hockey league at that rate. coming up at the top of the hour on morning joe, conservative krit you cans take aim at republican front-runners mitt romney and newt gingrich as a new iowa poll shows newt may be slipping. we re going to discuss that with our panel. and when we come back here, we re going to huddle around the water cooler to see steven colbert s solution to a strange butter shortage in norway. way too elderly is coming right back. my contacts are so annoying. i can t wait to take em out. [ male announcer ] know the feeling? try acuvue® oasys brand contact lenses with hydraclear® plus for exceptional comfort. it feels like it disappeared on my eye! [ male announcer ] discover why it s the brand eye doctors trust most for comfort. acuvue® oasys brand. that s good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories plus veggie nutrition.