I think thats a tornado. Is that on the ground . It was just like a train and it was gone. Deadly tornadoes ripped through the southeast. Georgias governor declared a state of emergency in seven counties where storms levelled homes and damaged property. I told everybody to get down. Couple seconds later we felt the house shake. We pray to god whoever they find is actually alive. On the westst coa torrential rains caused flooding, mudslides and evacuation. A river of mud. There in the mall. [ speaking at the same time ] ridiculous conversation. Hed saithere were crowds all the way to the Washington Monument. There was. I was there wasnt. Yes, there was. You are saying its a falsehood. Sean spicer gave analtertive facts to that. Alternative facts are not facts. They are falsehoods. We want our country back and we are going to fight for it. Millions of people poured onto streets across the world to push for womens issues and t esprotait agdonst nald trump. What people were saying to donald trump, women are not going backward. A deadly jewelryre sto heist at a mall in texas. Two suspects are now in custody. Its absolutely senseless. United airlinesun groded all domestic flights because of a computer problem. Everybody wants to go home, i guess. All that Police Officer helps aom wan escape from her burning car with his baton. Come on that was the weirdest thing. A sea lion chose an unusual sleeping spot. Sun yourself. And all that matters. Falcons pick it up. Still in bounds. Touchdown the ntatlaa falcons. For the fans who over 25 years rocked this place, this is for you, baby. On cbs this morning. The flea flicker. Its a new england touchdown. The patriots have a date with atlanta. Extra motivation for you this year to go to the super bowl again ann no. This is my motivation right here. All the fellows in front of me. Thats why we are here. This mornings eye opener presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Dangerous and damaging storms are slamming both sides of the country. Torrential rains triggered mudslides and flooding in california. Violent storms hit the southeast with deadly tornadoes. Video showed this massive apparent tornado yesterday as it ripped across southwest georgia. Violent weather killed at least 19 people in georgia and mississippi. More than 60 people were hurt. The National Weather service says there were at least 37 reports of tornadoes. They struck in states stretching from louisiana into georgia. Mark strassmann is in albany, reporter a twister tore through here ands toed this tractortrailer like a tonka truck into power lines. Think of the force it took. A quarter mile that way, four people were killed in a trailer park. Much of albany lies in ruin. I think thats a tornado. Is that on the ground . Reporter Storm Chasers captured video of one of the reported tornadoes that devastated georgia sunday afternoon. Hello . Reporter overnight in areas with no power, First Responders and volunteers used flashlights to search for survivors in a mobile home community. We pray to god whoever we find, they are actually alive. Reporter james black and his family rode out the tornado in their house, a quarter mile down the road. Felt like a train. I told everybody to get down. Couple seconds later we felt the house shake. Reporter more than a dozen people in georgia killed in stormrelated accidents over the weekend. I didnt hear nothing. I just seen it all come off house. And i never did hear a tornado siren or nothing. Reporter seven of the deaths were in one cook county trailer park where the storm created a trail of ruin. It left behind roofless houses, downed power lines and rubble in this neighborhood. Margies daughter lost her house. I thank god they are alive. It could have been much worse. You know, material things can be replaced but my children cant. Reporter tornadoes are being blamed for deaths in mississippi. A drone captured the destruction where 300 homes were damaged. President trump spoke to the governor. Tornadoes were vicious, powerful and strong. They suffered greatly. Well be helping out the state of georgia. Reporter the National Weather service says on average georgia sees two tornadoes in at least 24 reported tornadoes. Gail . Thank you very much, mark. One of the largest storms in years is hitting california. Heavy flooding caused mud slides and washed away several cars. Many drivers had to be rescued before their cars were swept away. The storm is blamed for at least three deaths here. Maria villareal has concerns about new flooding. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Normally there is a small road that runs right here. We are standing in it. As you can see the rain that happened over the weekend caused the floodwaters to take over the road. There was a car that was here overnight that was swept down the creek. We havent seen it for several hours. Since october, los angeles has gotten more than 13 inches of rain. Thats more than 200 that was expected for this time period. Heavy rain and Rushing Water sunday. Causing mudslides. And turning typically dry roads into rivers. Rescue crews around the region raced to save stranded drivers. Braving the racing waters to save this trapped family with a young child. Pulling a father and son from their stalled truck overnight. And floating a raft to a couple before their truck washed away. When 15foot waves in san diego dragged two women into the ocean saturday, an onlooker dove in, saving one of them. She was in close so i jumped in. I dont know. I got her and i threw her over my shoulder. Reporter fighting the waves, rescue crews searched more than 40 minutes before finding the second woman and pulling her to shore. She died late sunday. To the north near los angele roadways were covered with nearly four feet of water, forcing life guards to go door to door to help families. We have been here about five years. This is the highest we have seen it get. Reporter the Los Angeles Fire Department has responded to more than 170 calls since yesterday with more rain expected to come today. This could be just the beginning of the problems. Thanks mireya. Lonny quinn of wcbs is tracking the storms. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Take a look at the whole usa. There will be more problems on the west coast. Quiet in the mid section of the country. The biggest storm on the eastern half of the country. Lets zoom in tight to show you where the center of circulation is. Right now its right here, right around ashville, north carolina. This will push offshore, move to the northeast, become a noreaster but the biggest risk activity around the mid section of florida, some of the tornadoes are possibly intense. Isolated large hail and Straight Line winds. Wind is an issue from the bottom of florida up into portions of new england. Look at this. Wind advisories from the blue Ridge Mountains in virginia to the Green Mountains of vermont. It is the red areas from new york city, boston with high wind warnings. Could see winds blowing 50, 60 Miles Per Hour in the big cities. There will be snow . Not on the coast. You have to go inland. Specks of purple could be a foot, foot and a half of snow. But wind is the problem with the storm. Nora . Thank you so much. President trump has a busy week ahead after a rocky first weekend in the white house. He welcomed senior aides who were sworn in yesterday. Saturday he spoke to cia employees but the president was also thinking about saturdays protests that brought hundreds of thousands of demonstrators to washington. Major garrett is at the white house where a meeting with congressional leaders is one item on a big agenda. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The agenda starts here in a couple of hours with President Trump meeting with top Business Executives he mentioned a moment ago on twitter. A big focus will be on creating more manufacturing jobs. We expect the president to sign more executive orders and among those with the most Immediate Impact would seek to roll back Obama Administration pollution control policies and rules preventing some Illegal Immigrants from deportation. Yesterday, the president focused on staff work. I just went to the oval office and found this beautiful letter from president obama. Reporter at a swearingin for his senior advisers sunday the 45th president held up a letter left for him by his predecessor. It was really very nice of him to do that. Reporter he said the contents would remain confidential and offered this about the presidency and his team. This is not about party. This is not about ideo. Its about serving the American People. Reporter earlier in the day President Trump was less conciliatory when he noted hundreds of thousands who marched in washington and across the country to protest his presidency and agenda. Was under the impression that we just had an election. Why didnt these people vote . He tweeted before changing hisf. Even if i dont always agree i recognize the rights of people to express their views. On saturday, crowd size was also on mr. Trumps mind during his First Official trip to cia headquarters. We had a massive field of people. You saw them. I get up this morning, turn on one of the networks and they show an empty field. Reporter in front of 300 cia agents the president lashed out at reports about attendance at his inauguration. It looked, honestly, like a million and a half people. Whatever it was, it was. Reporter the visit was design an intelgence community he criticized. I love you. I respect you. You will do a fantastic job. We are going to start winning again and you are going to be leading the charge. Reporter it is a sentiment the president repeated for Law Enforcement and Security Leaders that included fbi director james comey. Some democrats blame his announcements about the email investigation for costing Hillary Clinton the election. An Inspector General probe is reviewing his conduct. Mr. Trumps pick for cia director mike pompeio is expected to be announced today. The announcement from john mccain and Lindsey Graham in support of Rex Tillerson more or less guarantees his Eventual Senate confirmation. Thank you very much. President trump is also moving along with his foreign agenda. The president spoke on the phone yesterday with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The white house says they discussed several issues including threats posed by iran. Mr. Trump emphasized the only direct talks can produce a peace deal. He plans to meet with the leaders of britain, mexico and canada in the coming days. The argument over how many people attended President Trumps swearingin has been summed up in two photos. This is the National Mall during fridays inauguration and this is the National Mall at the same time of day during president obamas inauguration in 2009. On saturday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer accused reporters of trying to, quote, lessen the enthusiasm of the inauguration. Theres been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold donald trump accobluntae. Im here to tell you that it goes two ways. We are going to hold the press accountable as well. This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe. The factchecking website politifact claims which means false. Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway defended sean spicer yesterday. Why did he do that . It undermines the credibility of the entire White House Press office no, it doesnt. Dont be so overly dramatic, chuck. Youre saying it is a falsehood. They are giving sean spicer, our press secretary gave alternative facts. Spicer said president s are judged by accomplishments, not crowd sizes. Ari fleischer joins us now. Welcome. You watched the first briefing by spicer i know hes a friend. What concerns you . Its one thing to take on the press. Thats a time honored tradition in washington, d. C. By republicans and democrats. Absolutely. Take them on when you have high ground. The part about how many people showed up in the audience of the inauguration, who cares . It is not worth fighting over. And where it in terms of the question that the president did at the cia when he raised the question of crowd size in front of the heroes of the cia. One thing we have learned about President Trump is hes authentic. He lets it rip anywhere he is because thats what he feels. Whether he did it at the cia or wherever the issue is wrong fight. If you want to get into a fight with the press about them trying to delegitimize his presidency, thats fair game. But a fight over who had more people at the inauguration is not worth it. He came out swinging. That had to come from somewhere. It came from the president. I have known sean almost 20 years. He worked in the bush administration. This is a time when you are told, get out there and fix it and do it now. It doesnt give you time to prepare. Cant develop the facts the way you want to. He did his job to represent the they will ask questions. Today hell be challenged on it. He has to back up the statistics he used. My advice to sean is if you used a statistic thats wrong, correct it today. There is no harm done if you are press secretary saying i got a statistic wrong and walk it back. If you are making a broader point about the press make your broader point. Cool the confrontation down a notch or three. Can you see both sides . Do you think the press is to blame in any way . Heres where the press is to blame. They have been hostile to donald trump throughout. Donald trump has been happy to return the favor. So thats future wall. The part about the mlk bust they said was removed, why didnt zeke miller, a good reporter from time ask a white house official to confirm it before he tweeted it. Reporters are too fast to hit twitter and too slow to ask questions. He took it back. He did. Its a good point to ask before tweeting or reporting. Good reminder to do that. Let me ask secretary, it is different from a campaign secretary, right . You have been White House Press secretary. Whats the onus, the job . As of your first day in the white house you are paid by the taxpayers. Do you also represent the American People in some regard . You have three phases. On the campaign you are talking to the primary voters, then the american voters, then the world. In the white house . Youre talking to the world. Thats a sober responsibility. By the same token you are speaking for the president. Your job is to faithfully and reflect the president for better or worse. Here is what you wrote in november. I dont know what changes president elect trump will make but if he decides to go around the press, abolish the daily briefing, not take a press pool to dinner. The reason he can get away with it is the main stream media lost the trust of the American People. Do you believe the main stream media is in danger of losing the trust of the American People . Charlie, according to the gallup poll to tell the news fairly and accurately is at an all time low. This is a tragedy for the press and the public. It is vital the people accept the presss reporting as fact. Because of the manner they have reported has led to a steady decline of people trusting the press. One of the reasons the press is so vulnerable to whatever changes donald trump will make. My advice to the press is it doesnt matter if the president praises you or criticizes you. Your job is to be neutral, fair, and accurate. Thank you. All right, ari, well said. The super bowl 51 matchup is set. The new England Patriots take on the Atlanta Falcons. The pats beat the Pittsburgh Steelers yesterday 3617. Tom brady will compete for a recordbreaking fifth super bowl ring, the most of any quarterback in nfl history. Mvp candidate matt ryan and his falcons crushed the Green Bay Packers they are looking to win their first championship in their second super bowl appearance. The patriots and falcons meet for super bowl li sunday, february 5 in houston. Well be watching. Samsung said it solved the mystery of what caused the flagship note 7 smartphones to catch on fire. Ahead what the mont after months of criticism President Trump tells the cia, im on your side. There is nobody that feels stronger about the Intelligence Community and the cia than donald trump. Ahead, why some intelligence Officials Say the president only made a bad situation worse. You are watching cbs this morning. Cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. [beeping] the 2017 rav4 with Toyota Safety sense, standard. Awe. Wahhhh. Right. In. Your. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Our blogs are buzzing about the designer smile. By colgate optic white high impact white toothpaste. With a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. For four shades visibly whiter teeth. The designer smile. Hite. Take one of those pillows they smell really fresh. What if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. Really no way downy . Downy fabric conditioner. Give us a week, and well change your bed forever. Want more freshness . Add new downy fresh protect. roosevelt smoking just messed thaup your lungs. 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Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. Whats your body of proof . Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Neutrogena. Israel anticipates the u. S. Embassy will move to jerusalem. Ahead, why it could bring new turmoil to the middle east. And tomorrow, the ceo of fed ex. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. The markets change. At t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. Invest with confidence. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Work on the dance floor. Get it in there. Thats the Atlanta Falcons owner arthur blank celebrating a victory with a little dance. Go, mr. Blank. The falcons routed green bay 4421. They will now play new england in the super bowl. This will be atlantas second trip to the championship game. They lost to denver in 1999. They are ready to play. Boy, such great quarterbacks. I cant wait. Arthur blank is having fun. I like it. Go, atlanta. Thats a tradition he started down there, dancing. Hes still got the moves. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, did fences with the Intelligence Community backfire . Thats the question many are asking . He went to the cia and blasted the media. How some say that appearance made relations worse. And samsung knows why some of the galaxy note 7s burst into flames. They tested 200,000 devices. Questions about whether the brand can survive the damage. Time to show you headlines. The Washington Post reports on how President Trumps executive order on the Affordable Care act is creating uncertainty. Trump signed the order friday as republicans worked to repeal and replace obamacare. It instructs federal agencies to grant relief to those affected by the law. The possible pullback of obamacare rules could affect enrollment this year and how Many Companies participate next year. The white house did not return the posts request for comment. The womens march millions took part in protests around the world saturday. Now womens groups and civil rights organizations are scrambling to harness the energy. They are trying to enlist more supporters and encouraging women to run for local public office. This will be worth watching. Ill say. That was one of the messages, run for office. The Kansas City Star says families turned out at a stadium to mourn a 25yearold pitcher who died yesterday in a car crash in his native dominican republic. He helped the royals win the world series in 2015. The Houston Chronicle said barbara bush chose to stay in the hospital with her husband though she was cleared to leave. A family spokesman said former president george h. W. Bush is recovering from pneumonia. Doctors hope to move him out of intensive care in the next day or two. Mrs. Bush was treated for bronchitis. They have been married over 70 years. Thats nice. Really nice. The wall street journal says President Trumps National Security adviser was to russia. The u. S. Counter intelligence agents in fact gated Michael Flynns phone calls to the Russian Ambassador on december 29. On that day the Obama Administration announced sanctions against russia in retaliation for alleged use of Cyber Attacks to interfere with the u. S. Election. It is not clear if the investigation produced incriminating evidence or if it is continuing a. White house spokeswoman denies knowledge of any investigation. The president s First Official trip was to langley, virginia. The speech was supposed to smooth over bad feeling with the Intelligence Community. It may have done the opposite. We have reaction from some of the officials who heard the president. Good morning. Good morning. Before being sworn in mr. Trump reminded the Intelligence Community of the failures leading to the war in iraq and accused it of being a source of leaks. The speech saturday didnt appear to mend fences. It cia officials stunned and angered. There is nobody that feels stronger about the Intelligence Community and the cia than donald trump. Reporter despite that pledge of support, u. S. Intelligence officials tells cbs news President Trumps visit to cia headquarters was uncomfortable and that he made relations with the Intelligence Community worse. During the speech in front of a Memorial Wall dedicated to fallen cia officers mr. Trump blamed the media for creating a rift between him and the agency. They made sound like i had a feud with the Intelligence Community. I want you to know the reason you are the number one stop is exactly the opposite. We didnt think that sounded right. In fact, we rated it false. Reporter the editor of politifact found mr. Trump had been critical of the Intelligence Community, even saying at one point very easy to use them. I wont because they have made such bad decisions. Reporter he stepped up criticism after all 17 intelligence agencies concluded that the russian government was behind a wave of Cyber Attacks to influence the election. I think it is just another excuse. I dont believe it. At that time he said that this is the same Intelligence Community that had worked on weapons of destruction and saddam hussein. So that was a criticism. Reporter when information leaked about an intelligence briefing this month in which mr. Trump was informed of the extence of a dosier of unsubstantiated claims about him he said this. Thats a disgrace, something that nazi germany would have done and did do. Reporter two days later a series of tweets saying the leaked information was released by intelligence, even knowing there is no proof and never will be. The setting for the speech, the Memorial Wall, is con sacred ground for the agency. Former cia director john brennan who left the agency last week said over the weekend he was saddened by the president s statements. He said the president should be ashamed of himself. Nora . He said he was saddened, angered, called it a despicable display. Thank you very much. President trump invited Benjamin Netanyahu to the white house next month. Israeli media reports the United States plans to move the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. Sean spicer told cbs news we are at the very beginning stages. Reporter bricks and mortar are changing the sign on the u. S. Consulate here. Jerusalem is a city and a capital claimed by israelis and palestinians. It is home to some of the most sensitive religious palestinian leaders say moving the embassy here recognizes jerusalem as the capital of israel and would damage the peace process. No other country has its embassy in jerusalem due to the conflicting claims on this city. On sunday, israel approved hundreds of new settler homes in east jerusalem, just before president Donald Trumps call with israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It is a move that has angered palestinians. The concern here, of course, is that this anger and frustration could boil over once again. Gayle . Thank you very much, seth doan from jerusalem. United Airlines Customers may experience delays this morning after the airline had to ground all the flights yesterday. The airline said a technical problem caused a ground stop. It lasted more than two hours. Cbs news learned the glitch was with the system which transmits data about a planes performance. It is not clear how many passengers or flights were the galaxy note 7 smartphones overheated and sometimes caught fire. Ahead, how the huge phonemaker is trying to put the recall behind it and regain the confidence of consumers. We want to invite you to subscribe to the podcast. You will get the news of the day, extended interviews and, what else do you think they will get . Podcast originals. Yeah. Im thinking that, too. You had a new gayle podcast original. We love originals of all kind. We do. Charlie, you may weigh in. You feel the same. A charlie rose original. Still to come well be right back. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Whove had no prior treatment. It transformed treatment as the first cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Harvoni is a simple treatment regimen thats been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. Tell your doctor if youve had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. Youre so cold, come in whats wrong . Its dry. Your scalp . Mine gets dry in the winter too. Try head and shoulders dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and. Keeps you up to 100 flake free head and shoulders dry scalp care thats werthers originallatey. Sugar free hard or chewy caramels. Just one taste and you wont believe theyre sugar free. Discover chocolate flavored werthers original sugar free. Listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy waygi to ve listerine® total care to the total family. Listerine® total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth™. From my sweet dreams . Thanks to tena, not tonight onlya tenovernight underwear. With its secure barrier system gives you. Triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you a lucky escape for a climber in switzerland. He was trying to make his way up a pillar of ice but the ice broke. The climber was attached to a safety rope luckily. Defel hopefully the safety rope wasnt attached to another large icicle. Thank you, jesus. Hes all right. Samsung says design flaws and manufacturing problems caused some of the note 7 smartphones to overheat and burst into flames. The Company Released the conclusion of the investigation into the burned phones overnight. The phones, as you know, led to a massive recall that cost samsung billions of dollars. Chris van cleave is in washington with what the Company Plans to do next. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. This was an unfortunate case of lightning striking twice for samsung. After it recalled the note 7 and made modifications, the replacements had a similar but different problem with overheating. The public laying out of what went wrong and new safety protocols is all in an effort to win back customers. A samsung executive apologized monday as he detailed the results of the companys investigation into what caused catch fire. There were two different defects. They had the same end result. Reporter samsung said since it began in recall in september 700 researchers used 200,000 devices and 30,000 batteries. They concluded the original issue was a design flaw. The company said incorrect battery positioning created problems in the phones upper right corner. It caused the two parts of the battery to basically come into contact and short out which caused overheating and some of the fires you saw. Reporter the replacement phones had a problem with how the batteries were welded together which led to an internal short circuit. They went to great pains to point out that in all their testing they didnt find any flaws with the actual design and build of the phone hardware or the software in it. They put all the blame on the batteries and the manufacturing of the batteries. Repor a news the first battery was supplied by a samsung company. The second was outsourced and the production problem there was linked to a rapid increase in production to replace all the phones from the initial recall. Samsung said 96 of the 3 million note 7s soldreturned. In the u. S. There were 13 reports of burns, 47 reports of Property Damage associated with note 7 phones and a total of 96 reports of overheating batteries. It is a black eye in terms of consumer confidence. People are obviously going to think twice about getting another samsung phone. This incident is survivable but the business has to win back the trust of consumers. Reporter part of thats a newly announced eightpoint safety check on all samsung phones which it says will exceed industry standards. Worldwide about 120,000 note 7s are still outstanding. We are waiting for the results of a separate investigation into the overheating pr product safety commission. Nora . Chris, thank you. A lot of people still love their samsung. It has a nice camera. You dont want to give it up. It has all your information. Thats why they had to shut it down so you cant use it. Transparency is essential. Tell them everything. Thats right. A Police Officers bravery in a fire is captured on his own body camera. How he got a woman out of a burning car when the door would and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa . 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You cant always see whats coming but when you choose unitedhealthcare, finding an innetwork doctor thats close to home is easy. So what happened . I had lunch with chuck norris. Unitedhealthcare. Dramatic body camera video shows a Police Officer saving a woman tedrapp inside her burning car in washington state. The officer used his baton to smash a hole in the window while flames poured from the hood of the car. He wasnt able to unlock the door. Broken window and dragged her to safety. A neighbor also helped. Thankfully the woman wasnt hurt. When you first look at it, i wasnt sure what we were seeing. When you explain it was the body cam, what a brave thing to do. Scary. Shes okay. He was working hard. Really hard. The last two teams standing in the nfl are ready for super bowl li. Tom brady, who does he play for . The patriots. The patriots will take on the Atlanta Falcons and matt ryan. James brown is in the toyota green room. Hell tell us what to expect. 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And while it isnt for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. Noninsulin victoza® comes in a pen and is taken once a day. announcer vo victoza® is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes, and is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take victoza® if you have a personal or Family History id cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. Stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck or if you develop any allergic symptoms including itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. Serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. So, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. Tell your doctor your medical history. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. Like putting oregano in their water. It has natural antioxidants and we dont have to use antibiotics in their diet. Perdue. Over 200 products no antibiotics ever. We take some unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. For example, thyme. Its part of our 100 veggie diet and helps support their immune system. Perdue. Over 200 products no antibiotics ever. It is monday, january 23, 2017. Known around here as nora odonnells birthday. [ cheers ] give her a hug when you see her. She loves those. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news including new rules for tax Filing Season. Well ask about the changes that could slow down your refund. First, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Terror came sunday when a twister tore through here. It tossed this tractortrailer like a tonka truck. It was actually a car here overnight that was swept down the creek. We havent seen it for several hours. Right now, the bstigge risk for possible tornadic activity around the mid section of florida. A big focus of the conversation will be on creating more manufacturing jobs. You watch that first briefing by sean spicer, what concerned you . Well, what concerns me is its one thing to take on the press. Thatsim a te honored tradition in washington, d. C. The part about how many people showed up in the audience of the inauguration, who cares . Before being sworn in mr. Trump reminded the Intelligence Community of f thereailus leading up to the war in iraq. The speech saturday didnt appear to mend fences. Handwritten letters by Alexander Hamilton were sold at auction for more than 2 million. You know they are authentic because they all begin, yo, my name is hamilton and im here to say im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. At least 19 people are dead after tornadoes ambassador violent storms slammed the south. The National Weather service says t reports of tornadoes. The wave of Severe Weather injured more than 60 people. The tornadoes hit from louisiana to georgia. We have more from albany where a tornado yesterday killed four people. Mark, good morning. Reporter good morning. Now that its light everyone can see the scale and scope of the destruction here. Some of it is obvious like a tractortrailer tossed behind me. Search teams will fan out looking for more survivors and more victims, too. Storm chasers captured video of one of the reported tornadoes that devastated parts of georgia on sunday afternoon. Over the weekend more than a dozen people in georgia were killed in stormrelated accidents. Seven in one trailer park, four in another. The storm left behind roofless houses, downed power lines, rubble in this neighborhood. Overnight First Responders and volunteers searched for survivors in one mobile home community. Think how terrifying the weekend was for so many people and central georgia. In one weekend 24 reported tornadoes. Norah . Thats incredible, mark. Thank you so much. California is getting pounded by one of the largest storms in years. Heavy flooding caused flomud slides. Receive people have had to be rescued. There were at least three deaths near los angeles. Nearly four feet of water swamped roads. Life guards went door to door to help families trapped by flooding. The president will sign more executive orders this morning. He tweeted today, busy week. Planned with a heavy focus on jobs and National Security. Top executives coming at 9 00 a. M. To talk manufacturing in america. On saturday the president made claims about the size of the crowd at fridays inauguration. It looks, honestly, like a million and a half people. Whatever it was, it was. It went all the way back to the Washington Monument. I turn on and by mistake i get this network. It and it said we drew 250,000 people. Now, thats not bad. But its a lie. This is the view from the Washington Monument at the time the president gave his inaugural address. There is no official count but the crowd didnt go all the way back to the monument. White house chief of staff Reince Priebus defended the claims yesterday. There is an obsession by the media to delegitimize this president. We are not going to sit around and let it happen. We are going to fight back tooth and nail every day and twice on sunday. White house counselor Kellyanne Conway defended press Secretary Sean Spicers inaccurate statements about the crowd size saying he, quote, gave alternative facts. President trump vowed to eliminate the threat posed by isis. U. S. Backed iraqi forces are making gains in iraqs second largest city has been an isis strong holtd since 2014. Cbs news made it into eastern mosul. Charlie dagata shows us the slow, dangerous work of clearing the city. Reporter good morning. In some neighborhoods in eastern mosul things are returning to normal. Retraveled to the center of the city and witnessed some of the destruction that took place in the battle for mosul. Flattened buildings, pock marks, broken glass from shrapnel and gun fights that took place. Iraqi forces managed to liberate the city up until the tigress river. Isis holds onto the west. Clearing parts of eastern mosul is another matter. Iraqi forces will have to go house to house in order to root out isis militants who may have melted into the community and still pose a threat. Potential sleeper cells. There have will be bn distance. There have been examples already of car bombs that were hidden in garages and neighborhoods in eastern mosul that then spring into action and attack iraqi forces. U. S. And Coalition Forces have blown up most of the bridges leading to mosul which will complicate things for iraqi forces. Isis maintains control of the region. The last big battle for iraqi forces is facing isis in western mosul. It represents the last real stronghold that isis has in iraq. They are not likely to give it up without a fight. For cbs this morning, Charlie Dagata in mosul. Football fans in new england and atlanta have good reason to celebrate this morning. The new England Patriots punched a ticket to super bowl li yesterday with a convincing victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. Quarterback tom brady is seeking his fifth championship wi falcons who crushed the Green Bay Packers yesterday. It is their first super bowl appearance since 1998. James brown, host of nfl today is here with predictions for the matchup. Ooh, predictions . Yeah obviously the diet continues. Youre looking better and better. Thank you very much. Without the spanx. Was the liposuction painful . Not as bad as they said. No, you look great. Gayle makes me blush. You look great. This is the match between brady and matt . Or is it a question of who has the best defense . Its both questions. Of course the public and the press will focus on the marquee names but it is really about organizations. New england is the best there is. In an era of designed parity in the National Football league, they are the dominant team. They get it done with key players, but a great talent evaluator Bill Belichick is. Especially tom brady wasnt there for the first four games. Gronkowski was out and he looked sad watching. Because norah wasnt with him. Brady comes back and they go 131. The guy is playing a game in football vernacular we say the game is moving slowly in front of him. The unsung hero is it starts in the trenches. You need somebody to protect him. They get it done and the defense does it collectively. Tom brady needs to get better and better. He threw 384 yards against the steelers. The patriots post season record. He kept throwing to hogan who was there. A couple of times wide open. Doesnt that speak about the genius of Bill Belichick who would watch a guy like chris hogan, an exlacrosse he liked the intangibles at the table. They get it done. If i were to listen to you i may not go there if i were the Atlanta Falcons. They just smashed the Green Bay Packers. Absolutely. Tom brady has all the time in the world. Youre good. Gayle has impressed you now, influenced you. Arthur is a good guy. Even going through the michael vick saga he was there cheering vick on. He has a great offense there. Matt ryan should be the mvp. They have a lot of options, as my producer Alvin Patrick was saying. No, no. They are a talented team. New england can get inside your head before the game starts. Somebody got inside Aaron Rodgers head. What a blowout. For Aaron Rodgers i give him credit. It just so happened to me and clause may hey is he not the enforcer . Football on the line for syracuse, they just ran into a better team. Are you expecting a good game . We had such blowout this is weekend. What are you expecting . We all want a great game. As john madden used to say they dont play the games on paper. Lets see what happens on the field. Right. On paper it should be a good matchup. The leagues number one scoring team against the defense that allows the fewest points. You tell me, give me one stars name on defense for new england. Its team oriented. You cant think about it. The patriots have the edge now . Absolutely. Couple of touchdown favorites . Youre good. I never predict a winner from a tv standpoint. I always want to see a competitive game. Or norah up in bob crafts box. You know what jersey i will be wearing on super bowl sunday. Tony gonzales i was thinking of him yesterday. So excited for that. Im not going to touch that. Thank you very much. Thank you, j. B. , good to see you. Good to see you guys. Tax season gets under way today. New laws could affect how you get your refund. Whats changing and how to get Melania Trump prejudiced to help bullying in her role as first lady. We have to find a better way to walk with each other, respect each other. Ahead, what her First Priority will be. Youre watching cbs this morning. cheering chers nobody would believe youre eating bacon. Pizza i have chips every day you can have whatever you want, its just making smart choices about eating. Bring on the food were having it all i feel good about myself. Yeah best decision of my life. It always feels good when somebody says you look good. Arent we glad we did it . Yes were doing it cheering in the first two months, members have lost 15 more weight than on our prior program. Join for free and get one month free. Hurry, offer ends february 1st. My hygi. A mouthwash. O try. So i tried crest. It does so much more than give me fresh breath. Crest prohealth mouthwash provides all. Of these benefits to help you get better dental checkups. Go pro with crest mouthwash. Checkup . Nailed it whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums fotheres a seriousy boomers virus out there thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. One in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most dont even know it. Because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and its not tested for in routine blood work. The cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. Ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. Its the only way to know for sure. Does your makeup remover every kissproof,ff . Cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. One hundred thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. Again so i can lift even the most demanding weight. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. Now verified non gmo and gluten free. Tax Filing Season begins today. Did you know . There are rule changes that could affect your refund. This years deadline is april 18. You have three extra days to file. The irs expects more than four of five taxpayers to file electronically. Cbs news financial contributor melly hobson is in san francisco. Thats why you see the golden gate bridge. Melody, good to see you. The question everybody wants to know is how to get money back or how not to pay. What will these changes mean . I cant tell you how not to pay. But in terms of how to get money back one of the things the irs has on their brain is fraud. They want to diminish fraud. They are trying to do it with additional verifications. So for some people the return could be slowed down if you claim the earned income tax credit or the additional child tax credit. The irs are going to d additional wont mail out those returns until after february 15. For most people, nine of ten people they say you will get your return in 21 days. You can actually log onto the irs website. Irs. Gov and track your refund with a tool that they have called wheres my refund. Whats the Free File Program . If you make under 64,000 a year, you have an opportunity to get Free Tax Software to be able to file online for free. This is software thats a joint venture with the irs and a number of commercial tax providers. Think everyone from h r block to tax slayer. This is software that normally costs 20 to 50 dollars. You can do this for free. Those providers also say in addition some of them to filing your federal returns for free, they will file your state returns as well. The will qualify for the Free File Program. Is tax return fraud on the decline . Yes. Down 50 in the last couple of years. Thats a big deal. They are trying to make sure they continue it continues to diminish with something they are doing new this year which is their version of two factor authenticati authentication. Before, to prove you were yourself you gave your Social Security number. Now they are going to ask some individuals to also provide their adjusted gross income figure from their last return. Just another way of verifying and proving that you are you. In terms of the people you know in the Financial Community and the investment community, do they believe there will be a trump premium on the market . This is much in debate right now. We had such a huge bump. It was called the trump bump, following the election. Wee market rose very swiftly. Hover here. Not be able to break through the dow 20,000 number. There is a lot of wait and see now. The sense that it moved very fast and people are now saying, you know, lets see what you get done. All right. Thank you so much. Thank you. Always good to see you. Firefighters come to the rescue of dozens of animals. Ahead, how they saved more than 100 pigs and pig lets from a burning barn in siberia. Youre watching cbs this morning. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Sted for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. This is a strategyis, fid recommend. This actually makes sense. Now on the next page youll see a breakdown of costs. What . Its just. We were going to ask about it but we werent sure when. So thanks. Yeah, thats great. Being clear and upfront. Multiplied by 14,000 financial advisors, its a big deal. And its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Well, russian firefighters are heroes in an unusual rescue. They pulled around 150 pigs and pig lets from a burning barn in siberia friday. 25 firefighters formed a human chain to get the animals to safety in the bitter cold. The cost of the fire is still cause of the fire is still under investigation. No firefighters were hurt. And the pigs were all rescued . Thats what we hear . Whatever works. The squealing is disconcerting. I know thats the sound they make. Theyre cute. Very cute. Reminds me of charlottes web. There was a fire in the barn. I remember that story. I like pigs. I like pigs, too. And other things, too. I was going to make a bacon joke, but i wont. Every continent including safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour, millions of people participated in the protest. Over the weekend for womens rights. Jo di canter is in the green room now. Well find out whether this attempt to create a movement can succeed. Plus one of Melania Trumps roles has nothing to do with politics. How shell work to keep her family life stable. The New York Times reports on a lawsuit expected to be filed against President Trump. It alleges mr. Trump is violating the constitution by allowing his businesses to accept payments from foreign governments. It is fear ed american official could be corrupted by gifts. The case is being brought by a group including former white house ethics lawyers. The New York Times also reports that starting today snapchat is cleaning up the news service. They updated guidelines to restrict publishers from posting misleading and explicit images ahead of an initial Public Offering expected for this spring by snapchat parent company. Madonna spoke in washington. I have thought a lot about blowing up the white house. Her comments got the attention of the white house. She said i am not a violent person. I do not promote violence and it is important people hear and understand my speech in its entirety rather than one phrase taken wildly out of context. The only way to change for the better is to do it usa today says Roger Federer is playing better and better. It looks ahead to the quarter finals of the australian open. The swiss star defeated a japanese player yesterday. This is federers First Official tournament after missing six months with a knee injury. Look at that shot, guys. Cross court and down the line. No one has played the game more beautifully. Hes using his knees. They seem to be working oak. Thats what you do. Its very pretty to watch after his knee surgery. And new Research Shows anxiety might be more common among older people than previously thought. Up to 20 of seniors may suffer anxiety disorders. Marked by overwhelming worry, thoughts of dread and an inability to re, la. Relax. Organizers of the marches are looking to transform the energy from the weekend protest into action. Hundreds of thousands of people showed up for the womens march on washington. The crowd was more than double what planners predicted. More than 500 rallies across the country from new york city to seattle drew huge crowds of people. Many of them spoke out against the expected policies of President Trump. The president responded on twitter saying, quote, was under the impression that with just had an election. Why didnt these people vote . Later he characterized the protest as a hallmark of democracy adding even if i dont always agree i recognize the rights of people to express their views. Alex wagner covered the marches. Good morning. Good morning. Millions of women marching saturday look to take aim at the policies and actions they are expecting to face during the Trump Administration. They hope the enthusiasm will translate into a grassroots movement. The crowds clogging the streets of the Nations Capital were so massive organizers had to abandon the route originally planned. One of the four national cochairs of the womens march on washington is bob bland. Saturdays march was well beyond any of the expectations any of the founders or organizers could have had. My body, my choice reporter women, men and children, many wearing pink pussy cat hats packed the National Mall where a day earlier President Donald Trump was sworn into office. Teacher Maria Christina came from newark, new jersey. The new president is at home right over our shoulders. Whats your message to him . We will come out and protest and let ourselves be heard. Expect this many times over. Reporter there were enormous crowds in blue bass chons like san francisco. Americans also showed up by the thousands in red strongholds including alaska, indiana and tennessee. Organizers trying to capitalize on momentum have already launched a campaign encouraging marchers to send postcards to senators. The first of ten actions planned for the Trump Administrations first 100 days. A lot of the Partner Organizations are still very involved and enthusiastic about whats to come. We won the popular vote people were so cynical and skeptical of what women can achieve we proved to the world that when women lead, women will be successful. The Biggest Issue on the minds of many of the protesters we spoke to was Womens Health care and the republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care act. President trumps executive actions this weekend targeting key provisions of the law is only adding to the anxiety surrounding dont go anywhere. Joining us now is cbs news contributor and correspondent for the New York Times jody cantor. Welcome. Thank you. There were a lot of pink hats and they said they would have given the march an 11 out of 10. They said it was peaceful and the message was heard. What stood out for you . Turn out beat expectations not only in new york and washington and la, but across the nation and the world. I talked to women who marched in cheyenne, wyoming, small towns in minnesota, pennsylvania. I want to tell you the story about a librarian named Michelle Barton in northern minnesota, so stirred by the idea of the march she decided to march herself. She was going to go down the street all alone but in the end 60 people joined her. What might become of the marches . Thats the question. If you look at the signs which was a fascinating project. There wereo causes represented. The uniting factor was a vitriolic operation against President Trump. My colleagues wrote about this today and quoted a democrat saying trump is the cure. Not meaning trump is the cure to the nations ills but trump is the cure to democratic enemy. I kept hearing organizers say this is not an antitrump rally. This is about women speaking out. It didnt seem the case when i watched. They focused on this coalesce sense of a number of causes whether immigrants rights, reproductive rights or free speech. In the end, the tone and i think jodi saw it, too, was antitrump. The interesting thing is a lot of the women were grandmothers, mothers and daughters. This was an intergenerational happening. These women will continue conversations at home and intended to continue conversations nationally as activists. 53 of white trump. Where were these women many im sure voted. Where was the movement to propel Hillary Clinton into the white house that many thought would propel her into the white house . President trump tweeted the same idea. I read that. He said did these women vote. Many of them probably did. I think it goes to the diversity and the huge divide in the country. Leading candidates for the Democratic National committee. Were any of them there . No. My colleague reported they were at a weekend retreat for donors. What does that say about the future of the Political Party trying to harness the power on display . I think it is complicated. This is a day after the president was inaugurated. Democrats have been focused on a peaceful transition of power. Elected officials may have voiced their support privately but didnt feel it was appropriate to stand at the foot of the white house on President Trumps first day protesting his future administrati organization and as alex said, an intergenerational approach that the Democratic Party didnt have. So it was a legitimate movement now . Just a one off . What happens now . There were the stirrings of it. Part of what was impressive. The hats women stayed home and knitted. Signs they made themselves. What a lot of people said about the signs is the hand made signs feel so much more authentic than the mass produced hillary signs people waved at the convention. Is it comparable to anything in history we have seen . I think whats special about this, whats distinctive about this was the day after a president s inauguration, to see so many people around the country and the world rise up and say we are fundamentally not okay with this man being president. We think it puts at risk things we believe in. A preemptive strike not just nationally but in the size of the crowds around the globe. You look at the New York Times map. There are dots on the earth. These are people uniting for a man who had one day in office. Yesterday women were asked what theynt with aed going forward. They talked a little bit about the causes. They really said i want a different president. I hear that. Could it begin there and become something larger in terms of the empowerment of women and crucial issues for women and their place and their opportunity to participate in the world that we live in . I think well see a choice by President Trump for the supreme court. What that judge, justice or persons view on abortion may add to that. What happens with the repeal of the Affordable Care act whether that repeals the preventative measures that allow women covered birth control. Would some of the women who marched be willing t w republicans . For example, many are you able are in favor of paid family leave and the Trump Administration may have a proposal on that. Would the marchers back that or do they want to a pose everything from this oppose everything from this president. There is definitely interest in signups. Its called the womens march on washington. Were there people signing them up . Was there a master list being created . Social media was huge. Signups online. I hope there is a way to Work Together on this. Thank you. Melania trump is taking a different approach to her role as first lady. What sets her apart as she we take some unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. Like putting oregano in their water. It has natural antioxidants and we dont have to use antibiotics in their diet. Perdue. Over 200 products no antibiotics ever. We take some unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. For example, thyme. Its part of our 100 veggie diet and helps support their immune system. Perdue. Over 200 products no antibiotics ever. Melania trump tweeted from her official flotus twitter account saying she was deeply honored to serve this wonderful country as first lady. She was next to her husband when he assumed the presidency on friday. She will not be constantly at his side at least for now. Heres how shes expected to take on her new role. Jan, good morning. Reporter good morning. The first lady of the United States is an unofficial ambassador. Shes like a voice of the American People. Its an unpaid position, but it comes with a sizable implied as she starts the week with her son in new york city and not in d. C. With President Trump it is clear shell do the role her way. Melania trump has not yet made her First Official statement as first lady. An Inauguration Day her ensemble seemed to speak for her. Her outfit, designed by ralph lauren looked like a throwback to a predecessor. People are saying she looks jackie o. In powder blue from head to toe. Reporter shes only the second foreignborn first lady in u. S. History. Our first lady. Also one of the only ones to speak five languages. Reporter president and mrs. Trump were introduced by this man. The values, shh care she gives to the child she would wring to the white house and make it unique. Reporter through much of the sidelines. But thrust into the spotlight at the Republican National convention she became the target of social media roasting. [ together ] that your word is your bond and you do what you say. Reporter after a speech included several passages mirrorimirro mirroring Michelle Obamas address in 2003. She later pledged to fight bullying as first lady. We have to find a better way to talk with each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other. Reporter days before the election melania made it clear her First Priority is still her son. 10yearold baron. Im a full time mother to our son, an incredible boy. Reporter shes chosen to live with him in new york until at least the end of the school year. Anita mcbride, former chief of staff for laura bush said she grappled with the same thing. One of the importan family life, a sanctuary around the president that keeps family life as stable as possible. This is an enormous amount of pressure on a family, particularly when there are young children. Reporter another Critical Role for the first lady, first adviser. Melania told 60 minutes correspondent leslie staal she shares her opinions with President Trump, even when it comes to his tweets. Sometimes it got him in trouble. But it helped a lot as well. He had unbelievable following. You never say, come on i did. She does. Of course i did many times. From the beginning of the campaign. Does he listen to you . Sometimes he listens. For her role at the white house, Melania Trump said shes going to stay true to herself. Im very strong and tough and confident and i will listen to myself and do what is right and at among all the other celebrations this weekend the first couple celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary. The role of the first lady has changed dramatically. Only time will tell how melania will leave her mark on the white house. Norah . Thank you. The people that know her say shes not a wall flower and she speaks her mind. Because we dont know much right now they are focused on her fashion. She was aplusplus for that. We wouldnt want a wall flower. Its great she speaks her mind. She walks in high heels on the parade route. Pretty good. Beautiful. Awesome. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. The new administration starts. Yes, thats right. That does it for us. Tune in to the cbs this morning tonight and w you tomorrow right here on cbs this morning. We are live at the Humane Rescue Alliance learning how you can add a furry friend to your family. It is monday, january 23. This is great day washington. Good morning, my friends. Welcome. My name is chris leary. It is monday and i am washington. We had a big weekend here. A big political storm. Now we have this rain storm. No matter the weather, things are always heating up in washington, dc. Thats good. Social media is still on fire from the weekends events. Chelsea clinton is receiving praise and criticism over this tweet she posted sunday morning where she wrote baron trump deserves a chance, every child does, to be a kid. Then she went onto say, where people are criticizing and praising, takes a jab at President Trump with standing up for every kid also means opposing potus policies that hurts kids. Since Inauguration Day there have been social media about baron trump. The consensus seems to be that growing up in the white house during the awkward years isnt easy. We should all agree that kids are off limits no matter what you think of their parents political stance. I think thats fair. She stuck up for baron because she knows the life. But then she went for trump. He is open, i guess. Every president is. The president before him, before him, before him. Thats a good idea. Leave the kids alone. Absolutely. Wait until they grow up and then bash them like it seems like we do everybody else. Unfortunately. Superbowl teams are set. It will be the Atlanta Falcons against the new England Patriots. Both teams won their games handily yesterday. The pats have been on the superbowl stage nine times in franchise history. The falcons were there once. Both quarterbacks are

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