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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160823

we are also going to reject the bigotry up of hillary clinton who sees people of color only as votes and not as human beings worthy of a better future. so true. that is so true. [cheers and applause] the democratic party has run nearly every inner city for 50 years, 60 years, 70 years, and even more than 100 years they have produced only poverty, failing schools, and broken homes in the last eight years, the african-american labor force participation has declined another 3 percentage points and it's dropped another six percentage points for teenagers and that's already from the most dismal numbers in history. nearly four in ten african-american children live in poverty. [crowd boos] >> african-american home ownership has declined nearly 10 percentage points from record levels. this is just in the last short while. also, since 2009, another 2 million latinos have fallen in to poverty. [crowd boos] income for latino workers fell by almost another $1,000 a year, again, by terrible standards. meanwhile homicides are up by nearly 50% in washington, d.c. and more than 60% in baltimore and up all over the place, no matter where you look. the level of crime in these cities is something no american should consider acceptable. it should not be considered acceptable. [ applause ] >> that is, of course, donald trump is he live in akron, ohio. we will keep monitoring the event for any news. right now, let's listen to what he said about the clinton foundation just moments ago. >> hillary clinton is either too corrupt or too cowardly to meet with the families of those killed by the policies she and obama support. [crowd boos] >> hillary clinton has totally forgotten the first rule of public service, the job of an elected official is to serve the citizens of the united states. [cheers and applause] that's what the job is. and if you don't understand that then you are not fit to run for the office of president of the united states. [cheers and applause] if you are not prepared to put american workers first, then you should not hold or seek public office. we're not working for somebody else. we're not working for another country. it's just that simple no issue better illustrates how corrupt my opponent is than her pay for play scandals as secretary of state. [crowd boos. as the evidence has become public over the last several months, i have become increasingly shocked by the vast scope of hillary clinton'hillaryclinton's crimin. everybody knows it our country has gone so far behind, everybody knows. it hillary clinton said she turned over all of her work-related emails. [chanting lock her up] shoe testified to congress under penalty of perjury now we learn about another 15,000 emails she failed to turn over and they have just been discovered, i guess today. [crowd boos] >> and don't forget the 33,000 emails she has already deleted colin powell just proved again how dishonest hillary clinton is after he busted her for trying to pin the email scandal on him. one more hillary clinton e.coli. her foundation took in large payments from major corporations and wealthy individuals, foreign and domestic, and all the while, she was secretary of state. the clinton foundation accepted as much as $60 million from middle eastern countries that oppress women, guys, and people of different faiths. after the fbi and department of justice white washed hillary clinton's email crimes, they certainly cannot be trusted to quickly or impartially investigate hillary clinton's new crimes, which happen all the time some former prosecutors have even suggested that the coordination between the pay for play state department and clinton foundation constitute a clear example of ricco, racketeering, influence, corrupt organization enterprise. the justice department is required to appoint an independent special prosecutor because it has proven itself to be really, sadly, a political arm of the white house. nobody has ever seen anything like this before the department of justice has acted very unethically, particularly the attorney general's private lengthy 39 minute meeting in the back of an air plane before the department's decision. [crowd boos] >> not to prosecute her for crimes that would have been prosecuted against any other citizen in our country. >> and you just heard donald trump in akron, ohio, rail against the clinton foundation. we are monitoring his live rally that's going on there now for any news. you guessed it. she is not just getting slammed by donald trump, other calls are coming to shut down the clinton foundation you can still assure the people that the clinton state department maintained at all points distance from the clinton foundation. >> we have seen no evidence of any behavior, any relations with the clinton foundation that weren't completely above board. >> it was pay for play. >> she is thoroughly corrupt and so is the clinton foundation. they need to change the way they have done business. they indicated they will. they are never going to stop. number one they should shut it down job as u.s. attorney. i would indict the clint foundation don't just start some new process up all over again. that's all the people live off of other people's money. >> we showed you donald trump's response to this latest news, but here now is colorado governor rick scott. good evening, sir. we have an ad up that basically talks about this. she said they walked out of the white house broke. they started a foundation. today they $100 million how would you do that? >> i looked it up and want to know whether she is worth 100 million or not. he the range we got 11 million to 50 million. i'm not denying that's a huge sum of money, but everyone keeps saying 11 million. 50 million is a lot. 11 million is a whole lot. anyway, i know -- i mean, they gave a lot of speeches but even that is under fire because, you know, there is one speech for $750,000 that bill clinton is getting heat for it would be smart tore sit down and answer questions and she'll at the debate, i assume. >> on top of that, they acknowledged now that they are going to stop taken this foreign money. why did they do it while she was secretary of state? if it's corruption now, why wasn't it corruption before? it doesn't make an any sense. >> today outlined something that the clinton foundation has done. do you think the clinton foundation has done any good in the world? >> i personally haven't seen it. i mean, i was talking to somebody the other day about haiti and they said he would not be welcome to go back there but who knows. i don't know exactly enough about what the foundation has done. what i do know is they walk out broke, they start a foundation, and they are worth a lot of money. that's not -- i mean, they are public servants. that's nau not how you become wealthy. you don't become wealthy as a public servant. they are trying to get the ad taken down that we have up right now. we are continuing to raise money to keep this message up there this is wrong what they have been doing. >> let me bring the viewers in on this now. because i like to have them vote at home on twitter. here is the question to the viewers. should the clinton foundation be shut down? tweet yes or no using #greta. we'll show you live twitter votes throughout the show. governor scott, so, what should happen? do you think it should be shut down? do you think bill clinton should get out of it? what do yo do you want to do wih the clinton foundation? a lot of money there. i imagine a lot of it is pledged all over the world and i imagine enormously complicated. >> i thought it ought to be shut down. they ought to do what they should have done before. give all that money back. they should have never taken money from foreign governments. especially government -- look, it's governments that don't believe in what the america believes. in they are governments that had contracts or doing business with the secretary of state's office. that is wrong. that should never ever ever happen in this country. we need -- here's why i support donald trump. he is a business person. never been involved in government before. she is a career politician. he is going to build jobs. she won't. he is going to destroy isis. she had her chance. >> well, the john podesta who is chair of her campaign issued a statement today and he was going after him saying that donald trump ought to release his tax returns, do you agree with that? and, among other things, ought to tell about his death to big banks. do you agree with that? >> well, i released my tax returns every candidate runs a different race. i released my tax returns in both my races in 2010 and 2014. i know mike pence says is he going to release his. every candidate is different. >> is there a justification not to do so and if he is just being stubborn not to release them, isn't he creating at least for some, some success speption in a lot of people? >> sure, you know, look, the clinton carp is going to try to change the conversation, all right. i mean, look. i put out my tax returns. donald trump has to make that decision for himself. the career politician never created private sector job. created isis versus a newcomer, somebody who has never been in politics before. clearly believes in building jobs. if you listen to part of his talk is he doing right now, is he going to reduce taxes and reduce regulation, build more jobs. we want more jobs in this country. >> let me jab you a little bit. you just changed the conversation of whether you thought he should i'm going to tease you and jab you on that one. here have the voting numbers. interesting, 88% of the people think that the foundation should be shut down. and 12% think it should go on which is fascinating. governor, thank you for joining us, sir. >> bi, greta. >> the clinton foundation is not the only headache for secretary hillary clinton. a federal judge ordering the state department to release thousands of newly uncovered, yes, thousands of newly uncovered clinton documents. fox news chief washington correspondent james rosen is at the state department. james? >> greta, good evening. hillary clinton has previously testified that all of the work-related emails from her time as secretary of state, some 55,000 pages of them were turned over to the department of state back in november 2014. now, the department acknowledges that earlier this month it received from the fbi an additional 14,900 documents on seven cds that were not part of what mrs. clinton made avisible. state department officials say they have just begun going through the newly recovered documents which are emails which are work related and which are personal. turning over as many as law will alive to legal watch. the group that sued for access to clinton's emails and attended a hearing about them in federal district court today. judicial watch also eliseed a number of separate email exchanges today voluming aids and showing easy access that big time donors to the clinton foundation have enjoyed to the secretary's inner office. separately fox news obtained call records for hillary clinton's chief of staff during her four years of chief of staff. cheryl mills. show that senior executive clinton foundation left almost 200 messages for cheryl mills in a two year time frame. those involve conservancy advocacy group citizens united. the state department says it always acted under secretary clinton's tenure to advance u.s. foreign policy interests and no other intent beyond that in mind. greta? >> one where is where have 14,900 documents been that's the first question. and 148 messages left for cheryl mills for the clinton global initiative when she was at the state department. i assume that doesn't include all the calls that connected. straight up messages those are the ones that didn't get threw, right? >> right. these are at least 148 messages left on these telephone logs for cheryl mills there may have been other messages and other calls. we can't say that anything nefarious was transacted as a result of those messages. but far and away laura graham, the ceo of the clinton foundation left many more messages than anyone else reflected on those logs on the 14,900 documents and where they have been. james comey told us when he announced hesitate decision in the clinton email scandal not to pursue an indictment of the former secretary of state that they had discovered some work related emails of mrs. clinton's on other people's state department accounts and also, perhaps i think through examination of her server again these are 14,900 documents not clear by any means they are all emails but do do expect a lot of them will be. >> i'm not confident we got them all if they keep showing up every couple of days or weeks. one more time a huge response to twitter poll. vote at home on twitter. should the clinton foundation be shut down? tweet yes or no #greta. reince priebus is here to go "on the record." nice to see you, sir. >> nice to be with you, greta. >> i suppose that the republican party is loving this, that these 14,900 documents which may also include emails have surfaced. >> i think it's a tragedy. i mean, i think it's a pathetic example of leadership and i think that maybe james comey needs to get back to work and look at these emails and figure out whether he had it right. i mean, we have -- i mean, had you a great point before. 148 messages to cheryl mills from the clinton foundation. >> it's hard to tell -- i mean 148 calls that's a lot. i can't tell if this is message. >> you are right. if it's messages how many actual times did she pick up the phone and cut the deal? and the fact is you have lawyers for the clinton foundation for bill clinton for hillary clinton, commune indicating to yuma who is working for both the clinton foundation and the state department. you have our precious national secrets being given away by a person running for president. and talking about trust and honesty unbelievable. >> the problem at best is irgant. the problem was when hillary clinton game secretary of state the clinton global initiative was told they would not be part of the state department. he would run that over here and she would do the state department. now we find it's cozy. >> it's an addicts to pear. it is something that they set up in order to preserve their status in the world with world leaders taking foreign money. it's something that they created to empower and enrich themselves in the eyes of the world and people that would employ them and use their services. whether it be $500,000 speeches in russia or wherever else that they gave these speeches. i mean, this is something that people should look at and say this person is not qualified to be president of the united states because when they were given secrets of our country, they gave it away. that alone should disqualify her. >> just a side issue, do you think the clinton foundation has done good around the world? >> i have no idea. here's what i think. i think based on what i have seen so far, whatever good they have done around the world is eclipsed by all of the negativity and the corruption and the lying and the stealing taking from foreign countries. i'm sure there are good things that they have done. you have to measure whether that good could have better been done by that money going to the salvation army or going to doctors overseas. i mean, because. >> let me ask a quick question. >> in comparison to what they have done, i don't know. >> donald trump campaign -- donald trump right now seems like secretary clinton has him on the ropes a little bit. can he turn it around. especially the fact early voting begins october 12th. >> which is another reason why the fbi needs to get their work done and not sit on this so the american people can figure it out. yes, of course, he had a great week last week. i think another good thing this week. this thing is back on the rails. look at the polling over the weekend, we are talking about through or four points. it's august. i definitely believe this can be back on track and whether you see donald trump be tight or ahead on labor day. >> back on twitter, making fun of two hosts on msnbc, calling them insecure and two clowns, so he is back on twitter this morning. >> look, every kay is a different day. i think overall if you look at the last few days donald trump you saw him today before your show or at the beginning of the show, is he on message talking about hillary clinton. i found his speeches last week were fantastic. >> once more he slips. >> you know what? these are things very tough as a first-time campaigner to be in the middle of this media storm. some of this stuff isn't fair. he doesn't want to sit back and take it he doesn't want to sit back and take a bunch of garbage to the media to a lot of people i think it's refreshing. >> mr. chairman, nice to see you, sir. >> thank you, greta. >> clinton is in hot water with colin powell. he says she is trying to pin her email problems on him. he says not so fast. that's next. what powers the digital world? communication. like centurylink's broadband network that gives 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. or the network that keeps a leading hotel chain's guests connected at work, and at play. or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies. businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. [shouting] [bleep], [bleep], [bleep] >> donald trump supporters spit on, just check out that video showing protesters yelling, spitting and throwing things outside a trump fund raisener minnesota. police were there but no one was arrested. that was the scene on friday. tonight, former secretary of state colin powell hot under the collar because he says secretary clinton trying to pin her email scandal on him. secretary clinton claimed when she was secretary of state, former secretary powell had advised theory use a personal email account. former senior advisor george w. bush carl rove goes "on the record." good evening, sir. >> good evening. >> before i ask you about the collin powell, secretary hillary clinton issue. you know, it's sl l appalling. i don't care if it's secretary clinton or donald trump supporters. the idea that people are spitting on supporters in this country as people are exercising their first amendment right to go to a fundraiser, even a first amendment right to protester. it's just appalling, isn't it? >> it really is got to be condemned by both campaigns, particularly the clinton campaign. i know they didn't inthat gat -- theydidn't instigate it. >> talk about secretary of state collin powell he sounds a tad bit hot under the collar he says that secretary clinton is trying to pin the email scandal on him. your thoughts? >> well, i think he has got every right to be angry. first of all, the story that emerged late last week is sort of weird. i mean, she is sitting at a private dinner with the former secretaries of state. henry kissinger, secretary of state under her husband, two secretaries of state under george w. bush. at a dinner and she asked which one of them what's the most important piece of advice that you have. she claims that collin powell says the most important piece of advice i have got you have your own email account i worked with secretary powell for four years that doesn't sound like something that he would say if that was the question. when he says he doesn't remember the conversation i believe him and don't believe her. it would be shocking if that question were asked and answered in that way. and you will notice, there is no other attendee at that continue his or her says oh yeah when collin powell was asked what was the most important piece of advice he had to give was do your own email searcher. that's one point. the second point is yeah, he did provide her information about what he did with a private email account. but it was months after she began using her own private email server he had an account on he used it for inner communications inside the state department. but it wasn't a private home brew server stuck in his basement. and between the time that he served as secretary of state and the time that she came in as secretary of state, the rules were tightened and the department officials were told explicitly do not use private email accounts. colin powell's successor, secretary of state condoleezza rice never used email when she was secretary of state. you know what bothers me the most about this is the house had asked for the emails and the lawyers then sort of threw them, not even reading them. and the lawyers decided knowing that the house wanted them what was quote personal and what was work and they destroyed the personal without anyone else getting a chance. and you know, i guess maybe if i were the lawyer i would do that aggressively. it's always sort of stuck with me if you know that freedom of information request that they are records that should be maintained, what in the world were they destroying them after they had been asked for? they had no right to do. so you are right it smells like a coverup and looks like a coverup and i think it is a coverup. we know for fact certain among the emails that they destroyed were emails that they recovered from other people's email accounts that were clearly official business. they did not disclose the emails from a former clinton aide who was stuffed over at the clinton foundation sending her private emails, giving her advice about about libya. we know they consider that personal but clearly connected with her official responsibilities? if we were wrong about this we somehow got this all wrong, she should at least speak up and tell us why we are all wrong instead of letting it swirl. important poll in the swing state of ohio. now secretary of state clinton is up a few points over donald trump. your thoughts about this new poll? >> well, monmouth is a pretty good polling organization. shows that he is behind. he has got to win ohio. he has got to win florida. he has to keep the mitt romney states and win something else. it shows he is within striking distance. i think what's interesting is that these battleground state polls, is he not doing as well as you might expect if you looked at the national polls i think part of the reason why is because the clinton campaign has either run or placed $150 million of spot tv in the battleground states and super pac associated with her priorities u.s.a. has put another nearly 43, $44 million in advertising that it's already run. so nearly $200 million of advertising in the battleground states and that's been going on since may 16th when the priorities u.s.a. began running its ad. donald trump began on friday he put $5 million up. 40 to 1 disadvantage that's why he not doing better in some of these battle ground states than is he. >> carl, thanks, more "on the record" coming up. beyond has a natural grain free pet food committed to truth on the label. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. and we leave out corn, wheat and soy. for your pet, we go beyond. tonight, donald trump just wrapped up a speech in the ever important swing state of ohio. new ohio poll shows trump has some work to do there the monmouth university poll of likely ohio voters has secretary of state hillary clinton lead over donald trump. were clinton at 43%, donald trump 39%. i'm sure trump knows no republican has ever won the white house without winning ohio. rick klein and anna linskey. rick that four points, been at four points a month now. >> of course it's critical to both campaigns, particularly the republican campaign. those numbers are low. you look at that large number of undecided voters, third party voters. not like anyone has bust through the ceiling. just in terms of the effort that the campaigns have gone through, despite that event tonight, i will tell you my colleague jonathan carl was in akron tonight going to the trump field office that they advertised for the general election, nobody home. nothing going on. >> maybe they are at the rally though. i assume they might be at the rally. >> more people at the subway next door. >> i think one of the really interesting things about those numbers is the 10% for gary johnston in there. you take out gary johnson. >> who gets gary johnson. >> i tend to think that donald trump would have gotten gary johnson. >> that's where i think that vote would go. i look back at 2000 -- 1992, ohio results, where 21% went for ross perot and handed that state right to a different clinton. >> i just think that most important thing when you look at these numbers and how important this race is democrats and republicans and the nation overall is i think that debate. when those two are going to be standing side by side. that's when those undecided are going to make the decision in ohio. and that's when the gary johnson voters will decide whether they want to go trump or clinton. >> you can seal the deal there the way the trajectory of the campaign is now, trump needs a break through moment. this is not headed in a good direction for him. he needs to poll this as chairman priebus says by labor day. if that doesn't happen he needs the break through moment at the debate. that's why he is cramming and needs time to study. five weeks left until the biggest debate of all times. >> hillary clinton is very good at the these debates. this is where she stands out. she does a great job against sanders who obviously was not quite as good as a debater. you haven't seen trump do a one-on-one debate before. he didn't do it towards the end and it's a whole different animal when pressure is completely on you versus the other person. >> and ground game. i mean, typically the ground game in something like, this especially for secretary hillary clinton my guess is they have a strocker ground game right now more organized. >> they have replicated a lot of what obama did in 2008 and in 2012 able to win the state of ohio. building on that the way that trump -- they are laughing the field right now. trump has so much to do. >> people at least the candidates have until november 8th. i got out my charter today and early voting they don't have -- ohio is coming up really soon. early part of october. they have really got to move. >> that's when that ground game comes in to play. two or three points on that ground game and the clintons know how to do that and they have the money and organization in place. >> does the email stuff matter? is that taking anything away from hillary clinton? >> this was a very bad day for hillary clinton. you look at the new emails. the relationship between the foundation and the state department, the idea that there is some 15,000 new documents, including many emails that are out there revelations of new work related emails. it's all. >> it may be a bad day. does it have any role impact? is thee going to lose any votes on this. >> i think if trump were able to streamline the messaging and take advantage of it. it would be a huge day in the marco rubio campaign. it's not. trump is well not equipped to take advantage of stories like this because he ends up stepping on his onus. >> the emonthly storm and clinton storm. merge today into a super storm. >> every day is new around here. anyway, rich and annie, thank you both. >> thanks. >> louisiana is struggling to recover after a week of deadly flooding. we take to you louisiana next. plus, it just went from bad to worse. more bad news for olympic swimmer ryan lochte. that's coming up. this is my retirement. retiring retired tires. and i never get tired of it. are you entirely prepared to retire? plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e*trade. i'm in vests and as a vested investor in vests i invest with e*trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests... or not in vests. sign up at and get up to six hundred dollars. get ready to speed read the news. lock at this. a child arrested just moments before the child detonated a suicide vest. it happened in iraq. local tv showing police detained the child and removing the belt. the boy is believed to be 12 or 13 years old. no terror group has claimed responsibility. isis says it carried out a nearby terror attack about appear hour before this boy's arrest. child bombers becoming playbook. turkish blaming a boy 12 years old for carrying out deadly suicide bombing at a wedding. turkish prime minister couldn't determine if the bomb indeed was a child. auto people killed and dozens more injured in the deadliest attack in turkey this year. remarkable story of survival. a little girl rescued from a capsized boat. kennedy got stuck when her family's boat crashed and flipped over in cocoa, florida. luckily she was trapped in an air pocket and able to breath for an hour. her family calling it a miracle. and that's tonight's speed read. >> this a fox news alert. flood ravaged louisiana, 13 dead more than 60,000 homes severely damaged in the deadly floods. will carr is live in sore resorepresident obama is going o come and see homes like this taken on three to four feet of water. ripped out the walls and gut the homes like this. past 24 hours or so. residents have been taking all of their possessions that were soaked in these floods and they have been piling them up, walls of debris right here of everything they had. this was a crib here. we have seen some other personal items this was the biggest disaster the united states has seen according to the red cross since super storm sandy in 2012. 60,000 homes damaged. 110,000 residents have filed to get some federal relief moving forward. just so widespread here. 200 parishes have been declared disaster zones. as i mentioned president obama coming. he is going to see these streets where within the past 10 days we saw 30,000 water rescues. many people not able to get out fast enough to get to safety. when he comes here, he will spend three to four hours. he comes on the heels of donald trump come last week hillary clinton issuing a statement today she will come when the time is right. as the politics plays out with all of this. i spoke to one homeowner that says it's really on the ground about trying to get to the next day. she said it's just one thing that she tries to take away. whether it's finding a personal item that actually survived these floods somebody coming up a volunteer they weren't expecting or something as simple as a hug. those are things that help her move forward. greta? >> will, thank you. olympic swimmer ryan lochte still in hot water. now he has more bad news. that's next. >> families desperate for help after the flood. where are our leaders when the people need them? sean is it in baton rouge hearing firsthand from victims. tonight on a special hannity. olympic swimmer ryan lochte is seeing his sponsorships dry up. and today four companies severing ties with lochte. this comes in the wake of lochte lying about being robbed at gunpoint in rio. tmz caught up with lochte in los angeles. >> what would be worse in your eyes, you know, if they prosecute you or if the usoc says i you can't swim again? >> you know, i think if the usoc says i can't swim anymore, i think that would be the most hurtful. >> we heard that speedo, you know, has dropped you and they released a statement about it. what are you going to be wearing in the pool going forward? you have thought about it yet? is there something that you love? >> i heard about that. you know, it stinks. speedo was great to me. they were like a second family throug throughout my swimming career. i guess it's a new chapter now. >> sports david meeks is here and he just got back from rio. david, i may be one of the few in this country but i think he has been punished enough. anyway, what a story. they are dumping him now. >> we are learning more about it these kind of stories always happen. there is initial report and rebuttal and as time goes by more stuff to filter out. may be more merit to ryan's original tale. >> some of the surveillance tape was not disclosed. there was throw minutes. i don't know what that means or shows. why did this capture everyone's attention? >> i think there was so much attention on rio coming in they weren't going to be successful holding the game and a lot of pressure on them. when he came in and said robbed and police officers embarrassed the city and embarrassed the police force. and think there theres was bigger reaction and investigated harder because of that. >> he has apologized to brazilted that. >> next stage, was there embellishment from the authorities? they said he trashed a bathroom. we can't find any evidence that it happened. they said he got in a fight with the guards. can't find any evidence that this happened. the judge said these guys seemed nonchalant when they came back. others say they were terrified. >> i'm an old defense lawyer. security guards look like police. especially if you are drunk. and someone pulls a gun, i'm not trashing some place assuming it did happen. to me, all, the whole world has jumped on this guy. the state department came on number one concern they had was street crime. don't worry about terrorism. don't worry about zika. it's street crime. if you are in that cab guys approached a cab who is to say you wouldn't be robbed. >> speedo came out fast. >> as soon as something embarrassing had not being truthful that comes right behind it we don't foe if they are racking to the robbery tale or drunk. he admitted he was drunk that night and didn't like the whole look. >> and ralph loren. >> same thing. >> is that the end of the endorsement? >> ryan lochte is apropos beloved guyen the team. he could be the next bachelor, who knows. >> he is well liked on the team. that is true. >> how did he imagine to get out of brazil ahead of everybody else? he had scattered by the time things had really blown up. >> the answer is that the brazilian authorities gave him no indication anything was wrong. they didn't ask him to stay. they deny didn't investigate this as seriously until it was look like embarrassment to them. >> i would have stayed loising ceremony. if i were good enough to compete stay for the closing ceremony. >> you say like bubba watson he wanted to stay around. some of these guys have been to lots of olympics and seen it all. they wanted to leave. that's not unusual really. >> on to tokyo. >> on to tokyo. he said in that tape to tmz it would be very hurtful by had if he were suspended by uusoc. we will see what he deserves. >> hope you will come back as things unfold. welcome bang to the united states. >> thank you, greta. good to be home. >> coming up, i want answers. who do i want to hear from? start guessing. my off-the-record next. >> a trump town hall special two-night event. inside the immigration crisis. tuesday, victims share their first-hand horror stories. then, wednesday, officers sound off on securing the border. plus, the candidates' full immigration plan. hannity hosts this trump town hall exclusive. energy is a complex challenge. people want power. and power plants account for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions. the challenge is to capture the emissions before they're released into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. that's what we're working on right now. ♪ energy lives here. test test. hillary clinton just responding to former secretary of state collin powell. secretary powell says secretary clinton tried to pin her email scandal on him. he says that's not true. now the clinton campaign just responderring with this statement. hillary clinton has consistently taken responsibility for her decision to use a single email account as she has said for over a year now. it was a mistake and she regrets it. >> let's all go off-the-record. recently there has been heightened cripple criticism of the clinton foundation. even the editorial page of the boston globe is scandalized and how about the ultra liberal "the washington post." head lion just shut it down. but it isn't just the clinton foundation the emails. personal lawyers starting emails and saying personal before anyone else could check it out. what's with that, right? news today that clinton foundation executive doug band we ho we all know is attached to president clinton at the hip emailed huma abedin who is aattached to secretary hillary clinton's hip. emailed that crown prince selma of bahrain wanted to meet with then secretary clinton. email in code. band wrote abedin that the crowned prince is a quote good friend of ours. good friend of ours? why did he say that? wink, wink. of course i'm suspicious. bottom line sometime tore secretary clinton to answer all these questions to the american voter. she talked to the fbi but not the voters. and p.s., donald trump, where are those tax returns? the ones currently not in audit? that's my off-the-record comment tonight. live twitter voting results on your screen right now. should the clinton foundation be shut down? here are the results. they are yes, 90% shut it down. 10%. no don't forget to vote on twitter every night. that's all for now. see you right here 7 p.m. eastern. up next, "the o'reilly factor." good night from washington, d.c. go to my facebook page and like it. there is a lot going on on my facebook page and, of course, gretawire. see you tomorrow night. welcome to "red eye." i'm tv's andy levey. let's check in with tv's andy levey at the "red eye" tease deck. andy? >> thanks, andy. coming up on the big show, ryan lochte is dropped by a buffer of sponsors after admitting he didn't tell the truth about what happened to him in rio. it could have been worse. he could have slept with his best friend's 17-year-old daughter. it is a classic blame it on rio reference. nobody? really? scientists preparing for a trip to mars spent the last year living in isolation. i have been conducting a similar study and it turns out it is kind of great. and north korea launches its own version of


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160826

state department like a personal hedge fund. it's hard to tell where the clinton foundation ends and where the state department begins. access and favors were sold for cash. it's called pay for play. over and over and over, people who donated to the clinton foundation or who gave money to bill clinton got favorable treatment from hillary clinton's state department. hillary clinton's actions constitute all of the elements of a major criminal enterprise. you know it. the government knows it, and she knows it. >> >> the voters know it. that's the question. now former arizona governor and donald trump supporter jan brewer goes "on the record." great to see you, governor. so what do you think of your candidate? >> well, i think that he laid it out pretty clear. if the public didn't already know that it's been such a corruption happening right before our eyes that hillary clinton and the clinton foundation would try to hide all of this by having her emails in her basement of her house. it is absolutely outrageous and obviously we know now what was going on. it's the difficult hillary clinton, not telling the truth. trying to hide it and then moving forward and telling us that it wasn't true. there was 30,000 emails that her staff read each and every one. now another 15,000 and i understand there is more coming. it's absolutely corruption. and it is very obvious that it's pay to play and for access and favors and she was delivering right on the mark. >> now, governor, have you called that there should be a special and fair prosecutor come in to oversee this to thoroughly vet and investigate this email scandal. now, others that also wanted investigated say the appointment of a special prosecutor could serve to, in fact, delay some of the information coming forward. i assume your concern is that voters know the truth. that there is transparency for the country's next president. >> absolutely. the country does need to know. there is already enough already revealed that we know we ought not to elect her to the white house. but the fbi and three field officers with doj has called for further investigation from doj. but, of course, the obama department of justice has shut it up. it's closed for business now. protection. >> so you would like to see it put in the hands of somebody you think would be fair and impartial because you are alleging that there is some foul play at work with the administration. >> oh, absolutely. >> let's move on to another issue, very important, a lot of talk about this today, governor. trump is getting very serious about his immigration plan and you have talked to him a lot about that. here is what he said to my colleague, sean hannity in last night's fox news town hall. >> originally you had said they are all out and there was a big brouhaha. you are saying if somebody can prove that they have been here and prove they have been a stipulate. here is the big question though no citizenship. >> no citizenship. >> no citizenship. >> everyone agree with that? [cheers] >> go a step further, they will pay back taxes. they have to pay taxes. there is no amnesty as such. there is no amnesty. >> right. >> but we work with them. >> all right, governor, a lot of discussion about this. people saying has he flip flopped on this issue? this is one of the koreans and tenants of your support for donald trump was his stance on immigration and coming from a state like arizona, what are your thoughts? i believe that he and obviously from the audience tool they want our borders secure. they don't want citizenship. how he said there would be no amnesty. i'm looking forward to hearing him wednesday hopefully in phoenix to hear his policy speech on immigration. we have got to get something done. the one thing that we do know, kimberly, is that hillary clinton wants open borders. she doesn't want any accountability. she wants to bring in, what, 550,000 more refugees from the middle east. you know, she just wants to open up the whole border. she is far more left leaning on this than what obama was. we want security. we want to know who is coming in to our country. donald trump is the man that will do that. >> all right. well, he said he is still going to build the wall. mexico is going to pay for it. he also said that he will work with illegal immigrants. is that troublesome to you? >> well, i'm interested to see just exactly what he means when he says that you know, i know it's a very difficult situation, but the first thing that we need to be assured of is that our borders are secured and that they don't get citizenship. you know, we have been through this route. and, you know, i will wait and see. but certainly, we have got to find a solution. we can't have a solution until we get our borders secured and no amnesty and no citizenship. >> all right. well certainly an important issue in a state like arizona. >> big issue. it is. >> we appreciate your time tonight, governor. we will be having you back again. all right, and the campaign out on the trail today oh boy, donald trump and hillary clinton each using campaign rallies to go on the attack. the "on the record" team right here live coverage from both campaigns. first, let's go to fox news senior national correspondent john roberts. he is live in manchester, new hampshire. john? >> enter kimberly, good evening to you. i saw donald trump do something today he hasn't done on the campaign trail he launched a preemptive speech. he knew hillary clinton would have a speech tieing him to the alt right. alternative right. donald trump took the opportunity to say everything she is about to say is untrue about me and here is the reasons why. he also warned people here in new hampshire who came to see him. many came as far as away as boston, she is about to call all of you racist. and here is the reason why you shouldn't listen to what she said. he said people who want a secure border are not racist. people who want to fight radical islamic terrorism are not islamophobes. people who want law and order and want to support the police are not prejudice they are patriotic. feel safe in their neighborhood. also in the speech this afternoon continued his outreach to minority communities and very soon is he going to be going into the inner cities of places like detroit and cleveland to talk about things that are very important to minority communities. and those are charter schools and economic opportunity zones trying to preempt hillary clinton's attack against him that who is this gay who has got these ties to alt right groups and has support of the kkk to talk about minorities. most of the people here at the new hampshire rally that we talked to, at least, fully believe that donald trump is very sincere about what is he doing. he also took on hillary clinton again, kimberly, over the issue of the clinton foundation and its ties to the state department, calling it a vast criminal enterprise that really needs to be looked into. now, will it be looked into? probably not. donald trump just wants to make the point that it should be, causing -- try to plant the seeds of skepticism at least with people who may be on the fence about whether to support the republican or the democrat in this race. kimberly? >> sounds like a strategy. john roberts, thank you so much. fox news correspondent jennifer griffin is live in reno, nevada where clinton was earlier today. jennifer, lots of news to cover. >> lots of news, kimberly. after spending five days fundraising, hillary clinton raised in the past three days alone, in fact, $18 million in california. but today here in reno, nevada she hit back at donald trump. she laid out why she thinks he is launching a hate movement in america providing examples of a racist past such as the justice contempt lawsuit against him when alan lords for hilords -- landlord put c on colored applications of african-americans. hit on support he received from white supremacist and the so-called alt right movement led by trump's new ceo steve bannon the former editor of breitbart. >> now, to give you a flavor of his work, here are a few headlines they've published. i'm not making this up. birth control makes women unattractive and crazy. [ laughter ] would your -- would you rather your child had feminism or cancer? >> a new clinton web video quote from the alt right movement released today illustrates the kkk's support for trump the 72nd video shows imperial whizs from the ku klux klan what he believes we believe while standing in hooded robes. it play as robo call speaker says i'm a farmer and white nationalist and i support donald trump. it head right donald trump would be good for whites. a dozen anti-clinton protesters stood outside her event here in reno and protested what critics call her pay-to-play arrangements. the pay to play arrangements between the state department and her family foundation. fox news shouted a question to her about her ties to the foundation on the rope line today but she chose to ignore it now, clinton was greeted by a large banner when she got here to the reno event that said trump that b-i-t-c-h. it's kind the language norm 3458izeed during this campaign and talking about candidates and it really have unprecedented. a new quinnipiac poll shows that clinton is leading trump nationwide among likely voters by 10 percentage points. kimberly? >> you are right. definitely gotten a little unseemly out there for sure. jennifer, thank you for that excellent report. as we said today campaign rallies were rough and tumble. here are s. donald trump going after secretary clinton. >> in a sense i don't want to dignify her statements by dwelling on them too much, but a response is required for the sake of all decent voters that she is trying to smear. recuse decent americans who support this campaign, your campaign of being racist, which we're not. [crowd booing] >> guess what? clinton did not back town and hit right back at trump. >> from the start, donald trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. he is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. his disregard for the values that make our country great is profoundly dangerous. >> let's go over all of it because the "on the record" political panel is here. tonight, from the "wall street journal" shelby holiday and from real clear politics caitlin huey burns. a lot of discussion about things being a little bit out of control from vitriolic rhetoric. allegations of racism, allegations of bigotry. as two women sitting here and a third over here, you have got to think about this is a big vote to get, the vote of women voters out there that come out and show up in force. how is it going to play. >> well, that's exactly it. this is a very nasty campaign because both candidates have viewed so incredibly negatively by the public. you are seeing both, trump and clinton, reach out to women voters but also to moderate republican voters. and clinton in her speech today was really trying to drive a wedge in the republican party and say to, you know, moderate white, college educated voters who are reluctant to support trump because of his rhetoric, because of the things that he has said that are controversial and say this is not part of the republican party that you know. she pointed to george bush, ronald reagan, john mccain and other republican figures saying that they do not condone this type of rhetoric. so i thought that was an effective tactic on her part because she is also really chane conversation, of course, away from the controversy surrounding her and the foundation and the email. >> i mean, both of these candidates managed to completely avoid the big stories of the day. for clinton, that's the clinton foundation. for donald trump, that's his backtracking on immigration. neither of them really addressed those issues at their rallies. it was smart of donald trump, he went first. his rally was planned earlier. he played quite a bit of offense going after the clinton foundation, really hammering clinton on these ties and these emails. but then he played a little bit of defense and he defended his supporters. he at any time address the alt right or any of these extreme groups clinton wanted to talk about. people who want safe borders, safe communities, they want to eliminate the threat of radical islamic terrorism. he really played defense for his supporters. at the same time, clinton played a lot of offense going after donald trump, and she wants to continue painting him as extreme because 671% of voters, 60% of voters aorderring to this quinnipiac poll that jennifer referenced say that the way that donald trump talks appeals to bigotry and if clinton allows his speech and some of the things he says to be normalized, that hurts her. she wants more people to think that he appeals to bigotry. that will ultimately help her. that's what we saw in the speech today. going back and forth, does it help that she is exposing the alt right? this is a group that wants attention, at the end of the day. >> they did it before with the tea party group. >> right. and i think trump was trying to make the argument today, too, of don't paint with a broad brush voters who are interested in some kind of change. and so i think that, if he can continue that kind of attack, that could be effective. but what hillary clinton has found and what democrats have found are these clips of republicans, conservative republicans rejecting a lot of what trump is saying and a lot of the rhetoric. and she is using that in ads. she is also using in ads clips of supporters who have come into his campaign, whether he did so intentionally or not, and i think that's really effective when you are thinking about those voters in the middle, those voters deciding whether to turn out. >> all right. kellyanne conway prompter on and i will hit that way. thank you. trump is working hard to court minority voters. >> this is the year that the people who have been betrayed by democratic policies, including millions and millions of african-american and hispanic american citizens reject the politicians who have failed them over and over and over again. >> and today, trump held a round table with minority leaders. rnc director of hispanic communications helen was in that meeting. helen goes "on the record" from washington, d.c. thanks for being with us tonight. what was your take away from today's messaging today point, counter point, what's the impact and will it impact in a positive way hispanic and latino voters? >> i think it's going to be very positive for hispanic and latino voters. mr. trump had a great meeting today where he talked with hispanic and african-american leaders and as he did last saturday. he is talking about issues that are very meaningful. it's not just immigration reform but it's also about jobs, the economy. making the streets and communities safe. religious liberty, which is really important, we don't leave our faith in the pews of the church. we take it home and live it every single day. school choice, why should you be locked into a school, a failing school because of the zip code that you happen to live in? these are the issues that really matter to latino voters, african-american voters. he is addressing them face forward. and that makes a major difference. democrats, you know, i'm appalled. i was watching your previous segment, and i'm appalled at hillary clinton trying to talk to us about values? hillary clinton, who is clearly corrupted with her foundation and used pay to play with the state department, our national security at risk? she can't be honest with the families of benghazi victims, american patriots. who is she to lecture 14 million voters who supported mr. trump for the primary and the many more who are going to be voting in november. who is she to tell us what is legitimate. she hasn't even had a press conference in 264 days. i wonder what she is afraid of. >> something important latino to latino, puerto rican over here. how is he going to latinos opposed to the wall hey we are going to have a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. any suggestions or commentary about that today? >> can i tell that you we talked a little bit about immigration. one of the things for sure that our polls show us is that 20% of latino voters are persuadable. they are looking for a better option than hillary clinton. they are tired of being pandered to. when you talk about look, we want law and order, mexico has very strict immigration rules, too. it's a flown to be an undocumented person in mexico so. why wouldn't the united states or any other country want to take care of immigration as a part of national security, as well as economic security? so, when you break it down and you talk about it sensibly as mr. trump is doing, i think it makes a difference and it goes a long way. and you talk about it as a major policy initiative that has to do with national security and economic security. what is wrong with law and order? what is wrong with making legal immigration easier and illegal immigration harder? we used to be a country that actually put the rule of law above everything else. and now we don't? that's not right. >> yeah, i know, as a former prosecutor i worked in two different offices and they both handled it a little bit differently with the san francisco d.a.'s office and the los angeles' attorney's office there needs to be uniformity. we certainly thank you for your time tonight, helen, and we will see where this goes going forward. >> thank you. >> and olympic swimmer ryan lochte not out of hot water yet. he may be headed back to rio. can he swim his way out? find out next. also, a run away truck causing chaos on a california street. you have to see this incredible video coming up next. stay with us. i've been taking fish oil from nature's bounty to support my heart. i'm running, four times a week. eating better, keeping healthy. so that no matter what happens in the future, my "future self" will thank me. thank you! you're welcome! hey listen. whatever you do, don't marry dan! hey babe, i'm dan. hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for... thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. nature's bounty i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. this is a fox news alert. brazilian police charging olympic gold medal swimmer ryan lochte with filing a false police report, plus, brazil wants lochte to do the back stroke and come back to rio. a police official telling fox news that lochte is being summoned back to rio to testify in front of brazil's justice department. lochte famously caused an international incident after embellishing parts of a story claiming eand teammates were robbed at gunpoint. sources telling tmz lochte will not come back. david meeks and former prosecutor katie fang go "on the record." david, i will begin with you. you just got off the phone with ryan lochte's attorney what are you hearing. >> i spoke with ryan lochte's attorney he said they have not been notified yet by the brazilian authorities. he is only hearing this in brazilian reports. he is trying to find out what they are saying. he wanted to emphasize a couple of points they would cooperate fully with the government. he also wanted to say they always cooperated with the government. they had been given no information that he needed to stick around by the brazilian authorities. >> also, katie, he has been getting a little bit of love after this whole situation. "dancing with the stars" and other endorsements, but what about the justice here? what should he do? >> well, i just want to make sure this is clear. this is about pee and a poster. if brazil really wants ryan lochte to come back for pee and a poster i think thi this is, again, being blown way out of proportion. i appreciate that his attorney said is he going to go back. he has no obligation to go back other than ethical. he is not going to be extradited to go back to the country. >> i'm trying to keep a straight face. i can imagine you on the conference call with brazil. let me get this straight. really, what is the public sentiment, david, about this? are people going to say enough is enough already? he said he was sorry. there was some problems here. pay a fine, restitution, maybe a better, more polished public apology. swimming with children who come from disadvantaged neighborhoods lessons, something, goodwill. >> i think they will try to handle it he can apologize if he wants. i'm not sure he needs to. the story he gave has been proven to be largely accurate. he did give a few details wrong. but the framework he said they were held at gunpoint and ordered to pay money and that did occur. in our reporting, the judges down there and the legal experts, not the authorities, the legal experts were saying if they were to look at anyone look at the guards for either violating the laws for vigilante justice or straight up robbery. >> talk about the sponsorships because, yes, it was man down or speedo down, he lost speedo, right? ralph lauren, is he getting some other things going, i mentioned "dancing with the stars." what's in his future? >> well, he just picked up a new sponsor actually today. and basically has to do with throat lozenges and when you got that sore throat. he is really suffering. here is the reality, guys. he may look at sanctions from the international olympic organization. he wants to compete in tokyo in 2020. he may not be able to do so because he still has to face american and international sanctions not to mention what he may have exposure to in brazil. but, ultimately, jimmy feigen told everybody, divis, that his fine went from 31,500 to 47,000 u.s. dollars and eventually $10,800. i'm going to go back what i said at the beginning of this hit, guys, p and a poster. 47,000 u.s. dollars for that completely unreasonable. >> printing money in rio at that rate with those kind of fines. besides that, pee and the poster. david, what's next for him? can he really be compelled to go back there? this is a guy who wants to get back in the pool, swim in the olympics. what do we make of this? >> well, if i am ryan lochte i'm going to look at the let's no got back to the brazil option now and try to get this handled from a distance. i'm sure that's what is he going to do. as for going in the pool that will be a real test for the international olympic committee. mark adams their spokesperson said this absolutely did not happen. that also is a mistake and he didn't mean to say it but he got it wrong there were errors all around in this. it's hard to imagine they are going to come down too hard on ryan lochte for getting held up at gunpoint. >> katie, i'm going to be thinking about that all night. pee and a poster it's not pee and a pool. a major taxpayer funded college is trying to censor certain words. wait until you hear some of the words on that list next. listen to this, saying politically correct is cancelled. no longer politically correct at the university of wisconsin, milwaukee. a student group putting out a list of worsn't think students should use, ever. some of the words on that list, yeah, politically correct. oh, lame, that's also cancelled. and crazy. don't ever say it. some on campus are outraged over the list but others think it's a good thing. uwm student body president mike fortello joins us from campus. my goodness, thank goodness i'm not on college campuses anymore. but what is going on there and how are the students reacting to this list? >> can you hear me? i think perhaps we maybe lost his audio. can you hear me, mike? >> oh, there you are. hi. what's going on is that students are engaged. >> you are happy about this? >> engaged in this discussion. they are finally engaged in the discussion about the power of words. you know, last time i checked, asking students to think critically about the power of the words they use isn't so new. the just words campaign isn't new this year, but the idea of thinking critically is all of a sudden news worthy? that a little surprising. >> patience are paying a lot of money and students are taking out loans to be able to go to school and g.e.d. an education. people are going to be afraid to open their mouth if they have to worry if they mess up and say politically correct or they mess up and say the word crazy. makes no sense. >> oh, i don't think people are worried about messing up. i think what's going on is that students are starting dialogue about words that may be offensive to some others. last time i checked, a sign on a wall that, you know, says saying that's gay may have some bad implications, may be insulting to groups isn't news. this is completely voluntary. nobody going around telling people to shut their mouth or hey don't say that this is starting a dialogue between students, between students and staff about things that maybe students haven't thought about before. if anything, this is really engaging way to dialogue. >> well, i understand that. and that's another phrase now, right? weighted dialogue. you have to understand people are listening at home and saying the words lame, that is something that we have to have a big discussion about that it's weighted dialogue? it just seems like a little bit excessive and i don't know if it's really educating people in terms of going to school and being able to learn something so they can better themselves to go further in their, you know, career with an education that actually helps them fulfill those goals. >> well, can i ask you a quick question? >> yeah. >> so, you know, if you were unfortunately in a car accident on your way home and you unfortunately broke both of your legs and you became lame and then somebody started to use the word that you self-identify with to insult you or not to insult you but to describe a situation that they don't think is good, whether it's like oh, you know, someone sneezed in my dinner, that's lame and all of a sudden they are using a word that personally evenings you. you wouldn't think that's effective. >> no, not to me. i guess it depends on the receiver. if someone said to me oh, you broke your legs, or a horse breaks their at the track. should the horse get a lawyer because the horse is offended because this is weighted language because a horse has a lame leg? >> no, i don't think horses should get lawyers. >> this seems crazy. >> speaking, you know, you may think it's crazy, you know. that's your opinion and i respect that obviously those there are appropriate ways to use those terms. lame has an appropriate usage when ones aren't able to use their leg. gay has homosexual. inappropriate way to use those words isn't one in a proper definition in a way aflicks some marginalization outside group that isn't you. >> there is a wide spectrum there and there are some words and phrases on there that do not seem that they should be considered to be offensive versus serious real dialogue about things that would matter and that actually might have an impact on someone that you wouldn't want to use language that was offensive or was pressroom disor biased against them. i think that's the distinction. >> and i think that is a distinction. you have to ask what do people with privilege, people like you and me who aren't lame but other people, too, what do they think of these words? it's not just how you feel. life is about looking at how everyone feels and interacting with each other. again, no one is running around telling people what to say. there is freedom of speech in this country. search proud of it we are a publicly funded institution. we are proud of the first amendment here. we are just asking for people to think about the words they used not time i checked it's not so crazy to ask people to think before they talked. >> you used the word crazy two or three times before this segment. that's interesting. guess what, mike, call me crazy. stick around we have a guest that's joining us and if you can opine in as well. is campus censorship getting out of control? editor and chief daily ben shapiro goes "on the record." ben, great to see you tonight. thanks for coming on the "on the record." you heard the previous guest in some of these lists and this is happening pretty much across this country. there is heated, spirited debate, which you should have about this subject. your thoughts? >> well, i mean, first of all, i think what we are teaching a lot of the kids in college is oversensitivity and perceived victimization is a path toward reward and virtue. the more you feel as though you are oppressed the more people are going to sympathize with you and give you what you want. i think that's a bit of a mistake. better off teaching people not to take everything quite so seriously. that said, i, of course, understand the value of words. i just think i do wonder the university of wisconsin, they use words like privileged, obviously, and that is -- that's obviously a buzz word and if you use words like white privilege which is extraordinarily were common on campuses like udub shutting down white people. assumption is if you are white then you must be somebody who can't speak properly on any issue other than white people issue. all of these words, how about this? how about we just have open debate on all of this stuff and stop attempt toggle shut counsel the terminology that's used per se. >> right. mike, you are back up. so that's your word for being winner. is winner offensive word weighted language that may offend somebody because there is maybe one winner and, quote, a loser? i think i know what you are going to say. >> i think it's all about asking who is being affected by the words we are using? you mentioned just a moment ago there are words that we use every day that are really common that before you think aren't offensive at all. you know, you mentioned the word crazy. you mentioned the word lame. >> they're on this list, that's why. lame. >> yeah. >> man up, man up is very bad, i guess. politically correct. >> i want to finish. >> what's wrong with man up? >> yeah. i have six sisters a and a mother and one father. i come from family of predominantly women. when my sisters are growing up in an environment whenever they -- something is hurting them emotionally and if i were to tell them to man up, that the ideal thing is to become more masculine and less feminine, that, to me, personally. >> i don't know, but i don't think you are going to say that to your mother so i think that's not a very good specific example. maybe you say it to ben. ben, man up, does that bother you? >> well, you know, honestly, i have a wife, i have a daughter, i have three sisters and a mother. i don't know that any of them are going to go through themselves off a bridge if somebody says man up to them. everyone man up a little bit and get over it. you know, honestly, i don't know what your training kids to do other than become paranoid about the language they are using and language that is used about them. >> that's an excellent -- that's a really good point. i want to note on that. you are right. to make a really, really big deal out of something isn't always the best thing to do. but you know what? it's a good place to start and to talk about it. sometimes it's not the time or place to bring it up. if we are having a good conversation about the educational system and, you know, you use the word lame? a sentence. >> use a term big deal, too. and you just used did. see what i'm saying about that conversation. >> new york because that's not related at all. >> i mean, that just doesn't make any sense, ben, ben? >> big deal? >> add that to your resume. ben, you are a big deal. >> i think a lot of people have future as administrators in useless department at university of wisconsin. >> there you go. i will leave it at that we are a little bit overtime. gentlemen, can i say that? thank you. and rescuers are digging through rubble and amatrice, italy. the massive earthquake death toll is rising. some good news. an incredible rescue you need to see coming up next. plus, caught on camera, a run away truck barrels through traffic straight ahead. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. this is a fox news alert. you are looking live at a bus being swallowed by a sinkhole in phoenix, arizona. a major intersection closed off. and you can see water pouring out of the hole. now, take a look at these pictures. and if you see there, i mean, it's really remarkable to see just the devastation and the sinkhole the way it's opening and you can see the bus going down. really unbelievable. and, again, this is phoenix, you are looking live at this bus going slowly down into this sinkhole. unbelievable. remarkable. all right. check out this wild video, a massive truck careening out of control on a busy southern california street. >> he just took out that car. >> out of control and caught on camera. this dramatic video showing gravel truck swerving across medians, driving on the wrong side of the road and slamming into cars. >> this dude is crazy, don't get in front of this guy. >> panicked passengers staying far behind the truck recording its every move. >> we're following this truck who is just riding up on the median. he just sideswiped a car. and now -- he broke the window on a car. >> he broke the kind doe on a car. >> the truck flying down the street and drivers desperately trying to get out of the way. >> look at him hit the median again. he just took out that car. >> finally the truck comes crashing to a stop, hitting another car stuck in its path. >> oh no. oh, no. oh [bleep] >> thankfully, no one killed. unbelievable video, police are investigating but it is believed the driver may have suffered some kind of medical emergency. a popular life-saving device just had its price jacked up and many people may not be able to afford it. but now the ceo behind the epipen is offering some relief for allergy sufferers. all next. stay with us. relook. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved 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of the orlando terror attack. orlando hospitals announcing they will not bill any of the survivors of the pulse nightclub massacre. instead of the hospital will write off $5.5 million. the orlando ceo said he wanted to pay kindness forward. 49 innocent people were murdered. 53 people were injured during the june attack. some relief for allergy sufferers. drug company mylan the maker of the epipen claims the company hiked the life saving device by 500 percent. it used to cost around $100 but now the price spiked to more than 600. the company ceo, who is the daughter of democratic west virginia senator joe manchin says patients can now using a savings card to save up to $300. and happy 100th birthday to the american national park system. the national park service oversees 529 sites. 60 trails. scenic rivers. the nation's parks had 307 million visitors. that's nearly the entire u.s. population. and from super hero to super villain, fat man caught stealing beer. the dark night taking two 18 packs of budweiser. should have taken the light. police now know who it is and know it's not bruce wane. the convenience store owner says they do not want to press charges. that's tonight's speed read. and breaking right now, the enormous death toll in the massive italian earthquake has risen to 250 people. sadly as rescuers continue to dig through rubble, that death toll is expected to keep going up. fox news foreign correspondent john huddy is live in amatrice, italy, john, thanks for joining us tonight. what a horrifying story. i remember when it first broke and the numbers keep rising. >> yeah, that's right. and actually, kimberly, i'm going to step out of the way right now. we are at one of the search sites and the scene there is a canine, a sniffer dog as they call it, which is going into the scene. can you see they're on top of the rubble and doe bree there. and just right before we went live, they brought in those crews, the firefighters or at least the rescue team to search the rubble. they may have picked up some kind of scent. this is what we have been seeing since early wednesday morning when the 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit central italy and devastated these small towns and villages, including arm tray, which is where we are right now. and what they will do is they will be excavating. they will be pulling away the debris, the bring, the mortar, the rubble. and then they will go in. a team had go in and they will call out trying to pick up on some sort of life, some calling out. they will bring the sniffer dogs in to see if anybody is calling back and responding to their call. so that's what we are watching right now to see if possibly they have picked up a scent, if maybe somebody is buried in there. certainly the chances of finding at this point somebody buried pee neath all that rubble and debris, ththe decreases by the hour. they did find a 10-year-old girl. they pulled her alive out of the rubble last night in one of the other devastated towns. but, again, time is of the essence and time is running out that said though, officials are quick to point out that back in 2009, after another deficit stating earthquake, here in central italy, they did find a man after 72 hours being buried and certainly as journalists we have covered stories people have been buried and pulled out alive after about five days. hope definitely remains. the crews have been hampered by a couple things. one, in particular, the con distant aftershocks. there have been several more tremors today there was a 4.3 magnitude tremor earlier this afternoon and then several right here on the ground going into the evening and overnight hours. we're early friday morning. now we are beginning the third day of the search effort. again, as you can see, kimberly, it continues. back to you. >> unbelievable. such an incredible story. god bless the people who are searching and those families who have lost lives. we will pray for that 10-year-old little girl tonight. john, thank you suspect. coming up, more off-the-record straight off-the-record straight ahead. energy is a complex challenge. people want power. off-the-record straight ahead. and power plants account for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions. the challenge is to capture the emissions before they're released into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. that's what we're working on right now. ♪ energy lives here. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. test test a big win for patriotism and update on a story we brought you "on the record." american flags once again flying on arlington new york fire trucks. earlier this month the commission ordered the flags removed. the board claimed the flags could be a distraction to drivers. after a firestorm of public outcry the american flags go back up. that's all for now. we're going to see you again tomorrow night right here at 7:00 p.m. eastern. donald trump will go "on the record" with me. it's a can't miss interview and never miss an episode of the five every night at 5:00 p.m. welcome to "red eye." i'm andy levey. let's check in with dan on the news deck. i will have to start supporting trump and hope solo gets suspended for calling the swedish team cowards. and ryan lochte was asked to join the "dancing with the stars" cast. who got the harder sentence? and a father and son find whale vomit that could be worth $85,000. god, i picked the wrong career. back to you, andy. >> thanks, dan. let's welcome our guests.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160830

collin kaepernick reprehensible, disgusting. >> you, mr. kaepernick don't love our country, get the [bleep] out of it, okay? >> i understand his point of view but i don't think that was the right arena to do so. >> sit on your butt in the country that made you the star and the wealthy millionaire that you are. >> former florida congressman and executive director of the national center for policy analysis lieutenant colonel allen west goes "on the record." good evening, sir how are you. >> i'm good. how are you? >> you blasted kaepernick? >> well, look, i come from a family of servants. my father was born in 1920 and served in world war ii at a time when he truly knew what oppression meant. he was not afforded all the rights and privileges that other americans were. when he sat me down as a young man on the steps of our home in atlanta, georgia, in an inner city neighborhood, he told me there is no greater honor, and no greater privilege than wearing the uniform for the united states of america. when collin kaepernick sits down and does not respect the flag, the same flag that draped the coffin of my father a world war ii veteran, i do take umbrage with that. >> i suppose it did help with his fans that i don't know that he is known for doing much in the community but, you know, he is a wealthy man. is he paid a lot of money. he earns it. is he a great football player. but i think that there is -- it seems to me that he might have found a better way to express his political opinion. it might have been better if he were out in the community helping, perhaps, or at least have done something to that effect rather than sitting down. >> well, you are absolutely right. i think that when you look at the young man, he is just parroting talking points. i want to ask him how do you define oppression in the united states of america? because, as i look at what's happened in the black community, it is not the oppression coming from, you know, this great nation or this country. everyone has an equality of opportunity. but when you look at the ails of this community, you look at the fact that two young black men 26 and 22, two young brothers just shot the cousin of dwyane wade an nba star how do we go so wrong in the community. look at the break down of the community. look at the family. entrepreneurship in the inner city community. that's what collin should have been talking about instead of parroting these talking points that i don't know who he got them from. >> let's bring in the viewers. in now is your chance to vote at home on twitter. should the nfl punish collin kaepernick for sitting during the national anthem tweet yenders using #greta. show you live votes throhout the show. is there any way he can get i has created a lot of noise is there any way to bkac out of that and express his deep seeded feeling about what's going on in the nation? >> yea i think so. that was one of the things that i recommeed in the piece that i wrote. first and foremost he should give a humble alogy is country and t theen dho sve a you know, stand to mak tt lastull measure devotion. i think he should take a hiatus ay fm the nfl football season. can he go over to helmand province in afghanistan and be there wh those men and men that are protecting his rights and his freedoms and affording him the privilege to be able to be a multimillionaire 1 percenter and throw the football with them out in one of those combat zones and tell them ine som you appreciate it. like that, the american people would understandhat pbablyaw the ills of his ways and misguided comments. >> why do you think he sat down the other night night? >> well, you know, this is a very trendy thing to go on right now in the united states of america, to stand up and, you kno spe agnst you country. and lots of times these are people that have never been to any other country and they don'tnderstand how so many people wa to come to the united states of america and ear that title of american because of what we stand for. now, there are issues in the eak community, absolutely right. but they are not issues that are resulting from anything that the american people have done. if he has a beef with law enforcement in the united states of america, he should not speak out trying to undermine the rule of law, which means thateople have to go through a due process. you know, we saw the false narrative of hands up, don't shoot there in ferguson, missouri. and the otherhi is is the nfl needs to clarify their positions. because, here dallas, we were jt told that the dallas cowboys could not have a dn their helt to recognize those five police officers that were killed but, yet, we will see what happens with young colin. >> stay with us for a second i wanto bring in former marine bomb technician staff sergeant joni jonesho tweeted is hey kaepernick don't have legs but i will stand with enough pride for both of us every time my national anthem plays. good evening, sir. and obviously you have a strong reaction to kaepnick refusing to sta during the national anthem. your thoughts, sir? >> absolutely, good evening, greta. yeah, i actually took issue wi his comments afterwards refusing to stand, that's one thing and it offends me it, real does. that is free speech. his comments equated operism or pride in this country or that anthem to pporting oppression. listen, by noeans is our country perfect and by all means let's address actual issues and we're to solve them. when you sit there and equate my pride in my country to a bigot in some other place or the ones that ar in this country to the 300 million that aren't that way, i take issue with that d i want to tl you about it especially when you use yourlatform that way. >> you know, sitting down was obviously a huge statement. then heug his heels in a little bit deeper with thin that he said afterwards. i don't know if upon some reflection he might want to sortf try to unbury himself from this. is there any way that he can sort restore what happened and try to, you know, get back your confidence in him and your admiration f him? >> absolutely. i mean, america is a country of coming together and forgiveness. that flag and that anthem, that stand for the people and united this country. that fought for the people that fought f civil rights and made this country a little bit better. stands for the people working hard every single day to fix these issues that do exist. hey, listen, i come from a smal town i gia. i have seen racism. have also seen people grow and learn. i have seen ignorance turn into compassion. you don't do it by drawing more lands in the sand. as a service member, it's offensive for people not to stand for the national anthem. but as an american, it's offensive for you to equate my pride to bigots or oppression or other things that are wrong in this country but will be fixed. >> colonel, he has now probably had a little extra time to think about it and i ask bot of you positns how he can restore himself. if he elects not to and digs his heels in even deeper, then what? should the nfl do something? >> well, there are cobs seences to yo actions. and, you know, i just want to say that what you have on your show tonight are two young men,oth from georgia, fro different backgrnd. guess what? we both took an oath to support andefend the nstitution of the united states of america. stand and make sure that we defend this way of life. if this young man does not understand how this is such a great nation and it affords opptunities for young johnny and allen west to be together, you know, we are missing out on wh thi country is.the l is goin to havo make a tough decision because, when you look at the st. louis rams who came out with the hands up, don't shoot. that was a false narrative. you look at the denial of the decal on the dallas cowboys helmet. what are g.e. they going to do in the instance of colin. >> staff sergeant, what should the nfl do if anything? excellt opportunity to set a policy and abide by it. i don't think they should ask colin kaepernick to stand. they should allow the decals on the dallasbo c helmets. that's neither here nor there. i hope' colin kaepernick comes out and explains what he is passionate about. that's not the 330 milli americans tha fall u that anthem and sport it that's the ones we are going to weed out and the ones we are going to fix. i believe that's what he will do. i pray that's what he will do. i will pray for him and i know this country is better than what we are seeing a i know we are going to get er >> and, greta, if i could say, opening day for the nfl is 9/11, i don't think the colin wants t optic of him sitting on the sideline. >> i'm sure he doesn't. i'm sure his team doesn't. i'm sure the owners don't want that. i don't think the fans want that. anyway, colonel, thank you, sir. >> thank you so much. >> and the san francisco 49ers quarterback saying this won't be the las time he refts to sta f the naon antm. >> willon ce to sit. i'm going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. to me, this is something that has t change. and when there is significant change and feel like that flag represents what it is pposed to repsent and this country is repsenting people that it is supposed to, i'll stand. >> "u.s.a. today" sports managing editor david meeks is here. david, doesn't look like this was sort of a dumb idea one night is he digging his heel in making statements afteards. is he going farther ghe said before in talking about this he had been thinking about it for some time and talked out it with his famy os fends of his. he has not had a happy off season h some surgeries. didn't play last year and losttain j. there is more than unhappiness abthe anthem. >> wha doe thiso about thmoreafflhe team. other players know this proble isoing on with thr quarterback. maybe not the starting quarterback and backup quarterback. did he once take them to the super bowl. what's the morale like in that locker room? >> that's going to be the number one things on the minds ofhe coaching staff and players on this team. you can make a sech a brin the flag into it you are setting u firestorm. these other guy don't get paid $12 million a year. they pay for a living. they don't want distractions that tears the team apart or stops it from playing as well as they can. >> a possibility he could get cut without getting that money. >> he won't get cut without paying that money. he would get paid. heou te p c anyway. >> bad boy images and players and had sort of the watcng some of exciteme j namh was always excite toggle watch years ago. is there any place where he could go that heould be receivedhat theyeed a quarterback? because i don't thinis he going to stay. i don't see him staying in san francisco. >> he hasn't wand to be there. he has been soaking a trade before this. it is hd to imagine who wouldn't te himf is he a greapler at his best. at his healthiest he was electrifng player. he isn't that right now. right now the market is low for him. >> 79%f the people think the nhl shoul him. the nfl's position has been. >> what we encourage all our players to stand for the national anthem. we do not require it big difference between sitting nor the national am a bringin flag and oppression that's what set this off. a lot of peopleeehis flag as a way to getf oppression. that's the way the country waord. >> i't see sco th pul thing. you get the idea that he had an attitude going into this. his career he had a bad off season and not a good start to this season. this seems like a bte player lonefs ntversnd tis shg it. >> lt night he made disparaging comments about donald trump and hillary clinton and morphed into something more than just the clearly as this on hisin >> who owns the 49ers, york? >> york, yh. >> i imagine they are involved in this decision whether to keep him or not? >> think they are trying to do what's best f their team overall look at the whole situation. how does he come outf ts ologize. em suggesting things he could do torien people over. winning football games also does. that will do what's best for the people. >> if he stays with the 49ers he depose to some stadiums tha will will be some heckling. just imagine the heckling goes on when he shows up. >> they play thursday night in final preseason game big mitary town i expect he will hear it there. >> disclosure they did lose to the packers. that may be part of my view on this. thank you, david. >> thank you. >> developing now and, yes, it is getting worse. more new emails showing the level ofomnica beheeen clint foun and secreta clinton's top advisor huma abedin. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine heid is here. >> thank you, greta. ese e eils that were obtained b the conserti group citizens united. an they had to fight for d a ha yea w st t accs to thers emails iteay is very confirmatory of what we have seen so far which is that there was this seamness relationship between the clinton aids at the state department and the clinton foundation. and there was really a very concerted effort to try and t specicc aess for some theseonor >>el the are more emails. it a confirmation of it. there is noig surprise. i mean, so, younow,ow >> theisld be if we sawomet slightly ffereninheay that these access to dinners were arranged or hot key players are. pretty clear right now the state department state department human that abedin.she was t pivot point for thclinto foundation and the top official there doug band. >> who she later went to work for. >> that's correct. th bthata little b cozr >>y tight technical term. >> she had a duel job. bo at the state departmt and with him. >> that's right. in fact, she had they hats that she wore at the state department for a period of time having three different sets ofmployed. the headline would be that these emailseallort of rther stngen thease that there was this very seamness relationship in terms of the sharing of information and taking these clinton foundation donors and gettingheind of access that the average person would not get without that kind of donation. >> and the clinton campaign >> cnton campaign says well, the state department, which, to me, part of the story is that the state department has become a defender in chief for then secretary clinton. >> which is not their job. >> this is not their job. they are paid by the taxpayer. it'snteresting toe that u have seen them take a much more political tone in their response, - at least to me in theiresponses they said no laws were broken and part of the job of being at the state department which is absolutely true is building relationships and trying to decide who is going to get access to whom. >> one quick qstn. the fbige tarng atate electi?on >> that's right. second set of documents fbi flash alert that wt out after there was a breach of a state elections board website and then also an attempted attack on another one. d our contas say that it really is the m.o. of these russian-backed cyber militias. that's important because what we have seen in the last three months is really almost a strategic gatheri of intelligence. the dnc, the dccc elects ople tthe house hee ch on theatoun a well. >> none into the rnc ar as we can see. they have a more s he first at this indicated that we haven't looked into that. >> you have go to ae they have been in the r, too but you have t bn able to identifyt yet. >> catheri, thank you. >> you'reelcome. >> a bad day for secretary clinton's top advisor besides e new emails. huma abedin h announced she is investigating? her husband former congressman anthony weiner. rob schmidt is here to explain. rob? >> real rough day former congressman weiner losing tw job i contributor to new y station one and the other writing columns ne. the new york daily's aln ha announcing e elrating fro h ying,uo: afte lg and painful consideration and won my mrie, i haade the decision to separate from myusnd anthony and i remai devoted to dng what ibestor ousonho w is the light of our le. during this difficul time i ask for respect for pracy. ,ow,s after the "new york post" revealed a new scda its the third time that anthony weiner has publicly embarrassed himself and his family. wiener was cost sectioning with a0-somethg divce say. told the posthey have been in contact for 19 months but never metn person. the starring the sma that p covr show weiner now a h sband in his underwear laying in bed next to toddler son when he took that photo. woman remaining anonymous responded to that photo you realize can you see your blank in that pick. us the former politian's last ne of co rerence to somethinge. thony wne w democraticgrsman1 e rigned photo surfac from him in his unrwear he hadent to coeglle student in washington state. weh tried to reviv his career by running in new york city in 2013. his numbers tanked when he was caught sexting yet again under carlos danger. right now weiner is not talking about this. his twitter account has been deache activated. greta? >> that comes under the title finally he is deactivated. thank you for the record and welcome to the fox news channel. >> thank you. see you later. >> secretary clinton may be leadinin many polls news out today cld give donald trump fresh ammunition. "on the record" political panel is here. massive manhunt underway. murder suspect confessing to murder on facebook and t going onheun. ♪ the oceans. pr biodirsity. everywhere we work. defeating malaa. developi more clean burning namy j myturning gainto bfu in t developing rl making cars gourther withess. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. ♪ energy lives here. mary buys a little lamb. one of millions of orders on this company's servers. accessible by thousands of spliers and eloes global. but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack thhe help of at&t, ansecurity that senses d mitites cyber threats, eir critical data is ser than eve ving them the agility to be op & secure. that? have they released any information about the vehicle he might be driving? >> yes, he might be driving in a volkswagen jetta accordg to vehicle registration data, he owns one. >> and of course, any corol and idea -- i assume it's north carolinaag, plates? any idea on the color? >>o. all we have is the type of car he has. aight. so is a jea and t picres on the reen if anyonha seen this m, is wanted for er andeonhe runnd thought to be armed and dangerous. call the police if you see him driving a jet attachment monica, thank you. >> thank you. >> andore new trouble for the clinton campaign. the political panel is next. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? even if you're trying your a daily struggle, along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. ♪ let's groove tonight. sharehecelife. ♪ aby,♪ from t maks ofans, toujeo provides oodsur-lo♪ aby,♪ from t maks r 24 hours and beyond, ♪ we're gonna groove tonigh proven blood sugar control all day and all night, ansignificant a1c reduction. toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't usdung episodestreat of l bowod sugar or if you' allergicinsun. alrgic reaction maoccur d may be le threatening. don't e needles or share insulin pens, even if the needle has been changed. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be serious and life threatening. it may csehaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily. injection site reactions may occur. don'chgeour do of inntain to youdo. tell your doctor about all medicines you take taking tzd, touje d yoimay cause heart failure that canea, never het fae re tadon't diluteouje d yoimay or mixoujeo failure wi onsulins orolions as ity not work as intended anyou malose blood sugar control, which could be serious. ♪ let's groove tonight. . ask your doctor about toujeo®. the ice of life.♪ ♪ the hits keep coming for the clinton campaign. new released emails show a direct connection between the clinton foundation and the hillary clinton led state department. top donors tried to get specia favors and some donors did, in fac get them. chairman of the oversight committee congressman ron saos goes "on the record." good evening, sir. >> good evening, greta. >>ell, we have heard this before that therere emails connecting the clinton foundation with staff over at the state documt who worked directly with secretary of state hillary clinton. then secretary of state hillary clinton. what are you going to do about it, if anythg? >> well, i have sd for over a year that we need to have a special counsel investigate not only the email and top secret information but also the clton foundation because whether you have is a lot of money going into this foundation. some of it was from american citizens but a lot of it was from foreign citizens and even foreign governments and then you had actions that the state department took in different instances and those need to be vetted and see whether there was a pay-to-play going on. emails were disturbing. want to lock further. i would also say the fact that she didn't turn over the clinton foundation, many of the clintonemails and the far attorneys used bleach bit to wipe the server, to m that dicates thathere is ere there skee. >> there are a couple issues on the table there first of all, aso secretary clinton herself, the fbi director comey has said that he does not recommend going any further, he does not recommend, for instance, sending it to a grand jury. as to whether or not the clinton foundation should be investigated, you say that might need a special prosecutor but the fact is that you have got a u.s. attorney in the southern or eastern district of new york. you have prosecutors there who are perfectly able to do that. i imagine if you thought that had merit that youight make a commendaon oebod too that. tt e a means to do that. is that fair? >> it would be if that were what were hpening. we have had reports that the fbi has tried to investigate the foundation and attorney general lynch put the gobash on it they won't comnt on at's goi on. we'tnow whether this is bei investid at all. ifou have aattorney gel who is wilngo let the u.s. attorneys do their jobs, then, yeah, you don't maybe need one. but i wou say though given th's happened wh attorney general lynch, meeting with bil clinton, the way she performedn front the jiciary committee, refusedo answer questions, i don't think a lot of us have confidence in her handling anything more with the clinton case. and, remember, comey did not recommend prosecution for elassie infmation mishandling. but he did s ty no tl t tth wn her wk-retedmails. they found thousands of emails and obviously were getting thousands more now. many of them had to do with thelinton foundatio >> now, in terms of director doou t thaasisirec opio hing precutim hea the fbi or do you think t fbi using a crass term that the fix was inomething sinister a his recommendation. >> i thi the justice department told him, look, we have concerns about usi gross negligence even though that's the standard, even though the justice department will prosecute simple negligence in things environmental c. i thi they said wean you to bacts tha sclose tnforma or arhentanf c that' not what 18 usb 7 is tryingo protect dependence. there are other statutes that can get that conduct. they wanted to impose a duty on high public officials to behave themselves in a way that's appropriate and not be extremely careless. so i think he interpreted a different statute than the one congress enacted and i think part of that was because of the prosecutors at the justice department and their guidance to him. >> and you don't think that he would overrule that if in his judgment he thought that was wrong? >> well, look, if they are telling him theyentntend tothe itedly wks. wher have the crimina instigators will defer to therosetor. now, oiously heas extensive experience himself. >> here is the thing, congressman, you know what though? if the fbi director thinks that he is getting some sort of command influence from the justice department or some bad direction, i would hope that he would have a stiff enough spine to make his own decisions, own recommendations. i don't know that it is. that's where this discussion is. either he was right in his recommendation or he is caving to the justice department. right? >> well, or he is just wrong on the law. maybe he agrees with the justice item. the bottom line is he said she was effectively grossly gligent in how she handled this. that's what the statute requires. loretta lynch, when we asked her about it, she wouldn't even talk about how they view the law generally, much less the facts ofsas soeot no insig from attorney generalyn l at all to try to clarify it. >> i think yr best chance if y are going to get a whistle blowerf you are going to get information if there is more it be happen had. >> thank you for joining us. >> happy to. >> annie linskey and from "fortune magazine" nina easton. is any of this email stuff at this point going to have any impact on e ectn? i guesst's gng to impact democrats? it's not going to impact republicans. but on independents and undecides. >> it hasn't impacted the race so far. there have been dramatic developments. have you had the fbi director show that she has exposed confidential information, national serity iormation. we have seenhat she didt tell the tru. we have seen now tha there is porous borders between the clinton foundation and the state department. the polling that really is fascinating is that right after comey came out and said, you know, she was reckless, careless with this information, a majority of the public thought he should have taken action, even though he didn't. yet, polls that came out just a week later showed her still ahead of donald trump in the cpaign. you're getting down to what's the alternative. >> you know, i find, this i was off for a couple days last week so this morning when i came in a question about the emails. i said are these new emails or different emails? i'm so confused now whether we have new emails showing more connection or ls connection? dote already know about this connection and so what does this all mean? >> that's pof the problem with this story, right? is that it just le tnk it absolutely will never go away because there is always going -- we are going to get probably another 15,000 emails. people are going to scroll through those emails for any name that's linked to the thousands and thousands of donors the clinton foundation or the people connected to thoseonors. i don't aagree it'sg no impact. ounk abo hi clinton has s many things going for her right now. yet, we are all tal about thi and, y know,f donald trumas h any chance at this electionitt t this kind of thing keeps going andonneio becom even more clear. i ink that'she thinge l hen't had that email from hillary clinton just saying a milon dollars and i will get your visa taken care of. >> i think thathe only impact itight have is when she is on that debe stage and she is asked the questions about that. she gng to be prered for it but if the question -- there may be some tough questions about those. >> she will be prepared. >> again, it depose back to i agree it's definitely keeping her numbers low th they would be otherwise. you go into this race with a republican nominee who has got a lot of flaws, and with the demographics working in favor of the democrats, not the republicans, you cou gu she should be much higher. >> but it doesn't matter if her numbers are lower if she is still winning. it doesn't matter if she wins by a little bit or a whole bunch recommendation it kind of does. if it's a landslide, that's going cause real serious rethinkingithin the republic party. if it's a weeker, the dynamics are going to be different. going back to your debate question, okay, she answers an email question. she answers a clinton foundation question. she will be very practiced if in how she does it something happen like donald trump doesn't know somethg. that's not gng b the headline out of the debate, i b. we will see b i bet. >> let say youre right and that the poll numbers today are the same that they are november. but we're already talng about a special prosecutor for another clinton administration. i mean, you know, it is going to effect. >> clinton administration there will be a no special prosecutor. it will be her attorney general who will have to appoint one. >> that's a good point. >> annie and nina, thank you both for joining us. super star dwyane wade's cousin, a mother of four, viciously murdered while pushing a baby stroller. now donald trump is gting involved in the chicago violence. also, we investigate why her murder couldave been prevented. th's next. plus, a fox weather alert. dangerous a poo poo tinel tenly deadly weather headed her way. two major storm systems barreling down on the united states. states. and fox news you totaled your brand new car. nobody's hurt, but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your r. liberty stands with you™. take a lk at this. th is not what you want to see outside your airplane window. an explosion ripping off part of a southwest jet's engine. the boeing 757 was flying from new orleans to orlando when passengers heard a loud boom. terrified passengers put on oxygen mask while quick thinking pilot made emergency landing. pilot was able to land the plane in pensacola. miralously nof the 99 passengers and crew on board was injured. d quick-tnkin pilo to drinking pilot o itedli pilots yanked from the flight for beg drunk. the flight was about to take from scotland headed to newark, fugitive, and united airlines saying the two pilots have also been removed from all flying duties it n known how police disceredhathe pilots were dru after a0-urho d t lo are 521 passengers took off with new and sober pilots. violence in chicago spinning more and more out of control. this weekend alone in o, 10 people were killed and 57 were wounded. one of those murdered was the cousin of nba super star dwyane wade. nykea aldridge. mike tobin is live on t streets of chicago. mike? and, gre, the politicos e getting inv jesse jackson just weighed in saying chicago is in a stat of undeclared it's really donald trump who dragged thisnt the political arena ove twitter. his first tweet on saturday reading dwyane wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago. just what i have been saying african-americans will vote trump. this morning wrote look how bad it's getting. how many more shootings will it take for african-americans and latinos to vote trump equals safe? the chicago police superintendent somewhat dismissed trump's statement saying if he has a ha jik bullet solve the problems in chicago or anywhere please share it however, chicago police are campaigning about the laws and using the aldridge murder as an example. the suspects were well-known to police and the justice system. the oldest 26 years old. both of them slapped with the title career criminal. documeed gang members, coicted felons, least oneith a gun cvictio ouon ttrt having th senteesa portion of aldridge was not the target. a man who apparently looked at the brother, dw eirggn beas not hit. the 32-year-old mother pushing a newborn was struck in the head and arm. the police superintendent says this case is note worthy, not because ofhe connection to an nba super star, because it's an example of what police are up against. now, a spokesman tells me that some 64 people were shot over the weekend in chicago. 86 them died of their wounds and police knew an overwhelming majority of them. people who engage in gunfire ar often the targets of gunfire. but the spokesman complains that cops can only arrest olent people. they can't make them serve eihole sennce. greta? >> mike, thank y. andhat a tri story that p wanustushing hean in aoller. >> yh. >> noe eangew californ lmarsad sure le broke tner will not get a lht seen f rape. turner a former stanford immerpaed national outrage whene w given just six months in jail for raping unconscious e. leadersh that allowed the judge to go easy on turner turner will be relsed o fridayfter serving just three months behind bars. severe weather looming for several parts of the country. are you in the path of a storm or the potential flooding? that forecast straight ahead. and don't forget to watch sean hannity tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. donald trump's campaign manager kellyanne con v.a. manager kellyanne con v.a. joins tonight at 10:00 p.m. safety doesn't me in a box. it's something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. 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tweet yes or no using #greta. live twitter votes live on your screen next. what if a company that didn't make cars made plastics that make them lighter? the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines re eicie what company does all this? exxonmobil, that's who. we're working on all these things to make cars tter and use less fuel. we'rlping you save money e thinand reduce essions.r energy lives here.e just made ths. test test. les all g off-the-record. i often wait until friday to show you something inexpiring because i figure after a week of politics and a full week's menu of bad news that you need your spirits lifted a want be inspired. ll, i know i needt. weodsn frida but i can't wait. i love and admire great peoplend jersey transit police officer victorr tease, yeah, a cop, a selfless cop is a great person. here is he risking his own life pulling another man, somebody he doesn't know from the train trackst a terminal just i the nick of time. savinghatan's le. amazing, isn't it? the next time you hear someone say something rotten about a cop. make sure you remind that person of officer tis. ce a thater ashalkingld av toura to . is that's my off-the-record comment tonight. and time for campaign flash. secretary hillary clinton taking the day offromhe campaign trail. she will h therail again tomorrow. donald trump has been working to reach out to minority voters and on saturday trump will head to predominantly african-american church in detroit. and governor mike pence, donald trump's running mate just wrapping up a rally in atlanta, georgia. eaier in the d governor pence about 100 miles away in per, georgia. that is your campan flash. live twitter voting results or your screen right now. should the nfl punish colin kaepernick for sitting during the national anthem and the results are 81% say yes punish and 19% no, don't push. dot forget to vote on twitter every night. that's all for now. see you tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern. makeure you go to my facebookage there is a lot going othouon't see "on the record" or evenn awire. totawi and to my facebook page. go to my facebook page a ke it. see what's there up next, "the o'rll factor." good night from washgton, d.c. welcome to "red eye." hello, everyone. i'm tom shillue. let's check in with tv's andy levey at the "red eye" tease deck. andy? >> hi, tom. welcome back. i'm kigd, of course. coming up on the big show after another 6ing scandal huma separates from her husband, anthony wiener. funny thing is now that they e n together wiener will probably start to sext her. and colin kaepernick is sitting during theational anthem. he is so committed to his cause he will probably sit the benchost of the season. and gene wilder has died and we willoo lk a his comedic genius.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 20180213

media while he was working for the fbi which is not allowed. clinton allies resume rumored te cody shearer research clinton campaign for the state department. the state department which made its way over to the fbi. today, "new york post" editorial writer michael good win wrote this about the whole thing it increasingly appears that the clinton machine was the secret original source of virtually all the allegations about trump and russia, that led to the fbi investigation. joining me now is senator lindsey graham. thank you for being with us this evening. >> good evening. that was a mouthful. >> martha: it was. hope it makes sense. >> there will be a test at the end of the segment, folks. >> martha: not only that but now we will lay new information on top of all of this because you have put out a new memo today that highlights an email that susan rice, advisor to president obama, wrote to herself on inauguration day 2017. can you explain to us what you found there. >> yes. i found an odd and disturbing email from susan rice at 12:15 on january the 20th, the day of inauguration. she emails herself about a meeting that occurred on january the 5th in the oval office. and she says in the email that the president was being briefed by the intelligence community about russian hacking in the 2016 election and he had a follow-on brief meeting with sally yates, jim comey, herself, and vice president biden. and she quotes what the president said. now, this is the email to herself 'a meeting with the president on january the 5th. president obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue, the russian investigation is handled by the intelligence and law enforcement community by the book. and in parentheses by the book. the president stressed he is not asking about, initiating, or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. he reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book. so she is sending herself an email talking about a conversation on january the 5th, with a president reassuring herself and i guess the president that this would be done by the book. i think that's odd and disturbing because we know that the investigation regarding the trump campaign was anything but by the book. >> martha: so why do you think -- has she responded to your letter, first of all? >> we sent a letter to her saying did you email yourself -- usually if you email yourself it's about to pick up something, not about a conversation that seems to be very self-serving when the president is telling the law enforcement intel community. when you look at trump associates do it by the book. this meeting was on january the 5th. the email was sent on january the 20th. so, what i'm worried about is this an effort by the president to basically get himself on the record through susan rice to make sure that from his point of view everything was done by the book. the question is did the president know anything about the fisa warrant application? did susan rice know that the warrant application included a dossier from mr. steele, when he was on the payroll of the democratic party, coming from russian sources that he was a political operative being paid by the democratic party and that the information in the fisa warrant application was a dossier that was political in nature and that mr. steele hated president trump, candidate trump and was trying to do he could to deet him. that's not exactly by the book. >> martha: it's interesting. because when you speak about that, and the way that she wrote it, it reminds me in a way of, you know, prior protestations on the part of president obama when he wanted to insist during the irs investigation, for example, and also during the hillary clinton investigation that he was absolutely not involved in any of it and that he, in both cases, believed that there would be no law breaking found in any way. so, perhaps, you know, there is an effort to be on the record about this as well that susan rice wanted to document. >> no question. i mean, it's the oddest thing in the world to send an email to yourself on inauguration day about a conversation held on january the 5th where the president tells the law enforcement community and the intel community. now, when you look at this russian stuff, you need to do it by the book. that's an odd thing to be saying on january the 5th. number one, why should he have to say that to begin with. number two, what brought on that conversation on january the 5th? they knew they were going to be out of power just in days. they sent an email trail who showing the president was instructing everybody doing it by the book. when you look at what happened, it was an abuse of power not by the book. so this is really odd. >> martha: it also brings to mind the "new york times" story which was written about how, you know, the obama administration was concerned. they wanted to make sure that the little tea leaves were left for the russia investigation. and they lowered the ability for people to be engaged in that in terms of there, you know, classification. and they wanted to make sure as many people as possible saw what they saw as the clues out there that there was something untoward with the trump campaign and russia. is that connected to this, do you think? >> well, they were going to leave bread crumbs, you know, to make sure that people could follow the russian efforts to undermine the 2016 election. what did comey say when the president allegedly told him i want you to do it by the book? do you think comey mentioned to the president that the chief source of information regarding a fisa warrant on carter page came from a paid operative of the democratic party, mr. steele who is on the payroll of fusion gps that was being paid by the clinton campaign and the democratic party, that the dossier came from russian sources, very unreliable and still hasn't been verified, that the number four guy in the fbi, mr. ohr's wife worked at fusion gps who did the research for mr. steele? do you think he told the president any of that? this is the oddest conversation i can imagine. why are they talking about doing things by the book on january the 5th and what did comey say when he was told to do it by the book? >> martha: senator graham, thank you very much. we will follow this with great interest as we have throughout. we thank you for being here tonight. thank you, senator. >> thank you. >> martha: here now with more judge andrew napolitano fox news senior judicial analyst. you are listening to all of this judge. what do you make of it. >> something very serious. effort by susan rice to reconstruct history, to make barack obama appear as though he was ignorant of the fray fomented by his administration to undermine the incoming president and his hands were absolutely clean. i mean, this is the same barack obama who told our chris wallace he didn't talk to anybody in the justice department about any of the investigations and, yet, we know from the emails from peter strzok and susan page the two fbi people -- not emails whose texts we have seen hundreds of times poet tus written in 2016 to the references to barack obama wants to know all about this. so there is some real. >> martha: the stapg we have is that is with regard to the russia investigation. >> yes there is a serious disconnect there. they must have learned something in the waning minutes of the obama administration which made them worry that what we now know they were doing would be discovered. so, in an effort to reconstruct history, she writes herself a memo, by the way dear susan rice, don't forget that barack obama said i want this done by the book and he said it back in january 5th. nobody would believe this. no rational jury. >> martha: january 5th or january 6th. but on inauguration day to go back and make sure while you are still in office some of these things are on the record. her explanation may be as simple she was writing a book. she wanted to make sure she had in in the records. >> could very well be. what senator graham and we all would like to find out what communications made their way to her between january 5th and january 20th, the day donald trump becomes president and barack obama is no longer president that caused her to write. this. did it come from the state department or character cody shearer is more chris steele than chris steele is in terms of feeding information from the democrats to law enforcement and to intel. there's a lot more here to be found. but senator graham and his colleagues are to be commended for having found this and gone directly to susan rice and to her lawyers. i saw the letter. to her and to her lawyers earlier today. >> martha: we will see where it goes. judge, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> martha: joining me is tammy bruce and a former advisor to hillary clinton. thank you both for being here tonight. >> hi there. >> martha: felipe, let me go to you first on this. what do you make of it? >> well, i think senator graham was being at best disingenuous and your previous guest worse than that let's be very clear about something. during the transition when you say something by the book maybe it means by the book. second of all, we are awful forgetting that mike flynn was under investigation. the obama white house during transition warned the trump incoming administration multiple times that there was a problem with mike flynn. that was a concern of theirs. by the way fired mike flynn within 23 days of it. in terms of all these conversations and stuff, here's what i don't get. clinton campaign and the obama white house and loretta lynch were all just fen natiofinfe fen nation gling. public that we were being investigated by the fbi. then they shift to trump, no one knows they're shifting to trump. fast forward to october. comey at the worst time brings it up again, still not saying anything about trump. nohow on earth can you say the logic there exists. >> martha: it's possible that it back fired. you know, that the assumption was that hillary clinton would win and that, you know, they were working to discredit drunch the candidate. >> why would we allow the investigation start in the first place if we could just turn it off. >> martha: let me make tammy weigh in here. what do you think. >> we are in a age where there is rhetoric and spin. now we are dealing with some facts on the ground frankly i'm also surprise you had. republicans are not good at getting things done. look at mollie hemingway at the federalist with the details of the moment by moment report by report, fact by fact about how this has unfolded and how the clinton team and clinton machine has been involved from the beginning. people expect rhetoric and certain kinds of spin. now the difference now these days is that there is a variety of information media outlet where the democrats and liberals are the establishment in general, including some of the republicans don't control all of the information come out. people are not just reliant on sources from television. amazing amount of details like that letter to susan rice. we have seen it we have actually seen the letter. that is something maybe 10 years ago the measure people wouldn't even see. so we are seeing at the very basic dynamic at least some kind of shenanigans funny business leading up to this. >> and how is by the book shenanigans? >> committees and that this investigation will make a difference. >> martha: felipe, the reason that by the book, i guess, is getting attention was in quotes. they are wondering why she wrote it on january 20th on inauguration day rather than january 5th or january 6th. >> i think no matter what susan rice wrote or font orson tax, we would be having this conversation about it as far as mike cad goomichaelgood win is concerned. as negative he's gets and every time he can take two paths he takes the more conspiratorial. george papadopoulos is the reason investigation started. we are conflating the investigation starting and the fisa warrant. the investigation started either late spring or early summer. and that was based on george papadopoulos, period. >> well, i think there is always going to be an excuse or at least a trigger that allows to you move down a dynamic. when it comes to conspiracies. the democrats have their own with conspiracies that debunk between donald trump and the russians. >> we are the in the world. >> i will tell you the other thing about this, the transition between the fifth and the 20th, but this notion of being by the book, one halls to ask and i think this is senator graham's point, something also said in that meeting that was memorialized where the president was informed or at least had an inclination of what had been going on for the entire year previously. why was that meeting where he would challenge them to be by the book not done in the summer of 2016? see, this is the strange timing. that kind of dynamic. >> because the white house made a decision. >> martha: quickly. >> president obama made a decision not to announce that there was russian meddling. how do you in any way that's by the book. that's by the book and that hurt hillary clinton. not donald trump. >> martha: we have got to leave it there. good to see you both. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: making sense of deleted tweet about north korean cheerleaders calling north korean cheerleaders, quote: this is so satisfying to watch, it says. while many appear to be in a dangerous la la land as they witness a barrage of north korean propaganda at the games. just look at this photo. this is south korea all lit up at the bottom there and there is north korea in the dark except for pyongyang and ask about this man and whether or not he is the one that we need to remain focused on. >> you try to steal coal from a railroad car to barter for a few scraps of food. he woke up as a train ran over his limbs. boost high protein nutritional drink has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle and 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d. boost high protein be up for it if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, ... with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ♪ otezla. show more of you. almost $800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. >>hey. oh, that's my robe. >>is it? when you switch to liberty mutual, you could save $782 on auto and home insurance and still get great coverage for you and your family. call for a free quote today. you could save $782 when liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. >> martha: olympic games never fail to produce special athletes that the entire country and the world get behind. this time around it seems much of the adulation so far at least to the media directed at something bizarrely different. the brutal dictatorship of north korea. kim jong un's sister, a powerful player in her brother's clearly savage regime is emerging as something of a darl of the games with american news outlets calling her captivating. many also fawning over north korea's cheerleaders going so far as to praise their fashion sense. all this while they slam vice president pence for basically not being nicer to the regime during the games. >> kim jong un's sister, the first member of the regime to come into the south since the war and the united states essentially saying to its ally, no, no, no, no. >> never perceived american jab at the peace overtures the vice president's special guest at the olympics the father of otto warmbier. >> does it suggest to you that the north koreans are a lot more rational than we think. >> certainly when you talk about optics. north korea is coming out of it extremely well. >> trace gallagher in our west coast newsroom with the back story tonight. hi, trace. >> hi, martha. major media outlets coming under fire. glowing coverage of north korea's cheerleaders that you pointed out the "u.s.a. today" said quoting proved to be one of the most indelible memories of these olympics and then there is the high praise of kim jong un's sister kim jong un who a woman with a phoenix like smile or the new york headline sister turns on the charm. every comment came a dig at the u.s. including cnn using a north korean source to go after vice president mike pence. watch this. >> the biggest insult the north koreans say was that the vice president chose to stay seated and he didn't clap when the unified korean olympian team came out during the ceremonies. my source called it undignified act that degraded the status of the united states. >> yet, cnn chose not to have a u.s. source balance that statement. even a commentary on cbs trump network every knows the press hates president trump who knew they hated him enough to make a hero out of one of the most deadly dictators in history? a dictator by the way who is believed ordered the assassination of his own half-brother. and according to south korea, a dictator who publicly executes thousands of his own citizens to keep the population in line? a 2014 united nations report also detailed, quote: unspeakable atrocities afflicted on political prisoners in north korea where three americans are still being held. 5-year-old tony kim. 5-year-old tim and kim dong all serving long terms for alleged hostile acts against the north, charges that human rights groups call bogus. who can forget the treatment of otto warmbier sent home to die after suffering brain damage in north korean prison. many north korean defectors have also documented the horrific living conditions, including a man named g named h. >> one day he tried to steal coal from a railroad car to barter for a few scraps of food which were very hard to get. in the process, he passed out on the train tracks exhausted from hunger. he woke up as a train ran over his limbs. >> coming out, quite a contrast, martha, to the glamorous headline coming out of the winter olympics. >> martha: trace, thank you very much. good reminders there bill bennett host of the podcast. he is also a fox news contributor. bill, good to see you tonight. it seems that, you know, they are pretty much eating out of the hands of the north koreans because they have played this perfectly in terms of presenting themselves in a way that certainly the regime is absolutely not to be represented. >> yeah, i think a line from shakespeare we will go to them most counterfeitly. we all knew the media preferred the liberals and the democrats to trump and pence and republicans. but we didn't know they preferred the north koreans, at least on this occasion to mike pence. really disgusting and disheartening. kim yo jong the sister who charmed everyone. i will concede she is better looking than her brother. that's not hard. >> martha: better hair cut. >> yeah. okay. well, yeah, you noticed that. she is in charge of propaganda in this terrorist and totalitarian state. i don't know if anyone else had this thought, martha. did you? when you saw that photo of her sitting right behind mrs. pence. didn't you get nervous? i mean, i got worried that she or one of her handlers might lean over and, you know, do something to the vice president or mrs. pence. remember, this is the crowd, you know, that killed his half-brother, kim jong un's half-brother in an airport. i wouldn't put anything past these. i assume secret service had things totally under control. >> martha: you got to imagine that for secret service it was not an optimum situation. and something that no doubt. >> exactly. >> martha: they weren't too comfortable with. i want to show you this quote from a "u.s.a. today" piece today by david meeks. by stand and recognizing athletes of the korean unified team as they walked during during the opening ceremony, pence not only offended the host country he sent a message the trump administration not only common courtesy matters more than childish politics. your thoughts. >> childish politics may be leading to something. supposing all these things that the north koreans are doing are not head fakes. maybe they really do want to sit down and talk and mike pence's last comments were, you know, we are not going to ease up. we are not going to ease up on the sanctions. by the way the sanctions are beginning to have their effect. he said if they want to talk, we'll talk. the other thing, you know, you mentioned. you showed the cheerleaders and the cheer squad and all. i thought compared to a good group from texas, high school. they were pretty amateurish. remember as i was watching what about defection? what if some of these people want to defect like that brave soldier who they found in such horrible shape in terms of what was inside him from eating the north korean diet. supposing they want to defect? you realize they can't defect because the punishment for defection if you are a young person or an old person is three generations of your family will go to their version of the gulag. so if you are a young person like many of them were, it would be your parents, grandparents and perhaps your infant children or child. >> martha: unbelievable. >> this is a brutal and horrible regime and the press should never forget that. >> martha: i just want to put up this tweet from willie geist who took an opportunity to actually do some real sort of journalistic assessment here and he seems to be standing out in the crowd at nbc. i can report south koreans and here in pyeongchang are not enthralled with kim yo jong in north korean cheerleaders as it seems some media are back home. we have seen tragedies before at olympics. these are times when these countries come together and when the reality is of what exist in the world can be talked about and pointed out. it's a great effect. >> yeah. what about kids, martha in school who haven't learned anything about south korea or north korea or who think socialism is preferable to capitalism as we saw in the last survey. so here's an opportunity to teach some geography and what's behind the geography the differing systems and political systems. they hear all the swooning about the cheerleaders and about kim yo judge, they seem like perfectly decent people. here is educational opportunity, what we call a teachable moment that was lost if you were limping to a lot of the mainstream media. shame on them. >> martha: that's a great point as always. bill bennett. thank you so much. good to see you tonight, sir. >> thank you, martha, thank you. >> martha: president trump speaking to the forgotten men and women who he addressed during the campaign in his infrastructure plan. >> it provides $50 billion for rural infrastructure, to ho have really been left out. >> martha: this as we mark 50 years since robert f. kennedy's poverty tour. why are so many of those kennedy democrats now trump republicans? finance a fascinating political shift. we will talk about that coming up next. and israel and iran battle in the skies. where is this heading? ♪ when you have a cold, stuff happens. 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>> well, unfortunately, there are parts of this country that have never seemed to do well and the people in those parts of the country know when they look at how other americans are living that they are not keeping pace and that there is something fundamentally unjust and wrong with how this country leaves them behind. the feelings that my uncle bobby faced when he visited those areas, hardest hit, and every economy where people felt that they were left out, left behind are really the same feelings, i think that president trump found when he visited those areas so the one consistency is that the people in those areas have for good reason felt that they have been left behind in the pursuit of the american dream. >> martha: yeah. i want to play a sound bite from hillary clinton when she was confronted by a coal miner during the campaign that might speak a lot. let's watch. >> i just want to know how you can say you are going to put a lot of coal miners out of jobs and then come in here and tell us how you are going to be our friend. >> you know, i'm -- i don't know how to explain it other than what i said was totally out of context from what i meant because i have been talking about helping coal country for a very long time. >> martha: so there is a disconnect in an area that as i said was such a strong hold for democrats. so, i'm interested in your assessment of how democrats lost this group and, of course, i'm sure they are working hard to get them back, but how do you think they lost them? >> well, i first of all think that my uncle robert cengsd certainly in the minds' eye of most historians was someone who could connect with people on a very human level and evoke the kind of spiritual leadership that is so wanting in america today especially. people found him genuine and his concerns for them and their economic deprivation authentic and that's what i think connected them so much to robert kennedy's america i think it's crucial for news this day and age not have a particular ideology where we will give you these things and expect to you vote for us because i don't think in this day and age people vote on those terms. i think they vote in a very real way for who they can connect with on an emotional level and certainly for robert kennedy, people of appalachia and indian country certainly connected with robert kennedy on an emotional level. >> martha: patrick, thank you very much. good to have you with us tonight. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: here now with more charles hurt political columnist for "the washington times" and fox news contributor. charlie, good to have you tonight. i think it's interesting when you look back 50 years and you look at -- i don't think that democrats right now are seen as the party of the poor or the party that is really trying to eradicate poverty. and i don't know if anyone is doing that successfully right now. that is clearly of the way that they used to be seen that isn't what we saw in the 2016 election. >> no, it isn't. they certainly have sort of lost much of their reputation for that i think it's largely because, the democratic party today can be very patronizing and looks at people like those very people you are highlighting that supported robert kennedy 50 years ago and donald trump today. they looked at those people and thought they were looking for handouts. the democratic party today, the kennedy brothers would not recognize the democratic party today. you would not have a democrat today say ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. that's very much because the democratic party has become the party of class warfare and handouts. they make economic agreements with voters. you vote for us, we will give you certain things. that's not -- that's not the party that works progress or the works project administration. the kennedys and before that fdr, they believed in work. and all that seems to be gone from the democratic party today. and you look at a guy like donald trump and that video you showed him violating the cardinal rule of politicians you never put a hat on in public. of course he puts that thing on and starts shoveling. it was the fact that he was talking about work and those people that those people that he was targeting there they want to work is what they are looking for. he responded to that. >> martha: people are proud of work and doing well. they want a chance to do that and provide for themselves and families. it's going to be interesting to see if those promises were kept to them as we move forward and we don't have to answer that quite yet. >> absolutely. with the economy going the way it is. it certainly puts it in that favor anyway. >> martha: good to see you. >> martha: thank you, more that. portrait of michelle obama unveiled today. every president and first lady have these portraits done. what is everybody saying about this new portrayal when dana loesch joins us to react. ♪ ♪n with the most lobster dishes of the year. new dueling lobster tails has two tails that'll fight to be your favorite. one topped with creamy shrimp and scallops, the other... steamed with lemon and herbs. and no, you're not dreaming, classics like lobster lover's dream are back too, along with decadent new lobster truffle mac & cheese. but enough talking about lobster- let's get to eating! - because lobsterfest won't last. so dive in today at red lobster! >> martha: today was the day new portraits of president obama and former first lady michelle obama generating mixed reviews. folks on social media specifically taking aim at michelle obama's modern depiction by amy. some saying it doesn't look that much like the former first lady. here now dana loesch and nationally syndicated radio hosts a you know. dana, thanks for being here tonight. >> good to be with you, martha. >> martha: this is something we watch whenever a president leaves office after a year or so they unveil the portraits and everybody critiques them as we do in america. there is president bush in his. which i think is actually a very nice portrait. and there is laura bush. laura bush's portrait also beautiful. then we have the clintons on the left and right there. can you see their moment when it was unveiled. no doubt when they do this, dana, you know, the person who is -- nobody likes the portrait of themselves completely i would imagine. you feel like it doesn't look like you. and michelle obama looking at hers. what do you think? >> these are your forever portraits and this goes -- these portraits go in the national portrait gallery. it's just -- i mean kudos to them for not doing the whole thing where they are just holding papers and grabbing the back of a chair. i will start with the former president's, he is fighting with -- he is floating, ivey, whatever it is he is floating in a cloud of kugzu. now we are all looking at it. >> yeah, yeah. he is flighting in this cloud. he is competing with the background. i know mr. wiley the artist of this particular portrait. i don't know, someone said it's just go and street cast people and combine them with hyper luxurious background. feels like you are fighting to pay attention to him as oppose to the background. but his like news really does look like him: i like the way the sunlight is playing on his face. >> martha: to his credit he said he asked him to give him smaller ears and less gray hair and but they didn't -- >> -- right. >> martha: i like the modernness of them. >> should have toned down the -- >> martha: i know we have a little delay that's why it sounds like we are stepping on each other. i like the modern nature of both of these. i think they are interesting to look at. good to sort of push the edge of the portrai portraita le bit. what do you think of michelle obama? >> it doesn't look like her. it looks like regina king it doesn't look like the first lady. perspective is kind of -- i don't know, the proportions are wrong. i know some people just say that's artist styling. i is a i sometimes think stylized. her shoulder is not in real life bigger than her head and i mean, come on. it looks cold, flat and stilsterile. regardless whether you like her or policy proposer. that doesn't suit her personality. her personality is not cold and sterile and flat. and that painting looks like it is incredibly flat. it doesn't even look like her. that's the thing. if it was just her likeness, it looks like napoleon dynamite. he divided to paint the former first lady. >> martha: dana, stepping in as art critic tonight. good to see you. coming up next, the high flying american teenager who charmed the world brought home gold and tattled on his loved ones, after this. so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. even if you're trying your best. a daily struggle, along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. ♪let's groove tonight. ♪share the spice of life. ♪baby slice it right. from the makers of lantus, toujeo provides blood sugar-lowering activity for 24 hours and beyond, proven blood sugar control all day and all night, and significant a1c reduction. toujeo is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash, or trouble breathing. don't reuse needles or share insulin pens. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. check insulin label each time you inject. taking tzds with insulins like toujeo may cause heart failure that can lead to death. find your rhythm and keep on grooving. ♪let's groove tonight. ask your doctor about toujeo. ♪share the spice of life. this beneful grain free is so healthy... oh! farm-raised chicken! that's good chicken! hm!? 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(avo) beneful grain free. out with the grain, in with the farm-raised chicken. healthful. flavorful. beneful. >> martha: my favorite story of the kay teaday team u.s.a. bg home the gold. born in 2000, folks, to make you feel old. 176 his friends and family dime south korea, made the long trip to cheer him on it seems like they are having a pretty good time. he said to reporters this morning, quote, i got a snapchat this morning at 8:30 when i was taking the bus up and shotgunning beers on the way to the mountain. that's a family after my own heart. congratulations, way to go. that is our story tonight. see you back here tomorrow night at 7:00. my friend tucker carlson is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: well, good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. you may think the media are only capable of skepticism and loathe some. journalists can love too. latest crush the democratic people's republic of north korea. kim yo jong is at the winter olympics this week. according to the press, she is a huge star. bigger star even than our vice president, mike pence or for that matter bigger that are stan any of the actual athletes. don't believe it, consider some of these descriptions from "the washington post: the ivanka trump of north korea captivates. from cnn,


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