Inside the vetting process in amman, jordan, in place before President Trump took office. How can you possibly learn everything about a family through an interview . And the journey to resettle in the United States. This special edition of nightline, inside 30 the travel ban will be right back. This is a special edition of nightline. Inside 30 the travel ban. Good evening. Thank you for joining us. Breaking news. Just hours ago, President Trump firing the acting attorney general for refusing to enforce his controversial travel ban. The showdown following trumps surprise executive order hitting the pause button on refugees entering the u. S. The action igniting instant chaos and confusion at airports and on capitol hill. Tonight abcs Gloria Riviera is with some of the people, the families caught in the cross fire. Reporter its your typical little girls room. The stuffed penguin, pink barbie sheets. The little girl who sleeps here is stuck thousands of miles away. A new president ial order stranding refugees. And tonight the president firing the acting attorney general of the United States, sally yates, who threw down the gauntlet, directing top lawyers at department of justice to defy trumps travel ban. The White House Press office says in a statement monday that yates has betrayed the department of justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States. Tensions running high here in america and a world away where, like so many others, a little girl is left only to dream of america. We dont believe that we cannot get her. We have to get her. Reporter abdullah fled syria after speaking out against the assad regime. He was vetted and cleared for u. S. Entry in 2011. His family joining him in 2013. On an october trip to see family in lebanon, his 3yearold daughter muna was denies entry back to the u. S. A visa snafu, he says. This is heartbreaking. We cannot believe this happens. What will the 3yearold child, what threat she will pose . These are the last two videos. Reporter shes been with her grandmother for three months. But on sunday he says he was told she is now ineligible. This policy in regard with my family, its breaking my family, its breaking our hearts. Reporter this week alone over 800 refugees were on their way to america. The u. N. s Refugee Agency estimates. An executive order from President Trump in an instant changed everything. You know what its like to be waiting for that visa to come. Yes. To get that stamp to be able to come to this country. For all those people who are waiting with hope, what has this executive order done . Crushed their dreams. Reporter the executive order calls for a 90day ban on nearly all travelers from seven predominantly muslim countries. Libya, sudan, syria, iraq, iran, yemen, somalia. The order puts a 120day stop on all refugees and bans Syrian Refugees from entering the u. S. Indefinitely. Suddenly entire lives were held in lembo. 109 people were on their way to america and denied entry, according to the white house. Instant chaos and confusion erupted at airports. A number of travelers to the u. S. , including children, detained upon landing. Tears of joy when this mother in virginia reunited with her 5yearold son. I dont know what to do. Because i sold my house. I quit my job. My wife quit her job. And kids left school. Reporter abdullah was vetted. Hes been in this country six years, working on a perfectly legal religious workers visa. He says he loves this country and doesnt think the policy will abate terror. This type of decision, it will only promote hate and fear. And it will not solve the problem of extremism. Just the other day, that canadian white man, he entered the mosque in quebec and killed eight people while they were praying. So we will not we dont say we have white men are terrorists, thats just foolish, that is very unjust and very unfair. So this decision is very discriminatory, very discriminatory, very unjust, very inhuman. Reporter he got up sunday morning and joined others determined to have their voices heard. From the shadow of the statue of liberty to the gates of the white house this weekend some major protests over President Trumps executive orders signed late friday. Big stuff. Reporter around the globe, just like the weekend before, other countries joined in. Tonight a reported 10,000 took to the streets in the uk. Down with trump reporter political debate reaching into corners all over the world. Including hollywood at last nights s. A. G. Awards. I am the daughter of an immigrant. I love this country. Because i love this country, i am horrified by its blemishes. Reporter in a rare move just days into a new presidency, the former president speaking up. President obama came out of the postpresidency shadows today with some pretty harsh words for President Trump, saying that he through a spokesman fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion. Reporter the chorus of voices in support of the ban also strong. Take care of our own first. Then take care of others. Its just like jumping when the plane goes into a crash mode, first you have to put on your mask to help your child. I think we need first and foremost is to keep our country safe. Reporter hours after issuing the executive order, the white house began to walk back part of that sweeping edict, now saying green card holders, permanent legal residents, will be allowed to reenter the country. Today press Secretary Sean Spicer defending the policy. Im sorry some folks may have had to wait a little while. But i think the president would much rather know that hes not placing a call to someone who was killed because someone was let into this country to commit a terrorist act. Reporter the order grants some exceptions, giving priority to refugees from religious minorities like christians living in majority muslim countries. Ramin, clinical law professor and attorney, says she believes the mandate is unethical and unlawful. Weve seen post9 11 in the name of security our country has allowed itself to erode many of its values. If the u. S. Is now going to prioritize, take refugees that are christian over refugees that are muslim, that in and itself is discriminating based on religion. Reporter the president claimed the ban had nothing to do with religion. Its not a muslim ban, were totally prepared to work it out very nicely. Reporter the executive order unclearing a crush of bipartisan criticism. Today we all stand here as american citizens reporter democratic lawmakers protesting at the Supreme Court to republican senators, john mccain and landsy graham, writing in a joint statement, it is clear from the confusion at our airports across the nation that President Trumps executive order was not properly vetted. Ultimately we fear this executive order will be become a selfinflicted wound in the fight against terrorism. President trump firing back on twitter, john mccain and Lindsey Graham should focus their energies on isis, illegal immigration, and border security, instead of always looking to start world war iii. After it was signed there was a lot of confusion at airports around the country. We had Young Children who were detained. We had the elderly. It was a very serious situation. Shame on you, shame on you reporter the president later adding, if the ban was announced with a oneweek notice the bad would rush into our country during that week, a lot of bad dudes out there. Caught in the crossfire of this debate, people like sufyan, former translator for the army in iraq. Were there dangerous assignments . Yes, always, every day. Safe to say you put your life at risk . Yes. Yes. Reporter he got out of iraq using a special immigration visa which allowed him to get a green card. But for now those like him who risk their lives to help American Forces or companies would not be allowed in. How did you feel about america then . Hm, that its a dream. For everybody. Reporter now he lives in durham with his wife and three children. His young els daughter an american born here in the usa. For President Trump, he has one solemn plea. Dont judge. Maybe 95 of people, the good people, the same as 5 of bad people. Reporter for abdullah his foremost concern is for the safety of his little girl, still stranded tonight half a world away. For me personally, i want my daughter back. Reporter for nightline, Gloria Riviera in raleigh, north carolina. David muir is vetting the vetting process in amman, jordan. President trump has vowed to make it more extreme. But does it need to be . My moderc plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the Grocery Store anything but simple. So i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. He explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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Going beyond expectations. Because our pets deserve it. Beyond. Natural pet food. President trump has long vowed to institute a process of what he calls extreme vetting for refugees from predominantly muslim countries. As world news tonight anchor david muir found out that vetting process can already be very rigorous. They followed families from their home in jordan to communities across america to learn about their experience firsthand. Let them go reporter there is anger and confusion around the country in the wake of President Trumps controversial travel ban. Donald trump has got to go reporter with the stroke of a pen on friday, the president s executive order suspended the decadesold Refugee Resettlement program for 120 days. And indefinitely banned all Syrian Refugees. This is a muslim ban . No, its not a muslim ban. Its countries that have tremendous terror. Reporter the president promising this. Were going to have extreme vetting in all cases. I mean extreme. And were not letting people in if we think theres even a little cans of some problem. Reporter the president s critics argue the vetting already in place was more than sufficient. What do we want . Justice reporter in 2016, more than 12,000 Syrian Refugees were admitted to the u. S. Before the election we krafled to amman, jordan, to see what the vetting entailed. In jordan across the Syrian Border there are over 600,000 Syrian Refugees. Despite the backlash in the u. S. , so many of them are desperate for the chance to go to america. Through this doorway, we immediately discover a crush of humanity. Refugee families already screened by the u. N. Now waiting to be interviewed by the u. S. How many interviews . Four interviews. Actually, five. Five interviews. So they come through here . Yes. Reporter gina is with the u. S. State department. Theyre brought into a security screening area. Reporter for a vetting process that can last two years. We are taken to a hallway lined with small rooms and through the windows, we can see family after family being interviewed. How can you possibly learn everything about a family through an interview . Id say the interviewers are very highly trained. They are trained to look at the documentation, but also for the credibility behind the applicants story. When you say documentation, this is syria. Theyve been at war for years now. What kind of documentation do they have, teif any . 90 of adult applicants in our pipeline have valid syrian documentation. Reporter from here they are screened through the terrorist watch list, the Intelligence Data bases back in the u. S. , and Homeland Security makes the final decision. Are there times when it will flag you a particular family, and they get pulled . Absolutely. The applicants at airport, we had to prevent them from boarding the plane. Reporter the u. S. State department told us of the over 800,000 refugees admitted to the u. S. Since 9 11, a tiny fraction of 1 have been arrested or removed because of terrorism or concerns. Critics say thats still too many. They point to the case of iraqi refugees in bowling green, kentucky, who the fbi caught in 2011 attempting to buy an antiaircraft missile they thought would be used against American Forces in iraq. They were known insurgents who had fought against u. S. Soldiers. But still slipped through the cracks. After that incident, president obama drastically curtailing the number of iraqi refugees coming into this country for six months. The vetting procedures overhauled. Those enhanced measures were firmly in place last year when we met these families who had just been cleared for america. This is cultural orientation. Where theyre caught about their new home. The teacher asks them, whats allowed in the u. S. , whats forbidden . She shows a picture of a couple kissing in public. She asks them about drinking in america. Then she asks about polygamy. Asking if its legal in america. They begin to clap. The next lesson about america, the melting pot. Theyre asked a simple question. Which of these faces are american . These families leaving within days. How many of you are excited to go to the United States . Give me one word that describes america to you. The land of chances. For americans who are worried about refugees coming to the u. S. . Theyre humans like you. We want to be one of you. Reporter we wondered if they had any questions for us. Well take that question back to the United States. Reporter all the families in this room have already been admitted to the United States. But there are thousands of others now stuck in limbo. Just last week, i asked President Trump about the critics who say his ban will only inflame tensions both here in this country and overseas. Are you at all concerned its going to cause more anger among muslims around the world . Anger . Theres plenty of anger right now, how can you have more . You dont think it will exacerbate the problem this. Look, david. I know youre a sophisticated guy. The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. Reporter it was during our trip we found another family in amman who had been waiting nearly two years for an answer. Their home bombed in syria. They show me their homemade swing in the hallway. The children miss their playground back home. This is your playground . Yes. Reporter the u. S. State department then tells them theyre next. On september 6th, you will travel to kansas city, missouri. Reporter we watch as it sets in. Then a question from their father mustafa. We show them on a map. Kansas city is a beautiful city. Its a beautiful city. And the baseball team, they won the world series. Reporter a smile from the son who loves sports. But we notice tears from one of the children. Her mother tells us she is sad to leave her friends yet again. Since our trip, we have followed their story. They arrived here in the u. S. In september to a warm welcome from their new community. And since then, mustafa has landed a fulltime job at a local auto parts factory. The kids are thriving in school. But he knows he may not be able to share this promise of a better life with relatives who have yet to arrive. An uncertainty now shared by thousands of refugees who had pinned their hopes on a new beginning in the United States. For nightline, im david muir in new york. Our thanks to david. Well be right back with more nightline. With advil, youll ask what sinus headache . What stiff joints . What time of the month cramps . What nighttime pain . Make all your pains a distant memory with advil the worlds 1 choice what pain . Advil. When youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. 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