Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News Sunday Morning 20161009

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park if they can pull it off the tribal advance the american league championship series. good morning, everyone, it is sunday, october 19th and it is 53? in downtown cleveland and on that note let's get a check on weather with details on latest forecast. good morning, beth. >> good morning. those of you that want the football weather like feel. ha did you leave your windows open last night? scratchy throat. got that cold. some of you faring better than others and live look outside, partly cloudy skies you can see it is going to be a beautiful day. you will see the sun come up shortly and not quite yet, sun will rise, 53? at hopkins airport and right downtown 33 degrees but look at worcester. into the 30s i warned you last night you might wake up to crispy start, might have a little frost out there. technically we will do just fine today and further west downtown area west you will hit 60. if you're on the east side may not make it quite there and see lots of sunshine today going to the browns game, 56? only at kickoff and second half you will still only as well. right now we are just looking at some clouds but let me get you updated right now. matthew no longer a hurricane. it is now post tropical cyclone matthew. winds rain still heavy, still gusting. get you up to peed on that coming up. in the meantime, denise, it is cold out there. >> oh, it is. >> second presidential debate missouri. a recording exposed donald trump making vulgar comments about woman. jamie lucas has the latest from st. louis. >> donald trump greeted a crowd of supporters. key members of the republican party have pulled their porter after hearing trump's vulgar repeated comments about women. >> i moved on her and i failed. i will admit it. i she was married. >> reaction has been fierce. even from his own running mate. mike pence says he is condone trump's remarks. >> i meant what i said and still how i feel. >> senator john mccain joined dozens of republicans withdrawing support. every gop woman in the senate condemned trump's remarks and demanding that he drop out the of the race. trump says he will never do that but he made a rare apology in the video posted on social media. >> i said it, i was wrong and i apologize. >> trump will have to answer to voters to face hillary clinton in the second presidential debate. >> dr. wayne fields is expert and says clinton should leave the >> leave anything alone that would be pair phasing what he said. >> trump like leak to face tough ones about the newest scandal. jamie lucas, st. louis, missouri. those withdrawing support are here in ohio. getting answers this morning on what voters in northeast ohio saying about the republican nominee. >> trump's remarks have upset including right here in ohio like you said. key players are now distancing himself from the candidate but some feel voters tell us their support for trump hasn't changed. there's mix reaction here in northeast ohio on whether voters will choose to stand by donald trump. some say the lewd remarks don't matter but others say it does. ohio senator rob portman condemned trump's comments and withdrawing the support. former governor ted strike land mentioned the video at antigun violence event saturday and also pulling his support but cleveland 19 talked with several voters that say comments won't change their vote. >> i'm a advocate of donald trump. that doesn't bother me. i have no problem with it honestly because women -- there's more bad stuff than that going out there than sexual that means nothing to me, the video. >> many are calling donald trump to drop out of the fresh race but he said that he will not to that. his comments are sure to be talked about on today's sunday morning shows and most likely will come up at tonight's debate in the next half hour i will show you reaction from the clinton camp. denise? >> thank you so much. looking ahead to tomorrow hillary clinton will make a campaign stop in ohio. mrli urging people to get registered to vote there and the stop is one day ahead of registration day and exact time and location has not been set for the appearance. >> continuing coverage of campaign 2016 and always find updates on cleveland, on facebook or also on twitter. other big story we are following today is hurricane matthew. leaving a trail of destruction across it is southeast. the while the storm is going through north carolina other areas beginning to assess the damage. edward lawrence has latest from charleston. >> going to be out here few weeks. >> matthew brought record breaking flooding and damaging wind to parts of the southeast hitting north carolina hard saturday and overnight with torrential rain and destructive storm surge. the rain cnu region and stretches into the mid-atlantic states more than a foot fell in southeastern north carolina last night. >> damaging homes and businesses and famous search and rescue team saved three people in fayetteville after the suv got stuck in the rushing water. matthew hugged as it came north sparing from severe wind but causing devastating flooding there are reports of scattered looting at homes and businesses, including the gas station in garden city, georgia. >> pretty frustrating because people don't care about what they got. local store right here here to help the community and everything tried to get opened up. >> in florida matthew caused severe coastal erosion and experts believe matthew will leave behind four to $6 billion here in the u.s. and impressive for some and far less storm sandy 20 billion and hurricane katrina 40 billion. >> send outbreaking news alerts on track left behind by the storm. >> browns will be back home taking on new england patriots. the browns currently zero-four that has not won a game this season. it is not going to get any easier today either. the patriots will get leader back today. he served a sentence for deflategate. let's hope browns can get to brady early before he shakes all the rust off. don't forget this morning at 11:00 we will have you covered with the down the match-up between the browns and new england. >> game throw of the alds with the boston red sox. if the indians win they will sweep the sox and one step closer to the series. getting answers on team's mindset heading into elimination game. >> there were a lot of story lines when this started, john front office and terry francona and two world series titles. terry didn't want to talk about it, making it personal before the series started. going into elimination game, game three, didn't want to talk about it then either. >> don't think we have time to make things personal and also believe strongly that the players on both sides, red sox and indians, they have worked too much that it needs to be all mr. about the players always and regardless what the feelings may or may not be, it is just not appropriate. >> game three 40:81 pitch indians will try to end boston's season right here today. 19. a train derailed and we will show you how it happened. >> good morning. some of you waking up to the upper 30s. it is a chilly start out there. take a look. we are actually going to be trending a little cooler today as we go through the afternoon. some of you may not make it to 60? while others might get a this is cleveland 19 news. 7:14, 53? outside studios in downtown cleveland. new this morning israeli police say a not rift launched a shooting spree near the israeli headquarters in jerusalem. motorcycles chased shooter that eventually opened fire at them before he was killed. police are calling this an act of terror. long island commuter train hit a work train on the tracks and this happened half mile east of the new hyde park station. 29 people were injured, none of them were life-threatening and 11 were transported to local hospitals and many asking this happened. >> we need to have the most modern equipment that we can with the best safety standards available and i think that's something that has to be worked on. >> the train service currently suspended in both directions. there's no word how this will affect monday morning commuters. >> suspect into custody after two officers were shot and killed in palm springs saturday afternoon. brooke silva bragga has more on >> three palm springs officers were shot saturday after answering a call from a woman that said her adult son was causing a disturbance. >> the officers from what i understand near the front door trying to negotiate with the suspect to just supply. it was a simple family disturbance and elected to open fire. >> it was rapid fire. >> veteran of the department. >> chose to work overtime today. >> lizny just returned from maternity leave. >> 27 years old and been on list of the department year and a half, gave birth to four-month-old baby. >> with the suspect at large police treated the house as if they didn't identify the suspect but said there was a history for calls to the house. this morning authorities are investigating what caused boat to capsize on san francisco bay. the incident sent five adults and three children to hospital. total of 27 people were on board when that boat flipped. 15-year-old boy who was on unconscious and not breathing when he was pulled out of the water was eventually revived and expected now to make a full recovery. good morning. awfully chilly out there. how cold is it? eight? off from where we were yesterday and super cold air and chicago which will grant some of the temperatures soon enough better. facebooking live. tough to do both at the same time, i know. we have cloud cover over cleveland area, 51? is what is registering at hopkins. right along the lake shore, you're windy and 53 and 38, 39, did you use the heater this morning, denise? >> i thought about it. >> need hot tailgating and we don't really get very warm today. we got so used to seeing the 80s for so long that i think everyone got a little comfortable with that. cloud cover is kind of dissipating. not everyone is seeing it, not really a big deal. things get trick and he definitely got texas asking about hurricane matthew and the tribe game. technically some breakoff moisture coming up toward massachusetts and boston. game at 4:00. forecast for the area 59? and scattered light rain showers and drizzle, 50/50 shot at it, they will get the game in just fine and post tropical cyclone matthew ultimately going to head to the east. northeast-east. definitely it is not done yet and we will see lake enhancement and possibly showers and right now coming off of lake huron and right now looks like i to stay mainly to the east except for the evening dinner hours tonight and might see a passing sprinkle and future view today. some clouds, some sun, never really warmed though and keep that in mind, chillier than yesterday. see by lunchtime and kickoff. doing just fine. we are still absolutely -- we are dry. we are just not very warm. by the time we get to 2:00, here come lake enhancement, a little disturbance goes over and north wind and that's what could give that's all it is going to be except for all of those people sitting outside i think you should know might want to bring in hoodie. four, 5:00 making way inland a little bit. it is going to be on the cool side and do just fine and don't worry about the rain showers, don't change plans. just know that a sprinkle here and there might disrupt plans four or 5:00. hey, this is -- today will be slightly cooler. 70s by the middle of the week and don't hold breath and rain showers out there, denise, wednesday night into thursday and not even a big chance and even if it is it is not really anything to get too excited about. i will tell you more about that >> we have very special guest in the studio that you may wanted ? ? live look outside on top of roof top. clouds in the sky. 53? outside the studios in downtown cleveland, so it is chilly out there as we always say if you're looking for someone to cuddle up to. week help you in the department this morning. elizabeth marino, nick urban. who did you bring for us this morning, sweet baby. >> this is midnight, five-year-old shepherd mix. he is very laid-back and kind of good for people of all ages. seems to do with other dogs but best with other dogs as laid-back as him. >> what is the story? how did you get him? >> he is a puppy at heart, likes to play with tennis balls and and really lovely. didn't bring a ball but he does love the tennis balls. >> people in pets that are self-amusing and less high maintenance. who does nick have over here. >> she is such a baby doll. she has her little do lap. that's the chin that nick is playing with right here. girl bunnies have that and use fur from the chin to line nest just the ladies that have that. >> looks like turkey. >> just in time for thanksgiving. >> ran the house and liter trained so she could be out during the day and they just cage her at night so doesn't get into any trouble or chew up any wind advisory. she is laid-back and friendly, loved to be pet. >> how sweet is she? >> tell us how we can get the hands on these guys and take them open. >> we are open everyday monday and hours today on sunday are 12 to five. >> awesome, see on the screen, find them at 7996 caro road, suite 50. (330)487-0333 and be sure to check out website www.summit and plenty of other pets that people can adopt and i and show you what terry francona said to his team -- said his good sunday morning to you once again. keep members party pooled their support from their candidate donald trump after 11-year-old video is released of canada -- candidate using extremely vulgar language. what supporters have to say. >> post tropical cyclone and continuing to monitor the current path from the first alert weather center and update indians have chance to go to als and sweep of boston red sox today at fenway park. we will have more on top stories in just a moment but once again, good morning, september 9th, 53? outside right now and seeking of weather check in with beth mccloud. looked up fall day in the dictionary, betting, i really think you would have seen yesterday. it is so beautiful. >> actually was temperature yesterday. so we should be in the mid-60s. about 65. we made it to 68 and it was pleasant. today will be a very typical fall like day. cloud cover out there, cold start but we don't warm very much today. yesterday made to 68 mark and a lot of you did not. toledo made to 64. mansfield in acron low 60s, so starting off norwalk, mansfield, worcester, in the 30s, so cold, doesn't seem that crisp, 44 in canton, so definitely as we go through the morning time we will warm a little bit and could trigger some lake effect or a little enhancement sprinkles. really the opportunity for that is four or 5:00 this afternoon for the cleveland area. asheville lake, you guys could see it any until dinner time and not really big deal. doesn't even really come up on the forecast monitor but you can tell kickoff time, we are in the mid-y 50s and going to be cold if coming to the bronze game, don't need 15 layers. i would, however, dress in light hares so you can take them off and carry them as you go along. right now we have some cloud cover out there. it is no longer hurricane matthew. it is post tropical cyclone matthew. it is spreading out, raining very hard and coming up. republican party in turmoil after explosive recording exposed donald trump vulgar comments about women. pooled support after hearing the comments. reaction to the 2005 tape has been fierce. even from his own running mate. mike pence said he can not condone or defend trump's remarks. house speaker paul ryan disinvited trump to saturday's republican rally and said he was sickened by his comments. tonight's debate will allow for questions from the audience and trump likely to face tough ones about the scandal and possibly from hillary clinton. of political parties are saying about trump's comments in the video that was released over the weekend. good morning. >> good morning, denise. trump's lewd comments have been a talker since they were revealed, and there's been reaction from both republicans and democrats as some condemn and try to distance themselves from the candidate. reaction on social media was swift. this tweet from hillary clinton on friday this is horrific, we cannot allow the man to become president grandfather of two precious girls i find no apology can excuse donald trump's comments degrading women and condoleezza rice's facebook page. enough donald trump should not be president. former governor ted strike land mentioned video at antigun violence event in cleveland yesterday. >> i think is disgraceful, donald trump fit to be the president. indiana governor mike pence said he does not condone trump's remarks and cannot defend him but he is grateful he is expressed remorse and apologized. this is sure to be talked about on sunday morning shows and most likely at tonight's debate. denise? >> remember to stay with cleveland 19 news with campaign coverage of 2016 and find updates on cleveland, facebook or twitter. two mill without power from florida to t this as post tropical storm matthew continues to batter the electric coast. while officials are cautiously easing up on evacuation orders, flooding remains a huge concern. scott mcclean reports now from savanna, georgia. >> allow the guardian angels take care of our home. >> susan freeman among the thousands of georgians to take chances. freeman hunkered down. it was a decision she would soon all night long. scary, very scary. >> close enough to bring winds, strong enough uproot trees and take down power lines and cut off roads. >> damage not as widespread, there certainly is significant areas of damage. >> and time it got there weakened to and matthew strong enough to make 100 roads impassable, knock without power to hundreds of thousands of people and leave a big mess behind. >> we believe able to do the best we could to keep everybody safe and so keep in mind that, you know, lives are what's most important. >> south carolina cleans up, north carolina is still batoning down. >> i'm extremely concerned since this hurricane has been >> either portion starting to see record flooding and matthew to move offshore early sunday. in savanna, georgia, i'm scott maclaine. >> we are continuing to monitor the storm this morning. beth mccloud first alert weather center on matthew's current position. >> can't relate to it and over a foot of rain and started to pull some things up and makes a little more sense. take look at this video we found last night. this comes from the city of fayetteville and their rescue was there. this is in downtown fayetteville. not even close to the coast and why officials are saying don't people decided we got to get out of here. rushing water. take look at map. this is what i have been using the last couple days to gauge some of this. and foot of rain on our ford first lady weather model. look at this. to give you idea, we don't ever see the grays any -- not seen rainfall like this and look at this in color code and don't even go up that high for the rain totals. so the watch are still out, flash flood boxes are still out but fayetteville itself is almost 90 miles from the coastline and get you updated no longer correct to say hurricane matthew. it is post tropical cyclone matthew. when it is a cyclone it is bigger reach and more rain to it and track right out to the atlantic and there's another hurricane and they will not meet and estimated rainfall from matthew, denise. >> sun starts coming coming up and more rain each top 12 inches additional from last night. >> breaking news alerts on update and track the damage left behind by the storm. new brooke heights police looking for endangered missing boy named deon these taylor. 5'8" and weighs under 200 pounds. he was last seen wearing genes on the front. he was last seen on friday around 4:00 walking toward the stella walsh recreation center. please call police if you see him. police are currently investigating a body that was found on drexel avenue around 1:00 on saturday and dead when police arrived and appears to have been the 20s or 30s and update as soon as we have more information on that story. >> browns back on the field and take zero-five start and have to do it without beating tom brady. he just got off suspension for deflategate. other big gammas, indians look to take care of business by knocking off the boston red sox and advancing one step closer to the world series. indians manager terry francona spoke about the team's mindset from mistakes and move on. expectations we place on ourself are what matters. first pitch between boston red sox and indians at 4:08 this afternoon. >> show where you you can get ? ? driving in this morning behind some of the tailgaters heading there before 6:00 a.m. hopefully browns can pull this off. 53? in downtown cleveland, chilly out there, but see peaks of sunshine and worried samsung galaxy note seven phone might catch fire. verizon and sprint announced friday they will let customers trade in device for a completely different phone and move comes three days after replacement note seven caught fire on board samsung launched global recall in september. columbus-day weekend to shop and 2017 models in the showroom and moving out 2016 prices better at the end of the year and selection is better now we are told. if looking for a specific feature this is also great shopping. summer sandals marked down 90% off and accessories pick and up store wide coupon on top of that discount price. probably seen halloween on store shelves for weeks now. local dentist warning parents and kids about what treats can cause major problems with your teeth. tiffany tucker getting answers on candy >> foot stick from the teeth or on top of it. >> damage to lead to series issues. >> root canals and crowns and worst case scenario the two can become abscess, infected. >> rocky river periodic dentist constantly educates parents and kids, especially this time of year with halloween around the corner about making better candy -- choices. she warns to stay away from it. >> the skittles, starburst, air heads, milk duds and thing i know parenting magazines and called organic and they are still sticky adhesive sit in the grooves of the teeth that lead to cavities. >> any of the teeth hurt? >> no. >> any dental issues, concerns. >> 12-year-old ryan butler getting a regular check-up and she knows the temptation is there to eat knows what it it can lead to. >> cavities. >> used to buy the candy early on and bags would be gone before halloween started. we don't do that any more. >> if you do buy the candy, stick with chocolate because it can't stick to your teeth. it melts. >> bite together. looking good. >> she is cavity free. she and mom hope it stays that way. >> favorite is reeses. >> starburst. >> what do you giveaway for halloween? >> air heads. air heads at our house. i hear it is really bad so don't give me >> feels like halloween. beginning to feel like fall. >> if you follow either one of us on facebook we post the video all the time and actually quite good. here we go. temperature trend this morning, i think we will make it to 60. i think everyone from downtown area west and everyone on the east side, i think you might 50s, but current temperatures. cold and slow out there, mansfield, norwalk, upper 50s and on the at hospitals 51? and 51? and lake keeping some areas a little bit warmer. it does help. it doesn't in the springtime but this time of year definitely helps. so with that said 54, thank you to the lake even though getting big winds off the lake and coming out of warmer shaker heights and 44? and a little on the crisp side and i know my yard low 50s. got clouds out there, not tracking much of anything except winds coming out of the north. see this. it is not very impressive. lake enhancement and showers -- opportunity to have some just -- i say lake enhancement. lake effect sprinkles. i know, it is all dramatic. then give you springstein. not something -- not game changer but you should know maybe you need hoodie and sensitive kids and keep umbrella handy, don't think you will actually need it. they are getting some of the moisture that is spinning off matthew. scattered light rain showers and drizzle what's expected and cloudy day and yes, get the game in and not going to be nearly as pleasant as our weather was while they were playing here. some clouds out there, some sunshine at 11:00 and tailgaters, buckle up a little bit and light layers and still dealing with this and a little bit of lake enhancement. a little disturbance coming down and chance of springstein. here it comes. this is a direct hit for downtown. so if you're a little slow leaving the browns game, and comes in all the way toward worcester and a lot of dry air in place, ultimate low win out and got to mention it and future view temperature 55? at lunch time, mid-50s just about everybody and go through afternoon. west side see enough sunshine to warm and not showing that on our future view temperatures. another cold start for columbus day. if you don't work at columbus day, all tucked nice and warm monday morning but at left turn a little bit warmer on monday. denise, at least i got the right 7-day forecast up this time. 59 today, although technically i think some will see the 60s. 63, touch warmer. this is below average. tuesday and making run at 70. denise, there are no 80s on this and only 170 and wednesday night and give us scattered rain showers and nice little dollop of some rain. nothing huge. water mums on your own but it could linear a little bit of gray drizzle into thursday morning but then boom, that system right out of here. thursday itself partly sunny. that is a beautiful seven day fall love this time of the year. coming up on cleveland 19 surprising statistics on infant mortality and certain local do you know there are pockets of neighbors where infant mortality is four times the average and not in the areas you think of. tackle the problem head on. >> seen agony of parents with death of child and taken so many lives and often unintentional behavior by parents that can cause a child's death. not positioning baby directly for sleep, not having appropriate safe carry seats, head injuries, improper nutrition and dozen more favors cause infant mortality. >> many community agencies around greater cleveland and designed to give parents tools in order to raise a healthy baby and fight some troubling statistics. in ohio we are forty-fifth out given hard numbers seven out of 1,000 babies born won't make to first birthday andun acceptable statistic. >> hospital surrounded by pockets of infant mortality he refers to as ground zero with high incidents and research learns new techniques all the time. >> changes over time as we do research and have ability to share some of the information with young families. it is helpful. >> just get do to keep my baby healthy and reach full potential. >> new information. >> you would never let children ride unstrapped in the back of a vehicle and before new study data it happened routinely and what if baby stopped breathy do you know infant cpr. >> looking for change in color baby by compressing on baby's chest. >> 32 breaths, call 911, go back. >> dads and moms act differently. >> moms are saying go answer the phone for me, go turn the water down, go see who's at the door. >> both are okay but at baby bat camp and touchy issues like domestic >> a lot of people are bears and don't want to talk about it and talk to them and coach them and they open up to you. >> cleveland 19. >> still more to come on appears we lost a degree. >> we are doing great. we are looking tropical -- looking at map here compared to some other places. >> 38 in worcester and talking about turning -- turn the heat on and borderline thought about it this morning. the house was really cold. >> so i like my home on cooler side all the time. >> when sleeping. >> left window open and got up, maybe some of you're experienced with this, my throat is -- >> you know how you sometimes get tickle between the season change? >> might have pushed. >> 38 in worcester, 30s finally and some of you long the lake shore, see the green, it is lake going to keep us a little warmer as normally does. sandusky not getting benefit and tomorrow morning more of the same, definitely a chilly start out there. today we don't really warm much. let me tell you yesterday we made to 68, some of you only made to 65, 66, we are not going to see that today. as a matter of fact, there's a good possibility that everyone to the cleveland might see 60, upper 50s if i wanted to play it safe, in the upper 50s today, but i think some 60s will kick out. 57?, partly sunny skies, second half 58?, there's a chance you see a sprinkle out there. right now not seeing much of the sprinkle but i will show you sprinkles way to the north and lake effect at this point and not really a big deal and get matthew no more, now been downgraded to post tropical cyclone and it is putting down a ton of rain still and they are not out of the woods yet in virginia and north carolina. we will get you updated on that. denies? many politicians withdrawing the support for trump, including ones right here in ohio. getting answers for us this morning on what voters in northeast ohio are saying about the republican nominee now. >> trump's all over the country, including right here in northeast ohio. some key players are now distancing themselves from the candidate but some voters tell us their support for trump hasn't changed. mixed reaction on northeast high whether voters stand by donald trump. some say the lewd remarks don't matter but others say it does. ohio senator rob port condemned trump's comments and withdrawing former governor ted strike land mentioned video at antigun valence events in cleveland on saturday and also pulling his support, but cleveland 19 talked with several voters who say the comments won't change their vote. >> i'm an advocate of trump so don't -- that doesn't bother me. there's no bad stuff than that coming out of there harassment. i think donald trump would help america a lot like he says and means nothing to me, the video. >> many are calling for donald trump to drop out of the presidential race but won't do that and comments sure to be talked about on today's sunday morning shows and most likely will come up at tonight's debate in st. louis. in the next half hour i will show you reaction from the clinton camp. denise? >> thank you so much. remember everyone to stay with cleveland 19 news for continuing always find updates on cleveland, on facebook and also on twitter. you can hire a service to do just about anything these days, right? cut your lawn, pick up dry cleaning, do your shopping. now there are services that propis to help you negotiate lower bills or cancelun want subscriptions. is it worth getting a personal financial assistant? danny carlson is getting answers. >> i've kind of th for sorts of services. >> charles stewart admits he can't remember a lot of the subscriptions he signs up for show and signed up for a service that identified those subscriptions for him. >> probably different subscriptions. >> some were even duplicates. charles uses trim, similar >> connect bank account or credit card to these accounts and they are going to go through them for you and make a list of these what the current subscriptions are. do you want us to cancel any. >> tiffany helps people save money for a living. she says using the free services to scour your accounts can't hurt. charles saved big time. >> i would say over the course of year spent 14 to $1,600 if i hasn't started using trim. >> there are other service like bill cutters, bill shark and bill fixers that will actually try to negotiate a lower price for you on things like cable, internet or phone bills. >> they don't save you any money and good news you don't have to spend any money. if they do save you money, then typically you have to share and saving with them. >> usually somewhere between 40 to 50% of the savings goes to the negotiating service for a first but if you strike out okay with paying a fee to save money. >> it is critical to is being security policies to make sure banking information is secure and to be clear on any fee structures. charles service is free. does he see down side. >> many more dollars. how much savings going to the service and for how long and do you pay the fee monthly and discount if you pay it all in lump sum? this is important. if your savings go away, can you get your fee back. getting answers tonight, explore the struggle of 1960s movement and sneak peek and has the details. what was it like? >> it was fantastic and phenomenal. let me tell you art is nothing short of amazing. there are more than and white photos and when you see images closely linked to what's going on right now. they say there's no better time than now to tell this story. this light of ours active photographers from the civil rights movement. >> tale of ordinary people that took a stand against bigotry, against injustice. king junior but everyday people who made the movement happen. >> nine photographers took the photos in the 1960s and documented the marches. sit-ins and bloody beat-downs in the segregated south through their lens. there are more than 150 photographs in the collection as well as 3d structures. films and interactive features. executive director ellen rudolph says when you look at the images, situation and it is eerily familiar to what's going on today. >> so much turmoil and misses trust and racial division and we felt that this exhibition really illustrates that struggles are a continuum. >> role northeast ohio played in the civil rights movement. >> student activist trained in how to defend themselves, how to organize, how to deal with nonviolent protests. >> museum added. >> many people may remember and be familiar with the 1970s decision where deseg gated and busing began as part of reality and 1963, 64, there was a to ask for children to go to school all day. hoping images from the past will help people to sign up. >> there are tons of extra photos and video for you to look at but if you want to get there soon and check that out. denise? >> thank you so much, sia. break how cool it would be to head out today to the pumpkin patch, great day for it, people getting their fall and halloween on. >> i love fall. >> i do too. >> behind in leaves changing category see changes and could trigger couple sprinkles and cold, and mains field up a degree at this hour at 40 and norwalk still in the reading reading in cuyahoga county, not bad start, kind of typical. a little cooler than where we should be. nothing typical, nothing big yet. to the north see lake enhancement coming off. that's going to come this way. during the daytime heating but with hesitation and might evaporate everything and still in the forecast and let you know you could come into sprinkles as leaving the browns game. the tribe played today. they could wrap it up but they play in boston and weather not going to be nearly as nice what they give the teams. boston right now, this is spinoff moisture from matthew. matthew technically is heading off toward the east and 4:00 p.m. temperature will be near 60? as well. scattered light rain showers and drizzle, 50% shot out there. for us it is just a scosch of you're going to get some of the sprinkle first earlier in the day. it is not really big deal. most of it will probably dry out. if leaving the browns game look at 5:00. right through downtown. does come all the way down toward acron. just some light passing rain showers. i got to mention it because i can't get it out of the future view. so i can get off the weather models and giving me the same thing. matthew update post tropical cyclone matthew, no longer hurricane. andhe getting smaller, not technically when it gets to this stage, spreads out even more and heavy rain still but see ultimately it is starting to come out over the atlantic. the path of it, although still only moving at 14 miles per hour, is now east-northeast and over the atlantic and won't bother anybody else after this. today 59?, maybe areas on west mainly because disturbing over the lake is not heading toward the west side of town so sandusky, if heading to cedar point today, probably make to about 60?. monday very cold start tomorrow on columbus day. 63 on monday. near 70 on tuesday. still don't think we will make it to 70? until wednesday. next system. night. wednesday night i think we get widespread rain showers in here and keep eye on it and don't have any big disturbances and everyone gets a good dose of rain, could linger a little bit thursday morning and out of here again and more sunshine. denise, great looking 7-day forecast with really no big rain, no big systems and daytime weather is looking fantastic. >> two sweet sweet pets that are ready to go home, ready for adoption and who do we have here. i know this is midnight. they are both -- both so chill this morning. like didn't have morning coffee yet. >> both really, really chill. midnight five-year-oldish shepherd mix and he is lovely laid-back. >> can't get over it. >> gets along with all kind of people. >> think the bestie would be another dog that's just as calm and laid-back as he is and double chin too lap under there and that's actually so she can pull out hair and keep babies warm. >> definitely keep all of us warm. >> a lot of fur and well fed. >> she is also lilter box trained. >> awesome. you're open today. what are the hours at the humane society of greater acron. >> we are open 12-five today. >> let's go over the details where you can find these sweet fur babies. 7996 caro road suite 30. be sure to check out website www.summit if you didn't catch any of that you could facebook or tweet beth or -- keep post because always like to hear about the guys getting adopted. introduce you to the new face of cbs sunday morning and we will anchored broadcast for 22 years. brooke silva bragga talk about the new role and rare interview she was lined up -- has lined up >> biggest thing that's happened in your career which given the career big thing to say. >> not the most stunning in that my appearance at 25 years old on the today show anchor desk and chair recently vacated by barbara walters but unexpected as things have been in my career >> on first broadcast interview with supreme court justice ruth gator ginsburg. >> sitting sitting in chambers s rare but more to spend time at organized and little labeled meals that her daughter once a month comes down and cooks the great meals and ruth chooses a meal and puts it in the microwave and that's what she has for dinner. i promise you i didn't say can we look in your refrigerator? she opened it up and moments a treasurer you will find sunday morning. >> she is perfect for the role. >> i miss seeing her on tv. >> one of the favorite shows on television. absolutely. i wish i had six minutes to tell a story. i got ten to tell story. >> 60 today, heads up little nuisance shower and below average until tuesday but hey, we see a couple 70s popping [music] >> joel osteen: well, god bless you. thanks so much for letting us come into your homes. the beautiful city of detroit at comerica park. i'm with the finest people in all of detroit, michigan, right here with me tonight. we are blessed to have you as well, so blessed to have you guys. i want to talk to you tonight about how trouble is transportation. we all go through difficulties in life and things we don't understand, and it's easy to get discouraged and think, "why is this happening to me?"

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