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Trail is going cold. The green light i want it and sweet 16. The dream is about to be coming reality for south carolina. South carolina stunning duke sending them home with an amazing rally overnight. Michigan crashing the party. Knocking off a powerhouse. Why the heart of break of this crying northwestern fan is going viral this morning. The green light i want it and good morning, america. Happy first day of spring. Doesnt feel like it out there at all. Look at everybody outside. Still cold here in new york. But it has begun a little at 6 28 or 6 29. I just want it to be warm. You mow what, dont we all feel bad for that poor northwestern fan, so upset at the loss there. But it is kind of like, well, basically the opposite right there. North carolina i did feel bad for him until he swore. I was trying to move on but that then that happened. Basketball is serious business. South carolina are celebrating. What an amazing win overnight. I love this look at campus right there. Erupting in cheers after they took down duke. For every crying, cursing child there is somebody smiling on the other end and the universitys president was, he was so excited but not as excited at the students but not so excited toen cassell classes and tweeted sorry to disappoint but classes not canceled. Arent they optional. I went to every class every day. Sure, you did. First a live look at the capital. High drama in congress. Two public showdowns with president Trumps Supreme Court nominee facing his first confirmation hearings in the senate. The fbi director james comey set to testify before the House Intelligence Committee about russia, meddling in the election and President Trumps explosive wiretapping allegations. Our senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas starts us off in washington with all of that. Good morning, pierre. Reporter good morning, amy. In just a little while fbi director james comey is due here on capitol hill. And one of the most anticipated hearings in recent memory. A day that could poison his relationship with the white house. Director comey, have you seen any evidence that president Obama Wiretapped reporter after two weeks of refusing to comment fbi director james comey is expected to say publicly what hes been telling top congressal budgets privately that the wiretapping of trump tower by president obama did not happen. It creates the impression the fbi did something illegal and after the Justice Department gave a classified briefing on capitol hill friday, even members of trumps own party said there was no evidence to support his claims. Was there a physical wiretap of structure . No, but there never was and information we got on tri continues to lead us in that direction. Any evidence that he ordered an illegal wiretap of President Trump. No. Reporter calling for trump to apologize. It never hurts to say youre sorry. You think the president should say hes sorry. I think so. Reporter on friday in a preference conference President Trump didnt back down. As far as wiretapping, i guess by, you know, this past administration, at least we have something in common perhaps. Reporter trump referencing the obama administrations reported tapping of merkels phone. As for comey, todays hearing marks another Pivotal Moment for one of the most powerful and controversial fbi directors in recent history. Comey, of course, a man who Many Democrats blame for hurting Hillary Clintons chances for the presidency with his closing and then reopening of the investigation into her use of a private email server just days before the election. And the wild card no one knows how trump will react to a high ranking official in his own administration saying he was wrong. George. Okay, pierre, thanks very much. More from our chief White House Correspondent jon karl. Our Congressional Correspondent mary bruce and, jon, let me begin with you. Pierre is right. We dont know exactly how President Trump is going to respond but he is up early this morning giving some clues. Reporter yeah, absolutely. What the white house will do on this, what the president will do, george, is deflect. Take away from the story on the wiretapping and look at other angles. Weve seen three tweets this morning and this shows you what the president is thinking on this, the first, he says, James Clapper and others stated there was no evidence that potus cocolluded with russia. The story is fake news and everyone knows it. Heres the point on that. The fbi as far as we understand produced no evidence there was any collusion between the Trump Campaign and rugs. The president will focus on that, not the fact that theres no evidence on wiretap. He wants to focus on that and leaks as well and change the subject but is the white house really going to be able to hold that ground of not backing down from the statement after the fbi director says publicly its just false . Reporter george, i see absolutely no indication that the president will admit he was wrong on this or let alone apologize to president obama. I see no evidence they will back down. They will try to move away, deflect, look at other aspects of the story but i dont see any chance that this president says i was wrong. And mary bruce, there are other aspects to the story. The committee hoping to get into that as well. Reporter lawmakers, george, are looking here to lay out in public how russia interfered and meddled in the election. Now, as jon mentions there is no smoking gun to suggest that the trump team colluded with russia. Thats not going to stop democrats from digging further and look for any potential eye t ties or links while the russians want to shift it to the leaks and argue those are the real crimes here. On another front that battle over health care. Speaker of the house paul ryan suggesting more changes may be coming to the bill as he tries to get a vote on this thursday. Reporter yeah, the speak er realizes in order to get it through they have to make changes now. Theyre looking to boost some of the benefits for older american, also possibly making changes to the medicaid provisions but the concern here, george, any changes that you make to satisfy the opposition in the house may actually make it harder for this bill to get through over in the senate. Meantime, jon, the white house not so concerned about the senate right now because they know what the cost of a loss in the house would mean this week. Reporter one step at a time, george. Thats what the legislative affairs team at the white house is saying. They think they can get a victory in the house. They know it will be a very hard fought victory but if they lose in the house the senate is irrelevant. All of the focus passing that big test and acknowledge they dont know what happens next if they can get it through the senate they dont know where the votes are but believe the president has to repral, therefore, he will. Thanks very much. Confirmation hearings for neal gorsuch getting under way and terry moran who covered Supreme Court confirmation hearings for more than two decades is there and theres been a sevenweek buildup to these hearings. What can we expect . Reporter good morning. I will tell you what you can expect in a hyper partisan washington, high intensity and hard fought but in some ways the most shocking thing about it is how normal its going to be. This is probably the smoothest operation the Trump Presidency has launched, his nomination. Hes an establish many conservative, he has come through harvard and oxford and the Bush Administration and while democrats are going to press him very hard on flash point issues like President Trumps attacks on the judiciary and on the immigration ban, what will really happen in there i think is a very typical Supreme Court hearing especially given that the chairman of the committee senator grassley and the ranking democrats senator feinstein two of the most senior senators are old school and keep a lid on things in there. Terry, the Supreme Court has been down a justice for more than a year since the passing of Justice Scalia and the balance of the court is at stake. He is a conservative replacing a conservative but really what in this is kind of a dry run for both sides, for the next retirement that they anticipate, perhaps justice kennedy, perhaps justice ginsburg, we never know, of course, and that would be the real war for the Supreme Court. This is important but i think theyll keep their powder dry until the next one comes along. Terry moran, thank you. George. We go overseas for the latest on the Nuclear Threat from north korea. The regime announced this weekend it is testing a new engine that could fuel a Nuclear Missile and that drew a sharp response from President Trump on sunday. That meeting on north korea hes acting very, very badly. I will tell you hes acting very badly. Reporter more from Martha Raddatz in washington. These comments from the president come after secretary of state Rex Tillerson raised the possibility of a military strike against north korea during his trip to asia last week. Reporter tillerson said the Trump Administration has mott ruled out a preemptive strike against north korea, which means they could try to take out a missile before it leaves the launchpad or disrupt a nuclear test. But despite strong words and warnings from the Trump Administration, or perhaps because of them, the provocations from north korea are going ahead full steam. This latest test of that rocket engine shows significant progress towards building more powerful longrange missiles. North korea trying to perfect a missile capable of reaching the United States with a nuclear warhead. This latest test coming just hours before secretary tillerson met with chinese president ji and seeming to test the red line that the both have drawn. China could be a key partner in taking on the threat and appears that the chinese leader and secretary of state tillerson found some Common Ground over the weekend. Yeah, as you know, george, with diplomacy what is said in public is often very different than what is said in private. The chinese want to maintain a Good Relationship with north korea and they strongly object to the kind of Missile Defense system that the u. S. May deploy if north korea keeps this up, george. Okay, Martha Raddatz, thanks very much. To michael. All right, thank you. Turning now to that record heat in new fire concerns that the dangerous wildfire tears through colorado forcing hundreds of people to evacuate. Clayton sandell on the scene in boulder, colorado and good morning to you, clayton. Reporter you can see police still have the streets shut down here because right now its just too dangerous to let anybody back in. The wildfire in the area of sunshin canyon drive and timber trail. Reporter theyre working to stop a wildfire. It really is very thick and even through the mask i can smell it. Reporter the flames torching the Team Rocky Mountain foothills west of boulder, colorado. A lot of the fire perimeter is very remote and its going to be difficult to try to get water up there. Reporter hundreds of firefighters are battling the blaze getting help from the air, planes dropping fire retard aptsz and helicopters using waters from nearby lakes. 426 hopes evacuated when the flames began spreading early sunday. People living in another 836 homes told to be ready to go. Ive been just hanging out and wondering if were going to lose our neighborhood or not and so far the firefighters have been amazing and the volunteers and so we owe a lot of gratitude. Reporter investigators now trying to find out thought it started. Weve been able to rule out things like lightning strikes or weather reeled, downed power line, things like that. That causes us to speculate that its human caused. Manmade. Reporter right now this fire is at 50 containment as long as that number continues to go up these road blocks will come down and hopefully people will be able to go home soon. Thank you. Lets go to ginger with more on the fire dangers and record heat. More record will be records will be broken or tied. I want to show you images out of boulder. Unfortunately could happen again. An elevated risk, ft. Collins up towards southeastern wyoming. Oklahoma city included that were concerned about humidity, less than 20 and down to 10 . That is super dry. You add that to the winds and the close to record heat and could break a record tie in dallas, kansas city was 87. Sunday, that is the warmest theyve been this early in the season, the warmth spreads east briefly. I know, michael, you want so badly to not wear a jacket. Im sorry, its not happening this morning. After this morning. When can i walk out of the house without a jacket. New details about that 25yearolds amazing escape jumping out of a trunk as her kidnapper drove away. Abcs gio benitez is here with how she managed to break free. This is quite the story. Just incredible, amy. Good morning. This young woman was held at gunpoint after coming home from work forced into that trunk and now she says her insulin pump helped her escape. A jawdropping moment caught on tape. 25yearold Brittany Diggs escaping from her kidnapping by clawing her way out of the truck of this car at a gas station in alabama. Surveillance cameras captured her rushing inside the station and the owner called the police. Now a friend of diggs is speaking out for the first time on this go fund me page about how Brittany Diggs freed herself. She says it was all thanks to the light from her insulin pump. Janice robinson writing on this page that with the help of her insulin pump she was able to find the lever, jump out and save her life. According to the page, the goal is to help diggs raise money to move because she no longer feels safe at home. Robinson writing this stranger took everything from her, brittany has nothing to lose but also nothing to come back. Now, the good news is if this happens to you shouldnt need any light because every car built since 2002 as a flow in the dark release handle for exactly this reason. As for the kidnapper, michael, this morning we know hes still at large. Wow. I hope they catch him soon. To madness around here. T. J. Holmes. Im nervous. I know youre in this brack and its probably busted because some of the top seeds were sent home only the second round. You have more. Mines perfect. I just fill mine out as bego. You have 60 to 100 million brackets filled out online through espn tournament challenge, yahoo and other places. Out of those we have exactly sear that are still for perfect. Then saturday and sunday rolled around and everybodys bracket went bust. No one is willing Warren Buffetts money. Roll my piece out. Duke came in hot. A second seed and favorite that many thought could go all the way. A threepoint hit for matt jones. Reporter but then the blue devils ran into south carolina. What a pass. Reporter the gamecocks had not won an ncaa game in over 40 years but when you score 65 points in the second half. Up ahead, mackey and mackey with a twohanded jam. Reporter have an upset for the ands. Never gave in to losing and we werent going to give in. Its a Beautiful Day for our state. Beautiful day for our fans. Reporter another upset involving a number seven seed over a number two. The university of michigan rallied from an eightpoint halftime deficit to beat louisville. Drives in the basket. The sixth trade for the maize and blue since their plane slid off a runway in a windstorm and this weekend saw the first number one seed to fall. As eighth seed wisconsin knocked out the defending champs, the villanova wildcats. Nigel hayes. This crying youngster staid it saul. Their run came to an end at the hands of one seed gonzaga. He wasnt the only fan who had trouble coping with the loss. Check out the wife of the Wichita State coach. Seen in this Kentucky Sports Radio twitter clip getting the crowd worked up. Come on. Shes okay. Its his wife. But this tournament challenge to let you know, somebody went 390 in a perfect bracket this year. Thats the longest streak weve ever seen the reason that first round wasnt that hard to predict not a lot of major upsets but now everybody is going bust. You didnt expect to see duke lose. North carolina won and tough against your arkansas razorbacks. It was a rough day at the house yesterday. So close. Id rather get blown out. Smiling this morning. Back to ginger. I knew i should have filled out a brack. I could have just randomly picked something. So the low level jet is is just cranking and thats why you see bigger hailstones as spring officially begins in illinois. The flash flood warnings. Severe thunderstorms could come with it as the lets get to your select cities brought to you by power rangers, rated pg13. Reporter hey everybody nothing showing on Storm Tracker 6 live double scan precipitation. As we look outside, lots of sunshine build across the region. The testers temperatures are cold around the freezing mark. Spring has sprung at 6 29 it will feel like it this afternoon with a high of 51 a couple of sprinkles overnight tomorrow morning, clouds to sun, high of 59. Back in the 40s, wednesday and thursday. Minie, mow. That massive manhunt for a High School Teacher accused of abducting his 15yearold student . How safe is the white house. New concerns this morning. The latest when we come back. Come. Explore a place where you can fly on the back of a banshee. Walk under floating mountains. And navigate a mystical river. Welcome to a world beyond belief. Pandora the world of avatar. Only at the Walt Disney World resort. Find fast relief behind the counter allergies with nasal congestion . With claritind. 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Normally it would be 6 to ten minutes. 31 minute jam from delaware to the blue route. Youre jammed from the 495 split traveling along 8 Miles Per Hour on i95 northbound coming out of delaware. Meanwhile, we have an accident at 9th and Parker Street in chester. Boulevard southbound jammed as you head toward the schuylkill expressway. Ill be live on facebook at 7 30 with the rest of the traffic update. Thank you karen. Well take a break and come back to accuweather. Fast, rhythmic drumming its now open in the poconos americas largest indoor waterpark is making waves. Kalahari resorts conventions in the poconos. Book your african adventure now book your african adventure now book your african adventure now nice and bright, but the temperatures slipping 34 degrees, windchills in the 20s across the region. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast shows a nice bounce back for the first day of spring. 51 degrees later with sun. Perhaps an overnight sprinkle or shower, tomorrow afternoon clouds to sun, high of 59. Back in the low to mid 40s, wednesday and thursday, 555 shower on friday. Saturday is looking great, guys. I cant wait for that 67. Well send you back to g. M. A. , thats it for us. Well see you in 30. How do you become americas bestselling brand . Youre not going to make it. Do you think you can make it . Uhh. Make it. Every time. Nice going further to keep drivers moving freely. Thats ford. And thats how you become americas bestselling brand. Whats the problem, maam . I have a serious issue with the candy that that easter bunny gave my son. Candy . I told you, he bit me first the kid bit me first he just walked into my mouth there goes the baker with his tray like always welcome back to gma and beauty and the beast is burning up the box office this weekend taking in 170 million which is the biggest opening ever for a family movie and one of the top ten debuts of all time. And one of the stars had a lot of fun with some surprise lucky fans. Well show you more on that. Weve all seen it. We can understand why its done so well. Such a good movie. Took my daughter harper and they were relieved at the transformation because though thought the beast was too old. I was happy that matthew from Downton Abbey is still alive. Youll understand if you watch Downton Abbey which these two dont. Busy on capitol hill. James comey is testifying before the House Intelligence Committee about russian interference in the election and hes expected could address President Trumps wiretapping claims. Confirmation hearings for the president s Supreme Court pick judge neal gorsuch are starting this morning when he will face the senate for the first time. Yeah, it is a big day on capitol hill. Well get the latest on that manhunt in tennessee where a former teacher abducted his student. Neither has been seen since last monday when police say he took the girl and went on the run with two handguns. Eva pilgrim has more from tennessee. Good morning. Reporter good morning. This is where the two met. He was a teacher at this school. Its here where their alleged relationship started. Tips coming in from dozens of states but Authorities Say they have no idea where this teacher has taken the girl. This morning the frantic search intensifying for a missing tennessee teen and her former teacher accused of kidnapping her. Authorities now sending out a nationwide alert saying the student is in imminent danger. We really miss you. I miss you. Please, please come home. Reporter School Officials confirming that 50yearold tad cummins was 15yearolds Elizabeth Thomas Science Teacher and now accused of having an inappropriate relationship, a claim he denied and the family attorney giving us the investigate erv report saying a student walking into mr. Tad cummins witnessed mr. Cummins kissing beth thomas. Thomas was removed from the class while they investigated. But the attorney for the Thomas Family says her father was never alerted by the school and that he found out about the alleged incident instead almost two weeks later when sheriffs deputies called to ask him questions. All the while mr. Cummins was still teaching at the school. Who said they could not corroborate the kissing accusation. On the 6th of february we sent a letter to the Central Office and that day mr. Cummins was suspended. Reporter investigators say days before the two disappeared cummins used his suv to get 4500 cash. Thomas was last seen at 7 30 a. M. March 13th in a restaurant in columbia, tennessee. Planned this for some time before disappearing with elizabeth. Shortly after Surveillance Video shows him filling up his silver suv at a nearby gas station and tracked them to deindicator. The teachers own wife going before cameras with a desperate plea. Tad, this is not you. This is not who you are. We can help you get through this. Reporter we have reached out to the school. We have not heard back a comment. Meanwhile, Authorities Say they do think that the pair are still in the u. S. But may have changed their appearance. George. Okay. Eva, thanks very much. Lets talk more about it with brad garrett, also nancy grace is with us. The trail goes cold in alabama a week ago. This he could be anywhere. They could be but think about this. Youre a fugitive on the run with a 15yearold. Where can you go . How well have you planned this . Im concerned its been a whole week with no good leads so theyve either isolated themselves or something bad has happened. Thats a problem. The trail really does seem to have gone cold. The tips are not coming in anymore. The trail is cold. The last they were seen it was 3 06 in the afternoon in decatur, alabama. I am looking at this guys social media. Hes posting a lot of pictures of the panhandle, the beach and if you look at his direction from where he started, he could get there via decatur. Now, theyre not using their atms, not using debit cards. May have ditched the car and i guarantee you they have changed their appearance. Hes off the grid. This took planning. There is evidence he got a title loan on his car for 5,000 just before this happened. There was an assignation. She was right beside that gas station at a shoneys which is a restaurant chain right beside the gas station if you look at that video you see him turning out and peeling left right back to the shoneys so this was all orchestrated. Nancy, you say it was orchestrated and we know a student saw them kissing. Im burned up about that. That school knew. January 23. Now, the reason the school says they couldnt corroborate it is because both cummins and her thomas said, oh, it didnt happen. It may have just been a peck on the cheek. That was their investigation . But thats water under the bridge. According to police, hes got two guns. Im worried that this is a romeo juliet scenario where it could go horribly wrong. Brad, there is this concern, investigators say he was grooming her. Grooming means you target somebody thats vulnerable. You look for their needs that theyre not getting from home, you pay them a lot of attention and tell them beautiful and so you sort of transcend into an inappropriate relationship that turns to sex many times and what happens is they use two things, they isolate the person and they use secrecy to hold the relationship together. Right and, nancy, we saw cummins wife comes out. Does he have any ears to hear that right now. You know, i guarantee you hes holed up in some motel watching you, george, right now and another thing, this whole grooming aspect, your expert is correct because if you look at one of her last posts and i believe it was the morning she disappeared she writes, every beauty needs her beast to protect her from everyone but him. This guy has tricked her into believing he is her protector when, in fact, he is her kidnapper. Then, brad, if nancy is right, if hes watching tv somewhere, is there anything anybody can say that will get through to him . I dont think so. I think the problem with this relationship, george, is theres no good ending to this. He either gets arrested and goes to jail for a long time or decides he is hes burned his life. He lost his job so the idea that he could do something very desperate to both of them i think is real. It is a scary situation, nancy, brad, thanks very much. Coming up next in two minutes those new concerns about White House Security and then the big changes coming to netflix that have a lot of users fired up when we come back. All you need is love plays my friends know me so well. They can tell what im thinking, just by looking in my eyes. But what they didnt know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. I used artificial tears from the moment i woke up. To the moment i went to bed. So i finally decided to show my eyes some love,. Some eyelove. Eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if youre using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. Its all about eyelove, my friends. Back now with those new concerns about White House Security after a bomb threat over the weekend. Our senior White House Correspondent cecilia vega has new details. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter hey, mike 8. Good morning to you. President trump is back home here at the a weekend away at maralago. With new questions after three white house scares in a little over a week. A man driving this car to a secret Service Checkpoint near the white house on saturday, allegedly telling an officer theres a bomb in the trunk and saying this is a test as he was taken to the ground. Emergency vehicles swarming the street. No bomb was found. The suspect arrested. Earlier that day another incident at 1600 pennsylvania avenue, after an intruder jumped over a bike rack barrier along the north fence of the white house. He didnt make it over. Sources tell abc news he wanted to deliver a letter to someone in the administration. You dont want them to think they can go and deliver a letter to the president by jumping the fence. Reporter the president was inside the residence last week when secret Service Found an intruder on white house grounds. Authorities say Jonathan Tran jumped a fence at the treasury department, vaulted another fence around the white house, hiding behind a pillar on white house grounds before he was found and arrested at the south portico. The secret service says tran was on the grounds for 16 minutes. I thought we had learned some lessons but this is perhaps the worst one ive seen. Reporter a letter from congressional investigators say tran may have triggered alarms the secret service ignored and that tran not only moved an the white house grounds undetected, but may have also attempted to enter the building. He got to the white house literally jiggling the door. Reporter the series of incidents leading to questions about whether one of the most secure sites in the country is secure enough. A security redesign of the white house fence is in the works, one of the changes to come, raising the fence from 8 feet to more than 13 feet. If having the security where its at right now isnt working from deterring people from trying then you have to move the security layer further out so they dont even get to that fence. Reporter and not just the white house, there were also questions about security this weekend at maralago, take a look. This guest tweeting a photo of himself inside the president s study saying he snuck past secret service to get there. They say its false that guests are allowed in the area and no one snuck past security this weekend. Thank you, cecilia. Amy, you have whats coming up on our big board the. Wedding planner to the stars now suing her client. Well tell you what you need to know before hiring someone for your big day and we are back in two minutes. What if we could bring you better value by having better values . At blue apron, we work directly with more than a hundred family farms. 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To rewards credit cards, state farm is here to help life go right. True radiance comes from within. New radiant toothpaste by colgate optic white. Whitens teeth both inside and out. For a radiant, whiter smile. Be radiant by colgate optic white. Welcome back. Time for our big board and we have Larry Hackett and sunny hostin at the table with us. Well begin with that netflix news. The Video Streaming Service swapping its current fivestar Rating System for a simple thumbs up or thumbs down approach. The change set to happen next month but has bingewatchers all fired up, larry. Tell us why. Well, they say theyve done a test and that they had a 200 increase in the number of people that participated and say the stars think people dont like it and act like movie critics with a thumbs up, thumbs down working better. Amy schumer had a new leather special and right wing trolls got involved in this thing and they forced onestar reviews on to the site. Driving the reviews down. She has called out the controversy and thanked them for the help and calls into question the validity of the star system. This is against this backdrop and net flick thinks more will participate and they want them to do thumbs up, thumbs down so they can send you what you like. This is thought about reviews for critic purposes but to say i like this, i dont like this. Send me more of the same. But then why are netflix customers upset . Those are complaining do want to be movie critics and want to make a distinction between a 3 1 2 and 4 1 2 star. Siskel and ebert had thumbs up and thumbs down but they talked about it beforehand. Its more like my spotify. Send you more of what you like so that makes a lot of sense. Do you think this will change viewing habit. It will make it more narrow casting. Some want to wander around. If you keep saying thumbs up, thumbs down you may get more of what you like. Lets test it. Thumbs up or thumbs down for netflixs new system. I like to chat so ill give it a down. Youre jut numbered amy is not up or down. Im never going to rate anything so i dont care. Just being honest. All right. Thank you larry. Now we go to a lavish wedding and a big lawsuit. Minc mindy weiss is known as a wedding plan for for Ellen Degeneres and a family accuses to pay, she says. Theyre holding the wedding video hostage. Give us the take. Look, to be sure this was a lavish wedding. One ceremony in southampton. Another system in france, in fact brides magazine says this will blow you away. Who got blown away was the parents of the bride would paid for it. Saying, listen, she went on this unauthorized spending spree. She is saying the wedding planner, no, i just got stiffed 340,000 for expenses that i paid but check out the expenses. 45,000 for staff. 48,000 for travel. 38,000 for lighting. That must be some lighting. Lighting . 10,000 for the videographer. Check out the wedding favor, 4300 for totes, 5,000 for tshirts and all important hangover pouches cost 1,000. Does the wedding planner have a case. Arent there contracts. There are contracts and thats the dispositive factor. She had no authority to enter into any of these contracts on their behalf. She is saying but there was some side verbal agreements and thats what i was isnt that tough to prove. Very difficult to prove. I think her case is going to be sha shaky. Look at the pictures. I can solve it. Sell them to a magazine. Who is not going to want to see this wedding. Or elope. Do you think theyll get air videotape, though . Thats the big question thats the big question. I never got my video from my wedding. No . I hope they will get it. Thats important. You had a situation like this. I had a little bit of a situation. Youve been through it. Were watching this right now. This family is going through it. What can you do to avoid it. I think everything has to be in writing. Everything has to be spelled out and agree on a budget, people. Agree on a budget. All right. Sunny. Stick to it. I know, stick to it. Its 20 years now. Im never getting my video. Its right here. Coming up, Kim Kardashian is breaking her silence about being robbed in paris and then we are taking you behind the scenes of dancing with the stars before the big premiere tonight and then, oh, this is exciting. Golf legend tiger woods going oneonone with you. And more people excited as well. You two something something in aircut. May look all business, but look out. But theres a party kinda misleading, isnt it . About being misled. Well, at carmax,yodonty the price online is the same price in the store, which is the same for everyone. Even guinea pigs. Its only fair mr. Biscuits. Only fair. Need a fast absorbing try nivea inshower body lotion. Apply. It absorbs fast. For 24 hour moisture. Er sk. Ready to go also available with cocoa butter. Befi was a doer. Gia, i was active. Onic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ea she also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relievenction, lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actns tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, csleepiness,effect weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Ki lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. May be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can be more active. My hygi. A mouthwash. O try. So i tried crest. Ask your doctor about lyrica. It does so much more than give me fresh breath. Of these benefits to help you get better dental checkups. Checkup . Nailed it yet up 90 fall short in getting kenu to eat healthy. Lets do more. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus hearthealth support wi one a day mens in gummies and tablets. Usic the best things in life are free by sam cooke america, on a monday morning, we are going to goyou got to se. The video from the rehearsals. Its such a big couple of days, the first show is happening tonight. That was nick viall who i actually think will do very well. Sharna in the front and well get to all of the couples. Alfonso ribeiro, the past winner, interviews them. I wanted to share something with you weatherwise. Look at this image. Donner pass, california. Near truckee and that is a jeep stuck in there. A plow was going through getting more of the snow away. That thing has probably been there for two months, three months. I mean it is compacted in that snow. A lot of these passes starting to see some melting. This truck driver showed me this from snoqualmie pass. Thanks for sending that in, michael. Thats further north. You can see edgewood, washington, and the two lows that will come blasting through so the cold front that brings that second one there through the mi week really. Some of the rainfall could top four inches and now downed this in some areas in the foothills will stay rain. Some of the Higher Elevations and can see another up to 30 inches of snow. Also rain up to two inches in Southern California which is great for them. Keep that going. Good morning america is brought to you by one a day mens and womens. Good morning im tamala edwards, 7 56 now, monday march 20. Lets get a look at traffic and go over to karen rogers good morning. Reporter were looking live at 309 southbound at paper mill road. Weve been having problems this morning with an accident scene causing slowing on 309 southbound you can see the delay nine minute ride from the turnpike to easton. Vine street expressway, westbound traffic jammed heading toward the schuylkill expressway and eastbound slowing, as well on the vine right now. Live on the boulevard extension, southbound traffic jammed as you head toward the schuylkill expressway. Meanwhile, we have a problem on 295 in new jersey, northbound the onramp to the black horse pike. A little hard to see with the sun out here. We have new jersey dot out here with the arrow board. We have a disabled tractortrailer in a bad spot partially blocking the ramp on 295. Watch for that slowing, tam. Lets go outside to david murphy. It is now spring. It is 4, all these numbers it is 34 in philadelphia. This afternoon well go for a high of 51 a few degrees below average, but not bad. Lots of sun, later tonight clouds and passing sprinkle or shower. Tomorrow morning it could be a tad damp in neighborhood, clouds to sun and mild high of 59. In the 40s on wednesday and thursday, before a bounce back toward the end of the week. And investigation is underway into a massive fight at a septa subway station in center city. This allout brawl was caught on camera at race vine station. Police are releasing the video hoping someone gets a look at it to help find the people involved. Authorities are not sure what kicked off the fight. Thats it for now, well send you back to g. M. A. And see you in 30. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal, or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . From santander bank. How did it become absentmindedly to snacking . Eating one after the next . We are a creamy cheese that Still Believes in savoring our food. The laughing cow. Reinvent snacking. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Showdown on capitol hill. Fbi director james comey in the hot seat testifying on those false bombshell wiretapping claims from President Trump and taken 0 questions about ties between russia and the Trump Campaign. As his Supreme Court choice faces the senate. Kim kardashian breaks her silence. The reality star opening up for the first time about that traumatic robbery in paris held at gunpoint duct tape over her mouth what was going through her mind . Im not going to make it out of here. And how shes coming to grips with it now. The great escape. The video everyone is clicking on recorded by dad from the bedroom baby monitor. Twin toddlers sneaking out of their cribs when their parents are out of the room. What finally got them back to bed. Tiger woods live. The golf ledge jed here in times square. What hes revealing about his n unforgettable run after becoming the youngest masters winner ever and we are going oneonone right here. Its the final countdown and tonights the night. Dancing with the stars is back and weve got a former champ with the behindthescenes scoop. It is the final rehearsal with dancing with the stars. I remember how nervous i was. Hell show you exactly how theyre doing from the big bet one contest hasnt made to mr. T. s tough talk. Train hard, fool. Your sneak peek at tonights dazzling dance showdown. All good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] and good morning, america. Happy monday. Happy first day of spring. A little psychedelic behind us and 4,000 real flowers right here. Smells pretty good. Smells great in here. [ cheers and applause ] we have sara haines here filling in for lara. Hence the flowers, of course. Yes. We always have rose petal as as you walk. What makes a great first day of spring more than having Joe Manganiello here. [ cheers and applause ] oh, boy that Joe Manganiello, what a stud. We also got another stud here, tiger woods is here. [ cheers and applause ] there he is. And im going to go headtohead with tiger coming up later in the show. Putting. Maybe. I dont know. Hopefully i win. Thats all im saying. What else can you do . What else can i do . That is hurtful. May be a danceoff. Tiger woods. No. How about some news. How about that. The big story this morning, fbi director james comey testifying on capitol hill today about President Trumps unsubstantiated claim that former president Obama Wiretapped trump tower. Comey is expected to push back against that claim while also answering questions about russias meddling in the election and Pierre Thomas has a preview. Pierre, good morning. Reporter good morning, amy. Our sources are telling us comey will refute trumps claim that obama had trump tower wiretapped. They say hes concerned that the accusations suggests that the fbi did something illegal and therefore will set the record straight. Hes been privately Briefing Members of congress for two weeks telling them trump had it all wrong. Now he set to go public and congressional leaders have been saying publicly the wiretap didnt happen but the white house has not backed down and the wild card, no one knows how trump will react to a high Ranking Office in his administration disputing him. Amy. All right, Pierre Thomas and abc news will carry director comeys testimony live this morning around 10 15 eastern. Also today confirmation hearings begin for Supreme Court nominee neal gorsuch. The 49yearold Appeals Court judge expected to face questions about President Trumps recent attack on judges. Gorsuch is expected to be confirmed and democrats have vowed to oppose him on principle. North koreas test of a rocket is raising tensions. South korea says the test shows meaningful progress in the norths capability. President trump on air force one saying dictator kim jongun is acting, quote, very, very badly. And colorado, the wfld that has forced hundreds of families to evacuate their hopes around boulder is now about 50 contained. High temperatures and dry weather in the region have fuelled that fire which started in an area popular with hikers. And nfl legend dwight clark has revery vealaled he has been diagnosed with als. His game winning catch here says football can be to blame. He can no longer run, play golf or walk long distances. Ubers president has quit after six months on the job. He is the fourth executive to leave in recent weeks as that Company Faces accusations of sexism and a toxic work culture. And sesame treat is welcoming a new character, julia, she is autistic and viewers will notice she has great art skills. Her tv debut next month is the result of sesame streets campaign, see amazing in all children and that is awesome. All right. Not so awesome, in fact, this is a long overdue entry into the dumb criminals file. You love this, amy. Oh, yeah, its been a while. This is a good one. Maybe the easiest arrest people have had in southern france. A guy trying to rob a Jewelry Store got stuck trying to escape. Police blurred his face and used a hammer but didnt make the hole big enough and had to call the Fire Department to rescue him. One of the French Police officers tweeted, drunk he robbed a shop but got stuck in the window before being arrested. Thuglife. I didnt do it. I swear i didnt do it. All right. Please explain what is around your head. Well, im not going to pass up an opportunity to wear a floral tiara so they asked you look beautiful. Thank you. You know like the snapchat filter. And im channeling jenny from forrest gump. Where i went i was running. You remember, time for pop news. We start with a true beast of an opening. Disneys beauty and the beast roaring to the Biggest Box Office opener of the year with 170 million debut this weekend smashing multiple records. The live action remake is the seventh best debut of all time and set a new record for a march opening even doing better than all the harry potter films. Can you believe that . Incredible. One of the star has a busy weekend. Josh gad who plays lefou surprising audiences at screenings around the u. S. Take a look. No one fights like gaston douses lights like gaston in a wrestling match nobody fights like gaston oh, yes, you guys were ready. Gad went from theater to theater breaking into song, talking to fans and getting them into the disney spirit. He was so much fun here last week too. [ applause ] hysterical. I love josh gad. And next up take a look at twins, oh, my gosh, my favorite. Andrew and ryan wreaking havoc in their room after bedtime. Parents susanna and jonathan shared the video of their epic Slumber Party garnering millions of views over the weekend. They climbed in and out of their cribs and take the cushions from the couch piece by piece even stopping every now to relax, refuel and survey their work and looks like mom and dad have their hands full with these two. This is a reason to buy a monitor alone. Wow. I mean they stayed in the room. It looks exhausting. But seriously the audio one people said youll get hung up on everything they do. Thats entertainment. And we have to explain that that video is sped up. They arent that quick. No, the best part is thats not sped up. The kids are amazing. [ laughter ] and finally we are celebrating the first day of spring with this spectacular display, not just my head but everywhere a flower flash. The brainchild of louis miller design. Today he and his team decked out our studio. Theyre over there Surprising New yorkers with these incredible arrangements all over new york city in central park at the love sculpture and even making this beautiful reminder to vote this past election day. Louis says he wants to make people stop, smile and feel joy. I thought you were going to say smell the roses. I wanted to be unpredictable, angst, amy. Catch his inspiration in styling nature. I like that flower flash. Isnt that cute . Ill give you my address. Thank you. Thank you, sara. [ applause ] its working. We love it. Thank you. A great job of pop news. Ill be traveling with him everywhere. Thank you. Everybody, stay right there when we come back Kim Kardashian is breaking her silence speaking out for the first time about the night she was robbed in paris. And dancing with the stars is back, 400th episode. The premiere and well take you behind the scenes with the bachelor before tonights big showdown. Gmas morning menu is brought to you by advil p. M. , when pain keeps you up get a healing nights sleep. Walgreens believes the right look is whatever makes you feel beautiful. Wear that shade. Wear that shade. Throw shade. Nice. No makeup monday or definitely makeup. Its monday. 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And i smoked while amanda my i was pregnant. This is the view i had of my baby in the nicu. My tip is, speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. Why not give professionalyou the day off . Amateuryou has got this its just an open house. [yelling] yeah, thats not gonna work. Bring out your best you with the refreshing taste of tropicana. All right, we are back now with Kim Kardashian breaking her silence about the night she was robbed in paris and saying she feared for her life. Jesse palmer is here with more. Good morning, jess. This is the first time weve heard kim speak about this incident. She was bound, gagged and held at gunpoint as a gang of robber made off with millions in jewelry. I just said like are we going to die like whats happening to us . Like i have babies. Reporter overnight Kim Kardashian west speaking out for the first time about the terrifying night that changed her life forever. I knew something wasnt quite right. Reporter emotional on sundays episode of keeping up with the kardashians. Like it makes me so upset. Reporter the robbery taking place last october when she visited paris for fashion week. They said, you know, wheres the rappers wife like let us up to her room in french. Reporter five robbers holding her at gunpoint in her paris apartment before binding and gagging her. He duct taped my face and my mouth to get me to like not yell then they had the gun up to me and i just like knew that was the moment theyre just totally going to shoot me. Reporter the thieves taking off with up to 10 million in jewelry. He goes, give them your ring. So okay, its on the table. You know and i said while im being tied up im like are we going to die . Are they going to kill us . Reporter the alleged robbers captured on camera escaping on bicycles and by foot in this Surveillance Footage obtained by french news outlie m6 info and later arrested 16 connected to the case. Kim well known for her social Media Presence now says this could have helped lead the criminals to her. I was snapchatting that i was home, and that everyone was going out. They had this window of opportunity and just went for it. Reporter and throughout the heist kim says she had one thing on her mind. I have a family. I have my kids like my husband my mom, like im not going to make it out. Reporter saying despite the mental scars shes continuing to move forward. Its all replaceable. None of it matters. Just you. The best way to work through anxiety is finding plenty of social support. The fact shes even speaking about this is a really good thing, michael. Scary situation. Thank you, jesse. When we come back were taking you behind the scenes of dancings final rehearsal with a bachelor, mr. T. And more. Starts like a good joke. E to see rheumatoid arthritis. And i was worried about joint damage. My doctor said joint pain from ra. Can be a sign of existing joint damage. 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Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause all your symptoms, including nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. Flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. So you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. Flonase. 61 changes everything. Back here on the monday morning were a little chilly, right . Youre from souu island lake illinois, this thiss amandas dog, this is what she does, watch this. Not only opens the door, but shut the door, too, can your dogs through that, weve got work. Well warm up as we get a check of the local weather. Amazing. Reporter smart dog, Storm Tracker 6 live double scan were dry, stepping outside we have plenty of sunshine on sky6 live hd. This afternoon bright conditions, 51 degrees is the high, sunny, spring arrived at 6 29 a. M. Were off to a good spring start. A couple of showers tomorrow morning. Tomorrow afternoon, the sun returns and we go to 59. Low to mid 40s, wednesday and thursday, 55 on friday. Saturday is looking gorgeous. Special correspondent. Alfonso ribeiro. Going to take us behind the scenes of the final rehearsal. Lights, cameras, dancing. Behind the scenes at the hotter than ever final dress rehearsal before tonights explosive season premiere. Its like being on the bachelor again. All you want to do is not go home. The competition heating up. I love that. Well, by the way, if i win im getting a lamborghini. Youre getting is she getting he is. You and lots of reunions for me. Back together with my girl witney but does she miss me. This is your new dance husband. Lots of men in my life and good. Are you excited. Oh, yeah. Rocking in the balcony with charo and did you know how long her name really is . Its maria rosario, elar, Martinez Molina baez. But many more. Reporter Rashad Jennings says its different than football. I cant hide behind my emotions or behind a helmet. Has becoming a daddy changed maks. Maks has been softened. He comes in and talks about his child. New mom peta with a glowing review from her partner, the bachelor nick viall. I think maybe thats ma maternal intent she has now being this new, wonderful mother. Reporter they practiced every move, every look. We got the sexy thing. Yes. Let me see the sexy face. Oh. Train hard, fool. How did you train. I just danced down the street and everything, man. How do you feel about being back in the spotlight. Nervous. Why . Its so different. I mean its like putting on old shoes. Where would the mirror ball trophy fit next to all those gold medals. I think my mom would put it in the safe with the rest of the gold medals just in case. Alfonso says three to watch, simone biles, Nancy Kerrigan and heather morris. Ginger, youre the expert on set. What is everybody going through. Everybody is so nervous right now. But i think i found myself so at home after my first dance so thats what i hope they take away. Be grateful to dance. And i think nick is the underdog. I really do think bachelor nick is going to do very well because all the female dancers are spectacular but, nick, i think he can do it. Hes charming and hes got peta with him. Ginger, any other picks . I am 100 going to go with simone biles. Always going to pick the gymnast. Im not crazing. Im going mr. T. , fool. I want to see peta and maks in the finals. That would be great. Right against each other. See dancing with the stars of course tonight 8 007 00 central right here on abc and americas funniest home videos sundays at 7 with alfonso ribeiro. And Joe Manganiello is here live. Something good morning, im tamala edwards, 8 27 march 20. Lets head over to karen rogers with traffic. Reporter good morning looking live on the schuylkill expressway westbound near bell month. A 40 minute jam from t vine to the blue route onlkill expressway. Especially heavy westbound approaching the boulevard to past belmont. Eastbound a jam from the blue route to the vine. Slowing in both directions. Vine street expressway not moving at all. Westbound traffic jammed the length as you head toward the schuylkill expressway. Eastbound heavy, as well. Extra delays on the vine westbound. An accident lancaster avenue route 30 near rittenhouse an accident involving downed wires. That will be out here a little bit, tam. Thank you, karen. Lets head outside to david murphy, first day of spring, david. Reporter well melt snow pretty quickly. Were above freezing in philadelphia, 36. The this afternoon, 51 is the high, sunshine, clouding up later tonight with overnight sprinkles and showers. They could spill into tomorrow morning. Otherwise clouds and sun, 59. Low to mid 40s, wednesday and thursday. Friday, clouds and sun, shower potential. Saturday looks great, 67 clouds and sun, the way things are look you now. A cold front comes in on sunday knocking us back to 55. There will be periods of rain during the day on sunday. Today looks good for the first day of sprinkle tomorrow the first full day of spring, tam. Even milder. Thats it for us, well send you back to g. M. A. And see you right back here in 30. And we have a great audience here this first day of spring. We also have a special guest to bring to the table from true blood and magic mike. Now hes a smurf. Please welcome Joe Manganiello. [ cheers and applause ] how are you . Hi. Mwah. Good to see you. Good to see you. Hey, hi. Good to see you. [ applause ] how are you doing, man . Im good. How are you. Thanks, looking sharp. Youre wearing more clothes than the last time i saw you. Oh. Yeah. It was quite embarrassing to stand in front of a bunch of guys like that but we got through it. You went right for it. I had no choice. We were waiting to see if you were going going to be tentative. Boom. Maybe it wasnt my first time. There you go. Were going to drop that i got something else. I have something i want to bring up no. Lets not do that. Unless you want to do the next one, george. You got that. But, you know, most of us heard of a dating profile. But what about a dating resume. Ever heard of one of those. Who. 21yearold joey adams asked a girl on the date. She said show me your dating resume. He said ill never get caught off guard again. I didnt she wanted to say no. Sounds like a creative abort. [ laughter ] but no more from joey. Joey wrote up a resume and he spoefed it on facebook and now he has so many offers coming in. This is what he put on it the he describes himself as a lover of Breakfast Foods and puppies. He also his skills include crying during marley and me and replyinging to long techs. He already got you. He also claims he makes great small talk with parts and drives in style in an 09 honda civic. Sara has a suggestion for no, i dont. You whispered toou putting t special skills segment you know on the youre fluent in another language if you type, what do you put in is already having enough trouble getting a date. But private joke, george. I know everybody is taken but im just curious, im going to ask you, sara, what would you put on yours . Funny you mentioned that. I had a resume about not false advertising. You dont want someone coming in. I dont cook. You better. I dont do a lot of things. And believe it or not its amazing when they come in not expecting much. Low expectations. Low expectations. I blew him away. Yeah, i was really honest. I was like i quote s like a dude. I dont cook. I drink martinis. Youre married to sofia but if you were to create a resume now, what would you put on it to swoon her, to win her . Like my previous dating history, listen, im married to a colombian woman. Doesnt want to know lives will be in danger. I got the same thing. You know what im talking about. You really outdid yourself. You wrote a book for sofia. Like not just a resume. A book. A 40page book. Okay. Our First Anniversary of our first date. I wrote a book about our courtship and saved the Text Messages and pictures we sent and all the pictures we went to. Like even the table we were sitting at on our first and made this book. What are you doing for the second anniversary . You set the bar high. I mean, im looking at joe going you put a lot of pressure on some of us. Give me a call. Ill help you. Well put one together. Did she cry. She cried. I cried thinking about it. An animated movie. The smurfs movie and finally wanted to make a movie. For your niece and nephew to see. I have a 2 1 2yearold niece and 2yearold nephew and arent going to be allowed to watch anything uncle joe has done for a very long time and i have to serve on the board of trustees for pittsburgh Childrens Hospital and although its not at all why i do it but i go to the hospital and visit the kids and for years they would say who are you . Thats a good thing. Now they know. They go to the hospital. I have to say, it is a little hard to imagine you as a smurf so well give everybody a look. Dont let them escape. Is this safe . Well, its a giant crossbow so im going to go with no. Aaagh ooh. [ cat meowing ] incoming bird. [ applause ] oh. I love those movies. I took my twins to see this a few weeks ago and im like still sitting there like that you play hefty smurf. I play hefty, yeah. Strong smurf. Strong. So when you saw the script what made you say yes to doing this. Hefty is such a fun character because hes this big but hes like normal size strength in a tiny little body and then the other side of it its juxtaposed with this hes kind of this clause sought poet. Hes in love with smurfette and sometimes it comes out in very embarrassing moments so a fun thing to play with a little character. How did you like doing an animed movie versus doing the regular kind. You get the roll into work with your sweat pants on, baseball hat like its the best job. Roll in by yourself. Knock it all out. You never work with anybody else. Just straight to the screen. I never worked with anybody else. You know, it was funny. This week, this week, demi and Mandy Patinkin and went to the United Nations to speak at the United Nations with our giant smurfs, yeah. For smurf rights. No, its International Happiness day today. We were there to award exemplary kids who had done extraordinary things in order to help the world to become more sustainable so giving awards away to these kids but we were there and i never met mandy but we were in this movie together which is kind of interesting. Youre also doing a project with dwayne the rock johnson who is also just an incredible guy. Can you tell us about that. Rampage. Based on the 1980s video game about giant monsters smashing cities. Should be pretty fun. Niece and nephew wont watch that for awhile in maybe a couple of years but magic mike maybe never see that ever. Ever. Thats kind of an ever movie. Ever. What was he like on the set . He didnt show up with clothes on. Brave. I want to say that i think maybe there was maybe like 90 of that scene that the general public did not see because we were there is somewhere. But you just said that. S there he are some lost tapes of this guy doing amazing things. Love karaoke. Yes. Which amy and i love to hear, he hear. What is your goto song. Ive got a surprising strong falsetto voice. Whoa. Didnt see that coming. Something you dont know about me. So probably princes kiss. There was this famous magic mike one. We went to this bar in tampa, florida. Di princes kiss and followed up with bon jovi. Ts theaters march. Cash in big game on its our problem solvers on a budget edition with jake, peter walsh, and gretta monahan. We paid 64 dollars next r and a very happy morning to isnt that pretty you look over the cliffs, it is refreshing and lovely here. Lets get a check of the local weather. Reporter beautiful pictures on the first day of spring, but it is feeling a little bit wintry out there. No precipitation, but temperatures are in the 30s. This afternoon we improve with sun, 59 tomorrow. Late day sun and 40s on wednesday and thursday. And we are here now with golf legend tiger woods. Hes won 79 pga tour events. 1997 masters my story all about his unforgettable run when he became the youngest masters winner ever. Welcome. Thank you so much. 20 years ago. Hard to believe. Hard to believe because i was there. I was there. And do you know for when you look back at that green jacket, a 21yearold what goes through your mind. My clothes didnt fit. So baggy. It was a different era but it was hard to believe that, you know, i was able to pull that off and theres so much Great Stories and great memories from that week, that i share with everyone in the book. Not only pull it off you won a 12 stroke, unheard of. We have a great picture of you after the tournament when you fell asleep. Yeah, show this picture of when tiger fell asleep. Look at you, man. Thats not about falling asleep. I celebrated. [ applause ] i love that. You put yourself to sleep in a certain way. I was reading a book yesterday. One thing i loved about the book its so much about your father and a lot of the lessons he taught you and reminds me about the relationship with my father. For you all the things your father taught you what are some of the most memorable . I think that well care and share, you gout of what you put into it. Theres so many things he taught me over the years. I actually still pass on to my kids and being present with my kids. My dad would always make sure when we talked hed never sat above me. Always made sure he was eye level and always talked to me, not down to me and i always did the same thing, kneel down and make sure were the same level its amazing the bond you can build that and my dad that with me and im trying to do it with my kids. Little small things like that. Speaking of kids when you were you were on the mike douglas show when you were a tiny tot hitting golf balls. I mean, look at this. What do you think of that swing . What about that hair . It was about the hair. Serious hair. Did you think you had game back then. I didnt know. Im 2. So i dont know anything but only thing i remember from that show was the amount of food in the back room. Ive never seen that much food in my life and it was eye opening. And i know you battled some injuries recently and youve had to pull out of some tours. Do you think youll play and get a chance to play in the masters. God, i hope so. Im trying everything to get back and try to play. I love that event. Its meant so much to me, the first major i ever played back in 95 and so as a College Student. As a College Student so it has so much history and meaning to me that i love to get back. Youve had so many challenges but you think physically or mentally youre able to get back to the point where you can compete on a consistent basis. I need to get back physically. I know that the mind is sharp. I just need to get the body willing to do it. Thats the hard part is getting the prep time in and i havent been able to get as much prep time in. Hadnt been vrabel to train like i used to, practice like i used to so its been harder and, you know, my priorities have changed a lot. My kids now dominate nye life and, you know, i think thats a good thing. I think everybody is hoping and wishing youll compete in the masters because it makes it that much better. [ cheers and applause ] really does. And thank you. You write about your secret weapon, the cocoon of concentration. What is that . I just get into my own little zone, my own little world and there really is nothing that is outside of that. I get so dialed into what im doing that it feels like time slows down and i feel very comfortable in that moment. Its crazy to kind of i guess be in that position but it feels like whether its a zobrist or you perceive it different ways. It may be happening quick but is happening slowly and its neat. Slow for you and fast for everybody else. You better get into that because i want to challenge you to a putting contest. Come on, buddy. Lets go do this. We got our judges here. Okay. This may be a little one for you. I just need one club. 30 seconds on the club. Six balls. What was that . Nothing. Sara and jesse, youre our judges. Despite having a lot of experience on the golf course were providing color commentary and talk in our golf whispers. Do we have to whisper. Putters, get ready. Dont screw this up, michael. Pressure. Putt. All right. Right away. Michael strahan. Oh my gosh. Not so hard, michael. Less, less, woe. You know. Dont sound so disappointed in me. Youre tied right now. Aim for the hole now. Putting with a 5 iron. Ooh. Michael. Thats three for michael. Tiger oh. Time is up. And it is a wait, wait. One ball left for tiger. Yes wow. I mean its close but tiger took it. Take that trophy. You deserve it. Put it next to your masters jack. The 1997 masters my story is out now. Check it out, everything. Well be right back. Well done, man. vo what if this didnt have to happen . I didnt see it. vo what if we could go back . What if our car. Could stop itself . In iihs frontend crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. Not toyota. Not honda. Not ford. The allnew subaru impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright with simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . Back now with baby daddy star chelsea kane which had its season six premiere. Big welcome. [ cheers and applause ] now, congratulations on season six. You guys also won favorite cable tv comedy at the peoples choice awards. We did. Thank you, guys. Did you know what a success this show was going to be when you first started. I cant believe it. I mean its five year have joust blown by and hit our 100th episode at the end of our season six and i could have asked to be on this with better people. Sea now your character is pregnant. How is that going to change the dynamic of the shes. Well, big time. There are a lot of raging hormones. My baby daddy is played by derek feeler and hes 66 so we kind of wanted to play up that this is a big baby. So we bought a prosthetic for twins and by the end of it i was carrying over 15 pounds worth of baby belly. Did you find yourself walking differently. I once had to sport that for an experiment and i literally became pregnant. It was hard to get up. Yes. It was great. I mean i took advantage of Craft Service for the first time ever. Had dinner before the show. Two pieces of pie. You want to getel eating for two. You mentioned the to celebrate. Is in the back and everyone get them the safety pin in our be a very different that was that freaked out. Had a couple beautiful and, yo baby and season 6. N episode of baby daddy tonight on freeform [ cheers and applause ] hi hey ill take one of those oh, you ready for a rush . Im pretty excited for you right now. Fast play is the new way from the pennsylvania lottery. Pick a game, getfast play, please win instantly. Especially when it comes to snacking. New. With the laughing cows nine flavorful varieties theres no end to what you can discover. And now, you can take our creamy cheesewith no artificialpreserv, introducing cheese dipperscreamy by the laughing cow. Cialpreserv, reinvent snacking. Lifes bleachable moments need clorox bleach. Good morning america is brought to you by flonase allergy relief. You are greater than your allergies. Great first day of spring. Everyone watch dancing with the stars. The premiere 8 00, 7 00 central. Have a great monday, everyone. Stay warm out there. Good morning im tamala edwards, 8 56 now, monday march 20. Lets head over to karen rogers she said things look good on the blue route. Reporter no accidents, but slow, northbound traffic from the i95 to the schuylkill expressway, 32 minute ride, heavy in both directions of the blue route. Weve got a big problem in new jersey, in a busy area, this is cherry hill, route 70 eastbound past kings highway we have down pole and wires blocking the left turn lane and the left lane. Thats crawling along at 11 Miles Per Hour in cherry hill. On the big picture, slow speeds on the schuylkill expressway, 6 Miles Per Hour past bell month and slow eastbound as you head near girard. I95 13, 14 Miles Per Hour. Lets go out to david murphy taking a look at accuweather. Reporter the sun is up, its chilly despite the sun standing next to a shield of snow. 38 degrees were improving. Allentown and reading above freezing. Accuweather says high of 51 degrees for the first day of spring. Mostly sunny skies, more clouds tonight and sprinkles and showers some of those could spill into tomorrow morning. Otherwise its clouds and sun, 59. Back in the 40s, wednesday and thursday, 50s friday with the showers, saturday is looking nice, 67. Coming up on action news at noon, fbi director james comey is expected to testify on allegations about russian hacking and wiretapping any number of issues. Well have the latest on the hearings from capitol hill. A Philadelphia Police officer slammed to the ground and knocked unconscious, more on the teenager who is in custody for the assault. Live with kelly is next on 6abc. Im tamala edwards. Have a great monday announcer its live with kelly. Today actress and recording artist Jennifer Lopez and from the new series trial error, john lithgow. Plus, walking dead star Jeffrey Dean Morgan is kellys cohost for the day. All next on live. [upbeat music] [cheers and applause] kelly oh, thank you. Thank you. [cheers and applause]

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