Hillary. [ laughter ] in order to reinforce his warning to Vladimir Putin about vote tampering, president obama reportedly used the socalled red phone that connects moscow to washington. Thats what that does . Said someone whose pizza never arrived. [ laughter and applause ] shouldnt have made it pizza hut red. John mccain recently said that a friendship between donald trump and Vladimir Putin is unlikely because reality is going to intercede at one point or another. But i ask you, do these two men look like they are at all concerned about reality . [ laughter ] [ applause ] i live in a gold house. I ride a horse, no shirt. I am in fantasy novel. Im also in a fantasy novel. Netflix began streaming a biopic of president obama this weekend called barry. Theyll also air a documentary about trumps president ial win called barely. [ light laughter ] [ as trump ] the reason that joke doesnt work is it was a historic blowout. [ light laughter ] donald trump has now waited over four times longer than any other president elect to hold a postelection press conference. He is basically treating the press like a tinder date. They did every dirty thing he wanted and now hes ignoring their texts. [ laughter ] some tinder dates whove been on the wrong side of it out there. [ laughter ] the gambling industry has reportedly asked donald trump to lower regulations on casinos while hes in office. Hey, weve already gambled our entire countrys future on red. May as well go double or nothing. [ applause ] and finally, a novelty shop is that features joseph with his hair in a man bun. Which explains why mary was so adamant about remaining a virgin. Ladies and gentlemen weve got a fantastic show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] hes a fantastic actor starring in the new film assassins creed, our friend Michael Fassbender is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] he is the editor in chief of the new yorker and hes got a fascinating new book, the 60s, the story of a decade, David Remnick is here tonight. And that always means, when davids here all new edition of live new yorker cartoons. One of our favorite things we do here at the show. So youre here an excellent night. But before we get to all of that, with donald trump about to take office, we are soon to embark on the most tweetfilled presidency in history. So in an effort to keep up with Donald Trumps activity on social media its time for our new segment, tweetin with the prez. Yall ready for this seth basically Donald Trumps twitter feed will serve as his version of fdrs fire side chats. If fdr used his fireside chats to say stuff like this. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself and mexicans. [ laughter ] seth were about to enter an era where our president can bypass the Traditional Press directly and spread lies and conspiracy theories unfiltered through his twitter account. For example, the incoming chief of staff Reince Priebus recently suggests that trump might completely scrap the traditional Daily Press Briefings the white house does with reporters. I think that many things have to change. And i think that its important that we look at all of those traditions that are great, but quite frankly as you know dont really make news and theyre just sort of no. Its horrible. Mundane boring episodes. Seth boring episodes . This country needs boring episodes right now. The last 1nt game of thrones where every episode is the battle of the bastards. [ laughter ] we all need a break from this action. I cant believe im saying this, but America Needs some bran. [ laughter ] on top of that, trump hasnt had a press Conference Since july. Which means we are increasingly dependent on his twitter account for information about what hes doing. Like this weekend, when china seized a u. S. Naval drone in international waters, and trump tweeted quote china steals United States Navy Research drone in international waters. Rips it out of water and takes it to china in unprecidented act. But drawing as much attention as his shoot from the hip Foreign Policy was his apparent inability to spell because the original tweet trump wrote that it was an, unpresident ed act. Unpresident ed is not a word of course, but it would be a great title for a movie about Hillary Clinton. [ laughter ] she was inevitable until she became unpresident ed. An for being bad at spelling. Im bad at spelling, its just i Pay Attention when twitter tells me when i spelled something wrong. Conservatives complain that obama ignored the red line in syria. Trump ignores it on twitter. [ light laughter ] but of course in our new posttruth era, there is no right or wrong way to spell, as trumps spokesperson Kellyanne Conway said in a statement after the tweet, while liberals focus on spelling, donald trump is focused on the American People and their problems. [ applause ] but again, and this is important. Spelling is only a distraction. We are not all going to die because donald trump cant spell. Unless he accidentally starts a nuclear war with an email like this to Vladimir Putin. [ laughter ] ill have my people kill your people. Back to Foreign Policy, of course trumps team thought his incoherent tweet actually worked. When china gave the drone back following a diplomatic protest from the obama administration, trumps communication director tweeted quote donald trump gets it done china says it will return u. S. Drone it seized. Yeah thats right. Trump got china to give the drone back. Although im not sure trump knows that. Because a few hours later he tweeted we should tell china that we dont want the drone they stole back. Let them keep it. But of course trump doesnt just conduct Foreign Policy on twitter. He also lashes out at news organizations over even the mildest criticism like when he tweeted last week. Has anyone looked at the really poor numbers of vanity fair magazine. Way down. Big trouble. Dead. Grayden carter. No talent, will be out. He writes his tweets like hes interpreting them from a border collie. Whats that girl . Way down . Big trouble . Dead . Mine collapse . Worker trapped . Call the sheriff. Go. [ cheers and applause ] the tweet was apparently prompted by an article that claimed trump grill could be the worst restaurant in america. Oh come on. Trump grills not even the worst restaurant in midtown. [ light laughter ] and then there was trumps recent meeting with he Major Tech Companies which conspicuously excluded you are not going to believe this, twitter. How could he not invite twitter . Twitter is the only Technology Trump uses. I cant see him ordering off amazon. Melania are we prime . I need to make sure ivanka gets her presents by christmas. Im doing 30day shipping for eric and donald jr. [ light laughter ] twitters exclusion was not an accident. In fact it was apparently done out of revenge. As politico reported, twitter was told it was bounced from wednesdays meeting between tech executives and trump. In retribution for refusing during the campaign to allow an emoji version of the hash tag crooked hillary. Although to be fair twitter does have an emoji for trumps presidency. [ laughter and applause ] this has been tweetin with the prez. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with more late night everybody. [ cheers and applause ] when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance catchy up eat music so tasty. I love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. [ cheers and applause ] seth you know our first guest tonight from his Academy Award nominated performances in 12 years a slave and as cofounder of apple steve jobs. His new film assassins creed based on the video game franchise is in theaters tomorrow. Lets take a look. What is this . Im sorry, cal. This is not the way i like to do things. Then dont do it. [ yelling ] what do you want from me . Your past. Listen to me carefully, cal. Youre about to enter the animus. What youre about to see, hear, and feel are the memories of someone whos been dead for 500 years. Wait a minute. Synchronization achieved. Commence regression. Seth please welcome back to the show Michael Fassbender. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back. Thank you very much. Seth always such a pleasure to have you here. Great to be back. Seth so for people who might not know this video game give us a sense of what this is about. Because you actually get to play two versions of yourself. I do, yeah. Basically it starts in the garden of eden. Where all good stories start. Seth like this is going to be a long story . Because i feel like when you start there all your stories start there and im like, michael, we have to pick up the pace. [ laughter ] no, basically its a world where templars and assassins are at war with each other for basically the future of humanity and templars believe in science and order. They also believe some people should be enslaved, and they kind of run the world. And then youve got assassins that believe in free will for all people and theyre there to maintain and protect at all costs. What you saw there was the genetic delorian if you like. Its like a genetic time machine. That allows you to access your ancestors memories. Because all of us in our dna have the knowledge and experience of our ancestors within our dna. Something that you might think of as a sixth sense. Or a gut feeling or an instinct, thats actually a survival tool that is passed down to us from our ancestors. And with this machine you can access their dna and travel back in time. Seth and youre the ancestor version of you is of course a lot more kickass than the present day version of you. Well seth i dont know [ laughter ] im just saying, you get to wear a hood. We saw you there and you did not have the hood. Yes. Seth this is your hood work. One of them talks a lot and the other one doesnt talk that much. Seth right. When you go when we see ancestor version not a lot of dialogue. Ha do you, as an actor, are you psyched when you see oh, man, i dont have to say anything . Well, luckily i was involved as a producer in this, so i made sure that i didnt have much to say. [ laughter ] no, its in spanish, the regression part of it. Seth do you speak no i dont speak spanish. [ laughter ] seth as a producer did you ever think of casting someone else . [ laughter ] it did cross my mind. Seth okay, gotcha. So yeah we wanted to keep the spanish to a minimum for myself. Seth so give us some of the spanish words. Do you even remember any of the three spanish words . I cant believe youre asking me that. Oh god. Um. Seth que. You say que a lot. Youre like confused. [ speaking spanish ] seth oh, so there you go. Youre fine. What was that . Our own lives are nothing. Seth oh, thats perfect dialogue. [ laughter ] yeah. Seth that would be if you got Rosetta Stone and that was the first thing it taught you youd be like i dont think i want these tapes. [ laughter ] by the way all the spanish are people who are going, its like, id like some hot sauce. Seth yeah, exactly. He said this piaya is too chewy. [ laughter ] by the way this is assassin this is an assassin hood. That is an assassin costume with hood. Seth i think this is problematic because assassins need to be sneaky. Anybody who saw this guy would say this guy is an assassin. But in a time where a lot of people were wearing hoods seth oh so this was the look. This is what dentist look imagine, you know imagine this was a hoodie in sort of track suit form in modern day. Seth gotcha. Just blend in. Seth this is a college kid on his way to the coffee shop. Thats right, yeah. Seth you mentioned not having a lot of apple picking. Seth did you have any parkour knowledge before this film because . Luckily yes. Seth you did . Im excellent at parkour. [ laughter ] pretty much like my spanish. I had to work on the parkour. Yeah. And did you do a lot of your own physical stunts in the film . No, because im a producer. [ laughter ] seth youre too valuable. If anything happened to you i cant do that. Thats a rolie polie. I cant do a rolie polie. Ug i no, i did, you know, it was very important because we filmed this kind of old school way. You know, all the stunts take place in real locations with real people. A lot of the times with these sort of films now its very cgi dominated. So, you know, we didnt want to do that and so yes i did a lot of it. I did myself and ariane labed, she plays maria. We did 95 of the fights ourselves and some of the jumps and we did 120 foot leap of faith. Well we, i say we. A guy called damien walters, my stunt double, did. And he did it seth you had faith in him. [ laughter ] i did. You know, because he did it without, you know, any wires, no cords. Seth wow. Yeah. Into an inflatable bag. Seth now tell me when you do that, is that something you only have one shot at or do you make damien do you say, aw lens cap we have a few damiens. [ laughter ] seth the key is to have a exactly. Seth i want to ask you about this. Last time you were here we talked a little backstage about this. You were in the fantastic Quentin Tarantino film, inglorious basterds. A film i love. Yeah. Seth and when you were 17 years old did a stage production of reservoir dogs. Yes. Seth and this was your idea. You produced that as well. Is that fair to say . I did, yeah. I directed it and produced it from what i knew what that was at the time. Because i was just so, you know, naive but i had a lot of passion and just got my friends together. We started off just fiing it in the locker room at the school. Our version of reservoir dogs and i said to my friend marco, who is actually backstage now. I said, you know, we should do this on stage. Its perfect for stage. Its really, you know, takes place in, you know, the warehouse for most of it. So then we got the ball rolling but the problem was nobody really wanted to be associated with reservoir dogs because the material was so controversial. And it was very it was difficult to even get a charity to take the money. Nightclub, which was a nightclub in killarney, and still is i think, said you can do it here. So we put it on in the nightclub and we had all the strobe lighting, all the cool lighting and sound effects so it worked out well. Seth and then when you met Quentin Tarantino, did you tell him you had done this production without his permission . I did. [ laughter ] i did. I couldnt help it. I had to tell him at the audition in case i never saw him again and he was like his face was sort of like that and i said, dont worry i said. We gave the money to charity and hes like, thats cool, man. [ laughter ] as long as youre not making any money out of my [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] seth he was worried he was worried you were profiting off of him. Am i allowed to say [ bleep ] . Seth you can say it, yeah. Well, you know, if you hadnt the follow up would have been problematic. Exactly. [ laughter ] seth youre allowed to say it once. So y mentioned, obviously, you grew up in ireland and i think this people might misunderstand that they assume people who are irish watch a lot of British Television but you grew up very much on american tv. Ireland we didnt get bbc and british channels so it was just rd one and rd two. So we would get a lot of american tv shows. Seth and ive heard you are you have a talent. I dont know if its a talent. Well find out. Its a strange thing, yeah. Seth is this you can do theme songs from the 80s. Yeah. Seth and im gonna try and guess what they are, cause i also was a child of the 80s. Okay. Seth so, challenge. Okay. Well start off with the first one. [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth i have no idea. What was it . Im not it wasnt necessarily a synthesizer, but it was the only sound that i could really sort of make sense of. [ laughter ] trapper john md. Seth trappehn seth that might be 70s. Yeah and also im thinking of all of these kickass 80s shows and you chose trapper john md . Well i gotta find obscure ones. Seth okay, gotcha. I cant do the sort of, normal ones. Ill give you another one. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth i dont know again what was it . Well, that last bit that i sung was when Bruce Boxleitner comes in. So does that seth was it the hulk . No wait. No. Seth oh, im thinking of bruce another bruce. Yeah, thats bruce banner. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] no, he was the actors name. The other guy. Scarecrow and mrs. King. Seth oh my goodness. Scarecrow and mrs. King. Did anyone know that . No. All right. [ laughter ] much harder than i thought it would be. [ laughter ] i know. Seth alright, one more. Okay, ill do a more mainstream seth youre very good at this. Ill do another mainstream one. Okay, let me see. Okay. [ light laughter ] seth saint elswhere. Oh my god, it is so great to have you here. [ cheers and applause ] Michael Fassbender, everybody. Assassins creed is in theaters tomorrow. Well be right back with more late night. By the time you head to the bank and wait to get approved for a home loan, that newly listed, midcentury ranch with the garden patio will be gone. Or you could push that button. Sfx rocket launching. Cockpit sounds and music crescendo. Skip the bank, skip the waiting, and go completely online. Get the confidence that comes from a secure, qualified mortgage approval in minutes. Lift the burden of getting a home loan with Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. whisper rocket theres more than one route to the top. The lexus ls and lx. 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What cats want™ that i was on the icelandic game show. And everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. But nobody knows the box behind the discounts. Oh, its like my father always told me put that down. Thats expensive. Of course i save people an average of nearly 600, but whos gonna save me . [ voice breaking ] and thats when i realized. Im allergic to wasabi. Well, i feel better. Its been five minutes. Talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Please give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] and very excited, back tonight, singing with the 8g band, he is here all week, the lead vocalist ofone of my absolute favorite bands, the hold steady. And now his third solo record, we all want the same things will be available for preorder on january 10th. Craig finn is here everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thanks for having me. Seth thank you so much for being here. Im so excited. Also you guys are having a good night, fred armisen is over on the drums. Give it up for fred, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] and fred, of course one of my oldest friends, so happy to have him here because we get caught up. And one of the things we always catch up on, were huge tv fans. Fred love it. Seth love tv. Fred yes. Seth i always complain too many shows on tv right now, cant watch them all. Fred claims he sees every episode of every show on television. Fred everything, yes. [ light laughter ] seth i find that hard to believe. Fred no, its true. Seth okay. [ laughter ] if it is not true, now would be the time to tell me you just made it up to impress me. Fred no, its true, seth okay, that means its time, once again, for Fred Armisens extremely accurate tv recaps. [ cheers and applause ] seth so the way this works is i will read a Television Show title, and fred will prove to us all that he has watched it by describing it to the word, from its tv guide description. The name of the show is shut eye on hulu. Fred oh, shut eye, its on hulu. Seth yeah, i said it was on hulu. [ light laughter ] fred oh, you did, okay, yeah. So have you seen any of it . Seth no. Fred its incredible. Have you seen a pilot seth i havent seen i have not. When i say i havent seen any of it, i havent seen any of it. [ light laughter ] fred they put all the episodes on it, you know that, right. Like they did seth yeah, i know how it works, yeah. Fred they did everything. The first the First Episode is really the pilot. Seth okay. Fred but its actually seth i feel like you are explaining how tv and hulu works, not how the show works. [ laughter ] fred just making sure you know. Seth okay. Fred it is based on the books. [ laughter ] seth its based on the shut eye books . Fred on the do you know the shut eye books . Seth i dont know the books. Fred oh, you dont know the shut eye books . Seth please dont ask me how many ive read, i havent read any of them. [ laughter ] fred no, none of it . Seth no. Incredible series of books and its very true to the books. [ laughter ] seth okay, again, you havent given me a single detail. Fred okay but its by tj stevenson and its sort of, its so hard to explain if you havent read the books. [ laughter ] its really, really hard to explain. Seth just try. Fred i know, i know, its just seth okay, how about this . Pretend i asked you, what are the shut eye books about . Fred okay, great. [ light laughter ] so there is an alternate reality. Its so hard to explain. Okay, so, these people have come back from the dead, but because its an alternate reality, they are not dead. Do you understand that, so far . Seth barely. [ light laughter ] fred okay, so its seth who is the author again . Fred tj stevenson. [ light laughter ] and so every episode is a repeat of the episode before because its an alternate reality. But a different dead live person comes back and its how each i know its crazy, but its how each character sees that dead or alive person, depending [ laughter ] seth can i just read you the description that was in tv guide about this show. Fred okay. Seth to see if it matches up with what youre telling me . Fred sure. Seth two married scam artists apply their in sunny california where they squirm under the violent rule of a gypsy crime family. Fred yeah, yes. [ laughter ] seth give it up from fred armisen, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] in any given week, here on the show, we dont have enough time to cover everything thats going on in the world. So here with your pop culture news recap, is one of the writers, amber ruffin, in a segment we call, amber says what. [ cheers and applause ] thanks, seth. Things have been out of control. First off, Rob Kardashian and black chyna broke up and i was like, what . In other news, prince harry got himself a girlfriend and i was like, what . [ laughter ] then i heard she was black and i [ laughter ] because you know the queen heard that and was like, pardon . [ laughter ] people were like super mario run is out. You got to download it. I was like, what, what they were like, its free. And i was like, what, what, what then the game was like to play level four, that will be 9. 99. I was like, what . [ light laughter ] then, the couple from hgtv split. And i was like, what . And people were like, no, not them, them. [ light laughter ] and i was like, what . Then everyone was like c lo green died from an exploding phone. And i was like, what . Then he released a statement saying he was just filming something. And i was like forget you what what what [ laughter ] this has been amber says what. [ cheers and applause ] seth give it up for amber, well be right back with our friend, David Remnick. [ cheers and applause ] [ Lizzo Caroline Smith ] let em say what they gonna say they gon feel how they gonna feel and i love it, i love it and baby hey, you should too so let em say what they wanna say they gonna feel how they gonna feel but i love it, yeah i love it, baby, hey get well chosen deals at target, like buy any two annies products, get one free. Is your deodorant leaving white marks or yellow stains on your clothes . No white marks on black clothes. And no yellow stains on white. So your white clothes stay white. And your black clothes stay black. Choose degree ultraclear black white. It wont let you down. Crsugar is everywherets sugar shield and crest complete has a sugar shield to protect teeth from sugar found in everyday foods. Crest complete. Shield your teeth from sugar. So sugar may visit, but its not sticking around. So if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geicos emergency roadside assistance is there 24 7. Oh dear, i got a flat tire. Hmmm. Uh. Yeah, can you find a take where its a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah . Yeah i got it right here. Someone help me i have a flat tire geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is a Pulitzer Prize winning author and editor the latest addition of the new yorker anthology the 60s the story of a decade is in bookstores now. Please welcome back to the show, our friend, David Remnick, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth how are you . Great band. Seth theyre a great band i want to join. Seth oh, you do want to join . I do. Seth and thats right, you play you play music. You play guitar. Yeah, you got room . Seth we would love to have you. When you are ready to leave the media, we are very happy to have you. Im ready now seth and you know what, it might be that the media might be asked to leave. They yeah, when they shut the door. Seth when they shut the door, but you cant leave. You are at the top of your game. Congratulations, new yorker was just named magazine of the year, and you were just named Magazine Editor of the year. Congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth nice honor. Thank you. Seth with that said, i now want to move past the positives. Yeah. Seth because you have not been particularly optimistic in your early writings. And you already written quite a bit e seth and you are one of the people i think its safe to say that is saying, this might be worse than everybody is hoping it will be. Or worse than they think its going to be. Nobody is hoping its going to be bad. Let me just say this. If it turns out that donald trump is the greatest republican since abraham lincoln, i will be thrilled. Seth same here. I will be thrilled. I dont think its going to be the case. [ light laughter ] and everything that he campaigned on, everything that i see in the transition from the november 8th until now, really doesnt portend well. I mean when you have somebody thats in charge of the environment that seems to hate the environment. When you have a National Security adviser that seems a little, you know like he should be in dr. Strangelove. Seth mmmhmm. Thats a problem. Seth yeah, these do sound problematic. Thats a problem. And when you are trying to figure out how to run a national government, and you think the best thing to do with your time at 5 0 t about the editor of vanity fair. Maybe thats a little distracted. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] and i really believe that if you miss if you are going to miss barack obama in a month, you are really going to miss him in six months. And i say that in all seriousness and knowing that no presidency is perfect, but i think the temperament, the honesty, the lack of scandal, the seriousness, the sense of compassion for people who are not like you, was a component of this presidency and much more that we are going to miss very, very dearly. [ applause ] seth you wrote an article and spent time you spent time with the president leading up to the election. You were with him after the election. How do you think he is feeling right now . Actually i live with him. Seth you lived with him . Yeah, i did. No, what happened was to do a piece, i went on a Campaign Stop to North Carolina a few days before the election, and was on air force one and every poll was saying, including the president s polls, Hillary Clintons poll and the trump polls and the National Polls were all saying the same thing, more or less. And the president came in the back of the plane and i said, you feeling really enthusiastic or optimistic . And he said, nope. Nope. Seth wow. And i think he had an intimation that things were going to be extremely tight, but that they were going to win. And then came election day and you know what happened there. I think you all do. [ light laughter ] and then i came down to interview him a couple of days after. And when i tell you that the atmosphere at the white house was like a funeral home. It was really it was just purely funereal. But obama himself was determined to buck everybody up. Because as president , you know, as it says in the bible, the one thing that is unforgivable is despair. Despair is impermissible. And i think its impermissible for us. There might be people out here that are protrump, and god bless, but if you are really i think if you are a journalist, you have to continue to do your job and do it in a factbased reality world and check those facts and speak the truth and put pressure on power. If you are a citizen, you need to do things as citizens. Even in entertainment, you need to tell the sharpest jokes possible. You cant give up. Despair is not permissible at all. And i think thats what obamas behavior has been about since election day. Seth youve had a similar position, you brought your staff in the day after the election. How would did you what was the refocusing you had to tell the people on team new yorker as far as moving forward . I think its like in a lot of workplaces, i didnt presume about anything about anybodys politics. I can guess that the majority of the people in the room probably voted for hillary or certainly didnt want to see trump president. But i said, look, we have a very important job to do. The new yorker is not just about cartoons or jokes or short stories or any of the many things that we are about. Is put pressure on power. To be fair, to be balanced, to go in deep and to be fearless. And we now live in a world in which journalism is a mess. Its awash in a sea of whatever i cant say on television. Seth right. [ light laughter ] and its the focus and its the function not just of a bunch of fake news mills in montenegro or moscow, but its its right here in this country. The guy who is the senior counselor to the president , who is going to be sitting 20 feet away from donald trump, ran a news site called breitbart, that was filled with things that were hateful. That were antisemitic at times, that were racist, that were fake. Thats whos sitting down the hall. Thats a serious state of affairs. And so people at the New York Times, the Washington Post or the new yorker or what have you, who live make mistakes, but live in a i think their jobs have never been more important. Seth it seems as though even with a sense of modesty, but they are really important to do well. Seth is there a sense of not despair, but dread that the goal post has been moved. Because now it seems as though if you want to get your news from places that are not living by the same factbased metric, you can go and get it. You completely can run around the Washington Post, you can live your life without ever looking at the New York Times or the new yorker. Im sorry to say that. I think a lot of people do. And thats fine. But part of the problem is that if you go on facebook, and a lot of people get their news through facebook as a platform, that a piece in the New York Times looks exactly the same as a piece that has aliens taking over the Pittsburgh Steelers or Hillary Clinton guilty of some crime. Seth neither of those are true, right . So as far as i know. [ laughter ] seth okay, gotcha. I dont know ou seth yeah, exactly. I dont know about the steelers. So thats a problem in appearance. And then once you are reading the stuff that you want to read, that confirms your own view of the world, you then like it and create a community of your own. Thats a different world than the old press world. Im not saying the old one was great. Seth right. The New York Times made mistakes, major ones. The Washington Post, the new yorker, whatever. But this is something else. This is an entirely different universe that we havent quite figured out yet. And it had a real effect on the election. And thats not the only thing that had an effect on the election. Seth obama has been cordial so far with president elect trump. Do you when do you think do you think we will ever find out what president obama really thinks . I think its always important to listen to michelle. Seth okay, i got you. [ laughter ] and Michelle Obama gave an interview to oprah winfrey. And she said, this is the first time where we are starting to feel what life is without hope. Seth mmmhmm. And i think if you listen to that, and if you listen to what obama said during the campaign which was extremely tough on trump. Seth yeah. And you pointed out in your article, he is someone he seemed to enjoy having trump as a foil on the campaign trail. And now its a different think, now its a threat to a legacy. He did mention in the article that he might one day have a beer with you. Sit down, have a beer and tell what you he really thinks of trump. Is that im not going to sit by the phone every second of the day. [ laughter ] growing old waiting for that beer. I think we know. Seth yeah, i do. I think we know, obama said over and over in the campaign that trump was uniquely unqualified and unfit in terms of temperament, preparation, and all kinds of aspects of him, to be president of the United States. I have no reason to believe that his opinion changed on november 9th. Seth can you give us anything for optimism . You dont want to throw anything out . The sun will come up in the morning. Seth okay, thank you. [ light laughter ] and the president is not the dictator of the world. Seth right. There are institutions including the press, including, god forgive us, congress. Okay, youre right, despair. Seth the sun, we got the sun. Exactly. Seth you are going to stick around. Were going to do cartoons. Thank god thank god seth if theres anything for optimism, were going to do cartoons. Well be right back with live new yorker cartoons. [ cheers and applause ] not to be focusingo finaon my moderatepe. To severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask about humira, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Clearer skin is possible. To encourage trying, goodnessknows invited people who have always wanted to create a jingle, to try. singing goodnessknows, goodnessknow. Ah thats not happening singing goodnessknows, goodnessknows, goodnessknows because every try is a step to being your best. singing try a little goodness. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. Give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. Com creditscorecard, even if youre not a customer. Ve been on im bushed my feel alyea me too. Excuse me. Coming through ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. Scholls massaging gel insoles. Theyre proven to give you comfort. Which helps you feel more energized. All day long. I want what he has. catchy up eat music so tasty. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back to late night. Now david, one of the most popular features in the new yorker are the cartoons. True. Seth they really lighten the mood after reading a 20,000 word piece on the failing criminal justice system. At the new yorker we like to make you laugh and then weep. Seth yes, i think that youre effective at that. And now in what has become a tradition here on late night, every time you appear on the show, we present live new yorker cartoons. And every time we do this our magazine increase 50fold. Seth is that true . It is not true. [ laughter ] seth okay. It actually kills us. Seth it hurts you. Yeah. Seth people cancel their subscriptions. They do. Seth so, without further ado, our theater troop in residence the late night players are happy to debut a special Holiday Edition of cartoons, entitled live new yorker cartoons walking in a winter punderland. Punderland. Seth punderland. Punderland. Seth puns very popular in new yorker cartoons. Lets hear our first cartoon. Originally drawn by alex gregory. Stop avoiding me. I know when you are sleeping. I know when youre awake. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i think i got that one, but can you explain the cartoon . I can, seth. Are you familiar with the complex ebbs and flows of marital life . Seth i am. So am i and so is santa. The only difference is mrs. Clause cant pretend that she is sleeping in order to avoid an argument with her husband because her husband has magical powers. Seth i see. Well, that is just an excellent distillation of both the piece and santa and marriage. Now our next cartoon is by harry bliss. Try rolling on the ground. Roll around. On the ground. [ cheers and applause ] seth david great hats. Seth it was great. Great hats. Great hats. Seth but tell us, what did we just see . Seth, other than a sleigh flown by reindeer, what are santas other means of transportation . Seth a chimney. Correct. And what comes out of chimneys . Seth smoke. Caused by . Seth fire. And there in lies the joke, seth. Santa claus is currently on fire, and the elves are just seth well, there you go. And in that cartoon do you think santa makes it . I do not. Seth all right. [ light laughter ] our next cartoon is by paul noth. First of all this conversation never happened. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth fantastic. David, explain. Well, seth, you are jewish, arent you . Seth no. [ laughter ] seth, does your face know . Seth very good. [ laughter ] well this jewish boy has chosen to surreptitiously meet with santa claus about receiving more presents. Because even with hanukkah, jewish children often feel slighted at this time of the year. Seth and did you feel that way growing up . Yes, seth, i would get royally screwed. [ laughter ] seth alright, perfect. Our next cartoon is by pat burns. Carl, no [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth that is a fantastic cartoon. I think i definitely got that one, but david, explain. Its a simple comedic analogy, seth. Gun is to human what hair dryer is to snowman. Seth i see. Quick question. What was the hair drier even plugged into . I dont know, seth. Why were snowmen alive and talking . [ laughter ] dont be such a tight ass. Enjoy the cartoon. [ laughter and applause ] seth fair point. Anything you would like to say about our last cartoon . Yes, new yorker subscriptions make excellent holiday gifts. And if you subscribe now, you get a free calendar. Thats a 380 value for just 94. Seth that seemed more like a plug then anything about the ca i said what i came here to say. Seth okay, great. [ laughter ] our next and final cartoon is by tom torro. Lets take a look. Relax. Im here for the christmas tree. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth the late night players, everyone. Well be right back [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to micheal fassbender, David Remnick, fred armisen, craig finn and the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly, well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson good evening, and welcome to last call. Im carson daly and this behind me, krock studios, and home of 97. 1 amp radio so thanks to them for having us

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