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Delays and cancellations across the brunswick line becae of trees along the track. So if that is your way to work, enu might want to think of something differ it may not happen for you. No problems on the beltway. This is just cleared. Beltsville at 295 at 212 and that is now gone. 66 and 95, no problems. Heat is being blameddfor the th of a woman who took a weekend hike along the Montgomery County trail. She was on the bill goat trail near great fall on saturday. She suffered what is being described as a heatrelated emergency. She was taken to the hospital where she died on sunday, the trail was closed. First responder tell us that the high temperatures andumidity with that hikers can quickly run into trouble. Wealked about hiking early in the morning or later in the evening when its cooler times and middle of the day is not a od time. What youve done yesterday and the day before as far as hydration will help you today. We are still working to learn when the trail will reopen. Thes heat i also im cting firefighters. As you can imagine, many of them battled not only the flames but tripledegree temperatures and the humidity. A fire started on the back deck and moved to this two story restaurant on 14th street. D. C. Fire said the heat did impact their ality to put it out quickly and no one was hurt. The cause of the fire, though, has not been determined. Today, d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and the police chief will address the shootings in the city. Gun violence took place all across the district. The youngest victim was brown who was karon unned down on thursday night. Police in Howard County said a homeowner shot and killed a man who tried to force his way into ahome. It happened early sunday morning. Police say Gerardo Espinoza started banging on the door of a home and the couple yelled at him to leave and when he wouldnt, the homeowner Charles Dorsey grabbed his gun and opened fire. He was clearly trying to make entry using the door knob so i dont know whatreword we exchanged specifically between e them, excpt that the homeowner repeatedly told the suspect to leave the property. Detectives believe espinoza had en staying at afriends house in the neighborhood. We are still working to find out if dorsey and espinoza knew each other. This morninm a d. C. Comunity is on edge after a gunman shot a man outside of a church and stole a car. D. C. N police are looking for that gunman. This shooting happened yesterday morning outsidehi the ia Christian Church along 22nd street in northeast d. C. Police say the victim and another person walked outside when theyoticed a suspect stealing a car. When the man tried to stop the gunman, he was shot. He is expected to ivsurv the Church Administrator said the victim was attending a special ceremony for his child. We have a lot of things ready. Food, beverage and everything. There was a ceremony going on. Police say the suspect drove off in a stolen Gray Toyota Corolla with maryland tags 5cdx96. Today, the public will have a chance to y final respects to the la Supreme Court Justice John Paul stevens. He will lie in repose at the u. S. Supreme court. Private ceremony will begin at 9 30m. The public is invited to pay respects from 10 30 a. M. Until 8 00 p. M. A private Funeral Service will be held at the National Arlington ceremony tomorrow. The week has arrived. Former special koucounsel rober tmueller is preparing testify on wednesday before congress. Hell speak to the house judiciary and intelligence committee. For almost two years, mueller submitted his findings back in march. Today, investigators will be back at the scene of a crane collapse in new jersey. The massive piece of equipment came crashing down around 7 00 last night and smashed into homesnd caused serious damage. Remarkably, no one was hurt. Its believed winds brought on storms caused the damage there. Thimorning, there are heightening tensions with iran. Theresa may will cha an emergency meeting today. The uk government says the seizure was in cleari violat of internal law. Iran says it was enforcing internal law. You can see here in the video, iran released the video showing the mass commandos repelling from helicopters. There are now questions on whether it was payback for britain seizing an Iran Oil Tanker around the fourth of july. My americans say they feel unprepared to be an opportunity and not because of school but bause of something they say their parents are doing. We will tell yous what it i coming up. Plus, a relaxing day on a boat becomes a Close Encounter with a shark. We will show you more of this wild video when 4 continues. Oh, my gosh , my goodness. Talk about a fish tale. A family boating off the coast of cape cod, massachusetts, got bit too close to a white you can see in this video, while trying to snag a fish off the line. No one was hurt but this isnt an isolated incident. Thven more than 100 shark s chutings thisummer with more than 30 near cape cod. Stay away from the water up in that area of new gland. Trouble came from beach goers at Clearwater Beach in florida. A Lightning Strike injured one critically. Ne er the Lightning Strike, wlczt into cardiac arrest and remains in the hospital this morning and seven others are recovering. If you are a parent you may be living this next story. A new studyhows teens may not be ready to become adults. Researchers at the University Michigan found 97 of parents are helping their teens become independent. Re than half of those surveyed said their teens characteristics like maturity and not having time are barrier for teens to become independent. Related to health care. If youre making all of their doctors appointments, it will be tough for them to make their own doctors appointments. Let them become independent i struggle with that every day. One little guy enjoying being a kid turns 6 toda there he is. Happy birthda to prince george. The photos were taken by his emother. Shs quite the photographer. Prince george third in line for the british throne. So cute. Just so cute. Okay. Back here, chuck, we are still sweltering. A little bit of a break rye now, though, this morning. Reasonable enough on a monday morning. Temperatures are down below 80 degrees which should happen over the weekend for many spot. A chance for Severe Weather today andl fding late tonight into tomorrow. Your forecast is coming up. Plus, President Trump turns up the hee at with four democrac congresswomen. The attack he launched over the weekend. Ar we back here at 4 44 on your monday morning. We are in weather alerod. Another hot day expected out there and we may see another round of strong storms this afternoon. Storm team 4 chuck bell is tracking it all for you and he will join us in a few minutes. It is not only the heat wave entering its second week. De presi trumps feud with the four democratic lawmakers continue to dwight congress. More than a week ago, the present took to twitter and suggest the women go back to where they came from. Yesterday, he claims they are incapable of lovingei th country. Tracie potts is joining us likely on capitol hill. At is the goal of the president . This snt want to let fight in. Reporter he is not letting go. E thesident is doubling down on what ed about those woen, not only saying that they are incapable of loving the countryt abouthey should apologize to america, to israi for some of the comments that they have made and that they are weak and insecure. Questions floating around capitol hill whether President Trump is a racist. Congress, the houseoc demts, said what ed, that his original tweet was racist, but insisting he is not, one of his top advisers Stephen Miller over the weekend said just because you criticize someone of color doesnt mean it is a racist comment. A obviously, notll democrats and not all repuicans here are agreeing with so thatdebate is going favorite. We have also learned that the Trump Campaign is now using this fight to raise moneythor president s reelection. Two of the women were mentioned in a f recentndraising email to support s. Thank you, tracie potts, up on capitohill. A new fight is brewingmong virginias democrats. Its all over an invite that was exended to President Trump to attend the 400th anniversary of representative governm america and it is scheduled for july 30th in jamestown. Democratic state lawmakers reaten tooycott any ceremony attended by the president saying President Trump doesnt represent the values. The event they are celebrating, they slammed Governor Ralph Northam for inviting the president. Lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax plans to attend, releasing this statement, quote. The white house has not confirmed that the president will attend. Today, congressman Jerry Connolly will host a round table discussion at 11 00 this morning athe he wants to encourage participation by communities who may be fearful after President Trumps failed push to add the shape question. In puerto rico, the islands governor refuigd to over the weekend but he did say he will not seek reelection next year, and will step down as head of his political party. He addressed the situation on facebook following a week of protests down there. All of the troubles began after locaedia gave access to se of his private messages. They then published them. He had made profanit remarks. Phobic a fighter jet coming extremely close to a navy plane over the caribbean. The u. S. Navy leader sayjehe was aggressively shadowing the u. S. Fighter jet in u. S. Space. The trump administrati announced it was sanctioning our top officials in Venezuela Military encounter intelligence agency. The plane didnt collide but navy officialsay venezuelas jet endangered the safety of the crew andrd jeopaed the mission. Over the weekend, the american citizen accused of traveling overseas that joined a isis is appng in court. He was born in kazakhstan but vestigators say he went to syria to train isis fights. Police say an undercover operative working overseas met him and learned what he had do. He was arrested and brought back to the United States and is accused of setting up terrorist training camps. He could face up to 20 years in prison. Switching gears here. The Summer Travel season is in full swing d far fromover. This morning, the news4 i team is working for you. Ny ane heading to the airport needs to hear this. A rising number of people are causing disruptions at are airports. They are caught carrying weapons in their bags. Scott macfarlane and the news4 iteam looked into this. Reporter we found people arrested by the dozensur in o local airports this year including at Reagan National and bwi and dulles national. E iteam did some digging and found those arrested avoid jail. Most instead paid fines and complred Community Service o unsupervisized release and most had their cases eventually ghif dismissed. We found many are happening in frequent flyers who undergo background checks first. Like a loudoun countyd man a me not to show his face out of concern pubs coulicity could com his job. Maybe when you travel enough and you think that airport is just like your home because that is exactly how i thought it. Reporter tonight as part of our investigation, why oneocal Prosecutor Says she does not seek jail enforcement for those stopped in airports with guns and people in other states face higher punishment. For now at Reagan National, scott macfarlane, news4 iteam. Not only the d. C. Region that saw Severe Weather over the weekend. The midwest got hit hard. Storm damage can be found across the southeastern wisconsin. Strong wind and pounding rains took down power lines and tree limb and a lot of people lost power. This morning, many of them are still in the dark. Right now, we have not hrd about any injuries in the area. That rough weather extended into western michigan as well. Wind gusts clocked at 70 miles an hour. Homes there were damaged with all of those ee came crashing down. Also good news. No injuries were reported. In our n we have people area last night in the dark as a result of the storms that came througho even mre widespread chance of thunderstorms later o today. They have been just sort of vere isolad in nature the lastou cple of days forming in the intense heatpdf  and humidity e have ha now we actually have a trigger to cause the develop storms. That is a cold front which brought that Severe Weather to wisconsin and michigan. You just saw the video of. T thafront is due to arrive here t onhe i95 corridor. Not too long into the Tuesday Morning commute. Ahead of that could be a very busy afternoon from a severe we ather perspectivend potentially some locally heala rate tonight. Right now, just a few fair weather cloud overnight. National airport below 80 r degs. A step in the right direction. Temperatures. In the mid70s now in montgomery unty, 75 frederick, maryland. 72 martinsburg and i have good news. Later on into the week, thursday, maybe friday morning, much ofhe Shenandoah Valley and parts of maryland in the 50s. 50s ed yes a real cold front will be making its way here and bring an end to the heat wave. Good riddance to this one. 93 today. Its going to be hot and humid before the storms get going today. Heat index close to hundred degree andtorms going at 3 00 or shortly thereafter could have yebig impact on the evening commute. Low zone is the Severe Weather risk for today. The highest risk any way. Thunderstorms this morning near pittsburgh and more this morning, across parts of the ohio river valleyal and along and ahead of the cold front that is due to arrive here tomorrow. Fso here isure weather. A quiet morning commute for the monday ride in to work. Through quiet weath noon time. In the 90s. Hot and humid today. Here comes our storm chance at 3 00 in the afternoon. Storms likely from frederick, maryland, to leesburg and manassas and foreheredericksbur. Watch what happens overni. Ht tonight more pockets of heavy rain by this time tomorrow could have thunder and lightning around here and tuday morning commute may be the wettest stretch out after that, we dry out and turn just lovely aund here. Good morning, Melissa Mollet. Good morning. 270 germanyin town road northbound and southbound nothing in your way. Everything looking good there at 118. Nice and clear. Same situation on the beltway. No road work to even be worried about or complain about this morning. 66 and 95 in and out of town rolling along nicely. Reminder on the brunswicklines, delays and cancellation because of trees down on the tracks. So if you take that line, check ahead and see if you can get to where youre going this morning. Might want to think about an alterna e. What better for gas mileahee . Running t a. C. Or driving with wins down in according to theen ronmental protection agency, you dont have to swe to save the fuel. The epa says putting the air on is much more efficient. This says opening the windows puts more strain our cars engine. I always run t. All the time a School District going to extreme to get parents to pay up for their kid school lunches. This story is getting a lot of chatter online. Rouly 1,000 students a Pennsylvania School owe a total of 22,000. To get that money, administrators sent a lett ome to parents saying if they didnt ldpay, they couose custody of their kid in a court battle. This might be a bit too heavy for some people. No one wants to take their kid away from them or todvocate that, but we were not getting a response. I guess that is one way to do it. The school is issuing letters of apologies saying it went too far. Ho who will watch all of those kid . S paying that bill . See you can do that all right. They learned their lesson there. They did. 4 55. New on news4 today, youre seeing the backtoschool sales in stores. We are working for you with which items that expts say you should buy right now and which youait on. Plus, Cold Brew Coffee is all the rage this summer. Do you drink cold brew . I do. I have to try it. T withhe extra sugar and calories you mayhybe sing away from trying one. That will keep me away. We will show you how to find the healthiest cold brew out there. You got your homahork . Yeah. Hey, give me a kiss. Announf r whats the rolecar company . [ kisses ] announcer to take your kids to and from school . Dont forget your science project. No ancer we think it can be something bigger. Everybody take your seats. Announcer this summer, volkswagen is supporting americas teachers. Y announcer visitr vw dealer to learn how you can join in. Announcer now during the volkswagen drive bigger event, get a 1,000 purchase bonus on 2019 jetta, tiguan, and select atlas models. Heat and humidity and storms in the forecast today. Good morning. Aarogilchrist and eun yang have the morning off. I hope they are sleeping in. Im molette green. Im jummy olabanji. We are helping you t the week started on the right foot Melissa Mollet is standing by with your traffic. But lets get it started with storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. It wonting as hot over the weekend. Satury and sunday heat index up to 110. Todays heat index is 100 but that is way more tolerable than over the weekend. We are in weather alert mode. Not just for the heat and humidity but the risk for Severe Weather later todayd and coul lead to a flood threat late tonight into the first half of your tuesday. All of the immediate d. C. Is under a Flash Flood Watch that starts lat theis evening. St. Marys county and cal vert county could be close to 100 h degreat index. The rest of us Severe Weather between 3 00 a 11 00. Rain could be heavy overnight. Widespread amounts 1 to 1. 5 inches but as cmuch as 3 inches is possible later tonight. Your planner is about to 5 to 10 degrees cooler than the sameye time erday. There is your planner

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