A study investigating potential subtypes of idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) found that patients with IH who experience unrefreshing naps have less fragmented sleep compared with those who take refreshing naps, suggesting unrefreshing naps could serve as a supportive IH clinical feature.
1. This randomized controlled trial found that patients with more severe depressive symptoms exhibited more significant underestimation of total sleep time and discordance between diary-based and actigraphic sleep parameters. 2. However, those who received bright light therapy showed greater improvements in diary-based time to fall asleep and rise time than those in the control group.
Symptom severity is associated with discrepancies between subjective and objective sleep measures in patients with non-seasonal depression 1. This randomized controlled trial found that patients with more severe depressive symptoms exhibited more significant underestimation of total sleep time and discordance between diary-based and actigraphic sleep parameters. 2. However, those who received bright light therapy showed
1. Increased time in bed through advancing bedtime in adolescents was associated with increased sleep duration. 2. Total sleep time increased by 41.5 minutes for every additional hour spent in bed. Evidence Rating Level: 2 (Good) Study Rundown: Decreases in sleep duration throughout adolescence are linked to negative academic and mental health outcomes. This prospective