Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160826

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state department like a personal hedge fund. it's hard to tell where the clinton foundation ends and where the state department begins. access and favors were sold for cash. it's called pay for play. over and over and over, people who donated to the clinton foundation or who gave money to bill clinton got favorable treatment from hillary clinton's state department. hillary clinton's actions constitute all of the elements of a major criminal enterprise. you know it. the government knows it, and she knows it. >> >> the voters know it. that's the question. now former arizona governor and donald trump supporter jan brewer goes "on the record." great to see you, governor. so what do you think of your candidate? >> well, i think that he laid it out pretty clear. if the public didn't already know that it's been such a corruption happening right before our eyes that hillary clinton and the clinton foundation would try to hide all of this by having her emails in her basement of her house. it is absolutely outrageous and obviously we know now what was going on. it's the difficult hillary clinton, not telling the truth. trying to hide it and then moving forward and telling us that it wasn't true. there was 30,000 emails that her staff read each and every one. now another 15,000 and i understand there is more coming. it's absolutely corruption. and it is very obvious that it's pay to play and for access and favors and she was delivering right on the mark. >> now, governor, have you called that there should be a special and fair prosecutor come in to oversee this to thoroughly vet and investigate this email scandal. now, others that also wanted investigated say the appointment of a special prosecutor could serve to, in fact, delay some of the information coming forward. i assume your concern is that voters know the truth. that there is transparency for the country's next president. >> absolutely. the country does need to know. there is already enough already revealed that we know we ought not to elect her to the white house. but the fbi and three field officers with doj has called for further investigation from doj. but, of course, the obama department of justice has shut it up. it's closed for business now. protection. >> so you would like to see it put in the hands of somebody you think would be fair and impartial because you are alleging that there is some foul play at work with the administration. >> oh, absolutely. >> let's move on to another issue, very important, a lot of talk about this today, governor. trump is getting very serious about his immigration plan and you have talked to him a lot about that. here is what he said to my colleague, sean hannity in last night's fox news town hall. >> originally you had said they are all out and there was a big brouhaha. you are saying if somebody can prove that they have been here and prove they have been a stipulate. here is the big question though no citizenship. >> no citizenship. >> no citizenship. >> everyone agree with that? [cheers] >> go a step further, they will pay back taxes. they have to pay taxes. there is no amnesty as such. there is no amnesty. >> right. >> but we work with them. >> all right, governor, a lot of discussion about this. people saying has he flip flopped on this issue? this is one of the koreans and tenants of your support for donald trump was his stance on immigration and coming from a state like arizona, what are your thoughts? i believe that he and obviously from the audience tool they want our borders secure. they don't want citizenship. how he said there would be no amnesty. i'm looking forward to hearing him wednesday hopefully in phoenix to hear his policy speech on immigration. we have got to get something done. the one thing that we do know, kimberly, is that hillary clinton wants open borders. she doesn't want any accountability. she wants to bring in, what, 550,000 more refugees from the middle east. you know, she just wants to open up the whole border. she is far more left leaning on this than what obama was. we want security. we want to know who is coming in to our country. donald trump is the man that will do that. >> all right. well, he said he is still going to build the wall. mexico is going to pay for it. he also said that he will work with illegal immigrants. is that troublesome to you? >> well, i'm interested to see just exactly what he means when he says that you know, i know it's a very difficult situation, but the first thing that we need to be assured of is that our borders are secured and that they don't get citizenship. you know, we have been through this route. and, you know, i will wait and see. but certainly, we have got to find a solution. we can't have a solution until we get our borders secured and no amnesty and no citizenship. >> all right. well certainly an important issue in a state like arizona. >> big issue. it is. >> we appreciate your time tonight, governor. we will be having you back again. all right, and the campaign out on the trail today oh boy, donald trump and hillary clinton each using campaign rallies to go on the attack. the "on the record" team right here live coverage from both campaigns. first, let's go to fox news senior national correspondent john roberts. he is live in manchester, new hampshire. john? >> enter kimberly, good evening to you. i saw donald trump do something today he hasn't done on the campaign trail he launched a preemptive speech. he knew hillary clinton would have a speech tieing him to the alt right. alternative right. donald trump took the opportunity to say everything she is about to say is untrue about me and here is the reasons why. he also warned people here in new hampshire who came to see him. many came as far as away as boston, she is about to call all of you racist. and here is the reason why you shouldn't listen to what she said. he said people who want a secure border are not racist. people who want to fight radical islamic terrorism are not islamophobes. people who want law and order and want to support the police are not prejudice they are patriotic. feel safe in their neighborhood. also in the speech this afternoon continued his outreach to minority communities and very soon is he going to be going into the inner cities of places like detroit and cleveland to talk about things that are very important to minority communities. and those are charter schools and economic opportunity zones trying to preempt hillary clinton's attack against him that who is this gay who has got these ties to alt right groups and has support of the kkk to talk about minorities. most of the people here at the new hampshire rally that we talked to, at least, fully believe that donald trump is very sincere about what is he doing. he also took on hillary clinton again, kimberly, over the issue of the clinton foundation and its ties to the state department, calling it a vast criminal enterprise that really needs to be looked into. now, will it be looked into? probably not. donald trump just wants to make the point that it should be, causing -- try to plant the seeds of skepticism at least with people who may be on the fence about whether to support the republican or the democrat in this race. kimberly? >> sounds like a strategy. john roberts, thank you so much. fox news correspondent jennifer griffin is live in reno, nevada where clinton was earlier today. jennifer, lots of news to cover. >> lots of news, kimberly. after spending five days fundraising, hillary clinton raised in the past three days alone, in fact, $18 million in california. but today here in reno, nevada she hit back at donald trump. she laid out why she thinks he is launching a hate movement in america providing examples of a racist past such as the justice contempt lawsuit against him when alan lords for hilords -- landlord put c on colored applications of african-americans. hit on support he received from white supremacist and the so-called alt right movement led by trump's new ceo steve bannon the former editor of breitbart. >> now, to give you a flavor of his work, here are a few headlines they've published. i'm not making this up. birth control makes women unattractive and crazy. [ laughter ] would your -- would you rather your child had feminism or cancer? >> a new clinton web video quote from the alt right movement released today illustrates the kkk's support for trump the 72nd video shows imperial whizs from the ku klux klan what he believes we believe while standing in hooded robes. it play as robo call speaker says i'm a farmer and white nationalist and i support donald trump. it head right donald trump would be good for whites. a dozen anti-clinton protesters stood outside her event here in reno and protested what critics call her pay-to-play arrangements. the pay to play arrangements between the state department and her family foundation. fox news shouted a question to her about her ties to the foundation on the rope line today but she chose to ignore it now, clinton was greeted by a large banner when she got here to the reno event that said trump that b-i-t-c-h. it's kind the language norm 3458izeed during this campaign and talking about candidates and it really have unprecedented. a new quinnipiac poll shows that clinton is leading trump nationwide among likely voters by 10 percentage points. kimberly? >> you are right. definitely gotten a little unseemly out there for sure. jennifer, thank you for that excellent report. as we said today campaign rallies were rough and tumble. here are s. donald trump going after secretary clinton. >> in a sense i don't want to dignify her statements by dwelling on them too much, but a response is required for the sake of all decent voters that she is trying to smear. recuse decent americans who support this campaign, your campaign of being racist, which we're not. [crowd booing] >> guess what? clinton did not back town and hit right back at trump. >> from the start, donald trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. he is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the republican party. his disregard for the values that make our country great is profoundly dangerous. >> let's go over all of it because the "on the record" political panel is here. tonight, from the "wall street journal" shelby holiday and from real clear politics caitlin huey burns. a lot of discussion about things being a little bit out of control from vitriolic rhetoric. allegations of racism, allegations of bigotry. as two women sitting here and a third over here, you have got to think about this is a big vote to get, the vote of women voters out there that come out and show up in force. how is it going to play. >> well, that's exactly it. this is a very nasty campaign because both candidates have viewed so incredibly negatively by the public. you are seeing both, trump and clinton, reach out to women voters but also to moderate republican voters. and clinton in her speech today was really trying to drive a wedge in the republican party and say to, you know, moderate white, college educated voters who are reluctant to support trump because of his rhetoric, because of the things that he has said that are controversial and say this is not part of the republican party that you know. she pointed to george bush, ronald reagan, john mccain and other republican figures saying that they do not condone this type of rhetoric. so i thought that was an effective tactic on her part because she is also really chane conversation, of course, away from the controversy surrounding her and the foundation and the email. >> i mean, both of these candidates managed to completely avoid the big stories of the day. for clinton, that's the clinton foundation. for donald trump, that's his backtracking on immigration. neither of them really addressed those issues at their rallies. it was smart of donald trump, he went first. his rally was planned earlier. he played quite a bit of offense going after the clinton foundation, really hammering clinton on these ties and these emails. but then he played a little bit of defense and he defended his supporters. he at any time address the alt right or any of these extreme groups clinton wanted to talk about. people who want safe borders, safe communities, they want to eliminate the threat of radical islamic terrorism. he really played defense for his supporters. at the same time, clinton played a lot of offense going after donald trump, and she wants to continue painting him as extreme because 671% of voters, 60% of voters aorderring to this quinnipiac poll that jennifer referenced say that the way that donald trump talks appeals to bigotry and if clinton allows his speech and some of the things he says to be normalized, that hurts her. she wants more people to think that he appeals to bigotry. that will ultimately help her. that's what we saw in the speech today. going back and forth, does it help that she is exposing the alt right? this is a group that wants attention, at the end of the day. >> they did it before with the tea party group. >> right. and i think trump was trying to make the argument today, too, of don't paint with a broad brush voters who are interested in some kind of change. and so i think that, if he can continue that kind of attack, that could be effective. but what hillary clinton has found and what democrats have found are these clips of republicans, conservative republicans rejecting a lot of what trump is saying and a lot of the rhetoric. and she is using that in ads. she is also using in ads clips of supporters who have come into his campaign, whether he did so intentionally or not, and i think that's really effective when you are thinking about those voters in the middle, those voters deciding whether to turn out. >> all right. kellyanne conway prompter on and i will hit that way. thank you. trump is working hard to court minority voters. >> this is the year that the people who have been betrayed by democratic policies, including millions and millions of african-american and hispanic american citizens reject the politicians who have failed them over and over and over again. >> and today, trump held a round table with minority leaders. rnc director of hispanic communications helen was in that meeting. helen goes "on the record" from washington, d.c. thanks for being with us tonight. what was your take away from today's messaging today point, counter point, what's the impact and will it impact in a positive way hispanic and latino voters? >> i think it's going to be very positive for hispanic and latino voters. mr. trump had a great meeting today where he talked with hispanic and african-american leaders and as he did last saturday. he is talking about issues that are very meaningful. it's not just immigration reform but it's also about jobs, the economy. making the streets and communities safe. religious liberty, which is really important, we don't leave our faith in the pews of the church. we take it home and live it every single day. school choice, why should you be locked into a school, a failing school because of the zip code that you happen to live in? these are the issues that really matter to latino voters, african-american voters. he is addressing them face forward. and that makes a major difference. democrats, you know, i'm appalled. i was watching your previous segment, and i'm appalled at hillary clinton trying to talk to us about values? hillary clinton, who is clearly corrupted with her foundation and used pay to play with the state department, our national security at risk? she can't be honest with the families of benghazi victims, american patriots. who is she to lecture 14 million voters who supported mr. trump for the primary and the many more who are going to be voting in november. who is she to tell us what is legitimate. she hasn't even had a press conference in 264 days. i wonder what she is afraid of. >> something important latino to latino, puerto rican over here. how is he going to latinos opposed to the wall hey we are going to have a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. any suggestions or commentary about that today? >> can i tell that you we talked a little bit about immigration. one of the things for sure that our polls show us is that 20% of latino voters are persuadable. they are looking for a better option than hillary clinton. they are tired of being pandered to. when you talk about look, we want law and order, mexico has very strict immigration rules, too. it's a flown to be an undocumented person in mexico so. why wouldn't the united states or any other country want to take care of immigration as a part of national security, as well as economic security? so, when you break it down and you talk about it sensibly as mr. trump is doing, i think it makes a difference and it goes a long way. and you talk about it as a major policy initiative that has to do with national security and economic security. what is wrong with law and order? what is wrong with making legal immigration easier and illegal immigration harder? we used to be a country that actually put the rule of law above everything else. and now we don't? that's not right. >> yeah, i know, as a former prosecutor i worked in two different offices and they both handled it a little bit differently with the san francisco d.a.'s office and the los angeles' attorney's office there needs to be uniformity. we certainly thank you for your time tonight, helen, and we will see where this goes going forward. >> thank you. >> and olympic swimmer ryan lochte not out of hot water yet. he may be headed back to rio. can he swim his way out? find out next. also, a run away truck causing chaos on a california street. you have to see this incredible video coming up next. stay with us. i've been taking fish oil from nature's bounty to support my heart. i'm running, four times a week. eating better, keeping healthy. so that no matter what happens in the future, my "future self" will thank me. thank you! you're welcome! hey listen. whatever you do, don't marry dan! hey babe, i'm dan. hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for... thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us: no matter what the future holds, you're always better off healthy. nature's bounty i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. this is a fox news alert. brazilian police charging olympic gold medal swimmer ryan lochte with filing a false police report, plus, brazil wants lochte to do the back stroke and come back to rio. a police official telling fox news that lochte is being summoned back to rio to testify in front of brazil's justice department. lochte famously caused an international incident after embellishing parts of a story claiming eand teammates were robbed at gunpoint. sources telling tmz lochte will not come back. david meeks and former prosecutor katie fang go "on the record." david, i will begin with you. you just got off the phone with ryan lochte's attorney what are you hearing. >> i spoke with ryan lochte's attorney he said they have not been notified yet by the brazilian authorities. he is only hearing this in brazilian reports. he is trying to find out what they are saying. he wanted to emphasize a couple of points they would cooperate fully with the government. he also wanted to say they always cooperated with the government. they had been given no information that he needed to stick around by the brazilian authorities. >> also, katie, he has been getting a little bit of love after this whole situation. "dancing with the stars" and other endorsements, but what about the justice here? what should he do? >> well, i just want to make sure this is clear. this is about pee and a poster. if brazil really wants ryan lochte to come back for pee and a poster i think thi this is, again, being blown way out of proportion. i appreciate that his attorney said is he going to go back. he has no obligation to go back other than ethical. he is not going to be extradited to go back to the country. >> i'm trying to keep a straight face. i can imagine you on the conference call with brazil. let me get this straight. really, what is the public sentiment, david, about this? are people going to say enough is enough already? he said he was sorry. there was some problems here. pay a fine, restitution, maybe a better, more polished public apology. swimming with children who come from disadvantaged neighborhoods lessons, something, goodwill. >> i think they will try to handle it he can apologize if he wants. i'm not sure he needs to. the story he gave has been proven to be largely accurate. he did give a few details wrong. but the framework he said they were held at gunpoint and ordered to pay money and that did occur. in our reporting, the judges down there and the legal experts, not the authorities, the legal experts were saying if they were to look at anyone look at the guards for either violating the laws for vigilante justice or straight up robbery. >> talk about the sponsorships because, yes, it was man down or speedo down, he lost speedo, right? ralph lauren, is he getting some other things going, i mentioned "dancing with the stars." what's in his future? >> well, he just picked up a new sponsor actually today. and basically has to do with throat lozenges and when you got that sore throat. he is really suffering. here is the reality, guys. he may look at sanctions from the international olympic organization. he wants to compete in tokyo in 2020. he may not be able to do so because he still has to face american and international sanctions not to mention what he may have exposure to in brazil. but, ultimately, jimmy feigen told everybody, divis, that his fine went from 31,500 to 47,000 u.s. dollars and eventually $10,800. i'm going to go back what i said at the beginning of this hit, guys, p and a poster. 47,000 u.s. dollars for that completely unreasonable. >> printing money in rio at that rate with those kind of fines. besides that, pee and the poster. david, what's next for him? can he really be compelled to go back there? this is a guy who wants to get back in the pool, swim in the olympics. what do we make of this? >> well, if i am ryan lochte i'm going to look at the let's no got back to the brazil option now and try to get this handled from a distance. i'm sure that's what is he going to do. as for going in the pool that will be a real test for the international olympic committee. mark adams their spokesperson said this absolutely did not happen. that also is a mistake and he didn't mean to say it but he got it wrong there were errors all around in this. it's hard to imagine they are going to come down too hard on ryan lochte for getting held up at gunpoint. >> katie, i'm going to be thinking about that all night. pee and a poster it's not pee and a pool. a major taxpayer funded college is trying to censor certain words. wait until you hear some of the words on that list next. listen to this, saying politically correct is cancelled. no longer politically correct at the university of wisconsin, milwaukee. a student group putting out a list of worsn't think students should use, ever. some of the words on that list, yeah, politically correct. oh, lame, that's also cancelled. and crazy. don't ever say it. some on campus are outraged over the list but others think it's a good thing. uwm student body president mike fortello joins us from campus. my goodness, thank goodness i'm not on college campuses anymore. but what is going on there and how are the students reacting to this list? >> can you hear me? i think perhaps we maybe lost his audio. can you hear me, mike? >> oh, there you are. hi. what's going on is that students are engaged. >> you are happy about this? >> engaged in this discussion. they are finally engaged in the discussion about the power of words. you know, last time i checked, asking students to think critically about the power of the words they use isn't so new. the just words campaign isn't new this year, but the idea of thinking critically is all of a sudden news worthy? that a little surprising. >> patience are paying a lot of money and students are taking out loans to be able to go to school and g.e.d. an education. people are going to be afraid to open their mouth if they have to worry if they mess up and say politically correct or they mess up and say the word crazy. makes no sense. >> oh, i don't think people are worried about messing up. i think what's going on is that students are starting dialogue about words that may be offensive to some others. last time i checked, a sign on a wall that, you know, says saying that's gay may have some bad implications, may be insulting to groups isn't news. this is completely voluntary. nobody going around telling people to shut their mouth or hey don't say that this is starting a dialogue between students, between students and staff about things that maybe students haven't thought about before. if anything, this is really engaging way to dialogue. >> well, i understand that. and that's another phrase now, right? weighted dialogue. you have to understand people are listening at home and saying the words lame, that is something that we have to have a big discussion about that it's weighted dialogue? it just seems like a little bit excessive and i don't know if it's really educating people in terms of going to school and being able to learn something so they can better themselves to go further in their, you know, career with an education that actually helps them fulfill those goals. >> well, can i ask you a quick question? >> yeah. >> so, you know, if you were unfortunately in a car accident on your way home and you unfortunately broke both of your legs and you became lame and then somebody started to use the word that you self-identify with to insult you or not to insult you but to describe a situation that they don't think is good, whether it's like oh, you know, someone sneezed in my dinner, that's lame and all of a sudden they are using a word that personally evenings you. you wouldn't think that's effective. >> no, not to me. i guess it depends on the receiver. if someone said to me oh, you broke your legs, or a horse breaks their at the track. should the horse get a lawyer because the horse is offended because this is weighted language because a horse has a lame leg? >> no, i don't think horses should get lawyers. >> this seems crazy. >> speaking, you know, you may think it's crazy, you know. that's your opinion and i respect that obviously those there are appropriate ways to use those terms. lame has an appropriate usage when ones aren't able to use their leg. gay has homosexual. inappropriate way to use those words isn't one in a proper definition in a way aflicks some marginalization outside group that isn't you. >> there is a wide spectrum there and there are some words and phrases on there that do not seem that they should be considered to be offensive versus serious real dialogue about things that would matter and that actually might have an impact on someone that you wouldn't want to use language that was offensive or was pressroom disor biased against them. i think that's the distinction. >> and i think that is a distinction. you have to ask what do people with privilege, people like you and me who aren't lame but other people, too, what do they think of these words? it's not just how you feel. life is about looking at how everyone feels and interacting with each other. again, no one is running around telling people what to say. there is freedom of speech in this country. search proud of it we are a publicly funded institution. we are proud of the first amendment here. we are just asking for people to think about the words they used not time i checked it's not so crazy to ask people to think before they talked. >> you used the word crazy two or three times before this segment. that's interesting. guess what, mike, call me crazy. stick around we have a guest that's joining us and if you can opine in as well. is campus censorship getting out of control? editor and chief daily ben shapiro goes "on the record." ben, great to see you tonight. thanks for coming on the "on the record." you heard the previous guest in some of these lists and this is happening pretty much across this country. there is heated, spirited debate, which you should have about this subject. your thoughts? >> well, i mean, first of all, i think what we are teaching a lot of the kids in college is oversensitivity and perceived victimization is a path toward reward and virtue. the more you feel as though you are oppressed the more people are going to sympathize with you and give you what you want. i think that's a bit of a mistake. better off teaching people not to take everything quite so seriously. that said, i, of course, understand the value of words. i just think i do wonder the university of wisconsin, they use words like privileged, obviously, and that is -- that's obviously a buzz word and if you use words like white privilege which is extraordinarily were common on campuses like udub shutting down white people. assumption is if you are white then you must be somebody who can't speak properly on any issue other than white people issue. all of these words, how about this? how about we just have open debate on all of this stuff and stop attempt toggle shut counsel the terminology that's used per se. >> right. mike, you are back up. so that's your word for being winner. is winner offensive word weighted language that may offend somebody because there is maybe one winner and, quote, a loser? i think i know what you are going to say. >> i think it's all about asking who is being affected by the words we are using? you mentioned just a moment ago there are words that we use every day that are really common that before you think aren't offensive at all. you know, you mentioned the word crazy. you mentioned the word lame. >> they're on this list, that's why. lame. >> yeah. >> man up, man up is very bad, i guess. politically correct. >> i want to finish. >> what's wrong with man up? >> yeah. i have six sisters a and a mother and one father. i come from family of predominantly women. when my sisters are growing up in an environment whenever they -- something is hurting them emotionally and if i were to tell them to man up, that the ideal thing is to become more masculine and less feminine, that, to me, personally. >> i don't know, but i don't think you are going to say that to your mother so i think that's not a very good specific example. maybe you say it to ben. ben, man up, does that bother you? >> well, you know, honestly, i have a wife, i have a daughter, i have three sisters and a mother. i don't know that any of them are going to go through themselves off a bridge if somebody says man up to them. everyone man up a little bit and get over it. you know, honestly, i don't know what your training kids to do other than become paranoid about the language they are using and language that is used about them. >> that's an excellent -- that's a really good point. i want to note on that. you are right. to make a really, really big deal out of something isn't always the best thing to do. but you know what? it's a good place to start and to talk about it. sometimes it's not the time or place to bring it up. if we are having a good conversation about the educational system and, you know, you use the word lame? a sentence. >> use a term big deal, too. and you just used did. see what i'm saying about that conversation. >> new york because that's not related at all. >> i mean, that just doesn't make any sense, ben, ben? >> big deal? >> add that to your resume. ben, you are a big deal. >> i think a lot of people have future as administrators in useless department at university of wisconsin. >> there you go. i will leave it at that we are a little bit overtime. gentlemen, can i say that? thank you. and rescuers are digging through rubble and amatrice, italy. the massive earthquake death toll is rising. some good news. an incredible rescue you need to see coming up next. plus, caught on camera, a run away truck barrels through traffic straight ahead. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. this is a fox news alert. you are looking live at a bus being swallowed by a sinkhole in phoenix, arizona. a major intersection closed off. and you can see water pouring out of the hole. now, take a look at these pictures. and if you see there, i mean, it's really remarkable to see just the devastation and the sinkhole the way it's opening and you can see the bus going down. really unbelievable. and, again, this is phoenix, you are looking live at this bus going slowly down into this sinkhole. unbelievable. remarkable. all right. check out this wild video, a massive truck careening out of control on a busy southern california street. >> he just took out that car. >> out of control and caught on camera. this dramatic video showing gravel truck swerving across medians, driving on the wrong side of the road and slamming into cars. >> this dude is crazy, don't get in front of this guy. >> panicked passengers staying far behind the truck recording its every move. >> we're following this truck who is just riding up on the median. he just sideswiped a car. and now -- he broke the window on a car. >> he broke the kind doe on a car. >> the truck flying down the street and drivers desperately trying to get out of the way. >> look at him hit the median again. he just took out that car. >> finally the truck comes crashing to a stop, hitting another car stuck in its path. >> oh no. oh, no. oh [bleep] >> thankfully, no one killed. unbelievable video, police are investigating but it is believed the driver may have suffered some kind of medical emergency. a popular life-saving device just had its price jacked up and many people may not be able to afford it. but now the ceo behind the epipen is offering some relief for allergy sufferers. all next. stay with us. relook. rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it's time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved 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of the orlando terror attack. orlando hospitals announcing they will not bill any of the survivors of the pulse nightclub massacre. instead of the hospital will write off $5.5 million. the orlando ceo said he wanted to pay kindness forward. 49 innocent people were murdered. 53 people were injured during the june attack. some relief for allergy sufferers. drug company mylan the maker of the epipen claims the company hiked the life saving device by 500 percent. it used to cost around $100 but now the price spiked to more than 600. the company ceo, who is the daughter of democratic west virginia senator joe manchin says patients can now using a savings card to save up to $300. and happy 100th birthday to the american national park system. the national park service oversees 529 sites. 60 trails. scenic rivers. the nation's parks had 307 million visitors. that's nearly the entire u.s. population. and from super hero to super villain, fat man caught stealing beer. the dark night taking two 18 packs of budweiser. should have taken the light. police now know who it is and know it's not bruce wane. the convenience store owner says they do not want to press charges. that's tonight's speed read. and breaking right now, the enormous death toll in the massive italian earthquake has risen to 250 people. sadly as rescuers continue to dig through rubble, that death toll is expected to keep going up. fox news foreign correspondent john huddy is live in amatrice, italy, john, thanks for joining us tonight. what a horrifying story. i remember when it first broke and the numbers keep rising. >> yeah, that's right. and actually, kimberly, i'm going to step out of the way right now. we are at one of the search sites and the scene there is a canine, a sniffer dog as they call it, which is going into the scene. can you see they're on top of the rubble and doe bree there. and just right before we went live, they brought in those crews, the firefighters or at least the rescue team to search the rubble. they may have picked up some kind of scent. this is what we have been seeing since early wednesday morning when the 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit central italy and devastated these small towns and villages, including arm tray, which is where we are right now. and what they will do is they will be excavating. they will be pulling away the debris, the bring, the mortar, the rubble. and then they will go in. a team had go in and they will call out trying to pick up on some sort of life, some calling out. they will bring the sniffer dogs in to see if anybody is calling back and responding to their call. so that's what we are watching right now to see if possibly they have picked up a scent, if maybe somebody is buried in there. certainly the chances of finding at this point somebody buried pee neath all that rubble and debris, ththe decreases by the hour. they did find a 10-year-old girl. they pulled her alive out of the rubble last night in one of the other devastated towns. but, again, time is of the essence and time is running out that said though, officials are quick to point out that back in 2009, after another deficit stating earthquake, here in central italy, they did find a man after 72 hours being buried and certainly as journalists we have covered stories people have been buried and pulled out alive after about five days. hope definitely remains. the crews have been hampered by a couple things. one, in particular, the con distant aftershocks. there have been several more tremors today there was a 4.3 magnitude tremor earlier this afternoon and then several right here on the ground going into the evening and overnight hours. we're early friday morning. now we are beginning the third day of the search effort. again, as you can see, kimberly, it continues. back to you. >> unbelievable. such an incredible story. god bless the people who are searching and those families who have lost lives. we will pray for that 10-year-old little girl tonight. john, thank you suspect. coming up, more off-the-record straight off-the-record straight ahead. energy is a complex challenge. people want power. off-the-record straight ahead. and power plants account for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions. the challenge is to capture the emissions before they're released into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. that's what we're working on right now. ♪ energy lives here. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. test test a big win for patriotism and update on a story we brought you "on the record." american flags once again flying on arlington new york fire trucks. earlier this month the commission ordered the flags removed. the board claimed the flags could be a distraction to drivers. after a firestorm of public outcry the american flags go back up. that's all for now. we're going to see you again tomorrow night right here at 7:00 p.m. eastern. donald trump will go "on the record" with me. it's a can't miss interview and never miss an episode of the five every night at 5:00 p.m. welcome to "red eye." i'm andy levey. let's check in with dan on the news deck. i will have to start supporting trump and hope solo gets suspended for calling the swedish team cowards. and ryan lochte was asked to join the "dancing with the stars" cast. who got the harder sentence? and a father and son find whale vomit that could be worth $85,000. god, i picked the wrong career. back to you, andy. >> thanks, dan. let's welcome our guests.

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