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Saying february i think i was right. Because it feels like february. Lets get to whatever were talking about. We know about today. But whats. Ahead. The next 4 hours. The snowstorm we thought we would escape all winter long. Now as you take a live look outside dark sunday morning marks light on at the white house. Sun has not risen yet it will 7 24 and will set an hour later this afternoon and evening. So right now bonechilling temperatures is right. These are cold temperatures no matter what the time of year especially for midmarch. Its 27 reagan nationalen 4 dulles and 24 bwi and second morning in a row of a hard freeze and second of several ahead in incredibly cold week that features a significant snowstorm. Also air temperatures in the 20s north and west. Westminster 2 1. Cumberland 19, 28 leonardtown and 8 rikdzburg. Notice snow moving across south carolina. That storm system and another piece of energy coming out of the midwest will combine to become a potent nor Easter Monday night through tuesday delivering us and washington, yes, significant snowfall. The red flags raised and winter storm watch issued by the National Weather service for counts writes in blue that include washington, baltimore, philadelphia, most of our area with the exception being Southern Maryland. Charles county, st. Mary, calvert, you wont see much snow from this. Probably rain. The rest of us, and that is a sharp cutoff will see accumulating snowfall. Over the next 24 hours low pressure comes out of midwest combining with the energy south. And resulting in a large nor easter with heaviest snow north and west of washington and Higher Elevations hope accumulation through eastern boston. Theres a blizzard watch outta for long island, coastal connecticut and portions of coastal new england. This is a big one. For today, no problems. Your sunday will be chilly. With less wind yesterday a little better. 32 by 11 aeb h a. M. And 38 by 2. Its cold and we have that in place. One of the ingredient needed for the snowstorm which arrives late monday. Well take a look at localizeed snowfall aamounts still ahead. Tom. Thanks a lot, caitlin. Big story this morning a california man behind bars this morning charged with jumping fence at the white house this happened friday night on the south lawn the jumper came close to getting inside and was stopped by u. S. Secret service. Fox5 Alexandra Limon was live at the white house. Whats the latest . Court documents say there is surveillance of this man trying to enter the white house from this side of were near the Treasury Department and Court Documents say at one point this suspect was trying to hide behind a pillar before trying to make a break for the white house south entrance. Now, aconsidereding to those Court Document we obtained a secret Service Officer noticed him in the white house complex and asked 26yearold Jonathan Tran who he was and why he was there. Now, tran told the officer he had appointment with the president and was his friend. But, when asked how he got inside the complex, he allegedly admitted to jumping the fence. Now according to police tran was arrested with two cans of mason him and u. S. Apple laptop computer and book written by the president and letter he had written to President Trump in which he allegedly mentions information he has on russian hackers. Heres the president reacting to what happened fantastic job last night. I appreciate. It secret service did a fantastic job. It was a troubled person. The secret service was fantastic. Now tran is charmed with trespassing federal grounds while carrying a dangerous weapon. Hes scheduled to be in court in front of a federal judge tomorrow. Reporting live near the white house, Alexandra Limon, fox5 local news. All right. Thank you very much. Alex. A pedestrian in downtown d. C. Is dead after struck and killed by a by sicklist. Jane clark of tacoma park was killed thursday evening when stepped off the curb 3 and i northwest and was hit by a cyclist. She fell after hit and later died from injuries on friday. She was editor at kip ling ger personal finance where she worked for 0 years. Her long time colleagues say she was leaving work when struck stunning, shock tion, we all said good night to each other thursday night expecting to being back together friday morning lining you do with work colleagues. She did great worked and helped a lot of people. These stories she wrote. The thing about kiplinger we believe we help people and jane was a leader in that and she would write retirement stories and colleagues stories and we could turn to her for anything. Shell be sorely missed. She leaves behind a husband, three children and a grandchild. So far no charges have been filed. What caused a fire in the rooming house at the district this weekend. Fear fighters were called to the home new york Avenue Northwest early saturday morning. They arrived. Flames were shooting from a three Story Building and firefighters got that fire out. No other homes were damaged. And no one was hurt. But that fire did leave 14 people homeless for now. Red cross is helping them find a new place to stay. The time now is 7 07 on Daylight Savings time. Coming up working to repeal and replace the owe are fordable health care act. Push is under the way to rally the gop to get on board the overhaul. Plus video you cannot miss. Winds hitting new england area hard making it harder for some people to get around. Caitlin will be back with that all important look at todays weather and whats ahead stay with us. Fox5 news morning will be back after this welcome back. Time now 7 09 this Daylight Savings time. Republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare scored wins this week passing two key committees on capitol hill. The white house knows this is far from over sending mike pence to rally in kentucky. Lauren blanchard has the story. The vicepresident made his way to kentucky and made his Healthcare Sales pitch. Even as a group of 40 House Freedom caucus members are calling Gop Health Care fan obamacare by a different form. Heres what the members say are main concerns. They believe refundable tax credit to help individuals purchase insurance is a new entitlement and obamacare medicade expansion remains until 2020 and cadillac tax returns in 2025 and some represen with the white house on what Congress Members really think. We have to keep our commitments to the American People and we promise we were going to refeel obamacare and the house leadership plan is not a repeal of obamacare it keeps substantial parts of obamacare in place and it copies a repackages other parts of obamacare. A number of high profile senators have also promised the bill as it stands would be dead upon arrival to their chamber and chaseman. House committees that visited white house on friday say despite disagreements they are unified in the belief that obamacare needseded to go. If we hear nothing else i say today this is the most important one. There is so much more that United States reps than divides republicans on this issue. Repealing these taxes and subsidies and and our local business Winter Weather advisory unite behind. The refor people ask us to do were ready to go and the worst thing we can do is hit the pause builton and continue obamacare and road to policies hurting our people. Theres a long road ahead for this Republican Health care bill it will head to Budget Committee this coming week and rules committee before the house floor. In washington, lauren plan. Ard, fox news. Well, new this morning u. S. Attorneys from the Obama Administration have been asked to resign. But one of them now has been fired for refusing to submit his resignation. New york u. S. Attorney barara says he is gone now from Trump Administration. 46 chief federal prosecutors left over from Obama Administration were asked to submit resignations, many accepted and barara refused to do show and shortly after he took to twitter saying i did not resign. Moments ago i was fired. That request coming from u. S. Attorney general Jeff Sessions u. S. Attorneys are appointed to that position by the president of the United States. We want to repind you for more political coverage keep it here on fox5. Well look closer at all this morning fox5 on the hill at 8 0 and d. C. Live political talk can be found here 5 630 every weeknight at 630 and reminding you also before you head out today, might want to set clocks ahead one hour. Daylight saving time began this morning. For many at the time forgive and take lose an hour of sleep and you gain more sunshine later today as we edge closer to spring. Which conveniently happens one week from tomorrow. Yeah the calendar will say spring but were going to experience more Winter Weather really through the rest this is last day of winter eventually well go out with a bang. We also will even though we have temperatures that are feeling colder you know its below where we should be. Totally. Referring back to warmer temperatures. Thats what was abnormal. And everything in life you know you swing the pendulum one way and warm easton record and theres cold air out there. And yep were trying to find equilibrium and thats what were paying the price for now. Very cold thats not dont take my word for it its philosophical mu saying right now. And deep thousand dollars on sunday morning where it is still dark out. Thank you for joining us early now as we sprung forward. Spring is yes a week from monday and not thaw that you would know because this monday will feature significant snow on the way. We shout myself included we could go all winter without a big one. Here is comes. Myself im blending in with the winter storm watch now. That blue tour koyz color is where the National Weather service issued storm warning and watch and south jersey and central pennsylvania, heavy snow likely to accumulate highest morning an west of washington, d. C. Ton and baltimore and well show you snowfall aamounts. First another cold morning out there 27 in washington and 21 gaithersburg and 24 baltimore and 4 del us and winds coming from yesterday gusty saturday afternoon without the winds it will file better this afternoon. Howeversh its cold all across the northeast, 6 binghamton, 19 new york, 9 boston theyre gearing up for blizzard conditions along long island and connecticut rhode island coastline and cape cod. Once this storm really strengthens as it pulls away us from the winds will be an ib ualong the coast of new england and northeast. Not an issue here. We are not expecting mrizard we wont see the wind. High, thin clouds overhead now. Thats leading storm is system far to our south. Its part of the energy th comes bynes in the nor easter. This shows snow across portions of norm carolina even screams northern south carolina. A storm coming out of midwest will combine with Leftover Energy to produce the phasing of this strong low pressure system and will deliver us snow monday night to tuesday. The timing could not be better for snow lover or better for kids that want a day off from school. Who doesnt. We go through snow days, what does the disstrict do with the snow days well ill tell you it will snow and you can take off. Thats a good answer. 5 00 and on a dry note and its a cold start to monday and youre fine getting to work and home from school and work and its really right around sunset thats the first beginnings of our storm system will show and that can begin as rain showers were a mix late monday evening and the storms look like be it is a couple hours ahead of what yesterday and meaning as it comes in earlier and playing with temperatures that have riz mean the low 40s tomorrow afternoon we could start rain showers and could change quickly to snow. Look at the area months only to d. C. Metro. This is snow by 9 p. M. And snow heavy at times overnight and that dark purple shading thats your really good heavy snow. It looks to lineup north and west of the district and that pink line is the mix. And then from there its rain. As usual we have very tricky rain snow line over the area and meaning Southern Maryland and Northern Neck same as delmarva and ocean city maryland and you go 30 miles north and you have is snow. 30 miles norm of that heavy snow. This is always tricky and this pink line right here where it lies really limited snowfall accumulations and then of course you have rain south of there. And 6 a. M. , Tuesday Morning commute, time is still in washington and its started to come to end in stafford and spots vain why and portions of fauquier there you have mixing that comes close to the district and you have is heavy snow in baltimore. Mainly overnight event meaning going to be waking up Tuesday Morning and seeing snow pileup in the neighborhood. If you are in one of the neighborhoods thats expected to see the heavy snow notice Southern Maryland states mainly raining through the whole event and by noon the back edge of flurries moving through washington and really midday tuesday this is over and its not longest snowstorm ive seen and that Long Duration will help limit snowfall accumulation and highest amounts up near jorzy and and in our area we could get close to a into the spots in northern Montgomery County and frederick and Washington County maryland and howard country on the Northwest Side of baltimore right there. 6 to 8 along 95 in it district and 3 to 6 southern Anne Arrundel and Prince George and 13 Southern Maryland that could be a stretch. I dont think youll see much snow at all. Those will be refined through the next 24 to 36 hours. For today mostly sunny. Very cold. 41 for high tomorrow. We start with rain showers quickly chasing over to snow in d. C. Thats the forecast for d. C. Heavy snow on tuesday. But that will again be moving out by midday. And feeling great flurries as cold air powers in wednesday. Chilly during the week. St. Patricks friday, crisp 45 and even chance of mixed showers as we head into next weekend. Thats the way it looks. Well keep you posted on air and online with anything related to the snowfall on caitlin roth fox5 twitter. Tom, back to you. Thanks a lot, caitlin. Last night was a big night in d. C. A black tie gala that raises money to help save lives of cancer patients, thousands gathered at the Washington Convention center for 30th annual leukemia ball. This event benefit the leukemia and Lymphoma Society and raised million for blood cancer reer is. Fox there last night and they tell us the event in that building last night like that gayla helped fund the development of medicine that literally saved their lives. We have a number of blood cancer survivors including me in the station in the newsroom and plus its like a family thichblingt really, really important. Los actually funded immuno therapy im on now that is saving my life. If it were not for los funding of this new immuno therapy i probably would not talk to you now. We saved lives of 250,000 patients diagnosed with disease called chronic myloid leukemia because a drug created with that funding. The death rate from lymphoma decreased by 40 over that period of time. Survival rate for Young Children diagnosed with leukemia went fox5 is a proud partner of leukemia and lymphoma that hosts that event every single year. And what else is happening today. Happy birthday to you. Even if its not your birthday. Turns out walmart came up with a way to celebrate all of its customers birthdays by just declaring today as everybodys birth day. How does this work. Celebration will be going on through super stores giving out a free cupcake to each and every person that comes into the Super Centers between 1 and 4. Happening this weekend a new Visitors Center in maryland opens that honors civil rights trail blairzer Harriet Tubman. Its located in Dorchester County friday gary hogan own other leaders were on happened for the dedication ceremony. Alexandra limon has the story. Its incredible story about you know one of the marylanders and true American Icon that had so much to do with history. Reporter she crossed woods and marshes to reach freedom and returned 1 times to help loved one escape slavery, friends and family, at least 70 people we know of. Their names listed on the wall of the new Harriet Tubman underground railroad Visitors Center and state park on Eastern Shore. And this landscape is what shaped her into becoming successful on the underground railroad as she became. Her sixth generation family members were among the first to see the center. Its something to show our kids you know in physical form how Harriet Tubman was and what is made in their blood. The statues displayed and chronicles of the life and struggles of the freedom fightersment part of tribute to Harriet Tubman is underground Railroad Historic park 25 mil self driving tour and roads are dotted with Historical Places in tubmans childhood. The by ways that led to her freedom. Like madison, tubman was brorp and spent early teenage years. We focus on her rescue missions and fact underground railroad was a resistive movement that brought tunman top prominence. Alexandra limon, fox5 local news. Time now 7 23thon sunday morning Daylight Saving time coming up next on fox morning sunday an ohio couple is facing serious charges and same aid fake murder own facebook. Well tell you about the details of the bizarre case m coming up. Z2ahdz zstz y2ahdy ysty welcome back. Time now 7 6. All new this morning an ohio couple is accused of thinking a murder and post today online. Many that saw it thought it was the real thing. Fox dave nethers has the details. Sandusky were accepteders of this message on social mediaen tnded for it to seem real. Callers to police took it that way. My grandson called me and found his girlfriend in the bathtub dead. Sandusky police began goting disturbing 9ca girlfriend. He said she snapped. Caller reacting to a photo sent as a private message along with ominous text. Caller was pretty upset about it and she is giving the information out and obviously they sent every car we have in the city to that location we dont know what is it going on. Gruesome photos which we intentionally blurred depicting natsly that she was killed and discovered by her boyfriend in the bathroom. It looked real. It looked like someone had been murdered. Real enough that police september every available officer to find out it was a hoax. Perpetrated by this man, 29yearold Micah Reisner shown in booking photo from previous arrest to get his signatures to come to the house. A come at the home friday told fox reisner was not there. Police do not consider this a simple hoax. Very intense. Gets adrenalin i know from speaking to a couple officers last night they were very upset about it. Because you know its this type of hoax or employ is really got you dont know what encounter an officer going into a situation like that. Police charged them with inducing panic. I cannot imagine why anybody would put someone like their mother or sister in a situation like that, that would cause that anxiety. Perhaps another lesson in how it sometimes is difficult to tell the truth from fiction on facebook. Sandusky, dave nemingers, fox news. Los Angeles Police say celebrity Fitness Instructor Richard Simmons is fine. The team of two detectives say they visited the stars home and found nothing concerning. This welfare check came around because whereabouts have been to pod cast titled richard missing simmons produced about a former pal. The 68yearold was last seen in public in 2014. To florida now where a woman was arrested after she tried several times to get close to athletic star tim tebow at spring training event. She told officials she was in a relationship with the star. Michelle thompson first showed up at the field in late february and 6yearold Woman Told Police she was there to visit tebow and they were in a opportunity relationship. Also claimed to live with tim tebow and gave officers an address in jacksonville. They gave her a warping for trespassing and she was tat begin. Thompson was arrested for trespassing and type jail and former Football Player made professional baseball just last week. Time now is 7 29 on this Daylight Savings time. Youre watching fox5 news morning at 7. Well come weather today. Snow in the forecast. The workweek preview all of it caitlin roth straight ahead well continue after this. A live look at the wilson bridge. Thats life. You diet. You exercise. And if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. This is jardiance. Along with diet and exercise. Jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. Jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. Or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. 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So instead of it being after dark monday it will be monday evening after the commute but for areas further south by 5, 6 00 we see snow showers. And the 10yearold in my house has plans. Your 10yearold doesnt have to worry about that were getting overnight snow and i bet on no snow for most of you tuesday. We waited all winter. And they built those snow days n the district what do we do. Get one tuesday. The only exception countries to our extreme south and east. Ill show you that in a minute. First lets talk about the cold. It was a very blustery afternoon yesterday. It wont be as windy today and just as cold. 27 reagan and 24 dulles and 24 bwi across to frostee temperatures. 21 frederick and 21 gaithersburg and 29 annapolis and 28 leonardtown. Winds came done a little bit. Generally calm. Its not about 5 to 10 miles an hour. Wind chills are not much of a factor this morning. For some of it feels mid teens. Hagerstown, frederick, westminster, gaithersburg, you feel mid teens it feels like 18 in washington. Yes this is mentioned blue. I mean really i blend right in if i just stand over the delmarva or stand right here yeah i know. Its like all one thing. But yes its color that the National Weather service chooses to display winter storm watches and so whats going to happen sent probably litter this afternoon well be upgraded to winter storm warning for i would suspect all of the counties under a watch including what washington, baltimore, philadelphia, most of sun oupd are suburbs with exception Eastern Shore and extreme Southern Maryland and Northern Neck you guys see predominantly rain. You may see snow for a small period of time. Trangsition back to rain and not looking at any accumulation really. Satellite and radar cloud cover out there now. Down towards south notice there is a storm system bringing rain and also snow to northern south carolina. Most of North Carolina. This is the storm that stayed south of us this weekend. Meaning earlier this week we thought we would have a chance of snow showers today. Not the case. But it is one key ingredient in the recipe for this brewing nor easter going to be one part storm system towards south and in the part storm system coming out of midwest. Cold air is in place. Thats another ingredient. We have the cold air and phasing low pressure system and as that moves up the coast it will strengthen tapping to atlantic moisture throwing back heavy snow. In the areas the storms love to throw back heavy snow. Meaning new england down the 95 corridor, new york, philadelphia, washington and here washington on the emalways and well be on the edge of the storm system plague with rain, no line 3450e7ing areas south rain line sets up wont see much as all. Areas norm and west Higher Elevations are snowfall you will see high accumulations and models are still not really specific on the exact track of the low pressure system. If it vurj as i little further offshore towards east then youre talking about a colder storm system but then also cutting off precipitation towards west. If our best guess right now in pink stone thats highest accumulations where you can get close to a foot locally. That includes norm west baltimore and Howard County and carol county up to northern sections of central march mar and down to northern montgomery and into Loudoun County where we see the highest accumulations. 6 to 8 as you get further soup west. On the tail end of that storm system. You see mainly snow that includes d. C. , northern Prince George county and northern Anne Arrundel county. That becomes 2 to 6 in light tour koyz shade that would be really just 20 mile span southern Anne Arrundel southern Prince George country and then knee northern Charles County. You see an inch or two in st. Marys. Timing for that is monday night through probably midday tuesday. The storm system wants to move out quickly and what originally looks like late tuesday looks like midday. Back to day, 43, sunny, chilly, less wind afternoon tomorrow your fine driving home from work getting kids out if school. Its not until 6, 7 p. M. , 7 p. M. Well say for start time which could start as rain in d. C. Fyi and quickly changing to snow and heavy snow overnight which transitions to bit of mix south and east and then snow to round out the storm system as it exists midday tuesday. Leftover flurries wednesday with cold air coming through and by the way we stay cold. We have morning after morning of hard freeze expected and by st. Patricks day back to 40s and still below normal and we remain below normal with freezing temperatures overnight as we head to next weekend. Really cold night ahead. This is the last week of winter. Tom. Sounds g caitlin, thank you very much. 7 37 this morning our other top stories california man charged with jumping a fence at the white house. This happened again. The incident this time happened friday night on the south lawn. Police say the jumper came close to getting inside the building and was stopped by secret service. Fox5 him limb live at the white house with details. Whats the latest, alex. Tom, good morning. Well according to Court Documents this Surveillance Video of this white house fence jumper was at one poupt seen hiding hadnt a pillar before trying to make a break for the white house south entrance. He jumped fence reportedly from this side of the white house near the Treasury Building. According to Court Documents he was spotted by a secret Service Agent once he was inside the white house complex. There he was stopped and asked who he what was and how he got. There he repor was friend of the president s and had appointment. But when asked how he got into the complex he reportedly said that he jumped fence. He admitted. It now, Authorities Say he was caught with two caps of mace, laptop computer, book written by the president and also a letter that he wrote to the president in which he reportedly talks about having information about russian hackers. Secret service did a fantastic job last night i appreciate. It secret service did a fantastic job. It was a troubled person. The secret service was fantastic. That was the president reacting to what happened. Now, Jonathan Tran the 26yearold from california is charged with trespassing on federal ground with dangerous weapon and he is expected to appear in court in front of a federaju tom. Thank you very much. Alex. Time now 7 39 on this sunday morning. Youre watching fox5 morning surprised well be right back after this 7 42 now people are getting a jumpstart on st. Pattys day as we approach it march 17 this weekend down in chicago thousands braved the cold to watch the water turn a bright green saturday. This tradition dates bay back no 1692 with 40 thousand pound of environmentally friendly vegetable dye to change the color of the river. It binns as orange and slowly turns green once it hits the water. The die lasts before it fades away. The parade in boston veterans will be allowed to participate. Organizer said they violated code of conduct that prohibited advertisement or display of ones Sexual Orientation and were propert organizers of the parade say the decision had to be reversed and last but not least happening today in d. C. 4 6 annual st. Patrick day parade and constitution avenue from 7 to 17 street appropriately enough in northwest. Grandstand located between 15 and 16 street next to the judges reviewing stand. There will be road closures in the area and so you want to look out for that. Time now is 7 44. Daylight savings time coming ape wilden count were a group of skiers in colorado and check it out and and more of this crazy video. Look athat coming up after the break. Caitlin. So many ski resorts closed for the season. If only they waited until midmarch. With dismal january and february and finally last week of winter significant snow is on the way. Ill have the latest on timing and amounts how it will affect the stay tuned to the forecast of the trust me as you take a live look outside sun rose 0 minutes ago and Daylight Savings time begins. Ill have the latest next. 7 47 its been a blustery week in you england and sweeping some people off their feet. Look at this. Man trying to walk winds were gusting more than 110 miles an hour and officials at the Mount Washington observatory say stay inside. Once the wind went over 120 miles an hour. Wow, look at that. Not to be out done though. A pair of snowboarders in colorado chased by a moose got it all on camera. He is moving. Two friends made a run at the breckenridge snow resort they were joined by this unexpected guest. One friend turned around to make sure her friend was there and they realized it was a moose. The moose moved off to the side eventually and went on his way and he tracked them pretty good for a while. Thats terrifying. Would have been more impressive if he was on skis. Stare scary, you dont know what hes capable of in a panic. You keep going you can down the mountain right. Speaking of someone keeping going youve been going back and forth all morning trying to keep track and not only what is going on today but what is going on tuesday as well. Absolutely. And you know its really remarkable the fact we all thought we were done. We had our feet up all winter long. To give you credit you said stop saying that because meteorologisticily we were not out of the window where this could happen. This is usually i think st. Patrick day once you get to there youre done you wont see any snow. Im usually done on st. Patricks day anyway. You know. Usually youre right. So friday will be super fun you know you have the snowstorm behind us st. Patricks day and no, really seasonally you can get good march storms around here. The one the most infamous 1993 march 13 symptom of the cement rmani of you remember that myself included, i grew up in we had similar impacts with snow. You have a lot of things working against you sun angle, time of year, yes, but you know its actually in the shoulder seasons late fall early winter lit waipter early spreng you can get serious power with developing noreasters which is what we get with this one monday to tuesday. Lets go through the headlines what to expect with winter storm. Snow arrives between 7 and 9 p. M. Monday after the evening drive. Then it really ramps up during the overnight period. Monday to early tuesday with a wet youre barely going see know with this. That being said watches for everyone else will be upgraded to winter storm warnings later this afternoon and if all continues to track the way we expect which looks like it does or will. Temperatures outside now cold. Chilly saturday. We certainly have that cold arctic air in place. Helpful for snowstorm. 27 in washington with high clouds now and those are blown off from the storm system down to south. Its spreading snow to carolinas and extreme northern south carolina. Actually Leftover Energy from this time will help with phasing of what will become a powerful storm u lets time it out. Surprised, sunshine. No problems. And no issues for the second half of your weekend except that yes, its chilly out. Monday i want to stress is dry day. Youll see sunshine most of the morning. Clouding up in the afternoon and then again after the evening drive but right around stup set now app hour later we see showers start to move in from south and could start as rain showers. Low 40s tomorrow and will quickly change to snow and as that area expands it problems into a region of snow heavy at times during the evening overnight hours and the one difference were saiing seeing is timing is fed up a bit with this system. Then during the overnight hours heres where it gets vuper tricky. Rain snow line getting justed in the beltway approaching southern half of district. Yeah, that will be an issue if sleet mixes in for a period. Or rain and limiting those accumulations its raining around Northern Neck and Southern Maryland and snowing north and west of us to pennsylvania. Heavy snow continues through the morning drive on tuesday. He snow. And dry air working in from southwest that will be the back edge shutting off the precipitation quickly Tuesday Morning by 1 p. M. Its just the about over with liping areing snow showers or flurries. What about amounts. Highest morning an west. Thats what were saying right now hagerstown, north frederick, baltimore, philadelphia too. You guys with easily see a foot. 6 to along the 95 stretch washington and much of district and it falls off to southern Prince George and down to stafford country youre talking about 2 to 6 and its wide range and narrow area for that wide range because of cutoff why the rain snow line and extreme Southern Maryland really just sloppy edge of wet snow mix. 43 later today chilly and cold, cold, cold overnight and that ground will be nice and cold, 24 degrees as we get to 7 day forecast. Sunny and chilly today. 43, 41 tomorrow. Rain snow mix becoming snow and mix south and east on leftover flurries there on wednesday. And we stay really chilly even as we head to there it is st. Patrick day next friday. Thats a look at the 7 day forecast fox5 will be back after this. Welcome back now 7 56 in the district were on cherry wlos only walk even though its cold out. This weather roller coaster were on is bad news for the blooms. Cherry blossoms at the tidal basin is in full bloom now and othe little bugs were familiar with. And pushed the peak bloom date back for march 15 to 19th and 22nd. And. We could look at a majority loss of blossoms perhaps as much as 90 . And you know with perhaps snow coming this weekend you know it looks like were below that 27 degrees pretty much every night for the next week or so. And given again fragile state of blossoms just as they emerge from protective covering again well keep close eye on that this weekend. And as you heard acaitlin roth say a few moments ago a significant nor easter is headed our way this week and could bring snow to our area. Thats going to do it for us 7 00 being hour but we are far from done. Come back and joins us for another hour of fox news morning sunday continuing at 8 after good sundays morning to you, march 12, sunday, Daylight Saving time. So if youre a little confused to why your clock is reading 8 a. M. And you think its not. Set that clock forward one hour. Juqua thomas with you this rn morning off. Good for her shes taking advantage of the last hour ever sleep. Im katie adams. All eyes on the weather forecast. Another cold morning as you may have heard approaching winter storm system. Looking outside, sun on the roads. 7 24 sun will set later in the afternoon as we make a transtoytion spring. Nothing spring like about the weather forecast. Were making up for that spring like february we had. Reagan national 27, dulles 23, bwi 25 and were well below freezing a cross the area with another hard freeze and we have several moreheaded our way. Really going to be an issue for the Cherry Blossoms and anything else that bloomed out. There temperatures in the 20s. There are clouds around. Those will gradually diminish due to storm system south. Well see decent amount of sunshine today. Snow on bottom of your screen along North Carolina along the storm system that didnt affect us this weekend. One will monday night to tuesday, winter storm w that includes washington, baltimore, philadelphia, including most of surrounding suburbs with exception being south and east of us. Extreme Southern Maryland, delmarva and Northern Neck of virginia you will not see much snow. Mainly rain event for you. Cold air in place arrives obviously yesterday and that is one of the ingreed yenlts for developing nor easter. We have a storm system out of the midwest tapping into cold air and energy to south as it rounds then taps into the atlantic moisture and becomes a full blown storm and comes to long island and cost all new england. Heavy snow expected in the stripe of white next to North Washington and pennsylvania and north jersey and interior new england where areas that get the best of noreasters will yet again this year. That is not really taking place until monday night in the meantime heres a look at sunday forecast. Sunny and cold. 2 by 11 a. M. And 38, 2 p. M. Less wind today High Temperature 43 well have the latest o amounts thats ahead. Tom. Thank you very much, caitlin. Its 8 02 this morning pedestrian in downtown d. C. Dead after struck and killed by a bicyclist. 65yearold jane clark of tacoma park was killed thursday evening as she stepped off a curb at 13 and i norm west and was hit by the cyclist. Clark he fell and was hit and died from injuries on friday. She was Senior Editor of Kiplinger Personal Finance where she worked more than 40 years. Her colleagues tell us clark was leaving work when she was struck. First off unbelievable unfathomable and stunning and shock shocking and we heard the news yesterday we were in a days. We all said good night to each other thursday night expecting to be back together friday morning. Like do you with your work colleagues. She did great work. She helped a lot of people. Thats what these stories she wrote the thing about ki helped people and jane was a leader in that. And she would write stories retirement story and colleague stories she did the fwamet and we could turn to her to do anything. She will be sorely missed. She believes behind a husband, three children and grandchild. Police are investigating this case but so far no charges have been filed. Investigation is still going on into what caused fire at ramming house in the district this weekend. Firefighters were called to the home on new york Avenue Northwest early saturday morning. When they arrived they saw flames shooting from a three Story Building and threatening nearby homes. Firefighters eventually got the fire out and no other homes were damaged in this and no one was hurt. About the the fire left 14 people homeless for now and American Red Cross is helping them find a new place to stay. Under other top stories this morning call call man is behind bars charged with jumping the fence at the white house. This incident happened friday night on south lawn. The getting inside and was stopped by secret service. Fox5 Alexandra Limon is live at the white house with the latest. Good morning, alex. Good morning and Court Documents show Surveillance Video of this white house fence jumper was seen hiding behind a post at one point before trying to mack a break for the white house south entrance. He reportedly jumped fence from this side of the butting year Treasury Building and once he was inside the white house complex a secret Service Agent spotted him approached the suspect and asked who he was. He is 6yearold man from california and named Jonathan Tran and when the secret Service Agent asked what he was doing here he report ed le had told hem he waedz friend of frez and had an appointment. But when pressed how he got inside he reportetly admitted to jumping white house fence. Now, authorities also say tran had two cans of mason him, laptop as well by the president and letter addressed to trump in which the cuss suspect talks about having information about russian hackers. Heres the president reacting to what happened. Secret service did a fantastic jock last night i appreciate it. Seesh Receipt Service did a fantastic job. It was a troubled person. And secret service. And now. It ran is changed with trespassing on federal ground with dangerous weapon hes held with no bound an sketched to appear before a federal judge tomorrow. Tom. Thank you very much. Alex, time now is 8 06 this sunday morning and coming up, working to repeal and replace the affordable healthcare act. Another push over the weekend to rally gop to get on board the healthcare. Overhaul details ahead and video you dont want to miss. High winds hitting new england making it even hard to get around and caitlin roth well she will be back with a look at todays waerling and whats coming up later in the week. Youre not going to miss that. Fox5 news morning after this welcome back. 8 09 this sunday morning the plan obama care scored a pair of big ones this week. The white house knows this fight is far from over and sending the vicepresident out to rally support for the plan in kentucky. Lauren up branchard has the story. The vicepresident made his way to keep ken to make a Healthcare Sales pitch. Even as a group of 40 plus House Freedom caucus members are calling gop Healthcare Plan obamacare by a different form. Heres what those members say are their main concerns. They believe a refundable tax credit to help individuals purchase insurance is a new entitlement and that obamacare medicade expansion remains until 2020 and obamacare socalled cadillac tax on high cost insurance plans returns in 2025 and some representatives say house leaders are not being honest with the white us on what Congress Members really think. We have to keep our commitments to the American People. We promise we were going to repeal obamacare. And the house leadership plan is not a repeal of obamacare. It keeps substantial part of obamacare in place. It copies or repackages other parts of obamacare. A number of high profile senators promised that the bill as it stands would be dead upon arrival to their chamber. But chairman of house committees that visited the white house on friday say despite disagreements they are unified in the believe that obamacare needs to go. And to be here nothing else i say today this is the most important one. There is so much more that unites republicans than divides republicans on this issue. Repaleing these. As and sudden saidyes and mandates that support our local business Winter Weather advisory unite behind. Its reforms of American People ask us to do were ready to go and the worst thing we can do is hit the pause but yom and continue obama kir and broken policies hurting people. Theres still a long road ahead for this Republican Health care b head to the Budget Committee this coming week and then the Rule Committee before the house floor. In washington, lauren blanchard, fox news. And new this morning a u. S. Attorney from the Obama Administration has been fired retoing to submit his resignation. New york u. S. Attorney feraro says hes now gop from the Trump Administration. 46 chief federal prosecutors left from Obama Administration were asked to resign on friday. And he accepted that order happeneding in resignations and for barara he refused to do so saying he did not resign he was fired. That request came from the attorney general Jeff Sessions. They are appointed positions by the president. More political coverage remind to you keep it here on fox5. Well look closer at all this in a few moments on fox5on the mill at 8 30 and reminder d. C. Only live daily political talk can be found 5 60 weekdays. Time now 812 on Daylight Savings time and it was a group of skiers in call kol who captured this video. Look at this. A moose barreling down welcome back. Time now is 8 15. The literally off their feet. Check out that guy trying to just go outside for a nice little walk. Up stayed, wipdz up on thinks you know what he was in the middle of winds gusting more than 110 miles an hour. Officials at Mount Washington observatory said they had to give up and stay inside once the winds there went over 120 miles an hour. And think that was something. Check this out. Pair of snowboarders in colorado chased by a moose. I can watch this all day long. They were able to turn around captured on camera and two friends making a run over breckenridge ski resort on friday and joined by thun expected moose and one of the friends say he turned around to make sure the friend was still there when they realized the moose was running off to them they moved off to the side and the moose went on his way and probably just doing moose things. Wild moose, frntdly deer. This deer is named jrky but in fact hes just opposite hes not friendly according to the people who with he has been visiting lately they say this has been happening holden utah in horse farm and the deer is getting close with a pet dog there. Wild life officials relocate the deer about 20 miles awe and it turned out the deer had other ideas and jerky was right back there at the horse farm. They stress jrky is not a pet hes a wild animal. Shes been relocated once again. Theyll at the track him with a special collar. Jrky mad a friend. Maybe a wild animal but wants companionship. We had a video a year ago of dog and deer running after each other on fence line. Thats right. And clearly they had something going on there that nobody can figure out. Well, animals you know sometimes they make friends too and can build relationships. True. Caitlin has been tracking snow that were looking at and you know you will keep doing matter of fact online as well. And this is my last time on the air for today. Caitlin roth fox5 on facebook. In about an hour ill go you know live on there go over what were weve been talking about all morning and again later this afternoon once key model comes in you can find us all on social media through this event. Im katie adams fox5 twitter and facebook the whole gang you will not able to avoid us. Well be on the main fox5 page. All you look at is meteorologist going over tweak times and totals and all that. Heres what to expect with the winter storm occurring monday night through tuesday. Snow looks to arrive after evening rush and maybe now before sunset as this timing on this storm system is moved up i little bit in comparison so yesterday. The first flakes arrived between 7 and 9 p. M. Monday and may start as rain shower. We quickly transition to wet heavy snow which will acmu hours. My favorite time of snow. You know why. You go to bed monday night and wake up Tuesday Morning as winter wonderland. You dont see it happening but when you wake up the whole outdoors is transformed. Its pretty cool and thats best type of snow to guarantee a snow day. The snow line will set up south of d. C. Our area we will see a sharp gradient two between who sees little snow and who gets jackpot amounts. And snow tairpz offer midday tuesday and looks to end quicker too. Winter storm watches in this blue color that matches my dress in effect monday night through tuesday afternoon and washington, baltimore, philadelphia, might of 95 corridor should be upgraded. The exception is where theres too much warm air delmarva and Southern Maryland and calvert country and st. Mary county and Charles County into the Northern Neck of virginia and you can see too much mixing or plain old rain. Right now temperatures are cold. We need this cold air to supporou system and it will be tough to pull off in midmarch. Thanks to fresh arctic air that allows snow to stick quickly. 27 in washington now. High clouds thank to the system down to the south and snow across the carolinas and that stays out of our hair today and becomes one of the players in the recipe for nor easter. And meaning storm system out of the midwest will come in and tap to that ep arey and ramp up the coast and become strengthening storm system. And sunday, 7. Fast forward to this evening. No issues. Monday i want to stress no problems either. Youll get to work taken ib and see sunshine and kids come out of school no problem. After the evening drive first showers come in 7 p. M. Little earlier towards south moving in south and north. And even if we begin as brief mix well quickly turn to snow and that whole area blossoms in blue and purple dictating snow heavy at times in much of the area the pink line is rain snow line start in the overnight hours pushes westward close to the district there and gettinged in the best way. Certainly feasible we will mix for a bit in d. C. And highest snow totals north alwest where we dont mix it all. Rain south and east of us. That being said it looks like well transition back to snow for awhile. Here 7 a. M. The drive in on tuesday if you can stay home do. It likely wont be seeing kids go to School Washington area point north and west and then by about midday dry air comes in and shuts off precipitation and you look at last flurries shortly after the lunch hour and few showers left over and generally done midday tuesday. Heres the latest on amounts which whichy greatly depending who sees snow and who doesnt obviously. 8 to 12 highest amounts will be north and west. Washington tts how it looks now. Youre talking howard country, carol country, through baltimore and up along the maryland pennsylvania border to Frederick County and northern montgomery counts write and lod on country those are the jackpot amounts to whip chester 48 is a good call on washington d. C. And 8 closer to the north and west and four will be closer to the south and east and just to start 2 to 4 through southern Anne Arrundel county and southern Prince George county back to Stafford County and really unfortunately places like leonardtown, la playta and salisburyy youre not going to see much at all talking about a inch possibly. 7 day forecast a sunny and philly today. Mix arriving late monday. Heavy snow overnight tapers off to few showers on midday tuesday. Storm system out of hereby wednesday and fresh shot of very, very cold air expected with a hard freeze every among straight on into the end of the workweek there. Thats the way it looks again all day long on social media well keep you up doubted an how the stonl progresses and if anything changes and again with the newscast later on tonight. Tom. You know i 25. Kiss wallace is the anchor on fox news surprised. He joins us with a preview of the show. What do you have today. A lot about obamacare and other issues like budget and jobs at work and focus on obamacare we have a special guest frankly the most powerful person in the white house that most folks never heard of. National Economic Council in effect the equivalent of National Security advisor when it comes do Economic Issues and one of the leaders ever the charge to get Obamacare Repeal and replace passed will be talking to him at the top of the hour about some issues involving obamacare and whether or not this president will be able to get us through. And then well talk to jim jordan. Hes one of the leaders of opposition and one of the founders of House Freedom caucus. He says that they should just repeal obamacare and start from scratch. He feels its much too close to obamacare and not enough of a gut job. People are always asking who are next generation of leaders in this country and when we look at power player today this is really one of the fascinating men who is kind of newcomer on political scene. Yeah youre talking about Eric Brighton he is governor of missouri and hes second youngest governor in country and very impressive guy. And Chris Wallace fox news stay tuned fox news on the hill coming back after our show. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. Our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. L for 79. 99 per month, r the first year with a oyear agreement. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios get the best. Get fios. Stronger is blasting her tumors. Without risking her bones. Its training her good cells. To fight the bad guys. Stronger is less pain. New hope. More fight. Its doing everything in your power. And everything in ours. Stronger, is changing even faster than they do. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. Good morning, it is sunday, march 12. Im ronica cleary. Too early, Daylight Savings turn your clock ahead if you have not done it already. Thanks for joining thus morning juqua thomas along with you in our third chair this morning Tom Fitzgerald with us this morning. I got a good nights leap. Author airport Foreign Policy fellow joining thus morning. Thanks for being with us jamy we appreciate it. And the big story this morning a california man this happened again down at the white house. Charged with yumping the white house fence. I believe it. The incident happened friday night on the south lawn. The jumper came close to getting inside and was stopped by secret service. Alexandra limon was live from the white house with the late hadest, alex. Hey guys good morning and Court Documents reveal that this fence jumper was spotted hiding behind pillars before trying to make a break for the white house south entrance. Now it all happened on this side of the building he reportedly jumped the white house fence again were near the Treasury Building and then was spotted by secret Service Agent once inside the white house complex. The agent stopped the 26yearold california maybe whose name is johnthon tran add who he was and what he was doing there. He told the agent he was friend of president s and had appointment. But when he was pressed further and asked how he got into the complex he reportedly admitted to jumping white house fence. Authorities say that tran had a backpack and two cans of mace and laptop computer and a book written by the president and letter addressed to trump he had written and claimed to have information about russian hackers. And heres the president reacting to what happened. Secret service did a fantastic job last night i secret service did a fantastic job last night. He was a troubled person. Very sad. Secret service was fantastic. Now, tran is facing charges for trespassing on federal property with a dangerous weapon. He is currently held without bond and is scheduled to appear in front of a federal judge tomorrow. Were live near the white house, Alexandra Limon, ill accepted it back to you. Alex, let me ask you a question. A lot of incidents happened on the pennsylvania avenue pedestrian law lawn this one is not this is in a different area. What are you seeing down there today as far as any kind of security profile that may be anything different than what you have seen in the past. Well, take a look because were not seeing a whole lot different than normal. You know theres this kind of security entrance and then beyond this couple hundred feet inside fence is to be honest we have not seen additional foot patrols. Maybe a couple bike patrols in fact if you look to the right you can see a secret Service Agent kind of sickleing white us on bike. We have seen a little of that this morning and not a whole lot of heavy extra secret Service Presence this morning. Business as usual down there. Lism lism. Thanks for joining us on the hill. Let get on to business of the day a lot going on this week. Last 24 hours. Especially with the u. S. Attorney. I know look at that. U. S. Attorney barara was fired by the Trump Administration he was one of 46 chief federal prosecutors leftover from Obama Administration asked to resign friday. The move was surprising especially after barara and president seemed to start off on the right foot. Take a listen to this. Asked presumably because of new yorker and are great work our office has done over the past seven years asked to meet with me to discuss whether i would be prepared to stay on as United States attorney and dot work as weve done it independently and without fear of favor for the last 7 years we had a good meeting. I said i would absolutely consider staying on. A fwrod to stay on. I have already spoken to senator sessions as we know nominee of attorney general he asked i stay on i assume ill be continuing to work. I would say this it would not be surprising had we not just heard that sound. Many accepted order happeneding in their resignation but he refused to do it. So there you do. As i said this is sort of normal move for transition. But him saying they had this conversation does make it a little unexpected this occurred. What is your take on it. I think it was a little fast. Usually they turn in resignations and theyre not accepted. To do it this bluntly is really administration and high ravking Statement Department officials who turned in resignations were not expected to be ak septembered but they were. And high profile attorneys in our area will stay in place dana in virginia who stepped in when acting u. S. Gern ral was fired from her position and shell remain and rob rosen will remain in place because hes on his way of becoming u. S. Deputy attorney began ral. What is motivation for administration to do this and do they have a right to do it. They have a right to do it. What was controversial after barara case he was look fooing cases that might affect donald Trump Administration. People were saying it was politically motivated. Im not sure if theres enough evident for that but thats a concern. But as you were saying a moment ago there seems cave between what we heard coming out of him in november and where we are now. So what changed between november and now march. Good question. Very. Probably something we might not know for a while. This would be one of the headlines where we have it seems like no leaks because obviously something must have happened. And this is conference were having where i feel like were looking for something that is i just you cannot find past headlines. I will say first you read the headlines saying if you didnt hear the sound from november they seem misleading i dont know they acknowledge the fact this is often normal practice of asking for those resignations and you could say head lines really make it seem like Trump Administration is out of control. I will say this show it seems like every time something comes up you know were still on transition phase i think we can say that. Yes. Every time something lining this activity out there whether on social media wherever you want to find it every single move of this administration makes suddenenly oh, my god how well every other administration as we know has done a move like this and when it comes to Trump Administration given history weve seen over the last 50 days there seems to be a different type of reaction to this. You have opposition to choose battles though. Theres serious things going on and problems with this administration that you cannot treat every little potential it becomes annoying right. It just becomes noise, it becomes noise, its something pepding a lot of time and attention on. Could there be something i mean i guess this is all speculation. There could be something he was looking into with u. S. Attorney that might have affected donald trump maybe ob the russia discussion well get into later or businesses who knows. Wager against the walk down fifth avenue new york. I dont think you of people. Probably not. Seems like Trump Administration cannot get out from under the allegations of ties to russia. Most recently former Campaign Advisor to the Trump Campaign said he communicated last year with the person involved in the Democratic National committee hacking of emails. He claims the conversations were not harmful. Roger stone is a big name and a big player republican circle and was also one of the early on advice ors to donald trump in the early days of president ial campaign. What does this say when somebody like this did have or at least at mid to communication like this. I think its smoke. We nay never see a russian with the campaign. They may do this with cutout. Middle men. What roger stone was he was not part of Trump Campaign but was fired and on the outside. They could have about collaborating on lower level. I think thats a possibility. Its interesting its the point about him being fired i was doing reading morning that was the headline i took away there was dispute over whether or not he quit or fired it was weird ending of the relationship. And two have had a item ul tu us past where they ended friendship and refriended each other. But on his web site he released kchings that he had with 2. 0 twitter account and he do seem on the surface at least not concerning right . Hes asking should you be having conversations with this potential russian hacking twitter account. No. But the Tweet Exchange he is asking article he wrote right . Hes looking for publicity. On surface it seems like im admitting to sdaivrping its meaningless and harmless if you will and im asking for more press. Does that change it. Not necessarily. What i think is most important we already know about trump and russia and that no one disputes im sorry you wanted to say . You have something in front of you Kellyanne Conway got in trouble for telling mem to buy things but the end of europe this is your book out now and i read a little about. It youre not actually saying europe coming to end but the way we know europe coming to end because way russia is behaving is changing and what is behind all of this right now. What is russias manifesto and what are they up to. Russia is trying to do what they did during cold war non violently over throw governments through non violence. Through elections. What they did in this country through prop gand aand whatnot. Were seeing Upcoming Elections in week in the edger land and two months in france and germany and theyre using many same tactics employees here to bring the power populous leaders anti american and basically pro russian. If you look at the end of soviet Union Ronald Reagan and george h. W. Bush when the wall fell that fell because of hard line action by Republican Administrations. Ronald reagan 400 shift and coalition george h. W. Bush put together in persian gulf wore war that rallied this new order that he stepped the United States forward as sole super has russia decided its not worth firing bullets that you can get it done through the computer and ever roll ago tack again. Lets not take away theyre rebuilding military and put a lot of money they have abated and occupied two countries in the last six years george aand ukraine the war is still going on they adapted hybrid war using non violent means and confusion and propaganda and push on our weaknesses and weak spots. You have to remember putin is judo master thats what judo is all about. From our side are we not responding to all that in a way that is rooted in 2017 are we still fighting you know or looking at russia in terms of old i think last summer when dnc was hacked and emails were released patriotic republican conservatives said even though this may help me what happened was wrong it was ta tack on country and not on democrats but on our democratic sew identity and thats what they should have done and with a handful of exceptions they have marco rubio as only exception most republicans fell into the line and they made use of this russians. What is your take quickly on democrats talking about possibly leaving this their intelligence investigation into the russian hacking they feel republicans would not be fair. Is that cut nose despite face is that a bad decision. I think its important there be 9 11 style to this case. Theres so much smoke going on here. This is cloud over trumps president densey until the questions are resolved. He dont think he wants that to have so many people thinking what exactly is going on between hem and vladimir put up. What surprise with that it is weird he always braces him. This works both ways right now the lushians may be aiming at the democrats but we have situations we have big fighters buzzing United States naval warships right now. If this turns around and we might have to at some point do something heon easily could turn around on Republican Administration if they start deciding that you know things are not going the way they want. It who knows what they have also done in regards to getting information on republicans right now. We just dont know. This russian government is not a friend of the United States and i think donald trump and people around him need to understand this. Vladimir putin is not a partner he wants to hurt us not help us. The book is the end of europe. Vladimir putin is not our friend but are you james. Check out the book. Thank four being with us. Coming up back chris wall was with a look ahead on Fox News Sunday. This week on Fox News Sunday President Trump rolls out bethet plan and continues to push repeal and replace. Well sit down with doory cohen the chief Economic Advisor for and then conservative republicans are pub back on partys Healthcare Plan. Well talk with ohio congressman jim jordan who says he does not think proposal has votes to pass and well ask surprised panel about president s revised travel plan all this week on Fox News Sunday. Z2ahez zstz y2ahey ysty wl day without immigrants pretty recent the social media organized protest impacts dozens of businesses on the d. C. Region. 60 restaurant closed and deposit serve food or had limited menu all in response to President Trumps immigration policy. Now the goal was to show extent of contributions immigrant made make on daily basis. And the idea was sphere headed by d. C. Restaurant owner jose andre. Most of restaurants closed and so did the popular bus boys and poets. It was interesting protest in a lot of ways because it brought up conversations and the fast that there were people that wanted to participate and for financial reasons could not afford to take the day off. Absolutely. And so it led to a lot of questions how equitable is that if you hold this protest and not everybody that wants to participate will be able to participate. And then those headlines some people lost jobs. That happened as well too. So its difficulty too. Obviously the womens march was but you know impact of a lot of economic protests a day without you know we had day without imgrant is day without women hard to make that point if you choose on a day people are not working anyway to show Economic Impact of people not being there. A group of restaurants in california is joining nationwide aimed at protecting imgrant from federal raise. Rob roth reports on the ankle tu arie restaurant move nment San Francisco. An don ramone the restaurant south of Market Street the owners are concerned about random raids and it may come without proper legal authority. Ice is a very Strong Authority Law Enforcement agency that everyone is cared of. Don ra mopes is one of 20 San Francisco restaurants that john a Movement Call sanctuary restaurants. You its sad were living in a time threat after spending so much time working hard and con triting to Economic Vitality of the city. Immigrants are a big part of the labor force and a lot of worried whether they will be loued to stay in the United States. Theyre frustrated and theyre more so quiet now they dont talk about too many things any jp more. Sank tu aarry restaurant have signs saying theres a place for everyone and theyll hold legal workshops on what owners can do to help employees and federal agents do show up. They can come if and try to arrest everybody there. This immigration Attorney Says immigration agents must have warrant and must be looking for specific people not just perform rondups and he says workers have right. Families have been here ten years in the country and you have family u. S. Citizens a lot of people dont know you can apply for relief. Immigration wiont tell them. Some dont want to become part of the movement and government could retalliate against them. Some called me with scares of ice raids or ice showing up at homes of their employees and how they can help the employees. Thats what everybody asked me are you fearful because youre now a target. Yes were fearful of that but at the same time were starting movement. Golden gate Restaurant Association is endorsing movement and it hopes other strawbts join in. In San Francisco, rob roth, ktvu fox news. One of the interest things going on now is reports from u. S. Custom and border production that encourage over u. S. Border are down. Are down just because of the fact that all of the rhetoric that has come from the Trump Administration so in essence they have somehow been able to kind after chief some of these goals without yet building that wall without yet doing some of these things. Just by talking about it. In too many i would argue its rhetoric from the left as well. Both sides this is such a heated con truth and many false hoodz spread its creating tremendous at of fear and some founded some not. And theres been more reaction in the first 50 days to this conversation about immigration and changes in country than i think we saw in the entire Obama Administration. Its reaction to it because its scaring heck out of a lot of people. You see theyre working jobs and trying to earn i living to the family and if theyre here legally and working locally they want to continue that because they you know want to be able to provide for the family. And its interesting sort of space if you will between this anks of fem up documented and people here legally. Theres a lot of pier youre fupding amongst groups i should not say fear but. I think fear is the right world. Im talking about people here legally maybe its not fear but whatever it is, there is a i think challenge to say are you part of a targeted group . Or getting caught up inked receipt rick. I feel that part of doca and they dont have answers yet and feel a concern about their future in it country. Watching this issue well continue to talk about this in a few minutes well look at the week ahead as fox news on the hill continues the 7 sunday is National Girl scout day founded march 1, 112 the first girl scout meeting was organized by julia gordon low since then the Girl Scouts Organization grown to mar than 3 million activ tuesday basketball fans rejoice its sart of nca amens boos ket Ball Tournament known as march madness single elimination starts with 6 teams and witness whittlees down to two that play in the National Championship game april feepism. Friday take out green tee shirts its st. Patricks day officially known as feast of st. Patrick day commerates arrival of christianity to ireland and cultural and heritage that represents the irish people and thats a look at week ahead im jackie ibanaz fox news theres a place in america where you can almost see russia. Which means theres a place in russia where you can definitely hear america. Music we salute you. Music we salute you. Music we salute you. Music we salute you welcome back. Well, if the president was worried about it something tells me he is not white house core stopped enter say he is still welcome at the dinner white house core stopped enter association is preparing for possibility that the president will reconsider attending the annual party. Now the president tweeted you may recall that he was not going. And they been after this escalating feud with the media last month theres no indication yet of who if anyone will stand in for president as the get of honor or whether white house staffers are going to attend the dinner. Theyre still free to attend the dinner. We have to look out for that april 29. Theyre still going to have the dinner whether president is there or not but i guess if the president wants to go they thanks for james joining us fios is not cable. Were wired differently. 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Chris we will talk with ohio congressman jim jordan

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