maybe those kids will have access to spotify and other streaming services kind of figure out what this family is all about that they have heard so much about. >> it goes up at 1201 thursday accessible to most streaming subscriptions. dari: the real housewives star is back after serving almost a year in prison. last year to resent her husband joe giudice pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges. >> i think that it's not right that people idolize people like that. dari: teresa will on home confinement the very tip area and then joe giudice after that. steve: a special treat for the holidays. >> it all happened so quickly. steve: the ladies of litchfield was the night before christmas. and beating up santa claus. once is the new black is expected to debut next summer on netflix. dari: and look at this, this animal hopped into the manger. luckily baby jesus was not being played by a real baby. but the goat did eventually jump out. but not before he had a lot to talk about. steve: plunging into another polluted waterway. christopher swam through and stacy delicate has the details? a three hour swim or one of the most heavily polluted bodies of water can leave you feeling gross. >> this is definitely the worst reporter: christopher swain has plunged into dozens of waters to raise awareness of the need for action, including the nearby canal. but he says the common nation of toxic whale was uniquely disgusting, especially the smell. >> the smells like chemicals and it smelled like cinnamon toast, the fumes from gasoline and oil and the sulfur smell as well. >> i wasn't ready for his much of the visual reminders of sewage that i got. >> at the sight of one of the largest oil spills in united states history. 17 million gallons have leaked into the soil from processing facilities. in 2010 the area was granted status by the environmental protection agency which promised a conference of cleanup. this also home to the city's largest whitewater treatment plant. >> every time you flush the treatment plant. when it rains they cannot handle the load on the goes right in here and i swim right through it. we need to fix it. reporter: he collected samples that he plans to share with science teachers. onlookers gave him credit for his dirty work. >> i am willing to swim into because i think it must someone put themselves on the line, nothing changes. >> actually has a five estuaries. he hopes to come back and do the rest. >> we certainly haven't seen the last of steve harvey. steve: why they have locked him up and for how many more years to come. dari: and competing in the speaking exclusively with the decision. >> the first runner up is >> it is an awkward way of relaying first place and second place. dari: despite crowning the wrong person. he will return to host the miss universe pageant. and after all he would we would never even talk about this pageant if that had not have happened. steve harvey apologized. he has signed a deal to host for the next three years according to entertainment tonight. well, lost in the chaos. steve: miss slovenia spoke exclusively with lydia matt about her decision 2 i have to apologize. reporter: the mix that became a world area some say that the true winner was this 19-year-old what happened was a seizure just two days and the competition they rendered the right side of her face paralyzed and unable to compete. >> a seizure which has never have before caused a nasty fall the letter with the gash in her head and bruises to her face. she spoke to me exclusively about what happened. >> it was my dream but i was like what has happened to me. or not she was right. the professional model is back to work. shooting with the official miss universe photographer. she was invited to the studio in newark city. >> i thought when that happened to her that they would send her home. but they said no, she is there, and it's an honor. reporter: the doctors say that soon her face is going to go back to normal. but she says that this experience has changed her for the better. believing that true beauty comes from within. >> isn't almost as good as having the crown? >> yes. steve: a world champion skier has a close call with a drone. dari: there it is. an unmanned aircraft crashes to the ground and barely misses and the force is strong in nice wiener dogs. just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. roomba navigates your entire home cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. which means your floors are always clean. you and roomba from irobot better together . steve: take a look at that drone coming crashing down in just a split second during an alpine it wasn't some little dinky drone in the sky. >> the latest incident comes as drones are one of the hottest toys of the holiday season. new regulations reining in the rapidly growing drone market and matt king has the details from times square. reporter: the incident led the international ski federation on wednesday to ban drug use during events. they suffered no injuries from the crash, but he posted this picture with the caption here heavy air traffic in italy. and then he said after the race about the event entry. you have to guarantee the safety and that was just insane. give 400,000 drones as gifts on my writing. every one of them weighing more than half a pound has to be registered. piloting drones are to be registered with the federal aviation administration. the united states could see a swarm of rogue aircraft. the owner believes that the drone now functions in the pilot intentionally crashed before he lost control. basque has's cousin open their drones on christmas. >> hopefully they will like it. reporter: matching for "fox 5 news". dari: tweaking a cooking method after an acolyte outbreak that sickened more than 50 people very recently. triggered the cases, aaa says that it will be implementing changes in the coming weeks. among those changes cheese will arrive shredded, onions will be dipped in boiling water to kill off germs before they are chopped and raw chicken will be marinated in resealable bags rather than in bowls. steve: military officials saying that this light was debris from a russian rocket entering the atmosphere. the fireball was a rocket body booster that was launched on monday. russian officials declined to discuss exactly what it was used for her. do it that what you will. and going to the dogs literally. >> this is the kind of stuff dari: in this new video, the celebrity docs in his dress up as a jedi and his brother has gone to the dark side. the force seems to be stronger with the jedi. >> time for our daily look at whether people are living up or down to expectations. these two new york models weaving a chelsea nightclub, they handed the camera who then took a picture of his friend and the girls not saying a world. and the idaho school district any money. still losing her job, people have now started a kick starter fundraiser to help her out. and harrison ford. he's reportedly able to extract up to $25 million to reprise his role as han solo. in the original stars, the new stars who have not even been in many films made 100 or $200,000. he's a real star, that's what you deal with. >> i am more focused on that lunch lady being fired. steve: still coming up. 62 degrees out, but we are only two days away from christmas. dari: our reporter is going to normal temperatures as we get two days away from christmas. and good news from airline travelers. we have more next. >> first, here is tonight's new york minute. >> a million dollars steinway is restored and ready for sale on long island. it was built in 1900 and once got as a gift by this man who immortalized love for his wife. you can find out more at piano and this is larry thomas changing his famous line today because he was helping serve to donate more than a thousand troops to the holy apostles soup kitchen. >> we are so happy to get back to new york. the soup was born in new york and we want to spread it nationwide and do stuff like this to help out the community is.. steve: and this, the "fox 5 news" weather app. the live interactive radar. plus weather headlines and warnings if lightning is nearby. it's free, just search it in itunes or google play meet the moore's! we're the moore family, and we're always looking so we called time warner cable and got even more than we expected. more speed, like 300 meg. more tv shows and movies on demand. more places to make more unlimited calls. they even made it easy to switch with a one hour arrival window. for $89.99 a month, you'll get 100 meg internet, tv, phone and more. plus free installation with a one-hour arrival window. and ask how you could get a $300 reward card. call now. who coined the term "side bread?" because there's nothing "side" about this bread. it may look like the moon. but it's the star of the show. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. ok, we're here. here's dad. mom. aunt alice... you didn't tell me aunt alice was coming. of course. don't forget grandpa. can the test drive be over now? maybe just head back to the dealership? don't you want to meet my family? yep, totally. it's practically yours, but we still need your signature. the volkswagen sign then drive event. r zero due at signing, p p zero down, zero deposit, r and zero first r r months payment ttt on a new jetta >> santa claus making an early stock on wall street. 185 points, making it three days of triple digit gains this week. in the meantime if you are flying to a christmas getaway you have a little bit of extra cash. aaa saying that the average airfare is just under $175 and that is down a little bit from last year. and interest rates headed more people looking to get a mortgage. for both new home purchases and refinancing. and this move coming right around the time that the federal reserve raised interest rates. not too surprising. that is business and i am neil cavuto. steve: how many in the area are dealing with a warmer than normal holidays. and we will introduce you to a college basketball player who did not let his disability stand in the way of his success. >> hello, i am with the military. i want to wish my family a very happy holidays pholiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. how else do you think he gets around so fast? take the reins this holiday and get the mercedes-benz you've always wanted during the winter event. hurry, offers end january 4th! pholiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my stop & shop. >> whatever that thing you are >> she gave me a lesson because i had no idea. this morning i joined the children's choir at the carriage. they performed. i was there with rosanna scotto. and 23 other students. they sang on today this morning. >> she was a natural in front of the camera. >> you like this weather. i guess we can enjoy it. >> it's going to be really cold soon enough or it ironically this is the picture that i took a few things here. and i bought this code two weeks ago. and so we digress. how are new yorkers handling this fact. >> they are back in full force, the christmas killers, but it will be anything but a white christmas. temperatures in the 70s on christmas eve. so how is the weather? >> i was a little bit disappointed. >> it doesn't feel like christmas anymore. but now it feels like spring. >> imperfect caroling weather. this glee club did not take a >> you do you guys like this weather? >> oh, yeah. >> it doesn't make any sense, this is new york. >> some years we are freezing. i'm actually swimming in his jacket. >> nobody wants to watch you. >> to put this one on. >> yes, because it's hot. >> i'm going to wear the sweater. >> is not the only one making some unseasonal fashion decision. >> i guess during the summer. >> it's weird to have a christmas so warm. >> leaving to some unusual christmas plans. by hitting the beach on christmas. >> that's right. >> here is the holiday season filled with the one the family enjoy. >> and keep moving up in the mid-60s, then heading into the low 70s for the record. >> we do have to dodge the rain. we've had an inch and a half here in this idea. still raining on this last edge of it. a couple more showers showing the rain for today is over. sixty-four, 52. that is the new high. 41 degrees and 30 degrees is where we should be. that is the way that the summer has been as we head toward go the warmest on record. getting close to it now, sunrise down, 69, humidity 88% and the southeast, a little bit lower as it's holding steady. taking a look at your sky guardian and we are seeing some rain across the area and the back edge of it. we will continue to see that just a little bit longer online long island and connecticut. sixty-six, 64 in the city, 50s to the north and west. sixty-one as you get towards montauk and a lot of the numbers are the current temperatures. highs for the day low to middle 60s and into the 50s for the north and west. one front moving on through and that is why we are able to end the reign. still seemed pretty good downpours. one area that we will zoom into. on the north shore and that continues again to advance toward the north and east and then the other areas right here, the area of rain as you go west on interstate 78. putting it into motion and you can see it's advancing quickly to the north and then we will check out this. showing you how it disappears. showing you the showers looking off to the south and west. the warm air surging in the 60s. clouds and possibly a couple of showers. sixty-three, bye-bye to that. a couple of showers into the evening. taking a look at the futurecast showing us warmer air with not a lot of rain. this moving on through for christmas day sent to the south. clouds in the afternoon, still a sixty-seven and then the front bubbles back friday night. warming it up. then record warmth, clouds, 73 is the new record high temperature. it's a seven on christmas day. and then it starts as a little snow or sleet in the area. and the pattern changes are coming. i'm starting to see elements of that. >> new year's eve always comes in one way or the other. coming up next we have russ salazar in sports. his. >> hello, i have your toyota traffic tracker. the total at this point have an as well as new jersey transit from penn station and tune in t piano music. wow. i'm glad you finally made it, dad. experience this city. that's what you always say. you were right about the food. yeah? welcome. only in new york, right? i guess so. and a real astronaut. that was something. hi john. hey kevin. one more. didn't you want to be an astronaut? an astronaut? yes, i did. there's still time. ahhhh!!! it's beautiful, isn't it? how about a baseball game next time? done! done. book priceless experiences around the globe with... ... your world mastercard. no way. savor an egg mcmuffin any time you like. a fresh cracked egg, canadian bacon and an english muffin with real butter. mcdonald's all day >> how are you doing, everyone? as we were told earlier, here the odell beckham situation as a done deal. he is out of sunday's game against the vikings. in manhattan to appeal his one-game suspension after receiving three personal foul penalties after the loss to the panthers. but the appeal was upheld. josh gorman received a couple of times a day totaling roughly $26,000. besides apologizing to his teammates and the fans, he had this to say, issuing a statement. a lot of kids look up to me, that's a responsibility that i many parents have said added what they should say to their children. i don't have the perfect answer but i think one thing they can say is how i handled myself the other day is an example of how not to conduct yourself. and that is that. i would like to think that we can now move forward but i have a feeling that plenty of people want to keep them as public enemy number one. that being said tom coughlin had this to say prior to the suspension being upheld. >> to depict this as him being wrong and the only one wrong is not right. it's not fair and it's not the way that was. you'd better do some soul searching yourself. he certainly was wrong and we said he said that he was wrong from day number one. started in pregame which is well-documented that indicates that there was an attempt to provoke him. >> on the hardwood, cleveland, 91-81. >> good deal. thank you. that is going to do it for us tonight.

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