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Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20180328 02:02:00

killed on a tight leash if you will tell us about that. not as tight as some would like to see but yes in fact there is a russian mission inside nato premises and i've covered the building for so long that it doesn't surprise me anymore until today i got so many questions why does russia have you know a representative mission inside inside nato's nato to nato territory inside nato headquarters it does sound surprising now now that i think about it so what this will do is is further restrict the number of people who can work there after the annexation of crimea in twenty fourteen nato told russia it had to downsize this mission from fifty people to thirty people so that was a pretty big cut now today they've told them they need to reduce it even further from thirty people to a maximum of twenty people so that means much fewer people working here and in fact already only the nato ambassador post which is they can at the moment the deputy ambassador and to support staff are even allowed to walk around and escorted and that was a big change after crimea because before then the russian diplomats could mingle with everybody else in the cafeteria in the hallways wherever they wanted to be now it's on a on a very tight leash even including the you know the communications people when they want to meet with with journalists they need to be escorted to see us in the press area so. there was no change in those rules today it would be hard to restrict that further but yeah you won't you don't see them wandering around nato headquarters anymore today the u.s. speaker of the house was indeed czech republic if you spoke to parliament they are about the russian threat to take a listen russia has violated its international norms with its aggression against our closest allies in eastern europe. more furtively it spreads this information and engages in cyber attacks it meddles in democratic elections throughout europe as it did in the united states solidarity this phone tira freedom is more important than ever it's everything really so terror you'd spent years covering the nato especially its expansion into eastern europe what do you make then of paul ryan speaking to the czech parliament about russia i think those are some very clear terms coming from washington about the conclusions that they finally come to on russia's intentions to to meddle in foreign policy here in europe and in elections as well as in the united states again i think it remains to be seen what kind of effect these expulsions will have on russia's intention of making things right with this all very attack in nato and other countries have said they haven't shown any constructive attitude in trying to resolve this case however that may may come out but i think that this this intense momentum of pressure on moscow may finally bring a change the biggest explosions we've seen since the biggest number of explosions we've seen since the cold war so yeah i think if anything is going to change the kremlin tactics this may be it yeah i mean it is unprecedented what we're seeing and you have to wonder the whole scheme of things what nato did today this announcement is it more symbolic then substantive i mean reducing your mission there by a third is it going to really handicap espionage. i don't know if the purpose was specifically to handicap espionage because most russian espionage is not the most likely done out of missions like this but it does send a signal as secretary general stolzenberg said that all these countries are united and that's not an easy thing to do you've got eastern european countries like hungry. sometimes greece not being so on board with with taking a harsh stance on russia so i think again this this it is surprising to let amir putin and he may well have to change the way he does business it wouldn't be nato by itself just like it wouldn't be the u.k. by itself it wouldn't be the u.s. by itself but this incredible wave of expulsions of the recall of the e.u. ambassador perhaps all this together may change the way the kremlin is doing the way it handles other countries we have to see you never know with them to church you never know corresponded to results tonight in brussels as always gerri thank you very much it's a pleasure to be with you still ahead on the day between a nigger in sorrow russian parents demanding answers after a fire in a siberian shopping mall at least sixty four people died most of them were children and they may have been trapped in soccer. i think these two are minor i mean we could identify my children with them because they suffocated by the most other children that were brought had only half of a head was if they were here without hands and legs. or will the c.e.o. of facebook ever testify over what has become the biggest crisis in the company's history tonight there are reports that mark zuckerberg has agreed to testify before a u.s. congressional committee perhaps next month click like for washington you can click don't like for london today zuckerberg rejected a summons by the british parliament to speak on the record now if suckered won't talk others will yesterday facebook europe's executives were here in berlin for a meeting with germany's justice minister the take away from that face to face regulation of social media will soon be a reality and now the european commission is asking facebook's c.e.o. sheryl sandberg to answer questions over the alleged harvesting of data of more than fifty million facebook users the justice minister has given sandberg two weeks to respond to his series of questions for example have either you citizens been affected how will facebook inform authorities and users and how is facebook planning to prevent a repeat in the future well one person is answering lots of questions about the data scandal the whistleblower christopher wiley the former employee of the u.k. data mining company cambridge analytics today he testified before a u.k. parliamentary committee and he told lawmakers that cambridge analytic has data research may have violated u.k. campaign finance laws and may have helped sway the outcome of the bright city referendum. our next focus is building kerry he is the public face of the world's biggest social network but mark zuckerberg isn't feeling sociable when it comes to taking questions especially not from european politicians. as inquiry's mom to facebook muses the data of its two billion users he told this british parliamentary committee he would not be giving evidence we believe given the serious nature of the allegations that have been made around the access and use of facebook user data that it is appropriate the mark zuckerberg should give evidence to the community. one man who did want to talk with the pink haired whistleblower at the heart of this data scandal he said it was the race for the white house that made him go public she don't chung kind of makes it clicking your head that this actually has a much wider impact so i don't think that the military mission operations is conducive for any democratic process whether it's a us presidential or a local council or its political campaigns have changed christopher wiley watches a data engineer for london based cambridge on a letter to the firm boasts of its ability to run an election on the cheap smart in twenty fourteen they paid for millions of facebook profiles and are accused of using them to build psychological programs to micro target voters right moment is more important than ever this is where cambridge analytical in our revolution and help them swing votes in elections around the world including donald trump they deny using the data to break down voters the company's co-founder disputes that claim. it is categorically untrue categorically untrue that it came in general it has never used facebook data. it is one silicon valley billionaire who could surely shine a light on this and many other questions. are and i'm joined tonight here at the big table by alexander fanta who's a reporter for net dot org he covers data protection the power of big tech alexander's good to have you on the show your bio on. the website of all that describes you as a journalist who writes about the digital community and its enemies are cambridge analytical in face book are they now in the midst of the digital community it's two different things really isn't it because cameras and if you could clearly took user data and use it for what it was that manipulative and wrong purposes so did i say did. you know at least an enemy of the public sphere with facebook it's more complex because facebook has connected millions of people around the world is that a company that's used by two billion people are you going to say they're all wrong you know i'm personally a facebook user so it did a good thing at first right everyone was happy to find people they hadn't seen in years for example but still facebook has privatized a large part of the public sphere and a lot of the public debate we're having is on facebook which they control and they have made us into a lab rats of their noble scheme for selling advertising and i think that is worrying and it should worry everyone lab rats i mean that's quite an indictment there what do you make then of mark zuckerberg agreeing to testify before a us congress congressional committee and saying no to a british parliamentary committee well i think that shows the general approach to these kind of things mike huckabee is aloof it doesn't care about who tries to regulate it how and they showed quite the same approach in germany and many other european countries they've been giving legislators boilerplate statements and have not really responded to many of the judges made today and this last scandal is just the tip of the iceberg really isn't it you know i mean do you think that's what it is is just you think it's arrogance that's motivating him when he's making these are decisions that could make or break the entire company those thirty something guys who think the a demosthenes the universe and obviously they think they are above me judge that is in some niggling european country of we had david protections than it's they think they can do that. you tweeted yesterday i'm going to quote this we have to be very clear about this every business model based on data is innovation i followed the milkman on his rounds and sold the addresses to the newspaper boy my i.p.o. was next month hash tag what's good for data is good for america explained that was always the old g.m. slogan the last bit but what i meant with that is that we misread as a misunderstanding we think that everything everyone who tries to harvest and sell personal data is some innovative genius it's not the case many of these business model a very conventional there only innovative in a very sense that they have invented new ways to flaunt regulation and fullest so in other words what they're doing is. it's old business they're just finding ways to get around the rules basically that is the case if you look at how companies like it being be or have systematically neglected to make their users comply with national legislation that is i mean that is just astounding do you see the european union's new data protection wall which comes into effect in may do you see that as the answer to the regulation of social media i think that is a very good start but you have to consider it as the second very important law that is being discussed the privacy directive which is supposed to be alongside the big data protection act and it has not been posited it's been in fee is legislative battle that and i think we should really. look at what big data protection that station is ahead there because we have to protect users from being tracked the data being sold indiscriminately by these companies and we have a long way off what needs to be done now that we know. about cambridge analytic and facebook i think there's really a couple of stakes we need to take first is to protect people's privacy the second is to make sure they have better ways to to conduct business online i mean we had we don't have we had don't have sufficient noncommercial or even public i'll turn it is to many of these services these companies provide and i mean i see no reason why you know all e-mail provide is an old method to provide as should be private companies the government like the postal system perhaps perhaps it's a noncommercial tentative that is under public control but not controlled by the state is it interesting from this and we'll see if you know if it comes to fruition alexander fanta with nets policy thought we're going to think very much you should be on the day thanks bill. a tonights in russia anger is mounting over the shopping center fire in siberia that killed sixty four people forty one of them were children president vladimir putin visited the scene today and blamed the high death toll on what he called criminal negligence but many are accusing the authorities of a cover up. this fire has done more than scorch what was once the chemical shopping center. it stirred intense anger here over alleged negligence corruption and lax fire safety standards many people here also don't believe the death count officials are giving they think there could be more victims so one of my these two are mine i guess we could identify my children with them because they suffocated by five of the most other children that were brought had only half of a head was that they were here without hands and. the wouldn't. when the blaze and gulf the mall the fire alarm didn't sound like an icy investigators say it hadn't been operational for two weeks. as people try to flee they found many emergency exits blocked there are reports children were left locked inside stuff led investigators also say the public address system had not been switched on. a lot of . irresponsibility of the management and i could not imagine that the scale of the tragedy would be the speaker and most of all i am shocked that they are hiding the truth from us. two days after the tragedy and amid criticism for its slow response the russian government announced a day of national mourning president putin visited. the protesters to trust in a transparent investigation. one hundred investigators are working on this case they'll inspect the whole chain starting with those who gave commissions and finishing with those who must have been in charge of the security forces. but many still searching for loved ones are mistrustful of the government's promises volunteers across the city are distributing their own lists of those missing scores of names have been added most of them children. oh she is one of those people that we can all look up to and admire jane goodall the british prime intelligence she moved to east africa in one nine hundred sixty just study chimpanzees and became the world's foremost expert on their social life and behavior a new documentary about her work gives us an intimate portrait of jane goodall the person and her years of passionate patient work. yes folks feel they off the day. in the sun and the wind and the rain. i climbed into the hills. this was where i was meant to be. the fascination portraits jayna recollects dolls first field study in one nine hundred sixty and a paleoanthropologist loose leakey in gone by tanzania. had no training no degree. to lose didn't care about academic credentials. what he was looking for was someone with an open mind with a passion for knowledge with a love of animals and with monumental creation it's. the beginning of a lifelong dream for the twenty six year old. i had no idea. what i was going to do except that i was going to try and get the chimpanzees used to me so that i could really learn about what they were doing. to do that good i would first need to and the trust. the work of detailed observations famously changed the way we think about primates. two years later national geographic would send someone to help document. and it's this one hundred forty hours of a news sunday lloyd footage taken by dutch wildlife photographer barron who gauvin laugh like from which the documentary is might. get lost in common. and i think it was pretty obvious to me right in the story. that i was a subject of interest as well as chimps. the pair would be married in one thousand nine hundred sixty four. the documentary also follows the family on. watching the young jane goodall is to watch someone who would live her own dream the beginnings of a woman who revolutionized our understanding of the natural world and to stand still today as an epic conservationist. fascinating fascinating woman of the day is nearly done but as ever the conversation continued conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either at the news or you can write directly to me a point off t.v. don't forget to use the hash tag the day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody. the book. the best the books. are going. to. school she says since she lets him go to a concert show more strongly. the mistake c.l.a.x. the generation sit down and prosper. and the be the biggest distinction the smallest the book the and the islamists. the a radical causing tension among the various ethnic groups substantially workers are doing their best to achieve reconciliation. as the struggle to peaceful coexistence hold maybe being lost. in baltics. forty five minutes on a. busy gathering is coming to them by. and let's go right to our correspondent he is in central istanbul i'm joined by the helicopter did of his political correspondent on the stories in just a minute but first this news just in utah of up perspective. when i was young i dreamed about changing the world. but i was a woman in egypt some things turned out differently forced marriage genital mutilation humiliation. so i know all else and all we rebelled i used the written word to stand up for women's rights. now while in saadawi the flavors of egypt starting late on t.w. . alone welcome to drive with a d w motor magazine this week we test drove a new audi a seven. a look at the latest on a long line of op rotors for neutral your land cruiser. ended meyer the curvaceous


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240604 06:22:00

now! anyone, back to the raleigh chopper. the iconic bike was designed by tom karen, who died a week ago, but his many achievements — which go well beyond the chopper — are being celebrated in a museum all about him. helen mulroy went to find out more. arguably tom curran most famous piece, the raleigh chopper is an icon of the 70s and the bike every youngster wanted to find under their christmas tree. its appeal and place in popular culture spans decades. it featured in supergrass�*s 1995 in popular culture spans decades. it featured in supergrass�*s1995 music video. start in the chase scene in the moviejumanji. video. start in the chase scene in the movie jumanji._ video. start in the chase scene in the movie jumanji. the movie juman'i. raleigh needed to the movie juman'i. raleigh needed to t and the movie juman'i. raleigh needed to try and compete— the movie jumanji. raleigh needed to try and compete with _ the movie jumanji. raleigh needed to try and compete with an _ the movie jumanji. raleigh needed to try and compete with an american - try and compete with an american bike called the schwinn which was a very curvaceous. whatever we did it would have a big wheel and a small wheel because the big wheel shows where the power comes from, you


Britney Spears flaunts curvaceous body in naked pool pictures

American singer and sensation Britney Spears, on Wednesday, dropped some steaming hot pictures from her naked pool day.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20180328:02:30:00

when i was young i dreamed about changing the world. but i was a woman in egypt some things turned out differently forced marriage genital mutilation humiliation. so i know all else and all we rebelled i used the written word to stand up for women's rights. now while in saadawi the flavors of egypt starting late on t.w. . alone welcome to drive with a d w motor magazine this week we test drove a new audi a seven. a look at the latest on a long line of op rotors for neutral your land cruiser. ended meyer the curvaceous


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - KGO - 20140905:08:44:00

>> um... >> it would be rude. >> [laughs] i'm gonna go for it. "b," badinkadink, final answer. >> a badonkadonk is more curvaceous, and less curvaceous would be, yes, "b." a badinkadink, you got it right. let's give dee some money. let's go, man. $5,000 right there. nice start. nice start to a good day. let's keep going. this is your next question. though it's unclear if they taste the same, "duff" can refer to both homer simpson's favorite beer and which of these natural substances? >> okay. i think i have absolutely no idea.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20130908:15:42:00

word, they made it a negative word. since i do have a voice i have to now be able to say, lets keep that there and lets keep a new word. want to call it curvy, what's going to empower us, make us feel good onabout ourselves. if you feel better saying curvaceous, lets do that. >> this has been your work, your campaign. >> there's a spraying, straight size versus curvy girl. >> always. i think if we don't keep using our voices on vehicles like this, thank you so much, melissa and ebony, thank you so much, as well as a couple of other magazines that work on having diversified body shape. we could always use more diversity in color as well. if we don't keep using our voices and actually maybe playing -- do a game changer. possibly let the individuals who are making the decisions know about the problems with eating disorders that are hurting the


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20110618:17:40:00

dream. >> if you're looking for the perfect father's day gift get out your wallet, 2012 hyundai alan tra, has great fuel efficiency in a relatively low price. gary gastelu took it for a test drive. it's it this week's car report. >> they've been tearing up the charts in the united states and new alan tra compact sedan is any indication, that's not going to change anytime soon. it's a combination of affordability and style making it one ever the best selling cars in america and looks like it's big brother, but not a sedan and shares a curvaceous, there's an aquatic feel to the interior, the layered lines of the dashboard giving you the impression you're sitting in the middle of a stormy sea and spacious in here and the standard features are a bit of a hodgepodge. an ipod port is standard, bluetooth is not. the door is operational and


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - KGO - 20110317:10:26:00

you have this curvaceous choice. the designer spent a great deal of time worrying about what might turn people on, and what might turn people off. their quest was to marry practicality, one that works -- with a sense of style and beauty to create an object of desire. something you not only wanted to own but hopefully also wanted to keep. >> that's really the role of a designer, i think, is to make objects that people really connect with and cherish. that's one of our roles. obviously in this case it's not just about prettifying but the underlying problem to get people to adopt this stuff because obviously that's in everybody's interest. >> reporter: that is if money is not too much of an issue. funky costs. each one is nearly 20 pounds, that's up to 20 times the price of some other low-energy bulbs. and according to the founder of the design museum, it's a shame that as with many other products designed in the uk, they're manufactured abroad.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20101129:17:52:00

cards. it costs you $8 a month, roughly, we've got some of these charges coming up on a chart, $8 a month after that but then a dollar to every time you want to check a balance, make a transfer, pay a bill. you know, there are better solutions out there. there's a company that went public a few months ago, ntsb might be the stock, we'll check it out, they will let you have a debit card if you're one of unbanked, 30 million, uncharged. free life insurance, free transfers to pay friends on the card, etc., etc. there's a better way. however, that card does not have kim kardashian and her sisters in this all their resplendent, curvaceous clothing on the front of the card. patti ann: it is surprising that kim would put her face on something like this. it's disappointing. >> it's not surprising at all. the woman has hocked perfume and clothing and all manner of other things, and this is just an extension. some people are saying they're


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