Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 6A 20161027

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>> thursday, yes. >> october 27th. >> prep any pink, october 27th, 2016. let's get right to the weather. i didn't minds yesterday at all, and i'm going to love today. >> well, i don't know, you like rain? >> dow. >> okay, well, we will get some later on. we'll give you a five out of ten in weather by the numbers. bus stop buddy does his rain gear on. for us in the city it is cloudy skies for today. temperatures in the four's, but he has the umbrella, for most of us, see rain later, up in the mountains though right now there is a freezing rain advisory in effect because of this, mix of precipitation, and we're seeing rolling in. there is some rain in our northern and western suburbs, even this morning. so there you see some snow in mount pocono. some freezing rain possible in hazleton, and some that far may be making it to the surface, which could mean some slippery travel in the higher elevations. but, for us, well above freezing, and a lot warmer than yesterday. it is 46 degrees, sunrise time 7:25. thirty mount pocono, but 40 in allentown, 43 in reading, 45 millville, 51 dover, so all of these temperatures mean whenever you get precipitation in the form of rain, so it is cloudy, chill think morning. we have chance of seeing few peaks of sun today. but get ready for rainy afternoon, bob kelly, high of 06 degrees. >> yuck. good morning shall everybody, 6:02 on a thursday morning. she talked about mixed precipitation, north and west here you go. live look at i80. just east of scranton, bethlehem, this is the area that you want to be careful, headed out this way, throughout the day, road conditions could change. with what sue just forecast for you. downtown we go, live look at the schuylkill expressway. no problems or delays at all into or out of the city. of course starting to pick up volume here, thursday rush hour underway, coming in toward the city again slow going as you work your way into 295-6789 an accident in hunting park there is one involving a police vehicle at broad and west pike. just south of the roosevelt boulevard. so watch for delays. accident on the northeast extension, it is on the onramp from allentown, to head south, on the extension, and then today penndot moves the off ramp for 422. they moved it about a half mile sooner than where it was yesterday. so, if you are traveling west on 422, start paying attention. the new ramp comes up on you a half mile prior to where it was located yesterday, and i think we will have a lot of u-turn laugh earns throughout the day here on 422. mike and alex back over to you. >> 6:03 now this thursday. >> and lauren and bob were just talking about out of hunting park, that accident involving police cruiser and another car, it happened at 4:30 this morning at broad and pike. we do not know if the police officer is hurt. we know the driver of the other car had to be extricated from the vehicle and is now at temple hospital. we will get more details of course bob will keep you updated, as well. >> okay, one person is dead and another is injured after a double shooting overnight. >> and now the search is on for the shooter. so let's get right to steve keeley. what's the latest, steve? >> reporter: well the woman was killed here, 38 years old, from kensington, no where near where we are up in northeast philly off welsh rd. and a man with her shot in the face and arm, but able to drive almost self to nazareth hospital. those were the two people hit by these bullets. and it is amazing more people weren't hit. because look at this. we're in the corner of the joshua apartments in the nottingham building and two ground floor apartments were hit. look at the size that far bullet hole going through the window. my man jared will walk the other way. see halloween decorations in this window, first window we showed you, that's non-occupied apartment. but people were living in this one, and you see the bullet went through the silver pain there, but did not hit anybody fortunately. police went in there and check on everybody. now, walking little further in the parking lot you see bullet casings, circles everywhere, but this woman was killed between this car parked in the handicap spot and this chrysler 300, and you can see the sides of the bullet hole in the back of the chrysler 300, we don't want to show you any more that far car. it is splattered with blood. and they found that woman lying dead from being shot six, seven times point blank inbetween these cars when police finally got here. so, they've got two witnesses, because there was third guy with this man and woman who managed to get away without getting shot. and obviously, told police, i was here, that's how police probably found him. and hopefully, he'll tell police what he knows and how they know this guy. because again, we not anywhere near any streets. so you have to know somebody here to be back here, would you have to have business back here, and at 1:30 in the morning police believe that woman was intended target, for some reason, all four were meeting back here, they hope to find out from the guy at the hospital and the guy that was not wounded and hopefully these guys will cooperate since somebody tried to kill them. >> what is going on? 6:05, thank you, steve. >> covering more breaking news this morning, another shooting this one in west oaklane. this shooting happened around 1:30 this morning, on the 6500 block of north 17th street. police say the victim was shot and killed at close range. multiple times in the chest and stomach. they believe he was the intends target. right now work to go identify the victim. no arrest haves been made in this shooting. >> ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> that was sixers dancer belting out the national anthem, what's wrong with that? the thing is she wasn't supposed to be singing it. last minute change. now is bringing world-wide attention to philadelphia. >> yes, the national anthem, the center of another controversy. lauren johnson, what exactly happened in south philly last night? >> all start wad jersey, not one a player was wearing, but one performing artist was wearing when she showed up here at the wells fargo center last night for this season opener. she was set to sing the national anthem. so who is she? some people were asking on social med y her name, seventh streeter. she is singer and songwriter signed to atlantic records. she's worked with big name stars, chris brown, usher, arianna grand a, well, set to sing the national anthem at half court t never happened. here's what she say happened instead. >> i'm at the 76ers game to sing the national anthem and the organization is telling me that i can't because i'm wearing we matter jersey. >> well the team released a lengthy statement part of it says we use our games to bring people together to build trust and strengthen our communities, as we move from symbolic gestures to action, we will continue to leverage our platforms to positively impact our community. on social media, people are waking up and chiming in. bq09 says good for the sixers, their statement was poinent, mature and responsible. mikey 83 says i feel if she made the change without the sixers knowing that was not right. should have been offered to change outfits to proper one. and then door even says: i kind of agree with the sixers, no politics in sports. mike and alex of course we've seen similar statements made by people all over the country, since colin kaepernick, took a knee at a football game. he plays for the san francisco 49ers, i'm sure not the end of the story, made international headlines, some of those music stars we know she has work with, they respond in her defense, or against her, we'll see what happens. >> yes, well, seven's been around for a long time. she changed her name about three, four years ago to seventh streeter. instead of just seven. with the seven, by the way, is in her name. the number seven. >> she was born on july 7th, that's why she named herself seven. anyway, has she said on instagram or twitter or anything what that shirt means? we matter? don't we all matter? is that what she is a saying? that's not a bad statement. >> she hasn't clarified any more. >> maybe we'll find out later today. as for the game, there was a game, ladies and gentlemen. so, fans were so optimistic last night at the wells fargo center. impressive debut by joel embiid. he scored 20 points. he had seven rebounds in 22 minutes on the floor. the sixers did fall short though losing at the last minute there, 103 to 97. sean bell has complete highlights coming up in sports in a minute. well, not in a minute. but in a few minutes. but it is called sports -- >> i got it. >> so what do we have, 12 days left until the presidential election? and it seems like the polls are swinging little bit. finds out where donald trump now has a narrow lead. and which national polls have him closer to hillary clinton than really ever before? >> plus, a local man, relies on one eye to see, but now that's gone. and that's gone, too, after attack by a teen. why he says this may have been an act of revenge. >> a part time villanova student under arrest, 19 year old vincent kane of broomall is accused of secretly recording people in public rest rooms. and a classroom on campus, kane is facing child porn charges, as well, also sexual abuse and host of other charges. police say he secretly video recorded men and women at public bathrooms, in villanova. and at a broomall cvs where he worked. and at cardinal o'hare a high school, when he went to that school. >> he would place the phone underneath where the candy typically is stored, it is very hard to see, but the camera would be able then to be focused on a ladies that were wearing skirts. >> really shocking because i think the bathroom no matter what supposed to be something really personal. really scary for us girls, you know, to have our privacy out there. and i just hope i'm not in one of the pictures. >> so investigators found more than get this 80,000 pictures, and videos. how is that possible? right now, there could be at least 30 student victims at villanova. but police fear there will be many, many more. we will stay on that for days, i'm sure. >> need an attorney to talk about this. 6:12, new era of sixers basketball kicks off in south philly. see which former philadelphia champion helps ring in a new season. biden: this is what i know about katie mcginty - like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, and she's never abandoned them. hard work. family. playing it straight. that's katie. and the ads attacking her? they're a bunch of malarkey. katie's career is about looking out for families like yours. creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. she's a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. she's like you and she'll fight for you in the united states senate. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. >> the race between clinton and trump appears to be tightening at least according to new fox news poll, among independence. >> hillary clinton meantime trying to make as many votes as possible through early voting. let's get to doug in washington. >> hey, doug? >> good morning, yes, some of these polls are just all over the map. there is a new ap pole out, showing, hillary clinton has this commanding double digit lied outside the margin of error, over donald trump nationally, on the other hands, we have number of other polls including fox news poll show the race is actually tightening, as we get down to the wire here. who close are donald trump and hillary clinton? the new fox news poll puts the race at just three points, factoring in libertarian and green party candidates, encouraging news for trump. >> i do think that we are probably early indicator here, seeing little narrowing in the race as republicans begin to come home, more republicans to come home. in some sense it is naturalment the question is whether there is enough, whether he can get enough juice out of independence to get where he needs to be. >> same pole shows trump numbers among independents do seem to be rising in recent weeks. he was in charlotte yesterday, hoping to boost lackluster numbers among minority voters, talking about new deal for black america. >> whether you vote for me or not, i will be your greatest champion. >> and trump no doubt concern among other things about the rise of independent conservative, eric mcmullen in utah corks spoil trump effort to win the reliably republican state. clinton still dealing with e-mail leaks just about every day. which detailed her campaign's early effort to diffuse her e-mail scandal. and she is trying to lockdown votes now. all but holding voters hands, and walking them to the polls. >> you can go to any early voting site, between seven a.m. and 7:00 p.m., in fact, the county center on east kennedy boulevard is just ten minute walk from here. >> and listen, she might walk you over there. both campaigns, the early voting critical. when you look at the numbers pretty clear why. twelve and a half million people have already voted in this election, and by the time we actually reach election day, the assumption is we'll have preps 40% of voters who have already cast their votes at that point. >> really that hi, 40%. >> doug, i know you'll miss this political stuff in the election over. i know you. we'll see you tomorrow. >> what if he is planning something big? >> he'll have a party. 6:18. >> so let's talk with sue, how about that? we never get tired of talking to sue. >> never. >> depend on what i have to say sometimes. because we have messy weather on the way, in fact, freezing rain advisory in effect for carbon, monroe counties up in the higher elevations still kind of colds. luckily for the rest every us warm up a lot since this time yesterday. so, as we zoom in, on the precipitation types, see some pink here, on radar, that indicates freezing rain, and around bush kill falls, mount pocono, and bucks, looks like there could be some slippery conditions. but go further south, you just see some rain, little around trenton this morning, lambertville, and princeton, as well. for most of us, we are expecting the rain to arrive later on in the day. we can't rule out maybe light shower this morning like there is in cow township, honeybrook chester county. that's the situation. best advise just have the rain gear with you all day long. 46 degrees, in philadelphia right now. thirty in mount pocono. it is 42 in lancaster and 50 in dover. big improvement over the temperatures we had yesterday at this time. now, here is future cast. a lot of cloud cover today. maybe few peaks of sunshine for some. and most of the rain again in the morning hours. , by 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon get messy with rain, only rain, which lasts through the evening hours, into the night, probably not going away until 1:00, 2:00 a.m. t won't mess us up tomorrow morning. 06 degrees today with late day rain, and then 57 tomorrow. but very blustery, during the day on friday. it is still casino every windy saturday. but it is much warmer, and we take that with a high of 70 degrees. maybe 71, on sunday. cools down monday. high of 60. with spooky sunshine during the day. , and trick-or-treating at night. >> sounds good, kids will love that one. 20:00, good morning, everybody, on thursday, sue mentioned about some rain coming through trenton. be ready to hit the wipers, going to be one of those mixed bags, i think this morning, depending upon where you begin and end your trip. and then don't wash the car today. because we will get free car wash via mother nature later this afternoon. hello northeast philly, south on 95, watch for delays here from academy, in through cottman avenue. the beginning of the morning return hour. as you work your way through the construction zone. downtown we go, live look here, at the vine st. expressway. starting to see delays crossing town, from broad street, overthrew the schuylkill expressway. folks coming in to town, same deal. so starting to seat beginning of the rush, accident in hunting park at broad and west pike. just south of broad street. and in olney later on today they'll close fifth street between tabor over to chew, and then later on tonight, right after the rush hour, they're going to close the princeton avenue ramp to go north on i-95. so, from the neighborhood here, mayfair, northeast philly, you will want to use, work your way in toward linden avenue. use talcony, state road put yourself up past the fish hatcheries, northbound. that ramp closure goes into effect tonight, and lasts until 5:00 tomorrow. looking good, alex, back to you. >> well, new era of basketball in south philadelphia. six 6ers open their season with a close game against the thunder. why there is plenty to be excited about. even though we lost. i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual... he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. i'm never going back to a manual brush. hillary clinton: this is not an ordinary time, and this is not an ordinary election. i want to send a message to every boy and girl and indeed to the entire world. that america already is great, but we are great because we are good. we are going to lift each other up. i want us to heal our country and bring it together. we have to start getting the economy to work for everyone... not just those at the top. making the best education system from preschool through college. making it affordable, because that's, i think, the best way for us to get the future that our children and our grandchildren deserve. my vision of america is an america where everyone has a place. this is the america that i know and love. if we set those goals and we go together, there's nothing that america can't do. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. >> more excitement in year than there has been in a very long time. a lot of that is because of joel embiid. and i am bead looked like he was was everything the sixers hoped for. look here, turn around jumper, had 20.7 boards in just 22 minutes of play, the sixers actually had chance to win this game on the fast break, after the block, cleans it up. the sixers lose 103-97. all right, to the cubs, they even up the world series, kyle swab err right there with the single right up the middle to bring home two runs. the cubs go onto win five to one, even up the series, at one apiece, as they head back to chicago. if this was soccer, philadelphia union in the playoffs against toronto, look at this, great pass, great goal right there by toronto, the union losing the eastern conferencing in-out round, three to one, that's sports in a minute. i'm sean bell. so, lets that's talk more about the sixers, there was renewed energy, i felt it last night, inside the wells fargo center last night, the sixers season opener a lot that has to do with the young talent on the team of course. even though they came up short in the game, the final score, the players took notice of the support last night. i know that joel was -- he loves to tweet. >> he sure does. and he tweeted this last night after the game: man, the fans showed so much love. i freaking love you all. trust the process. freaking. >> what? >> well, you know? >> better than something a little more -- >> the real f word. >> yes. >> certainly. >> another spec homes last night, even though scott o'neil of the sixers gave up the information. >> he spilled the beans. >> did he spill t and the pr woman almost passed out. special guest brought in the ring the bell prior to the game and it was -- >> tonight, rookie of the year, 2005, mvp of 2006, in a world series champion in 2008, phillies great, number six, ryan howard. (bell ringing). >> our friends matt cord last night, for first regular season game, and there is ryan howard. >> one of the best parts, because when they ring the women, that's when the floor starts breaking up, 3d intro, so cool. so great to see ryan howard. he stayed therefore most of the game, too. >> fun, a lot of energy, and then this happened. the national anthem. >> ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> so as you can see, sixers dancer has on her sixers uniform, but she wasn't the one who was supposed to sing the national anthem, why the original singer said she was yanked from the program just minutes before the show. >> she shs been on our show. man, she can belt out any song. did a great job of the national anthem, trouble is this sixers dancer wasn't supposed to be singing. no, why the original singer says she was yanked from the program, i mean, like two minute before the show. >> plus, a part time villanova student arrested on disturbing charges, and i mean disturbing. police say he used a phone to secretly record people in a school bathroom over on the campus. but that's not all. where else police saw the videotape of him secretly taping and taking still pictures for years in the philadelphia area. twelve days from election day, and the race appears to be tightening. where each candidate stands in the latest polls. hey, good day everybody, it is thursday, october the 27th, 2016. it is, as you can tell, dark out. >> it is dark out. >> clear to partly dark. >> you know it is getting closer to winter, right, more darkness. but fitting as we get red foyer halloween. >> it is depressing yet our job to get everybody up and excited. energy up. >> that's on us. >> it is on us. and sue specially. >> and we got you, because we go there. >> well, i certainly did. >> well, if you are going there, bring the umbrella, i'm saying, because it will rain at some point today. now, it is not as cold out there, this morning, as it was yesterday, yeah, but the trade off is we're getting some rain and some other kind of precipitation, as well, we have freezing rain advisory in effect for our northern mountain us counties, and we can report that there is some kind of frozen precipitation up there, and probably, slippery conditions. but, the air has warmed up enough so that it is about ten, 12 degrees colder than it was yesterday at this time. 46 degrees, right now, and 30 in mount pocono, but 40 in allentown, 43 reading, see everybody well above freezing, 50 in dover, 46 wildwood. now there might be a shower around this morning. there might and little bit of sun. but the real rain rolls in for the afternoon drive time. so we get to high of 60 degrees. which is milder than yesterday. but your trade-off, bob kelly, is some rain for the drive home. >> could be rough one. watch all of those leaves all over the roadway, so first day of wet leaves, coming our way. accident on 95. gang, this is live look, southbound, 95, right at the cottman avenue interchange. right in the background here, so we're already jammo, from pretty much academy, through the construction work zone. look, they got the spotlights, still working here in the center of the roadway on 995. near cottman avenue. downtown we go, heavy on the vine expressway, folks crossing town, trying to head on over to the schuylkill expressway. and the ramps for 30th street station. speaking of 30th street, manayunk norristown line running with 20 minute delays this morning, because after car, that is actually stuck on across the tracks, at one of the stops. accident in warminster, davisville and county line road. accident in hunting park there is one involving a police vehicle at broad and west pike. so watch for police presence there. south on the northeast extension, on ramp from allentown accident. again that could have something to do with the wintery mix of precipitation up in that area. and in olney, fifth street will shut down from tabor over to chew later today, also blocking the princeton avenue ramp to head north on i-95 through the overnight. mike and alex back over to you. >> thank you, bob. coming up on 6:34, we have update for breaking news out of hunting park involving a police cruiser. investigators say, the officer was responding to job when another car ran a red light and hit his police cruiser, broad and pike 4:30 this morning, police officer went to the hospital. he is in stable condition. the driver of the other car had to be freed from his vehicle, and he's now at temple hospital. but he's expected to survive. and double shooting ends with one woman dead and man in the hospital. >> yes. now the search of course on for the shooter. steve, what do you have? >> mike, april coats, nurse at penn presbyterian, two year old daughter, checked this apartment complex out, her father is a cop. she figured safety is number one issue, she hears bullet shots fired at 1:30 this morning, she comes out, that's her chrysler 300 there with the big bullet hole in the back and blood splattered all over the drivers door. >> we heard -- i heard gunshots like we hours in the morning. but i didn't think anything. because it is very rare that something happens like right here. i'm thinking maybe it is firecrackers or, no, i come out to a carve blood and a bullet hole in my car. >> and they say they found the woman at the scene between the cars? >> yes, right by my car, right by my car. i'm sorry. >> the victim? >> yes, i feel sorry for her family and my prayers go out to them. i am very sorry. i hope they find who ever did this. >> this is not easy to finds, so these people obviously had reason to be back here, one of them? >> absolutely there is was too far in the back, absolutely, someone new something. had to have. this is -- right back hereby the woods. >> you know the victim? >> , no i know no one. i just moved here. >> just moved here. i'm sure before you moved here you said is it safe here. and this looks about as safe as it gets? >> absolutely. you never hear anything about this, i'm like okay, i'm fine here, have my daughter, so i am thinking everything is fine. i come out and it is a disaster. >> well, could have been even worse, because two of her neighbor's apartments had bullet holes in them. there cents one bullet hole in this window with the halloween decorations, couch on the other side of that, then you see shattered window. police describe the victim, a 38 year old white woman, from kensington, shot and killed, found dead right next to april's drivers side door. a man shot in the face and arm, alex, mike, drove himself to nazareth hospital, and thirds guy with them, shows up with the police. hopefully getting some answers from those two guys, maybe getting a lead on this case. >> all right, steve, keep us updated on that. 6:36. listen. >> ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ belting out the national anthem at last night's season opener, she sounded great, but wasn't supposed to do it. >> what happened behind the scenes that led to this moment? now brink ago lot of attention around the world to philly. >> well the national anthem at the center of this controversy, and lauren johnson's trying to figure out what exactly happened here. lauren? >> a lot of people who were at the game last night had no idea it even happened. because it was right before the national anthem was supposed to happen. right here inside the wells fargo center for the season opener. so, this is what we are talking about, seventh streeter she was wearing that jersey. she singer and songwriter written music for stars like usher, alicia keys, arianna grand, looking at video row she leased last month. she was invited to sing the national anthem at half court last night. it never happened. she said it is because whatever she was wearingment take a look at the jersey, black written on the front in white letters we matter and the number seven. fashion statement or political statement. here's what she is sake happened. >> i'm at the 76ers game to sing the national anthem and the organization is telling me that i can't because i am wearing a we matters jersey. >> well the theme released lengthy statement part of it says we used our games to bring people together to build trust and strengthen our communities, as we move from symbolic gestures, to action, we will continue to leverage our platform, to positively impact our community. so on social media, people are waking up this morning and chiming in, saying what they think about this. bq09, good for the sixers, their statement was poinient, mature, responsible. said i feel if she made the change without the sixers knowing that was not right. should have been offered to change outfit to proper one. and then door even said i kind of agree with the 16 ers, no politics in sports. so we've seen similar month around the country in fact last week, friday night, mike and alex. >> social worker, she wore a black lives matter t-shirt, underneath a blazer, and she knelt while singing the national anthem last week. >> yes, i've seen video of that. okay, well, weighing in on twitter on this, what do you think? >> a lot of people weighing in, i posted it last night, there are a loft opinions about this. >> both sides. >> also how the sixers responded to it. >> yes. we will show their statement just a little bit. parts of italy right now, still shaking from powerful after shocks of an earthquake. >> crumbling churches and other buildings in the central part of the country. the natural disaster has knocked out power sending people running into the street. last night tremors comes just two months after a powerful quake killed nearly 300 people. with the latest round, there are no report of serious injuries. >> gentlemen two, month later still after shocks. >> big story in our area, and a shocker. a part-time villanova student sent under arrest this morning, 19 year old vincent cane of brooke all accused of secretly recording people in public rest rooms. and a classroom on the campus. kane is facing child porn, sexual abuse, host of other charges, police say he secretly video recorded men and women in public bathrooms, at villanova, and at a broomall cvs where he worked. and, get this, when he was in high school, at cardinal o'hara high. >> he would place the phone underneath where the candy typically is stored, it is very hard to see, but the camera would be able then to be focused on a ladies that were wearing skirts. >> ew, discusting, why would anyone do that? why would anyone think of doing that. >> investigators found more than 08,000 pictures and videos. right now there could be at least 30 student victims at villanova. police fear there may be more. >> and all of the kids over at cardinal o'hare a well, brutal attack robs a man of his site. the search is on for the teenage here pulled out a kitchen knife and plunged it through his eye. kevin warrington was trying to break up a fight between a group of girls when he says the boy stabbed him in his left eye, with that knife. fifty-five years old, says, it happened on elmwood avenue, outside of his house, two weeks ago. he tells us, he can't believe what happened. he was just trying to help break up a fight. he says, he will need a prosthetic left eye. >> well, jimmy fallon, justin timberlake, like really good friend, and they reminisce on the days in summer camp. hear the classic song they sang together on the tonight show last night. it was fun. and he talks about almost going to jail for, well, voter fraud. i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. good morning, 6:44. >> hit? hit? hit? raindrops? 4:22, up near trooper road. coming our way, sue has been talking about it all morning long, especially up there, in that scranton area, allentown, over toward bethlehem, and then east in toward trenton. live look downtown philly. the vine st. expressway, jammed up, across town trying to get over towards the schuylkill expressway. no problems yet on the schuylkill. but guess what today is? >> what? >> it is cranky co-workers day. >> oh,. >> yes. >> shut up. >> all right? so who would you like to nominate at your offers? >> me, me, let it be me. >> we nominated sue earlier today. we gave america cup of coffee. she seemed to have calm down a little bit. nominate number two, right there, come on, we are taking the pole out there on facebook and twitter. twenty minute delays on septa's manayunk norristown line because of car that's actually stuck on the tracks in warminster, davis ville road, and county line road, an accident, also in hunting park, this one, involving a police vehicle at broad and vine. accident south on 95, right at the cottman avenue interchange, right there, in the construction zone. and then, your schuylkill schuyl expressway starting to see delays between city line and belmont. when will the rain hit your area? crank you sue serio, coming up in 15 seconds. >> freezing rain advisory in monaco counties, where the temperatures get little tricky, as far as precipitation is concerned. we're seeing a lot of green on the radar, unless you're in the higher elevation action, and that's where it is pink and white. that means there could be knew know snakes, could be some freezing rain maybe even some sleet which means tricky travel in places like mount pocono and jim thorpe. now, down around northampton, lambertville, we see some light showers, and that's the order of the morning, really, any showers you see this morning, should be light, saving the heavier rain until later on, 46 degrees, in philadelphia, way warmer than it was yesterday. forty in allentown, ooh already, in dover, and 46 in wildwood. that's because the rain is coming from a warmfront. that's keeping temperatures well above freezing. so we expect to get to 06 degrees today. most of the rain, late in the day, then very windy, as things dry out tomorrow. nice warm up over the weekend, in the 70s, both saturday, sunday, but cold front saturday into sunday means monday's high of 06 degrees, still plenty of sunshine, and we're still keeping that dry forecast, mike and alex, for trick-or-treating. >> 6:47. well the latest numbers in the race for the white house have come in. the latest fox news poll showing tight race. look at. that will hillary clinton leads 49 to 44 in a head-to-head match up. in a four-way race, clinton has ahead of trump 44 to 41%. >> so let's bring in thomas drayton what the candidates are doing as elections, that means, what, 12 days? >> twelve days to go. >> really in the last minute stretch here. >> twelve days and counting, all over the place, race all over the place. good morning, alex, mike. hillary clinton and donald trump are halting in-person appearances big donor fundraisers are headed for the battleground states. trump is heading to ohio today with three big rallies. trump took a break from campaigning to attend the grand opening of his new hotel that's in washington dc. decision he now feels he has to defend. he says he wanted to be therefore his children, who work so hard on the hotel. trump also says he's proud they got the project done early and under budget. hillary clinton took the opportunity to criticize the billionaire businessman. >> while the hotel may be new, it is the same old story. if you have friends who are thinking of voting for trump, i want you to tell them that he relied on undocumented workers, to make his project cheaper. >> by the way hillary clinton will be making her first campaign appearance in north carolina with first lady michelle obama. in the meantime, memos released by wikileaks show overlap between hillary clinton, state department, her family's foundation and consulting firm. they show windfall for all involved, tens of millions of dollars for the clinton family, in generating lucrative contract for members of her inner circle, that's sure to be talking point for mr. trump. >> nice job there, thomas. thank you for that. interesting polls. now you know i love working with people named alex, right? >> ya, i know. >> for couple of years here with my friend. >> oh, look at him being all sweet to me, thomas, now that you're around. >> right, mike is usually not that sweet. >> you know. >> we've known each other for years, first time i met you, besides talking about your lips, i said you look like alex rodriguez, so if you don't mind me calling you alex, for the rest of your time here? >> absolutely, ya. >> ya. >> you have been calling me alex all this time. never call me by thomas. >> do people do that come up to you? er. >> now on a good day i'll take it. >> this morning, little heavier, but all good. >> you look great. so nice to have you back, thomas. >> thank you, great to be here. >> so glad to have you. >> and working with you, aling. >> yes, i'm great to work with you. >> and wonderful to work with you, such a beautiful smile. >> oh, come on down here. >> i am, i'm going to join you guys soon. >> oh, geez. >> you need to step your game up, mike, your compliment game. >> you're so gorgeous. >> now that's over the top. you didn't mean that. >> we have new restaurant, new restaurant in the sit which new policy on how you pay. get this, alex. you pay if you want to pay. now, how does that work? i got to go to this place. it is in philly. >> you don't have to pay? >> you pay what you want to pay. >> oh? well, come on out for some halloween fun this weekend, bring the kids and their hollow week costumes in the parking lot of the depford mall there is saturday, october 29, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. can never touch, ride a hey ride, trick-or-treat. free, and the send benefit the multi service center have you ever touched my truck? i served under president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i'm hillary clinton pat toomey: he was a founder of this pennsylvania bank and owned stock worth as much as a million dollars. to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. the practice is banned in 35 states because it's considered predatory, but pat toomey didn't care. pat toomey the banker: he's really not for you. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising. but pat toomey actually owned a bank. most people owe the bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump..." "should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> big fire in new york, the upper east side. this is ground shot. we had skyfox over this, too. we can punch that up again if we get it. this is the grounds camera there. six alarm fire on the upper east side, a five story building on east 93rd street. people who live up there call it the york ville section of manhattan. so, report that one person is dead, at least three other injured, and claimed two firefighters. ninety-third street as you can imagine, remains closed between first and second avenue. and first avenue is closed between 91st and 94th street. not that that's important to you. because you won't be driving up on the upper side of manhattan. just want to let you know if you know people who live on the upper east side. we'll keep you updated as more details become available to us. horrible. 6:54. >> justin timberlake making his rounds on talk shows promoting his latest movie, trolls. >> trolls? >> last night he made a stop on jimmy fallon's show. you know, they're known for putting on funny skits. >> well, they're best buds. >> they are. >> well, jimmy fallon is everybody's best budd. >> true. >> last night they had more fun. so take a look at the two recreated their infamous summer camp skit. >> oh, god. >> ♪ >> don't you think? >> ♪ >> ya, i really do, thanks. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> ♪ (whistle blows). >> you two party peanuts! >> party peanuts? >> go to bed? >> go to bed? >> we just can't fall asleep. >> well, congratulations, because you two bing bongs just lost your snap chat privileges, no milk duds, no waivers, and certainly means no other sweet treats. >> what about smors and tootsy rolls? >> well, what about them? >> well, if you hike your shorts up any higher we're going see some more of your tootsy roll. >> oh, justin timberlake did respond to this voting controversy, justin took a selfie during early voting in memphis, tennessee. there was some talk that he could get in trouble because it is illegal in the state of tennessee to take a selfie in a voting booth, which he did. >> and more than just trouble, co-have spent time in jail. >> yes. >> it is illegal. he said i had no idea it was illegal to take a selfie in a voting booth. true it differs state to state. live in l.a. now maybe he forgot the rules. they said they wouldn't prosecute. let this be a warning, don't do you t why does the guy have sing oxide on his nose in the middle of the night? >> true, maybe he hadn't had a chance to wipe it off from the day? >> he's bus. >> i sure. >> okay, the national anthem, it was a nice moment last night. i had no idea another woman was supposed to sing the national anthem at the sixers game last night, lauren? mike, little controversy behind the scenes, the fans didn't know it happened, all right here at the wells fargo center, the national anthem controversy has made its way to philadelphia. we just got new information, we will tell you all about it coming up after the break. >> ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> sixers dancer belts out the star spangled banner at the home opener. but the thing is she wasn't supposed to sing. why the original singer says she was yanked moment before the show. >> plus, a disturbing arrest in delaware county. part time student accused of secretly recording people in a bathroom on villanova campus. >> everyone just got disturbed. >> but it doesn't ends there. why police are concerned there could be more victims. >> now 12 days away from the election, and the race appears to be tightening. both donald trump and hillary clinton confident with less than three weeks until the vote, what both candidates are doing in the final days to win over voters. >> and, a world series is in full swing. and the hit keep coming. thanks to local company. meet the people making

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