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As you know, Prescription Medications have become a major problem here in washington area. So earlier today, down at 300 indiana avenue, a dc police headquarters, the mayor and chief came together to talk about addiction and enforcement. Hours before the mayor and chief came together to announce what they say is the successful work of narcotics end Enforcement Unit, they released videos of two violent robberies. Last friday, three gun men entered and announce add robbery. According to a police report, the men wanted promethazine, percocet and octobers si could the tin. In the other robbery 25 minutes later, two men jumped the counter with bags also looking for drugs. While standing in front of a table full of pistols taken off the street, chief newsham said the dangerous wor thieves and dealers is beginning to pay off. I must note that the men and women on this unit face some of the most difficult dangers that Law Enforcement faces. Theyre involved in high risk operations. But they do it in a highly effective, safe and respectful way. In 2016, the narcotics Enforcement Unit recovered over 200,000 worth of Illegal Drugs including crack cocaine, pcp, heroin, synthetic, methamphetamines. Reporter he said in all of 2016, the unit recovered a total of 42 guns but so far this year, it has already seized 49 illegal guns. Some of which had high capacity magazines. Past several years were starting to see seems like were seeing an up tick in the number of to extended magazines that we are recovering. And as you know, when you have extended magazines, it gives the person whos handling the many more round. Reporter the mayor said aside money to fight addiction. An approach she feels is necessary in keeping the city safe. When mpd identifies a person committing a crime and that crime is theyre buying or using drug, addicts, we, instead of taking them to jail, we will be able to refer them to a Better Mental Health Substance Abuse resource. So we have budgeted for Mental Health personnel to in some cases co respond with the police. Reporter as for the violent robberies, police are hoping someone will recognize those faces and turn the gunmen in just a word about the new unit it was put together under former chief kathy lanier after she got rid of the vice there was an out cry for many people they didnt want to see them go away. The chief and mayor are coming together and saying the unit is making progress. Paul wagner fox 5 local news were learning new information about a report from dcs Inspector General alleging former dc School Chancellor gave preferential treatment. Official and another Memorial Point tea are said to be among those granted school transfers. More on this. Reporter were told this is one of the most Popular Schools in the district. It has a very long waiting list. A lot of parents wanting to get their kids in here. But the Washington Post is reporting that deputy mayor courtney snowed en was able to communicate with former schools chancellor Kia Henderson and get her son into the a lot are concerned about that asking whether or not she got preferential treatment. The Wilson Building is buzzing over this probe. We first learned last month, former chancellor henderson being investigated for giving he preferential treatment to some, including dc officials by authorizing transfers into some of dcs most sought after schools, now a deputy mayor admits she asked the chancellor to help with her sons placement. It certainly raises an eyebrow because its a Popular School and great school. When they say there are district officials involved, that makes me upset. Reporter Courtney Snowden issued this saying, in part, i was thankful to have the chancellors discretion in understanding my sons unique needs, as i pursued an option available to every parent. We asked mayor bowser about what some believe could be special treatment have you talked to deputy mayor about this situation . Are you at all upset with how this deputy mayor presented to the chancellor, which is a right of every parent, a special set of circumstances for her family. And the chancellor made the decision that she thought was best education chairman david grosso said he seen the report. It doesnt list names but refers to seven people. Including a former elected official. Hes meeting with his lawyers to impose additional restrictions even though he believes past restrictions were violated. These restrictions are pretty clear. And the chancellor decided it was ok to give some kind of preference outside of those restrictions, thats where you had the problem. Reporter mayor bowser also been briefed by the Inspector General. She instructed her staff to also come up with new guide posts for transfers authorized by current and future chancellors. Can you tell the what those guide posts might be my general counsel just thrown out some ideas, i would say its premature to tal actually, i believe its going to be important for us to consult with educators. Reporter Council Member charles allen, who is the Council Member for ward 6 this area says hes been getting a lot of calls from parents today, concerned that they couldnt get their kids into this school, but a government leader was able to. By the way when we first did the story, Kia Henderson issued a statement saying she stands by her actions and said im deeply disappointed by these continue what will attacks on my integrity in an attempt to my personal and professional reputation. In northeast, matt ackland, fox 5 local news. First it was american university. Now a racist incident at the university of maryland has sparked a protest. A Student Coalition called protect you m d organized a sitin on campus because a noose was found at a fraternity and students say they were not notified they also claim hate inci upon the administration to take stronger action Alexandra Limon live with more on what the students are asking for. Alex . Reporter the students tell me, it was actually a black chef that found that noose in the kitchen of one of these fraternity houses here at the university of Maryland College park. And students are upset because they claim the university did not send an email out to all students to notify them about what happened. Today, they staged a march and a sitin, students say the university only sent out an alert to the president s and leaders of the fraternities and sororities on campus and the email went out may 3rd, about one week after the noose was found on april 27th. In addition, these Student Organization called protect you m d said there have been other incidents of hate on campus in recent months. Including white supremist posters chalking and an allegedly by fraternities alleging that black and indian female students are easier to sleep with. The group said they want swifter action. They previously delivered a list of 64 demands to University Officials for dealing with these hate incidents but the students say theyre not happy about how that meeting went. Everything we had to say, it was not a collaborative environment. It was kind of like we will make a comment. We will get a smirk or a laugh newer their breath or Something Like that. Or we would just we didnt feel welcome and went feel like the University Administration that puts themselves out there publicly to support us was supporting us and i dont understand why there are many students that dont even know there was a noose and to not know is not ok. There should at least have been something within 24 to 48 hours letting the Campus Community know that there was a noose found and theyre doing everything in their alleged power to find out thats all we want. Reporter umd president wallace low released statement calling the incident despicable. His statement also said, in part, quote, i resolutely condemn the use of a symbol of violence and hatred for the purpose of intimidating members of our university of maryland community. Now, the Campus Police Department Confirms there is an Investigation Underway at the Vice President of Student Affairs tells me through a statement that she reached out to these students to invite them to individually have conversations with her, so that they can figure out these tough issues. Now, as far as that question about whether or not the university emailed all students to notify them, i asked the Communications Department about that, and they said that at this time, they wont have an answer for that and they dont know why that did or didnt happen. Reporting live in college park, Alexandra Limon fox 5 local news. Coming up, federal immigration officials are scolding Montgomery County following the release of a High School Stu stealing a Police Weapon an car. Ice said they put an immigration detainer against the teen but released anyway. County executive weighing on the controversy, but first, fitz. Reporter good evening, tonight at the fbi, the Deputy Director drew mccab is in charge but other names are being floated as permanent replacements. Who are they . Well have a live report coming up from fbi headquarters here on fox 5. Great honor and privilege. Im honored to become a wildcat. And you can hear the boos loud and clear given by betsy devos. What sparked this reaction and the threat made by the schools president during the disruptions. Sue . Sarah and jim what an extraordinarily Beautiful Day. Check out the temperature, 76 right now. It is going to be beautiful evening, i suggest you soak it up because weve changes to talk about involving rain and much cooler temperatures as early as tomorrow morning. Well talk about what you can expect coming up in just a few minutes, fox 5 local news at 5 00 will be right back. Whoa. Are you actually about to scratch it rich at Mgm National Harbor . Of course you are. Because everyone who plays is an instant winner. So before you win your share of 1. 5 Million Dollars in prizes and free slot play. Take these last few seconds to remember what life was like as a normal, everyday person. Lay scratch it rich for your share of 1. 5 Million Dollars in prizes and freeplay®. This is monumental. Narrator the time is always right to do what is right. Ralph northam. Army doctor during the gulf war. Volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. Progressive democrat. In the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound antichoice law, and stood up to the nra. As lieutenant governor, dr. Northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. Ralph northam believes in making progress every day. And he wont let donald trump stop us. Good chance the president could look outside to find someone to run the bureau, whos possible on top of that list. Fox 5 Tom Fitzgerald live at fbi headquarters, fitz theres a big guessing game going on, what are you hearing thats whats washington is best at. The guessing game is well, underway, now, as you mentioned, andrew mccabe, the Deputy Director, yes, in charge as of right now, but there was growing speculation that mc cabe will not ultimately be the choice, fox 5 spoke with a number who are familiar with both the fbi and administration. Lets run down for you a couple of the people who are being mentioned. Well start with dana vuente. This is an individual that might look familiar. And prosecuted several high profile cases and served as the acting attorney general then acting sally yates was dismissed. Theres john pistol, the former tsa director credited for reforming the tsa and instituting the security upgrades like body scanners and patdowns which led to enhance security at airports across the country. There is also the former Police Commissioner of new york city, ray kelly. He served in that job in new york city in the months and years after 911 and is a wellknown figure both nationally and throughout the metropolitan region in the tristate area in new york. Also mentioned widely is representative tray gouty, the republican from South Carolina led the House Committee in benghazi and was wellknown for a marathon questioning session of then secretary of state after she left office regarding the benghazi investigation. Now, keep in mind here, the questions were circling all of this tonight have not gone away by a long shot. We spoke with virginia senator mark warner today about what would be required in a new fbi director, warner was blunt. He said no matter who the Trump Administration picks, that person not only needs to be qualified, but they also have to be independent of both republican political interest and democratic interest as well. I got to hope and believe i work here i know sometimes its a frustrating place. But i got to believe that no senator is going to allow some patsy or individual who is just a tool in this administration to come in and be the director of fbi, its got a proud tradition under democrats and republicans. Reporter the timing of all of this is tomorrow, james comey was supposed to testify. Senator warner tells fox 5 while there appearance will not happen, tonight, both he and the republican chairman richard burr sent a letter to james comey requesting he appear on capitol hill next tuesday to testify before the United States safetrack. Live at the fbi headquarters tonight, Tom Fitzgerald fox 5 local news lets take it outside now, Beautiful Day out there. 75 degrees right now. I mean, this is can we just keep this . The entire year keep it here . Yes. The only thing we can do without allergies, unfortunately thats something sue has no control over but Mother Nature does and rainy days will do it. Jim and sarah, you got to get out and enjoy tonight. Were going to have a pretty significant change in the Weather Forecast for tomorrow. Rain may be in as early as 8 00 or 9 00. And its going to be a lot cooler. If you mow the lawn, tonight is days look like theyre going to be getting quite soggy. Nats and orioles will be at it for game three, to theyre at nats park. Battle of the beltway continues and the weather will be extraordinarily nice, first pitch 7 05. Temperature around 70 with a mix of sun and clouds, a nice mild start. Temperatures slow to drop. Clouds will be on the increase. Enjoy it and go nats. Meanwhile, hey, big sports night. While we have the perfect weather for everybody whos a going to be traveling to a destination, whether its downtown or nats park or in front of your television it will be delightful. Windows open, 76 is the current temperature, dulles 75, hagerstown 70. Lovely day for sure. While the changes were going to go see in about 12 hours will begin to get underway late tonight. And actually, there are couple of showers that were noticing up here through northeastern maryland scooting towards delaware. Thats not likely to get in here, just so you know theres enough moisture around some on a little bit of that here and there. Just a little tiny piece of Energy Associated with our departing area of high pressure, but look whats coming, part of this will be getting in here and riding in our direction in the overnight hours. Of so a frontal boundary has been parked down to our south and west it will kind of focus the energy and the showers, but as that stays down to our south and west, were starting to allow the cooler air to get into place, and that will be here tomorrow morning. Tomorrows highs only near 60 degrees. Compared to the mid 70s in many areas tonight. And the rain is going to be coming in, it will be soggy at times and well yesterday looked like rain may not start until later in the day, now we think the going to get in here pretty early in the day. So tomorrow afternoon, mid 50s in some of the suburban areas to about 60. Of off and on rain which can may begin as early as again 8 00 or 9 00. Quite a departure from what we had today. We still have a few more hours to enjoy. I suggest getting outside and doing thank you, sue. On the way, talk about a close call. Theres a kid hanging over the rails on the bridge between Rehoboth Beach and dewey beneath. Wow. A quick thinking officer makes a bold move to stop man from jumping off bridge. The act he took that potentially saved this mans life. Dc Police Officers may be looking more relaxed these days, while the chief is allowing officers to sport beards and earrings. Gary . Thanks a lot. Jim. Listen, theyre on the lookout in leesburg for cows. They got out monday and are missing. A bit of an update, well talk more coming up. If you have a story idea including cows on the loose, call the tip line, or you can email the tips to fox 5 times at wttg. Com. 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We do business where you do business. Keep your eyes out for way ward cows four escaped monday from an area where they were grazing. Only one captured. Fox 5 chief live stock correspond gary mcgrady joining us from leesburg where the search rolls for an this. I knew you would say Something Like that i knew you would say something. Look, heres the deal. We all know monday the cows got out. We got video. This is amazing. This video came to us, from state senator jeffery wexston where her house not very far from if youre in leesburg you probably know where that is, in front of the 7eleven. Lets come off the video and donna z zoomed in, this is one of the could you tell us that got out. The local veterinarian stated her and brought her back out. But as she is getting up, when they brought the cows over, when they brought them over on monday, there was a gate that was left open, and the cows escaped. They just walked out. Not like they were doing anything. So three of them are still gone. The calf and two cows. This is the cow they brought back. Now, when we got here, she was right at the fence and very agitated. You can just tell she was agitated. My grandfather had a farm, she just had a calf, so the calf thats missing with the other two could you tell us, not her calf. They mistakens brought a different calf over from the farm. These four cows when they wont enough room they bring them over. What we have now, three cows missing. Now, theyre hoping to bring her calf back over to this little lot for two reasons. Cows do not like to be by themselves, they dont like to be alone. Theyre social and they want to get her calf back, again, she was clearly agitated when she was standing here. She was taking all challenges, but she ran over there, just before the live shot. In Loudoun County and leesburg, theres still two black cows missing, full size, an calf running around. They have no idea where they are. If you see them, you need to call Loudoun County animal control. I hope the number is on your screen. You call them, theyre just simply waiting, theres no active search. Theyre just trying to figure out where they are. If you see them,s and you wont mistake them, you need to call that number you mean the helicopter is not up in the air . I dont know if it was on that matter. No, its not. But i put my reporting cap on and got my live stock. Theres the details of what we know. Now you know about the missing calves did you ever learn how to las so growing up in texas. I never was part of the rodeo. Everything i know about cows is because of my grandfathers farm in north carolina. I group in texas. Keep an eye out there, gary. Got to the bottom of i standing in my field. Thank you, gary. Coming up, a federal immigration officials are apparently upset with Montgomery County after they released a student accused of stealing a Police Weapon an car. Ice said they put an immigration detainer against the teen but he was released anyway. County executive ike legend is here to talk about it. A brazen thiev away with an atm machine. Well explain what happened during the attempted robbery. Of back after the break. Just how far does weathertech go to protect your vehicle . Im on it. Weathertech. Made right, in america stronger is blasting her tumors. Without risking her bones. Its training her good cells. To fight the bad guys. Stronger is less pain. New hope. More fight. Its doing everything in your power. And everything in ours. Stronger, is changing even faster than they do. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. Top stories, the search continues tonight for an armed man who ran away from a traffic stop in Baltimore County. The maryland state trooper stopped marcus lend, when the trooper approached, he noticed lend nonwas wearing a gun, he reached in the car and handcuffed him but lennon drove off the search is for an at a group of men, it happened at the bpgas station on 41th and alabama avenue. A clerk at the store says the would be thieves arrived in a pull the atm loose. Officials say this is the second time the gas station has been targeted. In Loudoun County, a domainian High School Student charged with making threats on social media. The 16yearold allegedly aimed the threat at his school. School records officer learned of the social media post last week. Deputies found guns inside a home that belonged to one of his relatives, but investigators uncovered no threat to the school. And in Montgomery County federal immigration officials reacting after the release of a High School Student accused of stealing a Police Weapon karen. 19yearold was released on 2,000 bond may 3rd, ice claims it placed immigration detainer against him one day earlier on may 2nd, based upon that he shouldnt have been released hes been on the radar since entering illegally. Ice agents did pick him up on my 4th and hes at the Howard County detention center. Joinings and other issues in Montgomery County. Executive ike, legend. Glad to have you here. Give us a sense of whats going on, we heard ice reacting to what happened. What happened here . I think theres a little bit. An overreaction, but i do agree with him that we should have honored this detainer, because when you look at the multitude of charges it, in my opinion, should have been honored. Of i was a little bit disappointed that the judge had removed the bail from 50,000 down to 2,000. When you look at the overall charges and fact that, at least, in this case, the defendant was charged in i think it was Baltimore County as well. To put him out on a 2,000 bond i believe was inappropriate. Considering the climate, we had the decision about a week or so ago they werent going to proceed with the charges in Rockville High School that got a lot of attention. Would you say that theres youre operating under a microphone when it comes to immigration issues because were right next to the nations capitol, weve b operating in such a microphone, keep in mind that what we try to do at Montgomery County is balance Public Safety not doing the federal jobs to county and i think we balanced fairly well. In this case, the person was not totally free. It was a quick turn around time. They had an ankle bracelet. In fact, ice knew also when the person was in the jail, they had that information, so i think theyre making much more of a case of it to show as an example the Community Need to be tough but i think they overstated the challenge that related to this particular case, again, i do agree we should have honored the detainer one issue that came up quite a bit when we saw what happened, and not so much to the extent of this, but the sanctuary city you topic, which went through the maryland lawmakers debated it, Governor Hogan said hes not a fan. You certainly oppose that sort of legislation i did. I oppose that legislation both in rockville as well as annapolis because i thought, i do approve the approach Montgomery County takes, we do into the participate on many miss mean in hers and ear actions with ice but in serious cases like this we should have honored it the way i phrased. I may be wrong, lawmakers were passing sanctuary, Governor Hogan opposed the concept was something you were favor of. It goes so many different ways here, the way i want to make sure i got. I opposed it at the state level as well as well as the city of rockville there are people out there and the reaction again, maybe not completely within maryland but when people look at these case, we go back to rockville, why would those lawmakers move in that general direction considering the immigration was anible that came up during the president ial election would you say that the focus really intensified once we heard if then candidate now President Trump talking about it i think the changed. Theres more of awareness focused on it. Again, i think in this particular case, ice was trying to use as an example something that i think was not as brave as they tried to describe it. But again, i agreed with them in terms of the principal for this particular case for the charges here, we should have honored that detainer i want to ask you before you go. I know youve said you were definitively not going to do it but we had Kathleen Matthews in this week. Youve said before youre not going to run youre still not no, not running. Made up your mind certainly whats going to be next for you well, i therapy retire and get out of politics altogether. At least for the time being. Of but i think theres other things i want to do. The debate continues obviously across the country in Montgomery County, but good seeing you, thank you for coming in. Thanks for having sarah, back to you. I am honored to become a wildcat. And its a honor to be with you as we celebrate the put bethune class of 2017 thats betsy devos, during a commencement speech, a Bethune Cookman university today, about half graduating students even turned their backs on devos in protest. Despite calls for the historically black university to rescind the invitation, devos carried on, at one point, the boos got so loud, the president stepped in to warn students that at the disruptions continued he would mail their diplomas instead. I want to reaffirm this administrations commitment to and support for hbcus and students they serve. Please know this. We support you and we will continue to support you. Earlier this year, devos offended many africanamericans by calling historical black colleges and University Pioneers when it comes to school choice, she was forced to walk back the remark. Todays commencement speech was a first for devos as education secretary. She was also given an honorary degree. Coming up, a close call, how a quick thinking officer made the right move to stop a potential suicide attempt. This is new look . Dc Police Officers now allowed to grow out their beards and wear earrings. Why the new police chief said he lacked those rules. Caitlin finally felt like may in his afternoon, Beautiful Day with plenty of sunshine and temperatures back to normal. 76 outside. I think thats our daytime High Temperatures so far. Wind are out of the northeast and i cant believe im telling you this because the shocking weather pattern. Were turning wet, cool and it will stay that way for some time. Ill have the details ahead in your sevenday forecast when fox 5 news at 5 00 returns after this. For all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. Farm, crate, and store. Were focusing on fresh. So you dont have to guess. Introducing the fios gigabit connection with download speeds up to 940 megs that are 20x faster and more powerful than most people have. Incredibly, its 79. 99 a month for one year. Comcast charges you 89. 99 for a triple play that only offers 200 mgs speeds. Switch to the most powerful internet at the most revolutionary price. Get fios gigabit connection for 79. 99 a month and well give you tv, hbo for one year and multiroom dvr service for 2 years all with a 2 year agreement. So act fast. Go to fiosgigabit. Com theres a kid hanging over the rails on the bridge. Between Rehoboth Beach and due what was beach. Hes standing there and leaning over and going back and forth. This happened in delaware. A suicidal man lucky to be alive thanks to a Quick Thinking Police officer. It happened last month in Rehoboth Beach. A man was hanging over the rail of a bridge threatening to jump. Two officers responded. Take a look what happened next. Come down here, buddy. Whats going on today how are we drinking. The man was taken to the hospital and the over the being considered a hero to save that man. Fox 5 in the district tonight where you might be seeing a change in the appearance of some dc Police Officers now that chief Peter Newsham is in charge. Officer can say now wear beards and earrings. We talked to chief newsham earlier about the reason for the change. With regards to earrings, he we wanted a make our policy consistent across the genders, thats a legal mandate. With regards to the beards, that was a decision that i made because there were a number of officers that were requesting to have the beards. I think theyre pleased with that decision. Previously only female officers could wear earrings. Male officers could only grow beards if they were granted medical or religious we got big changes coming up in the Weather Department too. Today was fantastic and warm enough that you could be outside comfortably without a jacket. That warmth its waiting in the wings, trust me. Mid may, we got a lot of other weather on our way. Well have to be patient. Live look at the white house, clouds increased this afternoon, and it will turn mostly cloudy quickly tonight, it will be a beautiful evening for the nats and orioles back in dc and of course, thats our Outdoor Sports game but sports on the mind all across our fair city as we have a beautiful look at the white house and the Washington Monument in the distant, the potomac beyond that. Thats your geography lesson. Lets get to the weather, headlines were starting off with showers in the forecast, arrive by tomorrow morning, yesterday looked like tomorrow wouldnt be that wet. Now it does. So need your umbrellas all day tomorrow, cool and wet through probably saturday. On saturday, well have heavy rain thats possible across the area, f for mothers day, it is this sunday on mothers day, fitting well finally see the sun return. Again, its not going to be until sunday. Of 76 in washington right now. Very comfortable out there. 73 in baltimore, 68 in annapolis, 66 in westminster, 73 in frederick and 73 in martinsberg. We benefitted from the warm air nudging northeast ward. Its cool in new york, boston, upstate new york, 76 here and 77 there in richmond really nice. We got clouds streaming do you know from the northwest, batch of light showers moving through northern delaware. Otherwise, strong area of showers and thunderstorms moving into chicago actually expected to Stay Together move all the midwest overnight then be on our doorstep by tomorrow morning. So a complex of showers and storms along with the stalled front towards the south and west will be the focal point for rain basically all day tomorrow unfortunately. It will be on the north side this boundary. Expect showers on and off tomorrow. Friday looks more cloudy than showery. Looks dry just not a sunny one. Heres what your Fox Futurecast looks like. This evening is fine, mostly cloudy but really nice, by tomorrow morning, this is the area of showers and thunderstorms that may be severe across portions of the ohio valley overnight, moving into West Virginia and approaching 81 corridor by the time we hit the morning commute. Mid morning rain through dc. And through the afternoon, just rounds of showers expected. Thursday night into friday, may be a bit of break. We still got to keep sprinkles in the forecast as it looks luke even though its dry, we could have rain. Fast forwarding to saturday at 8 00 a. M. This is another low pressure system moving in which will pbr rain, thursday and saturday look soggy, just not much sunshine in between on friday. Good healthy dose of rain expected at least right now this model saying between one to two inches is a good bet for most area. Rain showers expected especially west of town 56, were seeing pockets of showers through the afternoon with a High Temperature of just 61. We get even cooler from that in your sevenday forecast. Few showers friday. Soaking rain saturday. And temperatures are stuck in the mid 50s, thankfully the storm system clears out. Well dry out, well turn breezy an little milder on sunday afternoon, so despite the wind, it should be a nice mothers day, here comes sr into the mid 80s by next week. Thats a look at your sevenday forecast. Fox 5 will be right back after that. This is the sub bowl of sports nights in dc. Biggest night in dc sports, wizards on the road take on the boston celtics, plus tonight, game three of the battle of the beltways and nats taking on the Baltimore Orioles in case you havent heard theres a capitols rallying down three games to one, winner take all game seven at the verizon center, brody logan live with more and this is the calm before the storm there, brody. Reporter yes, they have not opened the doors yet. Dont worry, its not like theres not a lot of fans support here at the very center, dc sports fans will have to do a lot of planning as to what youre going to watch. You got os and nats at 7 00. You have the caps and penguins and the wizards. What will you put on the tablet or screen, for all the teams, its been an exercise in futility. Since the last redskins super bowl in 1992, 86 chances and only done it once. Thats a little bit of history, worse history as the caps indecisive game fives and 7s, theyre four and 12 and the penguins in the last are five and 0. Recent history, theap series last four periods out score this Penguins Team 82. And and futility in game seven, they didnt they didnt have mr. Game seven you learn a lot more about yourself and team and makeup when its win or go home. So far we got to the bell. And as i said now its its their turn. Both of us, you know, colliding tonight, and i expect game seven is our with the what they are, theyre the hardest game, its the hardest game in the series, and you know what . I think this year we fell like weve had a pretty good series. Were playing the way we want to play. Reporter so also today, tj is playing today and excited more than nervous and Justin Williams the reason they him mr. Game seven, hes seven and 0 in those games, with seven goals and seven assists. So jim and sarah, its coming up sevens, maybe a jackpot for the caps and they can actually advance to the eastern finals in r for the first time in the ovechkin era its one of those exactly youre one ahead of of that. All right. Thank you, brody. Somebody is really loud there too. It was distracting. How one school in Fairfax County is getting the entire Community Involved in a special art project that affects them. I was back after this. Narrator the time is always right to do what is right. Ralph northam. Army doctor during the gulf war. Volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. Progressive democrat. In the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound antichoice law, and stood up to the nra. As lieutenant governor, dr. Northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. Ralph northam believes in making progress every day. And he wont let donald trump stop us. Students at Alternative High School in alexandria disarray have been working on a big project and need your help. Creating a mural to be located outside the school. On saturday, may 20th, they will be anyone can come and add pieces to the new mural. The goal is to have it up did i Graduation Day june 15th. Students are surprised theres something here they care about and want to work for. For a lot of our students, theres a lot of other things going on in life, work, families of their own. Other draws on their time. And i think theyre surprising themselves by wanting to spend more time in school and wanting to work on a project the high school set up a gofundme page to raise money to help them partner with professional artist on the mural. Thats the link, at the bottom of the screen, gofundme. Com bryant mural. That does it for us at 5 00 see you at 6 30, right now, the news at 6 00 begins. At 6 00 why did you fire director comey he wasn washington still reeling from the firing of james comey. The fallout ahead. She has been involve in betsy got booed. The education secretary receives a less than warm response drag commencement speech. Plus bandits rip through city in a series of jump the ■counter robberies. The news at 6 00 starts now. Why did President Trump fire fbi director james comey . There is new insight tonight. Its good to have you with us, im tony perkins im shawn yancy, 24 hours after let go, both democrats and some republicans are openly questioning the president s motivation. Others are standing with the commander in chief well no doubt hear calls for a new investigation, which could only serve to impede the current work being done to not only discover what the russians may have also, to let this body and the National Security community to develop Counter Measures and war fighting doctrine to see that it doesnt ker, again. Chuck schumer said an independent investigation is his priority. If there was ever a time when circumstances warranted a special prosecutor, it is right now. The white house said today, it has no intention of bringing in a special prosecutor and it has confidence in the integrity of the ongoing investigation. With comey out, the question is who will take his place . For now, the fbi will be led by comeys top Deputy Andrew mccabe but who will take the job . Lets bring in Tom Fitzgerald, theres lot of speculation tonight. Reporter tony, that is correct, mccabe is currently in charge tonight. However, sources at fox 5 spoken to that are familiar with both the fbi and the white house s

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