Transcripts For WPVI Action News Weekend 9A 20240622

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after 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. there could be a quick-hitting drenching downpour or strong to severe thunderstorm. 8 # degrees is the forecast -- 88 degrees is the forecasted high. sun sets around 8:30. storm prediction center has all areas shaded in yellow with gusts up to 60 miles per hour if any thunderstorms developful i'll talk much more about that when i see you in ten minutes. >> thank you. a massive water main break has turned roads into rivers you can see it in west philadelphia. an incredible scene the water started gushing at the intersection of 52nd and wymissing avenue. annie mccormick is live at the scene. she's been there since after it broke this morning. annie, the water is starting to recede a little bit. >> reporter: significant progress has been made, thousands of gallons of water is almost gone. you can see the street in the 500 block of north 52nd street is dry. take a look you can see the cars, that's what's left over, the cars are in the roadway the roadway actually seems to he up downer water main break. i want to show you what's happening on the scene. pgw is here to check the gas lines to see if any water got in the gas line. they do not feel like there's any danger at this point. the parking authority is out here because they need to tow the vehicles out. take a look at the video. this is dramatic video from early this morning after getting reports of the water main break at 4:00 a.m., when the water department the fire department and the police rushed out here. the water department had water rescue ready with boats on hand. police helped the residents by lifting them up, a little boy walked over from his home to make sure they got out of the area safely. the water was so high and the current so strong they were worried that people would get hurt. many of the residents are in their homes. they are looking at the damage, claims adjusters are on scene. one woman told us about the wake-up call she got this morning. >> i was in the bed sleeping. somebody banged on my window and i opened up the door all i seen was water shooting up, like up, it all down in the middle right there. the it was terrible. then i seen my car -- that's why they knocked on the door, the person that knocked didn't know me, they seen my car and knocked on the window to wake me up to tell he me. >> reporter: back here live the parking authority ready to tow the cars the woman's car was the first one in the line of cars. the water department said it's too early to say what cause the water main break. a lot of times in the winter we tell you about how the water main freezes and it causes a break. in the summertime because of the high volume of water puts pressure on the water mains it's likely what happened here, but it's too early to investigate. they have people with low pressure in the area to give them a call if they are having any problems. water is shut off in some areas they are hoping to get that restored. pretty much today it's a clean-up situation. there's so much work to be done they don't know if they can get everybody restored or what the time line will be. it could take up to a week or more. we'll be talking to the water department to get more information. septa buses were able to take some residents to the west catholic high school where red 0 cross set up a shelter. we're check in and see how many people are still there. annie mccormick channel 6 "action news." >> see you in a bit. a man in his 70s who managed to escape a fire from his shore house with his wife this morning ended up having a massive heart attack outside the house and died at the hospital. the fire broke out at 12:45 shortly after the couple managed to get out of the house the husband went into cardiac arrest. the couple's dog died in the fire. investigators are looking for the cause. developing news this morning, authorities in camden county are searching for the parents of a toddler who was found alone at a park. employees found the 3-year-old girl at clementon lake park at 8:30. the employees took her to the park office and called police. officers have been unable to find the child's parents. investigators combed nearby police departments but no one received a report of a missing child. division of child and family services took the child into custody. anyone with information call 911 right away. the action cam was at the pizza shop at suburban square shopping center where five members of a cleaning crew were overcome by fumes overnight. they were treated at the scene before being transported to the hospital. >> i believe it was cleaning agents they mixed together to make the fumes in the building. >> two of the workers are in serious condition. several firefighters had to be decontaminated at the scene are okay. a 4-year-old who fell into a pond in newark, delaware has dialed. the girl was attending a picnic when she apparently wandered away. >> when we arrived there were several people at the party who were at the pond near the property and looking for the girl in the water. she was found quickly and removed from the water. >> firefighters pulled the girl from the pond and performed cpr. medics rushed her to christiana hospital where she later died. a gate behind the community is center was unlocked. newark police are investigating. philadelphia police are searching for suspects after a man was shot multiple times and killed. it happened around 4:15 on the 1800 block of east fayette street in kensington. the person was hit in the legs, but buttocks and the back of the head. he died at the scene. a man who said his son was guilty of an an attack on dallas headquarters just snapped. >> reporter: inside the blasted burned out shell of his armored van the body of james boware stopped by a barrage of bullets. the attack started at midnight aimed at police headquarters. he sprayed the headquarters with hail of gunfire. grim witness to his murderous intent. >> we believe this suspect meant to kill officers. >> reporter: he wasn't done he used his massive van as a battering ram against police cruiser and led others on a chase across town. a bomb robot picks up a suspicious package, 30 minutes later a sniper shoots out the engine block of the van making sure it's not going anywhere. thenl. >> -- then? >> our swat snipers shot at the windshield of the van trying the suspect. >> reporter: astonishingly the gunman was the only casualty. he blamed police for losing custody of his son. >> he said he lost everything i own i've got nothing left. >> reporter: the van was an armor assault vehicle that once belonged to a sheriff department in south carolina. the body of a massachusetts man killed while fighting against the islamic state has been returned home. a turkish airline plane airvelgd yesterday at low -- arrived yesterday at logan airport in boston. he was killed in syria. the first u.s. citizens to died fighting against isis. he had no military training but compelled to fight against what he considered evil. people in allentown got quite a shock this weekend when they spotted a black bear roaming the streets near a popular festival. it was a block away where organizers were preparing for a blues festival. crews followed the bear to a nearby tree where they tran liesed it. -- tranquilized it. the bear looked fob -- to be a year old and recently separated from his mother. he will be taken and released. more people are in the same-sex marriage than ever before. we'll have the results of a new study. >> they may look harmless, but furniture and televisions can be hazards for children. we'll have ways to protect your kids. >> plus looking live on sky6 hd atlantic city, it's beautiful out there but it's hot and sticky, chris sowers has the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast when we come right back. what's happened to snacking? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next, after the next? so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. ♪♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life state farm is there. >> well how would you like to have this job? these guys are cleaning the saint louis gateway afternoon. it just so happens to be the nation's tallest monument at 630 feet. national park service released this video of crews scaling the arch. it's a great job if you're not afraid of heights. >> reporter: you said the magic word, if you're not afraid of highlights. i don't do heights very well. sky 6 we go cape may rain is pulling away. skies are brightening up a little bit. officially this did not go down as a heat wave. it's warm and sticky, but for three consecutive days of 90 degrees, it's a heat wave. one thing we haven't lost, the heat came down a little bit the humidity continued to be like a thorn in the side it's very very sticky out there this morning. 78 degrees dewpoint, 68 degrees winds, out of the south at 3. poconos, fierl comfortable and dry -- fairly comfortable and dry, and 71. tonight, 65 to 70. tomorrow back into the oppressive category. here's satellite and radar, warm front that's pushing through that's what increases the humidity. a lot of warm sticky air to the south. it's a heat-pump high, it's a bermuda high. it's sitting over top of us tonight and tomorrow. that's the focal point for showers and thunderstorms over the next couple of days. future tracker 6 sun and clouds in the afternoon. 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., you can see the isolated stray thunderstorms developing. it's this batch right here. watch this coming racing in later on 6:00. it's this basm that could have winds -- batch that could have winds in excess of 0 miles per hour cloud to ground lightning tryings followed by another batch while most of us are sound asleep it could continue through monday afternoon. rainfall totals, we're not anticipating widespread flooding. if you're in an area that is prone to flooding, these downpours could produce one to two 2 1/2 inches of rain depending on where they hit. it's hard to say which particular neighborhood is going to see the worse of this, when everybody is fair game at this point. jersey sure, 76 degrees. cape may 76. sea isle, 77. rehoboth beach 78 degrees, again, combination of sun and clouds thunderstorms come very late in the day after 4:00. for today in philadelphia, warm and humid spotty thunderstorms # 8 degrees feeling like the low 90s with the humidity. more clouds around overnight tonight, thunderstorms possible, 68 degrees outlying suburbs, 70 center city. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, it's almost like we're in the middle of july. temperatures in the mid to upper 80s, feeling like 3 4 5 degrees warmer than the actual numbers. just about everyday through wednesday there's a chance of showers and thunderstorms. 88 degrees today feeling like the low 90s. hit or miss showers and thunderstorms late. monday, showers and thunderstorms, feeling like the upper 80s low 90s. tuesday, sticky, feeling like the low mid 90s wednesday we cool it down a little bit 86 degrees, if you like summer weather you're a big fan of what's going on right now. >> and the 6abc mobile app can help you stay ahead of changes in the weather. access storm tracker 6 live radar for any rain, plus temperature map for any neighborhood. our sky of cameras give you a look before you head out. that's a hard question. (laughing) we are the fay family from chesapeake, virginia. williamsburg is just beautiful. because we have thrill seekers and not such thrill seekers, i try to find something that everybody likes. this is a very good spot to do that. the most exhilarating part about this vacation was being with the whole family. it was amazing. >> welcome back you're looking live at philadelphia international airport right there. 9:19 78 degrees, it looks nice out there but it doesn't feel so nice, we're back in the soup today. own "healthcheck" this morning, researchers study the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy people fell asleep faster and got an additional 30 minutes of rest. talking is the cause of insomnia for americans. americans say they are not satisfied with the quality of sleep they are getting. same-sex marriage has reached a new high. 57% of americans are in favor of allowing same-sex couples to legally married. the center said this is the highest level of support it measured since it began polling on the issue 20 years ago. the supreme court is expected to weigh in on same-sex marriages later this month. get this, starbucks is celebrating the 20th anniversary of it's frapno by adding 6 more flavors. they are blended with milk and ice and topped with whipped cream. the flavors are only available for a limited time. speaking of coffee, dunkin' donuts may be coming to you. they are developing a mobile order but they are not clear when it will become available. this comes always starbucks tests an app-based delivery service in the northwest. we'll be right back. >> reporter: welcome back everyone, 9:24 sunday morning looking at storm tracker 6 live double scan as we set it into motion, this is not current it happened three hours ago the reason i'm showing you this now i have a good feeling this will happen this afternoon. we have a warm front down here stretched across the baltimore metro area. what happens as this front continues to pull north it's interacting with warm, soupy air we had heavy drenching downpours, this front will push to the north and east. we'll get the daytime heating from the sun more showers and thunderstorms develop this afternoon. storm prediction center has this whole entire area stretching from the i-95 corridor westward to detroit chicago saint louis, gusts as high as 60 miles per hour that area expands as we into tomorrow which includes new york city to raleigh. forecast for today combination of sun and clouds, warm and sticky, topping out in the upper # 0s, hit or miss storms. >> a warning for parents about heavy furniture and children. many tvs are lighter than older television sets pose a serious threat in the home. there are ways to prevent deadly accidents. abc's lindsey janice has the details. >> reporter: it's one of the top headsen hazard in almost every home. tall pieces of furniture some with televisions and monitors placed on top crushing curious kids who decide to climb on them. >> we heard a loud crash. >> reporter: last year this dresser fell on ken's 4-year-old son sending him to the hospital. luckily he was okay. but often they end in tragedy. unsecured tvs and large pieces of furniture kill a child every two weeks and one child is sent to a hospital after 204 minutes. >> the newer television even though they are lighter if they are not anchor propertily they -- properly they are two thousand pounds of pressure. anchor tall pieces of furniture especially if there's anything heavy like a tv on top directly to the wall. then secure flat-screened tvs with this an antitip strap connecting the tv to the furniture. >> they can purchased in a hardware store. >> reporter: the best thing to do is keep tvs and monitors off tall furniture completely. hang the flat screens on the wall or strapped to a low tv stand. competitors urging parents to get on top of it before it gets on top of them. >> that was abc's lindsey janice report. netflix is team up with brad pitt. the streaming service will distribute the film war machine stars pit as a general commanding the war effort in afghanistan. the movie will be released on netflix and a limited number of theaters. adam sand leisure and bill murray is working on projects. actorrbatch nominated for an oscar, and his wife welcomed a son. >> congratulations. our coverage of the massive water main in west philadelphia continues. >> plus philadelphia police are investigating a hit-and-run that seriously injured a 61-year-old woman. the president of the naacp who is under fire about her race is set to speak out. we'll have the details. >> meteorologist chris sowers will have a look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast when we come right back. >> coming up on "action news," breaking news, crews are on the scene of a massive water main break in west philadelphia, we'll take you there live. gunfire rings out at a wedding in new york city, the whole thing was abdomin accident. >> one person is dead and four others hurt after bullets fly in camden overnight. >> we'll take you outside to chris sowers and accuweather chris it's kind of sticky out there. it's kind of humid. >> reporter: it's okay if you don't move, or you're standing in the shade. dewpoints climbing into the 60s and closing in on 70. temperatures in the upper 70s if you have outdoor plans take it easy, take frequent brakes it will feel like the 90 later this afternoon. 78 degrees in philadelphia. wilmington 77. reading, 77. millville, 78. jersey shore leading the pack, 79 degrees in sea isle and on the boards in atlantic city. satellite and radar, right now severing quiet. if you look toward the left-hand side of the screen we have clouds and thunderstorms developing. there's a low pressure system in the upper level that's pushing east and trigger showers and storms around here as well. some of these could be on the stronger side possibly severe with gusts at high as 60 miles per hour. if you're hanging out in the pool enjoying your sunday, the burn time is less than 15 minutes. sun and clouds this afternoon 1:00 p.m. temperatures, 85. 4:00 p.m., # 8 degrees maybe you're doing boating or fishing on the oceanfront the delaware bay. here's your forecast. a little bit of a breeze sea breeze out of the seevment at 5 to -- southeast at 5 to 15 miles per hour. the waves 2 to 5 feet not very choppy. very nice finish to the weekend if you don't like the heat and humidity, you're not going to like monday, tuesday or wednesday, i'll have the details coming up subpoena in a few minutes. >> fair warning on that. we'll take you back out to our breaking news now this massive water main break in west philadelphia. >> the water started gushing at 5:30 at the intersection of 52nd and wymissing avenue. annie mccormick is joining us live from the scene annie what's the latest? >> reporter: we'll show you the dramatic video from early morning in just a moment. but first i want to take you what's happening right now the cars that were submerged into the street after the water main break that's where the water main break happened. pgw is on the scene and the parking authority because the parking authority needs to remove the cars so that pgw can check the lines that happens to be underneath where the cars are submerged. nobody is in danger, they have evacuated the block so pgw can get that part of the cleanup underway. there's a cleanup that's ahead. philadelphia water department spokesman is with me right now. this started at 4:00 a.m. that's when the water main break happened. at this point tell us what type of cleanup you're looking at and what residents can expect. >> reporter: this morning around 4 coal 30 we were alerted to a water main break the crews responded rate right away. the cleanup today will be removal of debris. we need to get the cars out of the way to assess what's underneath there. the water main is under there as well. resident at some point today will be allowed back in their homes once they are safe and secure. water service was fully restored to full pressure at 6:30 and the water main was turned off by 8:00 a.m. you know it's a large break a large volume of water was getting out of the main. the we have an adjuster on site. they are visiting homes right now. the cars that were damaged we'll talk to the car owners, as well. today will be cleanup claims and begin a little bit of assessment and secure the area and get customers back in back in their homes. >> john we're showing you a video of the geyser coming out into the middle of the street. in the winter we talk about how the mains freeze up and break in the summertime what is something you see with the mains? >> reporter: in a large transition area like this we have the same type of situation we deal with the large deliberation mains in the winter. sometimes we see higher volume of water usage that can put additional stress on the line and that can cause a break. this situation we don't know the cause we'll see if we can determine one for now it's clean, secure and get back to work. >> if any residents have low pressure issues they could contact the water department. >> reporter: is the water shut off in the area? >> there's no loss of water. because of smaller distribution lines you see low pressure in some areas. while the volume of water was escaping the main they may have experienced low pressure. once the main was turned off all the backup systems kick in and those volumes are back to full service. so there should be no, no low pressure issues right now. if there are we want to hear from people, but there should not be any right now. >> reporter: thank you for updating us. the red cross had a shelter set up at the west catholic high school. nobody came over, they are going to close it. the red cross is on the scene if they need any help they can come up to the red cross advance and get help. annie mccormick channel 6 "action news." >> two overnight shootings completely separate in camden, new jersey left one man dead and four others wounded. the action cam was on the 280000 block of saunders street. gunfire erupt the after midnight. when it was over a man in his 40s was shot in the back. he died in the hospital. 3 others were in the their 20s one in critical condition, the others are stable. police have not made any arrests or indicated they found a motive for the shootings. in camden an hour and half later a man in his 20s was shot at the luk oil gas station. police found the man on admiral wilson boulevard shot in the arm and leg. he was taken to cooper university hospital in stable condition. no word on the suspects or a reason for the shooting. also new this morning a 63-year-old woman is seriously hurt after a hit-and-run in south philadelphia. the action cam at south 9th and oregon avenue. the woman was crossing before 12:30 when she was hit. the vehicle took off. crews are looking for a redford focus with front end damage. the victim is in stable, but critical condition at jefferson hospital. a series of explosions ripped through a tractor-trailer. the action cam was on the scene 1300 block of industrial highway. fire broke out at 2:30. the trailer was filled with cans of spray paint. many cans exploded during the fire. it took 45 minutes tore the crews to gain control of the flames. four people were hurt when a gun accidently went off during a wedding at the new yorkldorf astoria hotel. the gun fell out of a pocket and accidently discharged. one woman was grazed in the head and others were hurt by shattered glass. officers arrested the shooter. the head of the spokane naacp will speak tomorrow about accusations she was claiming to be an african american. she said she will address the issue. she said she is black but her parents say she is white. naacp say people of all colors are welcome in their organization. the city of spokane is investigate whether she lied about her rails when she attempted to get on the police board. a lot of people want to hear from her. >> new information about joyce mitchell the woman who allegedly admitted to police she helped the two convicted killers escape from a prison in upstate new york. officials say she was supposed to be the getaway driver, but backed out at the last minute. >> reporter: this morning for the first time investigators reviewing what prison worker joyce mitchell discussed with detective's before her arrest friday night. district andrew willie said she planned to meet the escaped inmates without knowing where she was headed only told it was a wooded area about 7 hours away where a four-wheel driver vehicle would be needed. matt and sweat were rehersing their -- rehearsing their plan for five weeks. authorities believe one or both escape escapees had a cell phone in prison. mitchell has been cooperative since admitting herself to the hospital talking to investigators throughout the week. >> law enforcement was getting as much information from her because once she is charged she'll higher a lawyer and won't speak any further. >> reporter: miles surrounding the prison known as little siberia state police armed with police dogs still looking for the escapees. the killers are still on the run. >> if they have not escaped the area or not availed themselves a shelter, you have to voom they are cold -- assume they are cold welt, tired and hunger. that makes them more dangerous and desperate. >> on the political front former florida governor jeb bush is expected to officially enter the race for the white house tomorrow. he has been campaigning for months. he is on a current tour of europe promising long time allies he would reinforce ties with them. iowa will not have it's traditional straw poll because several candidates are not coming. hillary clinton is on roosevelt island trying to set an inclusive tone to her campaign telling her supporters everyone has a role to play. clinton allies are trying erase her third place finish in iowa in 2008. >> a new miss new jersey has been crowned. we'll introduce you to her coming up. >> plus, it's granny on the move she went out for a cup of coffee and hit the road in this. it's a video you won't want to miss coming up in big talker. >> looking live at center city. meteorologist chris sowers has the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, how long are we staying in the soup? find out when we come right back. when we go on vacation, it's hard to find, like, those little activities that are kind of fun and educational. i think with williamsburg, you have all of that educational part rolled into the fun. >> take a look at this guy he is not your average bear. this black bear wandered up to a backyard bird feared in wisconsin. at first he tried to reach for it, see him there. it was a little too high. the feared is designed with a pully system. the first guy grabbed the cable and pulled it down until the feared was within reach. the homeowners caught the whole thing on camera and said it's almost like the bear did it before. the. >> he used his resources. >> reporter: it's all fun and games until he first things -- figures out how to open the front door. it's steamy out there very sticky and warm in center city. 78 degrees dewpoint, 68. winds out of the south the 3 miles per hour. atlantic city look good, it's muggy down there. the ocean temperature up to 66. that's a little more inviting than what it's been in the past couple of weeks. sea isle city, 70 degrees, wilmington, 77. the dover 8. allentown, 75. poconos 71 that will change in the mountains this afternoon. if you're not a big fan of humidity it will be sticking around for the next several days. tomorrow we're talking about dewpoints in the 70s that's that oppressive category. tuesday, a little bit better but not once. wednesday a cold front comes through knocks it down into the 50s only to see it go up again thursday and friday. it will be a sticky week around the delaware valley. satellite and radar showing what's called a ring of fire you got a high pressure system over atlanta. everything is wrapping around the high in a clockwise fashion. the moisture is coming out of the gulf of mexico up and over the top through the great lakes into the mid atlantic expht northeast states. -- into the northeast states. we'll see it this afternoon and followed by another round monday and tuesday. it will be very very active around here. 5:00 p.m. model hit or miss showers or storms. there's the main events 6:00, 7:00 p.m. strong gusty winds drenching downpours and possibility of small hail. there's the next one coming in overnight tonight when most of us are sound asleep. we get into monday, maybe is a day where we'll see clouds and high humidity levels it will feel awful. that will trigger showers and thunderstorms throughout the day. lightning on the moderate side. downpours a good possibility you'll pick up a few heavy downpours and strong gusty winds 40 or 50 miles per hour. there's an outside shot that some of storms could produce winds of 60 miles per hour especially west of the i-95 corridor. the poconos comfortable up there now. later this afternoon the humidity increases 78 degrees, thunderstorms flare up. down the jersey shore you should stay dry most of the day after 5:00 p.m. that's when you'll see the thunderstorm chances. sun and clouds, warm and sticky, 77 degrees nice sea breeze kicking in on the beach. it should be dliel on the sand. -- delightful on the sand. once the thunderstorms flare up it will be unsettled through tuesday. lancaster, 86. allentown, 86. millville, 85 degrees, wilmington 87. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast humid, very warm out there this afternoon. that 88 degrees will feel like the low 90s with the humidity. hit or miss showers or thunderstorms not everybody sees them, but those of you that do expect drenching downpours. monday, showers and thunderstorms, # -- 85. tuesday, chance of showers and thunderstorms, 89. wednesday, sun and clouds, 86 degrees, thursday and friday here we go again. [laughter]. >> thanks chris. from our new jersey newsroom this morning we have a new newly crowned miss new jersey, lindsey ginnini from hammonton. they've competing for days in ocean city. lind'scy will compete for title of miss america in september in atlantic city. we'll be right back. what's happened to snacking? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next, after the next? so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. right now verizon is offering unlimited talk and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. (yeah, 10 gigantic gigs.) for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever. for more of what you want. on the network that's #1 in speed. call. data. and reliability. so you never have to settle. now also get $300 or more when you trade-in your smartphone and buy a new one. stop by or visit us online. and save without settling. only on verizon. welcome back on this sunday, it is 9:50, 79 degrees, sky6 live hd taking a live look at wilmington, delaware. it's going to be hot and sticky again today. i know you're tired of it, unfortunately chris sowers says we don't get relief until wednesday and it's only for one day. all right we can handle it anyway. right alicia? >> exactly. we're at the big board with the big talker. first up, granny in washington state is making headlines because her driving and we're not talking about a car. this newly released dash cam video shows a woman driving a motorized scooter on the side of a busy road. police received multiple calls about the woman who is in her 80s. when the trooper said she was going the wrong way she replied i would have figured it out. >> i treated her the way i wanted somebody to treat me mom. >> how about that, now to a surprising new wedding day trend, apparentsly some brides are -- apparently brides are booking professionals to be in the their brielings parties to make sure the bride's big day is a piece of cake from speech writing to coordinating the shower for $2,000 she will stand at the alter with the bride. it's not for sad woman without any friends she just said it was organized and calm and spent time with gal pals bride never knew they needed. we'll be rook. well, sir. after some serious consideration i'd like to put in my 15-year notice. you're quitting!? technically retiring, sir. with a little help from my state farm agent i plan to retire in 15 years. wow! you're totally blindsiding me here. who's gonna manage your accounts? this is a devastating blow i was not prepared for. well, i'm gonna finish packing my things. 15 years will really sneak up on you. jennifer with do your exit interview and adam made you a cake. red velvet. oh, thank you. i made this. take charge of your retirement. talk to a state farm agent today. >> sports now the phillies wrap up their series in pittsburgh this afternoon. here's jeff skeverski. >> reporter: talk about big trouble for the sixers big man the stress fracture in jerome embiid's right foot is not healing as anticipateed. sixers are talking to the doctors to determine if he needs another surgery. he salt out all last -- he sat out all last season, but had been taking intense practice on the court. what can brown due for you. whatever it is they will take it. they are bringing dom brownback brownback -- brown back today. he spent the last 6 weeks in aaa working on the swing. he is hitting 257 with two homers. darren ruff sent down to aaa lehigh valley. chase you -- chase utley not in time, phils down 2. the chase utley what a play, not in time, another run scored. wait a minute, you're not santa and is that doesn't look like milk. whatever francora is drinking, i'll have one. he is the best pitcher in baseball. phils bases loaded no outs in the 8th. they dropped 18 of their last 23. their finale today. chicago and tampa four game of five. first series, lightning runs through his own goal. former flier patrick sharp scores. third perd tied at one -- period tied at 1. chicago wins 2-1. hawks are a win away from their third cup 2010. speaking of game five the nba finals continues on 6abc later tonight at 8:00. the series right now is tied at two games apiece between cleveland and golden state. that's sports i'm jeff skeverski have a great day. >> another half-hour of "action news" just ahead. we'll take you outside live to the massive water main break in west philadelphia right after this. what's happened to snacking? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. >> welcome back it is 10:00 a.m. on this sunday, june 1. we're following breaking news, a massive water main break is wreaking havoc in west philadelphia. tragedy in newark, delaware a little girl pulled from a pond last night as died. we're learning details built suspect who opened fire on dallas police headquarters. what his father is now saying. >> but first meteorologist chris sowers is at the "action news" birthed with a look at the accuweather forecast and it's a sticky sunday. >> reporter: steamy, steamy, steamy temperatures in the upper 80s high humidity levels that will only increase throughout the day. 81 degrees in philadelphia. wilmington, the same, millville 82. trenton, 81. dewpoints the way we measure the amount of moisture in the air we can see the warm front right there, it is now pushing through the city of philadelphia. underneath very, very sticky, very unstable out in through here are that will continue to push north and east over the next 12 to 24 hours anytime you get dewpoints in the 60s it's uncomfortable. you get dewpoints in the 70s that feels tropical. washington, d.c. 71, richmond 72. philadelphia sitting at 68 degrees, so what will happen today as we get the heating from the sun and this warm front sitting close by that will trigger numerous showers and thunderstorms throughout the entire area. it will start here and travel east trout the day. we expect to see them across the western suburbs after 5:00 p.m. most of the day features a combination of sun and clouds, warm and sticky, 88 degrees, after 5:00 p.m. be on the look out for a spotty thunderstorm. the important thing to notice not everybody will see them, for any of those that do it will be gusty winds and drenching downpours. massive water main break turns roads into rivers in west philadelphia. it forced evacuations and still a mess out there. >> the water started gushing at the intersection of are 52nd and wymissing avenue. we've been there since the water main break. annie mccormick is at the scene, annie, what else the latest the water seems to have receded a little bit. >> reporter: it's completely different from several hours when you saw basically a river down 52nd street. that water water receded in the area. pgw is on the scene, they have a gas main that goes underneath the cars that were submerged into the street because of the water main break now from the left of the cars you can see all of that crumpled pavement that is exactly where the water main break happened. that's where all the water came out and made the cars submerge. there's no threat with the gas main, but pgw is on the scene to look at the main to see if any water got into it. they evacuated the block while they get this done and take a look at it. this is the video we've been talking about all morning where water looks like a geyser popping out of the middle of the roadway submerging the cars. now there's a number of cars that's expected to have damage. at this point the water has receded. a lot of residents will have to take a look and see what type of damage they have. during that time after 4:00 a.m. it took several hours for the water company to get everything under control. a number of residents were evacuated. police helped residents get out of their home and there was water rescue on standby. you can see the video of afterwards when all the water finally receded. that happened probably around 8:00 a.m. this morning when you could see the pavement finally along 52nd street. the water main right before it happened snack dab in the middle of 500 block of north 352nd street. when we talk to the water department they expect it to be a long recovery. >> we're working to clean the street and do maintenance in the area and make sure it's cleaned up and full of degree bee. after that -- debris. large water mains typically take a while to replace. this is an undetermined amount of time we'll be out here. >> reporter: and this is a big break about 36 inches. it is big main, you can again see them working on it. the water department said today it's about cleanup. repairs take sometime they don't have a time line on that at this point. the red cross had a shelter set up at a local high school. nobody went there. at this point they have closed it, but they are on standby in case some of the residents that are having issues. the red cross is out here giving out water to the crews that are working out here because of the heat chris was talking about. another factor the heat may have on this situation because there's so much water going through the mains at this time in the summer it could be a factor why the main may have broke. but at this point it's too early to say. we'll see crews out here for sometime because of it's going to be a long recovery. there is water to the homes. they did not have to suffer water off. but if people have low pressure they are urged to contact the water department so they can work with with them and get them back to normal. annie mccormick channel 6 "action news." >> a man in his 70s who managed to escape a fire at his shore house in ocean county with his wife early this morning ended up having a massive heart attack outside the house and died at the hospital. the action cam was at the scene in brick township new jersey. the fire broke out at 12:45 after the couple got out of the house the husband went into cardiac arrest and the couple's dog died in the fire, as well. investigators are looking into the cause. authorities in camden county are searching for the parents of a toddler who was found alone at an amusement park. authorities found the 3-year-old girl at 8:30. the employees took her to the park office and called police. they have not found the child's parents. investigators combed a nearby police department. it appears none of them have received a report of a missing child. officers at the television of child and family services have taken the child into their custody. anyone with information is urged to call 911 right away. the action cam was at the parlor pizza shop at suburban square shopping center in lower merion township where five members of a clean crew were overcome by fumes last night. firefighters arrived and treated them at the scene before transporting them to the hospital. >> i believe it was cleaning agents they mixed together to make the fumes in the building. >> two worker are in serious condition. five firefighters had to be decontaminated at the scene. they are okay. a 4-year-old girl pulled from a pond in newark, delaware has died. she was attending a picnic on the # hundred block of -- 300 block of new london road where she wandered away. when we arrived there were several people at the party who were looking for the girl if the water. we spotted her quickly and removed her from the water. >> firefighters pulled the girl from the pond and performed cpr. newark police are investigating they have not released the little girl's name. philadelphia police are searching for suspects this morning after man was shot multiple times and killed. it happened around 4:15 a.m. on the 1800 block of east third street in kensington. police say the 22-year-old victim was hit in the leg buttocks and back of the head. he died at the scene. no arrests were made. the father of the man authorities say was behind the attack on dallas police headquarters say his son snapped. police say james boware opened fire and was later killed by officers. >> reporter: the fiery end of a line for a one man war on dallas police. inside the blasted burned out shell of the armor van the body of the suspect. attacked with a midnight blaze of gunfire. he sprayed the headquarters with a hail of gunfire bullet holes and broken windows grim witness to his murderous intent. he wasn't done, he used his massive van as a battering ram against police cruisers and led others on a chase across town he stopped and standoff began. a bomb robot picks up suspicious package, there are pipe bombs inside. 30 minutes later a sniper shoots out the engine block of the van making sure it's not going any more. then -- >> our swat snipers shot at the suspect through the front windshield. van striking the suspect. >> reporter: the bomb squad blew up the van which was packed with explosives. he blamed police for losing custody of his son. >> he said he lost everything i own, i've got nothing left they have taken my son. his van was once an assault vehicle that once beloved to a sheriff department in south carolina. british officials tell london times more than a million classified files have been opened. britain spy agencies had to move some agents and unable to obtain new information. >> arrests has been made in connection with the murder in south toms river. willie love died from a gunshot wound. samuels fired a shot into love's car, he is being held in the ocean county jail. people in allentown got a shock when they spotted a black bear roaming the streets near a popular festival. residence spotted the bear about a block away from where organizers were preparing for a blues festival. the bear looked to be about a year old and recently separated from his mother he was probably looking for something to eat. he was tranquilized and released into the wild. >> still much more ahead on "action news," this world war ii veteran is being recognized for his service all those years ago. the unpopular mayor of glendale arizona lands him on the wrong end of a taser gun. >> now looking live sky6 live hd cape may meteorologist chris sowers has the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast when we come right back nice day to be at the beach. >> how would you like to have this as your job these guys are cleaning the saint louis gateway arch, which is the nation's tallest monument at 630 feet. national park service released the video of the crews cleaning the arch. the unpopular mayor from glendale arizona he followed through a promise. he pushed against city council to terminate the city's deal with the nhl team. the mayor said the upset fan if they raised ten thousand dollars for the charity for the first responder, he would allow the coatsville fans -- coyote fans to shoot him with a taser. >> that was nerve racking, i was okay until he said pull the trigger. >> i do what i do because it's the best for my citizens. >> the mayor said he was feeling okay after he got shot. >> reporter: the coyotes are suing the city over its latest move. >> that's an interesting way to end it. >> reporter: never make promise also you never want to keep. i've seen news stations where the guys saying things like that. let's go live on sky 6 there's the ben franklin bridge it's hot and we're expecting temperatures to top out in the upper 80s feels-like temperatures in the low 90s if you're sick of all the heat and humidity here's a flashback, this is february, five times during the months of february we woke up to temperatures close to zero with all the snow. millville, 82. dover, 80 and allentown 80. i posted that question on my facebook page would you rather have the heat humidity the past few days and it's 60-40 in favor of the cold and snow. go figure. it is humid this continues to climb over the next 48 hours. the satellite and radar shows us the next piece of energy is racing off to the east 30 to 35 miles per hour. lairpts this afternoon illustrate pushes -- later this afternoon it pushes into upstate new york and triggers showers and thunderstorms later on. surface maps showing high pressure sitting over top of the mid atlantic states same thing today and tomorrow and tuesday. it's wednesday it's kicks outs to sea. sun and clouds this afternoon not a big deal, after 5:00 p.m. if you have an outdoor picnic or taking your son out to play ball, keep an eye to the sky after 5:00 p.m. that's when some of the isolated showers and storms develop. the main batch the main event that moves through 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. he is that's the batch that will produce the strong gusty winds and drenching downpours. we get another round overnight tonight followed by another round as we head into monday. rainfall totals could range anywhere from 1 to 2 1/2 inches depending on where where the heavier downpours set up. that could cause minor flooding in creeks and streams. 76 degrees in atlantic city, sun and clouds. ocean city, 76. cape may 76. rehoboth beach 78 degrees, same thing with bethany beach. ocean temperature off the rehoboth beach is 70. sun and clouds, thunderstorm activity moves in late. boating winds out of the southeast at 5 to 15 miles per hour fairly tranquil seas two feet. uv index is extremely high apply the sunscreen. philadelphia, # 8 degrees, warm and sticky, spotty thunderstorms around. overnight tonight more showers and thunderstorms. 68 degrees suburbs, 70 for center city. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, more showers and thunderstorms tomorrow, 85. it will feel like 890 with all the humidity. same thing with tuesday posting 89. feels-like temperatures 93 or 94. more showers and storms for tuesday, wednesdayment cold front kicks off the coast 86 degrees that will feel refreshing thursday, friday saturday, humidity increase, we're in the mid to upper 80s and there's the possibility of thunderstorms again. >> what a forecast, again. [laughter]. >> thank you,. a world war ii veteran from springfield, delaware county is finally received the recognition he's deserved for so long. katherine scott has the story. >> it's one of the best days of my life. >> reporter: a day 90-year-old richarder has been waiting for. he earned a bronze star. >> i'm no hero i am a survivor. >> reporter: he was with part of the 45th infantry division that landed in 1944. he never spoke about that day in italy. he was there for two hours in a dried up creek bed they were being bombed and the man next to him killed and he was wounded and everybody started yelling medic. >> reporter: he woke up in the hospital injured by shrapnel he earned a series of medals, but never find enough evidence for the purple heart. >> like other veterans records were lost in the 1970s it's difficult often to get the verification. >> reporter: but this red cross letter was the key. he had written it from the hospital and it just recently turned up with his i.d. number and with the asance -- assistance of patrick meehan's office it was traced back to the time and it was a long wait, but he got the appropriate recognition for his service. that was overwhelming. >> thank you thank you one and all, thank you. >> reporter: in media, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." right now verizon is offering unlimited talk and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. (yeah, 10 gigantic gigs.) for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever. for more of what you want. on the network that's #1 in speed. call. data. and reliability. so you never have to settle. now also get $300 or more when you trade-in your smartphone and buy a new one. stop by or visit us online. and save without settling. only on verizon. >> we are at the "action news" big board with a look at the odd, unusual pictures of week. first up, take a look at these gets in maine they have become an internet sensation it's not because of their fur or sound it's because they are running around a farm wearing pajamas one wearing black pajamas with a straw about hers. the youtube video is helping to attract business. oh my. the family showed us, iguanas like this is a common sight but finding one in your toilet not so common. they believe it went down the roof haven't and got stuck and looked for the biggest opening. how about this, banana truck, it's a ten foot 350-pound banana sculpture. the company originally installed it last august, because it was in violation of zoning laws they had to remove it. it is back and founded on the back of the truck, they are calling it the banana truck. that's all i've got. >> thank you nydia. meteorologist chris sowers takes another look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast in just a minute, maybe we'll get him to ride in on a banana truck. we'll be right back. that's a hard question. (laughing) we are the fay family from chesapeake, virginia. williamsburg is just beautiful. because we have thrill seekers and not such thrill seekers, i try to find something that everybody likes. this is a very good spot to do that. the most exhilarating part about this vacation was being with the whole family. it was amazing. what's happened to snacking? how did it become absent-mindedly eating one after the next, after the next? so predictable and so unsatisfying? what about pulling up a chair, a stool, a beanbag, and actually tasting our food. we are a creamy cheese that still believes in the beauty of a knife, in the elegant swipe of a . . . swipe. of course, that doesn't mean you can't dunk us or scoop us up. enjoy every single sol-i-tar-y bite. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. inside story is coming up on 6abc here's matt o'donnell with a preview. >> reporter: hey, guys coming up on inside story we'll unveil our new set did a little spring cleaning it's still spring, i you know. coming up on the show, talking about the philadelphia mayor's race, kenny versus bailey our panel will include a man who considered running as an independent against both the democratic and republican candidates this november. another video where some believe police go too far we'll discuss that and the rising violence in this country and the so-called ferguson effect. i'll have that coming up on inside story on of abc. >> the forecast, chris. >> reporter: we'll have showers after 5:00 p.m. 88 degrees, feelings like the 90s. tomorrow, drenching downpours 85 degrees is the forecasted high. not annual all day rain but anytime there's a chance of thunderstorms. tuesday, same thing more storms. >> this week with george stephanopoulos is coming up next. heals looking at the rails of 2016 -- race of 2016 and talking to chris christie. >> reporter: good morning, it's a big morning in politics. hillary relaunches her campaign and donl trump announces on tuesday, and exclusive interview with chris characterize. president obama sending more troops to iraq and our terry moran is on the ground with the stunning look at life under isis. a woman in cape may, new jersey celebrated a big milestone this weekend. >> i don't feel old i'm sorry. >> they don't look old she don't act old. >> she doesn't act old. >> she celebrated her 103rd birthday yesterday and look at her dancing i love it. she has not slowed down one bit. she had fun at a party with family. she showed her secret to a long life. >> i keep going i keep taking care of myself, i don't worry about what the doctor says, if they give me a prescription i throw it away. >> we wish josephine a happy birthday and many, many more. she looks great. >> you know what keeping her going? feisty. >> yeah. "action news" continues at noon, mechanical problems with a plane leaving hundreds of passengers stranded and almost forgotten in canada. we'll vlts latest on their -- we'll have the latest on their ordeal. two sisters learn how to make lemonade out of lemons after their fundraiser turns into a bureaucratic mess. for eva pilgrim, alicia vitarelli, chris sowers and the entire "action news" team i'm nydia han. we'll see you at noon. starting right now on abc's "this week" -- hillary's relaunch. >> thank you. >> revealing a new strategy and the personal story that she says is behind her run. but, will it be enough this time? we're with hillary 2.0. christie's comeback down in the polls could his new push on the trail help him break through. our exclusive interview with chris christie. plus inside isis world. the stunning new video of isis on the rampage, terrifying iraqis far from the battle zone and the white house's major new move against the terror group. are american boots going to the front lines?

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