Show you an extraordinary statement from the head of the worlds most powerful military, Generaljim Mathis has issued a statement from the pentagon that this warning. Mathis said north korea should seize any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people. That follows Sabre Rattling reminders from the president himself, saying his first order as president was to renovate and modernise our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before. The tough rhetoric comes than ever before. The tough rhetoric co m es after than ever before. The tough rhetoric comes after this statement on north koreas state television. With medium to long range strategic Ballistic Rossouw s sick missiles, we have the ability to hit us air bases on guam. That followed donald trump was burst of anger when he said any further Missile Launchers from north korea would result in fire and fury like the world had never seen. All of this stemmin
Show you an extraordinary statement from the head of the worlds most powerful military, Generaljim Mathis has issued a statement from the pentagon that this warning. Mathis said north korea should seize any consideration of actions that would lead to the end of its regime and the destruction of its people. That follows Sabre Rattling reminders from the president himself, saying his first order as president was to renovate and modernise our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before. The tough rhetoric comes than ever before. The tough rhetoric co m es after than ever before. The tough rhetoric comes after this statement on north koreas state television. With medium to long range strategic Ballistic Rossouw s sick missiles, we have the ability to hit us air bases on guam. That followed donald trump was burst of anger when he said any further Missile Launchers from north korea would result in fire and fury like the world had never seen. All of this stemmin
Him through this committee for eight months. So i think following proceed sure is something that you have to look at because your idea is not really point of order. The time has expired. If he wishes. He doesnt wish. Good morning, mr mr. Lewandowski. Im questioning you right now. Thank you. The president asked you who had no role at all in the white house to deliver that message to Attorney General sessions. The president could have just picked up the phone himself at any time and called the Attorney General. The president also had a full staff of executive employees right down the hall. So this made me wonder. The president thought what he was doing was legal, why didnt he just pick up the phone and
call Attorney General sessions, or why not ask any member of his staff who worked right down the hall to deliver a message . It is clear to me that the reason he went to you, mr. Lewandowski, is because everyone said no. So i want to ask you about that. Two days before meeting you, the pre
Mr. Buck votes aye. Mr. Ratcliffe . Yes. Ms. Roby votes aye. Mr. Gaetz votes aye. Mr. Johnson of louisiana votes aye. Mr. Biggs votes aye. Mr. Mcclintock votes aye. Ms. Lesko votes aye. Mr. Reschenthaler votes aye. Mr. Cline votes aye. Ms. Armstrong votes yes. Any members wish to vote who havent voted . The clerkve will report. Mr. Richmond, you are not recorded. No. Mr. Richmond votes no. Ared there any other member who havent voted who wish to vote . The clerk will report. Mr. Chairman there are 17 ayes and 23 nos. The agreement is not agreed to. Any substitute . Mr. Gates . I have an amendment at the desk. The gentleman has an amendment at thetl desk. The clerk will report the amendment. The gentlelady reserves point of order. Amendment to Thein Amendmentn the nature of a substitute offered by mr. Gates of florida page three strike lines 10 through 11 and insert the following. A, aer wellknown Corrupt Compa Burisma and corrupt hiring of hunter biden. The gentleman is recognized to e
you think? i think it would instantly spark a recession. i actually hope you may get breaking news soon but i hope this goes up to the 11th hour because the crisis is the only thing that s going to force bipartisan compromise. our debt has gone from $22 trillion in 2019 to $32 trillion now in a very short span and we need to go on a diet. the only way it seems to force a compromise is the need to lift the debt ceiling. so i hope this goes on for a bit so that we can put in place a spending cap. matt higgins, thanks so much. we ve got to cut this short because as i was just indicating, this just in to cnn. new reporting on the state of talks to avoid a debt default and an economic catastrophe. priscilla alvarez is at the white house for us and manu raju is on capitol hill. guys, are you with me?